THE PRECOX STATE&MAXt rTUDAY. JVXK 23. IPSO. Clas fltfflfrf11 IThfl XPlCfc n-ttT The Wanto and Needa of Capital City are Noted Under Proper 3 11 Ji 11 OMFlLOry Headings So You Can Readily Find Them-They'rc Worth While IOKWICH UXlOJI 1 i BiscEiaAirEoin .. "WALFELT- TOUR HOUSE: ITS MONEY, TO LOAN lrL Oil Heal 'Batata "WALLBOARiy CAW BE USED OVER T. K. Ford (Over Ladd & Bush Bank) ui or atudding. cu be tinted or ' ConfmSVcl4 trtv.C Burn- 11 Wort F A K If I I II AN .A ATTKVTIOX MR FARMER THE I ftlllll liVVlllJ hV '"st is at your door; get your alt from us. 95c a hundred pounds. HAWKINS & ROBERTS &?S& "tr"L armer' Fro- tOd-SQT Orego, BUdln, 11 . or writ Fruitland Nursery. R. 6, 8a- oeooooood) lem. Ore. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR 8AUE-OAK BED ROOM SUITE. ,i , . . Oak center table, chlffonnier. oak Rate Pes ward. round extension table, square ash ex- " tension table, oak combination china Per Insertion So closet, side board, oak settee, walnut Three insertions 6c combination book case and secretary. One week (six insertions)..'... & organ, lake couch. 2 rockers. din One month 20c nr chairs. Cheerful wood heater. 4- Six month' contract, per mo,. He ho1 standard range. 2 9x12 Brussels 12 months contract, per mo...l2o ru?"i lthn treasure, garden tools. Minimum for any advert'a'm't.25e Tln,d1 ton'.''Vi jmr" nd oth- r er things. HQS Chemeketa and 17th. NEW TODAY FOR 8ALE FOURTEEN (14) VACANT lots inside Salem. For particulars phone 514. FOR SALE A H1UH CLASS CAFE IN Corvallis. Oregon.: fine location. Cor vallis Realty Company, Corvallis. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER COZY HOME 29 South Commercial 8t price $3000. , Address Box 64, Newport. Oregon. WANTED TO TRADE GOOD CLEVE Isnd Motorcycle for Phonograph. Leave address at Z3 south lzttu FOR RENT MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE 497 South Capitol. THE FIRE SEASON IS HERE: THE spark, the blase, the conflagration. and all is soon- over. Remember It is too late to Insure after-the fire. The morrow may be too late for action right now Is the time. For gilt adge dependable protection. Insure in the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. of McMinn- vllle. your own home company. H. A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Over Ladd It Bush Bank. Salem Phone 347. ROOMS TO RENT 11 J2 CENTER. 4 ROOM HOUSES I Could you use one If you could get it right? We had four listed yesterday and had a few before that. All mod ern and priced $2200 to $2800. We aell hflum bftUM we htv A varietv to choose from and we list those that ( must sell. Let as call and show you a few of whatever type you are inter ested in. . . BECKE HENDRICKS 218 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 141 OlPLOBlOiT WANTED WOMAN TO COOK FOR 4 er 8 people. No children, no wash Ing. Phone 2JF11. Address Box 45. MP 2. Gervata. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- work by the hour or day; washing, scrubbing, ate. Apply 1286 South Lib erty street. Phone 1J6J. malt: WANTED A BRIGHT JAPANESE bov between the area of 14 and 20: one who is artistic will suit best. Ad dress "J 80 cars of Statesman. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TAKE up photograph retouching. This Is a field of work not over done, and ex cellent par. Address J79" care of Statesman. WANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN nrlntinir trade. Must be over 14 years of age. Apply Statesman Of fice, upstairs. M1SCKI.4. a TTSawtTS) WANTED PRESS MACHINE OPER- ator. Also mangle help. Capitol City Laundry. WANTED FIFTEEN MEN AND WOM- en. Hop yard work. Call office T. A. Llvesley at Co. Phone 681. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS. One mile off pavement on Garden . road. Inquire of A. Stollar. Route 7. Box 211. saiem. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS to register for 45 acres of berries at I Salem Heights. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2 4V ANTIC DMJEN AMD WOMEN TO work In our circulation department. A good proposition to the right peo ple. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg.. - Balsm. Oregon. