TOT OETOCW BTATESJtASl WEDXESDAT. JTXE S3, IMO. - --va tT a ti t- ojgo rpk. o a The Wants and Needs of the Capital Uty are woiea unaer rroper lllfiO llJ)flirClLOry Heading So You Can Readily Find Them-They're Worth WhUe i Glass . ; ' aC ICORWICn TJHIOH , mtX 1K8UBANOU HOCIKTZ ThtfJafi. BoLaad Bnrgbardt lOOmt Ag ft 871 State MONEY TO LOAN On Real KM ate T. K. Ford (,)ver Ladd & Bu9h Bank) WOOD. j . jrj -aivju" --inr NEV TODAY SACRIFICE CUT SEED POTATOES. 6c. It sack. Phone 52F1L EMPLOYBIENT for halecoo corps fir In timber. Phone . POSITION OPEN FOK TWO OIRLS Kalcm Laundry company. WANTED FIFTEEN MEM AND WOM- en. Hop yard work. Call office T. A. Live-ley lie Co. Phone 52L FARTil LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04-9O7 Oregon BnUdlii CtASflFlKD ADVKRTHEMEJfTf nat' Pes War. - Per insertion f e Tbree-nsertlons be One week (six Insertions)..... to One month Six month contract, per mo..l5e 12 montha' contract, per mo...l2o Minimum for any advert'e'm't.I&c WANTED WOMAN TO COOK FOR or $ people. No children, no wea Inr. Phoae ftlFll. Address Box 45. Ilr D 2. Orvaia. NEW TODAY itww m n .nramrmn nrim ------ a FOR SALE Al YOUNG JERSEY COW, fresh. rnon ir . nuu' "... I. box 17. . WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS, wnui water and straw furnished. 11 acres of berriea. Mile from Marion on a-ood road. iWlU meet S. P. trains. Gibson T. White. HAYFORD & HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 State Street This la your last opportunity to buy these fruit orchards witn inis years croo Included. 10 acres in bearing prunes, teaches. cherries, apples, pear a and a treat variety of small fruit: bouse, barn. etc.. nly Vi miles from the city of Salem. 1? acres, all In bearing prunes, SVi miles from the city. If you are looking for a fruit ranch you can not afford to pans up in vestlgatlng these, as good terma can be secured. 6 rom bungalow, good lot. fruit and English walnut trees close to car and school. Price 23300. 8 room bouse, all modern except heat. half block to car, nearly new ana is ready to move into at once. Price 12700. room house, modern except beat, on paved street. Price $1800 room houae, large lot, good barn. Price $1175. . ... . . w , room bouse within 4 block of busi ness center of city. Price 22600. If you want to buy a good home e us. if you want io sen !. property witn HAYFORD & HAYFORD 305 btate street urironE PLACTNO YOUR INSUR . t. anv etimnanv you should in veatlgate its loss paying ability. We ' . s-lad to have you Inveeti- gate the standing and loss paying record and ability of the Oregon Fire Relief Assn.xf McMinnville. your own H. A- JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Over Laaa c tsuin md, omvu. Phone 247. LOST ON MONPAY A KHAKI COAT on Baiem streets. Jruvoe ward. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- work by the hour or day: waahing. scrubbing, etc. At-ply 1X15 South Lib erty street. Pbone lItbJ. MALE TJUTJ-. j utVTKI) AI.TU MKCHAN1C DE airea noaition in garage, abowm -J.J" care of Statesman. wiVTRn-TOL'XO MAN TO FELL. tires in Salem ana vicinity. r.nlv la Weldon Ml bW. 15 N. till SU Portland. WOOD FOR 8AL CD, QUERRY. Pbone -TK2- WOOD DR. x U COTT. D. C CHIROFRACS tor. F. av J. graeaaie. -ii u. av M. Bank B14g. Pheae 27: Kea. IKK. PafYS2CXaJI FOR RENT jr. u M. bum crmrs axt utomt iinsfi in a. uica at. rkM tig. ArA2KT2UUIT 1MIYSICLH AMD SinCKONS. FOU RENT FUKNIXMCD M"tt keeping apartment, i none iw. FOR RENT HOUH K K E K V I N G apartmenta at The Cottle. !! N. Commercial atreet. L'ndr w maa agement. FOR RENT 2 ROOM COTT AO EON Falrmount Hill. ITioae 1110 or 5T. XATHEK1NB SCHUiaiF. M. PHI aielaa and Burgee. Offlcea Orego building, rooma 411-12. I"beae It. 204. Over Oregoa AJectrM depot. F. L WOOD. Ill aetata, reatala. 