1 WE CItEOOX STATESMAN: TIIIKM IV. JINK 17. 1930. The Oregon Statesman lasuad Dally Except Monday by ' THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SIS S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication tt all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks... Stephen A. Stone. Ralph Glover.... Prank Jaskoski. . .Manager Managing Editor Cashier . . . . . .Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, nerved by carrier in Salem and suburbs. IS cents a week, SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by malL S6 a year; $3 tor six months; 60 cent a -month. For three months or more, paid in adTance, at rate of $5 year. (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will be sent a year to any one . paying a year In advance to the Daily Statesman.) CNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; SO cents tor six months; SS cents toi three months. MEEKLY STATESMAN, issued to two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid in adrance, tl.XS); SO cents for six months; 2S cents tor three months." The common stock will in time ! worth more than the preferred ; ami it is a pift novr. It in ImmiihI to U so for ilehyilratioii is on . uui, ami thU is the only commercial kiml. This will cuahlc the company to luil tlit- f.u- t-.i siorHp plant here, which is much neclel hy the company in it uperat ion, and ly the farmers hereabouts, tn, for fuml conservation. Thi was later well shown in the freeze of last winter. It's a Long. Long Way to San Francisco Diil you know that (Jermany, each year iluriiii; the war. dehy drated more potatoes than were raised all together in the I'nited States? Hut they had only crude prin-i"scs, as compared to the Sa lem process. Think what the Salem ptm-exs of dehydration would mean now, in case of any such paramount neeesnity. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. " Circulation Department. 683. Job Department. 633. Entered at the Postoftice in Salem. Oregon, as second class matter. SALEM IS THE WORLD'S DEHYDRATION CENTER BITS FOR BREAKFAST - - Dehydration's tbe thing. V It take the water out; the con sumer puts it bark. S Aye. there's the rnb. That's the patent. It takes the water out in such a way that the outline of the water back restores the fruit or veg etable to its original fresh Mate, as to flavor and as to every least parti ral of its original food value. And there Is no other way. no oth er process under heaven by which fruits and vegetable may thus be saved for u.e at any time and at any place on the wide earth. S . It is now op to our producers and our men with money. The market is "over. If we !o not supply it we will be recreant lo dehydration under the patented processes of the King s r ood s Co., whose principal plant is located in Salem, is new. It com ins Salem's The word dehydration means merely taking the water out. . . . ... . i ... . ... The dehydration or drying of fruits and vegetaoies ana meais our amy; we win not te living up 1 t n Asa e a ew w ma a I t am w vui ufui luuiurn. S "W s To the last hour of every day tilt the spring time of next year, the limit of the capacity of the Salem de hydration plant fs already sold. And twice as much could possibly be produced with present facilities could be sold. Things are Purely Way these days. ". The big boilers at the Salem pa per mill are now being put in place. As soon as they are ready, the sul phide end of the big mill will go to running It will not lx long now till that golden stream will begin to pour this way REVELATIONS OF A WIFE and fish is as old as the race. But . Products .is more than this. It 'is exclusive. As Mr. Eddy, the banker, said in his address printed in this is sue: "This company has the only system of dehydration which has ever produced dehydrated products for the commercial markets." There are some thirty-odd patents under which this company operates, and more are pending. ' These processes are in use only in the plants of this company at The Dalles. Oreeon. and at Salem, and at two plants in California working independently under royalty agreements and marketing their products through this company. These two plants are at Santa Rosa and Gilroy, and they are putting up apricots and peaches, in order that the King's Products-Co. may have a more contplete line in their