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS. on gooo ruau. win o. i . iiu Tents furnished on application. Uib- I , son T. White. WPKERS WANTED FOR LOOANBER- rlea at the Indian Hill Farm. Vines were not frosen. Only 2 blocks from end of 12th street car line. T. l Davidson. Phone 614. FOR SALE BTCAITTIFUL WALL TINTS. MAN") new eolora 10c pound and up. Max a Buren 17 N. Com'l St BUSINESS CHANCES. SCAVENGER BUSINESS OF SALEM for sale; horses and all equipment, feed . for 2 months. This is a big paying Income. See Parks, 205 State street. POTJXTRl. THE NORTH Vv EST POULTRY JOUR naL the biggest and beat la the west. The ilea muiilnt for live poultry men 76 eeaU a year. n.OO la Salem. I Send S cents for samnle today. -Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention tnta ao. FARM PAPER. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sent 15c to the Pacific . Homestead. Salem. Ore., for a three months trial subscription. Mention this ad. LIVE STOCK MILK GOATS FOR SALE-614 N 15TH I'hone 1716R FOR SALE A 1 YOUNG JERSEY COW, fresh. Phone 14F82. Address R.F.D. S. box 197. BUSCEXLAjrKOUn FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES. Phone I11F2L ORDER TOUR AWNING FROM DILL- msnn. 2011 Maple avenue. t wii.1. rirnt" iwn cooking R- - quit ad. sucks everything. Mag O. Buren ,179 N. Commercial atreet. FOR SALE TRAILERS. ALL SIZES. cheap. Stetnbock Junk Co, 224 North Commercial atreet Phone SO. CAPTIVITY OF THI OATMAN GIRLS in is true story or western lmml gratioa has been carefully revised. ma King a handsome little book. It tells in grsphle terms of the r-ite-i-re of the Oatmaa family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians flvo years later. The price tot cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salens. Or. OUR TREES WILL SELL TRY IT. Heavy demand and a good supply of well grown stock to meet It. Terms upon request. Salem Nursery Com pany. 427 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE BARBED WIRE CHICK en netting.! vises. Dress drills, forarea. anvils and all kinds of machinery and tools, belting. DUlleya. ahaf tins-, cab. v le. rope. etc.. gasoline engine, auto mobile parts of all kinds. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR aecond hand automobiles of all kinds. Also wo pay the highest cash price for paper, rags, brass, copper. Iron ana su ainas or junic STEINBOCK JUNE! CO. 1 22 W. Commercial street. Phone 206 WOOD WOOD FOR SALE CD. QUERRT. mono 77F2. WOOD FOR SALE IS INCH AND 4- foot mill wood; II Inch old fir. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. 205 South Church street Phone 1542. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. 1040 Leslie. FOR .RENT r- HOUSEKEEPING apartments at The Cottle. 242 M N. Commercial street. Under new man agement. HOUSES FOR RENT 2 ROOM COTTAGE ON Falrmount HilL Phone 1110 or 677. T. L. WOOD, 141 STATE 8T, REAL estate, rentals. FOR RENT ONE. TWO, THREE AND rour-room bouses at f 1-50. $3.00 and $5.00 a month. One house requires repairing and will allow credit on rent for labor oa ame. Statesman Business office. T FOR RENT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ON car line. Addreaa J84. cars States man. ROOHl FOR RENT. JUNE 14 A SUITE OF rooms on the first floor. Hot water heat, private bath, use of phone. At the Alexander. 1020 Che make t a street phone 1280. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK for aale at a bargain. Inquire at 265 Chemeketa a tree I. FOR SALE 1920 4 PASSENGER Templar car. Run 4500 miles. Will let go cheap for quick sale. Bargain. Woodrose Motor Co 244 State street. Salem. MOTOR CAR CO. N. Commercial St. Phone 464 Auburn 2-4-ton berry truck 9250 118 Maxwell Roadster $650 Chalmers Master Six. bug....$00 1919 Chevrolet touring $450 191S 6-passenger Overland touring .....$2C0 CH ANDLE R CLEVELAND Sales and Service AUTO HETAIRIXQ jTrXTJJJJraiijjiitiiaJ'' - . M BRING YOUR CAR TROUBLES TO ME. Reasonable prices. Room 1. 