8TATX T BXALI WATKK, UUHT PUWstM C. ffiea Itl Boath Oesal etre Tea par aeat dtaeeejat dees site flat rata paid la advaaae. Ma de daetloaa for a bee ace e aay ea aleaa water la aaat aft year nreaa- W ANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN printing trade. Must be over 14 years of age. Apply Statesman Of fice, upstairs. 2aIC2CIOA2rMV FOR RENT ONE. TWO. THREE AND four-room bouses at 11.50. I 0 aad 25.00 a month. One bouse reqatrve ulrl.r and wtu allow credit l rent for labor oa ame. Statesmaa Rualaeee office. REAL ESTATE w a VTF.n-fHEKKT TICKERS. TRE- valling prices paid for picking. Phoae 1IFZZ. WANTED LOGANBERRY TlC-vERS OREGON LAND CO. REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE rnu tiijt . i.knntf HOUSE AXD IVi. iuajai rWTT.xa uuvaa. " VlJa laTWMt Kaleea let f frell:! eeeaeat (. paved eteeeV. aer A GOOD ONE A l-reea plastered beee with bet sad aUvtrie l.gfcte. Xer sael ea-d carliae. Price Ilk; SEE J. A. MILLS UJIgb Hotel WANTED , ft or t raea aaodera keeaa. Alaa a aeat rva with aardea sad freit aad near car. We have tllec payers wiib aaoaey taat -wmr sh p lares If reeea4e. e beve saay rail a far email tracts rUee la. What bave yoa? Pheae aa aad we will try to sell yr s4sre wttkeat aaaayiag yoa ar aaisrepreeeauag t 1 VeCKE & HENDRICKS 31 V. g. Raak IMdg. Fbeae ML GOOD tlt'TS. UAIK1AIX lf CRtg. Itt AmM T (vlUttllea. bea urn wa.W aad aaatare. 1 raoea beaaak. a-an 1 1 r a "aa uat , laae Ua a4 ale!M.t a . Hot aa-4 t f ge wit frw 114 bee; ged raa aear Art.ia, ir yew are baaag fr a faa. Fe) saald aee laia pt' W. H. Jra SMaertt A C, 2:5 State sUeH. pheeis III SNA ta ROOM HOt lH WITM SCO. mmi cd Mif, ee a4a urMii paved. ? af fralt. leveled tare UU free tsta Heaea. IT We I leva . IL O -beeet Ca, t. a late slrvvV neaa Ilk FOR Al-2 21 ACKt. CLOCK TO learn Om a-ail4.e. all tapeeea. raaaily eeaaed Derrtca, 442 gcala atreet S. C XR RENT LARGE FVRNISll ED room. Kitchenette. 224 North Lib erty St. to register for 45 acres r I fr, rEnt. JUNE 14 A SUITE OF ?.t'm btS- CuB-lBh" rSomi on the firet floor. Hot -atjr Phone llr 2 I fc , private bath, use of phoae. At WANTED MEN AMD WOMg3 TVI I W'."" """' work la our cireuiatioa otptnaeifc P"" - ISF'S AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY PICKERS WANTED FOR IXK1 ANRER- I SALE 8TUDEBAKER SIX. RE riea at the Indian Hill Farm. Vlnee I Vtly Overhauled aad la abargela. nr .Trn T AfliVHERRY PICKERS. One mile off pavement ; on Garden road. Inquire of A. Stollar. Route 7. Box 211, saiem. Xfvnr-R of l.MPItOVKIKT Of THK ALLEY IX BlXX-Ti .NO. 31 OF THE CITY OF 8ALKM. Notice la hereby riven that the Common Council deems U expedient so to do. and! hereby declare Its purpose an intention to Improve the alley in block. No. 31 of the city or Salem from the north line of Cbe- meketa streel'to the south line 01 Center streetrat the expense of the abutting and j adjacent property by hrineine said alley to the established grade and paving the same with 6 inch Portland cement gravei con were not froaen. Only 2 blocks rro end of 12th street car line. i. -Davidson. lhne SIC. FOR SALE aafceB4ajBhaeaaee ay Al irilL. WALL. TINTS. MANY new aolors lee pound aad a p. a Buren 110 N. Com' I 8- B7SIXESI CHAXCKS. SCAVEXGER BUSINESS OF BALE- for sale; norsee ana an equipment, feed for 2 montha This is a big paying Income. See Parka. 205 SUte street. ator. Also inangie City Laundry. Icretft navement in accordance -lth WANTED l"BMS "Avn .: I X ' . ---.lfir.tlnn.. for the nein. lsvuvi nn uiiuo iiva eirvvi.ivww-.