The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 03, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Only one week remain nntll rar
' tain Day, am! from now'nalil then
the stores w'll be picking out sBiiaf
a-rticles and eierlal line In wnltb
their customers wilt be interested,
and for which attractive prices will
) prescribed. T Poring the roniin
week ibfj will f -!! all about thee
things through the advertising rol
- umnsici that all who read will know
where to run for, the things they
want. ....
The merchant were so busy all
day veslerday that' It was Impossible
.for. any of them to take time to
.write out a- "declaration of Inten
tion" Hargain Day.- but they will do
o a little later. They all say. how
ever, tout the satisfaction of the buy
ers on that day la the all-important
consideration and no pains will be
spurtsi to reach that dt-sirableon-jfllve.
, :
Following Is list of the persons
and firms that have already Joined
In the Bargain day movement and
. Hut wl ar not yet Included will
probably Join I he crowd In a day "f
I wo:
Price Shoe Vo ladles' ami men's
4r. -
The Ifciotery. Indie- and men
People's Cash Stere, dry goods,
clothing, groceries.
Salem Vlen l ills Store, lot)luir
mm) fnrn!shliK.
4 .'. I'enny '".. rneja nnl Iwd
irn' furnishings, dry goods, etc.
.Miller Mercantile dry KmH.
riothlngs and ladles' wear.
, U .. Shipley Co., ladies' ready-to-wear.
Use The
With Your Binder
The Case Kerosene Tractor in action. For sale by
Lot L. Pearce & Son
Itny 'I Fanuer, hardware, paints.
Salem Hardware, hardware. lit.
Portland Cluak & Suit t W ldlV
rrdy-U-wear. , ' "! f -.-i-f .
KafMiry Itr.wt- dry good,' lad leV
wear, stmr. - -,
W. V. JHre, furniture.
(iala Jt Co.. dry gJs millinery,
turn's cloth Ing ami f hi uiliMg.
if. U Stiff I Hiiiilure Co., bowse
furnishings. ';
. fluxirk & Son, staple and fancy
Hrotrli Woolen Mills Store, men
Riackvto-meaKure lot he.
Itowfein & tJrernbuum. dry goods,
milliutry, rJims, umIi'k fiirultiu(;.
- IfiMrtman Itro., Jewelry. .
lluster llrown Hi mm- .., shoea.
Valley Motor Co., truck and Mo
I - W i t I :
1 x ffff!S::ll
Actually tloea away 1 v 1 . J . "i
with fa dusUcatcb- I f V L - g-i. : H f
lag, 4rt-ftlriaf E X f LL ! U
coraera, f 1 ii'""
t'!.i'm'nitinni!t;;ijtii.ilutii'l!!)l)i'- r .-. ' ' 'IM "1
I - MooMNct " X ' ' ;
always M"S-niTrHFFl cmnu
- Sanitary
Today Is Your Last Chance
to Take Ad vintage of
- Kitchen Maid
Every housewife thould take advantage of it There's no other kitchen cahinet
hmlt like Kitchen Maid. ;:ve.t.elieye itis'Jhe' most sanitary of all It has every
modern convenience of .the ordinary cabinet with several added advantages. All
corners inside and out are rounded. Every surface is smooth (no panels).
There, isn't a place where dirt can hide. r
Because of our limited allotment of Kitchen Maids you must act promptly.
A great many have been sold. Come today
: Iloth Grocery Co atapla and fan
ry grocer U-a.
r Vr. ;."t" Will. ntfMeaad umsfeal
tnsinuBcata, - - ' -
1 ' The Keranant Store, dry goods,
hosiery, nwiloaa.
I Cliaui tiers Jt Chambers, fHraliure.
Th Spa, ctiafectioaery.
Stensloff Uros, meat market.
Midget Meat Market; meat.
Tlie Needlecrart Shop, embrold
ered ami atamped ariU'lea '
Mm. 3f. K. Ilrewer, drags, toilet
artlclea. wtatloiiery.
The French Shop, millinery.
1. II. U Ai P. C HetHrk- goods. -,
11m SaU ai Klertrk Co., ehr trie
Ir. C. A. Kldrledge. dentM.
SalfUt liaklnc t- bread, rakea,
ete. . ...