222 So. Church street. WANTED MiscrsxLAirsorjs. WANTED PRUNES TO DRY. PHONE 29F12 noon or evening. LODGES Chemeketa Lodge No. meets every Wednesday evening at 8. at the I. O. O. F. hall. BUSINESS CARDS CABINET AND MILL WORK CABINET AND MILL WORK OF ALL kinds. Window frsmcs cupnoaroa panel doors, etc. E. S. Robinson, west door of high school. - DXAYS AFD CXFSBSA LARMKR TRANSFER W E MOV a AL store goods Day paowo vss niga phoet iaa LAUITOKXEA sil.PM tATINDRY COMPANY. 124 R Liberty street, rnosa z. oiaesi Laxge.t Best. Established 1889. CAPITAL) CTTT STEAM LAUNDRY Quality wora, prompc mm iusl ase Broadway Phono 146 The SUteman's Gasxificd Ads. Bring Results PRUTItc. FARMERS LET US PRINT YOt'It hop and berry tickets. Prompt ser vice and the right price. lirtlsn Printing Co.. 3ol N. Com! St- Phone 77. kcvmo uaid rvwunnmn Wanted second-hand furxi- and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware Furniture Co, SSI N. Cotn'l St. Phone 4T. STOVE REPAIRIXti STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience: Depot National fence, sises 24 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, ti logan berry and hop hooks. SalcQk Fence . and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 221 State SL. phono SIS. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rate. SBCOSTD eoooi HOUSEHOLD GOOD? OF ALL KINDS bought and sold. Highest cash price paid. We will give you a square deal. J. A. Rowland, 444 K. Commercial at. Phone 14. WE BUT AND SELL IXCOKD HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chalna. Fred ataaladler. S64 (Mentor street. WALL WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 24e and up double roll. Max O, Bu ran, 179 N. Commercial St. 8KB PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper aad Picture Framing. Good workmen. 46ft Court St. Phono 486. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAXS I-RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. & National Bank Bldg. 104 I R. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon. 442-404 Oregon Bldg. Phonos: Office 12S4: Ren. 64F6. !. W. L. Mercer, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Kirkavllle graduate. 404 and 406 U. & Natl Bank building. Phone Office 919. residence 4T4. CHIROrRACTORS. DR. a U SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRAC tor. P. & C. graduate. 209-12 U. & N. Bank Bldg. Phone 27: Ren. ttlR. CHOTSM PHYSICXAS )R. X M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN dlssasa. 162 & High 8C i Phone 882. FHVS1C1ANS AND SUIIGKONS. CATHERINE 8CHLEEF. M. PHI- aiclan and Surgeon. Offlcea Oregon building, rooms 411tl2. Phono 640. 264. Over Oregon Electrle depot. tALKM WATER. LIGHT A POWJCK Co, office 201 South Co ml street. Tea per cent discount oa domestic flat rates paid la advance. Mo de ductions for absence or aay causa unless water la shut off your prem ises. REAL ESTATE OREGON LAND CO. SS acres, t acree best bearing Brant orchard In the valley; crop of place prougni ios net income last season. Practically modern 7-roora house. barn and windmill. Beautiful aubur ban and Income, located close in. 79-acre farm. 60 acres In crop, stock and machinery Included la aale; only 1 mile out; road to be paved this summer. Our city and suburban listings are real values, call aad see our new listings. Phone 424 442 State Street FOR SALS 6-room house, lot 42x140 feet situated on North High street, close In; price 11500; $620 down and 210 per month. HART A MUlLeR 201 Oregon Building. FOR SALE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW strictly modern except furnse. ga rage, large lot and some fruit. This is an exceptionally . good buy at 24200. Hart eV Muller. 201 Oregon building. FOR SALE tVt acres. 7 room bouse, barn, fruit,' berries. acre potatoes,' some lo-1 cans, garden truck, close in. 11(44: i some terms. 1 24 acres, very good house, barn, fami ly orcnara. some perries. This lana will grow anything suited to Oregon climate. Rare bargain at 8750. W. E. C0MFT0N Room 7 ever Patton Book Store I'hone I'll BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS EXCELLENT EQUIPPED DAIRY $4 acre farm with 84 In cultivation and In cropa. Good big house with hot and cold water; good big barn. 2 good silos, all kinds of sheds. Steam bottle-washing plant, 14 line Jerseys. 