7 - TftB OfESOOft CTATz53IJ.il t WEDXESIUY, JVXE IB, 19o. Classified Directory The Want, and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While X3UW1CH union WThX INSURANCE BOCIXTT TkltlMO, BoUad at Bnrcbardt ftMktont Affent 71 Si, MONEY TO LOAN On- Real Estate T. K. Ford (Over Ladd & Bush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04-907 Orctoa BolldJn , CLASSIFIED ADTEB1UEXESTI Rat P Word. Per insertion 2e Three Insertion le One week (els Insertion)...-.. Ic One month 2c Six month contract, per mo.. lie 11 months' contract, per mo... 12c Minimum for any xdvert's'm t.2c LIVESTOCK 0OOJMOJOAOAOAOMMOAMO.MMaaMOjOjaoatOS FOR SALE STOCK HOGS. INwUIItE W. H. BOAS, phone 2F11. Address Kout I. Gervals I'AHM PAPER. IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST rarm paper, sent lie to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Ore., for a three months trial subscription, Mention this ad. rotnTKi. TUB NORTHWEST POTJIJTRT JOUR- sal. the blggeat and beet In the wl The lire magaxln Cor lire poultry, man ft cents a rear. V9 In Bale, Bend I cents for sample today. Ad ore ee The Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon. Mention thle ad. M11CELLA.TEOCI BRICK FOR SALE AT $?. PER thousand Call 311. ORDER TOUR AWNING FROM DILL- mann, SOU Maple avenue. 'OC5D FOUND ON MUCWAta A ilAMU' emblem. Owner will pease call at this office fr same. LODGES Chemeketa Lodge Not 1 meets every Wednesday evening- at S. at the L O. O. F. hall. BUSINESS CARDS CONTllACTOKS AXD IILILPEKS CONTRACTORS BUILDING CON tractots; aiteratlng and repairing. Frank Beers and Co. Phone 1UIW. SKATS A2TD bxm. LAAMXR TRAB FER-W E MOTH AND torn rood. Day phone tie. Night skos lis 2ATJTOUCS. NEW TODAY si ai si in ii rkravsirvirvvvarrar i - -- --o..n.n. SHOAT8 FOR. 8 ALE. INQUIRE MRS. Ray Perkins, Route 8. Hon lis. ea lent. Phone number 20F14. FARMERS LET US PRINT YOUR hop and perry tickets, rrorapi ser vice and the right price. Bertelsort Printing Co., 21 N. Cum. St Phone ; S79. WANTED A GOOD COW. PHONE " 9JF21. .REFINED GENTLEMAN WOULD like to have nice room and board In pri vate family where there are no other boarders. Close In preferred. Address -J 7 7" car of Statesman. iv K1I K MOUSES CLOSE IN. some In West Salem, some north and nm,MiiiK. Soma centrally located. all In splendid neighborhood. Gen- ruae J. . nic, i Phone lilt . mm AI.E OOW AND HEIFER CALF. 2 year old Bel Clan filly. borse 1. H. C woodsaw, 4 1-4 Inch farm was;, on complete with box. Phone Hr la. C8SD CARS FOR 8AXJE ltll well good as new: 1117 Maxwell, run 100 miles. Cash or term, III Bo. Commercial. Phone Sit. WALL TASTE." NO COOKING RB- I . Mt . 1 1 . a . . quveu. bucs every win a. max v. Bursa .179 K. Commercial street. BALEll LAUNDRY COMPANY. 114 S. Liberty street. Phone 11- Oldest Largest Beat. Established 1111. CAPITAL CTTY BTXAM Duality work, prompt Broadway. Phone Its. LAUNDRY 11M WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOG rapher. Give references and wages deeored. Addrcsa "J If care of the . Statesman. WANTED LOGANBERRY PlClwERS to register for 45 ncres of berries at Salem Heights. B. Cunningham. Phone S1F1 ' ;; 'WHEN YOU THINK OF FIRE 1NSUR ance you should think of the Oregon Fire Relief Assn. of McMinnville. your own home company. Proven best by actual test. Besides furnish ing you the very best protection ob tainable., we would be glad for the opportunity to demonstrate our no vice department. Just ring our phone nnd we will have a man at your service on schedule time. No wait no delays, we give service. H. JOHNJ&N INSURANCE AGENCY Over Ladd Bush Hank, faien ;..;, .... Phone 94! - CHERRY PICKERS WANTEDCALL or write E. W.