The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    If . '' ' ' . - - . . TITE ORKfiOX STATESMAN; rTUIUV. JUE 2-V Vo. I
action on the strike was delayed at-1 were delivered nt hi office today
ter lie had declared that the situ- Colon-! Theodore Itosevelt. son
atlon was to improved that steps by I of the former president, has an en-
me government were unnecessary. Iftagenient to confer with Mr. Hani
After the cabinet meeting, Secre-jne tomorrow. He will coin at the
rary Payne, who now Is head of the I senator' invitation.
railrpad administration, stated in Anions three who saw the rand
. . at n a. I 1 . I . a a
IM t . me presence 01 secremry l date today were senator leicner,
(llWay Workers KeaueSI that he had made a report to tbel iemorrilt of Florida; T. C. Aikt-son
I - I . . . :t- Kii I I ... .... e . i
president on me sinse siuuuu i Washington represnawe oi im
that no action was (taken after ational Cranse. and Hlmer Hover tt
Secretarv U'ilaon had stated that I T.roDll. Wash., former secretary to
President to Expedite
Wage Question
the situation was improving.
rjvsmirtvuv.x. june z.i. Tt-- ... .
way labor board at Chicago has I NATIONAL LEAGUE
If! tlFVAritfv WAS. 11 A 1. n I .fa.
t Wilson to expedite its wage de-
on. .
the late Senator Mark llanna. later
secretary of the national Keullian
At Brooklyn-
At New York
rhe president's message resulted I New York
m ine general unrest umammii.
r a . . . " -
tu woraers over the vimiui.
and the walkout, of
other employes at PhllaHoinki.
Itimore and other cities, ial Pittsburgh
was nor. made, nablic hut nJ uroonun
Iclally It was described as being
oon after the White House an-
jncement or the president's nr.
W, N. Doak. Tfce president of
urotneruood of Railroad Train
issued a warning that unless
ire was a settlement of the v par-
wage controversy by the end of u -eaie
week, the situation vrahahiv
hid be much worse than at pres-
R. II. K.
... ...1 B
.. .3 l I
Van en Martin. Halley anu
O'Karrell:; Nehf and Snyder. i:ixm;niz.k iussia
B. II. K.
2 14 S
" ' . 6 13 2
. A. Jm
a, tonia Moaitnr. ronaer uu
Schmidt;: Mamaux and Miller.
LONDON. June 21. A wireless
dispatch recelvetl from Moscow says
Japan has streed to recognize th
Far Eastern Russian republic cn
condition that it ftaall Lave complete
political and economic inuependenco
of the Russian soviet governiiipnt
and that it guarantee to be a dem
ocratic . form of government.
Miss Ella McMunn Proposes to Discard the Worra-Eaten,
Gopher-Chawed Aphis-Infested Exotics and Go in for the
Flowers and Shrubs and Things Which Nature Provided
to Adorn This Valley
At rtoston H. H. t
- n .11
ri. liouis .
u. .4 13
shnnn. Ooodwin and Ctenions.
" 1" a" , I
xtnOnillan. Eavrs and itowuj.
Tnorni.Ks 'i sk si iciuk
At Philadelphia
e railroad labor board. Mr
k tald. "I whDllr ntnnn.lhK
the present bad situation " Ttlnd Wheat
pea inat the chiefs of the raiimari
mernooas lesire the nubile to
pw -mat tnis much-heralded and
focated method of adjusting ques
h ot this character, according to
tseni maications. is a rank and
peless failure."
Kt the same time Secretary Wrtl-
R. II. K.
.5 1 2
.3 9 2
POCATKLLO. Idaho. June 22
ProtMlinK over family trouble in le
lieved to have cau.ed Jacob Schmi
der, coach carpenter employed by
the Oregon Short Line here, to hang
himself shortly after 5 o'clock to
night in a coach which he was repairing.
According to the police. Schmei-
Dy Ella McMunn.
Everybody who see my flower gar
den vimply falls dead from admira
tion and the only reason the mortali
ty rate is not higher Is because we
live on an unfrequented road, foil of
beastly ruts, hole and other lmpdi
mnta which makes it Impossible tor
Is not the eroa of CbrUt bat the
Iron Cross ot Germany. Sometimes
It Is black, sometimtni black edged
with white, and occasionally pure
white, while. Jt does not take much
of an imagination to see the Crown
of Thorns In the center, making It
especially suitable as a floral em
blem, in addition to the tart that
they grow win In the fields of
persons to look at my garden and prance, as the McUae poem reads.
