The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    raw cmrxim ffTATwiAr tn:iii:sir. jrxriit, itw.
Passage of Millage Bill, It Is
Believed, Will Put State
In five educational elt-ments in
volved in a comparatively study re-
rnlly made. Oregon ranks secoud
Here's a happy-i
f i l
HAVE yon resolved during the
View year to have modern
plumbing placed in your
home? If so, don't neglect the
matter any longer. Have the work
done at once. We wish you a
healthy; happy, prosperous New
Year in a home where proper
plumbing reigns.
Plumbing, Tinning and Furnacea
3SS ChemekeU St. Phone 1906
among all the slate of tne union,
aeennilni; to a report nrr: i ar the
t.tli. of J. A. Churchill, state super
intendent ot schools, from the Uus-
Hfl ae Foundation.
The financial rank of Oregon
schools, however, cuts down th
state's rank, since in that rtt.-t it
stands only in 2tth olare. and tirtn?
the Keitfiai rank of the Mate down M
1Mb phf?.
lly the adoption of the 2 mill ta
measure for the support of elemen
tary schools, Mr. Churchill believes
improvement will Le so treat that
on the same basis of ranking Oregon
will be almost in first place. The
reuorr- inni'g mar in vtt t-A-ra
" - -- - w ,. . 1 n ,
Irom to ISIS Oregon gained
ft 1 ... - - . 1
iv purrs in reiauve sianuing anion:
the states.
In determining the standing of the
states, 10 education factors were
used. Oregon's figures for fol
low: 1. Per cent of children of school
age attending. S.
2. Days attended by each child o
school age. 2.
3. Pays schools were kept open.
Art Glass Window Is Token
Left at Willamette by Out
going Students
of the league and ihejr wilted nereep
tibly under thecal roar Ha user at
tack. A rw4 rnnd ra nut to wit
ness the fray and the usual -raso.
Wrrinc on the pari of the tans adJ
id spice to the contest.
Summary: R. If. E.
Hauler ltrother 4 0
State House i
Batteries: Petterberk. Hjiimt:
Webb. C.abrW.sna.
Twilight liragite Standing.
'un. LoM. Pete.
of. children in high
College Activities Are Sub
jects of Burlesque in An
nual Stunts
la they will be tl. tor firt p'-e ..: I f f lL a'r.-n r., IK
ilk the Hamrn. ( mn-tm ltM mi Ik --
Hob Uron. the Mjte llo-e iMrd ..ur.clat tut alra-U foret p.
baemn. a rtol ttinrl ats" 'r ir-B r
the Highway carase jnt U-fore ihe.ja that the Ma4roa IM W
game hi a truck m which he aj tor that parp.J. Cjtaiw U
working ran orr him. T- S'etl, ..... nt lh- .naer i. t
itouers wrre materially m-jaeoe.M
; irjr.-itnrniai
ran mrr hint,
wrre materially
b ltrown's abeenre.
The lat g'nie of th pr-ent sehetl
ale ill be June 2i When the Si
lluue and Spaahtiags mil.
rHarte si
rUe ArUil
iUUaa mmm tisu
trtc the tataer
rare, will b
W-.M fi A ya k,e1 ta
ai T r w44ias.
i::rl It 4.4a aw y
t .... i f ra-rtt.
'"jMake Your Life
4. Proportion
hool. 11.
t. Per cent of boys to girls in high
schoal. 24.
6. I-xpenditure per child attend
ing. 23.
7. Eicpenditure per child of school
age. 1R.
8. "Expenditure per tencher em
ployed. 21.
9. Expenditure for non-salary pur
poses. 2S.
1. Average salary teacher em
ployed. 1".
Index number. 19.
iFive educational elements com
bined. 2.
Five financial elements combined.
say. Pat. how Is, it your nose Is
Bo red"
. " Faith, an It's just blushln wid
nudesty fer kapin. itself out of other
people's business.' Farm and Horn..
JjO.V.E siice pcusn, .
' WMntvKxt
Best FriesJSsJ
!T HAT has always been true, but never to
such an extent as now when the purchasing
power of the dollar is low and its investing pow
er high.
