The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 30, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday evening in the library,
the Salem Arts league will hold the
last meeting of the year. At this
time officers for the next year will
be elected and Mrs. Charles Bowen,
who spent many years in the orient,
will speak on "The Spirit of Japanese
Id T"V- . .
Hireling nas Deen called
for 8 o'clock and is open to the pub
lic. .
Miss Mariana McNulty and Roy It.
Weatherhill were quietly married at
the' eLslie Methodist Episcopal par
sonage Thursday, afternoon at 1:30
o'clock by Rev. Horace N. Aid rich.
The only attendants were Mr, and
Mrs. C. D. Weatherhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Will If. Bennett mo
tored to Portland Friday morning
and are passing a few days with rel
atives. Miss Josephine Daurabartner is
home from the University of Oregon
. to pass the week-end and iDecoration
day with her parents.
- Mrs. C. P. Bishop has been spend
ing a few days In Portland visiting
j One of the delightful dinners of
. the week was the family gathering jn u,at city
4 at tne vvunam Mcuucnrist, sr.. Dome ;
on soum commercial street Wednes
day evening when the children as-
sembled to help celebrate the birth
day anniversary of Mr. McGilchrist
and that of his son Gordon, which
occurred on Tuesday and Wednes
Mrs. Cora Hendry will present ber
intermediate piano pupils Tuesday
evening. June 15. in the First Pre
bvterian church and has extended an
invitation to all their friends.
w i
Mrs?. R. F. Prael of Portland came;
up yesterday to spend the week-end
with her sister. Mrs. W. H. Eldridse.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrea ana
small children motored to Portland
Friday and are guests at the homo
of Mrs. Andreae's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick W. Leadbettrr.
In Trrder that the members could
attend the Apollo club concert on
Wednesday evening the Daughters of
VeVterans held a very short business
meeting Wednesday, the regular eve
ning for meeting.
Mr. and'Mrs. Paul V. Johnson
have returned from a short trip to
San Francisco which combined busi
ness for the former and pleasure for
vc .
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith is In Seat
tle for a few week's visit with friends
work during the year. The pupils
presented will be from all depart
ments of the school of music.
Mrs. Louis Hucker (Ella Rine
man). of Joplin. Mo., and Mr. and
Mrs. Burton Stand ford (Grace Rlne
man). came up from Portland yes
terday and a re passing the wee-end
and Decoration day with Mrs. F. P.
Talkingtcn and Miss Cora Talking
ton. -
Mrs. Ralph Matthews of Wood-
rive. HI., has arrived in Salem and
i will visit for several weeks at tne
i home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hrown.
Mrs. William Everett Anderson
will feave tomorrow for Enterprise
where .she goes as a delegate from
the Salem Woman's ctub to the
State Federation of Women's clubs
which will be held Ln that city June
1. 2. 3. and 4. On her return she will
visit relatives in Portland lor several
Miss Jessie Miller is at Harrisburg
visiting with her parents for a fewi
recently returned to the stales froinl
Mr. and Mrs. t'hetrr Rineman and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itineman of
Portland are the guest ot Mr and
Mrs. C. P. Pishop lor Sunday and
Decoration dsy.
Mr. and Mrs. K. V. McMechen and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hahn motored to
Government Mineral sprinr at Car
son. Wash.. Friday afternoon and are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chaile
G. Miller until Tueday.
Mrs. W. S. Molt returned
from Portland after spending
with relatives.
The many friends of Mrs.
Pomeroy who has been ill
home 134U Marion street, wi'.l be;
pleased to know that site is murh un
proved and is able to see her lrn iil
Mr. and Mr. Carl WM have as
their guest. Mrs. Webb's f alitor.
itupn r.uioit ol I'oit l.i ml. who ar
rived Friday for a vit-it.
a visit
11. E.
at her
Hand Painted
We have added this to our
line of work and Can supply
you with any color of silk
hose with fancy handpainted
designs. Any design you
" Parisian Waist Shoo
212 South Cottage Street
Phone 1620JI
Miss 11a Spaulding came over from
Corvallis Friday and yesterday Joined
her parents on a motor trip t New
berg and Dayton to spend the week
end and Decoration day with friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills and
their small daughters. Roberta and
Ila, motored .to Tillamook yesterday
to spend the week-end and Decora
tion day.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding are
passing the week-end and Decoration
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest Gist at Cloverdale.