- Matthews, Amity. Or eaon for particular. lTevailing 7iM. nnid for nicking. Excellent rimnlnr around. Free . wood and straw. Applications In by June 15th. i FOR SALE TRAILERS. ALL SIZES, cheap. Stelnbock Junk Co.. lit North Commercial street. Phone 2vi- n vnrm -mmr . lT-u superior to cloth, at about half prion. Max O. Bar lit w. worn i at. "WALLBOARD CAN SB USED OVXR lath or studding Can be tinted or papered. Max O. Buren. lit North Commercial street. CAPTIVITY OF TBI OATMAN GIRL This true story of western txaxat nation has been carefully revised. maklBs: a nandsomn IltUe took, It I tails in nranhla terms ( the mas era at the Oatmaa family, of the - cape of Lorenso, nnd the captivity ei Marr nnd Olive. Mary died of star vation nnd Olive was purchased from the Indiana five years later. The I prtee la 2 eenta. postpaid. Address Oregon Teach ere Monthly. SeJom. Or. OUR TREES WILL SELL TRY IT. Heavy demand and a good supply or well grown stock to meet 1c Term upon request: Salem Nursery Com pany. 411 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. FOR DALE BARBED WIRE CHICK en nettintr. vises, nress drills, forres. anvils and all kinds of machinery and tool, belting, pullevs. shafting, cab le, rope, etc, gasoline engine, auto mobile parts of ail kinds. MOXKY To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPER ty. low Interest. 442 Masonic Bldg.. phone 2i- Ask for Junes REAL ESTATE Ft Rest Estate FARM. CITY gr l ULRBAN CH AS. V. MEMETER Juat Real Estate" SlS-Slt Mssunie Temple. Salem. Ore. REAL ESTATE Fine Bays in Small Tracts 1(3 nrres 4 miles from Salem la fine fruit and berry section. zee ptuae trews years old. fw stales and peachea 1 3-4 acres logaas. I ' acre corn, spuds, beans, etc. Few small buildings. A bargain at alive. S-X Arm a rait All la prune, cherries sad few apples: nesrly all in full keener- Crvp go with place if soul sown. room house. barn ana pen nouse. a rest pergsin at li laj Aeree Fratt All In fruit and berries, mostly prune la beariax except IW acre logana. i room house, barn and chicken bu A ftae bur at I Sea Hki term a. Fine adjoining fruit tract if you waat more. KINNEY & SMITH Varan Land Dealer toCR C1IANCF TO OUT THE BEST Utile Cwtwnial Luageiww In kalem el less than cost Just being completed st t Msrket. Modern n every de tail and then twin. Mast be see a to be appreciated Also few good srtl ciea vt faraiture fr sale Paeae HW FOR B A LIT 1 4 ACRES MOST ALL IN tugaaa Iterriee are setting urn a ell Aawtaer crop la leea thaa IS awaUt Tne tw erwp shufeld pay the price shed Address J.I care of Statesman or phwn llr'll. REAL ESTATE rtntuc aartfcx, iMmti: i' imnMMi:T AliMtSlrit.TUI ItiH KENT 1114a AUI I'AhM. 4 acre. milee esat of Mr Clsm II. WaMsx Mlr. tre ItlR SALE BY OWSKK-nVE-KOUa modem cellar. Uge earner lot paved etreel m of the h-ret fee- ttstt sections I offer it at a price fr lese then the bowse rsd bo anilt tr; geod term if dee.red Los 11 ever. Farnltwr for sale. 1441 Chena eheta air eel. earner lttn. riVE lunJM II.AirTEUED HoUK. r meat baset. psved at reel, near rar lae. Three haadred a. bel sn.e terms. rVe aef . 4I X, tspl-t-L 4t9 State St. Ground Flour jcctiSD uaid rrminTirmsi WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI. tor, ruga, carpets, stove, machinery tool. Beet price paio. Te cap- and tool. Ital Hardware A Furnttur N. Com'l St. Phoa 47. Co, ail TO YE RErAIKlSO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 4 years experience: Depot National rence. ise to ss inencs niga. Paint, oil nd varnishes, etc-. log. berry nnd hop hooka Salem Fence end Stove Works, lit Court street. Phone 1S4. HAYFORD & HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 State Street t room plastered house, toilet and bath, and " lots within 1 block of street TmAjrsi .BAtxna ear rrloe siiee. t room bouse with I lot 1 block to street ear. has some fruit. Price at?ss Trms room house, paved street, cement side walk, lot 4IlaC oiocn io eireet car Price III. Ills cash C room plastered house. I lots, t blocks to street car. Price 11 let: cash, modern boa with all the built In features, large garage. 