Then, too, think what an advantage one has by
depositing his dollars in the United Spates Na
tional and holding on until normal conditions
Liberal Interest on Savings
fcWiarft Oregon. f
lev MotfS
jpl 1 BU LLETI N R
Recent Ford Deliveries ftu
Date 'ame v , 1
n :21-r0y ii. smith RCrl
5- 27 C. W. Knickerbock' r rV
D) " Ti-P Ceo. W. Dunegan X
6-7 Otto Will
fP 6-7 W. I'r C,
6-9 Kd. Jory " - Sr'
6-7 V II. K- Olea ? A
6- 5 Oregon Growers Coop- Ol
M 64 Fred Glbson . -
SJ . Order Yours Now L J
Willamette university today faces
a new era; ihe crisis of her hitiory in
This is the opinion of Dr. H. I
Steres, president of the board of
trustees, who spoke at the clays day
exercises yesterday tn accepting the
traditional senior class Mtt. He ac
cepted, the gift in behalf of the board
of trustees. ,
The presenting or a gift annually
by the graduating class, is a tra
ditional custom at the university.
This year s gift is a 'huge ait glass
"With the presentation of this art
glass window," said Harold Ohlins.
president of the graduating class
who made the presentation. there
goes a hop that the cor.ting gradu
ating classes may look upon our clfi
as a precedent or ineir kmi. ii is
our feryent desire to make tle i.lj
historic temple, Wtller hall, a fitting
monument to the sacredness of Ler
Sacrifice ltemcniel.
After reviewing briefly the history
of Willamette university and what
It means to the present clans. Mr.
Ohllng addrd:
"We hope that we may be able to
come Latg here some day in th
future and to find Waller hall equip
ped with art glass windows. We
need to hate appreciation of the sa
credness of this hall. The art glass
windows v ill aire the light of lb
proper atmosphere."
The gift was characterized by Dr.
Steeves as "a fitting recognition of
I the sacrifice involved in the found
ing of Waller hall." It was his opin
ion "that ite time Is not far distant
mhen Willamette university will be
meeca for atudenta and a shrine
or Christian education. Willamette
s destined to rank among the lead-
log universities of the Pacific north
we a .
lesieraay was Class day: It was
also a day ot gifts. The r roe ram of
tne afternoon was formally opened
when a representative ot the Gunnell
& Robb stodlo presented a frame
containing pictures of the entire
tudent body.
HeaiMMi Tree Persistence.
Immediately following this was the
presentation of the Interclass rivalry
cup Judge II. L Densoa of the
supreme coart. He emphasised the
thought that the cup would be of no
Biuui,i-ance 10 me winning class un
less it is willing to continue a win
ning gait. The junior class won the
cup this year.
ticturesque reproductions of col
lege life were portrayed by the so-
pnomore and Junior classes in their
stunts. . The sophomore class denier
d a scene in the department of pub
lic s pea King m a manner that kept
the audience In an incessant uproar.
The Juniors rehearsed the tradition.
al senior breakfast table observance,
together with the surprises that com
pose toe enqueue of that occasion.
State Homers Are Crowded
Off Top Rung in Race for
League Pennant
u a mi same oi Dan and a irar
or 4 to 0. the JIanser Ttrnthora t.m
walked through the State Hoase res.
leraay. thereby hanllnr Ihe leame
leaders down off the top rung of the
league ladder and moving Into first
place themselves. The State Housers
nave no alibi to offer and doff theii
nats to tne superior brand of ball
which the fast Hauaer Ji rot hers
team put ip.
Ha user and Petterbeck. the win
ning nailery, worked like veterans
and nine State House batters whiffed
the air at Petterbeck's offertogs
rDD ior the state House was nick
ed for six lasty -blows and was a
nit wild while his support wobbled
aeveral times. Petterbeck allowed
but two swats and these were not at
all of the dangerous variety.
The Hausers started the fireworks
In their half of the first Inning when
Gregg walked and was sacrificed b
rxnauer ,ine iormer registering on
Mauser's smash to right field. Proc
tor walked and Cutler ended lb tan
Ing by flying to third. Two more
runs came to the Hausers in the sec
ond when Petterbeck drove a wicked
drive at Knickerbocker which got
away, llulsey and Humphreys walk
ed, tilling the sacks. Grega flew out
to Webb and Schaffer's drive to rlaht
scored Petterbeck and Hulsey. In the
third Proctor singled. Cutler flew to
Webb, Brown went out Webb to
Craig and Petterbeck got his second
hit of the day. scoring Proctor. Hul
sey made the third out.
The State House started off strong
when Small crashed a single to left,
was advanced to second and stole
third. Two strike-outs and a fly ball
stopped any possible danger of the
ijtate House scoring this inning.
Petterbeck was the hitting star ot
the day. getting two nice hits and
credit for pichlng a heady game of
hall. The whole Hauter team played
like a well-oiled machine and It was
plainly their day to win which they
did in complete style. The State
Housers did not have their old-time
pep which has kept them at the top
Manser Urotheta
Y. M. t A
State House ...
