The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    m YOU KNOW That the Mop Industry Us Still a Basic ffnbuotry for Salem?
Tin: wfathfii.
"lb prac.a rit iw
wr r?vrt ( tb ah4 raa,
ta gr,: zl ta.xt rlUl: fr
utucutioa la tba vw'4.
Thursday, fair and wanner; modi-rale
westerly winds.
SAI.F.M. OKK4.0. IIUILs MllllMMi, JIK Jl. HO.
Fireman Lost, Six' Men In
jured When Boiler Explodes
and River Boat Sinks in Co-
1 lurabia Near Port
Huge Para.l Bring Setwtd !
Celebration to Close Street Filial
With lloMs of Merry Maker
PORTLAND. June 23. Ksten A.
Fletcher of Damascus temple. Ro
chester. X. Y.. was eleeti .
imperial outer tuard of ti.a
Pilot House and Bridge Blown
toAtoms Craft Goes Down
, Almost Immediately
I tender.
ASTORIA. Or.. June 22. The
river steamer Slate of Washington
was wrecked by a boiler explosion
on the Columbia river near here late
touay.s First report were that one r morrow,
fireman was missing, and that six !
men Wenj-Injured. A relief boat was
being rushed to the scene.
The missing man is Frank Howe,
fireman on watch when the explo
sion occurred. Th injured are Per
lejr Crawford, the pilot; Irving Da
vis, 13-year-old brother of First
Mate Davis; John Nelson.- watch
man U Haul Henderson and William
X. Steenson. deck hands, and Kruest
Swanstron, deck bey., All were se-
Jt, verely scaided about their head
ana roaie, dih none , is neweveu io
be dangerously injured.
The State of Washington was tow
ing oil barge 03 en- route to Tort
land when the explosion occurred.
Captain H. 1 Chase had just gone
,-off watch, leaving Pilot Crawford
1 in charge, and steppedon board the
barge to visit with the master of
that vessel when. the explosion tame.
The pilot house and texas were
blown to atoms. The hurl burst
open and the steamer sank quickly
by the stern. Lines running to the
barge kept the bow well up. The
steamer was said to be practically
a total loss. The cause " of the ex
plosion had not been determined tonight.
i me annual imperial ses-
Si On in nvswua fc. !"
Garretson. Atifi temple. Taeoma.
eimea imperial potentate, and
the other offices were all filled by
oiurr oi succession, each officer
moving ahead one place in the im
perial divan.
Only one contest developed, aside
irom that for imjterial outer sruard.
It wan for the oftice of imperial as
sistant rabban. Conrad V. Dykmaa
oi ivismei temple. Brooklyn. X. Y
teieateti Johu T. Jones of India
temple, Oklahoma City. Okla
A great parade tonight brought
the- wond day's festivities to a close
w far as scheduled events were run
! -ernHi, aiiiiougn informal merry
making continued much later. Pa
trolx. band and Shriner in evenins
aitire marched, ami there were
floats and spei ial feat in es in lint
The place for holding next year!
imperial session will be selected to-
Atlantic City was t a voted
nrotnoi-tUations. but
Volunteer Committee Busy
Forming Platform Which
They Maintain Will Solve
Questions of Election
Rinehart Elected Head
of Marion Democrats
kvvj Drirw nc tcddhd
llbll IVL.1VJ1X Jl I LU1UI
All ResUU-nls keep Indoors lt Avoid
SlrphMlrr -Stale of s-tjte IA
, lM Maay IVtmmm Stmt
.sM Mill . I I Ul.i: U?l
lu t umH) U life U rk 4 IVe
elet UiIm; IuU.i Uul Ta.e
l"tce lrtur lu Not rwabrr
I?.'! Tilt m-ml.l hill.
u'..-a ot i h rfipn of irrror u.ndun- j Letter to Frank P. Walshy
dcrry ha l-a -xpTiencinu iitiu-il
rv-pii. ino. Friday lat. Th cas
ually figuri s from day to day ar I
a!.rniti:L notion lull Ihi v nlrlu ri
only the Fhadnw of the rrim realitr.