101 a las feet on paved street. Price 44. HtVPORD HAirARD Modern 6 Room Bungalow Nearly new bungalow on graveled street, nalll-la features, fall as meat without furnace- Nice fireplace Garage being built. A bargain at llttt: 1144 eaah. belaace like reat KINNEY & SMITH 4C9 State St- Urea ad Floor WOODS BARGAINS 11 acre six miles tut Fsir build:. ma i a road, runaiag water. ibvoU lead, eome orchard 1144 acre I half la frait. mala hlghwey. build. acs. five miles out It acwa all la orchard near Pacific highway, fair buildings lie II acres three mllee out. main road. good butMlage 1 444. 21 acre farm well improved. Ill per acre: will tahe smsller farm part pay. 14 scrvs with buildlnge. ruantag water 111 per acre: take Salem property. 2 room bungalow st half value, easy terms F. L WOOD 41 Stat Street. FOR SALE P.tuiM Ml E aeved eireet. close . 11414. II will haaeie I noae FOR SALE BT OWNER. t-ROOM boaae and eleepiag srh. wlih aU strictly SBodern bwitt la fsatwren, Tar. a see. tirerUce. ceases I aMcaMl walks. rie aad garage. Large groaada garden, chicken pafk. -lag fruit aad ant treea All for less than bows csn be bailt for today. At UJ Nwrtk ltta atreeC Notice l iervby ir I bat lie Tib ij of J a. l2t. tn Cttf I'osrt cf Marion Conaty. Oregon ' duly ppolat4 Lonis Nrvcib. a4- j m.alairatrtt of tk ( of L I Krep;. deekrd- aa4 tvavlsg gsai-tfto-d as rlrs4 by Ur, all prmrt katlag claim agalaat a!4 eaii , re hrreVy notified to free a I tVen , to tbe adrinel at 1st law f tit of lrk A. Tarxer. Ktb :. lusk of Cmarr faai- lag. ttAlem. Oregon. wllkls months from tko UU cX abli-atoo of this notkw, lo-wtt: ja th. i:. imta of uu in-:-! cotton Jaly tth, III. LOCUC fCVClK. j A4situtntrx ; Framk A. Tararr. Attorney for Alnn. a.t ; t f:rt I vr. WHOLE inix JL2TD rXODUCX 7JLHTXD ACUTJ. MALI IN PflfNTM H w.j.. r.-e. a r, osrtag. half escelleal Isgaabeery sr C-LriCa CrtantTy 4 2T0CSC W, etrawherry la a, creea icMacae FOR SALE liae ml rf like tea ItM HOL'Sli, LARGE LOT, CLCBX Ptl CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 111 State St phoa tss. uuirinuii, forwarding nnd storag our apoclalty. Get our rate. SabOUSD sXAXTO OODI HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL KINDS bought una soia. riigaeei caso prwv Wa will nlve you n sauara deal. J. A. Rowland. 444 N. Commercial t Phono 14. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR! water must be man - X.U met W " . . wa a bargain Just as we told w. kawM ntner smaii r.ini See us at once sMoad band automobiles of all kinds. Also wo pay tho highest cash prlc for psper. rg. oraas. copper, iron and nil kind of Junk. STEINBOCK sTUNK CO. S2t N. Commercial street Phone 15 WB BUT AND BELL BKOTJND HAND good of all una, pip nttwgu. our- Collars, couar paua. wwa mmm chalna Frad BchlneUar. Ill Coat street. WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER lee nd up double roll. Max u. av- ran. 179 N. Commercial 8t BARGAIN ACRES. XH MILEa west or Msrion: la acres vrii Italian prune, water piped to fouse end barn. IT Iced low, term librL C M. Smith, Vlarron. Or New Houses Terms Imme diate Possession 1 down. 12 n month take mt1 house on anvemeat witn net, else-1 irletty end basenseat. Price, pave ment paid 111, later per coot. Ill down. Ill n saeatb lakes I room rlastersd with modem plambtag ewe lock west of Dawes store. Price IT. Possession in I dsr. t down. 12 n month takes modem room buagelaw at 114 ft Church street electricity, modern nlambiag sad bath nd nil built-la. prc II.- ao balldiaga. close to alem. ITMe aiass mw imb BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW. I1MI cava, rt kh te cr lias- It Ks . ROOat MOUSE. OVER ACRE OF lead la helsa. fin for poaltry or fruit- Price I L"e I RtjoM HotSE. TWO L4ROE LOT, 14 sf fruit. pve street bar ad awltry boas. lrVr I l.Te. JOSEPH BARBER Room 24 Gray IU4. phoa III f i;iJ. Salem. Ortf oa. rtoas St! 5 FOR t ALE :-l:OOM lots la West Salem: "desl with owner. W. street. West Salem. MOUSE AND 4 txe of frail: W. Helen. Fifth Bo. NEWIXRT OREOX1N FOR SALE. AN ' jown. 12 n mWVW take I room Ideal little home In a very Protected mo4rTn buagalow all built In with location fsclag Bay Beach electricity aad modem plambmg ce- 14x144 well graded and J"-,ri" meat bs semes t and garage. tiee In. Nice shade tre. Hie i4e. Location. 