rttBOKSOOX rTTATTCMANt MAHAY, JI XK jo. itr. Classified' Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital Gty are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While prmwicH uinon FIKE LN8URAJICH SOCIETY Tblelitea. RoUad A BnrgtiArtU , Axeat 871 8UU 84. MONEY TO LOAN On Heal Kstat T. K. Ford (Over Ladd & Bush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04-S07 Oregon BalMlnft- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate F Ward. Per Insertion te Tore insertions $c On week (six Insertions) Ic One month 20c - Six months' contract, per mo.. 16c It months' contract, per mo... lie Minimum for any ad vert's'm t.2(c NEW TODAY awaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaawMWM LOST BY CLARA BENSON. ROLL' OF California State Medical Board exam ination papers. Kinder please leave at Statesman office. LOST PAIR OF ICE TOXOS OX HIOH-.land- Ave. or Fairground road. Re turn to Salem Ic Co. VTAXT TO RENT 3 OR 4 ROOM FLAT or apartment furnished or unfurnish ed, near capitol building. Address "J32" car Statesman. BAROAIX It ACRE!, 10j ACRES IX cultivation, balance some aah timber and paatore, 7 room house, also 4 room tenant house, large barn and outbuild in kb. Stock and Implements go with place. Price $16.00: good terms. Located near Aumsville. If you are looking" for farm, you euouiu see ini place. W. U. Gra benhorst Ac Co.. 273 State, street, phone SIS. ' SNAP ROOM HOUSE WITH 11 OD - era conveniences, good garage, cor ner lot, both atreet paved, plenty of 1 fruit, located three blocks from State -House. Price $1500. W. H. Uraoen hnrst At Co.. 275 State street. I'hone 615. Vtm SALE EARLY AND LATE CAB bage. Celery, Tomato and Broccoli plants. D. A. White St Sons. 251 , State. WANTED YOUNG MAX TO SELL tires In Salem and vicinity. Address reply to Weldon St Shaw, 15 X. 6th St.. Portland. I"OSlTION OPEN' FOR TWO GIRLS Salem Laundry .Company. ATTENTION MR F.ARMER THE hay harvest is at your door; get your salt from us. 95c a hundred pounds. 100 South High street. Farmers Pro duce Company. FOR SALE 500 HEAD OF SHEEP. Ewes and lambs. Phone 26F33. r FOR SALE TWO GOOD HOUSES close in. See J. H. Lauterman. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A MOD ern seven room house cleae in. Ad dress H.. care Statesman. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, keeping apartment- Phone' 16". y ANTED YOUNG GIRL WILL CARE for children, j Address "J 11" care of Statesman. FOR 8ALE TEXT 10x12 COMPLETE. I'hone 520 or. call 910 North Capitol street. WANTED CHERRY PICKERS FOR Royal View Orchard, situated one eighth mile south of Odd Fellows' cemetery en Salem Heights car line. No children under 1 need apply. Tel ephone evenings 3I74L Mrs. Jennie M. Thomas. PICKERS WANTED FOR LOGANRER ries at the Indian Hill Farm. Vines were not frosen. Only 3 blocks from end of 12th street car line. T. L. Davidson. 1-OLK COUNTY LAND 420 ACRES 200 rfcres In cultivation balance in op en pasture, but all can be cultivated; lots of fine prune land, a good dairy and stock farm, plenty of good wa ter, good buildings, nice orchard, some bottom land, good roads, two miles from station, can be divided. $65.00 per acre. J. 11. Moran, Mon mouth. OVER $20,000,000.00 OF INSURANCE written in Oregon in one year was , the record of the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. of McMinnville. your own home company, for 1919. Each succeeding year has always been a record break er for this reliable old home com pany. Operated for the benefit of all Oregon ians. ' L 1L A. JOHNMN INSURANCE AGENCY. Over Ladd cfc Bush Bank, Salem Phone 317. W ANTED YOUNG MAX TO TAKE up photograph retouching. Tnis is a field of work jioiijover done, and rxcellent pay. Addrtia "J79"' care of Statesman. WANTED A BRIGHT JAPANESE boy between the ages of 10 and 2: one who is artistic will suit best. Ad dre J80"- care of Statesman. FOR SALE FORD TOURING." A REAL bargain. $350.00. - . Ford Roadater body. Ford fender cheap. Clasa Ford bug. Come In and look them over. 17. South Liberty street. FOR SALE IS20 4 IWSREXOKi; Templar car. Run 5 miles. Will let go cheap for quick sale. Bargain. woortrose Motor Co., Zt mate sireeu 8alm. F6R REXT SMALL FURNISHED i house close In. Call Mon.. Toe, or Wed., after a. m. 491 Mill SL. cor ner High. " FOR SALE S - room house, two large lots, paved street, close to car line, plenty fruit. bath, toilet, electric lighted. rrice $2700; easy terms. ( room house, whole block of ground. harn. poultry house, near school. Price $1700; good terms Good 10 room modern nouse close fn. heat of condition .make a aplendid rooming house, priced right and on very easy terms. $; buys home, large lot, clse to car line. Don't wait. Fine 6 room modern bungalow. $36S9. Have some exrellent bargains in Or chards and stock ranches. I .and and properties to exchange. See Josepn Barb" room 200 Gray Bid. Phone 790 or 175IJ. ' GOOD BUYS A Ye rr eood S room modern. clae In t $120. A larger one two blocks 'fum O liable for roomers and hoarding.4509. A I room up to date bungalow (except basement) , $2100; aM aown. iother wnn garage equally a bargain at $2590; same terms. A 4 room bungalow at $1 and a 5 room on at $1500; good val ue and more. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. L Hi Ctitfl WAMM-m NEW TODAY SPIRELLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A Miles. 4 51 North 31st street. Meas ures taken, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday afternoon. Phone 1902J. FOR SALE Vl'LCAN GAS nf!E perrect condition, cheap. Phone 30. Capital Hotel. Cor. State and Com mercial Streets. ACREAGE An extra good 10 A. nearly half In rruit; make an elegant home place, a mile from car liOOO. One of the very best orchard buys at 3i an acre; $10,000 will handle it and the buyer" ahare of the crops bid fair f a third of that amount. 1 believe this to be the best of offered invest ment In the valley. WILLIAM FLEMING 311 State street. GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES. rooms with modern conveniences, best location in town. 3 blocks from state house; garage, fruit trees and co?r lo.V Frlc 15500. $5500 cash will handle. I roomi with two large Iota. located , near Yew Park school. Price $300. room modern bungalow on North 20th atreet- Price $40u0. 5 room bungalow with two large lot located on r at rt I-.-,.- 1 1 1 -. a S room bouM at 245 N. 15th street. Price $3200. 5 room modern bungalow at 110 Mvers street. Price $200 cash. 5 room bungalow at 1379 S. 13th street. Price $2100. cash. room located on paved street and car line with modrrn conveniences. rlce $170;. $S00 cash, balance $20 per month. room, two large lots, plenty of fruit, located on S. Commercial and Hoyt streets. Price $250. 3 room located in Nob hilt section. IYice $i00. W. H. tlRAREXHORST CO. State St Phone 51$. One Modern Bungalow Left Immediate possession on this. rooma and all built in new and plaatered electricity and good bath. ITice $2. 400; $500 down, balance like rent. Immediate possession. rwm semi-oiingaiow witn one acre of ground and on good street, rralf bln-k from car and pavement. Plas tered and large basement. Two good chimneys on concrete foundations. Small barn and chicken huun. Price $::;. At least half cash. Thia is a wonderful home for the money and haa never been on the market, but a quick sale with Immediate posses sion must be made as owner must leave city. See us Mondav morning as Tuesday will be a little late on this; Oh yes., a wonderful fire place. Small plastered home n pavement. . Electricity and hath and modern plumbing. Price $1500: $100 down to responsible people. Immediate pos session. $5S00 takes wonderful ''modern home with full cement basement, furnace, fire place., gaa. electricity, cement aidewaJks. large garage with cement working' pit. cement drive, plastered garage and fruit room. Every mod ern convenience and built-in feature and this on large lot and good loca tion. Don't pay over $000 for any home until you have seen this and two other homes of its type that we have listed at reasonable, pre-war figures. j room plastered home ."with 2 large lots and 10 bearing fruit trees. $2500 iiaii casn. 8 room hnuae on pavement with 9 large - fruit treea and targe garden. Two lota, barn: this is put at $2700 to sell. room piaster hua clos In on Sag inaw St. at $1600; $200 down. To 4 ro..m houses, one for $1313 and otner i02- with some furniture Fsrms t. 237. 200. 1(0. 143. 120, ?. 75. 53. 40. 2. 20. 10. . s 3. 2 and 1 We have all those sixes and all with buildings but one. Most are estate properties that must selL" We try To list property mat must sen and we spend our time, money, gas and tires "S in selling the property we list Let us show you what we have or show our clients what you have. BECKE & HENDRICKS 316 U. S. Nafl Bk. Bldg. Phone IC1 EMPLOYMENT iiisOiraaisnjxnjjxjxsi WANTED WOMAX TO COOK FOR i or S people. No children, no wash ing. r-none iir u. Address Box 45. 