Tbi 1 1 ut It it i,tif of lb tt.oiiH in- I
habitant ha. l-n m ft- nince th
riiilinp L.v.. n
Tb" it in irtually rontroil-
Only Measure. He Says,
Which Will be Carried to
Convention Floor
volunteer construction corps o-platform
builders was lu.y today whittling-
out planks which thy tliev"l
would meet the needs of the lHm-
cratic national convention in"expres-
mmijiji of the unUiiiitH and n
onalist. v. bo orobablv nnnilter un-
I der rt. They fire Volley d'il
ih. rtr,etjt hint rninit and th
iiiin nr th ii put in a Hate of
pDic. sallinr lia W and forth only
.rlleli the proeiireiiieiil nf finH If
.nos aS-vtlutely ne-tikar). !an
fhpeeri have ilp -lide l.uine-
and bate taken tefujre n the lop
floor fir a(ety.
Men (Jeep in lle,r offii e I here
ralhr Iben MepphiK into the jttreei.
The pottonice ft.tre ha l- n r
ducml to a mere handtul.
Former Chairman of Indus
trial Relations Commission
Shows Feeling
I t. v i i a . .
n "i v i ii.i.i., irni . Jse mi
l!uirtnr Robert of TrtttrM &
u b nf -J luntiht that hm ii rorn
P tlt th l-ir of I'rrfc4--l r.l
Mn I bat a opa-rlal wmi of Ilk Tt
nM-e Irciclalare te ra)U4 to fi am
Ihe teUeral ttrace r- ri! ne t
The rCUtte ii t relied lu
m.-i. lb loortor aaUl. la pWtttf t
llm lu -rrll tbe tm of lite
, I'rtttr.l Sta't lo ule la Ik Nora
f elect. u provide rtilratkjtt t
the qff rare art adraeaf romplMtxl
tfcrt4(h faorb. artioa b Trace-
'"Ofnnr ICcher( toe'ef bad lol
rereii- I b frlecrara aval la him
earlier la lb wealac fev Irei0eat
WiUoa ho arce4 that ia Traaa
leclJalar be calleU a act am le
a((ia q ael oa tkMHkuf
r' tiBoitrn) hi lairataoa afie
readl&c lb prei4eaia wmh a
raataine la aa Aortate4 pre
patrb The goteraor decliael lo ruta.
m-ai oa IK aniai kKk la event of
I rt(tealkMt aoald hir a rla
la tth mlMim m&sltlaOA lll km.
the ieeral Industrial relation cm- j vt.! thai any atia of a Ie4rl
inUion .louifht made pwbllr a bat le i ameadmeal iaat b lahea l a lefia-
Tbe miUtarv o far ha conf inel i .aid . , e..B r m i-n ... I 1 " membra of ahtca Rtve
Senate Demonstration Insin
cere When Members Refuse
to Vote for Treaty
Frank p. former chairman f
Four Thousand Shnners Esti
mated to Have Motored to
Capital Gty From Portland
Luncheons Served Hun
dreds Go Into Done to En
joy Great Panorama
r.g its views as to prohibition en-;' -ff'n i kepinK the to aid-a J Wjtren G. Hardlnr. teputl
At a meeting of the Marion conn
ty IK'nitM-ralle IVmocratic central
committer yesterday .for reorganiza
tion preparatory for the fall cam
paign. T. A. Rinehart was elect J
Other tfficers elected were: W. K.
Purdy. Salem, secretary; John Payne
of Salem, treasurer, anil Oeorge Ciih
iter of Silverton. state committeeman.
Several of the inemhr-rs mad?
SYRACUSE. N. Y June 23 Dan
lei C. Hall of Columbus, O., national
commander of the G. A. R.. aboitf to
retire from office, was taken serious
ly 111 here this noon. Little hope is
entertained for his recovery.
CAMP CITRRY. Cal.. June 23.-
The head camp of the Woodmen of
the World, in annual convention
here. elected the following head
camp officers today:
Consul. I. 1. Poak. Denver; ad
visor, John Wlsnom. San Francisco;
banker. A. E. Sunderland. Fresno;
auditor. F. P. Hertschy. Denver;
clerk. Thomas M. Robinson. Oak
land: managers. J. O. Wilson. Port
Jand, W. C. Hawley. Salem. John
Pattison. Spokane. F. P. Hawke.