111! a. Church St. finished Inside, with bullt in work. 2. .... Handy to ftahlns nnd ioul ;m 7-i,iM owm- $U write owner. Box 111. Newport. , n month buy old T I room house with very large lot I many large beeriag fruit tree In- FOR SALE Phon lllFU. STRAWBERRIES. KB PORTER FOR FAINTS. WALL Paper and nctur rramiag. ueoe workmen. 411 Court St. Phono 41s. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL deliver. 192. Fie pnone uirzi or writ FruitUnd N'ursery. R. . Sa lem. Ore. PROFESSIONAL tX)H SALE BT OWNERSIX ACRES prunes four miles south of Salem. Good five room house, chicken bona, barn and shed, good well, half mile from paved road and excellent OPhool Call phon 17 or Address 304 U. S. Bnk Bids.. Salem. IX) R 8ALE-3t ACRES. BEST OF SOIL all cleared nnd acre In fin clover: 1 cre la grain, small house aad barn. lrlc witn crop, iuc n iew wajs " HART A MULLER III Oregon Building. OlTKOrATBIC rUTSICIAXS WOOD WOOD FOR SALE C, D. QUERRY. Phon 7F2, .. Ar-nr.Q THAT WE AD W - A ill A sra-' n-no-sw , ..ie for tlttue wa sold rirat Bsriv mil saw n. bar- before it Is . i.t rr vou are mteresieu. jun ,vw - - - ... ,1A H. Scott jtcany via" - IF YOU CAN MATCH THIS In Blem let u. sell It for ro--nace. basement, good garage with ce- , reent floor and drain. I arn room with large loet "f4 " comnletely built-in. Fruit and gsr Sen. Thin on lot 100 by 65 with good wid cement wlk. Alley et front and I blocks from Bush's i. fin bath, station ary w a. r, tubs and gas. This at .. too; 20 cash to swing. Immediate I ?o"m"modrn bungalow all built in snd immediate possession for Term. 15 own balance 25 a month Interest Included, ft room modern with basement and gar- ge Built in. I2S00: 1500 d own. bal nnc Bk rent nd interest t Pr HCroom new hou with cement base ment nnd furnnc. Lrg P WOOD FOR SALE II INCH AND I foot mill wood; II inch old nr. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Well. Ill South Church trt Phoa 1142. IRS. WHITE AND MARSH ALU U. B. National Baas mag. IR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician 4k surgeon, - oregn Bldg. Phono: Oil ice 114; Re. IIFft. I t. W. L. Mercer. Oetopthi Physldaal nd surgeon, M.irnaviiie grsausiu. 44 nnd 40i U. S. Natl liana Duiiumg Phone Office 919. residence 414. ClUROPItACTOn. FOR RENT Inn n L. IICOTT. D. C- CHIROPRAC tor. P. B. C. graouat. vis vj. n. N. Bank Bldg. Phone It: Rs. IIIR. HOUSES cnnrxsB phtiicias FOR RENT S ROOM COTTAGE ON Fairmount Hill. Phon 111 or 1.1. VTT1 niltr ANY BTNOWTN 111 a. Hlcb St. Phono Hi mediate possess loa. ft down. 11 n month bur email new 4 room bona with garde In. Prlc 114. 1121 dwn. Ill n month buy new I room nuagarow wita a ioo sei a pavement. Pric I IT 4. poeelon wlthia 1 darn All the above art lathed nnd pUeteeed nd rere built to live in. not to veil. All rsal setsts. All laanranc. I We specialise on small houses BECKE & HENDRICKS Pboae 141 V. S. Kali Bank Bldg FOR SALE 11 ACRES, CLOSE T" tow Good bclldifma. all lraped Family sr. hard price llr. E. C DerrKk, 442 Stst street A XUMSEK or GOOD HOUSES ritual I 114 I IT: good term LA FLA R a I.OT.AH Oregon Bldg. one or stLEM rtxr homes wmi Bice lawn. etc. II LArLAR A LtrLAR Oregon Uidg. ejnwaansm assssae snaasasasssaawa easeassssnnnawawBamnmnnnw FOR SALE t.ROOM fTUXOAUH irlrtiv sssvteen ect faraace. rag. Urge lot d a frail Ts I eacepttoaalty goad bey at 2 Hart a Mailer. 21 Ovegsn haildlag. 19 ACRES or OwiTt LAND. BUILD- lag .wsrth II.. I : acre In eroa, es.ie from Sslssn ;h sale. 1 14 per - LA I' La K a unaR Oregon Bldg. t:t WkI A COMFORTABLE RtniM tinr -t r.n.i rim. mii .loiiec ie trie liehts. several fruit trees. 