- improvement of aaia aiey w men wcra adontad bv the Common Council on th 7th day of June. 120. which are i - i v trrio nt the CitV FOR RENT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ON a-d c for greater cer- car line. Addresa J84. care States man. taintv and convenience and a more detailed description thereof are here by referred to and made a pari here of Sjid imnrovements shall include all necessary inlets, drains, caicn a- !t: will craae iw i- - ic Temple. THREE-OUARTER TON REO TRUCK for sale at a nargaw. a.ue Obemeketa street. FOR SALE OR TRADB Clt EV ROLET a passenger car. t light road ster. I'hoae nn or 4 PA8SENOER 1 1 r.; .r Run 4500 mile. Will let go cheap for quick sale. Bargain. Woodrose Motor Co- H State iimt Salem. I IT acre Uact. 10 aeree bearing arcbard. T I moetly preaee: food erep: X arvee l . I gaea. boas aad bera. well: all aa " I chiaery. mow chirbeae: gee leee- . I tloa. IT Wee sie.eee r 1 II erva tract, le avee praaee, ea saata I . ltLsa rea la ere, stoek I . . w 'J hawM aad bera, a-raa laded la a. le o I T I 1 J.To-1 1 1 arrie ef fl 1 mile aut; read ta he paved iii liwkr. cloaa la aa g read. Fflca summer. l 4.14. Oar city aad aa bar baa listings are real t, scree three year eld preeea. valaea Call aad sea ear aew Itstlaga aoeae aad bera. well, aaeae tiHber. U 442 State .treat & l",. p.rlfw fcl..y , BEST HOUSE BUYS . trTu eTr..VJr. n e modern, corner lot. uact. 20 acree celt l a ted. bal- State street, atcely - ar- p,Xmtm ,nd limber. iTVte .. If acrea t acree beet bearing praaa orchard la the valley: crap ar place brought $5000 aet Income last aeeeoi Practically mod ra I -room boas bera aad wladaailL Dee elite! eabar n and Ineo e. located class la. 70-arre faraa. 50 a rea la crop. teeh aad machinery lac 2 ACXES LOCATXD Crw rATF-jf TTSfT tee eate-e cur. ia rre( ea a g liah waiaeia. g4 baMuga FUwe baagalew aad $ lea aa eaay Py- DeeaUfel all ia m I n ft room cottage modern, corner lot. hiorka from State atreet. atcely ai rana-ed and In good repair. Price I tl&aa half rub. room cottage modern, aa N. deelrable bouse aad ptaca ta n"-lfu, mm. I boaaa. gead sail. ITtce I I oeo. ... . I l:t acre IracL 20 acree farm lead, he I. V V ance fine timber, boaee aad bara. V fnM T-e 0 pee . . aa K-rth pleaty m4 fratl. large Several tradea fee f d city , s,t'AHlI PRAO. leasee IU1AL X-tTATB LOAXS ixYxrn-ECTt WALTER MtLAlLEN Rea It. Ill ft (Wl tL .420 Hpeciel pclca. t room bowse oa Bellevae St. 4 Well Improved a area lerated elee te imh Mint- atreet. aleaterea. awoaera except bath, good condition aad well bail- Tola Ta the bigseet bargaia la town far a large aeuee. trice lt0; 1100 cash, balance like feat. New 4 room baagslaw jwet completed, modern In every respect, good loca tion north, paved streets aad side walk. Yea will be the first ta live In it. Price luee. terms. POCtTBl. fHB NORTHWgOT POETRY JOUR- I nW.. aaj. vna aiggee I -.11 ... The live magazine tor va '."Z' I J',Jr"rl .- b aa in ii 1 111 1 Chalmers a ata torn untU today. Ad- I 1010 C - - uMiii-mi lnmltr- fniil aal I If IS 5- niFcnN MOTOR CAR CO. SO N. Commercial St. Fb 1 p nr ibcnU 9. DCCn O. IV. I -VVIWUll 4X 1 bUi 415 Oregea Bldg. rhoee 41 nu The Nnrthweat BaJem. Orecoa. mmuos wm fajus rAres. -ton berry truck tiff -II Unxlilar. . Master Six. bug. ...400 hevrolet touring paasengcr overiano touring CHANDLER CLEVELAND Salee aad Service IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST ee naner. sens ie io am w Homestead. Salem. Ore, for a three- AVTO RXTAIIUXa months trial sabscrtpUon. MeaUoa I bRINO TOUR CAR TROUBLES TO ME. thia ad. SHORT AND SWEET 1 Houae and sevOral lots. $1250 Terms. i. hAH X lota. 21200: $200 1 - " ' ' 1 . . . ... tn down. ,, ,k..w I oiarea its nurpue "u iukuuuu . v. j-.--fmnrnva- ina. excavations and tills. ) ' rnnnnll urh te- . . X Be IUIU U1UU w - - KIR SALE 100 HCtU urntw, . . m . W , . Ewes ana lamoe. rnwn JI1 6 room cottage, car line. make the above described Improve- 21500: 1500. Biitnw ..- ... J . v ,K r-it- 1m IV I room plaaterea - nouac. "V,.iimeni oy auu m"6u ' , lights, east front, fruit, garage. $1800 I pro-ement Department cf the city cf " - . ' t .avea t (SolAM . By order of the Common Council kakl. Kace. city necorucr. Date of., first publication of thl notice, June tZ, 1Z0. . . , n n. ui t nunKaiuw. V v ry "rr: ..inn. ir.nil down. street, oasemenw. v-i balance ISO per month. VI Four real bungalows m 9Vir m lem. $1500. $4000. $5200 AU - . J . 