TIIE OREGON STATESMAN t SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1820. " CITY NEWS Capitol Post No. :9. American tglon. Rei?- T . acta f niAAftfviw Tna4 -1 V V, I evening. July 6, 1920. m.. armory. Klec of delegate to state convention and other- important business. ftt. 'Mortis lleturn Dr. Henry E. Morris, Mrs. Morrii and their small, son returned Thurs day evening from Seattle, where 4hey spent several days, the tioctor 5in attendance at the West Coast Oi tlcal congress, held under the aus- pices of the Seattle Optical society and embracing all the states west or the Rocky mountains. Bak We will have a few Buicks next week for Immediate delivery. This la an unusual opportunity to get a Baick. Give us your order at once. Price 11830. Otto J. Wilson. Funeral Of Mr. FruK Tfce funeral of Mrs. Teresa Fruit, wife of J. W. Fruit, Brooks. Oregon, viil h held at the Evangelical church, Brooks. Oregon, at 2:30 p. n, Saturday. July 3. j ' - j . . Information Free , A nAM.M A Ami ef S . Iwtli Information relative to the doctrine teachings, habits and every-day life, practice of Seventh-Day, Adventlsts, should write to Dr. d IU Schank, Derby Bid?., Salem, Or. 'Mr. Fruit Burled today ; ' The funeral of Mrs. Teresa Fruit. wife of J. W. Fruit of Brook, who died at her home Thursday will he held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the United Evangelical church at Brooks. Rev. C. L. Lovell will conduct the services and burial will be in the Clagget cemetery. ' Dudley D. Rlsley. E. W. Buster and firms and corporations that had re- $150,000 and the Incorporators are G. T. Wadsworth. Will II. Bennett. Jected the law and four were from E. W. Doe. K. Sugarman and George sutie ruuuituucui ui uaoKB, wiu.puDiic -ninny corporations not i-.Ulrich. James R n.tn H a tjk. pass on the applications within the, titled to the benefits under the act. ertson and W. Case have Incorporated next few days.v according to an. Fatalities for the week Included En. ih itmnnn. fiinn- .i.k nouncementj made by hini today, jah Hill, logger. Wallowa; George headquarters in Portland. The' capi- iiHicainson. logKer, uanas; Krank tal stock Is $10,000. The Capitol Howe, fireman. Brownsville; Joe Dot- Underwriters Corporation has been Ico. watchman, Portland; Joseph incorporated by W. E. Hibbard, I. A. nna, logger., uroosmgs; Albert Hibbard and T. G. Donaca. The cap Barnes, engineer. Veneta; James ital stock Is $10,000 and headquar Ylrak. laborer. Portland. ters will be In Portland. D B. Thomas. R. B. CJianpr rhar1 More Bonds Certified Chanev and T .W. Connor haro inmr. Ttie A Is the place to get your fireworks and flassi 127 N. High. Son fa norn Mr. and Mrs. George K. jCernick of 1040 North Twentieth street are re ceiving congratulations upon the ar rival of theirirrt son, born Thurs day night. The little chap has been named George Richard Jr. and weighed 7 1-2 pounds.' , The proud father was a former member of the reportorial staff of the Statesman and at present is with the Metropoli tan Life-Insurance company, Mrs. Cernik was Miss Grace McDonald be fore her marriage. Service Order IkmimhI The. Oregon public service has Is sued an order authorizing the Stan dard Oil company to construct an in dustry railroad spur at grade over and across what is known as Roose velt Drive In the city of Seaside. Pro tective devices at thecrosslng are to be maintained by the. applicant. In another order the American Can company Is authorized to construct at grade a spur railroad track across 26th street in the city of Portland. Dancing, Monday, July 3 Oregon state fair grounds; big floor; Revelation orchestra of Sa lem will play.' Under auspices of Fairgrounds Racing ; association. elaine hammerste1n tiie shadow op : nOSAUE BYRXEST Army llrhai-Re Filed - Albert McManus yesterday filed his army discharge at the county clerk's oftlce. He rated a supply ser geant. He enlisted oftTuly 2. 1917 at Fort George Wright, Washington. On February 6. 