The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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4 Pages
Tea Statftaaa rtvea Ik laa-J
ira rr-ori or tt Awruu4 rra,
ta gratt ui rt.t rvllali smra
tuMiit'oa is wcr'.l.
riiM :: ivi: tv.r
' KEVKXTIKT1I VKAIl . ...... . 1
- ., oui:min. tiii iimmi um:i(!. jim: iu. itri.
Old Manila is enrloft! In a wall, rnr. Cavlte la on It abont 2 I 11 of aa la ranv rt!f,ha
whoae patrtt tiwd to U rlcM., !- a mil,. on a pennnU front Manila. The Irr-iinj .tova tt trl?
and a drawl. rldse a vm!1 a j road on! thrrr it lini vita nativ! "At I a. n . on Katr SniiT
bic f li ! t let ttl !.. rraaVac f!
caa t a aalla. A '.I
t.iJk of oit fcr ar vary
THE bridge tea which Mrs.,
Harry Hawkins will -give this
afternoon at her State street
tinma fnr Mif abtl Ynnnp. a Vlwt-
UVMw - ' " " - - - .VWHCr w ...
I tor from Albany whose wedding r.o
: Bogari itougera ui juos Angeies win
' t. a cnrinl PVPnt tit Alhnnv. la n
be one of the smartest functions jf
... the week. A large company . of
( friends of the honor guest and her
" mother, Mrs. Percy A. Young, who
' is also visiting in Salem, have been
. 0. A. Hartman and his, Lter.
Mtei Gertrude Hartman, left yester
day morning for Portland where
they will attend the state jewelers'
convention for two days.
: -
. Mrs. Catharine Arbuth not. pr!ncl
pal of the Independence schools, is
.- a'gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton
for a few days.
The students of Oregon Agricul
tural college and the University of
, . Oregon are returning toiheir homes
for the summer. A number have
Let Us Paint Your
Waist, Hat or IIokc wiik tlainty
'designs.. ThM most ' 'original anl
pretty liaiul-paintcd designs at
The Parisian Waist Shop
212 So. Cottage St. PJione 1G20M
By Bath Leu ore Fisher
finished their work and have either
alreadjr come home or are planning
to come today. Allan Jones and
George McGilchrist B rri Vfl hnmo
last night and several others are
planning to come today.
Colonel and Mrs. E. Hofer had as
their Rueiu yesterday Mrs. Hofer'a
uncle, J. p. Patrick of Portland.
Salem friends of Arthur Von J"?
sen, formerly a well known mnst-
cian of Salem, but now or Portland !
"-vill be interested to learn of the
announcement of Lis approachine
marriage to Miss Freda Ieitner, one
of his students. The wedding will
take place at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Leitnei-.
130 East Fifty-rifth street in Port
land. They will pass their wedding
trip at Manhattan Beach. Or.
Mr. and Mrs. William Staiger left
yesterday afternoon for a viit at
the Prescott Prune farm untjl Fri
day. The many Salem friends of Mif
Kl'my Palmer, formerly head of the
mathematics department in Sa'm
high school, will be happy to l-ari
that eho has recently been elected
assistant "professor of mathematics
at the University of California. She!
has just completed taking a short I
course at the university.
mentary rthools of the city held
their annual exhibit yesterday after
noon in the school auditorium which
proved very interesting to parents
and friends. In several of the
schools the pupils presented short i tor Manila
-S a . m. 1 m ; I
ana auraruve programs arrangpa
from their music. Enlibh and art
Salm friends are receiving lettes
from Miss Bersie Ko3ter for sevoral
I years a teacher in the public schools
who is now in Tientsin. China, visit
ing at the home of her brother. lieu
tenant A. D. Foster. While bore Mi
Foster was very popular iukI her let-j 'bo whiles,
ter to a Salem friend Will bp Inter-, uu:r-rly on th
est in g to many. Sh sailed with her
s'ster-ln-law.'Mrs. A. D. Foster and
Small son, on February 5 from San
Francisco. Passing through Hono
lulu they spent two days seeing the
country which as she d?criSes it is
"surely the Paradise of the Pacific."
They landed on the island of Oabn.
They did much motoring and were
entertained for a number of teas,
dinners and luncheons. Hi-a Fos
ter writes of her trip:
"We spent nearly a month In Man
ila and were treated royally. Man
ila certainly has a wonfirfiil bay
herbor. It was to me a mort inter
erting city in" spite r the Augut
weather. The old buildings of
Torts. In thU rart the rtiH-; are'
very narrow and as they arc not
pave J are not tlan. but one can
always find a a?.aiy side of the stmt
which is cf rtalnly a blef ing for that
tropical sun 'gels one.' And March
is the beginning of their summer.