Pueblo. Colo., and H. J. Kaymona
Denver: escort. Thomas J. Lawson.
Salt Lake City; watchman. II.
Jacobs. Bozfeman. Mont.; sentry. P.
O. Thompson, Rexburg. Idaho.
The Gathering on July 10th Will Be a Combination Picnic in Which
Business Will Play the Most Prominent Part and Every Store
and Business House Will Provide Interesting Numbers on the
Program from Early Noon to the Closing Hour.
Yesterday was a big day tor Sa-J men-, clothing ami furnishes.
.....-u-a I H. U Stiff J uniiture Co.. h
IKIII Willi UIMI1IR UIJllTrv " I fwf1e
forcement. leaders inrludinK
I'bairiuan CumiuinjjH of the national
committee. w-re in agreement thfcl
this question would monotolize Ibe
center f t h convention staKe until
it was settled. Mr. Cummin ex
preyed the opinion that It would be
the only issue to be carried to tb'
convention fliMr.
Informal dNcu-F'.on by deWifa'cs
hos eeral metbnl f thought
smonc the ant!-Lon-dry dvtvate" a
;o lion the nueMion should ! up-
proachod. They vary from the
stales rights stand taken by Gov
ernor Edwards of New Jersey to pro
posal that ronarrss be iirnetl to pr-
-reI directly toward nvxlifyinr the
one-half of one per cent alcoholic
content restriction of the Nomea'l
-nforcement act so as to lift the ban
from leers and lirht alnes. The
mot pronounced movement at the
monrent. however, and the one which
appeared to have taken the most def
inite shape was that organizing ii
Washington and d-siRned to offer a
basis on which anti bone dry forces
could concentrate. Personal Ubt-rtv
will b the slogan of advocates of
this compromise plank.
Mr. Cunimings was emphatic to
day In defining the oneatlon to b
solved as not
merely expres
titude as to the Volstead enforce
ment act. There were numerous
other issues on which there mould
be difference of opinion before the
J resolutions committer. Mr. Cum-
mings thought, including profiteer
ing, the industrial plank touchinc
relations between cvapital and labor,
the Irish question and others; but
no present prospect that they could
not be harmonized in committee. A
minority report is to be expected
only on the so-called '"beer plank."
it was agreed, and that will throw
apart but without gteat u r. . Kt
eione arrniut in ibe c if - are rhal
lcnte. for credent ial and '
sea.rh'd f.r arm and auiinunlr im.
The real lei for a visitor. hrirr.
rmies bn be is held up by either
lh Sinn leiners or Ibe Cnlonls' .
With bands in the air Glaring Into
th muxle of a revolver, he U Ihor
outblv arthil Some have rrnn
i':l m' this eva.ji, nation rath-'r ad
ly. Ki.rh m .r-iiiisr th" enraaement f
'he niglil letoie i rrmed. Heavy
barriais have leen tin own up and
croup- of armed men move atotit.
either on the offensive or defensive
Hon- manv r.eron have been kIPed
U not k nu n now.
A proclamation wuji issued Ly Ihe
mariirai-s lonicht warning all rlM
xens t keep indoors. The eontab
rlary and military, the proclamation
announced, have received lnlru
tions o disperse by force l neee-
f a ry all as?nillie Th msrltrates
deniial noniiner. wrote
trarv, ple. j m
lo him. r-!
after the a noefs5 I
ubmilied to tbe aie Ta
member of Ibe fi Ul are lo Ike rail-
Ttra all rlgai
UWa a!l nrt?-
TWf 4-i4 it ttvwt lU '
rrea m4 ret le-14 r m
IV lava tWl II raa: J a4 ta
wuiiev ar ti l. i1t t-l tvr
pr-im: "a very smpatheiic f-lig I pval were elected r-1 bi aaJava f V7t
tor the movement In hrtBC abot Ibe
lBlep-ndenre of Ireland nalor
Harding's letter, a Klven ot by Mr.
WaUb. dated .March 24. Iat. read a
l have a very strong ronrirtlon
mvaell o( the very areal pari plavt
by the Am-ri-aii of lrih birlb aed
anceirv in Ibe winning of independ
ence and th making of our mo
great l n.led Sia.e !ore than that.