1 ll ru z, Uervai. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work by the hour or day: waahing. scrubbing, etc. Apply I2S5 South Lib erty street- Phone 1366J. MALE BE A DETECTIVE BIG PAY: EASY work: we how you; write Warner. 1S6 East 79th St- N. T. MEN WANTED FOR DETECTIVE work. Write J; Ganor. former gov ernment detective. 731. Danville, Iil. Wanted two boys to learn printing trade. Must be over 16 years of sge. Apply Slatesmaa Of fice, upstairs. WAXTED LOCAL MAXAGER FOR -- marvelous automobile invention. It doahles power, mileage, efficiency: Saves its cost first day. Endorsed by thousand: a permanent position worth $104 weekly. Sample outfit . and Ford car furnished free. Write quirk. Ovee Company, Dept. II IS I ltuisville. Ky. AGENTS SEND FOR FREE TOILET SOP sample and $! caah refund offer. I.a'ara Co.. Dept. 69 St. Iui. M. SALESMEN. WANTED MEN WITH SUFFICIENT confidence to demand all earned. Big opportunity for big men. No salary r advances. The Owls. South Bend. Ind. MISCELt.A!T99w17B WANTED EXPERI ENCED STEXOG rapher. Give references and wages desired. Address "J 76' care of the Statesman WANTED LOGAXBERRY PlCavERS to register for 4 acres or berries at Salem Height. R. Cunningham. Phone 21F2 WANTKO MEN AND M OM EN TO work la our circulation department A good proposition to the right peo- SI. Address th Pacific Homestead, talesman Bldg- Salem. Oregon. CHERRY PICKERS WAXTED-C.U.I. - or write E. W. Matthews. Amity. Or egon, for particulars. prevailing prices paid for picking. Excellent . camping grounds. Free wod. wt-r and straw. Application mut be In by June S5th. FOR SALE BEATTTIFTTL WALL TINTS. MANY new eolora 10c pound and ep O. Burea 179 N. Jom"l St. I-OCI.TK1. CHE NORTH V EST rOTTLTRT JOUR nal. th biggest and beat la the wast Th live magaslns (or live poultry. ma Ti ceata a year. n.OO la Salem. Bead $ cents far ssmpl today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry JonroeJ. Bsjem. Orcfon. llenUoa this 4. BUSINESS OProHTlMTIKS WOULD YOU INVEST ONE DOLLAR week for ten weeks, on a chance to make $1.00 or more Particulars free. No obligation. Write; J. A. Carlton, Box t.ii. Kent Worth. Texas. 000 PEH CENT PER AXXt'M IX A aafe business enterprise. Write Um ill, Burkburnett, Texsa. UO 1XTO BUSIXESS MAKE DM MOX- ey. Me start you manufacturing and selling "Famous Southern Pralines." New business; enormous profit; tre mendous demand; wonderful oppor tunity. Southern Candy Co., S 4ul. New Orleans. Ia. f ARX PArXR. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm paper, sent ISc to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Ore., for a three months trial subscription. Mention this ad. UVK STOCK MILK I JO ATS FOR SALE 524 X 15TH Phone 1716R FOR SALE Pigs; 23F22 O. I. Phone FRESH COWS FOR SALE. WISH TO buy pigs or shoats. James A. French, phone 2-F21. MIS CELLA 1TEO V ORDER YOUR AWS1.NO FROM DILL- mann, 2011 Maple avenue. USED CAR FOR BALE lilt well food as near; ltlT Maxwell, run loot miles, i;aan or terms. All Commercial. Phone 191. WALL PASTE." NO COO KINO Re quired. Sticks everything- Max O. Burea .179 N. Commercial street. FOR SALE TRAILERS. ALL SIZES, cheap. Steinbock Junk Co., 326 North Commercial street. Phone it. FOR SALE ADVANCE OLTFJT in cap Phone -r I ir :t;i FOR SALE $15 Til REE-PLY FIBRE trunk $14. Leedy Snar drum $1 Call between 7 and I p m. 195 Nurth Front street- H White. -WALFELT- YOUR HOUSE: IT'S superior to cloth, at about half prlcw. Mas O. Burea 179 N. Com l Bt. -WALLBOARD- CAM BE USED OVER lath or studding Can be tinted or papered, alas O. Bursa. 179 Norta Commercial street. STORE FIXTURia FOR SALE. L.VRG est model nmptotriph adding ma chine, cost $350 new in 1914; will sell fr $209 cssh. 2 plate glass umbrel la rase, worth more than $10 each, will sell for $50 each; 2 plate glasa display cases 9 ft. long at $ rarh; aame style cases 12 It. long at $10 for one and $60 for the other with one glass cracked Sprue shelving lumber at $c per q. ft. Uarors Casn Store Vi-rTlVlTT OP TUB OATMJLN OIRLS Thla trae story or w cetera isasai sjratloa has been earefaliy revised, maklag a nandsome little book. It tails la graphle tarsas af the msssa r ef the Oatmaa family, ef the es cape af Lorenso. and th captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of a tar vatloa and Ollv was purchased from the lsdians flea years later. ' The price Is 2 ceats. postpaid- Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. aUlsr-s, Or. OUR TREES WILL SELL TRY IT. Heavy demand and a good supply of well grown stuck to meet it. Terms upon request. Salem Nursery Com pany. 427 Oregon Bid a. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE BARBED WIRE CHICK en netting, vises, press drills, forges, anvils and all kinds of machinery and tools, belting, pulleys, shafting, cab le, rope, etc.. gasoline engine, auto mobile parts of all kinds. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR second hand automobiles of all klnda. Also w pay the highest caah price for paper, rags, brass, copper, iron ana si kinos or junk. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. 329 N. Commercial street. Phone 39$ FOR SALE Phone 1UF21. STRAWBERRIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery. 1920. Please phone 111F21 or write Fruitland Nursery, R. 6. Sa lem.. Or. WOOD FOR SALE 200 CORDS in timber. Phone 4IF5 FIR WOOD WOOD FOR SALE CD. QUERUY Phone 77F2. WOOD FOR SALE 16 -INCH AXD 4 foot mill wood; 16 Inch old fir. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. 305 South Church street Phone 1513. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT J ROOM COTTAGE ON Fairmount Hill. Phone Ills or 57 F. L. -WOOD. Ill a tat, rentals. STATE ST, RAL FOR RENT ONE, TVo. THREE AXD . four-room house at $1 SO. $3.00 and $j.00 a month. One house requires repairing and will allow credit on rent for labor on ame. Stateaman Buainess offne storms FOR st REXT 2 FURX1S11ED 73S N Front. KIKJMS, FOR REXT. JUNE 1 A SUITE OF rooms on the first floor. Hot water heat, private bath, use of phone. At the Alexander. 1030 Chemaketa street phone 1240. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY FOR SALE STU D E B A K E R SIX. P.E tently overhauled and is a bargain $:: will trade ror lot. 416 Mason ic Temple. THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK for sal at a bargain. Inquire at 355 Chemelret street. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO 319 N. Commercial St- I'hone 66 1; 7-pasenger I'handler. atni..t new. t'onse and aee It Auburn l-l-ttn berr trork $Ji I'll A X DI.ER "I .EV El. D Salea and Service 11 Max. ell Roadster I". Chalmers Master Six. bug... $0 AITII IlKPAIIUNU BRIXG YOUR CAR TROUBLES To Mr, Reasonable pricea. Room 2. 233 So. tTiuren street. WANTED MISCatLLASKOrS. WAVTEDr RUNES TO DRY. THONG !?r.l noon or evening. MisrxLLxrori DOIXJE WAXTKH. MI ST UK IX i;eD mr hinictl condition. Phone 2-J. WANTED TO HEAR FROM p RTfV-S having furniture, rinir and ! a hi -cl (or aale. 75 South liberty street. Ql'ET. HEIISKI) l.tDY W ISH P. furnished huu. r hourkrrpih( suite lor the lumnwr in rca.Uenltat section. Call liiJ. MONEY WANTED $t0 FOR TWO OR three years at per rent and $S00 for the aam period Security good Phone 47. rEKfOXAL MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE. absolutely the beat, largest In the country; eatabliahed 15 yeara; thous ands wealthy members, both eeaca. wishing early marriage: strictly con fidential; description free. The Old Reliable Club. Mrs. Wrubtl. 732 Madison. Oakland. California. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RES11.TS try me; beat and moat successful : "Home Maker": hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential: most reliable; years of experience: dercrlptions free "The bucceaaful Club." Mrs. Ball. Bos 556. Oakland. California. LOST AND FOUND Lust LOST 54 INCH STRING OF PEARL beads. Reward Phone 445. LOST AUTOMOBILE TIRE TE- tween Pratum and Salem by Fruit land store J5 inrhr. ilh rim. Ad dress U M Lambert. P.I 7. Salem ft-OCXD F l"XI A BUNCH lem Laundry C. OF KEYS, 8A- Fot XD ON STATE STREET. ONE p-ston for autwmwbtle. 0ar rail at thia office for aame. LODGES Chemeketa Lodge No. 1 meets every Wed need ay evening at . at the I. II. O F. halL BUSLNESS CARDS CBAYs AXD rxrsxsa. I.ARMIR TRANS TER-VT K TstOYB AND store good a Day paoaa 9$s. Might aoaa ItTaTDglX. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. ISO R Liberty street. Phone 2k Otdeal Largeat BeaL Established 1$9. CAPITAL CTTT S7TCAM LACTNOBT duality work, prompt service. Alt 4 Mroedwap. Phone It. rRITDU s FARMERS LET IS PRINT YOUR hop and berry tfrketa. iTompt serv ice and the right price. Iiertelson 1 -tinting Co. 31 N Coml St- Phone 779. sccoxu haso rxsun'rvmsi Wanted second-haxd furni- tore. rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and too I a. ileal pricea paid. The Cap itai Hardware a Furniture Cw. 1A N. Com l St. Phoae 947. ITOVK RErAIRlU STVES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 years experience: Depot National fence, sise ; to it inches nigh Painta. oil and varnishes, etc.. logan berry and hop hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. 254 Court atreet. I'hone II TUAXI RAULUO CAPITAL- CITY TRANSFER CO. XI State SL. pbon 913. Distributing. forwarding and storag our specially Get our rate. SK420SD MAI OOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KINDS bought and sold. Highest cash price paid. We will give you a square deal. J. A. Rowland. 414 N. Commercial sL Pbon 16. WE BUT AND BELL SECOND HAND arooda af all kind a. nine fltttaga. bar a, collars. eoUar pads, tooia. aad chains. Fred Bcaladiar. 95$ avatar street. ril.L FAFXB. PAXT WALL PAPER AND CEIUNO PAPER 20c and up double rolL Mag O. Be rea, 179 N. Commercial St. BEE PORTER FOR FAINTS, WALL Paper aad Picture Fraalag. Good workmea. 415 Court St. Phone 41k PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC rHYSICIASS RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. S. National Bank Bldg. PR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician dt burgeon. 401-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1194: Kee. MM r. W. L. Mercer. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Kirkaville graduate 404 and 0i U. 8. Natl lUnk building Phone Office 919. residence 14. CHIRO Pit ACTORS. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRAC- tnr. Pur srraduate. 29-11 U N. Bank Bldg. Phone 17; Rea IXIR. CHIXE991 FHT9ICIAJI Id. HUM CORES ANT KNOWN lil n. Hifi an. rwoee sas riivsiciAXs ami sii:wxs. VATHERIXE S;HLELF. M. D. I Ml slclan and Surgeon, offices Oregon building, rooms 411-12. Phone ! 2. Over regon Electric depot. WATCH lALkUa WATKH, IJUIIT 4k PUWS.K Co, Ofric S01 Bout taai trex Tea per cent diecaenl oa domeetl flat rates paid la advance. No de ductions for sheenc or say cans aalss watsr Is shut off four prem- REAL ESTATE WOODS BARGAINS II acres six mi! out. Fair bail t ne. main rnd. running water, anxetth leod oomo orchard $ 1 1 'a acrea half In fruit, main htghoa. wl buildins. five miles out lia. Ki rr all in orchard ner Pacific highwav. fair buildina ie 11 acrea three ml lea out. main road, good buildinga aa. 2 e-r farm well Improved. IliS per sere; will tako. amaller farm aart pay. 19 acres With building, running water $11 rr,. iik, Hn lem nroperty. I bungalow at half value, easy terms F. L. WOOD 111 6tAt SUeeL REAL ESTATE OREGON LAND CO. 36 acres. 9 acre Wat bearing prune orchard in the valley: crp of alar brought $1000 nt Income last seeaom. Practically snodera T-ro.ni bewae. barn and windmill Beautiful subur ban and income, located cloae In 70-are farm. 50 acres la crop, stock and machinery Included la sale, only 1 mile eut; res to be pated tfel eummer Our city and suburban listlaga are real valuea Call and see our sen l.atiaga rhone 426 443 Stale Street BEST HOUSE BUYS 5 room cottage modern, corner lt, 4 blurka from State atreet. nicely ar ranged and In good repair. Price $lle. half caah. 6 rwm cottage mudera. on N Ilh St. near car line, corner lot .lots f fruit. a desirable house and place to ll Special price. $! $ room houae IWllevue St. 4 blocks from Slate street, plaatered. nwdern exr.pt bath, good condition sad well built Thla is the biggest barsaia In twn for a large bouse Itkt III; $S0 rim. balance lihe real. New room bungalow Juat completed. In.xl.rri la every reap-ert. good loca turn north, paved street and side slk. low a ill be the frst t l In it. IT Ice $ii. terms. List your bouses with ua S. R. PEARSON & PEED 45 Oregon BHg Phone 41 GOOD BUYS 63 acre farml (3 acres cultivated aad la crop, beat ef prairt soil, good buildings, good road; peeo at once and all crops go Price $I.S0e 5$ acre farm 5 milee northeast, a II cul tivated but a few acres, butldiags. Price $175 per acre. 2$ acres all cultivated sad cIa la na maia road fiae prairie soil. Pr.ce $20 per acre. 10 acre farm. 30 scree cultivated, bet ance timber ead peature. first claae prun. perry or grata la ad. Pric $900. 24 acre tract. 