C. S. Ilamtltoa, furniture.
Vick ltetHk trarlttrs, trucks, auto
mobiles. Anderson & llrown, SKrtlim
gnotls. '
Welch I3ectrie Co elect He fit
turea and supplies.
I'aris Ilrim. Slioe Store. fhoea.
IVrry's 'Drug Store, (The'Hexall
! Cherry City Hotel.
Salem Variety Store,, millinery,
notions, etc ""
i Sharer's Harness Store, leather
rynd. robes, brief eases, etc.
i Buttercup lee Cream Co.
Tom Cronfce Studio, photography.
: Cross Market, meats, etc.
Daniel 'J. fry, drugs, paints, etc.
Max O. Buren, furniture, carpets,
K. D, Gilbert Co., groceries,
paints, glass, etc.
West Fur Co., dealers in furs.
iWm. Gahlsdorf; ..crockcrT, glaas
and kitchen ware.
'C. J, Itreier, alioes, hats, etc.
Mr. H. W. Stith. balcony of Ka
foury Bros millinery.
The McDowell Market, Meats. '
I ...
Senators and Kirkpatrick
Teams Start Today in Sea
son's Banner Contests
The first game of the baseball
series starts this afternoon at Ox
ford park.
After taking a sweeping, panora
mic view of the field, the faets pre
ponderate towards a "hnmdtager" of
a baseball series between the Salem
Senators and the Portland Klrk
patrlcks July 3, 4 and 6. ? .
The Senators are now In fall
career. They are at the high-water
mark of their anxiety for action.
Any enemy that opposes them while
under this mood Is skirting the edge
of tragedy. ' Such a mood In any
team ia what makes the great Am
erlcan game worth while. j
The fans and Janette bare a sub
missive admlraOon for the prurient
sincerity and earnestness In the
playing of tbe local team. Observe
the Senators, while they are on the
field. Thlr iresepee on the diam
ond Is characterized with vim and
"pep." The 'acquit themselves as
If they had mighty task perhaps
they have. )(lscttes that visit a team
of this kind , are quickly condoned,
because they mlsstepped la their
"Rotten! Bush staff! Why don't
yon get some players."
Such threats and taunts . often
rorae from the bleachers when some
r layer mlscoes In his hurry to make
a play. Man alive hew many would
enjoy a game wlthooC thrills. If all
was perfect and machine-like. Ob
viously bleacherites who disparage
the honest elforts of a team do not
know the veridical statement of Em
erson, "consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds." ,
There are only two classes of peo
ple who are absolutely consistent
Idiots and dead people. They never
make Tan error. None will gainsay
that the Senators are neither idiotic
nor dead. There 1s nothing "spooky
in their playing. Many teams have
crossed hats with them this season
only to leave ululating, back to their
lair. 7 . . .
"King" Cole, the Senator hnrler,
wh-vwlli pitch this afternoon's game,
would be a flivver hi a beauty mar
ket, nnt he has few peers In this
neck of the' "tall and uncnt" when
It comes to dishing out the oriental
fireworks to the opposing' team.
They Just can't see the ball as It
"Roman eandles" " over the home
platter. He doe it with a smile.
Jack Hayes halls from the land
of the Vikings. He Is a giant tn
more ways than one. Size him up.
and don't nr a word. He can hit
home runs like a monkey hurling
cocoanuls from the too of a tree-
it just comes natural. The State
street tailor is a tower of strength
In the offense, and a thorn on the
brow of the opposing pitcher. t
Now conies Biddy Bishop and
Kracke; they are twins when it
eomes to spontaneous "pep." They
comport, themselves on the liamond
as if they were a bundle of nerves.
"Stop look listen" when they are
on the field. They are ever chatter
ing. gesticulating like a dutch wind
milt Did -yon er ae Kracke cover
first; base In "big league" style on a
ground ball when he is backstop
ping? Ixiok Aim over. I
RHly Stepp.'.the Portland News
sport bombast purveyor, plays a
"bang-up" game In the outfield; as
does Hayes and "Ducky" Holmes.
Few balls eve find earth when It
goes out into their territories.
Mike Miller nd Proctor at the
keystone positions are a pair hard
to beat. ; One needs a "nlggering"
card to best It. Both can whip the
ball over to first base with electri
cal deadliness. it thkes a fleet foot
to beat ont a ground tfall to them.
That is the team tht is to enter
tain tbe KlrkpatricksV with blood
curdling thrills commencing this af
ternoon and during thu two days
mai ioijow.
