The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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CHURCHES ! Bifc,,e .'school hour, program to begin
' " -IS Whi6 at U a
..... f in. n n i v -. is ...
Highland Friend
Rible school at 9:45 a. m. Child
ren's day exercises will, occupy thn
i m. Kev. Gnr W Fur.
'' ne tfce teachers in the sein
with M3 and prcach in the evenlns.
Clad to Try Anjlthinff
"Three years ago mjr system
ia terrtblr Wa roD.
attloa and I was broken out all
over my body. 1 began t be wor
ried about my condition and I
was tld to try nnjrthikis; watch
woold relieve me. Pcibu was
recommended to me as a fine
blood remedy and tonile, and I
soon found that it was worthy
t pralne. A few bottles changed
My condition materially and in a
short time I was ail over any
trouble. I owe my restoration to
health and strength to feruna.
1 aaa (lad to rndorae u,
" Sold tivf-rywhere
Was iix a
Run Down
If lam Dl.k W I.
.... - - ucvrvii
, lVC? ,St- Menasha,
featfy Uederkrana. Miss Leopold
letter opposite conveys in no in-
' I.tqntd and Tablet Form
d -News
Three Newi Carloads Just Received
- -. - r - - . . ......
The car you havej been waiting for. The car complete
with everything you need. The car that has a long
standing reputation of service and durability back of it
Roadster Sedan
Come look them over and take a demonstration in the
peer of light weight, low priced, big value sixes
American Automobile
185-197 South Commercial Street
Open AH Day Sunday
Phone 399
1 ! ' Pi
i iflff SWIM'
Spong's Landing or Dennispn
Dazzling, Stunning
1920 Bathing Suits
Also Bathing Shoes, Caps, Ear Stoppers and Diving
Caps for Men and Women,
with our, equipment rackets, from
$1.50 to $12.50, Our slock "of
rackets and balls and shoes meet
every need, f:
special music b:h morning aa 1
evenly The . Christian Kodeavnr
will dismiss for tfce meinbers to at
tend the union C. E. meeting at th
Tnited Kvangelical church from 6:30
to 7:30. dismiysing in time to get
home to the preaching service.
I'rayer meeting on Thursday at 8
A cordial welcome to alt our ser
vices. I. G. Lee and wife, pastors.
Leslie Methodit Kpinropal
South Commercial and Meyers
streets. Horace N. Aldrich. pastor.
9:45 a. m., Sunday sthool. with
classes for all age-. E. A. Rhoten.
superintendent. Primary depart
ment meets in Leslie hall, 'U a. m.
public worship, with sermon Iv lhf
pastor. This -will be the Caccal aur
eate sermon focthe graduating rlass
of the Salem hieh school. 7. t: m
devotional meeting of the Epworth
league. IODIC. "lonr Kat-nrlt
Rev. Everett M. Hill Will Ad
dress Kimball Senior Class
Today is Kimball day at the First
Methodist R)ii--copal church. At 11
a. nr. Kev. Everett M. Hill of Van
couver. Wash, will preach the bac
calaureate sermon to the Kimball
graduating class. Kev. Mr. Hill H
dietrict suriatendtnt of th Van.
couver district in the I'uget Found
,c"5u. topic, jour favorite : . . -
Psalm." 8 p. m.. song service led Conference. He has not announced
by the choir, and an idrfrou w tha!ni topic.
by the choir, and an address by the
pasior.f , ,
Jason Lee mot ial .