!n the new part of the city tfce
streets are wide and paved or marad
ized and the buildings are qui'e
?:e r ttat li. "7 a-"i
and with
pra bous
churrhr. S'-nie are nw ue-l
srhools. We mw a great many Sa
nu trees and a fe rice f i-ldji. t)r.
interesting tree is th Iap Ip
f our nrrja 4 r p a'ont :; la ;
V" day af'er to fr tl-e ,
! rm Utt Sn Frac -. Aa ,
. -(. rT DO ira"n afCjxn"latlon ,
which grows llk the big oak wl h ' to Trlta that nUhl rmi.:J,
its spreading branches filled with I on the kit cvercight sntlt tiie fol ,
bright red flowers. lowia taornlcg mere lakrn '
"Another Interesting trip wa to ( ah re tn a tar. W thn rat oa,
Loa ISanoa. a summer rcaort on a ! a p!al train to T!-oin. Tt: ci'y.
modern. 1 was dined, wlnfd. autovt 1 little bay near some mountalna and j loo. arprwed ne with It wp-'u-Uat?
and d arced most to death, but 1 1 about id mile from Manila. We buliiSnt and atrrett. Tto ba.liBi
shall never forget Manilaand to tell saw the moat rire la all stagm tmrr. jar -f atore aoj brk. j
vou a bit of a seeret I m homesick . th planting to the thrblng It 11 "All the htne have high vil!t tt
flail, sugar cane growing, more co- j (r-ncea around thera wtk Km
The Manila as the
principal hotel. For a good time one
goes to 1iina or Santa Ana. which th i; danciir iav;iliona and
ci'.arcti vheri people eat. drink
and dance. W vl-ifd Juan dl
Monte a!ro. whih H a dance hall
and uimt; for th natives. In the
otbeia the danre hall Is divided n-
to two parts, one fide for the native
coannta and other trop'rtl frulta.
Thre are many autnmobt'ea in
Manila and you ran hire a Iod.te
tvr ?!.?" an hoar, an Overland for
51 j snd a Hudson for S3. Whl'e
people seldom walk. In fart It's too
warm. Tb other was of traveliog
are br car cr '-!. which I
i -wi-eld cart with a wi' coiu-
of which are ieer cl4.
The '
rtr--: are lined witU it, o'ly
lora'ts. hkh are row ia Mli
To Jilar have bcn "!!tf l ,
asd tbe vnirM la aow at Ua bti.
Tt-.f fact are oly true of lb for-.
t.$n eonrc ooi ao' I 9ak ciMf
ly of the Orrtaa cenceaon t vfef
to eat an! dance and the other for . fi.rta!!e reat which will hold tbr-ee live toe Irltlh aa-I Frent
. uric I
Tlio privates daace ' n.e 1! people and wl'b a tw at in I I krut th-n tt. la lb rrat e-
e "n-'tive" fide wher i front for the driver. Thejio rt f tore t r3 it t- irtMl -rth'to
Spanish architecture, the homes and
churches, never ceased to Interest
me. The city Is divided into two
tl. profiriinal dancinj girls are
paid 10 cent lour money ) for each
danre. They are called l.allrtroce.
It Is worth a trip out jut to fee
them and most of them are sple l
dld dancers. The flrrt nirht 1 sat
close to the fence so I could watch
them. '1omV was the met stylish
place and bow I dolled up In my par
ty gowns and thanked fortune tht
I bad such. Surely the bit of 'high
life I raw in Manila was Interesting,
though pJ iMy a bit rrckleas for
sol r
"We. had a rrvnt many auto trl
an.n-d the ci'y and country. An
!ntrrr--ting on w:;s CavSte where the
o'd Spanish torts if wheh we read
io Dewey'; n still stani
ing. The town. Uxe'f, lj iswt Inter-
-' cents to 75 cett an heur. Thy
a'e drawn by sr!l hor.e almost
s--. rtall as our Shetland ponies.
"Things rMt about the same !n
Manile. as In the Mates. Shoes are
very bird to get. We sailed n the
Warren for Chtn-wsng-ioo. Cbiau
the port for Tientsin. It took seven
days. On Saturday. April 3 we
land-d at Ti.inttoo.