1S9; iu kl.us Ilka real Another a room cottage on car im. gnaci lot ana a goon oy ior rw o who doe not car to ysi saw Ln. lteo 111: terms. W have IVe crea juat ontaio city In south naiem. im view. of fruit cf all kind, good house, barn etc 111. . u a Htilea out an main road iLrk la heme- nved. It acre of beartag prunes, acre apples, soeae .mI wslaut. two SCTeS et . Ia,.i i hi a rar. 2 prunes set thl yr. 1.: down, term Sr.AMnTs.lt M.B..SA.I 1 i. 411 Masonic Tempi GOOD BUYS I ACRES UTED lut oalSld cl?. It liah walauts. o4 Ftae Kttagalow aad 2 fN I'AVEMftXT i frs't aad l'-g-W.M.SS :ta esay pay I acre frm( 42 acre cultivated end In crop, beat of pralrl ol- goo ai A. L. F. L. WOOD. S41 aetata, rental. STATE BT, niYSIClANS AND SURGEONS, FOR RENT LARGE STORE ROOM on Stat street. Addrea "J car Statesman. FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE ON South Commercial trC Wired In chicken house nd good garden. John H. Scott Realty Co. 221 Oregon Building. - ' FOR RENT ONE. TWO. THREE AND fnur.room houses t ll.0. sua i li.40 a month. On house requires repairing and wlU allow credit on rent for labor on oam. Sttesmn Business office. CATHERINE 8CHLEEF. M. D- slcian nnd Surgeon, twice orero building, room 411-12. Phon 14. 244. Over Oreron Electric depoC little iter WAIbK. LIGHT A PUWhM a m. 11 Bautk Caal trL. Ten per cent discount on nomostl flat rat oaid I advance. No de ductions for nbeenc or any nnl wtr 1 shut off your pi ROOSI -j-Lnj- - jij u i n i'ii'i - - ........... FOR RENT. JUNE i a Biiiii. y room on th first floor. Hot wter heat. prlvt bath, us of phone. At th Alexander. 1911 Chem.ket street phone 111. REAL ESTATE "J .ika. 14000: hall 4 rmVrTOVw- r.H'W and I fruit trees. -. house and connected with city nd sewer ! ,, . Let u show you our smsll homes, or me '"i" . . it. ih.i . . We list property m FOR SALE BY OWStil uv r-ttu w i-4 Chumey roaosi-r. - j batteries. This week only. 121 N. Fourth. Phone 119. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY FOR 8 A LB --room house, lot 42x14 feet, situated on North High atreet. close In: price IIS: 41 down end II per month. IIAril K S1.UCI 201 Oregon Building. make It .easier for everyone. BECKE & HENDRICKS nITro5,.r-VW..,!ft - this morning BIPLOYIIENT FOR SALE STUDEBAKER SIX. RE etlr overhauled and is a bargain. 1200: will trade for lot. 1c Temple. uusvimw"q''1 .iijij-ui n i-ii ---- GIRL WANTED AT THE SPA. r.mM . xr r-nnif FOR SUM- wir-iT.7.r" Phone 111. State III VI ..w. School for Deaf. WANTED WOMAN TO COOK FOR I HAdit-i ii- nn wash- nw m wwa . .... . Ing. Phone J2F11. Address RFD J. Oervsis. Box 41. ...- a COUPLE OF GIRLS. m.ady work, Salem Laundry com pany WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- . v..e -e dsr: washing, n?Xle7c.Applir llS South Lib erty street, phone iltJ- nTT-rm CAUL. FOR OTtf-V".r work Small f.mily. Bvod wages. Call Mrs. phon 15F1S B. J. Mil. MALE jiuirinrM mi - - IWWMKiMlMWIW . .. T..fV WANTED - TWO BOYS TO LEARN rear. of .1 Apply SUt.sman Of tieo. upstnlr. 411 Msson- A BARGAIN FOR FIVE DATS WE will sell n l-room house, garage. chicken house, fruit end severel lots, n-l- l hlock from school. For onl ' a aa ill terms on nsrt u wsnten. ii vou'wsat a home act at one. B. 8. Martin. 4 It Masonic temple. Phon liS. -in-i PROPERTIES WORTH MORE T. i.mom coir cot taxes, goon iou. II piece, caan. . . Two l-room pltvred houses. Il . k I . Mtk IAIL.I oo BSlffH .i eoorfitloa aad cloos In. till piece. II down, balance good term. SplendM nroperiies. men electric t. li l-room eel nnd papered, electric ... . k iii.i l riaa lota, north -X.jr.tr.-i. Ill, cash and term. . is .mm la Polk couniy. a ncres in year-old prunes, naiaac ia - and bruah: good irult aoua. out huiMmn well: hows burned down. owner ha to sell; only l Fir 4-rootn house d outbulldlaga 1 acrs goon gronao, s. .- a .rr.i la assorted fruit. i 4.r. iMiiain:. very close I . . . . i . . - K.i r K. m k Am. 111. city. eia . 17 acre north. 4 ncre T-yer-ld a m,wmm beartaa- locaa. 4 acres strw berries, second ere sirawberrlee set out thl sprlag a a sf-ve meadow: good farm w..ni... af the very best la com properties In this stata Prlc . ilLl'tlt.-,tiJ llallnc of bouses nd farm fr to numerou t numrt "T" viral. T-n Vlrl.tnrN n. itt Uiym II- 11 N. Com. St. nvnw . . bulldla, good road; naaeieoloa nl aavea and all eron a Pricn I4. II cr farm 1 miles northeast, all cul tivated but n few acres, nuiidiaga ITIce I lit per acre. II acre all cultivated and close In on main road fiae prairie soil rr tc mw per acre. . . acre farm, 2 acre cult It a ted, sal- aac tirnner end pastar. nrs ss rmn. berry or grla land, Pric . . . 