( TIIK 11-KATIIKR: Wednesday, fair; warmer west por tion. Moderate westerly winds. The gtateetaaa recefve laa wire report of tbs AocUld FTewa, the greatest aad st reliable arras iMwuuoa ta the veri. j r if SEVENTIETH YEAR BIG GIFTS ARE GIVEN General Board b! Rockefeller Foundation Makes Total Offer of $385,000 and Terms Are Accepted by Trustees . .. . FREDA CAMPBELL HAS FRENCH SCHOLARSHIP Senior Is One of Nineteen Stu dents Selected Through out United States After years of struggling under ad Terse circumstances,' Willamette uni versity is now a million dollar insti tution. ; It is also the recipient of a distinctive academic honor in that the French Republic has bestowed a membership upon one "of this year's graduating class. Miss Freda Camp bell. , - This was made known atthe an nual meeting of the board, of trus- " tees of Willamette' yesterday mora lng. . - -The general board of education of the Rockefeller Foundation has of- : fered $330,000 towards au addition al endowment of.a million dollars. At the same meeting was read an offer of $17,300 each year for two ; years for the salaries, of professors 1 and their current expenses. The of fer came by telegraph from' the tarn? board of education and is to hold good provided .friends of the institu tion match the gift of $35,000. By motion, the board of trustees Instructed President Doner to ac cept the offer. Vi As soon as the present campaign lor-$100,000, for the, rebuilding ot Waller; Lall and completion ot the new. .Lausanne hall is completed a formal acceptance -of the additional $330,000 gift ! will be taken up. dis- . posed ) of and plans, fornfulated tor the $850,000 campaign to meet the million dollar endowment. ; I , The, employment of a man to have supervision of the work for she rals "ing of these additional amennts was .also authorized by action of the board ot trustees. , -, . ! Yesterday's meeting was character lzed by those 1n touch with official circles to be epoch-making, and it Is ' said to be the beginning of the narg- er growth and development of the in atitution. According to dans now in the - hands of the officials of the nnrver- sity, Willamette will be more than a two million dollar institution within the next two years. The other distinct honor that was bestowed upon Willamette univer sity, as announced at the meeting, is - the selection of one of the graduates of this year for a - scholarship ot- fered by the French, republic to Am erican university students. Under a reciprocal' arrangement - between the , two republics scholar , ships are offered to 10 students of each country. The prerequisite for this scholarship Is a fluent know ledge of the French language, dili gence as a student and exemplary character. - The fortunate student from Wil lamette university is Freda Campbell ': or Independence. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willamette Campbell who now live at 360 - North Twenty-first streetSalem. 1 Miss Campbell will sail from New York In company with the other 18 1 successful American student about September 15. All expenses under this scholarship will be provided by the French government except the transportation. The report also comes from the meeting that the university faculty will have new faces next fall. All of the members of the present facul ty are to be retained, save four who " are to leave for other colleges or occupations. That Willamette was growing was revealed by the action of the .trus tees in adding three new member as assistant instructors In the var ious departments for the coming year. They will relieve burdens that - have been shouldered by the present corps of instructors. Also the salaries of the instruc tors were raised, by the vote of the board. . The salary of the president was raised to $5000, the dean t $3000, and those- members of the : faculty whose salaries are now $1600 to $2200, of those drawing $1700 to $2400. Minor improvements about the campus were approved by the board. 0 31EAT PRICKS J I'M P. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 15. . An increase of 10 cents a pound for fio. 1 loin and No. 1 ribs on the Kansas City market today was ac companied by the highest prices for grass fed cattle nuoted since last December. Choice live animals . brought $17 a hundred, which shows , n increase of $4 in a week.' Short a$ rges of this class of cattle is given WILLAMETTE as the cause. DEATH VALLEY SCOTTY LEAVES STREET JOB MIXKH OF SPECIAL TRAIN FAME LOSES TASTE FOR LABOR Airplane Will Shortly Take Oi l Man to M) Mtrrtou Mine Where He Will Regain EnormouM Lost Fortune PORTION!). Or.. June 13. "Death Valley" Scotty. who won nation-wide attention about 13 years ago by chartering a special train from Los Angeles to New York for which he alleged he paid $30,000. today quit his pick and shovel Job with a gang of street workmen here. and left for San Francisco. Scotty asserted at the time of his sensational exploit, that the money which he paid for the train came from a mysterious mine in Death Valley, lie said today that he in tended to charter an airplane In tue near future to make another pourney to his mine in Death Valley, where he declared tie could recoup his for tune. HASTE URGED ON CAR OWNERS Not Enough Conveyances Yet lasted for Shrine Excur sion Up Valley Salem citizens who are plannln; to make the trip to Portland Wed nesday, June 23 to help bring 'he Shriners up the Willamette vallay are expected to notify the Jsaletu Commercial club at once so t fa Shrine committee in Portland may maCe reservations for accommoda tions. The Portland committee lias agreed to find roefms for the driv ers of the Salem cars, but as it la extremely difficult to secure sleep ing quarters for any one in the city during the week a list must be sent in at once. It was thought that every Cher- rian would turn In the names of 10 car owners who would be will in to take their cars to Portland for the drive. Up to date, however, very few members of that organization have riven their list to the club and It Is urged that every Cherrlaa make special effort during the next tew days to complete this list so that those In charge of the drive may know where they stand and what arrangements need be made. Letters were sent out yestsrdiy by the Commercial club to car own ers who have signed for thj trip asking that they notify that organi zation at once whether or not they have arranged for accommodations while In Portland. - : PORTLAND TO BE MADE CALL POST European Steamers to Stop at City Making a Ten Day Service Possible PORTLAND. June 15. Hereafter all vessels of Williams. Diamond St company's European-Pacific fleet wlll.tall at Portland, giving this port a 10 days service between Europe, New York and Roston. Frank A. Hooper, general freight agent of the company.' announced here today, sir Hooper is conferring with officials of the Columbia Pacific Shipping company, representative of Williams. Diamond & Co., on the Columbia river. Vessels of the fleet sail from the Pacific coast to Europe and return by way of New York and Boston. Crowds Hear Trial of Alleged Husband Killer SKATTLK. Wash.. June 13. Crowds jVu-ked Judge Itoyd i D. Tallman's' department of the super ior court here todav when Madge Anna Sawyer. 21, alleged slayer or her husband. Howard I. Fawyer. was placed on trial charged with second degree murder in connection with his death May 10. A jury of lour women and eight men had been se lected when court adjourned this afternoon, and actual trial of the case waa eipected to begin tomor row. Mrs. Sawyer, the sta'e alleges hot and killed her husband as he was leaving their power cruir moored in Lake Union here, follow ing a long quarrel between the two. She has entered a formal p!ea of not guilty because of temporarily insanity at the time of the shooting. Johnson May Go Oat On Independent Ticket WASHINGTON. June 1 5. Notifica tion that 5.000 persons In Oregon had signed a petition asking Sena tor Johnson of California to repud iate the Republican platform and make an independent coiifst for the presidency as coctaine-1 In a message sent by