ml anyote. narrew d'rty trr
tlny rhp and t-h. what r.r. All
the rouitry arouaj l very flat ar4
- e no gat. There ar- ran
vines and shtaba ecryak;e fa t
rouatry acd at lv.e tv'e of low a r.e
eit moaada whtek are gra-. Ytt
nw trelr raitem l to tary oa tP
of the grouad or nearly so. aa J Im4
more Imponaat the peraoaage tb
The town ftr 22 yeira belong'-d j larger the moand. Oa itm top of
to the Cermar Utt was captured t y ee.rh monnd is a atone or flag. It
th" Japs darrg the war. It hvsjacvtua to m oa our vsy I rota C'hlR
I ,n grrpurd 'o n'ake tho to"n ! j n-" w vrrt caiilrel!y i -
err.a oavl. Th cltv Is aell hui!:. Mr; troj5i a vetnetrry, there er
rlret. navwd. large atone and' Many srsve. Thy d not hate
It: fefc hnil'llnga and has woaerful
dorks ard In well fortlfted. Yo
could hardly eipect to u-h a
rt,Tnlr e. hmi cae a gru
hrre and ano'tvr ther.. fore fw
fcaf ?f Tri!.n. Tare ar mny
rodrn rity as your first view of J dirty hte snd tl Pal Ha
voting with the narrow FfreeU. atone (China. We raw the elty by ricksha. river, which Is Jat as drty. la calr
The junior high fThoob and ele- parts, thj oi l and the new Manila, t builtling aad big ch'irfhe In evl-inv firt eiperierce. Can't yon lm-la few H-xki from aa, and from onrl
ta aer tpUii a grtat tfal. kat org
tevtr t- toi e-f werker wi?
' th at4 UvU. Tkt
r a rreat niy a!.?? It era. I
tti.rk t !r.U are ttte Ut. t ;l
is;t fed ttl are p:a;:y L (.
ia I tilt. t"-lt II. C, U kaa t'.t
lt crWat aUyst a tarj at Ik otkr
ra--i t.A4ri4rcta atoct S ir i a
ffr r:"i an wtWb ti aVoat t
tt- tt"sg tfcere. Frtt r 1
cwnt trh tat aot io targ aa Ik
Amerteaa tsa lay. aa fg is
ta rg
l.!eka are Vy as a
rh-ca? way of trT:igr. Tkey ewit
2 4 per konr. The likaa
raaaera really r,att woe.!rfl t
m, ' They ke'p mp tkt raaa:ag ga l
fcr a taUe or t9, A at. ara
very eipeartve ard eTnelJy
ttere ara aot taaay. Fo?da era
n-Mt'T la t Ji'e. tt I Law sa
!' cia. OTrti4. lo4t arl
la:gt-a aad lb- air tracla I Kava
r-i er are tr.e faUel rate ar-
mr tra-ka. Aaxkr - c.f trav-1
u a 2vr lokiac carru ta w;tk a
H9rt iwV eg kra tkat trav!a
vr slovily. CooiVa taka IS
p'j'e of it koraea la kat'!ag t:-
kavg lad aej kow o: kaiev t
U. Tie I'ra:k are tet Ureri
deerw kere. Tkerw are lata Is cf
peddler tar aad It Is s,lte ti.
tt way to tvy liaegs aad tarea. I
kear Pekia la cheaper aad yoa f t real Cklae tk tga tkrra.
-Kal'ag t oa of Ike eM tkiaea
here. i'rwTtfat l T. r.fHa at 1 :.
tea at I.:. dlaar at I. Os !
hjo.' fjrrl kc re by gal Wlag 3
io eat raw vrf!alUa. Tl.'
c!aager of d;irawv so rvetyfllcg
nk4. Wo a-evec ttrtak atr frv
Ike taaee! c4 wkile we kave a f "
em talk rosa krak oar !
(rt tki oMtle. We kav ! t :
I fViinae4 m par t
nnrwi wtcw (xTin w a -umw?
. - a.
1 1
V dto- j
Come in and see the. famous UNIVERSAL PIPELESS FUR
NACE Asbestos Insulated widely known as "THE PERFECT
PIPELESS FURNACE. It replaces stoves and other unsatisfactory
heating systems, can be placed in any homo and saves 1-3 to V in
fuel and fuel expense while giving you more and better heat. Why
not get rid of your cold rooms and save dirt, dust and work cirryin?
fuel and ashes all of er the house.
You are losing dollars every d&j if you use stoves or old style
pipe furnaces. Half your full mosey is lost. The Universal will
soon pay for itself.
WARM air
' '
' ' '
' V -f
Cast Eanges are built of the best material
throughout. This range is just as good as
it looks1. The Universal line needs no in
troduction. Sold on30 days free trial.
Trade in your old stoves as part pay
ment. TERMS on balance if desired.
cLtAN out m:h - W&ii&M
cold pmr4
av.v rMVxrrc
jRti too near
The "Urivertal" Combination CoU
or Wrxy and Gi; Rapre is nanufscturH
per fee thrcojrtout. For true ecocmy
and luting -atixfaction yon canrot pur
chase a better rant. You can tue coal
or wood and gas at the sama time or sep.
aratcly as yoi desire. Tte richt fuel at
the rijht tine convenient and tcontTiii
cal Come in and look these ranges over.
Let the factory expert demonstrate the
iratiy rpricUl ftatur to you.
i M. V
Your Credit Is Good