Sallee and w ingo: smim. dpr hot a nian in uur,ey. daUO
about six weeks ago. who was al
leged to have been keeping company
with Is wife. Schmeider wan re
leased on bond. He leaves a wife and
large family.
II. E.
9 1
11 2
At Portland
nnrv. Brenton and
ot the department ot labor de-l Ttn and Baker.
ea in a iorraai statement that
le the, labor board had had a At Vernon
R. H. E.
tasg to adjust, "It could render! San Francisco . iu
better Dublic service In the n. v,ra ..5 9 2
DULUTH. Minn.. June 22. In
dictments charging murder were re
turned late today against three men
for alleged participation in the
lynching of tree negro here June
ir. The trio. Leonard Sedman
ng situation than by' coming to I seott. . Devitales and Agnew; Shell-1 John Hurr and Nate NateI.on. are
speeay aeterminatton of tneques-i fnhack and Devormer. nota witnout ban.
tos at Issue before It.
Mr. Doak's statement said the At Sacramento K- Al'DITOR FOl'A'D DHD.
aroaaviaDor . oreanizations naa Cot r.niio 11 in i
he everything reasonable to keep j Sacramento
isportation moving and that they
re now. considering means to as-land
la every manner In preventing
2 7 t!
cram rum - I ut, l liui l , Mtcn.. June ZZ. At- .,.
Cullop.andiByler; Prough. Mails KU5t Dwyer of Mlddleilbori. Ky.. a feT. .1 tto?Zi? a t-
dCad ' traveling auditor for the United Mine yVi .Yt imln
take care of their necks at the same
time, and a lot of people who are not
artistic at all. care more for their
Some persons comment on the
rather jnrubled appearance of it. and
have likened it to a "boiled dinner."
where yon cook everything In the
garden in one pot. athough just why
you should never has been clear to
me. unless it is to save washing addi
tional pots. I will confess that It
lacks form to some eitent. but I can
only account for that by saying that
the seeds must simply have got up
out of the beds I put them In and
reeled over to a general meeting
place, where they are blooming riot
ously together. And the perfectly
grand part of It Is that I have not
lifted a finger to that garden this
summer, although presently I must
set to work to make my garden for
next summer. If I expect to have an
other perfect scream of beauty Ss I
have this year, for every thing In It
was planted last year.
First I will tell you that there are
no roses. Nary a rose. For 20 years
I fought gophers, moles, worms
bugs, mildew, cydoaes. drouth, all
gators, yellow fever, sleeping sick
ness and nine hundred other com
Workers of America, was found dead
kmea lrom. leaving the, service At Oakland . . R- . E. In tne otfIce of his brother. Dennis I VJ '1
geles ........... 5 I II. Dwyer. here, late to- h ? h
the roids. but that they knewT An
well that the men must be given I onk land 4 9 sinirht
Istantial pay Increases before Pertica and Lapan; Kremer ana nai been strangled
ir efforts could be successful. I rwman. I Frank H. Dohanv. a nromlnent at
Secretary Wilson, in matting puo-
f aKfatj rnsMi KnsKaa as sa rl Kra h i
According to the police he o 1(tand OT,r tbem aU limni. wlth
a spray pump fall of embalming fluid
to keep the pests off. and carry nine
. . . m a a a .
his siaiemeni, aenieu iui rtf f t
road strike had been discussed! Western LOTnOfrinen
fthe meeting of the cabinet with
bsident Wilson yesterday, or that
IYKO l 4 le rHtnal smIM
as "'. ettu Ma
SWf um ail yWHirt,
Bummer Days
Do you suffer from the
. enervating effects of the
hot summer months? Do
you feel heavy, dull, lan
guid and indisposed to
mentalj a n d physical
exertion? For relief, fry
The Great General Tonic
SU By Alt UttimkU Dwmggif
SoW Uaaufacturcrs:
(Hw York . , Kaasas City, Mo.
Bk .f lr!f IOr V !f" Hundred barVels of water Trom the
t0Lu TeSrU0B'., QHUn" Pnip to keep the plants aUve. and
ed by the police. Dohanv denied anv : . . . .v..