4 aa b A v sa l OF II sx a ItwoPn"i colt you any "money to list . lVu Hamster realty co. 410 Masonic -empie. - - r art. A INS IN FARM LANDS I vAlnM fa ft-hi--r.-r frlTen that lha EXCELLENT EQjnP, Jion .nd Common Council deems it expedient h,e ' with "t L to do. and hereby declares iu snd co'waterTgoa Wgbarn. 2 gopd and intention to improve SnSa all klnda of heds. Steam ot- I L ... tn north une of tle-wasblng plant. 1. 11 nejcr..,.. - , - " llne ot o-uu'of implements and 2P't 1 Division street at the expense of the n.c-,u?", "V with firm:" also " the abutting and aajaceni property. xoncK of Tire nipnoviorcxT OF HIGH 8TKEKT HUJJl MAif IOV STREET TO DIVISION STREET. UTS g'ltMJSi nji-n.n.nji.ri nrim -.-- 1 Keasoaabla prlcea. Church street Koom ft. 22$ aVo. FOR 8AUI t-room house, lot 42x140 feet, altaated aa nortn niga air ev. nj . $1500; $410 dwa aad 110 per saoata. ' HART A MULLeR. . 20$ Oregoa Paiidiag. FOR SALE l-BOOM EUTiUAlJw strictly maa era ecvy rage, urge o ane eooe '- ta aa exce-ptleaallf good bay at $420. Hart A Mailer. 20$ Oregea beitdlag. MILK GOATS FOR SALE 424 N 15TH Phone ltlOK LOST AND FOUND ijijiji.r.n -jgwwiii'ayprl,l,l';'lw FOR SALE FOUND LADY'S COAT. OWNER MAT I gajia. FOR SALE Pigs; Z2F22 a 1. Phone ft, acres. 7 room boaee. bera. fruit. .1-- XL. mt-rm notaloeav aoave la- . . " . . a . . . gardea tree a. cioaa in. e". tar line, fralt. ge-e muv, eee u lienta. 1 rWo iteea. Well Improved T 21 acta tract, all la kvMMx rrmlL aeaaee. cberree sad loeaab-rrtes. good beaee; loceted rtoeo ta achaoi aad car liae. Price 2 11.000, 11 arre treet, 10 eeree af praaee. ,t.n- aaat Enellah waleete. bal- tare peat era. lTK li:ie, $1114 1 20 acres, t acree ft year aid pe-enee. ft m.wm mmm Lx. 1 itt atranbeC-l rtea. stark ead mac hi nee y ge: eanetl beildiasa. 4a saUea eoath. PrWa .-1 AA W. IL ORABEXHOR"T aS CO. 215 Slate streeL ACREAGE Aa extra good 10 A. aoarly half ta frail! make aa eUcaat beeae plaeet. a alto freea car llev. Owe ef the m heat eetraard ewve at $10 a-r- us see will haadle it and the beyer-a snare of the crape bd fair fee a third ef that MMt I believe tale la be the e-e ef af lerea .avee saeats la the veUey. WILLIAM FLEMING . 21 State Street. FOR ftALC BY CnrXKR. T-ROOM btae aad aleee-iag peeva. wita a-4 , atrwtly mad a rll ta faataeeav fee Seta, f wee-ia-t-a. e-aaneat I as i am . welae. drive aad a-eJATa. Lat arewoda aardeev. eateaeai porh. b-a-r- leg frail aad aat tree. AU far aaaa thea hewee eaa be bwtlt far taday. At HI Earth 14th streaC rOK gAL 12 ACHrJt, r-T OF SOIL all cleared aad t acree la Maa clever j 10 acve la gvaiaw eeaeil boaee aod bera. Price w ita ma. lee a lew day s ,k WART 4k MTTXJnt t4 Oregea) ftba-tdiag. BAROAlN 40 AC. 23. ft UHXM weet a Marea: 25 acree h-eackag Italiea arnaee. Vila? a-ipod ta aoaoo ead bora. Ivwel lew, leraae Ut era L C. M sVaaiUA. Manea. Ore a ainaiM for rrrm days aui soil a fm he-saa, S eaichea boaaa, frail aad s-rreeal 5ea. taty 1 bAeeh freea eca-eeA, Far aalr 2 1 led turn aa port U w so ted. If yew araat a bin aet at Marua, 41$ Misan $52. for s tix axt ronrtcnt on, all. m lis aa-eao of tma-ebi tarvn land ia im aaiMrua i iiht, w FRESH COWS FOR SALE. WISH TO buy pigs or saoais. j ernes jl. ik. phone 2-F21. proving property aaX pay lag for thlat4 uti very good rliButa Rare bargain at . lea. notice. WANTED re, faml-I beat local lew la law a. I Thia land I state boaee; garage, fr to Oregea I wer be - ieo $110- W. L C0MPT0N I. tf,luA name berriea. will grow eayimeg saiurv M11XIXERY uscmxiajrsovs. Ttoaas T ever Pattoa uooa Btara Phoaa I1U 8ACRIF1CE SALE THIS IS THE OP- I WA vTED rRUNES TO DRY. PHONE portuaity to ouy a gooa g - -1 20F12 noon or eveoiu. . J . t UMk atr.ia kail I arge and email, all selling from $$ I WANT TO RENT ft OR 4 ROOM LAT to $2.00. This week only. Mrs. U d. "or ftp, furnished or anfernUh-l inery. ix wonn nn. -m near capuot a-jnuin. Curtis Millinery. ed. near -J21- car caplt e Sta teaman. of Silvertoa aeer Victor Po"t. I j .Madera bwnralew at 110 My $75 per acre. Reeerve half thai" alTM, $! cash. Addreae w N Savage. Silver- j , JV.seJe- af li: av. Uth sin FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES. LODGES Phoaa 111F2L FOR SALE BRICK AND LUMBER. Inquire of J. X. Koes. ia rion ou are Included wUh iarm. -.