1919 he attained the ran a or corporal . hie became a ser geant on November 19, 1918. He did not go overseas. BJgdoa and Reliable funeral directors. Ranks to Incorporate- Articles ot incorporation were filed here today by the Junction City State bank, which will - have a capi talization ot $25,000. The incorpor ators are C. S. Ruder, Henry Hark- son and Will T. Wright. The Alsea State bank, with a capital stock of IIS. 000. alan has filed annl leaf ton for a charter. The incorporators are D. D. Longbottom, Marlon Hayden, THE "DAYTON" The: Bleycto for Everyone IXOYD E. RAMSDEN 887 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING COMPANY 129 Court Street Phone 964 1 fj .... Takes the place ot cloth - at about one-third LIAX 0. EUREN 179 N. Commercial St. Donds, Mortgages Better Goods For Less HIGHEST PRICE PAID For ' SECOND HAND FTJBNITTJBE 8toves, Carpets and Tools Capita Hardware and Furniture Co. 28S N. Commercial St. Phone U7 Lecal Blank Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog on application. Viavl 'Tlie Way to Health Mrs. Foor. Hotel Marion. Friends and patrons invited to call. Prisoner l Returned John Talley. deputy sheriff of Multnomah; county, was here yester day after requisition papers calling for the return to this state of Clifton W.. Anderson, who is wanted in Port land on a charge of non-support. An derson is under arrest at Tacoma, Wash . Mrs. Anderson filed the com The state irrigation securities com- Dorated the Mikkalo WirhnnU .nm mission has beeu asked to certify to pany, with 'a capital stock of $2000 $29,700 of bonds issued by the Rai- Headquarters will be at Mikkalo, GIU nler Drainage district, in Columbia liam county. Walter Bowne. Alfred county. Formal application for cer- arapenter and Lincoln ' .McConnack wucauon oi mese Don as was received I have Incorporated the JBucy. Corner here yesterday and will come up for Motor company. The caoital stock is standing in a barn near Crescent. Iowa, and injured a number of work men In Omoba today during a heavy wind and electrical storm in this vicinity. Fremont, Neb.,4 reported heavy damage to the crops. . CAMPERS FLOCK TO CHERRY CITY Fifty-two Tourists from All! Read tte Classified .Ads, Sections of Country Stay In City for Night Fifty-two campers were yesterday registered "at the Salem automobile camping grounds which registration surpasses all previous records at the grounds. The previous high record had been 48.. As confided .to Mr. Albert, the INDIAN AGENCY 'MM ; A.H. M00RE 421 Court Street X"n2!Sonl meeUne f ,5,rb, axD,ddqUailer' ;Ul.be ,0; frodV sulnUndenV O Red of the commission . Icated at Med ford. The Pmltlr 1 I v w . lo cated at Medford. The Producers' Milk association.! of Klamath Falls. has been incorporated by J. C. I Wright. Harry Barton, R. B. Wilcox, Carleton Goes Fast E. F. Carleton. assistant state su perintendent of schools, left for Salt jet al. The capital stock Is $6000 LAKe uuy lasi nigm wnere ne win represent the Oregon state depart ment of education at the annual con vention of the National Educational association. Mr. Carlftton will parti cipate In several conferences and will give an address on "The State's In terest in School Libraries." Polk Legion Proposes to Hold Old-Time Picnic Ex-Servlre Man Barred . E. M. Gildow, of Albany, discharg plaint against her husband, according ed soldier, is not entitled to attend to the papers received at the execu tive offices here. Saturday Xlght, Dancing- Moose ball, "Revelation" harmony sextet, tinging. Higher Rates Sought The Northwestern Electric com pany of Portland, througn an appli cation filed! here yesterday, asks for an increase! In steam heating rates. Members of the Oregon public serv ice commission probably will set the hearing of the application for. some time early in August. The corpora- the veterinary science department of the University of Washington under the soldiers', sailors' and marines' fi nancial aid law of this state, accord ing to a legal opinion given by Attor ney General Brown yesterday.- Under the law. accordicv to Mr. Brown, ex- service men taking advantage of the act-must attend Oregon Institutions. Insane Man Captured ' Peter Biagich, Austrian, who was committed to the state hospital from Mutnomah county on June 1, walked away from the Institution Thursday. Biagich was about 35 years of age tion alleges in its application that the and had , practically recovered his present revenues of the steam heal-1 mental ucumes. or several aays ne ing department of its plant are not j had been connnea in me parole wara. sufficient to cover .the costs of op-iana wouia nave Deen reieasea irom DALLAS. Or., July 2. (Special to The Statesman.) Plans that were being formulated by the Carl B. Fenton post of the American legion for a big picnic and celebration in Dallas next Monday Lave been dropped on account of the lack of interest in the movement of the local people, the leason for the same be ing that most of the citizens are planning to either make a trip to theibeach resorts on that day or are going to some other locality to celebrate No