The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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a a
Appeal Is Made to Salem Peo
' pie to Furnish Additional
Next Monday morning a great
number. of Salem's boyg leav
ing for their annual summer camp.
The Bojr Scoui council, composed cf
SO of Salem's business men. have
made the camp possible and will
provide t-verything necessary to mak
a real -aucces&f u 1 camp where every
Loy1 assured of a toyal good time".
There is one thing, however, that
is taking the sweetness out of life
for the leaders of this camp, ami
that Is the fact that the council doe
cot own enough tents properly to
house all of the. boys who are goin
on this camp. ' Just this week the
council paid out nearly $609 for
tents, but fctill the numbers continue
to grow, making it necessary to ob
tain k more bousing space for th
If you pave a tent, particularly a
tent about 12x14 feet, will you rent
or loan H to the Salem council. Hoy
Scouts of America, for a period of
one month, in order to Insure tb
success of the camp.
The business men have and will
provide everything that your boy will
need on th- camp food, (plenty of
it) supervision, leadership, training
and a wonderful time In a wonder
ful country. They , are sparing no
expense, and plans for the raiflp al
ready call for more than fl.Miu ex
penditure. The one thing larking to
give you boy a delightful trip is the
extra tents that are needed.
If absolutely necessary, the tents
will he ootained from a PortlanJ
firm, at an enormous cost to an al
ready overtaxed -eomicil. rather than
fail to provide your boy with every
thing lie will nevd. and Salem busi
ness nun who are making this catui
possible will somehow find a way to
house your boy.
Needless to say. if you will do your
part andvhelp provide for Salem'3
-boyhood by furnishing a tent, you
will save an enormous expenditure
!hat will otherwise be put to a better
and more profitable use for the ben
efit of same boys. If you hava
a tent, call Scout Executive Cook at
172. and Vnow what real appreci
ation sound. like.
Two Million Dollars Worth of
Dehydrated Products Is
Season Program
kt ration which follows and would be
trtabled to determine whether Ihe
lentinient i among the delegates or
iu the galleries.
Today was full of conferences and
ruing and comings between the lead
ers, old and new. all looking for
wnif sign l s-r.tlmnt crystallising.
Governor lowden followed his routine, conferring with sup
porters and receiving delegate and Wuoderfml Romnira of Married
trail rommlnloD heartn of lb
complaint that t he orpral'on V! It competitors Henry W
lr. p-c i i 1 rouoM-l for ' h r.u'in."
Un. lntriKlud evldene t. hu
and bridge tolls aad tare wUi lav
to b rid
I'urtUt.4 gets two bv ektf ttr
rlfwcturt-s lu cot teVA.
Jv m K I ! - ...
that Ibr I mL LUho COIHIN.H) by iet 2.v fret latutef- x4 9llf
The Story of a Honeymoon
Notice To Ice Users
As our employees would like one day the week
rest wa will be closed on Sundays hereafter.
On week days our office closes at 5 p. m. ex
cept Saturdays when it closes at 6 p. m.
EXTRAVAGANCE has added its influence to
the pyramiding of living costs.
Lack of discrimination in buying and investing
not only has affected the people, but the busi
ness of the country.
A United States National BANK ACCOUNT is
the natural enemy of H. C of L It should be
YOUR best friend. -V
r - . 1
The Salem dehydration plant is
about ready to start on spinach, on
which there, will be a short run. and I
then will come straw berries, cherries
and other fruits and vegetable in
season. The big runs will be on
prunes and apples.
The company will have for the sea
son now beginning about
worth of dehydrated produc.s. at
jobbers" prices. These products are
practically all sold for future deliv
ery, and mostly to dealers in the up
per Mississippi valley states.
The company will put up some lo
ganberries, perhaps, but the sales
men in the eatt report that there i
a newspaper propaganda there
against high priced western fruits,
and that locanberries at higher
prices than last year are too higi.
The loganberry growers and deal
ers generally may take this for what
it is worth. It is a fact, and it needs
fold Storage l'lant.
The King's Products company Is
reorganizing. In brief, it Is asking
the people of the Salem district to
take $150,000 of preferred stock, for
Which they will get 50 cents in com
mon stock for each dollar of the pre
ferred. The Ladd k Dush bank yes
terday took $10,000 of this stock.
Vick Brothers and others subscrib
ed, and many others will. If the peo
ple here do their part, the con.puy
will this year erect the first unrt of
a great cold storage plant.
