4 sC? REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE THE ORECO!t STATESMAN: NVXDAV. MAY 30, 120. FOR SALE GOOD COMFORTABLE V house. tom fruit trs. barn. well. uri. lol 100x100. $1200; 0t down SuT bsndls It. i jott bftvc or mora to build on a II : or 40-acre tract of land with f,v yesrs at per cent to finish - uylof tor same, you can get It for U J' rre- icrssM to trae for city property. A. U BeamaUr liealtr Co, 41S Masonic Tempi- , . V1LL YOU SELL YOUR HOME? ,on li"t of c,lnta who will 7uy a home wh-n they can get one to suitsta bargain. If you wish to aell m reasonable price we can move 1 u a4 QuiC- All people have differ I ant WeaaVbut we have nany real customer with cash, who will buy a : (mall home near car and pavement that la modern, garage, furnace and 1 ksstmeot will appeal to a large per- . enUK of theae also. Phone us or torn la it you wlnh some action. BECKE & HENDRICKS 111 ft & Nail Bank Bldg. I'hone 181 FARMS FARMS and FARMS . have farms near Salem. In aiarlon sad Polk countiea at from f 75 to f ISO 'aa acre that you should see before ' too buy. One at 1110 with buildings n4 In crops that can't be beat. This Is KO acres with creek through the place and spring water to house and - strs. . r( aave a small acreage In full bear "tag prunes, the right age. that will sell for $3500 with house and barn. Tats is ? acres and la 3 ',4 miles souls. In best prune and berry dis trict in Willamette valley, ir you can as. tie this down today as it won't ,t BECKE A HENDRICKS 111 C. 8. Natl Bank Bid;. Phone 161 wwwiiiitW.i , , i, ... in. GOOD HOME BARGAINS re.mo1'rn 7-room ouhgalow. all buin-in features, S fine lota, pavd street cement walks garage. II20O. 6-room modern home, large lot. goKl basement close in. $29uO. terms i"',.'10",'?' mn from car line, all good dark Soil in cultivation. i?JL,y 4torVbrL o"d set buildings. sla-toU: '. machinery; ttOOft easy terms. 15 acres. 10 acres bearing loganberries and Prunes, other fruits, close in. road' "ome stock and tools, i!.!"1? nd welL For ui- sale. 7000; terms. See our list before buying. PERRINE & MASTERS 211-12 Commercial Club Building: CTH BEAUTIFUL PLANS GO AHEAD Boy Scouts Receive Credit for Much That Is Being Accomplished At the meeting of the SOME PRACTICAL BUYS A 70-acre farm near town." 7 room bouse, barn, fine spring, new silo. 50 acres In grain, choice oak timber, 3 cow a. 2 horaea, fcood sows: immediate possession; paved road this season. Immediate possession with crop and stock. 3S, acres, few minutes from Salem, all choice black aoil; quite modern 7 room house, barn and windmill; 9 acres of 8-year-old prune trees well loaded with prunes: produced last season 94869 of prunes; 4 acres of choice timber, balance of place in corn, potatoes and grain. A home a money maker. Let ua show you this place today. A fine new house ready for you to oc cupy; good location, close to street car $0000. Let us list your property for sale r sell you what we have listed. OREGON LAND CO. 442 State Street. correct colors to carry out the de sign. Mncli Work rcr-.iry. Plans wore discussed to swear the propagation of large quantities of loses and hrul especially suitable for parkings fcr tret- distribution next aprine. Ity persistent and sys tematic work alone thH line, wonder fully striking and beautiful effects may l secured In the planting of parkinrs. Many of the most beautiful rose directors boTdrB In the city, that never fail -"" -nj r of eaMl?ni tinitors. are the result of nigni very satisfactory reports were the efforts of the floral society in receivea as to me tnorouguness oiime past, u suincient popular sup- the cleanup campaign, which the so-lrort can tM? nad to kP uD thl rk systematically for year, not only l win wir iiriiiis twvr un & u i I il i id r- tiaUiiiiiE. me