14 cr trct. Id cre of hearing pmnea. cherrie as waiaaia. oaisa paatars : h vuse aad barn. 4 mil. out Pric IIS. II acres on main Pacific hlgbwsy. 4 acres Italisa amna. I mue iroea street cr line. Price 144. . Isxproved I s-res, good baagslew. nara, well, i acre iiw, r ruses. pries. 2 mile out. Price II- fia see farm, all la fro, nous sa bam, crop go Prlco 111! Pr crn. I pnone 111 22 ncr ranch. acre farm lead, bal- I . a see good timner. so i paiiwa building Price t per acre. 1 acres. I acre -ultited, neiane as slurs and oaa limner. . arrse na- LnuL fasallr orchard: h barn, stock aad Implements ge; Po- . i .m Wlc 14llA ere bearing log. tWsutifsl all wud-a bosre oa North Ith of I re was, yleaty of fruit, lafg lot. Sever.l trade fe d nit Seety St ARE IUU Pbon : New Modern B-tnaJows J set bets finished with sll eoaeew tenc, ihe i g cod rdax dis trict l:t aad 111 AI Ul haif cash en thee I bwl they r wa 4f W hv bm for sal at 114 that yon can't dp'.-rat in Sales. Msd em la all war witn naant oa bUl side. Wonder fl lawn and flowara. com .est basmnt: thl new aad all built In sad on pror side f street- Thi l cash deal witn eUk gase lea. K trade or dMh- 'iBECKEk& HENDRICKS U. B. Nn Bask Ullg CHOICE HOME BARGAINS 19 bows ad i er acre, clos la. fia sol. t mo. ia oo sa slow, bam, arena, ben- booea. I wvlla. orckard, hrr-os, rows. few la, saachlasry. eroa. too. I . em rotlscs. isrg sia I SALEM UARIsXTS 1 rvcTia rfucs rX n4 rssxrvry Rdlt. leg. Ilea, hoary. Sir. Ugst kra. 23c Stat. ?, Old rooaura, tic. . Broiler. :. rwrk. Martians a rerk on foot. 14 He. Lmb, noi:s. Zrd kega. 21021c. Botf, stoara. t Is lis . Con a. IQK Tof venl. lIc-lTr. XTy Carat kar. 112 t tt2. Oat aad nxy. nor 14) 121. Clvr kaj, f 21 u Sit. CraJa Wferat. 12.3-U 1. Kord oat. tolI.t W. Ikanga, U t afca, Min rwmO. rtrt-Xt MU1 raa. Ill III. Tbs1niH To Denier CrBiry bttr. cartons. SC-lTt B a turf at, lie. I trmtt Oraaxr, 11 t i J. Iusaaaa, II He Lemon. Il l It :;. CallloraLa grapn trait, 14. ITortda grspo frait, 19-11. TrtweMei Cakbago. SOc. Oaloaa. 2 L Tarsip. Ift a dot a iaar.a. Carrot. 4 a doam lixl. Hil p4xpr. 49 s bMU. Hoaal radusen dasa lstt Parley. Ct docea k a . Eetj, lt done baacX, Crsea oaloaa. s acres lapel" Lttro. t n ao, Coroasaia, 1 1.1. ra. 11c pnil Aasaratta. 12. SuavtsmVrs, t:.T; ta 11. Tl. 1111 rlVna Craaairrr kaHrr. C2a, Dairy iaitrr. IVc, Lin. ox- 4 9c. riasr. karn rffoat, 11 II U II tt TUxr. YgHrf. 1 1.1 1 0 1 2- 8 agar. caaa. 2 If. tscxr. nark. 224 It v . - ; - - . " 1 . . ii,i. .... . acre pmaest several acres iih i - i o r - n bVr eroa'l house, good rood.' half of I 14 ocree cbesc s TTfX crop follow, sal. Prlc Hi- land. 11 acre la -slu.al-, Mi( . . a o intntl ,ef ff I . nawr, i r , w HU TAZLES til Stat Street. ACREAGES 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. v Commercial SL - Phon tft 191 ftve-psnger Reo. Al con- rrced'...?::. iStXst 1920 7-passenger Chsndler. almost new. Come nnd e it. Auburn I-4-ton berry truck.. . X CHANDLER CLEVELAND Sale nnd Service HERE'S A GOOD ONE ere Just in th edge of the city: l-room house, some fruit tree Price 220: half cssh. SEE J. A. MILLS Bligh Hotel THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK for sal at a bargain. Inquire at III Chemeketa atreet. FOR SALE ANY PORTION OR ALJL, of 21 acre or irrtgaoi farm tana in the Sutherlin Valley. Douxla county. Oregon Eicellent for ber ries. Prlc 2i to IS per cr below value. A. C. Bohr na ted t 41 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon "AUTO REPAIRIXa . . ri-u riR TROUBLES TO ME. IrK.r rieen Room X. 212 So. r7avaaen w Charch tre?t. BEST BUYS WANTED WJ I UfTKLLAK aS4r S. r iiCl-A.Ht7b .... v sutatma. Bldg- Balcm. Oregon- FOR SALE WANTED rVT eed. mone SUITABLE tor W IN'TED REGISTERED JERSEY bull year or past, not over two ersy Route -TB 1. GerVals. MONEY WANTED-240 FOR TWO OR VhVee rears at I Pr cent and 10 foJ'the period Socurity. good. Phone 47. lot i t:l Bl: indnivJa, O. Bursa 119 N. Coml St. LIVXS STOC9X ussoiw"" r. . , c-ri.