This will be a great help to the
company in its operations, in the
conservation and prolonging of the
season for many fruits and vegeta
bles, and for the keeping of many
winter vegetables . Hon M. L. Jones
says the Lake Labish district lost
enough in the freeze of last winter
in onions and potatoes alone to build
the first unit of the proposed plant.
Expenditure lirge.
The dehydration plant here will
pay out the coming season about a
half million dollars for fruits and
vegetables and labor.
Once the plant gets going. It will
run to full capacity and It will ex
pand as the supply of raw materials
is increased. It will take all tho sur
plus. That is now assured. The mar
keting of the product is a problem
that has been solved, through r a-
tiohal campaign of advertising and
demonstration. The output for the
coming season Is'all sold, or nearly
all. in advance. Next year, it will be
easy ta find a market for double th
supply of this year If the raa ma
terials can be had.
Should Got Behind It.
In the day to come. The States
man will be pleased to explain the
reorganization proposition of this
company. Toe aaaem siogan oi Mii
week will be on dehydration, ine
people of this section shoould get
squarely behind this company, that
promises such great things. The peo-
nle of The Dalles have aireaay nn
riorwritten the 115.000 asked for
newspaper correspondents.
Ct-neral Wood came in from Fort
Sheridan early and spent the day
at his headquarters, receiving man
agers and callers.
Senator Harding. Senator Polndex
ter. tlovernor Sprout and the numer
ous other candidates spent the day
in ronferences and receiving visitors.
ril APTKR 13
itnK ror.trot of an ln1rp.-i!ent ret n
ry at Crant Pa... Or.. f;rAn--d lr
render jl-o jniuiml Sr.l-r" Irri
gation pro'ect :n the i:.cie Ier
valley and h franblM Ur .-Item
liKhtini: In tlrant Pass and Med-ford.
At Sacramento R. H. K.
Ios Angetea ! li 1
Sacramento s It ?
The wild. fantastic suspicloi
which had flashed Into roy mind at
my first gllmptw of the glove upon
the band of the peddler In the bi
zarre dioguise almost fled, a
through a rrevlce of the breakfast
room door I watched him Inspect
the catch of the pantry window aai
look carefully oter thr dtnlnK
room, the while believing that Katie
Aidridge O. Crandall. Thomas nd ,Wnl from the
.Mi7r, renner. Aiaiis. rvnini anu
Cook. Cady. ( 1 0 innings.
At Verr.on-s. II. II.
Seattle a Z
Vernon n I
Hemaree and Baldwin: W. Mitch
ell and Iievormer.
The man wss but a common burg
lar. I told myself scornfully, as his
inspection of the dining room rom-
nlele.1 k irmrnnl m ll h I h rat-like
1 1 tread he had used In entering th
pantry to his wailing attitude beftd
the kitchen door. He was psobably
mating a tour of the village pre
tending to sell the crude notions h
carried In order to gain entrance to
as many houses as possible with a
ikioii iioi.n hattij:
BELFAST. J.i.e - p.-rh. I
t-atile. reouliinir in nimrrun ra'Ui
ties tcnchi Uni nlxM in tte . I
lase f Uiii.llaw. rer Ennikii'-B-when
a ulrn of t'Uter olrtee
surprivetl :.o raider who etdny
fir abonl to burn t he court Luu
Two of Ihe'l'Ller men were inl
ed. on. of them be'nit hot ihrw s
I be lnn. The ra'der. rasualitea
are etlnatl at rii The
were carried r.ft by tbelr rumu-i
ou4 prlut pr dij.
Stt librjtrua ltry kaa
rjke4 to 114 a year.
Portland rayna:ii lacorrxlt
vtge'atle j. mills Ld refiery.
Kalner Uu i-iinf ew tKj Ftli
hall, drat store, city ball aa4 fWar.
lag ruill. Ueiiias ar t4!r
Yamb'.ll to McAllaaviUe k'.ftvtj
twlag paved.
Iad votes $J1. toag la l J i
citv park.
Work began on foir-!ry UVr
lmM at Portland
taiji and Pntte Crek ru
balrbertew to h elarc
At San Francisco It. H. E
Fort land 4 1 1
Oakland 3 7 2
Jones and Koehler: Kramer anJl.. . ..!.. ... ..
At Salt Lake City-
San Francisco 11 2
plainly my duty to detain him jn
some nretext and to send for the lo
ll. H. E. I cmi police at once.
