The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Convict Removes From Smith
Blame for Slaying of Bur
gess and Peringer
Member of Party at Clare
mont Tavern on Fatal Night
Decries Confession
was the pan .r
cattsvd Osle i r.,n-
hints on hi
",r s-hoi-i which kJ.l!.l th i wo!
I'. . UK.. In' l lv.. ..i : ,
an who al-u ur. .-d Smith.
!::rently it
cniisi ifnrr that
fss tothiv.
"iU- siiiiil hail tin
iMt(I f a inK Mi-to."
M. Mn.t(.. -j,,,!
...,- iiii.iuku wiui the mull.
M.wli;i! iU-I,n!!i
J. P.ium-'s. mif
-n'p raier and intMtihor i tt... ,t,f.
highway oomtui mou. Mr Periurr
was a wealthy IVidMon farm-.
Hth were in Portland attending
International I,ivtMk exposition,
and were with friends at Claren ont
tavern when the place was held up
by the three masked robber.
From IVndWon oni a temi-t
tnar r,. I .Marshal! hn an.
Si uih in other work about tfu nrl-'mo. TlK-n-wa i'n I shot hint. I
-t,. M'tr play- on the "p-nilenMary , -hu him two or three times. The ltiill team. j oil t fellow. Httr. grabbed a ra
Vi.iier llrnr ( nt -ioit
The infetiio:i of j;!e uiid a
!;il''u-liT l.y I'... naster w-ie made i:l
tin- kn neiue of Waidt-n Colliptoll.
I ..w. . I : ,. l . . t - .
i .... , , -ui'-- i i r . u iui waruen, r'i-
eene Hallev
of I h vir iii'S
a Iroinin, it
James Osle. who with WaUer
Danafter and latld Smith is fervina
a lif? sentence intlie state peniten
tiary for the murder of J. X. lint
gess, and Oeor?e K. Perlnper In
I'laremont tavern. Portland. ljt
November, today confessed that he
hief keier. and the
eonvic Smith.
On'.f U onfuM an to which of
ih men wa P.ur and which a
P'tinuer .iuce he i-aks of shoo' in?
iVrlnieer swral titn.s. I tunc-
v. js shot several times and Peringer
only once.
Fear Another Trial
'l want to make a statement to
straighten out thi shooting propo
sition." Osle said to Warden Conip-
! "Suppose ou tell the story in
You r own wonts: Ynn will linitr-
i i r. 3n4 -1. . . - - - - -
I ber of the
i i . ,
ntr rretience in tli
... I .1.: ...u
Miirptw-!';....- . . "'"'"i anjiuiriK Jon say is ram
' ill .- f la ' 1 .
A Frtpwrtton. of
.1 V
f ronf Inn !
of Osle and insists that Smith did
the shooting. Portland officers arei
eaid t be of th same opinion. j
U;tnt to 'Tome Clenii-
Sevral days ago Iavid Smith,
w-ho had bfen hlametl for the phoof
inp. went to Warden Common and
said that Ogle wanted to come
clean." Compton does not beHeve
that Smith and UanaMer had threat
ened Ogle, but credits the convi"t
with a voluntary decision to conies,
though doubtless after the three
men had talked over their crime,
many times. All have been weil-hc-haved
prisoners since thev vere re
ceived at the rrisou November
last. Ogle and Banaster are both
employed In the flax plant and
of leniency.
without, any promise
replied t'otnpton.
"They can't try me for this again,
can they?"
"No. they can't try you again for
the fcame crim" answered the war-
"W.MI. after we had entered the
liouse." said 0?'e. "Smithy was tr
look after the dance hall, and
Dutchy and 1 proceeded to ronnd
them up. I makes this room where
they were. I opened the door and
said 'Put Vm up and they shoved
the chairs back of the table and
Peringer phut the door. They
would hae got me but I put niy foot
against the door and shoved It
back. I fired one shot In the ceil
ing. ! said 'you had better put them
up' and Perringer started to Krab
Seasonable Footwear
a ...