other town In Polk county is going j to celebrate this year, but Sheridan, Just over the line in Yam hill county, is planning a big three- day celebration.! and most of the Dallas people -will go there to par ticipate In the. festivities. eration. the hospital sometime next week. was recaptured late yesterday. He Many Accidents Reported A total of 482 industrial accidents i Many firms incorporate were reported to the state Industrial! The Klamath Pine Manufacturing accident enftimfaaion dnrtnr the week l company, wttn neaaauarters at Kiam- endinc Jul 1. accordinr to a report lath Falls, has filed articles of incor- prepared by the commission last Iporatlon here. The capital stock Is I night. Approximately 468 ot these were subject to the benefits of the state compensation act, 20 were from OREGON WILD IS TEACHERS GOAL Bell. Cal.,.a suburb of Lor Angeles, Salem is to receive some publicity In movleland. Mr. Reed is a corre spondent of a Los Angeles paper and he 1s. says Mr. Albert, going to send an article to his paper extolling the advantages and conveniences of the local camping grounds. Also, he will include In the letter to the Los Angeles paper an account of the hospitality of the Salem citizens who visited : the camps during .his stay here, and of the opportunities In and adjacent to Salem. Mr. Reed's trip north has .been full of adventure. .While in the northern part of California, a few miles from the Oregon boundary, .his sedan capsized when making a sharp turn in the road. Fortunately Bo one was injured. The top of his sedan was damaged in the accident. and he Is now making the trip in a topless sedan. The campers yesterday evening made an exodus for the Willson park to share the enjoyment of the con cert with the Salem people." The following were registered at the camp yesterday: G. B. Clark and Miss Alice D. Clark. Scburx. Nev.; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Atkin. San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Slicker. Seattle: Mr. and I Mrs. J. T. Tleulle. San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Munker. Fossil, Or.; Mr. and Mrs: J. H. Robinson, Opportunity, Wash.;. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mish. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. Marsh. Missoula. Mont.; Mr. and W00DRY conducts sales - anywhere Is Marlon or Polk counties. Store located at 270 No. Commercial AUCTIONEER Dancin g Every Wednesday and Satur day .... Music By Bungalow Orchestra ox Portland DREAMLAND RINK No More Skating This Season TMIVNIVIIfAlCAS - Sales and Service 290 North High Street ProfeSSOr and Mrs. Morton E. Mn. F Surreant. rtlandj Mr. and . i airs. v . Ta. jgDiuiuur, immh, iiuuu, feck Mart on trip to Klamath County 11 : crronE 6 O'Neill CPTOnETRtST-OPTIOAN Ladd&Bssh Back -Tnnrks, Bags, Salt Cases. . Music Bolls and Brief Cases at ' HAMILTON'S 340 Court Street WOOk WOOD Interest Bearing HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04JM7 Oregon Building 167 North Commercial St. ; At the Electric Sign "SHOES- DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AXD FIXTURES 33 North Liberty Street EAGLH DRESS fiTTXSTg fXOO, 9&XK to t IOjOO SCHETS - 844 State Street The Kupptobelnier novae ta Salem D. H. BI0SHER High aass Oeaning and Pressing 474 Court Street . CIH CLEANING WORKS ' Oaaert et QuaHty Cleaniaf Drelas eTXeatrtaa 1SI1 BUU St FTsOM Til LIYRTLE KN0WLAND Muale and ; Musical MerttaDdlae Sonora Dealer la Salens 411 Court St. Salem. Oregon Tslepaome SIS WANTED . .... Beans Eggs Potatoes PEOPLE'S CASH STORE a The best furnace wood In the city for the mcsey at Tracy's Pborie 820 Tracks Reduced In Price We have a carload of trucks bought before the - advance that we must close out y and 2ft ton sizes. Get our prices. .- SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street FURS STORED Store your Furs during summer ; with us ; . WEST FCIt CO. 521 Court St. Opposite Court House OREGON BATH HOUSE Relieve that tired feeling by a Turk ish Bath Basement Oregon BaHdin? CARL & B0WERS0X BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry Eta. Phono 1400 WE BUY Farm Produce, ' Egsa, :-'ete,Pajtnf Highest Cash Market Price. - jf . . . , .1 . . The Electric Restaurant A good place to eat - Short Orders all day : , 481 State Street ; J. D. Maddox; Prop. SIX GOOD BARGAINS' in Trettv rartftrimmed Waists in ." mc L Art. u: in wuiameiie oniTensiiy n it I I P rnftTirrnc I nftV nicni paiwrni. pjug wr simv iuu Peek ni8 wife have spent their lUm-LAD VjIVUrTLrvO LUUA. Following