V lira OREGON STATESMAN TIirRSttAV. JUNE 21. 1020. . -----i ni CITY N EW S Horm Sot Well V Kegardl-s of the increasing pop ularity of automobile. Old Dobbin Is not yet a thing of the past. He la entitled by facta, a priori, to bare tila Jnt dues. Dr. D. D. Keller, hamane officer, reported to the po lice that four homes quartered la a barn at Center street are not be lag properly fd. The owner of the homos, upon Investigation, was dis covered to be Fred Kaiser who Hires south of town. The owner of th3 feed barn assured the investigating officers that the horses would be fed sufficiently. Dr. Keeler sug gests that word be sent to Mr. .Kaiser. ' fllg Road Show "The Bootleggers," a musical j comedy, at the lillgh today. Hot In Chicago r Miss May Seeley, daughter of Mr. Land Mrs. G. F. Seeley, Fourteenth and Cbemeketa- streets, who is now visiting in Wilmington, O., writes that the thermometer there registers 90 and 92 degrees. MissSeeley met John McNary, Salem attorney, in Chicago. She made the trip by way of -California. The meeting is inttbd'd to bring the many stranger into cluer acquain tance aitb eacb oiher nod wltn the older settlers and to promote a tli- or sociability. it V.lK Time Mufth-al Comply ine iwotleggers," at the liligb fcxietn Jazz Dance, armory. Friday night. Employe on vacation The fcalem postoffice is now un dergoing the annual vacation brdeul. The public i asked by Postmaster Huckestein to te lentent if any mis takes are made for the reason that inexperienced persons are filling in for the employes now on vacations. Legal Plants .Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog on application. Ibmrf Approve A bond for SI 0.000 was yester day approved by Judge W. 1. Huta ey and filed in the county clerk's office by William F. Emery, guard ian of Kveryn Grace Emery; a minor. The bond was iued to secure the proper proceeding in the sale of the real property of the minor. The guardian will be repaired to report every detail to the court. . iMt-lle Rarton 147 North Commcrrlal treet Phone .2. Iramat!c contralto finger. Teahr of iiele method of one culture which U rompwie4 of the t-t point of all methods of kinging. School Election Held Fred Thompson was elected clerk of the Salem Heights school board at the annual election held Monday. ueorge w Uson was re-elected to membership on the board. The oth er members of the board are Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson and R. D. Hulsey. Dancing and Singing t riday night, armory p. m. Rlgdon and Reliable funeral director. M "ON WITH : THE DANCE" 8 cases THE "DAYTON" The Bicycle, for Ereryone LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 117 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing Xew Ruling Made Postmaster Huckestein has been informed authoritatively that here after parcels not exceeding 23 pounds in weight may- be received for mailing under domestic classi fication, conditions and postage rates when addres-sed to soldiers in or persons connected with the United States army of occupation in Co- blenz, Germany. , Cantata Files Discharge The discharge of Karl Steiner. captain in Held artillery, was yes terday filed in the county clerk's office. He was discharged at Camp Lewis July 28, 1919. His papers show that he took part In the de fense at the Toul . sector in May. 1918: in th? battle of St. Mlhiel on September 12. 191S; In the battle of the Araonne and in the Meuse of fensive of October 28 to November 4. He was authorized to wear four service stripes. Jame3 Thompson yesterday tiled with ine county clerk's office his discharge from the navy, dated July 10. 1919. He en listed from Portland May 29. 