Ladies Kid Dressy Pump in Black
and. Coco Brown, light weight
lt-r hottU arid drop, u and lnado a
(eak for hi picket, so when ho
made that shift I thtcw it into l.n.i.
and then 1 tik the rest of the
bunch oat and took them into the
dance liall."
"Where was Smithy at that
time?" asked Warden Compton.
"1 do not know. He was sup
posed lo be in the dance hall al-.
Itanaster was down in the h&smer.i.
It fteems that there was a woman
who Identified the pin that Smithy
had as being worn by the man "hJ
did the shooting. Th. stick pin 1
had was a little different color fro'
the one he had. She might have
identified the first M k pin he
seen. They showed me the tlck n'fl
worn by Smithy but I had thrown
mine away."
Ilnter rmrobnrwte S4leu-it
Itana.nter's statement followa:
"I could only ay what Ode has
aid. When I came up from the
basement Ogle was coming In 'rom
the place where he shot the mu.
Naturally he had some women and
a few men with him and tbey were
rather excited, so 1 told them not to
be so excited. They entered Into
the hall and Smithy was tn the hail
at that time, and there were worda
exchanged between the policeman
and Smithy about army work. I did
not know what he said at the time,
but h. told me afterward. He aked
him where he belonged, what rel
.ment. etc. Smithy wore button
shoes. He had a peculiar pin that
caused him to be identified by jwint
people as ling the man in th
dance hill."
- P r-. ?-ier Wallik. Mara-i UOli: PirKirT i OM i:TIuV. .?. ifee -4W tni0 llt re
rlte heuor. W-uu. Keuu,.- H.T-; , t it ' ,. . , . ,Ufbl' Ur the tl. J '-
Water. Certrude May WatiHur. No- c'lUrACO. J- - P.ckrMar It I r tr the ad U
rr.a Claris W-l. France Urr the National Woniaa M'tr , U-Jd a4 !lel im li'lll WU.
Welch. Aliua IsabelU Weils. Herbert
F.varl Weudland. Gertrude Frame-
West. James Aldn White. Ralph
Knsin Wilson. Arvllla Kertba Wood
worth. Vldj Violet Woo.1 worth. Km
aeth MerUa Zell. Alfied Dalton Zel
ler. The program will be as follows:
Selection High Bchool Orrhetrai
Involution Rev. C. II. Towe:!'
Come Wbeie the Ulies Itloom".. ,
Olee Club.
Class representatives
Opportunity". . Katherine iarha!l
t First boner In scholarship.
Violin solo. "Faust-Fantasie".. A!M
Marian I'mmoni.
I Elected bt faculty.
"Cltltent In the Maklnt"
Robert Not son. '
(Fleeted by rlaas.) 1
Valedictory Kathrjn Gitbard
tSeconJ honor In scholarship.)
Cello solo
Noctarnn .... George Oaltertnanl
Gavotte In I) David Topper
Avenr Hicks.
Address to class, "The Finished Trtv
duct" Prea J. II. Ackermasj
State Normal school
Vocal solo
"To a Hilltop Cox
"trove's In My Heart". .Woodniani
Joanna James.
Presentation of diplomas
Chairman W. C. WtasJow.
"Stars and Sir! pes Forever". .jouH
Glee Club and Orchestra.
Henedlctlon Rev. II. N. Aldrich
Selection . High School orchestra
the CoIruui today was i.-t Ukr. or They w.ll W tm the ;
a lavn soriat. i.i,.irw and aatU tha I-
I'ndrr oidem from Mavoe Torf- elien a4or
soles, Lcuis heels,
1 TfMss' 'i
$8 SO :WVr
125 North Commercial Street
.Salerno's; Quality. Shoe Store
ell leg Evert
Georgette Crepe
Crepe de Chine
Lingerie Blouses
Fouritots of this season's newest Blouses
" priced for quick selling
$2.75, $7.95, $9.85 $11.65
This means snappy selling and we advise early shopping.