- tmos. INQUIRE w m Ksesn chnna IF1L Addrs LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST 24 INCH STRINO OF TEARL beid. Rew.rd. Phon 41. i"wt CAMERA LEFT IN AlTTO JMn LOST- -J V,'1 ir.r w in owner " " ",. -otlfv C. E. Scotf, K. 5 room on North 21d street: city wter, lights, bath, sewer, plsstered garsge only 1121. easy terms. ? rmim. anil bath, modern except fur nace and - fireplace: well furnished: i. rt. of c round, rirdrn olanteu: . paved street snd car line. Price I2S. I room bunxslow on Mill atreet. mod ern, basement ana lurnace. paiea atreet. si.ee. a I room, modern, on Liberty street, lot lixIO. 1150 T rooms on Htate street- not far ou basement, city water. Hants ana oatn, a plaatered. good condition, (lave. rooms on Center, nicely finished and nearly modern. fi:ae. terms. l rooms on car iin ana pn ;. water. Iicnts and nath. piaatrreu. garaxe, 12200. term. 9 rooms on Court street, nesrly mod ern. 110 ensh. naianc term. I rooms on Chemeketa. modern except furnace, close In. !!. I room and bath, bungalow, fireplace, built in conveniences. Immediate pos session 1200; H cash. W also have good list of farm, both large and smsll for sale. S0C0L0FSKY 211 Slat SL I err farm with buildlnge ii miles from Salem. I mile from good town. 42 cre a , all eroa witn piece iiir --- ped !. Half cash. Immediate p- lirZcVes' with buildings I miles north mostly In excellent crops, not n poor acre in this 144. lt . h.lf C ecra In full beartag pruae S mllea I teres coaS.o9la.lta es.t with good bulMings nd all In fruit, berries and grain. Immediate possession. 14. f sad nice borne J. ' 1 cre d bondings on "He rrom eltv limit 1 do .hould . se d at lili is lower than sum -inu.-s. , . I1. ef nest prone - .-- t vooo nuiiama sow MtulftSM. acres of nest prun - Rosedsle metric on - - clHred end with gent I. slop to t he outh Creek and Ipring aad ! acres in berries. 4 21 d M. W. Rowley's Bwfalas BUSINESS PROPERTY' Real aanall rrocerr la city. Fin cnah nd thirty-dy tr. lie is-a, rest I1T.1 nr snoath for store end two warehouses. Ma and wit can run It. ITK- luat th Invntew. Pronortr uiiahte for gsrsge or war- boaae. aoo nuimiac ow pi u now. Ihirtr-elx room eu Itahl for hotel very cloee to th new PnT -till north. 14V feet by Itl feet- 114.-1 SSS t .. mm Brick block on Stata Tteet bust section f th city. 112.. lis, tori Xic IS acre wheat ranch, flat lorlo, ealck sal. lie, ay teem. Severs I ale l-acr tract I exthSSg for Ssleea property . List ys-ar rrosert? wlth.ne for res-It PERR1NE L MARSTERS Cseanwrcial Cisb BaUdiag. OREGON LAND CO. Ittia M as. I f na- SlI acres south at II fally stocked aad acre prun and berry ranch In Rose dsle district This f ally ..J'"" and sll building. $ BECKE & HENURiLlsj 11 U a Nn Bank Bldg Phon 111 BEST HOUSE BUYS corner lot. n. nicely r- room cottage modern. . . - I . I . .1 Tt r.-H s-d I- good repair. Price 11,00. half ch. rm.m cotias m.Hlr. on N ne.r car line, corner lt .lots of fruit. a desirable houa aad place to Special price. 1- .' . room bouse on IWllevu Ft I from 'te street. pe1ered. CITY HOUSES . A fin home Just Put on tk maraey In the shadow of in stst ranuoi. surrounded by the beat bowse, be llful lot aad ground, tars fist slaae window and built la roeafoet. raa b bought for n few dare only I V4. . Six room modem grag in u m.u section r naiem . IIM. two larg lota, good none. u klnS or tmiu uaiese 121. on 2lth street, paved. rooms. modern. wau .... 1. 9 room, tw lots. :i wn. 2 ncraav ces boot boar lag orchard l Is valley: cr pas brought lo net late-a last PractieaUly aa-sdera t-r bows, bam nnd wtndmiU. BWaatifsl s-bng. baa and batsms, loentd coe In. Tl-evrr fsrss. I nrw I crop, stock aad ssacklasry laxjuasd la nale: only 1 mile out; road t b psd ta our dtr ad a bar baa Bstiag ar ru values Call nnd oe r nw lietiaga Phoa ! o FACZTTO CX i No. II Ogorian f l tf-w . m- . . v T . . w ....a w .a -. . . . . ,.a w. is rwruaad Ne. 14 Coo guy II. li rwrvtas-4 Kn S i a ik I m l . IS. II Oeaeroaiaa II am. U. II For gsseae IllUa Xa. II Cal'fee esse ...II . I , IT Hssff r-seoo aor .. 