W. P. Adams. Port land attorney, had not reached the senator's office when it closet for the day. Senator Johnson, who returned from Chicago last night, did not ap pear at the capltol today, and at .i!s omce it was said he was resting at his home at Kiverdale, Md. BACKERS NOT GAMBLERS SAYS WOOD Statement of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler Vicious and - Malicious Falsehood Says Would Be Candidate GENERAL BITTER IN RENUNCIATION OF TALE Campaign Committee Com posed of Finest Men in Nation" CHICAGO, June 15. Major Gen eral Leonard Wood in a signed state ment tonight characterized as vi cious and malicious falsehood" a dec laration by Dr. Nicholas Murray But ler of New York that a "motley group of stock gamblers, oil and min ing promoters, munition makers and other like persons" backed the gen eral's campaign for the republican Onomination. General Wood said that he regret ted to make the statement, but that it was necessary to "brand a faker and to denounce a lie." Declaring that the men who man. aged his campaign were of "extraor dinarily high character." the general said that the attack upouj them "is Infamous' 'and that Mr. Puller's ac tion was an "attempt to Ingratiate himself with certain elements which exercised a determining Influence at the convention." ' The statement follows: "I have just read the statement issued in New York by Nicholas Mur ray Butler to the effect that a motley group of stock gamblers and others tried to buy the. presidential nomlna tion for me and that the foices who were defeated in their Insolent, at- tmept to buy the nomination repre sent alt that is worst in American business and political lite. "The statement is a vicious and malicious falsehood. I would Ignore It if it were directed at me alone, but I cannot remain silent when my loyal friends and supporters are vilified.- "Colonel William Cooper Procter, who was chairman of my campaign committee. Is a man of extraordinary high character, known throughout the length and breadth of the land for his absolute Integrity and hon esty. His associates were men ot like character, most of whom re sponded ot their country's call dur ing the war. They typify a group ot progressive Americans. The attack upon them is Infamous . "The forces which brought me be fore the convention with preponder ant forces were hundreds of thou, sands of patriotic men and women In every walk of life who have Indorsed me at nation-wide conventions, nation-wide state primaries and in a nation-wide poll ot unprecedented size. "This action of Nicholas Murray Butler Is an attempt to Ingratiate himself with certain elements which exercised a determining Influence at the convention and possibly to ex plain his own political weakness. It Is a self seeking cowardly attack, made under the cloa of an alleged public service, which was never in tended or rendered. "I regret to make a statement of this kind, but it is necessary in this instance to brand a faker and to de nounce a lie." Harding Against Rowdy Campaign WASHINGTON. June 13. Sena tor Harding the Republican candi date for the presidency, indicated In a tonierence ioaay hu nrN'i" men his opposition to a ' barn storming" campaign. Hi preference on the other band -would be for somewhat or a "front porch' cam paign from his home in Marion. Ohio, with a limited n'imber of set speeches on specific occasions. The Republican nominee alo made It clear that there would oe no delay in opening th" rampalsn. announcing that it wou'd not await the official notification of his nom ination. The notification, he id. would not take place lWor- ,Jiily 13. Friends of the senator delated he believed the office of chief execu tive was too high and to- Important to be sought through a caatinnom series of whirlwind campaign tours. Senator Harding also announced today that he would not resign his seat in the senate prior to the term ination of his term on March 2. Mr. Harding received b'tt f "w vis itors and he continued hi efforts to clear away the vast amount t let ters and telegrams