The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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. Fair; warmer west iortion
I i , - .
Tie rtateraa rt tie Uti)
ro report of tk Aaciiid Prs,
( create' asd tt rUl.S jrrra
aaaociatiaa la l world.
riuci:- mi: i"t:vr
QALEM babies who scored the highest points in the April baby clinic held under the auspices cf the Mancn Ccunty Children's bureau. They are, reading horn left to right: Cretchen 1. Butler, 98
Q7 per cent '-J-oM daughter of Mr. and Mr. 0. F. Butler, R. F. D. 7, Salem; James Ogden White, S8V per cent, 8 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. R. White, 1857 Church street; Opal Cdrecth,
97 per cent, 6 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gilreath, of 246 Wilson avenue; Douglas W. Chamber, 99 per cent, 1 year, son of Mr. and Mis. G. F. Chamber, 1185 Court street; Marine Isabelle
Goodenough, 99 per cent, 1 3 mcnths, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodencugh of Waconda; John Angus Lindbeck, 98 j per cent, 1 7 months; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L Lindbeck, R. F. D. 6; Frances A.
Chnstenson, 99 per cent, 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Chrislenson, 1631 Market street Lou Jane Ringo, 99V- per cent, 11 months, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. J.N. Ringo, of Stajtoru
(iT '
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American Machine Takes
First Place on Indianapolis
Speedway--S pectators
'Given Many Thrills
Plucky Little,, Frenchman
; Drives to Last Numerous
: ; Accidents Mark Event
C'ratlnjc Itnlc SaTentletl Rat Not
Tliat of Fettling Little Con
to Visit Fmther in I'tah
INDIANAPOUS, Ind. May 31 -'
In the most spectacular,' finish wit-;
aeese4 on a 'tpeedWay here, Gaston
. Caeyrole:, CrlTing .an Amerlcan-de-
figned'-car. rtyle to victory in the
eighth , annual renewal of the 500
. mile automobile . race today before
a record-breaking crowd of 125,000.
His time wls 5:40:16.14, an average
og 88.16 mHes an;hour, the aeconi
best(in the history of the-event.
In addition to winning 820,000
first prize. Chevrolet also won ap
proximately 5,500 more in lap prize
.competition and cash prizes offered
by accessory firms. Rene Thomas
got, second place, covering the dis
tance In 5:43:02.29. His average
was 87.45 miles an hour. Tommy
Milton made third, and iJmmy Mur
phy. winner i of the Loa Angeles
speedway championship race, won
, fourth. , t- ' ' .
All thrills', came in the last 30
DENVER. Colo., May 31. Two
express "packages," each consisting
of a little negro boy, recently passed
through Denver en route from To
peka. Kan., to Ogden. Utah. Orville
Skaggs, eight years old. was package
No. 1, while his brother. lester, six
years old. was package No. 2.
Their mother, who resides in To
peka. decided to send them to their
father who Is living in Ogden. She
decided to forward thera by express
and, since the company accepts an
imals of all kinds for transportation.
the officials decided that the boys
could be accepted.
The company suspended one rule
governing the shipment of live ani
mals, however, which undoubtedly
added much to the boys' comfort
That rule requires the crating of all
animals sent by express. ;
The boys, though, saw to it that
another rule, which provides that an
imals must be fed at all junction
points and wherever else It may be
necessary was not suspended.
Sales of Marion County Farms
Result From Sojourn of
Travelers at New. Tourist
Parking Place
;ift is i:kf.iyki from
Pi-rmtatitMi Aklrra by Mr. Trr
williser and Reone by Com.
niai dor t'Arlton Smith
California Woman Likes Site
Because It Isn't Artificial
Two Salem Women Involved
in Automobile Collision
Automobiles driven by Mrs. George
Waters and Miss Blanch Stevenson
were badly damaged yesterday when
they crashed together at the inter
section of Court and Summer streets.
Mrs. Waters was driving cast on
Court street and signaled to turn
north on Summer street when a man
named Ferguson, driving an auto
mobile bearing dealers' license No.
554-B. came up behind her, and it is
said, ran on past her. Miss Steven
son was driving behind the Feru-
f.on car and couii not see the car
Although acme obsolete signboards
at conspicuous places on roads lead
ing Into Salem are still allowed to
direct automobile tourists to the
state fair grounds as a camping place
scores of the tourists are finding
their way to the new tourist camping
grounds at Church and Oak streets.
So popular are the new grounds be
coming that many of the campers
are prolonging their stay in Salem
and at least three farms have been
sold in Marion county as a result of
the sojourn of the visitors.