1917. At his discharge he rated as first cla.es fireman. DUkiNtm I isml Held The funeral of Phillip F. Dickin son of Portland, a brotber of Mrs. A. A. Mickel and Mis Marcare: Dickinson of Salem, was held In Oervals Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Ilurlal was in the ceme tery at that place. Mr. Dickinson died in Portland Monday. June 2d. He was 4 years old. llesldes his r inters. Mrs. Mickel and Mini Dick inson, be leaves two brothers. Jam 1 Dickinson of Itutte. Mont.. aaJ Joseph A. Dickinson of Astoria. htr Lome la Portland after vlaitlag at tb hon of her brother. Harry I'raln. editor of the Capital Journal. PERSONAL MENTION Danco Friday night at armory. Catholics to Picnic The members of St. Joseph's Cath olic church and their friends will join in a picnic at the state fairv grounds next Sunday under the aus pices of the Holy Names society. The people will assemble on the grounds following the 10:30 church services and will enjoy a basket din ner. In the afternoon there" will be music, -singing, etc., also a baseball game between the married men and the single men, besides other sports. Kitted at Tyler's Drus store ty an expert in the business. Dies of Ilihtheria 1 or Miriam Addams. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses P. Addams of Polk county, died at the home o. her parents last night after . . . t 4 m 4U m ew S V n SSW Ine about three aays wnu ril She was 10 year, old Besides her parent, she is survived by one k-I.k-, .ni two sisters. The body is at the Terwtlllger funeral home. DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING COMPANY 439 Court Btreet Phone 954 "WALLFELT" Takes the place of elotit tt about tte-tbirdv MAX 0. BUREN 179 N. Commercial St. Bonds, Mortgages Iaterest Boa ring Inieetmente HAWKINS & ROBERTS SO4LS07 Oregon Bunding 41. "It r 4 r Lttn?- tf0 Jn t it TRY PARIS GREEN IT'S GOOD FOR THE BLUES I. I. Thomas of Marshfield is visit ing at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thomas. He Is if company ty his little daughter. C. O. Rice, city treasurer, returned yesterday from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Heroat, 4 41 North Church street, have gone to Ureitenbush ssrlnrs to remain for several weeks. V. V. Itosebraugh has purchased the Roland property at 14 22 Sta-.w street and is having the home remol- iled. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Talmadge and son of Seattle are visitors at the home of C. M. Talmadge on Twelfth street. The Seattle man Is connect ed with the Pacific Coast Steamship mmiunr. He also Is attending: the Shrine convention In Portland. Gerald Volk. member of the city council returned yesterday from Portland. H. L. Rlackwool and II. F. Hiims are in Eugene for a f:-w days. C. V. Faulkner, who operates a farm near Albany, is visiting in Sa lem. He formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rogers are in Portland for a few days. Mr. Rogers is connected with the Showalter Jacobs jobbing firm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drown wr here yesterday from Dallas. Miss Mildred Craln has return Sure YUj To Get Rid Of Dudrnff There is one sore war that never falU to remove daadraff completely and that is to dlseolve it. This de- roys It entirely. To do this. Jat get about four ounces of plain, or dinary li.juld arvon; apply It at night whn retiring; us enough to moisten the scalp an J rb it la gent ly wnn me ringer tips. Dy morning. noi if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more application will completely dissolve aad entirely de stroy every single sign and trace of It. no matter how mac a dandruff you may have. iou will fled. too. that all Itrhlac and digging of the scalp will stop la Mantl). and your hair will bo fluffy. Itwruu. glusfy. slikv aad soft, and look and feel a hundred time Urttcr. You can get liquid arvon at any drug ttore. It Is InexpenXve. sad four ounces Is all you will need. This tlmple remedy has never been known to fail. that he might have the benefit of freb air. He Wft his perse con taining t ! his t rosters pxket. together with some Important a pr. Whee ke awoke ext ssoraisg he dseoered t h dlseppeeraee el his trouaert. tocetber with his val uables. wbUh InclaJed the sooner, (spers and a sickle watch of KU'.a movement. Tb thief retained the troe ra il! fellow enaper. Mr. M4e. who ocesj 14 n separate tt s ) Id. alo rirtced similar Iom However. Ike thief did not take tli trouaer. beSag roetewt oay le empty the pocket of his wallet of MS aad to throw the c'othlag he tweea, the teats, Tk pol.ee hate oaty one else lo the idtatlty of the perpttraUrs ol the theft. The colort d greaad keeper at the fair grouadt reported to the so: ice ss hating Kts a man aad a worn a at the ground at 12:39 a. et and cpon qaec'ioniar theta the roepie