New Arrival Summer Lingerie
Envelope Chemise and Muslin Gowns
Priced close for quick selling
$2.50, $2.75, and $3.00
Miss Washburn of New York, special representative of the Butterick Publishing
Co. is with us for a few days with an extra special inducement on America i
Greatest Home Magazine, "The Delineator." This magazine is the recognized
leader among those who closely follow the fashions and are particular in how
they dress.
Invaluable hints for the housekeeper, menus, intereitmg stories by Amer
ica's greatest writers, in fact the.magazine teems with valuable information and
No home should be w.ibout The Delineator.
Half Price
For a few days only-
Try This If You
Have Dandruff
There U one sure way that neter
fall to rc.ucte dandruff completely
and that is to dissolre it. Tola de
stroys it entirely. To do this. Just
ret about four ounces of plain, or-
binary liquid arvon; app(ly It at nlfbt
when retirti.K; ue tnousn lo mois
ten the scalp and rub It In gently
with the finicer tips.
Ity morning, most If not all. of
your danuruit win M fcone, ana
three or four more applications will
completely diolve and entirely de
stroy every Injtlf slun and trace of
Jt. no matter how mnch dandruff
you may base.
You will find. too. that all Itch
ing and UUrlnc of the alp will atop
inwlantly. and your balr will be
fluffy. lurroiiH. r1oY. nilky and
soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
druK "stor If Is Inexpensive, and
four ounces la all you will need.
This simple remedy has never been
known to 'all.
-'jh- ""Tn " I I "
Outgoing Students at High
School Number 118; Com
mencement Tonight
The Salem high school commence
ment exeicises will be beld at 3
o'clock tonight at tbe armory with
the large graduating class of 112
receiving diplomas. Tbe address to I
the class will be delivered by J. II.
Ackcrman. president of Oregon Nor
tnal school and the diplomas will be
presented by W. C. Wlnslow, ckalr
man of the Salem school board. Sev
eral selections will be given by tba
school orchestra and tbe glee dob
will take a prominent part In the
exercises. Tbe members of tbe grad
uating ela. are.
Wayne George Allen. Kenneth I
Ashley Aspinwall. Rutb Ellen Atpln-
wall. Emily Elizabeth Auld. ReU
Mae Austin. Ambrle William IUgle.
jean Klnley lialley, Ruttt Mabel
I'arnes. Myrtle Elizabeth Ueecroft.
Lionel John DIsbop. ZoU Mae Bird-
well. Reuben rtreyroan Poise, neryl
Elvira Bond. Hazel Vera Roatrack.
Gladys Cliire Brown. Opal- Louise
Brown. Jesse Laniont Bollock. And
ted Willetha Bunch. Earl Towsbey
Biifselle. Mildred Rebecca Case. Ira
Bert Cave. Harriet Emily CoburL.I
Georgia Morgan Cook. Helen Rutb
Corey. Kathryn Dorothy Crozer. Ken
neth William Culver. Wilbur Max
well Darby, Fred Davenport. Harold
nay. ljturenre iieacon. f.jmer Kane
Dierks. Wanda lodge. Mabel Leora
Ikrtson. Edward Harold Edmundson.
Harold Elbert. Marian Margaret Em
mons. Alma Mae Enalebart. Marvin
Dee Fldler. Carl Auguat Klscber.
Flora Elizabeth Fletcher. Wnnlfred
Elizicbeth Frazier. Kathryn Louls-
Gibbard. Mary Qllbert. Amory Tingle
('.ill. Eugene Luke Gill. John James
Griffith. Marraret Marie Griffith.
Florence Marie Haberly. Mae Hall.
Marjorie Virginia llarbert. Helen
Beatrice lleideeke. Avery Morley
Hicks. Avis Marie Hicks. Alma Her
minis Hoffman. Joanna May James.
Mat tie Edith Jarman, TUelma Jean
Johnxon. Olga Orwllda Kirkwood.
Olive KUer. -i
Frederick Cbristiaa Klaus. Rich
ard Meryl Kriesel. Genevieve Logan.