10 aere ef bearing prune, t herriea and walauta. balaare raature . huae aad barn. 4 miles eat. rice $150 10 acre on main Pacific highway. $ acrea Italian prunes. I $ 4 mile from atreet car lia. Price $; Improved 10 aTe. good bungalow, barn. well. 1 acre losses. ewie r runes, apples. 3' miles oat. Price le. I acre farm, all In rrn house sad barn, crop g Price $1X1 per cr. 2 acre ranch. 10 acre farm land, bal ance good timber, some pester. buildings Price $ per sr re 0 acres. acre cultivated, balance raatur and om timber. 2 acre fia gana. family orchard: house aad barn, aloe k aad Implement g-; eeasioa at one. Price 14s. A 0 acre tract. 5 acres bearing l. 5 a-res arunea. several ecres fine tim ber, small houe. gnnd rot. half ef crop follows sal. I "rice $750. W. H. GRABENH0RST&C0 37$ Stat StreeL FOR X lLR 5-room houee. t 42x14 feet. ltsated on North High atreet. close. la; price $1500; $410 dowa and 110 per ssoaia. HART St HILLCH Or sua Betiding FUR SALE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW strictly modern eacept furnace, sa rage, larg lot and aam freit. Tbi I an exceptionally good buy at $12 Hart . Muller. 2 Otegoa buildiag. FOR SALE 2t. acrea. 7 rom houae. barn fruit. berries. acre pmiaioea. lo- gana. garden truck, aloe I $2i0: some terma. II acres, verv (mal hue. barn, ftml Ir orchard. ome hernea IB.i isne va ill grow anything suited t Oregon climate Rare bargain at $.S4). W. E. C0MPT0N Room 7 over Patton Bowk Stor Phone 1l IDF.AI. DAIRY FA It I ACRES. IM- mediate poaaeeaiun. fully ewuipped I jars nea barn of 1 stories height: lars silo, aind milL hoi and cold aater. good machinery and fully equipped for ttntvc dairy. Thia place ta situated Juat outaid of Sa lem between tao good road a Ilh a good 9 room hnuae Thia' te an ea aiate property and baa been lifted at $:.. but can be bougl t at li See vow aa a fiuick aal la neeeaaary Fin team and picked milk coo a and chickena alth place Half caah at leaat. Balance at a per cent l"hne 11. Itcke A ttmdricka. 214 L S IVank Bldg FURNACE IAS. CEMENT FLOORf-I garage, all built in ana gareea in. cement aalk: eaal front and thia doe ta If you have the caah and ran use the above, see Paul Hen dricks, with Becke A Hendricks te day: this muat sell and at once nd the prlc hss been tut lust exactly $125 to Insure a move. Phone 11 . FOR SALE- AfRES !!OlT li miea aoutheaat -t balem. m.les south of S:levton near Victor Point Pro $Ti per acre lleaerve half the crop Addreaa v N Savsg. Silver ton. Phone IJF51 AN ATTR ACTIVE PLACE FOR SALE on North 21 at alreel for $J A beautiful home place alth furnt'wre and garden lor aale on ..rtn -'' atreet. $1ia A eplendol horr.e for ..l. ..ft Krrv alreet A place ehich! would make ou all klnda of M for aale on North High atreet. An -room house on Hcod atreet He en room houae on Chomeketa street Eight -room houae on Diviaion atreet near Commercial Eight room houae and three lola a ith all kmda of fruit on Fourth tret A hoj on sutn liberty. C.rtrude J M Page. 119 N Cottage. Phone lit Good Properties For Sale on Good Terms ih-.I.e building lot. tairm.unt kill fine view. Hia 2 fine lota on Mission alret. l n. $la apiece I a-room houaea. plaatered. convenienea. Ill apiee il n.m houae urtlv nv.-t.rn m.Mlera 3 On i.,- o or.,oinr crarden. a fine fruit treea. on paved Street ri ia $270 4 room house on N I7lh. $I1 $ room platred house, modern. In Highland. $: 6 room houae. two fine h-ts. fruit, in Highland. $! ... . , I room houeo .eiled. fine l.-t. fruit. In Highland. Hi .... ; To.m .at.red houe Kth. toilet. L.t ;.n:. I H'Sb. fin- i.mili durilins. rooma. ourt stre-i. Te. lot .Tali:, abuadanc f f rutt ... . 7 f.-.m H.u. gl oaili'.a. I l line garden aoil. Il j irrra ground, good 7 r m plaatered houae aal.r atem !2ee. clooe lo t.li lin.it 1 a. rea Polk c.entr. rea in bear ins prunee. no houae; K --i fruit houae and MlMiiM nga. I J" . gwd in eorn properly 9', acre n-ar rilv. eaat fi. huiM.esa. 1 are bearing fruit; elrgaal rat- urbea bom. Ill.sa. Many valuable far tea aad other prop erty far loo aunveroue to aril here. fee sal oa boot ef term WALTER M'LAREN rkoa 4i IUom :L U N Coml REAL ESTATE I T' ou sti.i; it Aii'.o. 11 iC towa Crowd bwldies. ell e-4 I $;4 u,c 4 1 raiaily orebard Price twr r a. 442 State etree roll ttvLE :t owsKf.