marketing operations. . So Salem is the world's dehydration center. And dehydration under the processes used here is a great deal more than merely taking the water out. It means the taking out of just enough of the water (all but about 10 per cent) to leave suffi cient in to preserve intact the natural food cells; and the taking out of the water in snch a way as to allow all the flavor and all the freshness to remain, so that it may be restored at the point of con sumption, at any time and anywhere under the shining sun, by the putting back of the amount of water there that has been taken out here. v j That makes commercial dehydration. And that Is the biggest thing in the world iu food conservation It will mean the saving of billions of dollars iu freight charges, heretofore paid out m shipping water And in shipping sugar, ' And in shipping glass jars and tin cans, ; j And in shipping heavy crates and boxes, 1 And in shipping ice. - Dehydrated products may go to the tropics or to the frozen lands near tbe poles, and brought to the full excellence of fresh ripe fruits and vegetables right from the trees and vines by, the mere rcstora tionof the water taken out at the factory. And other billions will in time be saved by the dehydration of crops not readily marketable for any reason; oh account of a glut caused by' a strike or through any number of conceivable causes. Commercial dehydration, with headquarters at Salem, furnishes The Story o! a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Harried GARRISOX CHAPTER CIS WHAT COXFIDEXCK DID MCKY KEEP HACK FROM MADCK? -Well, which way shall w- go?" Dicky asked tbe question as be ac commodated his long stride to my shorter steps. I took a deep appre ciative breath of the wonderful spring air before I answered. I should love to go over and ree our brook . I said at last, for bc- t s , M"v- . " . v Yl8,on of the peinci1 winding stream jwiui uu scarcity at hh uuier ioiiii in me wiuc worm. I Dicky had shown me upon my first It is the most important missing link ever invented by mortal I trip to Marvin, and which Is always man. I"1 o81 n in eariy spring. felt that the sight of It would be . r r. ... - , . ; "cnuuit iriiie III III I Jit glg ll- ""M oaicw luia uicaiw irrrai, imurc. i blems with wh eh mv din had been W . . . . m a a a a a I Jt means me absolute insurance, the absolute stabilizing, oT alfed recently high tide of prosperity here. I "Another instance of the nclty of If will n V,a fMnn .n.1 C T. ,f C n.i I greai romas. isugaea uicay. 1 " u.v. . v ouir uuu kjau V (Ml, J I I K vf . lUlfCUi . . i . . , . i - - w . . ,u just suing io propose' me oroos:. miO One. Snnmu w mIV nn Cti.u The present capacity of the Salem dehydration plant, thoutrh it I turn down that road by the coif c!.b will be worked to the utmost limit, will furnish onlv a drnn in the o the Kissing bridge, and then go inirifPt of thP rlPmsinrla alrpaU- firmer ma.lA fnw fhA niAil..At0 iw iuq urwa iu iuf wiirr worn- M ho m a fir At in rv and T 4U a . hiioiAon v.A. - .1 A . I v 7 wa a aaataa uvuaa tuu VA UJC 13 UTI- CtUU U t"r IU SIS V I I V'- Ati.Kl m U KU A j . - . ' I " m w wir iu uvi t urns uu now u is up to ine producers to produce ine raw materials, and I and get back home in time for lun- lt is up to the manufacturers to reduce what the farmers furnish tolrnw,n." 1 '! practically, "'nnlcsj them to the marketable goods and to get them on the way to the I you re vrr bungrJr- consumers. " Great outlook, is it not? . Uut it Is as true as truth This means that any industrious man mav buv at nresent value any fann in the Salem district, and pay for it, and more, with the crops, unuer any reasonable amortization plan. foot. I'm anxious to se the old place. We can go more slowly coin ing home." We alkil on without upeaking lor several minute, both revelling in the tender fcren of the openlrg leaves, the fir! emerald of the lawns along the road, and the oc casional crocus and early tulip beds we saw. IHrky wa the first to break the silence. "What's all this rtcamarole Lil rot off to me over the telephone?" he asked abruptly. "Something about wanting you to come every day for a while in order to help b-r out on some stunt." "You'll Re AMe To." I came down to th realities or life abruptly. For a few minutes I had succeeded in foi Kilting all tbe slnltiT