congratulating him on his nomination. Leslie M. Shaw, former sretary or the treasury, was one or his few callers. Other callers weie Senator Chamberlain. Oregon, and Walsh. Montana, Democrats. .i:m. icMi( ui:imiv moiimm;, ji DISAPPEARANCE OF AUTO DRIVER WAY BE SOLVED POl.TLANIf. POLICE E.XPF.CT TO FATHOM l VKTF.lt V VERY hOOX Fair of iHtbinsky Still t'nknown I hi! Officer Claim New Klrarr Eight Meat Heh-aMil Not Guilt) PORTLAND, June IS. That de velopment In the investigation of the mysterious dlapiearanre of Harry Dublnsky. for-hlre automobile driver, who Is believed by the police to have been murdered, would be forthcoming within the next 21 hours was predicted tonight by Lieutenant of Inspectors Goltz. He ossed his prediction on n-aw evidence obtained. the nature cf which he retuMd to diiteloc. f Eight men. arretted In various ac tions of the city, were Uken to the police station lor investigation In ronnection with Iuhiaky's disap pearance. AH were freed a'ter be ing questioned. All surrounding cities have been asked by the Portland authorities to aid in the search for a man suspected by the police of being Implicated in Dublnsky'a disappearance, and de scriptions of the suspect have been telegraphed to all sections of th? northwest. PORTLAND SURE OF GASOLINE Oil Companies Assure Mayor That Contention Needs Will Be Cared For PORTLAND. June IS Mayor C. L. Itaker of thin eity waa assured to day by representative of the oil companies that there would b- enough gasoline conserved in this etty from the amount allocated to Portland to rare for the Shrine Im perial council session, which meet here for three days next week. The oil companies have been rationing the citizens' cars to 20 per rent ot the car's tank capacity and permit ting the commercial trucks to have 73 per cent of the tank rapacity. Every attempt is being made to rare for essential Industries an food pro duction wltL the normal supply as allocated lo the districts throughout Oregon. I. MARSHALL IN SAN FRANCISCO Vice President Arrives for Convention Almost Thru With Politics SAN FRANCISCO. June 13. Thomas Riley Marshall, vice presi dent of the Fnited States, arrived here today to attend the Democratic national convention as a delegate from his home state. Indiana. One of Mr. Marshall's Hrst state ments to Interviewers who greeted him was that he "wouldn't accept the nomination for president on a silver platter." "I am an old man who has torn his hair for Hryan. slaved for Par ker, and done his hardest for Wil son, and I am about ready to retire from politics." the vice president paid. "Tlio Republican are making the mistake of their lives In thinking or the Noveml-r election as a foregone conclusion and of the Ixwiocrats as a disorganized, defeated party. They are going to rind us very much alive in November. Asked his opinion of the Republi cans selection of Warren C. Harding as standard learer. he sa'd: "The Republicans are pot no well pleased now a they mere on Satur day night. Personally I have blth retard tor Senator Hardinr. I would do anything for hint cc pi vote ror him." As a de'eeate. Mr. Marshall said he would not work ror a wet plaak In the Democrat's ilattorm. In con nection with the prohibition amend ment he sid: "Nothing is so detrlmen'il to the country as the pui of lawr ani the Ignoring ot thoe same laws." "President Vilon would not want a third term. I b. iee." he said, "lie could hate It. Huieh. if he desired it." Regarding the league or nation, he was noncommittal. Questioned regarding the probable action or the convention on the I rith 'lueMion. Mr. Marshall said: "Tkert I no Irish iuetion so far as the contention i concerned. Perhaps 93 ht rent of American are in srm- Lpathy with the ratine ot Ireland, but 'm than 1 per rent would willing to bear arsns to help her win free dom." TO SPF.XD VF-All IN NORTH ropKNHAC.KN. Jim 1.".