And yet. the same psychic Impulse
ait like ... i ig 2 which had driven me down the stairs
i-.e ieue; v uuop. i.aum inn Ma Katie's wake to te this itlner-
Jenkins. Byler.
At Detroit a. h. r.
New York 11 13 7
Detroit 3 if
Thormahlen and Hannah: Ehmke
and Stannace.
At Cleveland R.
Philadelphia 1 6
Cleveland r, 10
Perry and Perkins; fhle and
ant peddler, when ordinarily I
would have sent him some money
by the girl and dismissed bim. held
me. I resolved to wait for Katie's
return to the kitchen before I en
tered again with the money for the
pencils and small metal pencil cases
I had bought.
I wanted also to be sure that Wil
liam Trumbull had time to come
from the barn with the armful of
kindling I had summoned bim to
bring In order that I might pro
false or true the suspicion I had
concerning the psendo Italian wait
ing beside the door.
"Vlllum. He Ask "
Nicholas Nitty, Native
of Ireland, Passes Away
Nicholas Mllty died at b.s home at
Eola at 11 o'clock last night. He was
a native of Ireland and came to Am
erica In 1 S 52. crosslag the ocean in a
sailing vesael. He came around Cap
Horn and Undrd la San Franrtro.
He was sit months on the water.
Mr. M'tty had been a resident of
Oregon for about 30 years aad bad
lived for many years on Lis farm
near Eola. He was Z tears old. IU
leaves bis widow, four sons, William
T. Mitty. Edward M. Mitty. George
P. ITltty and Walter Cljde Mitty. and
one daughter. MUs Mary Mitt), all
of Salero.
The body is at the Webb 4 Cionfh
establinhrnent and funeral an Bonn ce
ment will be made later.
I Neaty Notes of State
I Industrial Growth
6 1
At St. Louis R. H. E.
Washington 4 to w
fI. IOUIS . . O K 31 1 ttat nnl lnn lt K.f am I
iMMChary and Grri,v: hcker and heard the tattoo of Katie's hurried
,'m,n'"- footsteps entering the kitchen. I
heard her pause and knew the was
At Chicago R. II. E. looking at the waiting man outside.
"tC11 3 5 0 Then she came through, the pantry
Chicago 2 H 1 nd went on Into the ulnlng room.
uso ana waiters; Williams. Kerr I evidently In search of me. An nola
and Schalk. Ilesslr as nossihU I sllnned from mv
hllilnr nlar. Ktlnl iha I..Wr..l
I -... m ' 1 tvi.wnTAj u7i lain mv
1 1 dining room.
"Hid you find William?" I
4 I "Hid you find William?' I whl-
E. I pered. putting my lips close to her
7 2 I ear.
. . . 3 5
Corvallit planning for new 1200
00 hotel.
Portland baa five plants baiMleg
readyut hoae.
Rockaway has six buildings andcr
Portland voters rejected bills ta
relieve streetcar lines of paying b!tl
. -
or trz
At Brooklyn
St. Lou I
Brooklyn . A
Ioak and demon;
R. H.
R. H. E.
4 9 0
(Continued from page 1.)
At .New JW
New York
Rind and Rariden;
At Boston
r -
iwtiun 7 j
Aaams and Hamilton; Oeschger
Fillingim and Gowdy.
obligations by rotlpg for him on the
first ballon.
The senator's advisers said they
1 1 "He room riabt avav nveeck. Ka-
and l tie answered also In a whisper. Then
with a sudden chuckle, she added.
"Villain, be ask me if yon vant beera
bash dat guy's bead In for heem. He
biinr vun big stick alorc. He sar
6 10 llfae have It handy If dat guy xts fun-
Nehf andT nr. I tlnk he coom now alreadr
I pushed Katie aside and fairly
Mew to the kitchen door. I bad bad
xperlenca with William Trumbull's
'ruculence. eFpecIally when my half
witted old protege thought I was In
tny danger. 1 didn't wish bim to
get Into any controversy with the
man at the door, although I bad a
Mret feeling of relief at the assur
ance that William's strength and de
ft. II. E
6 12 2
At Philadelphia n 11 p
S:hl?aK 1 4 0
rmiadelphla s 1
Tyler and O'Farrell- Smith ... 4 I vntlnn r.
ueai. iragesser. With bis arms full of kindling.