Urge Equal Rates hnr u? Tith dea!b; r "11; "HurnTp. 'norV.if
Izl H fi" 1. th. v?" ; " rood to eat, why I quit.
cracTTTvr.TOV Jnne 2 4 .Enual-1 1:1 CT. X .Z ZJl.Z I And thee are no bulb in my gar-
t.-t- t ,ti.i nenrer fares II 7vl n . "r,,,: . nen ionr carioaae or mem
..v. ,v i. Ant.r ihit the r..; : :r:.: went to tatien tne varmints in tne
. j - k tfthrt amnnr ill . . Jt . ..Iground. I felt tne nausea, coming on
iu '- -rM wumuj waavuroi m th ..... nt .....l,V.M. tnr
a . . iMtAaiAia ' Anmmftrrsi rnm I . v a t wi- v
mission today by A. C. Dixon of En- r ice during the evening, and Dohany " ?hf IdlI h, !
gene. Or., representing the West Lnd the unlon ofIlcUI ere Mt aione Lb-a.Lb.!lt!f 1 mv!h.v" !,b! I1
Coast Lumbermen's association. I in the office about 9 o'clock. I" V, ,"T. yv'7,:ZZ" ""a
urainu uuiuut.u, , . I "" 1 w ' w, I Without bulb. I
"J r . k-. I r ,L r.-..j ' "l problem of a flower garden was a
utjl 1" U 1U iacn r a a vu vawaara vattcu iiu ituv
roads of that territory and oppose I here five days ago on personal has!
any advances on a percentage basts, iness. He was 47 years old,
Valuation of the roads on the Dasia
of their property investment
counts is inaavisaDie, ue earn. i . , v-in,,--- Bl-varterT of
Further rate increases on lumber LONDON, June 23. The strike of color, are Canterbury Bells, which
would have the opposite effect irom l wireless ooeratora which threatened I. .... vimi.
what ia desired by the carriers. Mr. I to bring shipping activities to a Tir- ne3rt aeason; Snap Dragons, which If
uixon toia me commissiuu. uwa" iuw iaaiim on oeen caiiea oil. l bow n early enough will bloom the
many muu wouia oe iorcea uui inn acuon was laaen as a conse-igam season; Foxgtove. ia all 1U va
business and there would be less Iquence of meetings of the association Hed color and Flanders Popples.
trailtc resuiung in leas revenue ri-1 oi wirvicva leiegrapmsu neia ioaay The Last named are annuals, bloomv
er than In the larger returns sought I at London. Liverpool and other ports. I in th flrat Tear An A nf all tnm
iby the roads. p wireless leader declare they brilliant flowers of the garden none
MieawurN guarantees ox lair ireai- equals the Ftander popples With
tucut - I their crimson klnami aJtknnrh nr
hana fw hiT noted all tha nolnta
BRYAN UPHOLDS DOTS. Qf interest about them, the most re-
mirkihln heinr tha rroaa In tba ren-
uucai jall8, onL. June zz. ter of the flowers. Oddly enouth. It
problem ef a flower garden was a
serious one, but by experimenting I
have found a number of things frost
proof,-drouth proof, worm. proof and
mnhp nnvif mnA hr mrm m flat nt
Senator Harding Has
Pressing Day
for sale by all druggists. Always
fetock at Perry's Drug Store.
WASHINGTON, June 24. Sena
tor Harding, Republican choice for
the presidency, received only a few
visitors and devoted virtually all his
time to correspondence today to
great was his crush ot mail become
that he has been compelled to direct
the greater part of his time to that
work not only at his office but also
at his home in the evenings.
In addition to the usual daily de
livery of between 2.000 and 4.000
letters, mail bags containing approxi
mately 15,000 letters, sent by ex
press from his home at Marion. O-
are now on sale
TaVwrinrt (Oregon's old favorite resort) '
; On Yaquina Bay Large Natatorium Ample
Hotel accommodations and camping facilities
THlamook County Beaches
. Located 100 miles due., west of Portland be
lt ween Neah-kah-nie Mountain and Netarts Bay.
These beaches include Garibaldi Beach resorts,
, Neah-kah-nie, Manzanita and Bay Ocean.
Crater Lake (Open July 1st)
- One of, the 'natural wonders of the world. A
- Lake in the heart of an extinct volcano.
OtLer Aitractitre Outing Places
Detroit (Breitenbush Hot Springs, Mt. Jefferson
. . I,-!'.'., r Country)
McCredie Hot Springs
Josephine County" Caves (Oregon's Marble Halls)
Shasta Mountain Eesorts
Columbian Elver Beaches
Mt. Rainier National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Glacier National Park
Oregon Outdoors"
New Summer booklet contains general information
on, the different Oregon Resorts; Summer Excur
sion fares, Hotel and Camp rates.