According to "dope"
quarters. " the KlrkpattUf
coming to Salem for a v
their health, or to visit t
cording to the stray "dope," Is to
bring the Senators down npon their
knees and cart home the large end
of a -4tt fate receipt. - They crave
victory; thy crave cold rash. To
them revenue Is sweet..
Hut whn tbey arrive here they
will le a surprised bunch, for tbf
Salem Senators are ready, so are the
fans and fanettes. '.There Is no need
to go' to Portland and watch a game
with a rlgU vinegar aspect of coun
tenance, never thawed or warmed
by billows of mirth. Nothing like
watching a home team Tor a rollick
ing good time.
lUtterles for today's game:
Salem tjle and Kracke.
Kirks Scott aad Itoland.
; (Continued from page 1)
Jhe Oregon artillerymen. They will
fire gnns thai were used against the
Germans on targets devised to rep
resent hostile troop- concentration.
The infantrymen win be merked In
to war atrengt.h Infantry companies
companies and will work out combat
problems on the rifle range. ,
I Work Is Outlined.
Preliminary to these features the.
troops' will be given Intensive pnys-
ical training and instruction in care
of themselves and of their equipment
Tbey will begin entraining for borne
on the night of. July 1 V and all will
have left lamp Iwls by July t'i
except log the supply company of the
Fifth infantry- regiment which, wlU
remain nntll July 22 for special work
and instruction.' The Infantry
trJbps will be commanded by Colonel
Creed C' Hammond of Portland and
the coast artillery by either Captain
Ben 8. Fisher of-MarshfieM
All who qualify will ; ;
vlded by congress for ih. rt '
In.. 1 . .'.!! . K .
inirs. 1 ne- govern ,iJ
famishes all who go wlthV?!?1 il
road fare. food.. ttnifoTO, Yr
The Stateman CIi:;.ri-.j
Universal LiLt ia
; Plant
Light' your
trleally. No
lamps to carry
n4 hirs
tnore lanterns ,
uuui ana t.
Iron your clothes electrlesllr v '
more hot fires on hot days to a. !
yonr Iroas. . , f-i
t iCr necLTlcsilr V
more work on that old puma La
r cranking the engine. Have "at
for fire protection.
Come In or write and lettne gjT.
. .. """'""uus aaa aeor
it cation. . . 7.
. 12 No. Commercial Street
v cjo Salem Velie Co.
T. C Wood, Dealer
at headr
are not
tlon. for
Don't spend your Vacation hours in idleness Jake along some
knitting yarns and next : fall you .will, be flad ithat .We gave you the
hunch. . .-''-.. . .
Displayed just inside of our north entrance. You will find a com
plete assortment in all. colors of the well known
Fleisher's Yarns
Court and Commercial Streets
Oar Prices Always the Lowest
iO.Big Specials
Rememoer this is all first quality. .Be sure and take adranUge of
these money savers. We are outside the Combine. Protect yourself
from high prices Tyr' giving us your support.
) No. 1 Veal Steak, per pound
No. 2 Veal Roast, per pound.
No. 3 Veal Stew, per pound. .-.
......... ..22
V .2fl
No. 4 Beef to Boil; per pound. ; . . . , . . ..................... !2,c
No. 5 Beef to Roast, per pound.... jgz
No. 6 Pot Roasts of Beef, per pounds... ................ ".....50
No. '7 Shoulder Steak, per pound.. 20
No. 8 Jones Pride of Oregon Lard, No. 5 pail. . -J.J5
No. 9 Home Rendered Pure Lard, No. 5 pail r'-fl-OS
No. 10 Best Shortening, No. 3 pail ...$Qz
Pure Rendered Beef Suet in Cakes, per pqund ; '12Vjc
Freshly Ground Liberty Steak, per pound. .'. 9A6
Freshly Ground Sausage, per pound. i . . . .2Qo
Our usual. supply of all kinds of fresh fish. For that Fourth of July
Junch try some of our delicious Kippered Salmon.'
Originators of Low Prices
351 State Street
Note We close at 7 p. m. on Saturday. Week days at 6 p. m.
on July 5th tiU 10 a. m. .
Wis. i ssMsasaS w saWsW
onnds of
the city.- They come here
for business: Their hnsi
ess, ' ac-
iui auiomooue camptna 1