6 horses, hoes, wsgons and complete outfit of Implements and equipment including hay baler and gas engine, are included with farm; also the crops, at $17,504: terms. You raise nearly sll your feed and the cows return more then $524 per month. Ask bis banker about this. 38 ACRE PRUNE FARM 16 acrea C year prunes: expect 4 tons or more fruit thia season. 21 acres under cultivation: balance pasture. A bargain at $150 per acre. Some terms. 105 ACRES AT $4500 25 acrea or more under cultivation and. in good fall wheat. 24 acrea fir tim-I her: balance good Pasture. 7 room! house, good new barn, other out - buildings. A real bare. In at Sliee $1000 down. W' have many more fine darlr. fruit snd genersl prupose farma In fine lo- cationa and the pricea are right. Come in and tell vi what you wsnt. li'I ajXI rV O CnftTtI IVliilvEjl tX 31111 111 c. , , otaiw i. vtrouim linnr SHORT AND SWEET I House and several lots. $12. Terms. ii i room nouse. s lots. $124; $o down. III 5 room cotare. car line, northeast. $1500; $54. balance like rent. IV 6 room plaatered house, electric lights, east front, fruit, gsrage. $1844 Terms. V 4 room modern bungalow, paved street, basement. $2100; $500 down, balance $20 per month. VI Four real bungalows In south Sa lem. $160. $4044. $524 and $55e. All on paved strtet nesr car line. It won't cost you any . money to list f our property with us. unless we aell t; then just a small commission. A. L. SEAMSTER REALTY CO. 416 Masonic Tempi. Read the Clanified Ads. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 1 acre. 4 bearing logans In dsndv snap. 1 aire strawberries, will have not less thsa $244 urik of logans: a fine Investment only $1254. tit'.s will handle. This plsre is rented, owner to receive ' of gross receipts, tenant pars all expenses. 17 acrea. fair house, turn .well fenced. all the best of soil, sll In cultivation, close to school, church; in Frultlsnd district, only $5e. 12 acres. It plsnted to prunes with lo gans between, some walnut and cherries. In Liberty district, only $6. tea. cash, balance 4 ner real tt acres. 62 cleared. 28 limber pasture. spring water, good new modern im- Kovemnta, best of soil. 12 acres averdam, 4 miles from good town, crop goes, only $12.50. Will sell equipment cheap. Terms If desired. The best buys in houses sre on our list. ir you don l get one of them tt is your fault. We have houses at the owners' price. Buying from us is like buying from the owner. S0C0L0FSKY 141 Slate St, UOOD BUYS. 17 acre tract. 10 acres bearing orchard, mostly prunes; good crop: 3 acres lo gans. house and barn, well; all ma chinery, some chickens; good loca tion. ITice $14.44. 15 aero tract, 10 acree prunes, on main highway. Price 8854a. 51 Vs acres, house aad barn. acres good prunes, about 25 acres of fine timber, close la on good road. I "rice $14,540. 10 acres, 6 acres three year old prunes, hous and barn. well, some timber. Price $1250. S acres oa main Pacific highway. 2 acre prunes. Price $1040. 25 acre tract, all cultivated, small house and barn. Price $64V0. $4 acre tract. 20 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber. Price $. 0. 220 acre tract. 80 acres farm land, bal ance fin timber, house and barn. IT ice $40 per acre. One acre, small house, good soil. Price $1000. Well improved I acres located close te car line, fruit, good bungalow, elec tric lights, fries $4044. Well improved 7.21 sere tract, all In bearing fruit, prunes, cherries and loganberries. good house; located close to school aad car line. Price $11,044. 17 ' acre tract, 10 acrea of prunea. cherries aad Engliah walnuts, bal ance pasture. ITice $2750. 81250 down. 20 acres. acrea 2 year old prunes, 2 acres young logans. 1 acf strawber ries, stock sad machinery go: small buildings. 4 miles south. Price $$. 000. W. II. GRABENHORST tt CO. 275 State street. WOODS' BARGAINS STx room house nesrly new. close In $2400. Five room house close In i4. Seven room bous three lots with fruit 84840. 11 H acres four miles out. fslr house, gwod barrr. main road. crop, stock and tools 81540. lit, acrea on mala highway, half In fruit, half river bottom, fair buildings, $4440. 10 acrea all In orchard, new buildings, main road five miles out $4500. 