Com Fmm Everywhere.
.Travelers are appearing from east-
orn a n miiltfflA VMttrn nlaloj a well
as from places in the north ext and J
I . . H' J . Y. n
mil.. r-iv. tx Polma ariven oy .Mrs. naiers. aim buc
favorite with a lead of ten mile-. Parted l Pass- the V f ars
uorn 5r nt aether. The auto driven oy Mrs
with victory within his grasp, his car j
burst into flames on the north turn
of the, two and a half mile course
and shortly after the car driven by
Joe Bo j er. who led the first 250
miles skidded, overturning and
crashing into a brick retaing wall a
few feet away. Neither Iioyer nor
his mechanician was seriously in
jured. The accident which snatched vic
tory from De Palma wa tragic. The
noted-Italian was racing at break
neck speed when : a sheet of flame
licked its way to his gasoline tank.
While his mechanician heroically
fought the flames, De Palmya. brok
en hearted, ran to the pits a mile
away for a fresh supply of gasoline
Waters ha-i a fender badly damaged
and a large dent in the body. Miss
Stevenson'8 car also had a fender
smashed -and an axle was sprung.
Neither of the women vas injured
and they say that Ferguson did not
stoD to ascertain what damage was
caused. '
Th police investigated the affair
And declare that neither of the wo
men was .to blame.
Directly after the tree-plantlns
services yesterday morning the Wo
man's Keliel corps presented Capital
post No. 9. Americas lesion, with a
Iart;e. b autiTul American flag. !an
iel WeUster. department lommander.
G. A. It.. aed as flag bearer and
Mr. Norwi a K. Terwllliger. pat riot
instructor of the local order. gve
the presentation speech.
She said:
"It is with mingled feelints of
reverence and pride that we are
leathered here today. Reverence for
the heroes who icave their lives for
their courtry In our past warn, pride
In all who have returned to us. and
a special pride in ouf own American
leeion men. 1
"It is surely a fitting and oppor
tune time, this Memorial day. when
surrounded by the Prions patriotic
orders and the citizens of our beauti
ful city, who have gathered with you
to pay tribute to your fallen com
rades that we. the Grand Army of the
Republic and its auxiliary, the Wo
men's Relief corps, and the Daugh
ters of Veterans, should make It a
special occasion to show in a measure
our love and appreciation of the or
der which you represent. Our com
rade and department cdbimander of
the G. A. R. of Oregon. Daniel Web
ster, himself a veteran past R7 years.
the president of the W. R. C. the
patriotic Instructor of the Daughters
of Veterans, brine you personal
greetings from their respective or-
Armed Intervention Suggest
ed Unless Country Estab
lishes Stable Government
uifk i o r it x i x ci r a limit
ItllAHY HK ItotiV !!lw
FermJ Arrnt U-r Whew M-
Ihrwlirin1 try Xkrr mm.t IlrvKbrr
. Ilatlmc I rfrd rr
WIk la
Rules Drawn up Whereby U.
S. Might Recognize Pres
ent Regime
Mrs. Susanna Jory Dies
at Her Rose dale Home
Mrs. Susanna Jory. wife of Clar-
onro Jnrv. died at her home at Rose-
Undaunted. De Palma resumed the L.aift vUndav. She had been a resi-
grind but after eoine another mile At.nt nf that vicinity for the past 43
his car caught fire again. Aided iy 1
- his mechanician, De Palma quickly
extinguished the flames and man-
She was 49 years old. She
aged to finish the race fifth. Ho
was given a tremendous ovation.
Misfortune trailed De Palma from
the starty. He had the favored po
sition at tht pole but the mob of the
starter caught him unawares, and he
was amons: the last to get away.
Then on the first lap he was driven
into the pita with a flat tire.
Joe Royer held the lead 2.0 ml!e.
closely pursued by Jean Chassane.
Gaston Chevrolet and Rene Thoma.
With the race haW over, Royer made
his first stop at the pits and De Palma
"hot Into the lead, which he .main
tained until the fire.
There were half a dozen accidents
byt the drivers and their aides ml
raculoualy -escaped death. With
speeding around the treacherous
north turn. Arthur Klein hit the
side wall, damaging his car so bad
ly it was withdrawn. Douis Chev
rolet, designer of the car which bis
brother piloted to victory, also was
In a smashtip. Ulls car skidded off
the course when a steering connec
tion broke. -Chevrolet's back was
Injured and he withdrew.
Roscoe Sarlett smashed up two
cars. He wrecked his own entry in
skidding off the track and while
driTng as relief for Bennie Hill, a
leaves besides her husDanu, tnree
children. Elmo Jory of Portland.