Miss Eulalia Lindsay is spending
the week-end in Portland visiting
friends, going down to attend a fra
ternity dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fields (Olive
Beckley) of Pendleton, are visiting
relatives in Salem, planning to later
go to Corvallis to make their home.
Mrs. Amos Strong is in Portland,
visiting with friends.
Mrs. W. B. Jackson of Portland
has returned to her Dome after visit
ing for several days at the Fred
Sfeuslotf home.
Mrs. Edward Weller is visiting rel
iHvm in llrwtri for several
j days.
I -3-
Dr. John R. Sites and the depart
ment of music of Willamette univer
sity will present their pupils Wed
nesday evening in the First Metho
dist church tor the annual closing
, semester, recital to show to the par-
ents and friends the progress ot the
Miss elma Iaker. a former stu
dent at Willamette university, but
who has Wen teaching at Wasco dur
ing the winter, is a guest at the Beta
Chi sorority house.
Miss Marjory Flen-l and Mts
Grace Collins axe speeding the week
end in Portland with thejr parents.
Miss Ruth Ferguson of Portland
has been the guwt of Miss Rita
Hobbs for a visit during the. week.
Miss Ros Martin of Cresell is a
guest for the wvek-end of Miss Eva
Mrs. -r. N. Smith of Corvallis Isj
visiting for a short time at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred II. Thompson
and Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs were
in Portland a, few days this week vis
iting with friends.
M'as Joy Turner. Salem's' well
known violinist, went to Wood burn
Friday evening, where she was en
gaged to appear in solo for the high
school commencement exercises. Mrs.
Charles Kent, a Woodburn pianist,
accompanied Miss Turner.
Mrs. G. L. Converse of Walla
Walla returned to her home Thurs
day after visiting for a time with
Miss Elizabeth Lord. Mis Lord ac
.companied her as far as Portland.
Mrs. Issac 'Lee Patterson, national
vice-president general of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, was
in Portland Wednesday to report to
the annual meeting of Multnonah
chapter the annual national congress
held in Washington. D. C. recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Chetter Cox have re
turned from Portland where they
visited for several days with friends.
k n i.'i ...i. . ... . H
nurr ilM'lllt ior il "HMliU ill i M
home of her brother. T. A. Llvt-sley.
Mrs. M. V. Mar Donald of San Fran
cisco, left yesterday for Portland to
vilt friends for a short time before
going to Seattle for a vis.t.
To compliment explain ;ml Mrs.
Earle Coulson Fleet I. Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Fry., Jr.. ere ho: at a dinner
at their new home on South 11 Uh
street Thursday eveuiug. Plates
were laid for ten.
Mrs. Frank Haff.n ami li r two t-
trart'ie children Lydia and Mary.
.:..!.! . . a . . . ... .1
art- iikiiiuk m i up r.. i. name, j. .. i I
Mills, and J .II. Walker homes for
two weeks while on their war to
their home in Pittsburgh after spend-'
lng the winter in California.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ilomor Coul.y and
II . n a a
miiau m. n. junior, joined .Mr. aixin
Mrs. E. C. Apperson of McMinnvillej
on a trip to the Apperson summer
home at Neskowtn tor the week-end.
Contrary to the uu.l custom at
the lllahee Country ciub there will
be no dinner served there today.
The Julius Caesar Literary society
of Salem high school will be hosts
to the annual picnic lommorrow
when they will motor to Ellendale.
the farm of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. rtolse.
west of Dallas, and spend the after
noon and evening.
Rev. and Mrs. E. T. Randall, form
erly of this city, but now of Monroe.