North Winter and Jefferson
streets. Rev. Thomas cheson. pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Charles Hageman in charge. Classes
for all ages in charge of capable
leaders. At 11 a. m. Children's day
exercises by the Sunday school. Jun
ior league at 2:30. Miss Grace Tyler,
superintendent. Epworth league at
7 p. m. All young people welcome
At 8 p. m.. the Woman's Home mis
sionary ..society wilt -elehrat Its
HQtti, anniversary There will le spe-
,ciai music oy the choir under the
leadership 'of Professor Clark. Tues
day evening the social and ouslne-s
oi , me . cnetaotncnariuetaoicnmiwyp
meeting of the church beginning at
:ju wun a banauet. The Miznah
class. In charge. Come and bring
your baskets, but come anvwav and
enjoy this delightful occasion. And
men an Wednesday evening: at; 8
o'clock come and enjoy a banquet of
spiritual things at the Prayer and
fraise service. The church ! Is In
this community for the people and
everyone is welcome. f
Christian and MlNKionarjr Alliance
'."Regular services next ThniKv
afternoon. June 10. at 2:15 o'clock
at 632 South Commercial street.
Rev. J. E. Fee havinr returned frnm
Xyack, N. Y.. will conduct the Bible
study. All friends interested in Bi
ble study are cordially Invited to be
Churt h of C4nI
1346 North Church street. J. J.
Gillespie, pastor. Sunday school at
10 a. in., preachinz service 11 a. m .
subject, "The Opening of the Sev
enth Seal." Rey. 8. oYnng people'd
meeting 7 p. m.. Miss Ella. Ilahn.
leader. Preaching 8 n. m.
Urst Church of Christ Sclent M
Sunday service is held at 4 40 Che-
mekeU rtreet at 11 'a. m.. subject
Bible lesson. "God The Onlv Pints
and. Creator." Sunday school at
9:45 a. m. Wednesday eventna- taa-
t!monll meeting, at 8 o'clock. Read--
IDE room ZDS Masonie temnie nmn
every day except Sunday and holi-
aaTS.-rromiTTis to 5 p. ra.i All are
cordially invited to our services aol
io our reading room.
Communion mass at 7:30. hlch
mass and sermon by Rev. Father D
rouin at 10:30. Benediction at 7:3
p. ni. Everyone ' welcome. Cotu-
mencinR on June-13th. and contin
uing during the summer months.
both masses on Sunday will be low
masses and benediction will follow
toe last mass
First lUptUt
Marion and Liberty street Morn
ing service 11 a. m. Theme. "Evan
gelism." Prof. G. it, Echlauch. speak
er. Evening service 8 p. m.. them?.
s til te washed or Washed White"
E. A. Miller, teacher of Salem, sneak.
er. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. II.
i.i'. at 7 p. m. oiu are earnest
ly Invited to worship wjth us.
St. Paul's Church .
Chemeketa and Church streets.
the Rev. Chas. H. Powell. H. n.. ree-
tor. 'Services for the first Sunday
after Trinity 7:30 a. m.. early cele
bration of the holy communion: 9: 4T.
a. m., church school; 11 a. m., high
celebration and sermon. "The Relig
ion of Science"; 8 p. m.. evening
prayer and address. Miss Lanslna-
I will slug an offertory solo al the
morning service. Everybody welcome.
At 4 p. m. the Kimball vemwr r
vice, which will take the place of
the Sunday evening service, will
lake place. The Kimball chor.i will
sing several times, arsisied by Mlsa
Lucille Barton. The graduates are
W. W. Howard. Sidney W. Hall. Rob
ert M. Gatke. Murray Keefer and
John l. Woodfln. Each will address
the audience for a few minutes.
Many Willamette alumni r . f.
riving daily to attend the graduating
exercises and closing functions of
their alma mater. Many of them
will attend the senior assemblv.
which will be held Wednesday in the
First Methodist churrh. Many more
of them wUI attend President and
Mrs. Doney's reception which Is an
cnnnal event of muh interest.
Events of the week for icimh.n
School of Theology are as follow.:
unqay. June 611 a. m.. First
Methodist Episcopal church, bacca
linTBte ennon. by ReV. Everett M.
Hill. I). IX. district aunerlntenlnt in
the Ftef Sound conference. Van
couver. Wash.: 4 p. m.. First Meth
odist Euiscoral church, vesper ser
vice, aauresscs oy members of the
graduating clas.