their usual custom dur injt 'the vacation months. Professor and Mrs. Mortoh E. Peck have left for the Oregon wilds on a biological and botanical research work. They plan to study the flora in the Klam- Waverlr. Wash.: ath region and In the northern parti Klamath Falls; R. E. McCauleyKlai of California. They .will ; be gonei math Falls,: Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Grin during the entire vacation. i neii, Yakltaa, Wash. Every summer since he came 10 Mr. and Mrs. II: II. Reld. haft Diego; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Reid. San Diego; Mr and Mrs. H. A. Miller. San Di ego: Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Baker. Hutchinson. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nock. Hutchinson. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mantel. ' Independence. Or.; Mr. and Mrs.- M. E. Blythe. Phoenlv: Mr. and Mrs. C'P. Marlon, C. L . Motiman. kllev Motor Co. weok. PARISIAN WAIST SHOP 212 S. Cottaife-fet. . Phone 1620M vacation In the wilds of Oregon gathering' biological' and botanical specimens.' In connection with this work -he has collected and classified specimens heretofore . .unknown to scientists and peculiar to Oregon. He FOR BIG PRUNE CROP DALLAS. Or.. July 2. (Special -The outlook for a bumper prune WILLARD Storage Battery SZRTICB STATIOIf ' f 238 N. High St. i Telephone 203 Ton WJ W. MOORE Furnlturs Store The Home of the Vlctrola set more for your money Moore's . at soda l rckrrs.'pr pouna zuc c.cwBui u " cron in Polk county I better this Dairy Salt in 5 pound sack. .. .75c 1 nas oeen engagea xor . years m m.a- - . - number Straws ' oer bale'...:... 65cing a complete collection or xne no-. '. nn nf Iaundry Soap in ?3 bar lots for S31.00 Hardwheat Flour at per sack. .$3.23 THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone 406 746 Highland Avenue Place Your Order Early for Fall Planting Complete line varieties Salem Nursery Company Phone 1763 427 Oregon Building Let Us Play the Latest Victor Records ! ' ' . H. L Stiff Furniture Co. HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians It Pays To Trade At The FARMERS CASH STORE C I Barton DurdaU 247North CotnmerciaJ 247 ! Yleetrte atachlnery aid Engineering I Company For ZLZCTSIOAL WOXXI S17 Court Street Phone 4SS Groceries 333 Court Street Phone 409 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE - MotorlsU who are looklna- tor a troaa-. eervtceaeie ear vim tni soar hbm ana interior ifkhiohiuhj chat assume tnaxiuam service and conotny at a reasonable price ebouM ttiia ear. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor iae a. Cesasaerctal Stoef. U.S. GARAGE v - SS4 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Studebaker, value tlS:5. today $1S00. D. 8. Garage. Phone 17SS . USED CMS To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade for Bread and Butter THE D. Js O. MOTOR CO. 17S 8. Commercial St W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Direetore HOME OWNERS and BUILDERS - Now Is the Time to install the HOMER PIPELESS HOT AIR FURNACE WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store of Housewares -135 N. Liberty St. . . .Phone 47 of oast seasons. , The crop of tha older orchards will be exceptionally arge this year, many of the trees at the present time being overload ea and the branches breaking under the heavy weight or fruit. . The crops oa the five and six year old orchards Is not so heavy as that of fast year but the size to which the prunes are expected to grow under these condi tions are expected to make up in weight for this shortage. Prices of 16 cents per pouna are said to have been offered growers in this locality but as yet few contracts have been made, the browers beinr of the opinion that a better price will be offered before harvest time, Three large packing : plants will handle the Polk county crops this year: the California Packing Corpor, ation. The Mason-Ehrman company and the Oregon Fruit Growers asso ciation all having latge packing plants in this city. The output in former years was handled by one company, the California Packing cor poration being the pioneer Industry in this city A number of additional prune dr- ers have been erected this year and several of the old dryers remodeled and enlarged to take care of the im- mense crops expected f torn the or chards. The price of prune lands has ad vanced by leaps and bounds in this locality during the past two years. Jumping in price from S125 and IZ09 per acre for bearing orchards up to $800. and few buys can be obtained at this figure. - otiH thfv have rpnorted snccess. I .1.. a mm . . . Estimates received from the van- VLongeTs iWajOTlIV UtOttS OUS C1K lodges uruusuuui lur tuiiv i - , . . indicate that not less than 8000 of IS LQlC tiCtWniS AYTlVC , the antlered herd will be on band to ra of Oregon.' 