Inquire of local agent for further particulars.
General Passenger Agent 4' ' '"
Speaking before several hundred peo
ple here tonight. William J. Bryan
of Nebraska declared that no candi
date should be nominated by his par
ty at Saa Francisco who stood against
the policy ot prohibition.
Mr. Bryan leaves in the moring for
Bntte where he will poin the Mon
tana delegation for San Francisco on
their special train. He was tendered
a banquet tonight by local democrats.
SANDY. Or.. June 23. "Don't
ship wool on consignment, hold it
until next year. Is the advice given
growers today by A. I). Miller or
Washington. D. C. head of the wool
section of the department of agri
culture, who is here visiting frienda.
According to Mr. Miller, the retail
clothing trade is overstocked with
high priced goods, and is not send
ing in advance orders. ' In conse
quence, Mr. Miller states, manufac
turers will not pay present prices
for the raw product.
Portland Station Has
Enormous Baggage Rush
PORTLAND. Or.. June 23. What
is declared by railroad men to have
been the largest number of pieces of
baggage ever handled in 2 4 hours at
any passenger terminal in the Unit
ed States is the record at the Port
land union station Monday, an
nounced today, when approximate
ly 32.000. trunks and checked valises
were handled in record breaking
time. This was all in-comina bag
gage of visiting Shriners.
tor the entire three days while
Shrine special trains and special
cars were arriving in Portland. th
total Incoming baggage was more
than 60.000 pieces, says J. II. Regal,
general baggage agent of the Union
Pacific system.
In Flanders Fields the popples blow
Iltwe-n the croes. row on row
That mark our place; and In the sky
The larks still bravely staging fly
Scare heard amid the guns below
But I meant to mention about the
poppies at the very Ut. to fialh up
with. Poetry doe put a nice, re
fined finish to an article. jut as pie
finishes up a good dinner, although
I like pie much better than portry
Indeed. 1 hardly car for poetry at
II. nnlmi I in In love at the moment
and fe- sort of wandering away, but
even then I prefer to write the pMry
Tb poppy family Is not restricted
to the crimson shades by say means
the colors running from rl to pink
and white with eiqaUlte and aanisal
marking In ova ay. The mlslag of
the colors Is due no doabt to the pol
Imitation by the been, and la rov
erlng a bloom la an effort to keep
some othr colors out of It I have
generally found -that the seed failed
lo germinate at the next planting
A feature of my early garden was
the wild Bleeding Heart. The rtll
dren call them "Dutchman's Britch
es," but they do not resemble brlub
ea any more than they reaemble
fried fish or a stewed prune. They
are exactly heart shaped, aad of tha
exquisite, melting, almoet traaspar
ent color and texture of pink ke
cream. They grow two feet la heUht
aad begin blooming In April and eon
tlnue until June. I secured my start
from a tincle plant fifteen years no
at Silver Creek falls, aad as they
multiply like white rabbits. I certain
ly have some start.
I have said nothing about flower
ing shrubs, of which I have several
because they take forever to ret to
blooming size. but. once established
give a profusion of blossoms even
when but little care Is given them.
I have fifteen ot these, but there are
but three of thera I am at all crasy
about. My favorite Is a Mock Or
ange bush. It has some other btfa
lutln name la the catalogue, but
Mock Orange describes It- The flow.
ers lack the waxen texture of tbe real
orange blossoms but have much their
appearance and fragrance. Another
shrub that took me a million years
to get started Is the Japanese Qulac.
Its leaves are beautiful throughout
the summer and ft flowers as early
as April, the crimson cupa lying close
to the stem la great profusion. A
Japanese Wistaria straggling over the
woodshed with Us wealth of early
lavendar towers Is a great favorite,
and It gnarled and twisted stem Is
quite attractive and takea care ot It
There are no bare places la my
garden. Whenever, by some act of
Cod. a few Inches of soil show up be
tween plants I go out to find a nice
onion growing there, or a cabbage or
a tomato, which my dear mother has
placed there as a pleasant surprise to
me. Well. I am surprised anyway.