Spauldkng ....
Valley Motor .
Kay Woolen .Mill
Twilight MitketiMt.
The old league race is well
folio iujf, Three teams are still tied
fur second p!ace and aa the result of
last nights game tbe Hausers arei
perched on top with tbe Stale House
fighting it out with Spauldiag and
the "V" tor second place. Tbe Val
ley Motor club Is going strong and
will bear watchicg ahtle the Kas
are declaring mat tnef are not out
of the race by any means.
Valley Motor and "Y" tonight and
it promises to be some battle roal.
Osborne will twirl with Lnruh re-
reiving for the "Y." mhlle Hooper
and Frank will do. battery duty tor
the lotoriU. If the MotorUis
should win thpy will be tied with the
V" for third place while If Ihe "Y
BrancYc Dollar Efficient
A program will be given and re- j
freshments il be served at the op-i
ening of the Salem branch llbr.ry
at the Highland school tonight.
glaatag at t o'clock. Mtu Flora!
Case, city librarian, wilt speak. It ;
ta hoped that baad conceit ra b-'
provided for the musical pro ram.
but this has not been arraared (or
completely. Tbe entertainment Is in
celebration of tbe estabUshmeat of
tbe branch library which will be op-
n to the public Wednesday even. as
and night of esrh week up to 9
All year money ilayi is Ortfua
(except our iaYtUarsts la lib
erty Bonds), thereby tuldtg
peater prorperity la Orefoa.
Boy the limit ia Orejoa first.
Ninety-First Squadron
to Patrol in Orezon
Governor Oleott yesterday received
a letter from Col. H. If. Arnold, com-
Insurance Cospiny
imr ai-4osierv al I V
Home Office, Corbet Bftildlajr. Fifth and Morruom, PortUad, Ortfta
A. !.. Mill. Pre. S. Samuel. On. Mgr. K. N. Strroc. AaI. Mgr.
necessities are to be found at our store. It does not nutter Just whit you need, we hate a tery complete line tl
U. Refrigerators, Oil Stores, Porch Rockers, Hammocks, els. We always sell for less.
Oh! What a Convenience
No more Iuke-warm "unsatisfying" water from the faucet Cold, properly dulled,
pure, palatable water drawn right from the cooler in the automatic rtfrigtriter.
Ice does not get in the water is merely next to the cooler and not a cent cf tx
tra expense. The same cake of ice that refrigerates your foodstuffs, chitltd
your drinking water, with or without water bottle. Hare you eTcr teen the Au
tomatic refrigerator. It is a'dandy. We hare many other styles and Kaes.
Oil stoTes rank among the rery best In fact there is nothing better. The Clarke
Jewel as you will note from illustration, is built from the floor up. You will
note the heavy cast legs with shelf between and shelf orer oil tank. We also
carry the New Perfection Oil stoves, wbich are good.
, &
J. 1 Jjj
We have all the following Records in stock and many ;
others that you have been longing for.
r-rpeis Iletfett
S1.3S flems Robin Hood. Part 2 II i
26524' In a Hock Store.. ."..Victor Orchestra e;,, Cavatiaa from IK Pavisile. Oalll Carrl
11.35 Hunt in the Black Fore! Victor Onhestra g z
25G2 Home ftnn Bill's Tefene Tlingham a Ah So Pure from Martha Cama
11.35 The Hold-I'p at Buck Run Iiiaxbam il l
7001 Roamln' In the Glostnln' Harry louder lft gpirto Ceaill from Kavoriia rrm
11.25 tl l
C4074 Souvenir l1 ,tw4 Ah Fr, , Bi ffOTO T,utJ Mta
fl.oo fIi.
Cm I.rd I. My UM Jo-n etb4
C47CC Marche Miniature U'ton Sympboey Orchestra
1 00 BlStS I Hate yvi Ut rfWk Ilsef
S717S Ion Juan's Serenade ..Cants
$1.00 11(13 He Khali Fee . Plnrk ttBI MeUh .lUsset
17257 Sine. Smile. Slumber Oersldine Tartar II i
1100 s04l Awore O Ci.lJo .Crw and S-tl
8754S Serenade . iMrmak tnd Kte.aier i;.i.
ila n75 Si P" f,e lion iU- CaruRaff1
74420 Carry Me Back o Old Virglnny Olurk f , ft
11.50 "
m r.. v.r r..,r, .;: ::.:2rs:" EES