said tbey were willing for a ft reel ear. The eon;)e were Sar Iht seen of the theft. LOGANBERRIES We are tt.a la the as let. :i ay f c9 i and s B1ANGIS BROS. S42 luu ft. rVoae TIT I BITS FOR BREAKFAST to W2I Better Goods For Less HIGHEST PEICE PAID For SECOND HAND FUBNITUEE Stores, Carpets and; Tools Capital Hardware and Furniture Co, 285 N. Commercial St Phone V if Trunks, Bags, Salt Cases Music Bolls and Brief Cases at HAMILTON'S 310 Court Street BISHOP BROS. Hlrh and Ferry St. Phone 1400 WE BUY Farm Produce. Eggs. etA. PajtBg Highest Cash Market Prices. J WILLARD Storage Battery BXRVICH 8TATXOH 233 N. High St. Telephone 303 W. W. MOORE W00DRY conducts salee ; anywhere In Marion or Polk counties. Store located at 279 No. Commercial AUCTIONEER WOOD WOOD The best furnace wood In the city for the money at Tracy's Phone 620 Furniture Store The Home of the Ylctrola Ton set more tor your money Moore's at I 167 North Commercial St. At the Electrio Sign .SHOES'" DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES " tXS North Liberty Street Tracks Reduced In Price We have a carload of tracks bought before the adrance that we must! close out 14 and 214 ton sixes. Get our prices. SALEM VKLIE COMPAXY 162 North Commercial Street Let Us Play tie Latest Victor Records H. L Still Furniture Co. Store FURS STORED ; your Furs during summer with us ' It Pays To Trade At The FARMERS CASH STORE C Carton Dunlsll 247 North Commercial 217 Soba I rackens per pound 2e Dairy Salt la SO pound neck.... 73c Straws, per hale 03c laundry Koap la 2:1 bar lota for f I.OO Hard heat- r loacseA pew sack . ,-23 THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Iliowe 40d 748 HighUitd Aveaae Place Your Order Early for Pal! Planting Complete line varieties Salem Nursery Company Phone 17(3 4 27 Oregon Building TACUUT.1 CUPS Where? A. H. MOORE'S HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians Patera Is still tbe hop center. Oregon is still In the hop game. S And the whirligig of time may bring Oregon around to being th only bop state. m S Stranger tblngs have happened. Tbere Is at 111 money In hops; bat It is not good business to Increase the acreage. The time is past, however, when a a . jiem rame an nee ecct in on banket. She has a lot of baks big ones, and more la the making. and more eggs to carry in them. It Is In the scheme of things tai. In a popular government there should be two powerful political rartles. and no more. Two are good for the health. More than two are bad. S Tbe Shrrners were all pleased with Salem and the Willamette valley. It wss a great stroke of advertis ing. In passing up and down the streets of Salem yesterday an old resident could not fall to feel proal of tbe metropolitan appearance of Ita mercantile houses and their dis play windows. It wss not thst they were dressed up for the oeeatlon. but the fine appearance was Jmt natural to them. A Sunday suit of Itself never makes a dressy lad! vldual unless the person wearing It has a natural adaptability to It Similarly, the Salem stores could not put on a holiday attire of metropoil tan style It they had not grown to It in everyday life. Salem Is a city a b nrond of. and Ita stores are a principal feature In making i so. Far Grounds Campers Robbed Daring Ntiht K. L. Sutton of Phoenls. Arli and C. H. Mad sen of Gilbert. Aria..) plate the responsibility upon tbe Oregon climate for the loss of ISt md $5 la currency Tuesday even ing white ramping out at the fair grounds. They said their sleep was ro sound tb lntruitn of the robber during tbe night was not detected by them. When Mr. Sutton retired for the nisht be left h!s tent wide open so Mrs Frances Mcintosh Dies at Monmouth Home Mrs. Frances A. McIatoh. mother of Mlts Alice A. Mclatoth. aa !' tractor at Oregon Normal school at M on month, died there yesterday aft ernoon at 2:2 o'clock. Mrs. Mcla toth had bea la Moamoeth tlae No vember when she came from her home la Oroaomowoe. Vl te vttit her dans hter. Jh was & years eld. Besides MUs Allee Mclatosh she lesves another daeghler. Mrs. A. C Hathaway of Milwaukee. Wis. The body Is la charge of the Hie- doa compsny aad is at the home la Monmouth. As yet no fsaersl sr- raagecaeata have heea made. Dancing Every