possibilities of the meeting with Harry I'm'.erwood which Ul lian had planned for me In her des peration at being unable to ascertain the truth concerning the Infamous work of which me suspected Grace Draper. I realized that I muM preserve an appearance of calmness in order that Dicky might not suspect the real nature of the work Lillian wtahed me to do. "Why. she has a big order on. I explained, as on as I could school my voice to maUer-of-fact tones, "and it is one that require some ac curate historical knowledge aa to costumen. etc." "And l.il. t'ing rather shy on that end of tbe game, naturally wants the advice of the iml aceomp!lihe4 history shark in captivity." Dicky Interrupted, bonding toward me with an exaggerate! bow and laughter in his eyes. Hut it was mirth, not mockery that his eves h-ld. rn I didn't mini his gibing. His nit words were more serious. "I don't se any racn why yow shouldn't go." he said. "Mother It getting along rplendidly. Kh real ly doesn't need yon. and I like to oblige old Lil whenever I can. Then I'll be around home a good deal this week." Ie hesitated oddly. When be spoke again I had th Instinctive feeling that he had tecn on the brink of a confidence and had put It away from him. "I've got the order for tbe illus trations for that big aviation serial of Klack's I was telling you about." "Oh. Dicky!" I breathed admir ingly, for the novel of which he spoke was the important one of the year. "Yen. I'm pretty pleaned myself he rejoined, "and it means I've got to spend some time over in the field at Forest City. It took quite some pulling of wires. I can assure yon to get me a chance over time, but ine powers that be think this ser ial Is going to be a wonderful bit of propaganda, so they're willing to stretch a point forhe Illustrations. I shant go Into the city for a week or two. and probably shall have a good deal of time at home, so you'll be able to oblige old Lil without any trouble. A feeling of thankfulness leaped within me. There would be no chance for the thing I had dreaded. the possible casual entrance of Dick Into tbe Public Library in the theat rical exhibit of which Lillian had planned I should encounter Harry Vnderwood. (To be contlnuedl What's All This?" Every man iu Salem and the Salem' district who can iMssibly do so ought to take all the preferred stock he eanJhandle. with the com. mon stock bonus, in the reorganization proposition of the King's Food Products Co. , frVirVrtirtti r 1 ONE'S STRONGEST RESOURCE PRIENDS may come and go, investments may rise and fall in return, but the bank account with any sort of fair treatment at all goes on and grows on. When you put your money in the United States' National Bank you are assured of facilities and services unsurpassed in this sectionT Federal Reserve Member "Oh. you material creatnr." scoffed Dicky, "to think of food when a brook outrivalling Tennyson's awaiting us! Rut I don't mind tell ing yon. confidentially, that I ate a substantial meal before coming oat here, so I don't care how late lua cheon Is unless you're hungry." he added with quick compunction. "I'm not a bit hungry." I ex claimed Indignantly. "1 was only worrying about you." Dicky langhed. caught my band playrully and tucked it in his own. He knows that I love walking wiL him in this fashion. "Then we're both suited. he said gayiy. - come along. iei a snake a Calls Wave of Luxury Buying in U. S. "Dance CHERRY CROP FOUND HEAVY Lowlands Are Producing Well Notwithstanding Freeze of Last December The fteege that wa experienced In western Oregon lat Iieeember has had no serious effect oncberr4 for trees in Marion and folk coun ties, and. it Is aald. throughout the central Willamette valley, are bur dened with a heavy crop. Kven In the lowlands where tbe rold spelt hit the hardest the crop wilt not fall short of normal to any serious de gree. ! IUIn U ItrwefbUI Tbe heavy and bn(cil rata that has fallen In wetern Oretoa la Is tast ten days came jut at tbe tight time, when It did a world of good to all growing crops and not late enough lo split tbe ripening cberrle. This fruit will be at Its best about July 1. Tributary to Salem in Marion and Polk counties. It Is estimated that this season there are 1000 acres of bearing cherries, enough lo place this district ahead of any other la the state In cherry production. Lo cal fruit eiperts place tbe Kageae district iu second place in cherry production and The tulle third. IUg Armuce IJm! In this district the main commer cial varieties are Roval Anne, lilac. and Lamberts. Numerous other varieties are produced, but are used mainly tor local consumption. In this district and elsewhere the Oregon (.rowers Cooperative a ciation has ll'ted for this season's activities about 04 acre of cher ries. Other acreage lifted by the association Is prunes. I T.ft00 acres. apples. ?00 acres: pears. i.t0 : Walnuts. Kerne. 