I have a very sreal ) tnpatbeiir fe.
ing (or the movement to brio? about
the Independence of Ireland and Ihe
establishment of IrUh nationality
which is Ibe national apiraiioa of
any liberty loving people.
mni mnlea nd no think
well of the inleere demonstration
In Ihe senate recently in handllnc a
reeMation In behalf of Ireland in
the reservation of the leagne ( na
Hon treaty. The Indnrertiy of II
was made manltevt when 14 senator
vioa to abaaUoa bf ruaireu of
the ,nltrt ataendmeal. Tv eocvwt
derUlon of t be awpreaae r rt la lb
Ohio refereadan raw ba fc late
preied by aotwe le(al i ar1 ba.
-T a lavalidatiag Ibe rUiw
strongly condemn Dublin ratte' in-, who p reaped Ibe Iriah reervatioa re
Sfene of the mot terrible de
scription were enacted her lat
night and today. Many streets were
swept by a murderous fire for six
teen hours rontinonsly. One man
was killed and ten danaerontv
a prohibition issue bat j wounded in one section of the city,
sion of the party's at- Several bodies are reported "to te
lyins in Itishop street.
wounded was a youug girl. "Salp
Ing was Indulged In on r large sal.
The principal conflict loot: place In
lllshop street, where there was a
larjre concentration of Sinn Fetner
in the neighborhood of St. Colum
bia's Cat nolir college, and Nazareth
home. Sandbags were thrown up
from which a strong tire was direct
ed at the Unionists In Barracks
street. Many casualties resulted on
both sides.
Meanwhile trouble had broken out
fused lo vole for the treaty after il
to incorporated.
"I had th satisfaction myself of
casting a favorable vote after th In
corporation was made."
Mr. Walah also made public a let
ter lo Seaaior llardtaa- aakinr 1
senator lo correct the erroneous lav
pression which may have been creat-
a a . .a
Among the'r" ' ,n "uaimeu aeniai oi yoar-
me itgni into me convention nsen. on an extensive scale in the region
me vvasningion entorcemeni
plank was drafted inrircles ordin
ily in close touch with Ihe admini-e-
abroad and with myriads of Salem
and surrounding country people to
greet, them and -otfer them hospi
tality. ... There Is another bis day
coming, on which myriads of people
will be on Salem-s streets, but they
will be here for a little different pur
pose. They -will be here to greet
the business' people of Salem in a
business way" and to greet their
neighbors in a social way to have
a good time and a profitable time.
The day referred to is Rargain
Dav. 'J-uLv 10. when the business
houses of Salem and their custom
ers will come together for their mu
tual inte:ost. All the merchants
will Drenare especially for the event
with some things their their friends
will wanttJand everybody will have
some particular need to supply, so
both sides will be kept busy.
Readers of T'te Statesman resld
In': within 20 miles of Salem in all
directions must make no engage
ment that will Interfere with a trip
to this city early on tne morning of
Saturday.. July 10. Only a few of
the business men havj failed to join
the bargain Day list, and those few
will be seen today.
Following is a list of the persons
and firms that have already joined
In the Bargain day movement and
from day to day as the time passes,
more names will be added.
lrice Shoe Co., ladies' and men's
fchoe. t
The Ilooterv. ladkw and men
People's Cash Store, dry goods.
clothinc. eroceries.
Kalem Woolen MUM Store, clothing
and ftimishlnsr.
J .C. Penny & Co., mei's and lad
leV furnUhinzs. drv Goods, etc.
3Iiller Mercantile Co., dry good.
tlothirurs and ladles' wear.
U .G. Shipley Co., ladJea' ready-to-
Ray Ii. Farmer, hardware paints.
Salem Hardware, hardware, ralm.
Portland Cloak & Suit Co ladies
Kafoury Bros dry goods, ladies'
wear, shoes. ,
XV. YV. Moore, furniture.
Gale & CoM dry goods, millinery.
Busick & Son, staple and fancy
Scotch YVooIen Mills Store, men's
tnaJkMo-inenMure clthei.
lWtein & Cireenbaum, dry goods,
milliner)' hoe, men's furnishings.
II nH man BroH., jewelry.
Buster Brown SlKe to., shoes.