" I VV 1 1 1 I Si VV WABl I n at Anwlea. W
wereconnaeni ne cou.o no.u u.,u..- fJnmmim P- I Hep. cf the kitchen porch as I
Real Bargains in
Men's Shoes
. .
That would make the bo called "big cuts" in shoes of the
eastern jobbers look like 20c. We still have some of the
"Toledo Bootery stock" that we want to push out, so"
Here They Go
You will never forgive yourself if you miss this chance
$7.00 grade Heavy Black Blucher, plain toes . . . . . .$4-35
$7.50 grade Heavy Brown Blucher, cap toe. . . , . . -r$4-85
$8.50 grade Brown Army style, soft box S5-35
$7.50 grade Brown Blucher, Light Weight . ! . $665
Young Men's Light
Dressy Shoes
$8.00 Grade Mahogany English lace, Goodyear Welt,
oak soles, S6-85
' $7.50 grade Black Gun Metal Lace, G. W. oak soles. ,SS4S
One special lot extra fine English lace, high grade all brown
calf or with tan or beaver tops are $12.50 to $15.00 grades
and equals any $15.00 valus. For Thursday, Friday and
Saturday only .
and satisfactory service guaranteed
Shoe Store.
At the
Electric Sign
Johnson leaders, too. it was saia.
were working to convince the large
delegation of eastern businessmen
- ached the door. If the man at the
of something unusual would have
at Talbott RecTltinn ,cor hd hn matching him Instead
' WPW ,f fnrtlvely eyeing me his suspicion
ho have gathered here Tavorlng The reception given last night by b99n ,rou.Vd
hA f-un.iiH.toa that Renatnr John-1 resident and Mrs. Henrv Talhoti in I
son is not the radical and dangerous M atudenta and friends of Kimball Words That Betrav
man to business interests that he Theological college was an enjoyable iray.
headway with this program it will P18"1- xne Kimball chorus pro- the commlss
be easier to bring the old line people 'ded entertainment in the form of wearing a 1
to Johnson If Lowden and Wood fail musical program. The chorus first ,ion a com
to poll a majority. nK "The Kerry Dance" and as an determinate
nneviAa asK .11 & a
bait Deen representee. 1 ------- - ura. 1 por William his vanltv and seir-
They bore, that If they can make About 200 or more g.e. were 1. t.Xli .J
neaaway wun mis proa-rara 11 I 1" . . 5norus pro- (h commission I had sent bim. was
most portentlons etpre-
comblnation of cunning and
linn & aAM mm W
The ronfiminn over tomorrow I encore My Country's Klae fe I . ...
- - - 1 , . . - - - me e irin 10 win ana n(Hi ni
program and delay in the platform Blenkenaopp sang "The Gladiator " feead and to screw op his face Into
brings out an array of guesses on by J. II. Adams, and "Friend o' la aerl.-s of signals designed to show
how long the convention will hav Mine by Sanderson. The Kimball me that he understood mr mes i
m - ass. mt B e IjraasM w ! a . . . . . I ' I
IO su. uovernor Alien 01 ianiur mu mj r aim iom 1 p to I ask na him to Binmble reldeniAlt
who is to nominate General Wood. I Thee. The last number was "tneo that he would hit the peddler's
said today lie did not expect the noru-l Sword of Ferrara by the choru-. I Inrongruously aloved hand
mating speeches would be reached I The Kimball chorus has been Kven with mr terror of th. man
before Friday and that the balloting trained and waa led by Miss Lucille I before me I bad hard work to keep
would not be started before Satur-1 Barton. Miss Gertrude Alkln played I my face free from smiles But I
day. He looked for a protracteJ the accompanlent. 'latter myself that I kept It abso-
fcession of the resolutions committee The Kimball assembly hall waa .-l lulelr eiDreaslonleii 1 nok.
i-rem toaays preliminary arrange- usticaiiy det3ratd with wild flowers I "Put that kindllnc In Katie's'
ments it appeared tnat ine woodland shrubs, under the direction ofood bos. William." I raid and then
nominating speecn would come first Her. H. N Aldrich. During the eve-1 get another load."