i t .!.... it rheerfallv about my I
SHU -a- ---
rreai oy la dieovet1ng them. i
In addition to thre purely lexcta
ble feature ef my gardee, the 4at Is
notable in hating therein 13 smsll
rhirkens. five salrrels ttwo parent
and three Infant squirrel.), a iaa
aand bird and a rat. 1 did not la
me the rat nor make any effort 10
entertain blw. As a mailer of kvl.
my attitude toward him extrvme
Iv cool at flrat. but be has rondsxled
himsrit in such aa exemplary snaaaer
anu aoaiea na "'
urh a frietidli way I cannot Had It
n my heart lo murder him. He even
akrs pains lo let me see aim onaa.
nr aor milk that i d for (be
hU-ken. so as to move me to pity.
ed thus secure a baadfal of wbeai
r a piece of bread.
Ilavlnc sueceaataHy crown a num
ber of wild Boners, plants aad throb
my preseal ambition Is to have a gar
den composed entirely of taeuB sad
o eliminate all tbe worm-eatea.
gopher-chawed, apbis-iatested atutt
with which I have afflicted th treat
yard for many year, and I ha only
te glance down the old rail feac
where couatlesa Sweet Briar rosea
sway la the brweie to rilt sttl
an elerant tltxle I have made -Uad-
caplnr" our ground.
a,ao fnn Trta.
The cam rraenn why e aae
neter aeeonpluhed rch l 'as
mhea we try to thin deefly we get
la over our bead.
The oiJ-.'jatoeed torkeeiT
dieted IB nWk sale and small
profits now ha a sa wh regard
jhe old msa'a method a crude.
And oar polUoa imply U that a
movie actr-a w bo ba t- aarted
only twice has gtt the runt to pa
aa aa intense.
Protably the real r- ever,
alls are aH canrety pcpalsr l-e.
caaee the average snaa I afraid foil
will thing hi fe I weariac
past a.
Of course. e are ao eprwed t
the beauty shop, bat tk elevator
la aoe of them oavaval la sftiaa
each ether o ibsa Uf.da.
It has lau a Ural Ccxieu.
reaatry tkat nti i ftax, cWar (
hate to ret later a tkk ia tti
suwkiaca Ulir4 Ntwm i 11
a, c a.
That ofEce jboy
was a obd picket
IT WAS ay busy day.
a a
AND I tbai the bey.
I COULD not see.
a a
a a
AND KC popped bach.
a a
AND AIO there was.
a a a
A CtNTLtMAN oatslae.
a a a
WHO WltHtO to sea
a a a
AND I said "No."
BUT I re Ue hey.
It UKS ny wtfe.
a a a
AND DO Li NT ksow.
a a
WHOt BOit.
a a
WANTS JUST a word.
a a a
AND I toU the boy.
I COULD ten the maa.
a a
a a
IN JVT threw wwria.
BUT TXL hey caae
JUlT TWO wcr-U.
AND rat a sport.
AND CUfttOUS tatv.
SO IN he can.
boms ciaAftrrrsB t try.
AND SAID They Satlsfy-
AND Via at!,
MC SAID etwaefhtas.
e e e
hrpnCT aaliafy- Oat says R.
1 Nrrer urere f-rr Urcwe
la any cigarrUe ifcl fcrwr werw
Ubacma a-re caeefiny sad naiJ
fulJy b4ewied. CbevtrrfteUs grew
yea aH that any rrsretla re X
rtvw. -pi it a cenaia aUrfy- wd
hy that Is rxxhssWy theirs. Tha
Uiaal txal U ccpetd.
A "a.! f m
, 5 i 4 I) f
aL.V .at mm a. ii mm.
! 1
VERDUN, June 23. The first stone
was laid today for tbe monument to
be erected here in honor of the sol
diers who fell in the victorious bat
tie for the defense of Verdun.
GENEVA. June 21- Recent sta
tistics published in Germany on that
country 'a war losses state that 1.'
350,000 men were hilled. There
are today 520.000 war widows, ac
cording to the statisticians; 1.350.
000 war orphans and 500,000 malm'
ed or consumptives supported most
; 11
Why Is Bread Called the
Because GOOD BREAD contain those qualities of food raise
so essential to the human body
Yon should eat more of it Your bodies will be much tbe
better off as a result
Electric Ovens
Purest Flour
Courteous Attention
457 State Street
Bake-Rite Bakery
High Class Bakers For Particular Houseware
Sanitary Methods
Experienced Baker
Reasonable Prices
Phone 26S
ly by charity.