-rivc-itoovi aawdera cettag. large ewr let a paved street ta owe f ta beet re drsxe aeteaa 1 effer it at a pewe for lea than the beeee Co 14 be ew.lt let: god term If defed Lmb It i er Furallure fe 145 Cbeaa- eketa street, ceveer l.'ia jtri-LEMENT lorn icowk OWN A 5 ACRE TRACT CP PERRIES OH NUTS We l yea tract ea eeay teeen. and plant and care foe It lor teres f leara We ale baa tract planted bar. rle ad grafted walaut Frait peopert e of a 1 1 kind I EAKCY- phu 31 ovagea IKS i aoiem iit:d ox i-AUum leal tS city, la fruit ad l-g-Lab walauta. good We.il4.aa riae buagalew a4 2 lets ay HI saents Beautiful all aadera keee ea Noeih tb ef 7 rooaae. pleaty f frait. larg let. Several trade fee g4 ety peepeety. few! AH. IK L Pbewe A BP.GAIX FOR riVE DOS WE will sell a 5-ro bae. garag. ra M kee houae. frail aad ! ! Only I blk from acb-l For aalr $!: terma oa part If waeled If yea waat a boeae art et . R S Martin. 41 ikx teaapl. 353. FOR SALE AXY PORTION OR ALL ef St acre ef linxabte fare lane la the ae;. alley. oelaa couaty. 0a Ca-eileat 1 bo ree Ptk iXA to I. per acre aelew value. A C IVraei4t 41 Masea. Tempt. Salem. Ortgoa TEA. THK II ACr.Ks "I II AT WE Al- rtiaed f sale for $1 was eol-S te the first party that new it It was a bergalav Jeet aa ae 144 We hav other aaaall tract at gaiea sve ue at owe before ! la n late if you ar leied ioh 11. cott Realty Co. 2:0 Uvg. T-ldg For Real Eel at FARM. CITf -r SLUt LBAX CH AS v. MKMK1 I'.R "Jest F.eel Ijaiaie-215-21 Masvax Temp.. SeUaa. UVa Fine Bays in Smill Tracts 113 acre 0 mile frn b f- frail sad berry eeeuoav XS peaae tree a ere eld. f.e pple aad peechee. 1 3-4 acre togaa IS arte eora. a pud a. bean a. etc ' aaal butldlaga A her sain at $12 S- A ere Fewtt All la prwae. c berr lea sod fw aapUa: nearly all la fell bearing f r- g with at are f ao.d sooa ro l bare and ha keuae. A rl barta at $150 I0LS Avoee Orel All la frull aad betrioa. eaoatly prwae la beanos eicept IS err A toe bouoe. beva sod rk ka bo A fine but at $'. IVoate tet loe adioiatag freit tract if low waat a. KINNEY & SMITH Fares Lead DeaAer 449 Stat t- Growad Floor IMMEDIATE pteJEwSlO OX T1IU-7 t : - for aaodecn 2 r . co baa with fin fireplace and beoet. and hro lars Iota. Thla. with sha4 trees, half block front main rerlm aad parea! ad a good gravel street. Half cafc 1; take 4 ruotxa ed large etlx aad baaeenent: electricity aad bath aad modern plumbing. Thi at oa pave meet tie caart. balaace lke reel. $110 buj avodera -rooea baegalew. all built tn If yew ar not too tear to aatk I block te the car aad tn go oa block off ta paveeneet. this a ill suit vou Oardea la aad rt lot. $le for small hoe ad bera aad 1 fin acrea oa mil from Saieea Immvdiat poeseaaioa that saesas today. r.XKE A HEXDRIKS Phone 11 No. 11 A S sUak Eg NEW TODAY We have a good at of farm a4 c'ty property but we mat have a lt more by July 1st v can Pell y-ar property in ahott order Lot II l- ' Lin.AR A LArt.AR 47 Oregon Bldg -OR SALE BY OWNER. M:iWH houae aad lpiag pwca. with all atrtctly mod eta built la feature, far aero, fireplace, cemeet basement, aalks. drive sad garsg Larg grounds, gardea. chickva park, bear ing fruit aad aut treea All for Ua thaa boas ca be built fee- today. At All North IOt SUeet. HAYF0RD & HAYF0RD REAL ESTATE 305 Stale Street r.-.oi hu oa N. Commerrtal. alas- leird rll water, light. tlit. Kath. gaa. full beaesneat. large lot. fruit. I reel, revoeet Side walk aad car l.ne Price $t0 Tra i tnom new bungalow oa paved atreet. r.irc.n-1 floor .all the bailt la fea ture, full besemeal aad larg let Pt!c I Tie 4 room heuae. plaatrd. city water. to. let light. w4 bare. 3 larg ilh lota ef fruit and gardea aa paved . tr-et .or bloc k te car lie. Price l;Ta Terma room hnuae. plaatered. toilet, bath r 'o ae walk, c lae te capitol. PrK i; Term 7 room bunsaloe. toilet, belh. l-ghta. oat.r lara lt paved street, co rn, f t i.4r oalk. cloae te car nae oce I iiuit. gardea, tic iTtc i:. T'tma 9 rrm bungalow rto la. full beae mrnt plaaieroa. fernce, toilet, both. I M. ga. water, boerna eotlmge. fir place, built la Pwffet. boob ceoae. French doors, hot aad cold eaewee tn baaemeat, doable w elte) frait cell ar ta basement; la fact I naodea aad up lo date sad csa not be bailt f-r a grat dal mor thaa th prtsa atked Price i: Ttiat FARMS I acre, all la cultivation. $ rr ta pruaee. trwbert eet la botoeee the ire S acres t potte. 2 acres la log a a her ilea, oa graveled read Pnc I ! Tertoa 15 acrea tee mil af Salem, alt la cut t iv alio, feacod aad tree ftaced. 3 act family orchard bear tag. f room boeae. plaatered. beeetsteel, llC Kath. hot aad cold oarer le the booae. large bera. graaery. rktehea hover, garag. aad atkrr oethwttd !