Hazel I van Ixng. Nlcol Mitcbel Me-I
Gil hrtst. Katberine Marshall. Nina
;ertrude Marshall. Wlllard Charles
Marshall. Innette Meredith. Dorothy
Eolella Miliar. Hester Ellzaphai
Moreland. Rose Antoinette Morgan.
Leon Harley Nelson. Leah Maude
Nichols. Robert Carver Not son. Rose
Clara O'Brien. Gladys Evelyn Pag.
Ila Marie Tettit. Martha Elizabeth
Bowel!. Guy Paull Pralber. Mabel
Winifred Kent fro. Zeda Azalea Rbo
ten. Philip ILaratlton Rlncle. Eva
Pearl Roberts. Roth Elizabeth Ross.
Charles Altx rt Kappingricld. Wallace
Aubrey Scaei. Turtle Id Schindler.
Jacob ina AmilUnova Schmidt. Wil
liam Earl ghafrr. Mamie Sims, Mal
colm Gougb Smith. Virgil Elijah
Starr. Lonlre Marie Stenstjrum. Frie
da Elizabeth Stolk. Norma Frances
Sutherland. Elton Horace Tbompeoa.
Gordon Detr Thompson. Hilda Ce
cllii Till.nKbiHt. El wool Alfred
Towner. Sara Rutb Hurler. IWtha
j Pearle Vick. Ida Carlyle Vogt. PbyllU
More Applicants Wanted
or Military Academy
The selection or enlisted tnn
from the national guard for appoint
ment to the Called State military
academy at West Point In 121 will
be apportioned among tbe enlisted
strength, gad. In tbe rase of candi
dates from the stales and the terri
tories, will be selected by the gov
ernors from aucceetfal competitors
In a preliminary examination simi
lar to tbe regular examination for
entrance to tbe academy. The ex-
amaationa are held between Decem
ber 1 and IS each year.
Thla Information comes to Cov
entor Olcott In a letter from P. C.
Harris, adjutant general of the army
at Washington.
Information aa to vacancies will
not be available before next month.
rhe letter point to the unusual op
portunity that la offered enlisted I
mea of the national guard. To .be j
eiisiDie tor appointment .irvra , i
national guard an applicant must .P
aa enlisted man of recognized unit.
Prevloat ferric la the guard, either
aa a recognized aatt or hot, lb tak
en Into consideration. Th date ol
admlMlon I July 1. Mil. i
A Few Good Used Cars
These Cars hate been bterhatiled and are b titt ccn-
dition. We muit tell them all rtgtxdleti of price.
- i
ONE Dodxt EoxdiUr
ONE Ford KoiiiUr
ONE C&dillu KotdiUr, cheap
ONE Dcrt 1919 Model : ,
ONE 3 piisgnxer KlttlitU
We are Uiiloirling i Cwloid of nev Dort CtiiAlznj
if you wint ctic!
. . .
1C2 North CoxsmtrdjJ Etrttt
e-sy tvrr
. . . V - ' J-
mm v.
r4 r-'s
v- "r .
. tT . .ZZT e-
IV!! ' (I .'i
r -
Cost No More Than Ordinary Makes
TIRh. und tube construction, in the
modem Pennsylvania plant, has
Utn advanced to a science by
skilled, well-paid, enthusiastic
Gi tat production impetus is achieved
by every practical, up-to-lhi -minute
tim- and labor-saving
This ever-growing volume is
marketed under a zone selling sys
tem which combines the ut.j:
efficiency with the greatest mer
chandising economy
Bccuxcf there facts, tire and tube
users czn buy Vacuum Cup Cord
and Fabric Tires and Ton Tested"
Tubes with the positive assurance
that they cost no more thin
ordinary makes. Your !ocal
Pennsylvania dealer wiH UJly
prove these assertions.
Vsrvan Cs tmbru T. t Ms
Vt -MRi Ctp 04 Tltt. .. Miles
Cbn,ri Tf4 Cad TU. t.uu Wif