Ore., announce the birth of a'daugh-
ter on May 20 In Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert. Mioses I
Mary Jane and Josephine Albert and'
Mrs. J. C. Griffith motored to Port
land and were Joined by Mr. and Mrs. I
. - . . . . . . a I
kj. r. ivranse 10 moior 10 tiooa Kiver i
to pass the week-end and Iecoratlonl
The postponement of ladies' night
ltVKiMf "V"iTi ; ' lvi i rl v
' ... . . v , . I at the Elk lodge until Monday. June
Mr. , and Mrs. W . J. Busirk and 19 l c.e tf tvtrvt .mns ,he
auu . vompion are Elks and their friends for these eve-
planning to motor today up the Mc
Kenzie and remain until Tuesday
Mrs. Laura Woodward and Miss
Eva Woodward of Walla Walla are I Mrr. and Mrs
visiting tor a time at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fletcher. Mrs.
woortwarrt and her daughter have
.. - 111
. vr w
Store Closed Monday, Decoration Day
Next Week
H Liebes & Cos
i t
ffllion D
nings have proven most enjoyable!
during the winter months.
Mis Marie Churchill is nassinc the i
week-end and Decoration day with
J. S. Elton in Port
Mrs. T. K. Ford and her daughter.
Miss lxretta Ford, returned home
IVlfl j 1 .-. r r. .... I . . . ul.t.'
friends in Portland. 1
Judge aod Mrs. (. rpe G. Ring
nincbam arrivetl home Krijy eve
oing from Portland after visititig;
with friends. )
A Dress That You Can Wear Gaily On a
S!i..,.,.i,lir or iiMiketii.- r.r a .u-u- it -ii auU. ii.e. u. fe-l it " Urvm'wg
and full of 1U- . 1 1 11 1
A drevi vou can 1 f into the tub, Mirr it huii t 1- IU prrlly clorw and ill L- u
u eomfortal.ic after waging a ever thoe are reawtn why youll like
For Discriminating Women '
There no end to the variety of attractive Mina Talr .Irenes i ere. TI.ere are h
irisp. cool, Nturdily made dreM for work about rtic home and there are lU frtlly, dainty
ouv for afternoon wear.
You 11 find them hen- in luot apiK-alinjr rolorn and drifu, and made o mt anJ with
such thorough workmanship that they tat'wfy the mtwt exacting requirement.
The woman of ample proportion, too, will find here jnt the drr.he want. There a
a size that will fit her, deiUed for the full-formed woman and which, will really fit with
out a lot of "fixing over."
Come in and see the Mina Taylor Dresses here make your selection early.
For they're wonderfully pretty and now is the time to hare your pick of the choic
est models.
A special lot of smart new gingham wash dresses consisting of short linei
and sizes for Misses and small women. We want to clean op cn this lot and they
are a wonderful value at.
. Store Closed All Day Monday
Ladies S?l d" A
Store p F C4tAAJ ffij''!' Storo
StateSt. tl ir - ' State St.
I Continued on page .)
Vie with each other for fashion this season and we were fortunate in securing a goodly Tarietyf these wanted
ribbon ties and pumps, both Tongue and Opera, in Patent, Black and Brown Kids. They carry the new modi
fied long point last that is favored this season and are
i -V
The entire made up stpeks of our Portland, San Francisco
Los Angeles, Pasadena and Santa Barbara stores will be
placed on sale Monday simultaneously at
25 to 50
Reductions from our regular low marked prices.
It will pay you to make a special trip to
Portland to buy your next winter's furs
while the savings are so great
DoiVt miss
this wonderful opportunity
V 1 1 L - j j-t-'-' 1 . t 6
V.l e grttr; ; '.ry : -Q e o trjrzz
r r
Black Kid Military Heeis $6.17
Black Kid School Heels $7.88
Black Kid Cuban Heels $10.71
Black Kid French Heeb $7.65
and up to $9.45
Brown. Kid, Cuban Heels $8.53-
and up to $12.72
Brown Kid, French Heels $8.C3
and up to $10JB0
Specially Priced for this sale
hi Cross
' Eyelet Ties
Brown Kid French Heels $3 22
up tfc $13 86
Black Kids, French Heels $7.87
and up to $11.70
Patent Kid. French Heels $11.02
At The Electric Sign "SHOES"
Tongue Pumps
Black Kid. Baby Louis heels.
57.20 and tp to $11.C2
Black Kid. Fr-nch Heels . . .
57C5 acd op to $11.23
Brown Call Baby Louis Heels $12.47
Brown Kid French Heels
Spedilly Priced for th:s Sale
- a-