( oa goo4 gtavelo r 4 Pr Ilia Terms 2 irtrt, all fetaotd. IX .ea ta c. Uvatioo. family orchard. I ' JO head rattle, bore-.. te . ererv . thing l ren place, a " bo plaatered. good bare greeery. ehteh. ea houae. gslsg. etr Pi we li. Trm HAYF0RD & HAYFORD 35 bMal Ut REAL ESTATE r.t-.H rt.tTtr.ti $n-ix. a Mt ae4 trel. ' Tee kwed a. be. e Mr. 419 X C r It'll 9)iLr-t ACfiiai Mrurr ALL iw Ad as I'eetw ee atiiies mm -!. IMiil ceip taa il eeail Ta t (fe per te pew a-4 AdSre j;i er e4 Scat sirii. vr tTtr Ltiw of $: ox a aw. a n a Maitiee a 4 tare v h baee S 4.as I. a tat Street - Saft'lAlN A4-P.cn. 3 MlLK- weet ef Mara. 11 Itai. pewao. a at p pod I o aa ad bora IvwoS . tsh libeeak C M Smith. Uinta, te FOR t ALsT 7 -Wool; MOUSE A VT let ta Weet : pee of f ! . Seal with a-ee W . W. raise, FtCe trex. Wet Swleea FOR BALE 19 ACntJl. rTT OF SOIL sll leered aad 9 serve f in ! : I ace lo a.l h nil a4 berw It we a ta m. lee a ei s MARTAsft-LLT.il $19 cwg ea le.A.ag Modern 6 Rocn Bca.xlow- Neerty aw swagalow s'c-4 trvet. bw.ri-ia leetarea. f.l aa rtl.t atithoul (erwocev Nmo I ir I lUrcit ts -..t. A torftia ; re. I Ve aaaaw aeJeaca 1-ck.e real. KINNEY & SMITH flats St Crewad 119 Oono BUYS IV limir-i aae with pa r a rtttr alkoa la tow a. $ boaehs froet ni lot rrwa iie. i i et asOi wuJ aeadla. rooaae with let large $a. te4 aar few parh aca A- r-vxw I t roosa saedara s-aesaiew sw Xoria iath I reel. PT.ce $e 5 rooea be g a low with lee large Wets located wa U tre rti !.!- rooea bo si 319 34 1Mb at re A l-v w I l:a. reoea saodora pwegatew at lit Mf airot K-r kc 1 : ! ex. $ rooea N.iuev at 1179 SV lliS etreet, Prvre IXI. . rooea Veretod ow pd tro aad ear I -o a ua or 4 era tatanaw Prw III: le cash. beJaavra ITS P $ rooea. t we targe Iota, ploatp of fre't. Wet4 a BV wrmtial and lleyt streets rrteej IllVS 3 r ea leatd la IIJI SOCtaoa. l-vww te W. M JRABrXHOte-r A CO. 37 5 State SA. l-boa) ilk A GOOD ONE . t-rwoea pteerd Area with Vela ad leetre ata Nr carua. hnta live: I - oowt SEE J. A. MILLS Bl.Sb tletel hi W. ROWLEY $150 Per Acre Qoje bE? cry Inch. Callinted food boo a ? rooea; U Vera, aaoetea ootbw.14.es a to feet p .M eietrert of th Wliaaoete le-t. witaia half tail af paeeat. tow rea so every feowee la Soieea fa ie place; above lb froet lie Take baa get to be a aewk sole, wirt wot teat toag Tb laat beat peeae ppe- toa left a hi VY. ROWLEY im. T tsrogoei frvg. W.AT' II SUNDAY PArt.il toll fcvAU CllXS For Pale- re oa paodeea pwagaVew ew ith street Prw $ a . rooea colonial aoaa A boeet.fel home with every tatr aad ea trally lor a led tTw I Tie room moSrr bwagalow la keel ro Ideex tertoa. faraacr. replac. hard oood ftooca aaras. r !. rooea bwagalow oa Heeta Ctaarf. rial trl; very etteaetjae aad) la fae coodiooa; prww ios I rooea bow, far more r !, It) feet frat ead boeutifal skrabeorf. Io. caooa la id r-eae pocUoa) Sad prKee to a 1 1 at toe . A room bow ta North Soleaa. tUgkle d both: bona sew aad ta goo rea. 4. 1 tow. bora eod fratt rvce ijeee. MlUt WINNIE -17TTIJOM 5 State Pt Tltwoa Sit Soaps In Red Estite Boys 4 room md era eottsg larg tot, r- iioe: gooo lorataoa: I J -o. trtaa Nx mod era ; rooea bwagalow. aoeia Saieea. aar rarlia. I 1 a ioo ; t . I rom plastered eooee. riae tota. frail, garSrn. berfte; close I mho. room tve cot tag, larg ar. fruit: bera. peied street .ever e llreO, Oa of l wl ertg peooc cberde ra Mar low coealy. heavy ea tree . for e.uirh ear. po - latsaats Uaravs sad sity rrav ' p"i-RRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Comaaerctel Clab PVdg BEST BUYS foreiebod. f oo (iio.a half ct lot. paved tr4. r- i. n:; : rooeaa. aolrr bwagalow. eaat froat 7 room m 4ea bee alow. fir4 riaa coo4itto. larg lot, pa d Ue4. i:S ; loom etrwtlr nwecra beagalew. garag. eA 'root, mast be arts te bw epotld $ will bwild yo booe I suit by pa ve-arter ef the cool ao a. h ao eoar ! ictr. fe w bwgw. aew bera. awthottdiese. t arre rle-arod pari '. 11 acr beaverSaaa; A escte iroov s tooa. $lL5e 7bts As worth aew ie 5 ecre. ( brie togaaa t arrae betrea. if. taketed I : ta a . ooorr get. half th gtoo rtorelr Prtro IXs Yea tea aneee ia.a llveo la S oeeha ie arte. elebt f-e a r.ae aim iWw : 7io- IeP caea. Mwac yor oo a iraa poem hwe. a en ire 1. woa vwo. lot M2I5 ft. half piaeted le 0 a-. I Mor W a trcova erb.o. pew Ilea ea. balaare rati tersoe S0C0L0FSKY III State St. lUevk 4e IUt!tn wear srf- Ils? So p-opU will Ihisk It 1 a la! yrer and has snwaey." Farm Life. "ON WITH THE DANCE"