- Kmtd RasmnsM-n. Iranlsh explorer, and Pe ter Frenchen. Ms cartographer, are preparing an expedition to visit the northernmost! America F-jiaimaux.. tiasmustien declared today the expe dition probably would ie the tonge'.t one he ever made, he f lans to take provisions enough to last for five years, but considers it more llkel-' ae trip will last seven. Fourte'n men will comprise the party. nf, ib. ihou. DEMOCRATS CONVENE IN LEWISTON Liquor Question Causes Open Disagreement on Conten tion Floor Harmony of Meet Threatened SIXTEEN DELEGATES TO GO TO SAN FRANCISCO Republicans Charged With Evading Vital Issues in Platform LKWISTON. Idaho. June IS Un expected Injection of the liquor ques tion Into the deliberations of the Id aho democratic stale convention here tonight precipitated the only open disagreement on the convention floor that had to that time arisen, and for a time threatened the apparent har mony which has marked the conven tion's sessions. The question came up on a mo tion by Harry Keler of Uoiae to substitute fur a declaraiion In the re port of the resolutions committee In favor of enforcement of the Vobtead act. a resolution which had been pre sented to the resolutions committee and tabled by the committer. He waa warmly seconded by a a urn her of speakers from various parta of the state who demanded a more sweeping declaration by the party on the ques tion. After a viva voce vote had failed to determine the Issue aad a motion for a roll call on Mr. Kesaler's mo tion had been carried, he modified his substitute to the" apparent satis faction of a majority of the dele gates, and It was adopted by aa aye and nay vote. The resolution on the questioa as adopted by the convention read: "The republican party la Its na tional platform cowardly surrender ed to the selfish liquor Interests by evading all expression on the great est moral question of the age. the adoption and enforcement of nation ah prohibition. That the democratic party may speak la no uncertain terras on that Issue, we Instruct oar delegates to the Saa Francisco con vention to stand ancompromiaiagly tor a clear and positive declaration In the democratic national platform approving the lOllh amendment to the federal constitution and pledging the party not to countenance the re peal or emasculation of the Volstead enforcement act. A second paragraph, withdrawn by Mr Keakler at the succestlon of United State Senator John F. Nu eent. waa the center ot somewhat warm debate, la the course of which Mr. Kesaler named Governor Ld wards of New Jersey and Governor Cog of Ohio as aspirants for the dem ocratic nomination for president who he declared had the backing of the linuor Interests. The paragraph eliminated sought to Instruct the Id aho delegates to the national ro ventlon to vote for no candidate tor the presidential nomination "that is friendly to the liquor interests or w -. ill inwofn In anv war the re- pealing or weakening ot the national nrnhthltlon statutes Stale Chairman Jerome J. Day ad vied against the Inclusion ot the substitute motion aa submitted, de .i.ru, iht It waa a delicate matter best left alne. former Governor James II. Haw ni rA in the running for the vice presidential nomination over his own objection whenithe conven tion adopted a reolutlnrf Instructing the delegates to San Franrt-o m ...n,rt him fr that office. He org ed its withdrawal, saving be helieve,r the delegates should be unlnstrucle,! on vice president as on prestJent. but objections were ralrd. among other by Senator Nucent. who sa.d trtt while sentiment In Idaho wss divid ed on presidential aptrants. there was no division cn the vice president- I.I .atltkle. .k,c isolations adopted endfTv' r. President Wilson' administration NKWAKK. X. J. Jnne 1VJees and the Versailles treaty i'h It Nurent. New Jersey's rpreeta league of nations, endorsed Hetiator f ,jt th, rfemorrs'lc pisiform mm- Nu rent's record and pleiei en support for re-election; rnni'mnni the record of the present mnirrs. recommended a nsttonai pi plank for "hUhrr stands of mu legislation for momen and children and the creation of a separate na ttonal department of education, arnu ravored recognition of me tnio, ot ex-servie men "by ocb proper legislation both state and national shall be in accord with their wishes and the public welfare" Another resolattoa adopted pro sided for the election of twenty four delegate, to the national each with one third vote, and the cnVrntion on motion of ''.'l' Committeeman Robert ',d;r; named by acclamation as four f the 12 delegates at large Stale t-halrmaa Day. .Senator Nngent and former Governors Hawley and Most Ab-s- "iV' Elder was re-elected nallonal committeeman without opposition by (Continued on pa ) TRAFFIC OFFICER IS NOW BENEDICT VFRHF.N NOFrTTT .'