144 acres with buildings $240. 240 acre stock ranch $544. 144 acrea, new bungalow $5644. Modern house for rent $15. Also half acre garden laad ready to plane F. L WOOD 241 State at rest M. W. ROWLEY Real Estate Business Chances, Karma. Acreage Farm of 108 acres, 100 acrea In culti vation, fine buildings, six miles from center of city, surrounded by thrifty bearing prune tree a. above the frost line. Beautiful view, one mil from pavement, graveled road to place, surrounding property held at $240 00 per acre. Special price $160.00 per aero If sold In 20 days. If yea see it you win buy il Four acres five minutes by car from Ladd A Bu.h. good buildings, family orchsrd. $12: 810 will hsndl. Some Improved five acre tracta cl in. Farm of 140 acres mllea out. 7$ culti vated, good buildings. 818.404; will take bungalow In exchange. A large list of houses from $1444 to $954 to select from. Farma In every part ef the county. M. W. ROW LET Phone 701 442 Oregon Bldg HAYF0RD & HAYF0RD REAL ESTATE 305 State Street This Is your last oppor i these fruit orchards w aportunlty to buy rlth this year s I croo Included. 10 acrea In bearing prune, peacnea. cherries, sppies. pears ana a re. i variety of small fault: house, bam. etc, only I'.s miles from the city of I Salem. If you are looking for a fruit ranch, you can not aflord to paas up In veatigating these, as good terms can be secured. 4 rem buugelow. good lot, fruit aad English wslnut trees close to car and rkanl lriM SUSS. room house, all modem except heat. half block to ear. nearly new and Is ready to move lato at oaco. Price $1740. 7 room house, modern except beat, oa paved street. I "rice $1440 6 room house, large .lot. good barn. Price $1176. 7 room house within 4 blocks of busi ness center of city. IT ice $2s0. If you wsnt to buy n good home see us. if you wsnt to sell list your property wlta HAYF0RD & HAYF0RD 202 Mate street FOR SALE 7 room house, qusrter block on paved street, close to car line, some modern conveniences, fruit and garden, ail for $245. ft acrea. half In fruit, mostly prunes, n I fine tract, small payment will handle i it. Mete we have II the beat thing around Salem for a poultry ranch. One block of Isnd. 4 room house, plenty out. 1 buildings, good garden land, all for ' $1744. ea.y terms. Some good bungalows, well located. I from $2540 up. 40 acre prune orchard loaded with I prunes, price $15,044: might ronaider I three or four thouaand dollar city I property aa part payment on tbta .House snd lt to eacbsnse for autotno- bile or what have you? If rou have earthing to sell bring It In w i . . - . . . . B 1, W ,J. H w . ." . J property. JOSEPH BARBER Ilm. 240. Gray Bldg. Ibone 970 or 1724J BUNGALOW STYLE HOUSE 7 rooms with large ball, good location, modern In every except fur rata, about 6 or 4 years old. looks like new, plsstered wells, basement, electric lights, hot and cold wstee. good bath aad toilet, wash sinks, etc fireplace, large windows, Isrge wsrd rohee. built In features, wood lift and cooler, paved sldewslk. good streets. Price fsr below con. tract low cost, $2644; $144 down, balance $2$ month. Would consider light car as part paymeat. S. R. PEARSON 415 Oregon Bldg. rhoae 41 er 12FI REAL ESTATE FOR fALE 7-HOOM MOUSE AMD 4 lots In West Salem; tots of frwlt; deal with owner. W. W. Bales. Fifth street. West Salem. FOR SALE 44 ACHES ABOUT 16 mies southeast of Kales. I mile south of Silvertow near Victor Pol at. "e $76 per acre. Reserve half the crop. Address N avsge. ler tn. Phone 41F41. REAL ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS WALTER McLAREN Room 21. lit N CeaVI 81 Phone 414 L A rXi XT U I M'l'rril w nra a . r s ar iuat outside city, in frail and Eag I lish walnuts, aood buildiaea. 