--. - -- intersection which crops, at .". "l-" A the towi . w. t s.! by waatsalaP Sail VOUf ICl eaaeae - - . . I Will M DmlU U T LUQ V 4. wa aj-a- - w teturn more than $520 per montn. I brf rf portion of High atreet FOR 8 ALE A MAN'S SECOND HAND bicycle. Inquire iu u street. ORDER TOUR AWNINO FROM DILL- raann. 2011 Maple avenue. "l.ur". .ikAuc thia. 38 ACRE PRUNE FARM t tha established grade, construct ing cement concrete euros, ana par- S (Mill . t.w - e 1 -K Deland . , -c ir nruDci . i in, ma nme wiin a, v iuiu for mora fruit i this bt;'pVtur.r A cement gravel concrete pavement In under cultivation. Daiancc i o mnA aneci- harcain at $250 per acre. ouin i gecoraanca whu . , inc A PDCC AT $4500 ficatlons for the improvement of ld lUaf XsAl4W - BUSINESS CARDS CAstlhET ASU MILL FOR 8ALE TENT 10x12 COMPLETE. I 'biNET AND MILL WORK OF ALL Phone $20 or call 010 North Capitol lsf1 window frames, cuphoarda. 4w,ra etc. o- . . . w I weai . -- UBUI cans mn I well good as aewj 1111 avajxwe, rja S000 mUea Cash or terma. lit Bo. I Commercial. Phoae us. a ..11lattAlk 4b PI ft br balance good paatura, 7 room $1000 down. nnrtinn of High street, adopted by ha Common Council on the 7th day r June. 1S20. which are now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which for greater certainty and convenience and a more detaiiea ae- w. k. many mora fine daily frolt I , hereof are hereby referred " . ' nrunnae farms In line io- i - -- i r CIA Im. V. .nH the prices sre right. Come I to ana maae part cationa . In and ten us woai. KINNEY & SMITH 4t9 SUta SC GrouBi noor REST BUYS ; - t.m A e e! Ve 8 1crM- ,.e stfawberteV wlU hiv. , otPf... "In Vim. -orth-.f ,r,.4,U reVted! cVwncrh tSieWa 4 oPf gross receipts, tenant paysall provement ahall include all neces sary inlets, drains, eaten duiub, enva lions snd fills. The Common Council hereby de clares its nurpose and intention to make the above described Improve ment hv and through the Street Im provement Department or tne city ui Salem. ne nrdn of the Common Council EARL RACK. Wity rtecorui-i Chemaketa Ladse aaaeta - every . .w V (1 ff 1 eveaiaa at a. n tvn e iir ia ACRES ADOUT 15 I-- L-,lee.t of Salem, ft milee eewth 2rlca rrna ton. Phoaa 41F5L FOR SALE. $0 ACRES GOOD FRUIT aad berry lead. 15 la good crop. $ miles from Balers for aa easy 'wldaatday 1 AloaWTcVi.. la cultlv.tloa far $1500. . ., I use caah 210 per m I K. T- '" I JOHN M 'WOTT RKLTT CO. OOOD RUYS IN IIOt-aUA with madera cm venleecea. s bAeehe rr eit feea ed $lle,.$eeS ceea a.lll aaailA $ reoaoe with twp Ursa lta Weted near Yaw Park eceC ITo titea iMM aaoderw baeselew aa Kecth 24tb KaL IYM 1 1 a reova baasaiew with twa large lata Ur.iai em I atreet. IT lee iiia room beoao at 2 X. 15th oureek I -rice iiiea. Oeasoea laty. Oree-eaj TtCeeal far bee a. Prwe $15 la $50 pe acre beeeer 411 M Itobrsetedt Orvgaw Far Real tteeete FARM, cni ea SA.aC2LUJ ot as. hirvryr "iaet Real CetalC 215-114 M aaaa Is Yeeaaee. street. km. it lee. W cash. $ raoea Waled eo paved street aaa car line with saaSeen coaveeieoceo rrre $!: $100 cash. beUace $10 22ft Oregon XUdg. IAN ATTRACTIVE PLACE FOH I SALE AK la'aAHftt T 1 1 1 Ftnaww sag a w w w. Van vn w " - - "..n. . . $ room. Iwa large lets, plenty af fralt. located aa SV Commeretel aad Heyt etreeta. PTKe IX. e. ft raoea loeeted la eb bill aocOaav W. M. SRAPEXHOR-T A CO. 25 State - I -heave 51$. R2TW TOO AT Per I We bave a seed Iwt ed farm sad city pceeoriy ni -mm www mm-w m aaeee by Jaiy let we eaa ea fear preoerty la abort order. Lie It be '' LA FLA R 45 t-AFLAR 4e-l crvgea swdg. DBAYS AST WALL PASTE." NO COO BONO BJ o aired. BUcks every in in g. aaaa v. Bursa .170 N. Commercial BtreeU UARMXR TRAMS FEB' store erooeav a-ay IBS-. IfOTI AJIUI is. Might yagtrftroi FOR SALE -TRAlLt W ALbB. i"'." . . .t mUPAHT. 