rnr. chego statersia: vkixksiy. ji xk in. loan. The Oregon Statesman Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPA1CX 2 IS 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon THE MADCAP POET. 1IKMBER OF THB ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is excluslrelT entitled to the use for rennbllcarJon -it all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper anaajso tne local news putusaed herein. R. J. Hendricks. .Manager Stephen A. Eton. .......... .................... ....Manasing Editor Ralph Glover. Cashier Frank Jaakoski. : Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week, SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall. IS a year; IS for tlx months; 60 cents a month. For thre months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $S year. -' (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will v be sent a year to any . one paying a year In advance to the Dally Statesman.) - - ONDAT STATESMAN. $1 a year; SO cents tor tlx months 25 cents toi " - threa months. i leEEKI.Y RTATR9U IK lamA In iwt.fttr eactlone Tneadara and Fiidsys, 1 a year (If not paid tn advance, 11.26); 60 cents for six -months; 25 cents for three months. " Gabriele d'Annanzio is now said to be too busily engaged in a lore affair with a beautiful Venetian pianlste to look after hi3 personally conducted empire of Flume. The town is liable to read a lesson from the life of Senator Knox and make a peace of its own withont the con sent of its guardian angel. Gabriele. When an Italian poet Is in love be has neither time nor Inclination for anything else. BITS FOR BREAKFAST TELEPHONES: Business Office, 21. Circulation Department, SIS. Job Department, SIS. Entered at the Postoftlce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter; GREAT DATS FOB OLD WILLAMETTE These are great days for "Willamette University. At the annual meeting of the trustees yesterday there vras brought up for action an offer of the General Education Board to con tribute $35,0000 of a new million dollar endowment fund, and also a telegraphed offer of $17,500 annually for two years for the Ralaries scanty means for the bednn of teachers, conditioned upon the raising of a like amount by friends PJUTniw Wer bulld,n! of the institution. This offer was also from the General Education Board, which was created aj few years ago by John D.-Rockefeller, with headquarters in New York City. ' The board of trustees took action by authorizing President Doney to inform the General Education Board that the offer of the $17,500 annually for two years would be accepted and matched by friends of thfc institution : also, that the wwk of raisins $100,000 for the comple tion of Lausanne and Walter halls was proceeding, and that upon its we"erdaUyseverff completion the contract for the raising of the additional $650,000 to lhe dlffeVence being that these lat ' complete lhe new million dollar endowment fund would be entered ter were killed, in fact, Chicago is into. ; Steps were also taken to organize for the work of raising all thU money. .''; .. This consummation need not be doubted by friends of Old Wil . lamctte and the people of Salem. i . - It will take time perhaps two years after the completion of the $100,000 fund. , But it will be done. Watch old Willamette grow. S The students will carry away mighty good news to their homes. S The old school will haTe 135 000 a year more than heretofore for expenses. It will have two splendid new buildings for next year's work. It will have the beginning of a new million dollar endowment fund to keep up the standard for all time that Is now set, and to improve ani expand it. In fact. Old Willamette is now on the map in large letters, to stay for ever and a. day. Tbe little band of missionaries on tbe Lausanne, bound for a hostile wilderness, three-quarters of a cen tury atco. who "provided from thetr ing f g wiser than they knew If the oulja board could communi cate with the spirit of Father Waller now. a message of cheer and satis faction would surely be received. W V Chicago is becoming noted for lightning strike. Senator llardiag that the bids represented the market , price of bonds and existing contracts eX the commission make it impera tive that the commission have mon ey. Other bids received today were: Lumbermen's Trust company. SC.5S; R. M. Grant A Co.. St. 52 for 1500. 000 and S7.54 en lemalninr two thirds with 30-day option; Kalph Schneeloch and others. 87.57; Kree- man. Smith & Camp company. $6.28. A Chicago citizen who wanted some theater tickets telephoned the box office and asked, "can 1-get a box for two tonight?" A i u xz led voice answered from the other end of the line. "We don't have boxes for two." "Isn't this tbe theater?" he asked crossly. "Why no." said the puzzled man at the other end. "you are talking to an undertaker. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darima IWllfu!:y and Rntom Its Natural Color and LuMre t Oace. known to lightning. have several kinds of State Highway Bonds Soli Far Below Par The state board of control yrster- riiv mn.1A CI ftft AAA ! hT.hvt . ... ... 1 1.1! ' " '-.--'.-- - - .....