Valley Motor Co., trucks and mo
tors. Roth tirocery Co., Maple aad fan
cy grtM'e-ries.
ieo. Will, mniic and musical
tration. It Is understood to have
been drawn from the personal liber
ty angle and to advocate in general
terms a liberalization of the Yol
tead act. Specific mention of wine,
beer, or any other beverage by name
was omitted.
The plank will be put forward a"
representing the opinion of many
senators and representatives and its
framers hope to be able to claim for
it Ihe backing of President Wilson
himself. ' Ii was drawn after a con
ference in which more than one
member of the cabinet share it was
said and in which anti-bone d-y
senators took a leading part.
Avoidance of specific mention or
beverase proponents of the Wash
ington plank argued, and an appeal
for an enforcement pohev more ,n
TH Kemnant More, ury row harmony with American ideas of
hosiery, notions. ( personal liberty would serve to pre-
i 'hanitier & t"hantler., furniture.
The Sa, confectionery.
Sieusloff Bros, meat market.
Mklset Meat Market, meats.
The Xeedlecraft Sln. embroid
ered and stamped articles.
lrs. M. K. Brewer, drugs, toilet
articl"s. wtationery.
Tlie French Shop, millinery.
1 R. lJ& V. Co electric goods.
Tlve Salem Klcctric Co., electric
Ir. C. A. Kiurieue. ik-diim.
Salem Baking Co., bread, cakes.
C. S. Hamilton, fnrniture.
Vick Bros., trartors, trucks, auto
Anderson & Brown, soriinj
Welch I Jectric o eienric n
tures and supplies.
Paris BrH. She Store. lMe..
lVrry's Drug Hlore. (The Revnll
Stre .
Cherry City Hotel.
Salem Variety Store, millinery,
notions, etc.
Shafer's Harness Store, leal Iter
poods, robes, brief rS etc.
Buttercup Ice Cream n.
Tom Crnise Studio. diooTapliy.
Oos Mwrket, meats, etc.
Daniel J. Fry, druz. paints, etr.
Max O. Buren. furniture, carpets,
K. I. GlUwrt & Co., groccrie,
paints, glass etc.
West Fur Co dealers in furs.
Wm. tlahlsdorf, crockery. Rla
and kitclien ware.
C. 1. Breier, bhoea. hats, etc.
of Ing Tower street and Hishop'a
gate, where there were fierce and
prolonged exchanges. Sinn Felners
occupying ositions on roofs snip-1
Isolated lnionits. The soldiers and
police were nnaMe to intervene ef
fectively. The police in Ilisbop street bar
racks, within Ihe battle zone, were
virtually leiege.. Many pasyers
by were woundek and it is report d
some, were killed.
A con feet loner namrl Mcenna
was killed at the corner of Henrietta
sir.- t. r iring w as suspended while
a priest administered the la-t riles
Among tooay's casualties was an
elderly man named Wbitelde. who
was accompanied by bi son
daughter. i
During the night there was sav
age fighting in th. watersi.le dis-1
irlct. The rival (actions wire en- j
trenched in "ros Mrei and Pond
st re t
self and secretary that auch a letter
bad been written by you.
Announcement was made at Sena
tor Harding's office ta Washington
on Jane 19 that a search of Ibe file
there failed to dlscloee a record of
any letter lo-Mr. valh expreaalng
sympathy for Ibe Independence of
Ireland and Sena tar Harding said he
bad no recollection of having writ
ten such a letter.
The purported letter had been pab.
Iibd ia the Westminster Cateit of
Besides the letter quote,! anJ Mi
own letter to Senator Harding Mr
Walsh made public one he wrote oa
March 2t lat to George Gavan Daffy,
representative of the "Irlh repnb
llc at Paris. France, which read la
part :
"I thought It might Interest yoa lo
read a ropy of a letter which I re
ceived today from Senator Hardlag
or Ohio. 1 think he has Ibe beat
chance of any yet mentioned for the
presidency. It looks as tboach Ibe
other candidates were stirring up the
big fight and that Senator Harding.
a conservative of conservative, mho
is a resident of a pivotal atale. will
dron Into Ihe nomination.