'He toade the south ern trip in an automobile. It is rumored that while at Eugene an Inducement was extended ta him from the University of Oregon to teach the biology department at that institution. He it recognized in edu-l catidnal circles as an authority in biology and botany. RING FANS AGOG AS FIGHTS NEAR ; Three Boxing Matches to Mark State Convention of Elks Here This Month Three boxing : contests. In which will participate-' some of the best known ring artists in the Pacific Northwest, will .be among the fea ture numbers on the program ar ranged for the annual convention of the state association of Elks which will be held on July 22. 23 and 24. These matches will be held In the new stadium at the fairgrounds, and will be under the direction of a com mission to be named by the mayor ot Salem. The stadium is now undergo ing a complete overhauling asd seats will be arranged for more than 6000 snectators. Frank Durbln.and John Delano have been named by tne local lodge of Elks tdecure the boxers. 1 TS; all wrong, Mrs.: llmsewtfe,.., it!.MalLr wrongthis idoa of l sacrifioing iifty-two or a L lr.dred and f our days out of the year in front of a hot oven, that blasts the enjoyment of every week. "Well do your baking for you and please pardon us madam, wc don't mean anything personal but well do it. better, too. PEERLESS BAKERY Phillip Winters, Prop. : LAST DAY BERT LYTELL AIIAS JIMMY VALENTINE LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING j ..." 3SVTIJLAM TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 ons W aim do local fc&nlisf . Republic Trucks With Parts and Serfice participate in the convention pro gram. A special train will carry tne Portland delegation to Salem, while the MeMinnvitle lodge will send COO members by private conveyances. The housing committee is working hard to assemble enough rooms to accommodate the visitor, and noth ing will be left undone to make the FARGO. N. D., July 1. The ma jority of William Langer. indepen dent Republican candidate for the gubernatorial nomination, over Gov ernor Lynn J. Frazler, non partisan league candidate. wascut to 4,496 votes early tonight when 1.439 pre cincts out ofA 2.064. representing everey county but Sioux, had report- convention a great success. Besides I e(j complete unofficial returns from W.HHUaebrandt&Co. , Distributors Marlon County Polk County to. Commercial SU, Salem Phone 075 T Busick's lALEU ALBANY I WANTED TUSK. AND M1CHXNEFT OF ALIi - j SURDS We also bay seeoud-hand cooda. If yon have aaything to sell for good price call 98. The Square Deal noose. CAPITAL JUNK CO. S71 Chenieketa St.' Salens, Ore.? What HaTe Yon? We buy, sell and exchange new and second-hand furniture, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, etc Wo will buy you out. . ' CO I. W. F. WRIGHT, Aoctioi 271 N. Commercial SU Salem, Or. List your sales with us People's Furniture Store Night Phone 1047 Phone 7J4 '-,-.". -.t-' -- .h-v .v ! the boxing matches the program will include. parades. I dances, banquets, receptions, business meetings, inspec tion of the state Institutions and many other entertainment features. iChautaaqua WHl Open at Dallas on July 12 DALLAS. Or.. July 2. (Special.) Dallas' big annual Chautauqua op ens in this city on Monday evening. July 12, and will continue until the night of the 18th.j The program this year which will be presented by the Kliison-White people, is scheduled to be the biggest .and best ever pre sented to the people of this commun ity. V At a meeting of the guarantors held here this week the following officers of the association were elect ed f6r the ensuing year: President. Floyd D. Moore; secretary. Mrs. Charles Rilyeu. Tickets to the 69 guarantors have been given out and most of them have been disposed, of. The big tent will be erected on the court bouse lawn. yesterday's primary election. Langer had 45.939 and Frazler 41.491 votes. Youth Instantly Killed Daring Electric Storm OMAHA. Neb., July 1. Lightning miiea uonn Hen son. is. as he was Now ' j Showing YE LIBERTY -.-v:.-.." 1 ' The ,lay a Yon Go plan was originated by this itore.for your benefit- Thiiwill give you a healthytank account; ' Feminine wear and articles for use 1;5 1 r 1 7