4 TUB OREGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY. Jl'XK The Oregon Statesman , . Issusd Dsilj Except Monday by : ' THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY f f " J 18 8. Commercial St. Salem. Orejon . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I The Associated Press Is cxcluslTety entitled to the use tor republication t all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. : IL 3. Hendricks. Manager Stephen A. Eton. Manatint; Editor Ralph GloTer. Cashier Frank Jaskoskl. Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, serred by carrier in Salem and luburbs, IB cents a week. SO cents a. month, DAILY STATESMAN, by mall. St a year; S3 tor six months; SO cents a month. For three months or more, paid in adTance, at rate of IS year. (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will i be lent a year to any one paying a year in adTance to the Dally .Statesman.) UNDAY STATESMAN. SI a rear; 60 cents for six months 2S cents toi ' - three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections Tuesdays and V- ; Fridays. SI a year (If not paid in adTance, fl.lt); SO cents tor six C' ;) months; 26 cents for three months. ' .: l. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. . , v..-.... ... Clrcnlatlon Department. 6SS. .- '. Job Department. 683. Entered at the Postoftlce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM The Republican platform adopted by the Chicago convention yesterday is in the mam what might have been expected. It is orthodox. It points with pride to about the right things; it views with alarm in the regulation way the things that ought to give us pause; and it piles onto the present administration some of the blame of which it is blameworthy; It could scarcely have overdone this, if it had been several times as long. - ; But it more than straddles the League of Nations issue. . In that field, it does ihe act of the thousand-legged worm. , 1 It says nothing that is not true; puts forth no principle that is not a good American principle. ' But it leaves the great issue in such shape that any one of the outstanding candidate or any one of the great band of dark horses, might be nominated: and read into it any construction; whether a bitter-ender, a mild yeservatibnist, a Taft or Root or Lodge reserva- tiofdst, or any one of the other fifty-seven varieties of reservationists or no reservationist at ail. . ; ' Terhaps the sequel may show the wisdom of this. MJiit there are millions of Republicans who would have felt proud er Jhis morning if their representatives at Chicago had demonstrated the: runninz in. their veins of more red bleod and less ice water. 1 . SALEM MUST SHOW SOME SPEED ; In the matter of the reorganization of the King's Products Co. promising such enormous benefits to this city and section, Salem ought to show some speed in taking the amount of preferred stock that' has been allotted to her : -The same 'amount allotted to The Dalles, which that city has Dromptly underwritten. . The' Dalles is much smaller than Salem; and the range of pos sibilities there is much smaller than at Salem for the expansion of the plant. , ,. , - , - Salem must not let The Dalles outdo her in far sighted enter prise! - ping street to aiauisou sireei, received by the city council from the property owners along said street. and that the rules were suspended and the city engineer was ordered to prepare plana and estimates at once, the ide being to attempt to get this Mreet pavtcl before the fair this fall. and this would giTe the public the use of paveu streets all the tray to the fair grounds. Such a move is commendable. The more paved streets the better for the city but anyone acquainted with that part of the city knows that Capitol street ends at Madison ave nue and that the distance from the end of Capitol street to the pavement on Fairgrounds road Is about 800 feet, of rough macadam or gravel road. , There Is, and has been.' for two months or more, a petition before the city council 'for the Improvement of North Summer street from Market Street to the Fairgrounds road, and this would. give a direct route to the fair grounds and the northeasi. but. lor some unknown reason to the public, thh petition sleeps undisturb ed somewhere In the city hall. FAIR PLAY. Salem. Or.. June 9, 120. (The above communication IS com mended to the honorable attention of all the members of our august body of elder statesmen who sit as the Salem city council in judgment upon things municipal. Is there colored ge man In the niuniclnal woodpile? It so. who Is he. and what is his game? Surely, the general public has suffered enough Ily all means, there should be a paved street clear through to the fair grounds by the time of the opening of the next state fair If some ebony broth er has to be flattened out by "a steam roller. Ed.). The "point with pride" and "view with alarm" department of the Chi cago convention Is dot ready for work. BITS FOR BREAKFAST j Home-coming day It will be at Wlllson psrk. S -W Visitors will bring bsskets. Cof fee will be served free. There will be five minute addresses by- home- comers. Mrs. Durdall will sing. i W Things may go with a rush at Chi cago today; and things may not The Statesman has been hampered seriously for a few weeks by the non- arrival of a car of paper, due here May t. The range of sUes has been too small in the meantime to accom modate the matter farnUhd by the editors and the space taken by the advertisers It has been a feast or a famine. Relief Is promlM-d by the arrival of the car. now due. If the people or the Salem dirtrlct could all get the vision of the great FRECKLE-FACE Sum and Wind llriag Out I'gly Spots. How to Remove KaaJly. Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-Face to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a. penny an iens it removes the freckly: while It It does give you a clear omplex Ion the expense Is tiirilng. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how essy it U to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Re sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine. ss this strength Is sold under guarantee of money back If It fails to remove freckles. . t IV HOW SU t i - A II 1 I LTTy3 I Summer Lassitude Sizzling days and swelt ering nights wear down the reserve force and leave the mind and body impoverished. Rebuild your energy and restore your ambition with possibilities the grest fntnre of dehydration, the allotment of pre ferred stock of the King's Trodacts com pan jr. now being offered to Salens wonld be taken ta a day and ever barflbd several lltn. Ifekjs'rs Ioa Is the biggest tklag la u wnd la food roasTvatloa. and th yo pS bae the lead la la l lis latHr: the ld of the whole rt4. R E E I The Great General Tonic SU By AH HtimhU Prrfc get Mtailxtmrt: LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New Yerfc Kui Cry. M. For sal by all druggists. Alwsys la stock at Perry's Drug Store. UGAR Ji SAVE YOUR SLIPS To the one miking lie largest amount of per chases from Jane 4 to Jane 30tb, will recefre ab solutely free one sack of SUGAR .PEOPLE'S. CASH STORE I ll" 1 I ' I ' l r ll 111 III ii nil" l 14 ' Every -one Interested in Salem can afford to get squarely behind the de hydration program. It1 will abso lutely fix Salem as the dehydration center i of the world and there is no one thing that could do more to glfe us a Gibraltar stability. - Salem ' slogan subject for next Thursday, Dehydration, the biggest thing In the' world in food conserva- C tion. Your help is invited; also your suggestion on the four most important basic industries of Salem not yet named. WHERB IS THE COLORED GEMAN IX THE WOODPILE?' Editor Statesman: In this morning's paper I notice that a petition for the improvement of North Capitol street, from Ship-I 3 BIG ACTS HJPP.OD VAUDEV1LL ROME if TODAY il-IGH THEATRE alley Motor Co. ft 4& BULLETIN Fordsotv If Recent Ford Deliveries Ijurcau of toor I: A. Jonf'R Paul II. Carrow 1. Enners H. C. McDowell Cherry City Bakery Sestak & Thomas Dr. L. P. t:rirfith M. O. I till Ray Coiel O. C. Russell G. K. Schopf I T. A. livcsley Cherry City Bakery Order. Yours Today r. IT W ILd JL 2 D AYS more of our factory demonstration. - Buy tnat new rane now and you wffl not only get tke best ran je in tnc world, bat you wiH jet FREE yocr choice of either one 42-piece set of dishes, or one 13-piece cooking set of aluminum ware. Your old store taken in n part payment. THREE RANGES IN ONE F R E E c H A N C E WARMING CLOSET COMPARTMENT - PORCELAIN DOOR PANELS PORCELAIN WASHABLE SPLASHER SANITARY FUME DAMPER FOR GAS CHECK DAMPER FOR COAU DRAFT CONTROLLER DAMPER FOUR COVERS FOR COAL AND WOOD POKER DOOR SELF STARTER FOR COAL NO KINDLING DRAFT SLIDE UNDER CRATES ALL CAST IRON BODY A LIFE TIME RANGE Visit our store and get a num ber which will entitle you to a chance on a Universal heat er given away at 3 p. m., June 12. j . M'l!U!!''ll:!lll!!llMI'lf,!'l!l!it!l!itMiiilUi I It I ) 1 1 tit I ; h 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,..:.,,.,, , ! fj p ! ; ; , - I I Ml i ilil A I Ml H .TW -1 III tra jwwl m'wr i XF n BURNS COAL WOOD OR YM i V GAS AT THE SAME TIME I J Jj OR INDIVIDUALLY V AUTOMATIC FUME DAMPER NO ODOR IN KITCHEN BaOiUNG AND TOASTING COMPARTMENT WHITC PORCELAIN BROILER PAN FOUa BURNERS AND SiM MERER FOR CAS SELF STARTER FOR GAS NO MATCHES WHITE PORCELAIN DRIP PAN PORCELAIN GAS COCKS ADJUSTABLE AjR MDCTU5ES CAST IRON BURXCR BOX A LIFE TIME RANGE A SIMPLE TWIST CHAMCES OVW FRCM COAL TO CAS HO PARTS TO REMOVE F R E E c H A N C E ovcn i&xts mexn foa COAL VOOO OR GAS SETS IN 40 INCH SPACE WE WILL TAKE YOUR USED STOVE IN EXCHANGE Tle ,riiivirsal" ( 'oinbination Cisl or Vl snl Cas Lnsc? i rnsuu factnreil rwrfit-t throughout. Kor true httiinniy sn Utin? Mtifartion jou ramiot urrhaM a lcttfr ranpr. Yoi ran cosl or vtcmm anl cas at "ihr Kaine lime or Hcparatrly as you dcurp. The right fuel at the right limr convenient ami eeonomieal. i'oinr in aixl look thrs ranges ovrr. It the faetorj- exjcrt demonstrate the ma uy !M-eial features to you. Vuit our store and get a num ber which will entitle you to a chance on a Unirersal heater giyen away at 3 p. m., June Your Credit Is fiood V l M MM Mf Ml MM M M 1 1 . t C C r M r M I ' J i J 11 t I X W 1 ccy XMB? L FORDSON FARM TRACTORS slley Motor Co. r X