4 P . Me. IT wu. s-t Laat.iod... . I I 44 psa 9 s 14 P a. IT H' rg rir , lew IT W a, ! Lsat.iod.. Ho. tl Soe rrs po...t s Seod il arrive. ..........II to a ox sal . Tt JLT Si N. 14 L 4Valo UCTB 1 1na. a pa ri tisa, w !JJ fc:r jltll LaS FARMS live hi k modern except bath, good coaditlon and well bJf Th. is th. k.ggrt oarraln ia i.tavn i or W ll " r-w- - - - "H "lal cash. baTsnc Ilk rent w t room bung.low Ju.t m'" mod.rn in vry re.poct. god b" tlon north, paved streets and a de wa?k. Vou will b th ftrai t I'vr In it. Price i-M. term- ist your houses with u. S. R. PEARSON & PEED 49S Oregon Bldg:. Phone 42 1124. good house, bam. chicken bows four acrea of lead. lote of fmiu practically la th hssrt or tne cur. miaatee from Ladd A Bwah Bk. I seres IH mile oat. Improved I J t acre 14 mile out. bowse, bam, I acre I esr old pruaea. 1-4 acye lo gaas. all kinds of other frait, 1-1 I- from Bsvemeat. II! II ACRES I MILKS EAST. FINE hows, bam. 71 In cultivation, rich est of Isnd; will tabs a modern bu. a slow nn to lie Prlc III. Lsnd near I soiling for 111 per ma a an in .ur Sabllmttr. rood bous. barn, all kinds ofoutbulldiax. about 1 ia cultivation. 114 per . 1 acre more or less, rweaiaa- ws i..iiu Lares bona, bar 41 k as atoro room, machla sheds. te. i acre In crop which a- .nn iko alar If sold In I day. Maesdsm road, telephone. Abrgai . sa- aiaa will haadla arrea. 1;H cuhivsiiow. tump psatur seeded Good six r.wttn house, barn aad outbwildinss. all kind of rrult. best of river bot tom soil, one mil from Stayton. t - an- ! down. I ,n.wd farm in th Lebanon dls .-.. i a . ftrt ua. a M if von want to bur d for keavena' aak see me if you went te elL ePciHy city property. M. W. ROWLEY Phon "II 42 Oregoa Bldg ROOM HOUSE ON OAK STREET so era except far, caw I. Oood buy: anca Ills: so SBav I cre. l-try bow e. r. one er prune: asms av irn. hlock a I car Boa. 1111. -, W. E. C051PT0N Room 7 O-er Pattow sUk Store ins imnn Bill IN HOUSCa with saodern ranvoaience. e local lea In tws, I hlocha from etst bows. garg. rrv ll tree en -- lot -ric I; ll cash will headl. . . mar with tw larg lot, toealsd asnr Tw Prh scko-4. pr Ills I room modem boa skew on -ortn ivta street. ITic fa. re bus xa Vow with tw large lots located on D fret Pric iia ansa bows at Alt Jl Ilia Kf v sodVn b-.rlw t 119 ktyr etrset I-rfcca I : . easn. room bwagalsw st ll.ia ilia rnxvev Price 1114. nuk I room located on pavsd street nfrsr I in with aoom tsaftai - li:: l . bAc 12 Pr ALJra. ratxs cm sot iai .... 1 a. 9 l a. .... 1 P aa, Thrawch car I Moassswtb 4 Ar.- t:t Los os Sale fee Lails..l 1 1 p . 141 arrtee t Salem ........ I lias. 141 Lea SMlsa, naotar.... tl sa. 114 Are reo el Sa.em ...... . Jl nan. 144 Arrtvo t gilim ........ I 14 pas, III Arrtew SaJim imi satcev b-ctwio II t kasevn IA, lllllMl 4 lllia item I ! Ieaa 1411am 11 11- II llta lib pa Car. I Ii r ! ltpoa tie, 4 Upon pn I 1 1 - 41pm lIpm Oslo iso I I t II It 19 1 pes II llyw Oassss - t North rusk Ststksa t lost Jeff- U4 II and I salasie laiar J Le Eagenn Trsl Kn, T in Lose Na Eegew le Ltd.. 1.4 Anil Ii 11 1lm 14 Ltd.. I II 1 ... 22 . l run A rr.ee 1 llta m Sal tl am 11 em I 11 I pwe isod 11 to ATT ! Pw nl-i II 14 r- I It m i it so I ii llpaa 4aoa 1 t so nslesn I 14 S t S a. WA - I room, two large tot, plenty f fm.t. Iocs to SV , w i a o -. atvaots. P-rVes 1114. 1 room located In Neb IlUt wT It- GRABT-ClfORrr A. CO, i:i sist t. -nov Ilk r i-s-oi a---s--.T-ofx Xortk Bask tallow Jrr, stroot II eatneto ear lr J Leave tst vils 4.1. COSTA t tJ iratlKCTl O S Lea Coe-atiia -Arrfeo Bala- .2 m am 2 I pan 4 p 4 14 pm 4 1 n -22 pan 1-14 Ls Satem Ilia 14 Item 12 U pn 4 II o - ea Arrtee Cse-vair.a tip II Item I Urn ! Ss Sa tyjiiSM The SUtmaaV aasiinetl SCL9 It fZX&Zl ViWXlSl AcU. Brinx Resell: X, Box 199. Salem. Gervais, lit. No. 2.