Aianama. aipnabeticaiiy ttrst in ine nlng punch was served. Misses Eve- As I rpok I moved to one side of I
first for nominations, it was said, jyn Gordon. Mary Find'tay and Emma he door so that William. In order I
would yield neither ror a nomination Baker presiding at the punch bowl, not to disturb me. would have to'
of Wood or Lowden. preferring not Refreshments were also served. Mrs. lk on the right side of the pseado
to hhow any preference. The next v x EL.ot and Mrs tVorre l-lerr ".tl Mer. Then I held mv breath fir-1
state in thy list is Arizona, and. as anting as hostesses. Several of Ibe I and actually, as William.'
lis delegation is tavoraoie to 00.1.1 Willamette faruhv and mmr UMl- all
the Jmportance of
Ij, expected to yield Kansas so that 1 iameUe students were among the I mm issi n written on his fac.
uovernor .11en may maae ms speecn 1 quests in aitend.nce.
Placing uenerai vtooa in nomination.
Under such an arrangement the con
vention would get Its first glimpse
of the Wood strength by the demon
ftianeti 10 pa the man.
Mumbled, lotting some of the kin I
Hnc fall, and adroitly managed to
strike bis band smartly, but with ev
1 Tty suffer tkt discomforts and
embarrassments of a Goitre?
O. G. C preparatioa for f ottra bas beae
ste4 aiMjr.
Wbr par several hsadred dollars for an
oprraiioa to rrmott a roitrc hrn O.G.C
can be obtained lor such a coaipratirly
aaall eipepditan
O.G.C wbra properly applied siea satia
1 actor t rcaalif. or ton momr, will be
rWnsded. O.G.C f. sold direct, br aia.l
tT. V me for booklet.
Address Dept. T
I Seattle. Washuctoa
Mrs, Mildred Nott, Salem
NttTX Sncrnmh ta Ulnrtt "rr ,Pni'' of accident, again! '
' .5.'. . ?. ? !. .llinM the K!oved band of the peddler. I
airs, at 11 area moii aiea si ner The effeei . tv-
home In this city at 11 o clock Tue- m, Jumpd as If a bullet bad struck
day night after suffering for some hlm. an agonlied expression rrosarl 1
time with asthma. She had lived in his face, and be fairly spat two
aiern aoout two years ana was em- words at William two words slmi-
ployed as a nurse. bhe formerly ar to the on I hm.i k-ph 1. 1 11.
lived in Minneapolis and leave no Nan's tudy.
relatives In Ue west. She was 3$ From my llpa turt an exrlama
years old. The body Is at the Rlgdon I Hon. snDDressed almoi it .n-i
establishment and the funeral will be bat still distinctly audible to the en'
neia irom mere at 3 p. m. tnurauay. rated man. He turned ahrnntlr.
Dr. T. S. Anderson will officiate. In- cast one glance Into my face. bf
terment will be In City View ceme- he must have read recognition and
try- then turning, took to bis heels not
down the street, but down toward
M'AlHMr IS CAMilIiATK the pond, which was the rear boun-
KANSAS CITY. Mo- June f. I dary of our place and that owned l.r
The Reverend Burris A. Jenkins, the Durkee.
Friday Saturday
F !
'i "eJ
n Q
He escapes doom In a thou
sand forms.
Ht uses the skill cf a su
perman, the strength of
Sandow, the sfility of a cat.
Kansas Ctty minister and newspaper
publisher, announced today that be
had accepted the Invitation ot
itr lends of William G. McAdoo to
place the name of the former secre
tary t-t the treasurer before the de
mocratic national convention at Sao
Francisco for the presidential nom
1T0 be continued.)
Kl UAIl iikaicim; ox.
K. Rjnder, testifying in regard to
the activities of the I'tah-Idaho Pn
ar comranr in southern Oregon, was
the only witness today in the federal
Wheeler Oakman
Wilfred Lucas
and Freckled Faced
Weily Barry
Staged Among the Zolas
of South Africa
Engine Value
OVER 250.0.0 farmers
fcouKt l"ZT ermine.
"TKeyirKTW it b rsyaVr
fxJ, d7TvLsLb end rractical
fJ proof tnJy a great esv
fcine. But not V g.nrv?urc
pcwily ixnprrvj the Z" per
fi?rmanc Bcscft luK tenskn.
o!Ltin rrscraco r irJrixL
5 So let us sKcrar you in
tKi greater ermine vIue. 5 Our
seKic to is TxmxVAij
ccrnpleta and are axsatrJ
ty a rvrsrlr Botch Service
Station. 5 Price, lf5'KP.
$75.00 3 H. P. Styco
6H.P.aooo. ADF.O.B.
Lot L Pearce Sc Son
23$ H. Cosiaerdal EL