1 rmenltsBU"r "4 'T r" I 8-Iki from the aorta Uaa f 4Tt Beautiful all modern bom on North I Uet to tbe aoata Mae 4f 4th of 7 rvoma. pUaty of fruit. Urge I lot. Several tradee for good city property SKttARE DEAL Phono 470 SnaDS III Real ElUlte BqTS 4 rooaa modern eottaee tare lot e-r. line: good location; $;ie. terms. I sJf.'m "Ir,1.!' i7mUr- I Salem, .ear carlt... fine loc.tlea; 7 room plastered aouseS fin lots. I fruit, urdta. berries: cloa a arkooL I $24. I 4 room modern cottaaa. larea lot I fruit; barn, paved sire. t ;aeer ho4; intt. .. , . , , I srds in MsruTn countyVheavy crop I ch on tree: for quick aal. $5e per acre. investments .larma aad city proper tr pERRINE & RIARSTERS 211-12 Commercial Club Bldg. 7 ROOM HOME. NEVER IN MARKET before: tw lavatories, large bath, full basement, nice lawn sad content walks, newly painted with real saint. This comparatively new modem home en good graveled street near good scnooi and lacing east csn be aetiihl for $276 essh. This is real bargain in large modern built-in hem. 6 roosaa with cement basement and gar age for $260: $5ee down. This with modern Plumbing snd bath, electrici ty, bullt-ln buffet and kitchen, scree aed -In back porch and la.ide stairs to basement, wood-lift snd ow (ft. lot. This at 185 Soeih Church one block to pavemeat and 8 blocks from Commercial St. csr line. -e Peul Hendricks St Bocks A Mend ricks or phone 417 evenings. 4 rooms modern with psvement at 8145a. Term 8 rooms modern with bam tit! 5. We have man homes Hated at from $15ee to $.44 that have femacee. fireplaces, basements, gaa. and as ern and bullt-ln In all wars. Today we empaa.iae a horn that lacks nothing sad is new snd architectur ally perfect at $a4. If ea plan on butisg a fine home let us drive yee over tae route. Farma. tracts, homes, fire aad other In. surance. We speclsllae on small home.. HH KK m ItfcNIJICKS 214 U. S. Nat I Bank Uldg. Phone 141 FIVE ROOM PLASTERED MOUSE. cement ba.emeal. paved street, near car line. Three hundred down, bal- aace terms. See owner. 4 49 N. Capi tol. FOR SALE 21 ACRES. CLOttE TO town Good buiidiaga. all improved. I Family er-kare. pric $544. ft-. C convenience and a snoro detailed de Derrtck. 442 State street I .v.. a. .-w .a A SNAP IN A HOME I Rooms. BATH. I bot and cold water, electric llgala. fToTl ZZoAillU : i.m iuu-: bv. - - - La it.Hft - cl. e to car. Only $1271; $54 cash. S776 may run 1 rears at 4 per cent. Bocoiofaky. ill state. for bale. 60 ACRE.4 good Fit t" IT and berry land. 16 la good crop. I miles from Salem fer lioeo oa easy payments. Also 24 acres In cultivation for $1644. $1 cash. $10 per swatk. JOHN H. SJ.XITT REALTY CU. 228 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE IS ACRES. BEST OF SOIL all cleared and $ acres in fine clever: 14 acres In grain, small bowse and barn. Price with crop, for a few da 4 4640. HART A MULLER 248 Oregon Building. BARGAIN 44 ACRKX. 114 MILES west of Maries; 26 acree boartag Italian prunea, water piped to nowse and barn. Priced lew. terms liberal C M. Smith, Maraoa, Ore A BARGAIN FOR FIVE DATS WE will aell a 6-rooea bowse, garage, chicken boose, trait snd sever. I lots. Onlr 1 block froea scnooi. For only sizae terms oa pari ir waatea. n yow waat a bona act at owe. ct 'iTc- Jt Martla. 414 M an FOR SALE ANY PORTION OR ALL of 24 acree of irrigable farm Undlpavtag the same with ( Inch Port-,l--'Il'"-.L"1'.lT.- Uad remeat gravel coacr rve- ily. rt.a. price 826 to $5 per acre aeiewimrnt m arrsrsaacv wm a value. A C rVoarnatedt 401 Masonic Tempt. Salem, Oregon For Real Estate FARM. CTTT r aCBUUOAN CHAS. W. MKMETKR -Just Real ICstste" 116- 114 Ms sonic Tssapie. Sale as. Ore NEW TODAY We have a good list of farm snd city property but we must bse a let snore by July 1st e can stl ywwc property la short order. U.t It to- " LA FLA R A LAFLAR 44-7 Oregon Lldg. MR W. It. PTE V ELY WILL M AN AUK the business of tbe Fteaaiwg Reolif r. In the few day." absence of Mr Wna FVeealng While Mr. levlr-s special ty is good fsima. we still hse a lew good bwfs in cil proportie, snd tw extra - ecch.rd PP -tioas with crop If tahew - him at Rm. 7. liarw IM4 till Plat PL . Vow can rest ssewred f fair, honorable treatment, wbelber new or old comer. Wm Fleming. Man.cer. THE FLEMlXU RkiALTT COi A PRUNE ORCHARD 44 acre, about 15 in 7 er old prunes heat ily loaded, neat baatw e4 larae barw. bwiMings wrty new water. Prtc $154 per ace. crop goes In. SEE J. A- MILLS At lUlgh Hotel HU ttJ. FARM" IS acre. . mil to IL It. Ststtoo, 71 acrea oats and vetch, a 1 'a tow: It acrea oata Manning welor. g veil rtn bwnaalow. nwrn. out ilMllinaa. liwiMtaas woein Low eettatele of crop fi. ITK lM .'K-X A MILLS fiilgh Hotel Read the CUsslCed Ads. REAL ESTATE A CARLOAD r F1K HOOU OX ISa fer aale today. Attractive hoea 4ece lith etreC Another attractive tec 21th a. t rooea a-onse H4 SH. One J.rooea howee Chesaeketa. all oo floor. One on tb SL On on Lmis at at ree eaM pe-M-ea lrtr4 J M Pag. 42 X. l"e.tat at ruMf 1184 rrsujo cm csca .OTIl K OK IMntOVKMKXT Cat- Tin: ALinr is iuak.