! NFI-UK i:.MitTT are vi:dif.i After Alc44W mr)MMa S"ti unit Will Make Home at X North Libert j Mrrrt Verdn M Moffitt. traffic offkr. and Nellie Kndkott. both ot .Un. ere married yesterday nooa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CtrU Moore. 131 Center strrt- with only Im mediate relative and a few f rlwu J prrat. Rev. N. Atdrlcb f tb Lell MfthodiM F.pUcepal rharrb cffc" rd uniBg lh nag crrvtnony. The brl-1emaid was Mr. lUary ullaxr. a slater of the bride aad the grooms man was Klmer !.. Terrl'l. Mr. aad Mr. Moffitt left lsam4- lately after the cremoy on a motor trip to Portland and l"aradU here they IM Uit with relate for sev eral day t'l-n their retara Ihry will make their home at : North L4erry street. PORTLAND CAR FARES ADVANCE Street Cars Raise Rates to Eight Cents Cash or Serea and a Half In Books PORTLAND. J" U Portland car larva today went on the increas ed basis recsaili ordered by the pwb- llc service remmisioa. The rate of (are are: Cash, right reals. la strips of rls tickets prrba&l oa cars. ? reals: la le ticket books. IS. Tickets fold la. book on tk old basis of 12.73 a bcrna were accepted by conductors o all line. HUGE NUMBER OF CANCERS IN U. S. Medical Authorities Estimate 100,000 Deaths Dorxss 1919 From Disease NF.W YORK. June U.-Udtl ft peril' estimates of the number of deaths from cancer la the I ailed Stales la ttl placw the Hears- at 1 Oa.s as. and the a am bee of persosjs afflicted at present at lee.eee. Dr Frederick Dwcdale of liostoa. a vfcrj president of the allied medical ism rial ion ot America, declared today a the organltatloa's aiath aaaaal coa ventlon. Sufficient evidence has bei gath ered, he aald. to support the theory tnai ia aitease ongiaates la a row rtltatkmal or blood ailment, that the Individual has within bis body the pre-duposiat cause of li and that it r-q sires only certain "eslstiag causes- to develop. Cure Is possible a mm . . ... e saij. it me ttritiag tutei are removed and th prw-disposlag fac tors properly irrated. Xlr Helen f. pearo. secretary of th vtvl-aertmn Investigation league of New York, declared the re nlta of vivisection did not warrant its continuance. Justice Benson to Speak at Reunion of Pioneers Jusitr Henry I. tVesoe of the slate saprem cosn will deliver the opealer address at lb aaawal ple nlc and rriakoa or the Waldo 1 1 tils Pioneer aoeutton nett Faferday. The picnic will be held n the farm of Mrs John A. Ilant 1 : miles east of Salem S Aa all-day prcrsw Is t ar-rsncr-d sn. will K rnm!MH i a Iji or Maic will l Imiilih'.i ? St r-r t h m mer's band The p.rnlr Is one f he m( looked forward to events t the St2 !amette valley earn samsner. James N agent to Fight Wet Plank in Platform BK announced hre tonight that! h mtt tttht to arrprte a pUnk la th platform at the national convention la Franrltco lie will be backed p la his effort by the orher members cf the Vw Jersey delegation, according in Uar- , or Frederick Ionnellr of Trenton. an. a h-r member of the state's big four. It! vl. MSTIFTY llUMTMi. SKW YOIfK. June I J Th su preme rw rt tndsv denied tncorpw atton to a Niriri y rall.ag ttselt the "Institute fur Industrial and Tecb nical Aid li otirt iii The arpiwsilon I r la'orprsiiou tae as lh- ,ict of th sorter ih mental, cul'aral and trbrat d velopmeat ot the member of the Roslaa ro!ny in the raited H'a'rs." In refusing to grant It. Justice Tleraey said: -We bars no colonies in the United States, aad a sentiment In the contrary i B0t to be e-cottragd riUCKi FIVE CATe