Miss Gladys Jory of Salem .and Row
land Jory of Salem. Two brothers
and three sisters also survive her.
The body is at the Risdon estab
lishment and as yet no funeral plans
have been made.
dors, and I have the creat honor In
'heir name of presenting to you and
through you. to the member of Cap
ital ost No 9. American legion, this
flag, the honor cf which you have
so nobly upheld."
"Sh,, up l.e!r. old glory
Where relit ninz are rped:
Sh dazzles all nations
With rlrpls of red.
And she'll wavi for i llvinr
Or droop o'er us when dead.
The flae of our country forever."
Commander W. Carlton Smith of
Capital po.- received the flar and d
Hverd a speech of appreciation f o
the ineiitl.ers of the jumt.
Th flarr was usnd for the fir.t
time yester Uy aftermton In h- parade.
in California. Some are traveling
north to Puget sound and others are
on pleasure trips to California and
the southwest. One man and his
wife, after camping several days, re
cently bade goodbye to T. G. Albert,
superintendent of the grounds, in the
morning' and said thty wouldn't he
back. In the evening, however, they
returned, having found a farm near
Woodburn. and the man now owns
the farm.
Without exception the travelers
have -expressed in highest praise
their appreciation of the park. One
California woman likes it because it
is all natural.
"In California." she said, "every
thing is artificial."
Water and sewer connections have
been matle and installation of electric
klithts will be completed today. A
telephone will be installed soon.
ThU Party WHI Kqaipixil
For one party from Mackinaw, 111.,
that recently camped at the park a
truck carried the cam equipment
and motor cars the travelers. The
party numbered 12 persons, includ
ing chauffeur, cook and tutor for
children. The party left lllin jis lat
August and when it halted here was
en route to California. The members
of the party were Mr. and Mrs. Harts
Peterbanrh. Mr. and irn. ir.ilnh Pe-1
terbatigh and children. Mr. and' Mts. 5 f:nr nt ,h 1,4 !it l,non famliles In
C. O. Sparks and daughter. Miss May
Blair, tutor. Kdwin Huff. cook, and
Armed Intervention la Mexico should
the forces In control show an Inabil
ity or unwillingness to set up a sta
ble givernment more friendly toward
American, was recommended to the
senate today by the foreign relations
sub-commiltee invcstlgsting Mexican
affairs. ,
Should a stable goremment be es
tablished, the committee recommend
ed thit full recognition be accorded
it and that financial a!t ance be of
fered by the United Slates.
The committee said, howerer. fall
recognition should not be given until
a treaty bad been entered into predi
cated upon assurances.
That provisions of article 27 of the
constitution of 1517 commonly re
garded by foreigner at confiscatory
shall not be enforced against Ameri
cans. That the constitutional cUum-.
providing that none but Mf tlrau
citizen may b- a minister of ny re
ligion creed in Mexico and that ft"
pe riodical of a rvllslou character
Khali rommeut on any political af
fairs of the nation, or puhlul. any
information regarding the an of the
authorities or private Individual in
sofar a they hav to do with public
affairs, be inapplicable to Ami rktn
That the proviftiun that no minl
ter of reli:iu corporation mav con
duct school or primary instruction
shall not be applicable in the ca- of
American, and
That the article under hkh un-
. . - - . ....... j mm - . I wm
nan. a watchman, went home toalht
to I fid hi wife in inorlMK ao4 tki
parlor prepared tor kit rorpw Tbl
aitMalton ti eaated by I he fact that
a tew hoars pre loa t bis two ere
had "ideatlfled" at tkir aacle Ike
body of a man who dropped dead la
the street and the Identification had
beea "confirped by his brother.
Thomas, who claimed the body and
notified the -widow.
The body was taken to an aader
taker. Meanwhile Thomas, who took
charge cf the funeral arraaremtot.
started for Peter's ptae of employ
ment to notify his employer. Oa ar
riving he opened the watchman's
shanty, dimly lighted, aad was greet
ed by Peter.
"Is that yo Peter, or it It your
gboat?" asked Thorn, accompany
ing his query with a kick.
Peter, howling with pain. lasted
at Thomas, which eon I need the Ut
ter that Peter was allvo. Thomas
then explained the death of Peter's
doable and harried home to stop the
jCIeTtr Left Fielder Clouts
Ball for Only Run in Battle
Vfilh Fast Kirkpatnck
Team From Port loud
Match Is Fastest ETer Seen la
Salem; Local Boys Are
High School Baseball
Team Wins Ttco Matches
Liad. If ...