3e. a total of about 2 ,0 acres. u i aa ii i - IE J III lA'XMl Uill v . vSalem onalRnnfc Oregon. JXTURK IIATKS Jut 11 t 17 Offleera' setionla for I Orecn National Gward at Vsscoavsr I anl rort Stevens. June 17. ThurMar '.rarfuatbin es erelees at atste whiml f.r deaf. June 17. Thursday Iowa Dicnlc at lair irminna. Juna 17. Thursday Munieale hr t ima neatnee Shlloi advanrert bunila j una i y. Saturday I'ionerr mraie auio niiia. Juna 19 and SO National arrnsv tour motorcycla events la Salem. Juna :. Sunday rUsehalL WmmI. burn vs. Salem, at WoorlSurn. June 21. Monnay Musirala be Ifiaa Heatrtre Khrilon a advance! nupila. Jun 21. Monday Annual school election. June 25. Tuesday County Hepitblt can Central committee meets. Juna II. II and 24 Imperial eonclava lor slystle Shrlna In Portland. June 22. Wed need a y Imperial ena claea of Mystic Shrlna to visit Salem June It. za and Z I'ortlaa Itoaa restleaL June 2. Batnrdsr Letter Carriers convention In Salem. July S. SatnMay Independence day ceie oral ion atMiayton. July f. Monday Salem btialness houses clone in beervanra of lode pendene day. July f to 3 1 Summer school for rti i ral pastors at Willamette vnleerslty. July to 2a Annual eacampmaat of Oregon national Uuard. laraatry and engineers at Camp Lewis, artillery at rort Stevens. July It to 24 Sslem Chautauaua. July 22. 22 and 24 State Elk con vention la Salem. 1 September 27 to October 2 Or ego a ajf i I i1 ::, -. I; 47 ;i' a v L - ...- . . -1 KIWAMH MIUW t.lUlUTII POUTl-AS!. Or. June 16.- Itoa the Kiwanls movemeni has grown from the llate. club of o mm ago lo a nlrontly co-ordinated organitatlon f Z 7 .' rluts la the I'nited States and Canada was told here today by O. S. Cummin. e retary. at the first lume aeion of he national convention of K- wanls. A feature rpeaker of lb lav was M. A. Mrltonald of Vaneou ver. II. V.. wboae subjtri a K'. wiu rf'.iri' a W.rU .Ned Tonight there waa a inrn and a tmil in nnor or visiiing aeiegaie and I heir lalln. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. J. II. Trcgtie. In a letter wnt to members of the National Association of Credit Men. J. II. Tregoe, secretary -treasurer of I h" organization, called the present wave of luiury buying in the t ailed Stales "The Uanee of Industrial Death." lie added: "The nation Is sound fundamentally and the sound ncM will continue If -ople a ill give up their folly, become diligent and work as human beings should work usaaua A few centa bqya Danderlni.- After an application of "tUnderlne you ran not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair show new me. vigor, nruotnesa. tuonj What' Do You Say? A new car now, or a good used car now and a new one after the prices drop. We hire the following used cars in A-l condition: 5-Passenr.er Maxwell 5600 1917 Dodge Roadster 5725 1918 Ford Roadster.. $475 1919Dort5-passenrer . $725 Others, $250 and op New Dort Cars Ready for DeliTery SALEM VELIE CO. 162 North Commercial Street !f.S6ur Haute is tokJ.naJut it Newf - Wit ft ( 3 ! I J I 3 1 l.LS With I VS rVa.e I 1111 I I 4 . VVa, . V-sV l H aw k Y 11 II 1 aw sni sa i7EAons f S'E thinir 5 IWrn ts ture you can't hi outside of your house from critical err. You'll be proud of your home and vour neijhhcf hood will be proud ofyou if your house is kept ruintrd and in Rood repair. The well-painted house is evidence of community spirit and thrift. FULLER Paint keeps new and old houses from run ning down, adds to their value and makes them art rafli re Specify FULLER Paint for your home. You afl depend on it to do two things and do them well pre serve and beautify. V Las L a. FULLX DaaU lis YaatrTs W. P. Fuller & Co. -1 KcthrMt Branch lUwaaa at PwetUstJ. I xssu, ypehaiaa. Beua .e-a ee state xair. during a time ot 8trca and strain. color and tnk-kne&. , -P "