The letter, made public by Frank
andir Walsh, former chairman of the
.war labor board in Kasa ( It, qaor.
inr Senator Harding. republican
presidential nominee, a evprelng
"a very sympathetic feeling toward
Ihe Irish Independence movement."
was said to be "undoubtedly aalheal
Foreit Patrol to Erect Hiss
ers and Establish Head
Quarter ia City
.Mi:tITRD. Or, Jae JI fvef or for Farea today Cara:
tiwell H. Smith. wb will ba
charge of I S f nrrvi alrplaae patrwl
ertic in retroa aad aortbarw Cal
Ifornla. rorpite4 arraag inxtii fr
Ihia eetvlcv. Tn rapiaa pMv.
which roak's'fl of lJ'.aaat II. C
tlo'JtSoroaib. Srcatt Asr-t
aad aa ealU'ed man. arrtd br
Tnesday fraa Mather fv4 ia tbf
Tae new roaa'y fa r gva
wb.rh are being iraatforrsed !'
a landing r!a" has be a lea4 a
Ihe headquarters bvitdlag. Al Ibt
ba will te eoatractest aeve baa-
gar lo hotue Ibe ea plaae
which will be talloaed br.
wree latka wl',1 also b roa-
trurte,! A crew of army
wt:l be aiatioaed at lb MeHrd
Kae. tnrladlnc ' otfieer. ea
litted iiuiws and )(! eorp s
wed lea I otticov. Wble
aeea tdaae will Urn atatoaa4 bev
W ta dal'.S e
- -
plane will tr.abe a ra4 trip frt
oth to AHara. Cal . dsl'y. a4
ih. iber will make a roaad If ?
rf.ii tirol to KUmata Falls aad
vtetn.iy from Medford Oae f lb
plane frw Ibe Kageae ba will
a.ake a roosd f P-trol ta Medford
daily To trnk w:i Ufa
J4ly I
League To Be Sacceu
Say British House
vent alienation of sentiment which ,
a more direct push miaht push iiuo
the bone-dry ranks. I ty such a
course al.o. it was added, the party'
stand could be in strict accordance
with the rullns of tb supreme
court in confirming the authority of
congress to fix permissizle alcoholic
content under the prohibition amend
ment. It was quotir nable tonight wheth
er anv dir -ct reference to the Vol
stead act would be urrnl on the
platfoim framers. There are pro
and cons " be thrashed out in that
respect. The plank to be urged y
the anti-bone drvs. however, is ex
pected, whatever it may say other
to rap the Republican congress
sharply for enactment of the enforce
ment measure in its existing form.
Probably, it was said, the attitude of
Postmaster General Rurleson in hi
statement at San Antonio yesterday
assailing as "absurd" provisions of
the Volstead act and contending that
they w re calculated to dt-feat the
purpose of th prohibition amnd
ment would be reflected in the plat
form language proposed.
A new source of discussion aroe
today in connection with convention
procedure. It had to d with leter-
Biining whether the platform should
be adopted before or after the presi
dential nominee has teen selected.
Chairman Cummlngs annarently
has had the question up with mana
gers of various candidates and found
their views to differ. Some of the
Largest Water Plant
in Eastern Oregon Starts
KNTKRPRISK. Or.. June 23
Const rttrt ion of what is eipeeted to
beeome the larcesl hvdro-rlet trie
plant In hast em Oregcn wtll be be
gun in a few days by the Knterprise
Kletric company usinw the waters
o( the Walloway river above the
lake, it was announced today. The
first uni; to he put in wtll develop
IT.ort fiors power against about 40"
t.TTOWA. Oui. Jaae J: lPl
male arre of Ihe leaawe of aa'ioa
despite otiaIe lo b er.
wa propheeel In Ibe rt row
raon to.lav b !ir llee Aaaew. -n
a ferial ertar of lb leagae. He
Wlare,! "a ii'!a bad made no m.
ake in a-e-rUng the Wacoe itbat
re-er at un He l-er ibd her po
l'n a ucin if. bav'ag Joined, fc'
k a m
. . i ,anl rt lor mi r.e roii.i
Ine Sena - i ... . ,
i, in i or wpji -e ri a.