-k so. 2 OK THK CTTT OK H.ILLX Notk-e la hereby given I bat lb I Common Coasctl deems It epdlent so to do. aad hereby decUrea Its parf a i-ttalloa lO Itapr alter In block No. 21 of tb the city of Crater atreet at the eipeaao of t he abuttlo ttlag mad adjacent properly by! tgiag said alley to the establish! I bria trade aad patlag the same with A l,.k maa. em. terete pavemeat la accordance with Ih plana aad aportflratloae for the Improvement f said airy which were odoptrd by the Common Co and I oa ;tJ dy of u wlcfc now oa file la the oft lee of the City u t -ki.v - - -. . I 1 " -J- 7 ivainwme wiw detailed descrlplloa thereof are here- by referred to aad made a ran her- of- Improremeata shall an aeceaaary laieta. araaa raica oa aJns, exravalloaa aad lllla. The Common Coaactl hereby de clares Ha parpoee aad latealloa to make the above described Improve ment by aad I b roe g b the 8iref Im provement Department cf lb city ef Salem. Ily order of the Com mo a Co sell. EARL Raco. City Rrrordtr. Dte of first rablcaika of this notice. Jaao 21. 19Zt. MmCK OK THK IMPROVsCMKVr OK II Kill HTICKKT KIIOM MAtl IOX KTHKirT TO IHVLtlill RTnrorr. Notice la hereby gla thai It Common Council dr m It etpodleat ao to do. and her by dec tares ita purpose aad lateaUoa to Improve High street from the north liae of Marlon street to the north line of Division street at the eipa of the abutting aad adjacent property, ex cept the street laterwrtioa which will b paid by the city of tUlem, ty bringing said portloa of Hl;h a'feet to the rata 11 tab ed trade, reamed lag cement concrete curbs, and pav ing the name with a lath Portia a i remeat gravel roacre'.e pavemeat la areordaacw with the plana and sperl flcatloaa for the Improvrmcat of said portloa of High street, adopted by the Common Coancil ca the Tin day of J ana. ltle. which a- now o file a a. 4 . a a Sw - srw - . w 4I lam nee-omer aad waira i or rreaier certaiaty and av 4 t ay rva tavirvi a ar v v ivieiini to aad made a tan hereof. Said 1 sa I prove meat shall laclnds all aar - -try laleta. drmiaa. catch baalaa. rt- cavatioas aad ruie. Tae Com mo a Coaactl aeraby de clares ita perpoe aad lateatvoa I make the above described I a 9 rev e- meat by aad throat h the Street t provemeat Department cf the city of oaiem. Hy order of the Common CoanciL EARL RACK. Oly Recorder. Dale of first pebllraiiow of tbia aotke la Jaae 13. 111. soTto: or Tin: !urmv3iKVT mMTTll ftTKKKT IIUlU CYK ITT KTRJTKT TO OlfDOllvKTt HTOKtrr. Nolle hereby given that the I Common Cornell deems It etpedieat so o do. aad hereby declare ita pqrpowe aad lateatte to Improve 17th street from like north Use -f Coert street to the aoath liae ef Chemeketa street nt the etpoea jt I bo abnttlag and adarni property. I eicept the alley la let sect w a which I win e paid by the city of Salem, by bnag:ag tae mis portloa or uta atreet to the eatabllsaed grade, rosy stnactlag cement coacrete curb aad aad apocincatvoaa therefor, adoptod by the Common CoaacU oa the Ith day of Jaae. 191. which are aew cm file la the office of the City Record er and which for greater certstaiy and coarcaleaco aad a snore detailed description thereof are hereby re ferred to aad made a part hereof SamI Improvement a hall lacfale all nore.ary laleta. dralaa. catch heia rtrava'.ioaa aad fllla. The eouaasoa row aril hereby ds- rlar Ha psrpose aad tateatioei te make the above described t at y rove- neat by aad through the ftre Im- provemeat Departaeat af the city el Salem By order ef the Common Coaactl CAR RACK. City Records Date of first pablicailoei ef this aoalro la Jaao 12 (2. WHOLE VOUL AXD FXODUCX WASTXO IfArkm Crtanary at rredsM Cev. flalovn, Oretrrm Pnooe I SALE2J liARKETS I Til I lQ FRirX Ecg aant laoflvry r.ggs, sic llraa. hvy. lc Light haa. 1C to lie Stags, lac Olid roosters, g to lor. II rollers, 11 to Ibc Pock, Mottosa am4 fWi Pork, am foot. 1 5c. Lamb, 1201SH. Drsooed hogs. 24 O lie. Hoof, at rocs, is lit . Cow a, Cfac. Top rl. ttrl7e. nay Ca-at lay. s te III. ot aad truk bay. s-sr usx, fit t 124. Cewvar ky. 1. t m. Wheal. 