ANGRY MOB LYNCHES BLACK MEN Daluth Scene of Hanjisj When 5000 Citizens Stem Jail and Drag Forth Ne groes Accused of Assault MIT1TIA ORDERED OUT TO QUELL RIOTERS City Police and Fire Depart ment Unable to Cope With Situation WlATir. Miaa, Jsa 11. Tkrs-s aecroe-a were lynched kerw tea!rt.t ty a mob estimated at tfS persoas which overpowarwd tte police. tok r-saloa of police kxeadaartert ad setied the aefroe. who wsrw he!4 la toaaertloa i: aa attack oa a yowsc white girt. Not a aovot waa fired la Ike attack oa the poitc etatie. tae sem!Uer of that so asiag wricks sad ettr issulee aai la the Caal lUfrs ef lis tUht streams ot water frcsa fire bo taken from the police them!. A mock trial waa katd ty Ike txA ta the stat Vow aad three aegroee were fouad gutlty aad three others also held 'a rowaectUa w .th lao s sault were acltte4 aad I a r4 tuack le the police. Shortly after laidaffat tk till surrowaded tka poiire stfa bat there waa tadiratica ef far ther IrwubU. Tha ptcw beUrved the snob weald upre ta a Jw kewra without fsrttsr dissjrtf er. Eight pdltcwasea aad a aewscpr reporter rf fered caiaor U'anee ta Ike attack oa the poiKe ataUoa. Tkr were hit by TrrKka or ether salaclrt. or were swept off thetr feet aad se verely bum 14 ta tk water T-ckt If waa rTrted Ikal tkrte or tc-sr tracks aa aaloaMtea loaded with tseaera of Ue rco5 k4 st.r.al at SBidstfit tevrarf Ylrgtau. where tt waa amid, fear exaVar aegrswe Itai b-w arreeie4 la eoeaecttoa w;i4 tx sane raa. The aerr were r9f.aWts wt:h a cirrus thai a;pare4 tere yesJsr day aad Ike aiJered attack oa the IT y ear-eld wh!te gtrt tck ptare ow tb cirrus crosads last aUb The ctrews waa la VL-g-al today, aaj It was aJ4 eight negroes were UJkra La '.a rauody there bat oaly fsr a-tIS, One report waa thai lie Ylrg-aU aatborttlea aad Joka trjky. Oa lath's chisf et police, ksd s.arul back ta Dalsth U ttewe fear sas powts before ike saeb troaile brol out here, but It waa eaderstaod tkst the party had be a dlvrte4 ta aa otker city. "The aezroee ksaged were ftase McGhie, Elmer Jackaoa aad NJ r.reen. sll about 12 years oil. They were tyarked ta the order Bouaa4 at 11:2. 11 J aad 11.4a p, ts re spectively. All praf mis! tbrtr taao cace First ladicatleas Ik iawatewa dlstrvt received ef Ike tn; brww lag cam at ? a'rtock vsct tracks loaded with a en dah4 aad 4tvi the prtartpsl atreta. the sa caller lr "vnlaaieers le avenge tloj wrwag dw th while girt" Tbere was ready reape. aal It was s-siissated that tka anoh atr- tred ieee shortly after I V'xk. Tbea th stormiag ef the JU gaa Ot bosh streets that aoS gsih ered. saraua toward both froat af rear entraacva s-'sr.sl'aaeos.y. Word of Its rooiif had res' bed the pere, aad preparst ows kad be tsaa te put p a ficht with strrasaa cf water frost fire fcc. Tae f.re cvMseerte-i attack wsa wsde ib rr ewtraaewv. Vf I ine t-satier was a t: eg TsrVks. ued os a obstruction fob. sad cf this the mevb look evi-fk e t aula. r.rteis were aat nytae tl roue's Ike windows asd aralart tke rtax der. whieh fiasHv gave la, Tl is let the snow tale te laws, ment. aad as it started ap the stairs to the tnt floor, a tree g s tree tee at wster wasted its taeabera t-ack. Uruls arsla were breatkt la'e ptsv aad as the tattle wsr4 at Ik rr e.r the baildiec. l3r taemWrs of the nua obtained m eeerioa of tre h-e. rs4s m rceet!w at esdranf and start e aa aaaal ea tre freHit rstrssre. Here ton the prSC were preri to t cl back Ire saeb w th ws!r. aad i the water dl Ibat pseiiaer side lad a market advtatarw uat'l the ve.0 tasnsged ta est t Ve poller h'-s Thlu caused a trtr. tary reirest ty tk f-i aad Ik mob begsa battcmg down ib fro I door. After e! rst.ee bad been farre4 frosn the frost ! po! c offered further reslUsaee. tr:if.rr. Ike f said, that atterul ta firvtrvks would tUf the dlstsrbtre st a rto of esrw more errs prs;nrt)aas and pcobaUv raws nii xA I f Within the p!; sjsts the twsb faced l ww heavy iei 4oni, Umir lha way lo th prisoners t!i. v h a large Meter tke steel 4-vara wr battered down after aa wear's attack. It look oaly a fear Oasts to tvrr a