Vett. :h . . .
Dotty, lb . .
It fiolan. r.
IIraeUe. .
Kntpt : .
Piewart. tl .
Mrs. Jacob Siegmund
deMrable foreigner may be pIlel
l le so revised a to iirr Ame-ran
icj at Hie hama Homes tatire of teir government
j The reeoinmenda'ton ! pr-
po.ed a provision In the rri-r--t
for the imtneiliate appotn'miit of a
claim rommlftiun lo nl;uJ mIi- the
The Salem high rrhool baeebvll
team raptured a gruelling i;-lnaisc
game front the Jefferr tslsh aehol
teat-i Friday alternoo The big
f ature oj the game a a home ran
by Reinhart f r Salem, the ball o
Irg o far that It cootd not
Score: R H. K-
Jefieraoo 12 2
Sal- tn " U 4
itatteries: IwIu and lliaek
sf'l; Kiher. Parvlce and F Osll
Saturday the SaUm ill ten
Joirn-d to Kucen and took th.' hih
. :..xil ft that city into ramp t' the
ttiiie f . lo Z A'hS who pitrh"!
the nn:c f -r the Salem hy. w-n
!i t-iise hand- dun TM a '
fir t game that Ahty baa pitched
for ihe team.
l!ug ne
I'-atl. lie Skinner at.d
Ah5.y anl K tii'.l.
l-err. p
4 : si
it n. n
.3 r. 2
.7 l 4
l-takriy .
s Mary Margaret te
of Jamb' Siegmund
for man.
veir a prominent resident near Me-! claims of Anierieanv the ronni-oi'm
hama. died at her hone near that
f lare Sunda) . She w as a member of
(Continued on page 2 )
New National Bank WiU
be Organized at Aurora
A XI. Frv and associates of Aurora
have applied to the comptroller of
the currency at Washington, p. C.
for a" national ibank charter with a
capitalization of $25,000. to be open
ed at Aurora. It will pe Known
the Liberty National hank. The an
nouncement was made yesterday.
John Hampton, chauffeur.
Other campers who came in Sun
day were Mr. aud Mrs. Earl Faulk.
JOlympia. i:oin south: Mr. and Mrs.
JO. P. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Works.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashcr. all of Portland,
in Salem for the day; Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Hugplns. Zena. here for the
Arrivals yesterday were Mr. and
Mrs. 11. D. Wilson. Yakima, goinr;
south; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Curll.
Leedy. Okla.. going north: Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Small. Iloiae, Ida., going
north; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuch. Idi,
Calif., going north; Mr. and Mrs. A.
C- Schorsman, Marlin. Wash., going
south; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dark.
Seattle, go' eg south.
the vicinity.
Mary MirgarelU
in Klletn. Ptussia. near Coblen. (-r-manv.
In IS.T7. She cam to America
at the are of f, years
In lo she
was married to Jacob Slertnund i.
Me'iuon. f)rsnkee county. Wisconsin.
to be mde up of men thx : ty the
two government and !. ! un
d rftanding that it findinr bi-t i
irc and be immediately carro-d o:t
I by the pain nt ot the i1.ihj" ad-
Klumb was born I Juage.i
nouia .viexican oincnu
acree to such a plan, or to -tjhli.h
a government capable of af?r1ing
ade'iuate protection to Aneri.-. j
the committee suege'.d that ef
mill Hi-nil a nolire forc . con!ttrr of'
Unknown Autcist Kills
Rider on Motorcycle
Sheriff Ken-a!l e ::ar.v
honed It t l.e S-i.'i:i l.l:re Sate
nchi t'. U. on the kout lr an
aut'itof.:ie th m litukrl ic . . ;!
a i'M ! !::. . ati.ii a
'., a.i '. th ,H Th! tii'.o lf ft ! lad tAU led .tl a
n. 'i'u:r i r I- n.jir ;ardn-r. r . k
:r.K in' man a r; i.?; xri j
:ii t ,rrc!e acl drove en at a h ;t
nf . ; m t? t. r i -j i 't fp I
All n II O A K
Itfhep. 4 1 1 4)
llolre. It ... 4 1 1 1 t
Ptocior. 2b 3 0 0 I 1
Hate. rf 2 I
Krmcke. e 2 0 e 12 1
M.ller. 2
'UaQtoard. lb.. 3 1
St't P. cf . . . 2
Co'.e. p ...... 5 o i a
T..ij! . . : 1 2 27 7
!tld tr l-ril lO t- tl.B'V,
Mnmitf Too Mie Ifc lat 1;
hoi. e rua. llo!a-ra. t w. oa t!!
of? IWater t. c rr Co. 2. kit ly
r IjcJ. K!r?: tl t.riiii a ty
fo'e. itrnrk ot. t-y liwver I. ly
Co'e. 2, Wft-ow la. K IT k r- TU i a
V Sair 4. nfrej rr. S-:e 1;
toleo f!?:op I. t k !a.