-., IfllS Will mane tne most imunci auvance ever inaue in me worn bonds to Henry Teal of Portland. of buildine Old Willamette into a great institution, doing a very highest bidder.. at S7.. This rep- broad work that will endure throughout the ages to come T" 1 spproiim7 And from this day forward Willamette University may be point-L ..7. i aaa aaa cd to as the foremost institution of learning devoted to Christian edu-lis $ i.700 less than that highest bid cation west of the Rocky Mountains. : r . onted on May 11 when w vw nnn aha l l js T)it . .,? Aannin '"- la "uui were oiu. v vw. . S. Benson of Portland and R. A. It is a-consummation worthy of the sacrifices of the fathers : of I Booth of Eurene. members of the the founders of Old Willamette along with our commonwealth. I highway commission, were present at tmaHa irn rm v with its OTal faTO .onHmc-mont fniirli aniline meetltt ana Doth advised the - i ii aaa aaa v w . v a 0 j m wv aaa s-s w w w v muv a msw mi . -ati rvw i .mi: .jn i- isaie. Air. ne n son s comment was And it will be a two million dollar institution plus when the present projects are completed. Common garden sage brewed Into heavy tea. with sulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant.. Mixing the Sase Tea and Sulphur rclpe at home, though, la troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation im proved by the addition ot other in gredients a large bottle, at little cost, at drur stores, known as "Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Compound.' 'thus avoldlnr a lot of mufs. While rray. faded hair is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youth ful anoearance and attractiveness Br darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sate and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It does It so naiur ally, so evenly. Uu Just dampen a snonce or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your gray hair become beautiiuuy dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. a . rS " " ti President Doney, in his annual report to the trustees yesterday, said a good many fine things and said them well. The following are some of the high lights m very brief outline: "We mention with gratitude the generous expectation from the General Education Board and the two or three friends of the Univer sity whose deliberate confidence in religious education leads them to place faith in Willamette as the great center in the Northwest of Christian scholarship,' character and citizenship. "We have dreamed, planned and prayed for this day which appears now to be "breaking. It has been in the heart of all; but only those who have tried to make ends meet which were far apart can know the sheer joy that comes when relief' appears.. .lf It is my judgment that both Lausanne and Wallershould be completed for use by September loth. f ' The enrollment of students has been encouraging, though it is to be regretted that we hate not had the facilities to care for them as we should. In the College of Liberal Arts the enrollment is 3D9 as compared with 29o last year. The students of the Law School number 42 in comparison with" 9 a year ago. The School of Music has enrolled 73, an increase over last 3car of 22. ! 'tl am hopeful that the students will soon desire to accept some lorm or self-government. "Of the eight intercollegiate debates of the year, Willamette won seven. : - r r-.-r; t The General rducat ion Board has not generally given more than SO per cent of endowment funds for institutions. It has departed from this rule and offered 35 per cent of the proposed million dollar endowment fund ; and it has gone further and offered an additional $35,000 towards the salaries of teachers, because it is the conviction of the managers of that great fifnd that Willamette University should be made the outstanding rallying point for Christian education on the raeific Coast, for several reasons. Among these are its splendid his tory; its fine plant and campus; its ideal location, in a clean city of size ueiow a great metropolis, antl the spirit of the great forces o Methodism behind it. . ; 'f Hon. Itobert A. Booth and President Carl Gregg Doney arc the outstanding. lignrrs deserving of the credit of directing the leaders ; of the General Education Board to this splendid recognition of Wil lamette University as deservuig of the position of leadership to which this great benefaction will raise and keep it. Thine men have leii long at the task, and they have been unremitting in their splendid endeavors. , . IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat Lcm Meat Abo Take Class of Salts IWote Katlag Breakfast. Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; get sluggish .ache, and feel like lumps ot lead. The urine becomes cloudy: the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys dog you must help them flush off the body s urinous waste or you'll he a real sick person short ly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lota of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; ' take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid ot grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ ity .also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink whicn everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Drug gists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in over coming kidney trouble while it is on ly trouble. WE WANT OUR PATRONS TO KNOW JUST WHAT Mi mm. (D IS DOING FOR THEM. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT THAT THE PRICES WE ARE QUOTING FROM DAY TO.DAY ON HIGH GRADE CLOTHING. HATS AND SHOES ARE LESS THAN THE MANUFACTURERS ARE ASKING FOR FALL DELIVERIES. HERE YOU ARE ENABLED TO BUY AS LITTLE OR AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE FOR A LIMITED TIME AND IT WILL NOT BE LONG. CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES AT 20 PER CENT OFF SWEETS FROM THE ORIENT. The Japanese are reported to have 100.000 tons of crystallized sugar ready for export to this country and It can be sold in Seattle at a good prorit at $15 a hundred pounds, al though $17 la offered. About 50.000 tons of sugar from the Orient will he Shipped - to New York at once. The sweets of the world are avail able for America and It would seem that the home market should be sta bilized at a reasonable figure. FAR3I AMI XEEIW. he same complaint that labor Is drifting to the cities. The world will yet be compelled to find reliet in the millions of capable and indus trious agricultural workers of China A million .ft them under contract to American farmers would do more to assure the future food supply of tbe country than all' the legislation of which con cress is capable. Los An geles Times. CTTTlXtf MEAT. The price of lamb in the Chicago market was forced down two or ' Herbert t Hoover Intimates that It ! three cents when some cargoes of may yet be necessary tor America to extensively import foodstuffs if Trices are'io be lowered. The short age of farm labor, la' making It hard ; for the United States to feed Its own ' ppopfeC Tliere are great resources and . possibilities In South America. tut from Argentina., already comes 20 Per Cent Off all Boys' Suits All Boys $14.00 Suits now SI I 20 All Boys $15.00 Suits now SI 24)0 All Boys $16.00 Suits now SI 2 80 All Boys $17.00 Suits now S130 All Boy $18.00 S,uiU now S1440 All Boys' $19.00 Suits now SI 5 20 All Boys $20.00 Suits now SI 64)0 All Boys $22.50 Suits now SI 84)0 Ul Boys' $25.00 Suits now S200Q Men's Trousers Less 20 Per Cent All Mtn's $100 Trouaers now S3 20 All Men'i $5.00 Trousers now S44)0 AH Men's $6.00 Trousers now S4-80 All Men's $7.00 Trousers now SS S0 All Men's $8.00 Trousers now S640 All Men's $3.00 Trousers now S7-20 AU Men's $10.00 Trousers now S840 AU Men's $1250 Trousers now SI 04)0 AU Men's $15.00 Trousers now S12Q0 $5, $7.50,V$10 Men's BUck and Tsa Shoes. Button or tc siies 5 to 7V m4 9's to 11. while they Urt it $3.50 $2.50 to $5 Hats Out biff lot mostly colored. iH dxes. food styles en tale si $1.85 trozen mutton from Australia ar rived on the scene. - The meat brought clear from the Antipodes was sold cheaper than that taken from the stockyards, a few blocks away; It is needlms to say ihst tbe packers had nothing to do with this importation.. , - . , FUTURE DATES Jun13 to 1C WilUmetts com nraMmrnt week. Jime 1 to 17 Officers" schools for Oreron National Guard at Vancouver and rort Stevens. Jun 17. Thuriy r;raf u aun r- errie at state arhnol for deaf. June. 17. Thursday lowa picnic at fair around. June 17, TnuriNiar miriii it hih B trice ffhetona advanced pupila I June IS. Saturday 1'ioneer picnic In Waldo hills. Jane IS and SO National (TPST tour motorcycle ereate in Bsienv June SS. Sunday Baaeball, ool burn Sa I rm, at WoodMtr. June St. Monday Uusicale by Mi Beatrice Khelton's advanced pupila. June 21. Monday Annual school election. June 22. Tuesday Counlr Tlepubli- can Central committee meets. June 12. It and 24 Imperial conclave of Mystic Shrine la Portland. June- tJ. Wednesday Imperial con clave ef Mystic Shrife to visit Salem. Junef 21. l and 2 rortland Rose festival. June 2C. Saturday Letter Carriers convention la Salem. July 2. Saturday Independence day celebration at Stayton. July 5. Monday Salem business houses clone tn observance of Inde pendence day. July S to 24 Summer achool for ru ral pastors at Willamette vatversity. July S to 28 Annual encampment of Oreaon National Guard. Infantry and engineer at Camp Iewi. artillery at Fort Steveaa. Jtity I to -ft Salem Chaatauae. July, 22. 23 and 2 State Claa coa-venlkw-ta Salem. 1 September 27 to October S Oregon state, fair. For TVo More Weeks This oDDorhinitv is given our patrons to a A I r ar j supply their xlothing wants at the accom panying prices which are lower, quality considered, than to be found elsewhere. Men's Army Shoes W-CO. 30 tx4 13.00 Kanscn Ust annj theJ, black or Ua $5.95 Boys'Knicker Pants Woolea, eordaroy aad blat serxe. regular SLI0 to $020 Less 20 20 Per Cent Off Men's Dress Shoes All Men's $10.00 Shoes now S800 All Men's $12.00 Shoes now S960 All Men's $13.50 Shoes now S1080 All Men's $15 00 Shoes now S1200 AU Men's $16.00 Shoes now S12-80 All Boys' $6.50 Shoes now SS-20 All Boys' $7.50 Shoes now S600 All Boys' $3.50 Shoes now S6Q All Boys' $10.00 Shoes now $8 00 20 Per Cent and More Off All MEN'S Suits Per Cent Furnishing-Goods All shirts, tecicwrar, asder- Will f o dnrtzx wear, etc sal a AH Men's $23.00 8uiU now S199S All Men's $30.00 Suits now S23 $S AU Men's $35.00 Suits now S279S All Men's $40.00 Salts now S3 195 All Men's $45.04 Sails now S3S 9S All Men's $50.00 Soil now S399S AU Men's $C0.00 Suits now S4795 AU Men's $G5.00 Suits now SSI 95 AU Men's $70.00 Suits now 55 AU Men's $75.00 Suits now 59 95 1 T' "u ad 1ST 5 1 -SO lO &SJQQ Less 10 Per Cent J! Boys' Hats and Caps SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Less 20 Per Cent v