T a- bagoe of nation I no Uat
r a dreara " aad Sir Ileilr1. " 1 1
; a rejlitr ha bir. H t fortn.
it ha r.rsafsv l f aiwtla "
Sir llerlert ald Canada bad ac
cepted the pari " In it fi:ne., be
Meting thai Ibe taierpreialUHi Ik
abiy of lb Ca:tal Cl'f ta la bub
ba aa. rv re war a-erie
l.Vie IWi avf Sbriawrs
a fUleas ye:erdsg sad. rre- tg
ta eiery ia4ratM. lVy wr swae
ikaa :w4 with lb rite aa aa-
e4 tbWMew fa tk PSi.t atr
t lbe,r f :.
M4 af lb ear rrfrel aVaat
" :,-tS ! fjrvt ka4 rW4
nry a: Tvf wew w.
rad I NrwHarr f u'e lUas
Kcwr d Mtar laet ftanaar. mm
Ibe 't a. taitL aa wae
cseed ld tba bt::d tc Wr
Vrr Oaesxi aa! laa ta Iba
laarbf Are Wl mK
TV trt.? wv at.: w!f ta
w e.4 Hb taeba t sa!a
Ua sad ! WHitt fk
5aa4 wUbe aad ;WH kada
ab lttoe ta revtuktt
!a!. wbtte ud rt. tn sad
rrljv nwd fr:g ttm kr
Lacd o lb ae aaara laag UV:a
arattav4 aWat tb g raada
Y. W. C, A. gtrta. mm'w.w4 ly II
tlrlt ffa Sir. Ra!; a llKn da,
lag eUaa. arw tb laafewa. wbiJa
aatir araap af n'l pia4
raa a aaa rtt eta lbr
Tb to1 s Wv
wttea aad fawl.' e ww saeea I Via
ith i rero Orw
goa ba tiva tWa aal tba bl
bea of lb raaatry. Oaa aaaa. wba
""'I iw bot 4t tr5 Otla ta
ym ia b roelae. vreir4
aaall al frwss tia ffif ba4 at
fa. aed
- carried ill : iv vif frata
tb !tr to tat fe lwk Vt
U a'i p ;ib yoar Orr
f I wb I eaald earry mmm mt
I bar taxrb with a "
A grwap af fr j-Xj
ta of V Ortaa ad44
ew tort r fcea4.r. !i recsUiboa feg weerd4
Urt eraavrk alraw 1st ef tla ar-
lety ottea 1 lb W iadawa
tb 1 i oi ra. TV la lira
ere wettl4 dw rrnn af
s'l aad lb wa rera w-e ;
eat f 9 a-4 ka;;a-ea w.tb lav.
a kaada
bra VaJVy l r 1' t I
Nrty ! of tb l4'er fTa
d lb f?tir ta look at tb
cify aad iiUt frata lb dame at lb
c i4 U4ia aad Ik tsta
waa bv fra lb t:a laa first
ear arrived at I la slat kaaaa at3
lb tat bad deard fa Irtlad.
TW weatbe waa Ual aad IV k'rb
peal of lb Caeada ra tlai;y
ilc" bv George Christian
lor'a serelarjr. lonlgbt.
lerlarlns that be wa fpeaking for
Senator Harding. Mr ChnMlan a!J-
"Mr. WaUh simply gave out a copy
of a letter written to him by the
senator. When the matter regarding
the letter came up wm da ago we
lrie.1 o find a coV of th eter !
th off fee files but could not locate o: beat los intolted I4 be rea
on Me. willing to trt and t- trwt-
e, "
IVvTrtn I Ihe a; pro! of r-rv-e
It. Thire was no he,Iglng and po at
tempt to cheat about if The letter
I andonbledlv authentic."
m. - - ! and the ln nf Ibe world. Ibe
WllTS MVtMPFI ITH '-,sTH 1 woald U' no Ira tne!. a !e feiar. (or
j the dorr.lnHn te id. H the i!ai
PORTl.ND Or.. Jnn 2S woold come, b aldd f '-
hnrwunvfr now arlnallv utilized at - C..Kirx. nunllnf hiveen h'fe.lun oa'd a tsolred'o.d i-r
the three present plants at Jsph.an4 California reported today ihlwhat be t now il'tflf
enterprise and Wallowa. Addition- lnrv mrr, . ainr-d it h application i Tb- par eiprd the 05
al developments up to a ioible !..-j for paer.ger irrnmmiilinm c i ioi lhal the n! the ln'i
Ma'e to ener n iu wa
t-onlMe for -imSir irtius" ""T
C-ita. Haiti. Ilondnrst aad Nicaragua
oo horse power can be made a th- vsels going to San Franciro tM
demand arises
Former Ambassador
To Germany Is Candidate
(Continued on page 6)
Campaign headquarters were openel
k .r. inn,, fm Jaiuft W. Gerard.
former ambasaador to Germany, as
a candidate for the Democratic con
vention s nomination for president.