Vett I. St-art 1. Tie- ef r r e.
I . Cm; lre. en tn a. 1 iiiit
S f .": oo w V-nrt-..
'kl'- d 1 I?
..- r ii m t '
itkt..-,r l -I
ii -iff i t?;
n T t-:ri l Hir.ti i;:nt-
l UTI t
e r and i' -
PORTLAND. Or- May 31. Tony
I'ollch. arrested last week at Ore-.-oa
City on, a charge of man u fact urine
illicit liquor lost his status as a fed
eral prisoner-today when he died a
a local hospital as the result of an
automobile accident late last nicht.
Two others with Polich who was it
liberty on bail, were seriously in
jured in the accident.
She irved in Ru-ell. Wis . until June, the naval and military force of nuri
1S73. Kreni !S7S to 1S7 1 they lived I k-overnnient Into th- r- puMi- of
in Portland, at the end of which Meaico to open ami numu n '
time they moved to the Havtd IVel- every line or communiraucn
ler 'onation land cliim near Meha.l'be rly of Men. o n l ever .n rt
tmil i"lf
v , ; i
.t i v-i a .art tre
r'!nd aril a-. i.r..
(i'i'Im1 oere tir "'
it t t a
1 .i r t r t .r
'- : ' k - - t ? 1 .
!!(.-.! '
Ll- :''. ' e r -
r r: jt
I - : r ( v r.
I T."." C ; -
''-Ii . - . A t
1 a tw ft tr M
eonrottte of '
ma where she lived until her death.
Mrs. Siegmund is survived by her!
huf-band and 10 children, one-daughter
having paa.M1 awav in Infancy.
The children are J. C Siegmund and
W. M. Sicfcmiind of Salem. E. il
Siegmund or Stayton. A. R. Siegmund
snd I.. K. Siegmund of nervals. H.
A Siegmund and F A. Si ciuund of
IStavton. Mrs. Matilda S. Jone of
Seattle. Mrs. Julia M. EnclUh of
S'ayfon. and Miss Caroline Siegmund
DOOR. Holland. May .".l Thre "f M'h-imi She also leaves It
has been a recurrence of the former sr;ndchildi en and four rreat, crand
(itrman empress' heart affection. d"e ', children.
to th; emotion of moving. I.r. !
Hatne. who is in attendance, rays
there is no Imminent danger, but
The funeral
has prtcrtbed the utmost care
Will he he' ! at the
fanillv home at 1 o'clo k Wednesday.
Unrlal will he in the Ine Oak cem
'tery at Stayton.
aud everv oorni-r pori i mhhs
This force houKl be m-ot in. the'
committee a'd. aft-r notice hadj
bi-en given the Mexican p-ple ht,
the Fnlted Slates waa t.ot rrd. er. '
them and that it pirpe 'o re-j
store peace, protect Atnerirarm a !!
their poeion4. and to afford te
Mexican people n nj.port iiit't " ;
constitute -III whatc-ver
they desire, a Mexican governim-nt f
rtous. competent. honet and hors-
orable men " '
Should Mevican au'hor.t : mei'
the prtpoals. the eortniitu-- ri'urti
r.etued tiat the I n:td Stt.--. f -(
n.rrv lhi Meviran governni'Dt. en-i
., I
; j nr I'.ji k. :
I ; . i i-t t
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Ti m i '
j !. I ..-. -.. r." ' -. i. . - ;.
; jtv UA pro'-'-ef o. l'i f n.-.r.
' slnr' ";'iri- '-n p-i.'i. !- h
' tl.J t. .; u."'.e r . . . ."
Escaped Convict Taken
byi Jefferson Marshal
. .; ' th
.'' It-.'fe.
J t I f. W r,f
. ' I ' e I, .
v . i iy t,f
!- K ; a'r k.
r t r .
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i r ! d t Jfffn rli
tr.e l'in 'ur-Hi at t'.a'
abling it to refund it indeb'edne s place. Mi- i a Cuban ho wa
and build
up Its army acd institu-
secteceed for fit years In t'aion
roun'y for aaalt ;lh latent ta tvb.
I i : ! t. r
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