1 40O 1 It. oata, 94c-$I 00 $. Haaaa. Ce to Ha. Mia rosaa, ruoai Mill ran. U 10. HVaWsTs thaVra Creamery batter, carloaa. Si-iTg LatUrfat, iia. rraa Oraagea, It 01. Baaaaaa, lie Lemoaa. 5 lb- IS. Cail.'oraU grap frail. Id. Florida grape fralt. b-l. Cabbage. S l-It Oaloaa, 12.11 gwt, Taraipe. II t ah. Carrot. II. it a a. Be U pep pore. IN a po-tad. Roaal radlshea lb deae-a ItacVea Paraiey. CM Coaoai naacheav." Do la, lie dosea kaMboe, Cro. oakoeva, 8 be a doaea beach ra, Lottacew tee a dosea. Corona eta, 1 1.1s. Teaa. lc. Caauloapea. 0. Watermelon 4c Tom a leee, II 11 ext. 8 pads, aew. 1 2c RaCaQ 1-tVwa Creamery batter. Clc Dairy batter. IVc Egg, dot-. 4 2c Floar. hard wheat, S.?0U lt. near, valley. IS. 8a gar. raae. 31 1-S. 8 agar. aatk. 111. FALSE REPORT CAUSES ARREST n dlctm cut o f Timmsny Lea dU er Fcllovs Income Tax Sti I em est NEW YORK- Jaao 11. fedwt- meal of Chart T. Maryhf. ewsvdef of Tammaay hall, aad five exhera oa rhargee of coa a piracy to oefraad Iho laited State by falsifying taroeae tat retnraa aad attempted tallaidb- Um LoaU X. Hertog. a weeJtkf avaaafactarer. tkrovgh crlataal r pecatkoa. waa aaaoac4 hr lodae. The ladkctmrata which fr r l armed secretly by the esUaorwiaary grand Jary yeierday. came as a groat earprtse. Mary by la avow oa hi way to the Democratic rootratioa at Saa Fraaciecwv Others ladirfod with Uankf vera Aarlaiaat District Atloraey JaJree XL Smith, ooo of the reatraJ Mgrea la tho "vkco war" botweoa iho distrVct attov-aTa errwo aad ib aei5ro de part meat : Jeha A. McCarthy, for mer beaiaewa p-artaer of Jeha Mar Sky. brother of tho Tammaay loader: Arthnr i. Rsidwia. a Uwtt: Eraoet tt. WaUra. evco trwaideal ad the Cora rrodscis romp ay aad ta Cora rdrte com a ay t:f. D 1 for each dsfradaal vst r.te-l at 11.440 Msryky la charged wUa trytsg la latlmUato It rtsg lato aottuag a llt.000.eeo ami brwacbt agalaat the Tammaay looder after I be latter aa alleged to have withdraw arwm'i flaaaclal aappori ta a gtncoo s-ro4- act firm la which lUrtog was later- evte4. Tho ladartsaeat aHegee that Marpky thrrateaed to acraao llartatg of arwoev to etpnoo hla waTe for he alleged nee ret rUtoa with anocbe.- emaa. eewd him to JaU fer odfeaaew h did not commit aad la'.a hla !- Ilarteg. the 14 id meat arte forth. procured a sv mUlo Aotlar or der tor hi p rod set frwas tho P-rlliab goverameat dartag tho war. lie fow4 difDcaitF la ae.trtar the ewoeery taevii ad glsrnsa to r ssa- $Uet lb order. He I bee art4 Ibo aid od Varyhv. throogh whooe ta fleeaco. the IMirtabeol ree.teo, too acdo4 lagrwdkeota were obcaiajwl from tho Cora Prwdwcts roospaay. Ilartog aad Msryky later (MireaJ ever basJaews matters aad Merpar seed) llanog to recover lilt. 4 10 ta- t rated la tho sustfentrvfi roos paay TVw Ilartog - Marybr. lb Cora Prod oris romp ay aal Italdwla to recover tea ac:ea dol lars profit ho eaid bo hod 6 thrwogb withdrawal of Msryby al. legwd eay port, assort lag ao rwald a looger get g! scows frsm ibo Cora Prwdarta romfaay. Ilartog waa ammoasg to awvt Datrvt Aiiorary f mith 'a of.'V- wb k thews roan artioos were pa tsg Ilartog allegro tmtth na moaod him ta feero htm to soy Mar shy hi li:i.40 bat $mu ctaima he leo4 tho aamsaoaa fer Hertoe cvjy tho ta'.es4 of prw-ec-tisa o .agar yrodltoor, I La rte'e brr ther waa f.4 a. ta foderal roeri fsr a ar s-r.teac bo ta gate ltm hiau:f a 'ea b :i AtTo wrnrrx riTAU BAKER. Or, Jaao SI Jamo A grant rowaty raac Ver. woo foaad dead today under aa overt a ra- 4 aatomobik r Moaat Y Oreu J. E, nowvmaa. who b4 hla co-paioo la to ear. waa eo no. noosly hart that ho waa aaabo to give aay arroaat of tbo arviArst whory Pwpo waa hitt4 Tbo v ara had left Catm City la a ear Use aisht aad wbo tr taring ta roach tbeir tat44 Aowtiaiko at Moo at Veraoo, aeorra wee la-t:itld which rose: ted la tho dWwvery of the imlrsi FOR THE BLUES TRY PARIS GREEN