Wedreadiy tii Satzr day Marie By Bssj-tiov Ortiegtta of PcnlieA DREAMLAND RINK No Here CkiUrf This &rca FLORIDA OPTO!: BOMftC. TAMPA. Fla- June 22. A revela tion opposlag cash hoaas WUIaliow 1a say form was adopted today r the Florida departaseat of the Amer ican Legtoa by a vote of it te at. S. C STONE, BL D. CVREA C.1XCXTLS and does a general office practice. Office Tyler's Drug Store 1ST South Commercial Street SUCCESS LN LIFE Cossee threegh tralalag. . A vaacesaeat la hviaes la rssid for the yoesg rsa who la well tsalined. There Is aJeaya a Jessea! tot good hook keepers, rood t'eas g rashers yoeag ep he eaa da efOHeal week aloeg thla lie. Teaag People ahoald he sshltteas te ehcaia t creese h rruuacy It pars. This school ran heip y te make a seceeee ta the battieee world. Every sseaVer t r fsralty la aa eipert la hie hraach of week, Bss!aee rse sraat ear trad a alee h-ecssse they kaow that ear trsiafag le laoresch aad practicaL CaH. let at talk ft ever. A ret alerse for the asklac Day aad night sessions. Capital Bcsces CcZtgt l Dr. CB. O'NeiU OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN - I 1 . rr OUR BREAD MAN Is ere of the most shZHrs! la the hs si seta. What he doerat kaew aheat bread taaktag tsal worth kaewtag. Jsttle peeve te yeare!f how fooluh It le te twslter ever a hat evea. try a loai el ear DAKC-sUTS Oread. Oace tried It Is ale ays a fa vorite. BAKE-R1TE BAKERY 4 IT State EL Phoae 211 -) EAGLE DRESS SHOTS , ; ' tXOO. 93X0 to flOJOO SCHEI'S S44 State Streed The KuoD-WAholmer Honae In Salens I WEST FUR CO. 5 21-Court St. Opposite Court House D. H. M0SHER High Class Cleaning and Pressing 474 Court Street OREGON BATH HOUSE Relieve that tired feeling by a Turk ish Bath Basement Oregon Building 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CXOAA Manniactured by HENDERSON'S CIOAR FACTO ET ! Phoae Sit idee trie Machinery aid Engineering Company For EXPERT ELECTKI0AL W0HK 227 Court Street Phone 4S8 SILK SKIRTS MILLEK9 CARL & B0WERS0X ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 411 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters Fish Chops Chill Con Carne J. D. 1CADD0X. Prop. Groceries 383 Court Street Phone 409 W T. RIGDON CO. Leading Pan era! Directors CITY CLEANING WORKS Oeaers of Quality Qeanlnf Dyelaf aUralrla 1211 Stat St. Pbornf TtS 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Uotoetata who ara looklna for a trong. serviceable ear wttb elegant txxlr lines aad Interior specmcauoaa chat assutn maximum .errtce an4 tcfnoir.y at a raasonable price hould ee this ear. ' LEE L GILBERT, Distributor ISC CBaerelal Street. HOME OWNERS and BUILDERS Now Is the Time to Install the HOMER PIPELESS HOT AIR EURNACE WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store of Housewares 12S N. Liberty St, . . .Phone IT EIYRTLE KN0WLAND ilnslo and Maalcal Marckuwdlae Soaora Dealer ta Salem 411 Court St. Slm. Oregon Telephoae SIS WANTED Beans ,.Egs Potatoes PEOPLE'S CASH STORE! U. S. GARAGE 84 Ferry Street TK1SD BUT NOT ABUSED CARS I SPECIAL New series . Studehaker. value IHll. today $1200. U. B. Oarage. Phoae 172 USED CARS To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade for Bread and Butter TBE R. Jl C MOTOR CO. 17S S. Commercial St. LONG DISTANCE AUTO .TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local Lanlinx. Republic Trucks With Parts and Serrk W. H. HUdebrandt & Co. PUt rlbu tors Slarloa Coeaty IoUc Cnty 270 Xo. Commercial St Salem rfcoete 673 N 1. 1 a J SkirU as IotcIj as these silk sport skirts asd offered at these prices are all too rare these days, but while this asioruaest Lutx, we offer it to ycra as a t pedal Shiplej feature. Materials is:lade Busick's WANTED JU2TK AXDlilCmXEPT OF ALL KDTDS We also toy aeo4-baad roods. If yosi have aaythlna; te aeO for a Kod price call M9S. The 6qmarw " CAPITAL JUNK CO. What Have You? We buy. aell and exchange aesr and second-hand furniture, stores, ranges, rugs, tools, eta. We will buy you oat. COL. W. F. WMGITT, Aactleartr 271 N. Commercial St, Salem. Or. List your sales with us People's FnTnitnre Store Kumsi'Kumsa Pebblette Crepe de Chine Tricolette Deahltt Baronet Dorotie Rajonetle $12SQ fUJS Qaslitj nerchandls "vr?", t Salera. Qr. TnghfPheae 1S4I"- PVeaetSf