120 a cheap. BteinnocK juna we.. nww i balj. ... oideet Commercial streaC Phona JOi. I Liberty afreet, -f0",. ftftftt. largve . FOR 8 ALE ADVANCE, OUTFIT . i.iTOTlHT-1 r-i . - --- 1144 Cheap Pbone 24F4 or 24F21. FOR 8ALE VULCAN OAS IlAlst.r wrfM-t condition, cnean. i noai Capital Hotel. Cor. State and Com mercial Streets. Uaallty work, swomp Broadway. r - SACCOJID MAJID -rdeVToV'alT: rrNoAa"'.:' Snapi m Rwl EiUte Bnyi room moaera miii targe e, war- llaa aaal laa-atloo: 1 1 ted. tecsae Kico nvodern t reoen beegeleo. Seath Salem, aeer carliae. fine lecaUoa; t u 1 room plastered "Vewael fine lata. fralt. gardea. becrtes; cleoe to acboo. taea 0 room modem cottage. Urge 54. frail : bera, paved street ieear echeel; I1IIA Oa af the beet Warlag praaa c-1 cbarda la Marlon covet y. beevy crop oa tree: for qaKk sale. $aa per acre, laveetaaeats .farms ssd tty areaer- If boo Ma. laTger tw. bieck. pcDRiwr , MAR.TFRS fmm p. o. suitable fr roomere ane i a mumhu ----- - boarding. $4500. A roors . ap to imrar as b 1? w a v w . with garage I IP VDII U1H et $1100; .eemei .j- ftUU ilVA-r ntraeL 2I5S0. A epieadld. bona lev Voeev atreet. A place watcn wenld make yoa all klade of money, rr Mlioa Korth High street. A a I Hood street. Sevea- room bouse aa Cbeen beta street. 5:igkt-room houae oa Divieioa atreet near CammerciaL Eight room booee Hd three lots with all hladi ra oa Foarth street. A boaae aa Sowtb Uberty. (Vert rede J M Page. 410 1 CotUga. I'boae 111$ GOOD BUYS A very rood S room nenrra, WHOLE LULK A3TD rXODUCS XTXITTZD Hjuiaz Cm t, try A Frodsvot CaVs SaJrta. Ortca. Picas SiSS SALEM IIARIETS 1 baagalow tescept aa fties dowa. Another eoually a bargain -WALFELT" TOUR HOUSE: ITS superior to cloth, at about nan prico. Max O. Buren 17ft N. Com'l St. ZT1 terma. A 4 room bung ;l I ". I Am g rtom alaatered baoa aad aa arre of tree ad la ftalem, oregea. la Jane WANTED SECOND-HAND JTURNI- I room oae at $1500; good vel 'rruta".!. I TUC CI FMIKf. RF.ALTY CO. ... , i AAA s a-..... -- n. ,om aw . -WALLBOARD" CAJf BK USED OVER lata or atuddlaer. Cna ha tinted or papered. Max O. Burea. lift North Commercial atreet. $11 SUta SC ITOTB REFAIRISO jiiinrjari Date of first- publication of this J attention MR F.ARMER THE notice Is June 23. 1920. Un lo; I NOTICK OF THE IMPROVKMRN'T a aima wsb inuts aa s naraav. sraesm wnsrawa isii if rsns Detwecn. "'- , i s . OF 17TII Sl ltr.iA r iw.'i .. fhcrrles. in .Uberty .trteL only I.- S"" cilIr:Kr:T.V sat v,t ' j soring water, gooo - - sTHT-n-rr KTRKET. SO acrea. new modern im- anrina: vii ----a provem.e.nts. best or aou, I v.Atl. i- given that the TrrTtl dee. It exnedlent equipment .cheap. u n our iit- so to do. and hereby aeciare ita TVfVaubdUoynArone and Intention to improve youyrfa5iwlWa have u-SJ f jl 17th street from the north line of aJnera price, ; Buy lnr from " .treat to the aouth line of 1 buying ArCirV Chemeketn street at the expense of 1 O' SOCOLOFSKY the abutting and adjacent property t j -ftU state SL I except the alley intersection which . . I mi w ;ji k th city of Salem, by 4 SNAP IN AHOME-5 ROOMS g; - J-- portion of 17th Jjw.t and eold water, eiewu iv ..e i o o .t,i:v- s-earie ron- v." .t lot 45x150. garage. i street to tne csi & front, good close to car. $775 may t Socolofsky, hay harvest Is at your door: get your I aalt from ua. 05c a hundred pound a. I 160 South High street. Farmera Pro duce Company. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery. 1920- Please phone mrii STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED--40 yeare experteace; Depot National "nw. als 24 to 5$ Vni T Stoe Works. 5$ Coart .UeeC 1-hone 114. ' . v-.i 1 1 1 n4 Niipup. n s Ita. I J . eaiwirr.R CO. I'-" V.-- ' CAPITAA.W Diatrlbatleg. lem. Ore. One Modern Banrilow Left Imedl...Jr.