L T. Jones will direct Mr. Gerard a
campaign here. ,t was --'
Ten members of the south lot
delegation to the convention are Mr. i.erara. ..... -
statM. This was the only
which his name was entered in th-
prluarles. opted
week The City of Topeka l-n "
night with every hetth taken and
th Ro City, which l to de-ar j
tomorrow ha been sold out for a ,
wee'; pat. Msny of ih.- p-p! who
sk to make the trip lo Cali'om.a
by the wa'er ro ite are Sh'in visi
tors returning home that wav-
Hadrd af lb raa ralej
ra nr ovt t k: atne
to isireti Ibe.r at prriare af w Vat
Orvgoa bat ooa fee tker 4ariC
l(ir wek lr. TV rovteaar
rff- wa c;-w foe aa lafaraxal fa
ce pt xa
A larg Cor1 yt. aval -
at;? foe tb oreata by e af tb
tatieatt at lb Mat :!aJ, waa
a d;Uy :a tb eemdae ar tba
erary af tai'a affVa aa4
bra if bt frtb taf b faverabl cans
weat frees tb vuitara A a Oreaoi
H'a lkok wa g".iea fl ot fry
the aalorax.Vtl dpireat cf tka
e'reiary f aaa a? He aa lleT
wigit beee-rae Uetr arklad r
Ota al aad avicl rVbap 4(i4
to r 1 ra at e 1 : ts
' Io Itp a4 e vlil'Uf
wnmaa f tot New Mt aba ware
a boaaet a? ral m aa kf kat,
I tav bad a frb baaeb ef rs mt m
trr dav t wear cw aad
I tM 1 L arti'ul aa aft.
fie raa a; wav bvv artsfV-al fiaw-
f at tb i tt f!rt ttsa la Bf
! ? I vr ut t awaar real aaa,
.iW1ad a latM,
Tefr4t? w m y liITy !t
e. o f.vnij. TV la will
DKS MOINKS. la. J'.r.e ;;r
of cigarette bv women wa coa
detnned by the General Federation
of Women's c'.ub at h afternoon
se.on i tne nienpni rmi'B'iu
i c
ft eifli wanofk f m b t'Muil
SKDi:0 UoOI.I.Kx. V.i.b J1 1 f 9s ibe rctge r:rtt
-5 M' R''t lirr... .bot ?-.. of ,s. nay
terd by Harrr J.r. c. d ed ,.a r3ea wara
late today Jeiktn w a tarw-i a
on h.tueelf after lioo.B! Mr
Hradl'V. d d Ihl r-iorniag
In a letter addr d 'To
II mir rwo-m." Jkla J i w Uei
a flan to l'br tra4 Mr Urad
m n r 'r.w .th hm. 'I to kl'.l bee
Reolnions reciting t!at Ihe cfgar-,rd h:me:f. To-a trhal J. K
ette habit apparrntlv lncre.!eg CMn. .ta'ed Mr. f.-al.ey Vt
among mon--n and thvt the ue otjv,e,J hr buUand tj 'k
tobacco I harmful to tbm wer at- dren. Jenkir who waa a widower.
leaves five ctildrea.
tr .J aad taairra arvC ta a44
o It altearti' ef tb wettlsg
Joe !a w at V. b-
ex pee-.weet v tr wV!e ta
keaptsg o4 siry farb sg awr f roaa
tt-. t!ii ivvt wr:a-a yrk aad
tba caal. aad f r - feil
p: '.',r of ark.vr 5fct41f
flraltf. A B'siEr ef tV tt"i we lkea
lCcst'.aae4 oa rt C)