Tuesday. June 83:30 p m.. hall
cf assembly, competitive reading of
hymns and Scr!ptare for the Fisher
Wednesday. June 9 inn n ...
class room, coirrpr-titivc demonstra
tion of church i words; K. hall of as
sembly, reception br PreaMnt .n I
Airs H. J. Talbot t to the irn.i.M
faculty, students and Trlends la honor
ol the graduating class:
Thursday. June IP . p. m.. hall
of aM-embly.- annual communion er-vice.
Friday. June 11 2 3 p. in., hall
of aesembl). graduating exercises;
address by Rev. J. M. Walters. D.D .
vcuiru jnemoaist Epis-
corai church, Spokane. Wash.; 4 p.
m annual meeting of alumni; :39
p. m.. aiuruni banquet.
I lipalt.a. Ila-aaTET:
rf?mmr& Tv"", TmkU.
HOIHEg ciAV CO. U rTat.T.
Chevrolet 490, $936.20 f.o. b. Salem
Faithful Service
Faithful service to automobile buyers ugmBt both help b the
selection of a car to fit individual needs, and ability to.mainUla-
, . ' .
that automobile on the road.
The merit of the service of this organization if reflected in our
growth from year to year, and the security in.ownenHpwt haTC
" "
hflped brinf to our cuxtomer-friend.
Here your automobile rtquirements will receive the sympathtUc
attention and earnest co-operation of those who Jealously guard the
enviable service record of this institutjon.
Salem Auto Company
F. G. Delano,
Telephone 97
Salem Dallas'
A. L Eoff
Telcphoae 14
H mi jii 1 n 11 .
Evangelical Clturch ;
Chemeketa street. " F. W. Launer.
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sermon Ha. m.. subject "Forward."
The Y. P. A. will be led by Ernest
ZInn at 7 p. m.. Sermon at 7:45.
The . P. A. monthly meeting mill
he held Tuesday evening. The W. M.
S. will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m.
And When It Comes to Crying ani Fishing
DON'T FAIL to jsee our new bed tolls, an- mattresses,
Kamp Kook outfits, outing clothing. Auto tent beds and
BE SURE to filsct your fishing tackle from the largest
and best stock in town.
East State and Eighteenth streets. ,
George Koehler, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching ser
vice at 10:30 a. m.. subject: "The
-Moaei congregation." Visitors are
welcome. There will be no evening
St. John .Evangelical Lutheran
Sixteenth street and) A street..
Englewood. H. W. OrossJi pastor.
Services at 10:30. Hoir rommuninn
I mill be celebrated. Preparatory aer-
vice English Saturday 3 p. m. Ger
man 10' a. m. ,
Central Congregational
South Nineteenth and . ram
streets. II. C. Stover, minister Sim.
day school at 10 a. m.. In charge of
i airs. u. r.. awards. Morning ad
dress at 11 o'clock. Christian En-
i deavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening . ser
vice at 8 p. ra.
- TIS""
First Congregational
Liberty and Center street. W r
Kan I ner. minister, in a m . rtiki
school with classes for all axes. W.
I. Staley. superintendent. H a,, m .
"Regaining a Lost Christ." 8 p. m
"The Book of Jonah Its Message."
Cordial invitation t all. Cnlon
tung Peoples Mealing at United
Evangelical church at 6:30 p. m.
Watch for the full page Ad. Tuesday Announcing
Bisfeoo's Protection Sale
loth! II
oes- mm
. ''.
Beginning Wednesday
iine 9th
This Is Positively the greatest saying event ever offered at a time when every one is interested
200 MEN'S
Ann An, 111. REGULAR
All Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, Neckwear, etc, Ies$.10 per cent See full sheet pollers for full paxtica-
lars and sale prices
aleim Woolen Mills- Stoce.
The Stateman's Classified
7here Everybody Bays
Ads. Bring Results