-- thia room. and rood bath. Inee 12.- ! 400; $40 gown. mik i mIi.i. nnMfflllOW V with ane acre S room - . " . . - - eo,.ni and on good atreet. half e- : , ri, block from car im p -r . aal laren baMMCIl Twa g Ml vMva " Price .kiai on concrete o II a... a, aawt rhlfkt hOUe. ""ii " . rvl. ta a. l i raaD . " ii ins. what I the leaet yoa waafcs take fee Itf Thai la. If te aoae baa tw rood chimney a aad a good 1 fireplace, aaeeera bath aad ptemmag. electricity aad a Urge dry boaeea I aa r m rood leeauoav Thia lady meal sell. o yaw caa bey this foe! $2115. Thia noma aaa e rwa eooma. S bed room a rooted al $1 month will more thaa pay 4 per real on $1425 and lasea and leeerseee. .... aaaa aa eo of the hsUSI ed they bay It for yaa. If yew weald buy Ice la Hedee deal feU to see "BECKE & HENDRICKS Phoaa 1$L U. S. Bank CJdg. , I coewartina aad storage o -irw., ----- ... ... money aaa i ntAAn-i ninltUP OF TOT OATMAN OIRLS beVw ratee. .1 TF" ZLIZ, bera aa the mark.U hat YYUUU3 DA1UA1aiO true story ei weatora l I r w ..t. wiik immediate poeeee-1 . . ,ua in has bean carefully revised. 1" .wmrn maxtd oyooDS I :..v T.7 h. made aa ai '.:.T"eT"r " Tr iViiiA sv baadeome muabock. $$ iZZ. cuV. Seo aa Moad.y morn lag I . '""'a- threVT-.a -It- Iran grabble terms at taa maaea- -n,..,,n,n GOODS OF Auu ava.i T-eadar will be a little late oa rr. r . - tnm, nu.a Mi fair the Oatmaa family. eC the ea- I -. ia it I chest cash price i - wonderful fire place i . a Loreoao, and the.capUvlty of I ? "w-will give yaa aquara deal. " ru,'lrd home lavement. ..7-.aYoTa llie 11 H acree oa too Wiiva alary oiea I etar-1 t 14 N. Commercial aw i --4 ha in sni ."h-" IZI.r - tn fralt. half aad Olive was par chased from I '-"-"V. ' I r."-.;-- tric 21500: $l0 dowa 101 L.,u,. 1400 10 five years later. The I . - I r::" .,bi- oeoola. Immediate poo- ... .7 " a.Vi new oueaLnld mn an.a SIS1I1 H SHU I m v - B MOrSalenC'or: I WM BUY.A -,7 "r- I ."n. ... wo1.rl, home EamUnrV rawUa paAS..toola. aadlt-"- e,m,nl baa. meat, SELL TRY IT. IhTTnaTYaa ahladlar. 154 vmmvm 1 rr. pi.c. gas. electricity. a good supply of I iwtT I sidewalks, large garage a meet It 1 - 1 worklnr pit. cement drive, plaeterou CAPTIVITY This ration making tails ta era af eapa at Mary vatloa the Indians pries la 20 seats. uregoa Teacaera urroa nucas Edxs sub. rs-uvr Ect. 3 Id. Items, heavy. Sac. Ufhl hens. 1( t lie. Stsrs. 10-e. Olid roostsrs, t la lie DroUtrs. 1ft to 20c rock. Mat toe. suhj Bami Tork. oa fooL lit. LaAba, HOWS. Dryaard hoc-. 0 21c. Boat, ataars. f ta 11a Covra. $ U he. Toy veal. l(-17e. nay Cheat hay. til f til, Oat aad vetch kvaj. F Us, 111 to IXC. Oovor kay. I2i U IXC CrnXa Wksat, IX.4ft0 2.SI. 004 OdtA, f ll.0ft Pg. Do-vas. ftd to dHs. Mill Feoda, HatAll Mill rss. 111.1ft. - . VTteiaaU T De-Ocra Crtaaorr battar. caxiotA, tt-etft, Uaturfat. lie. 1 location in 1 structing cement concrete , L V 9n'y bl Uavinr the same with 6 inch Port- f,V$ftar - lland cement .rave, concrete pave- i vmahi in B-pnrniatr vi tin uiw - FOR SALE .. .nooirications therefor, adopted ivcdlby the Common Council on the 7th convVnlences. fruit snd garacn, a.. nle ln the Otlice oi ",T7v for $250. . er ana wnicn iur nn-m" 1 Tin.' 5tr.catf .mafnUpiyrneV 'wlnE& and convenience and a more defied fine tract, small paym n description thereof are hereby re- lliFe we have It the be.t thing around Qd made a part hereof. .?Ui-.-Vr Said improvement shall Include a 1 huildip i'a. god rgde land, all for pessary inleU. drains, catch bailw. 1700, easy terms. . ...-j Some good bungslows, well locsted. from $1500 up. , . , with 40 acre prune orchard loaded witn bile or what hsvs you? . f . ... uiki.. tn aall hrlng It in. ir you nae ' -J1 elte We handle exchsnges of land and city """Joseph barber OUR TREES WILL Heavy demand and well grown stock t uton request. Salem Nursery Com pany. 417 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE BARBED WIRE CH1CK en netting, visea. press drills, forges, anvils and sll kinds ot machinery and tools, belting, pulleys, shafting, cab le, rope, etc., gasoline engine, auto mobile parte of all kinds. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR second hsnd aatomoblles of all klnda j Alao wa pay the highest caah price for paper, rags, brasa. copper. Iron aad an hinds or junk. STZLINBOCK JUNK CO. WALL r WALL PAPER AND "Gr. Bo I - -c t-i nt lit N. t,omm-v-a FAINTS. WALL I Framing. oom paona i rea. er-n'-cVTnlenc. snd aad tble on large lot a-d tion. Don't pay over $40 for asy SEB PORTER FOR Paper aad Fictara work maa. 450 tjowr PROFESSIONAL aa v.ilini anil fills. The common council nereny nr- w. "-"-iai nre. r-n.- ... Clares Its purpose and intention to niake-the above described Improve ment by and throujh the Street Im provement Department of the city or Salem. By order ot-tk-e Common Council. . a a abra Via. flaaavadas EAR liAWbi vity ncfuiur' WOOD I WOOD FOR SALE 1$ INCH AND 4 O STEP PATH 1 C FMTBICIASS I.R8.vrHITBANp MARSHA1-U U. B. watiaaa. a - " ir. r-K. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Bldg. leiaa wiq - I W. L M.rsar. Coteopsthld Pr.eljn ana mii re eon. avirn. a - - t home until you ,w two other homee of Ita tpe nave Hated at reasonable, pre-war $ rom Pla.lered horn, with 1 Urge lois and 10 bearing fruit treea. $2500 $ room h"uae on D.eemeet with .rg. fruit trees and larse arden- Toe I..U. bera; thia Is put et $2700 $ IL ll.. ' hoose cleoe tn aa Sag- . w t' ..... aaaa Inaw t. at n; , ,i ti ..A so 4 room housea, m fof ther iio2 .' .'r:"vri its .".-V- ta a A 1 1 aad 1 tv have iu iho; .7.e?a.d all -Ith SmUdiag. but one. 5ioat .re ..t.;. propertiea the! must " L. '.r J" list property that must sell aad we i " 5 -I. ifma. moaer. gae aad tired ar . ms-e eaa 1 I at f ;?4.h,dJrv?. Ns-U ;u. .haw Phone JJUae Tr: 1 ovr clients want yaw - 1 r--irt? ucwnDirifQ . EAR ILAUC. Vlty nnuiw. I a a a i HrLIVE. fX IlUIViUVlaW Data Offlrit publlcatloa Of thiol - ou.- Church street-Phone lltLll7ee4 lr4 rTfllfied . ACle ..a ? sl Marl TU HHX rhoad 1IL - -aaa a. a.SHVS-3. SAa aw - -Fave " " SAWS, X m eh A 01 fay n- ----- foot mill wood; It Inch old tlt. &h ttJiifa 'Oenmn Mallear V.-Jl Walla tfll ... eod rive miles eat tiled, 140 .m with baildt-ts $!. $0 acre w ..a-b 1 1 eaa loo acree. bungslow IIU4 Mod era boas for rent $15. Alao half acre gardea lead ready la pleat. F. L WOOD 211 State street L W. P OWLET Real aetata Bualsese Chance, rarme. Artf Farm ef 10$ acre. IbO acrea la culti vation, fiae balldinga. eis milee from center af city, eerreaaded by thrifty boartag prao treea. shove the free! I liaa. Beaatifat view, oae Mule frees .-Mat rmvexeo reoo io v-. swrrewadiag property bald al $100 04 irre special price ii.eee per i daia If yew eoe acre If aAld ta 20 It waat Will bor IL. Four acree five mieale ay car rroee l .Jt a lie. Sravaa whi. taaaor oeebard. II1M: 110OO will band) 1 mm imnrved five acre Uerts " loe I rria af 110 acres ft re ilea ewt 71 ealll vated. good balldiasa. $15,004; will take baagalew la earhaasa A large list af houses frees 11540 lei $10 ta eelert free. Farms la err part fe cans ty. AA. W. AAV w r Fbeae 111 4s$ Oregea lUtg. Orxs era. It O 7. lUasnad, lis. - Lemons. l.Sf.C.2S. Caiirorals grtyo trait, 14- Florida trat-s fralt, ! lit. VcYvAabUei Csbhag. 2 l-lc Oaloas. IX M cL Tarnlp. II. St ok. Carrots. IX. 1$ ok. BdU peeper. 410 a Pai- Roa2 radlabea ltd dota-n fcihckag raraloy. ltd Co ksackoa, Beats, ltd doses bo ache. Grern oaiona. Ibc a derea kiathot. Letter, tte a dosesv. Cocoaaita, l.ts. reas. tc CaaUlosprs, IX.tlOC Watermelon 4. T ota too. IX. XI crt. pnds. sow. lie. K , 1 Raton lrirwa C res ss ery batter, tic ratry bntter. lie. r.cgo. dot.. 4!e. rtoir, hard wfcrst. 13.710 H it. nor. valltf. It. Sacsr. tsao. 21 12. ttcsr, sack. 111.' .it t j V H a , BOtACw4S;JOBt.T'aiw,s.frt,. , 0 Aawab iZ.' .-V- .. -- ( 1 t