neariy co-operiuoa oil leni citisena and their children for the city authorities, the press, and (decade to come, but the name and especially the Hoy Scouts, the work Ume of Srtlem beautiful will spread was done more, thoroughly and with less complaint in any quarter than ever before. The project of havinr the beds on the court bouse lawn planted in the emblems and colors of Che Klks and bhriners was reported completed, al though there was much difficulty and cunsiaeraoie expense m sccurine: a suincient number of oLints in the n. Albert, who Is caretaker anl looks after the wants of tue vlslrorjt. Many of these pronounce the Salem park one of the most beautiful in the est and because of tlu natural at tractiveness of thrf p.i.-k lte. The running water and larg trees af ford all the beautiei of a mountain wood while the esceliont rad) and modern convenience 4 irtil!cd by Che city make a night's stay or- halt for lunch a pleavjre. Kntry to the park is m.vle ihroorb Oak street. Motorists should driv up State to Winter and from Win ter to Oak. Read the Classified Ads. OUR BREAD hlH I cae of the most skillful la U bn.&ka. What a io-ta't know about bread niakiBg Ual rtk kbilBr. Jutl to t-rove to vrr-lf how fonltoh H Is to setter over a bet oen. try a loaf of our IHKK KITi: Dread. Once t r i d It it aliji a fa vorite. BAKE-RITE BAKERY 4ST Slate St. I'be Sit THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. BRINO GREAT RESULTS CQiVlE IM TODAY . USED TRUCK BARGAINS I ton Ford with Express body, top, and windshield; extra good tires. A bargain at. ....... $C00.00 1919 MaxwelL panel body, electric lights and starter, car is just like new withgood tires $750.00 1918 Maxwell 1 ton truck with cab and windshield, good -stake body, new tires, bargain price .$950.00 I ton Republic truck overhauled, repainted and guaranteed, new tires, cab and body. .................. .$1250.00 1920 I ton Republic truck, almost new, body and caby over hauled and guaranteed. : $1600.00 Vt ton Republic truck, with new tires, overhauled and . ; guaranteed, extra good value at. . . .." .$1750.00 1918 2V2 ton Republic truck, like new, overhauled and guar anteed with new tires. .$2200.00 1920 2V2 ton Bethlehem truck, almost new. . ..... .$2600.00- All of these trucks equipped with 1920 license free. Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection 17. H. HILDEBRANDt & CO. Republic Distributors Marion County 179 North Commercial Street Polk County Phone 673 Open Today REAL ESTATE HOUSES TO TRADE FOR SMALL TRACTS W have a number of clients with s;ood city property who want to arlrs their houses as part payment on tracts. Phone 1139 and tell us where your tract is located. KINNEY & SMITH 4C9 State Street. Grovnd Floor. GOOD BUYS A 4 -room bungalow, $1100. easy terms. A 5-room bungalow. S1S00. easy terms. Another a beauty, close in. S3 IS. A (-room hous. close in with furnace and basement. 13200. A "-room house. South Salem, fine at 13500. These are all close on to pre-war prices. Many others (over 100) moderate prices in most cases. No one can economically consider bulldinff while such buys are open to them, granted the house suit rea sonably well. FLEMING REALTY CO. 141 State Street. VACANT HOUSES TERMS Now Vacant and Ready to . Occupy $250 to $1000 Down 4 room and large attic and basement: shingled and plastered and a rjn old; electricity, modern plumbing, bath and on pavement. $400 eah. balance at f 15 a month like rent. In terest C per cent. Price $1100. ( room house n pavement, close la and with electricity and bath; I179. and $2t down will handle. ?-rootn house, newly ships led. plas tered aad tinted. This close in on pavement with electricity, bath, fire place and 3 chimneys. S1000 down. Iflce IJ000. Five rooms and large sleeping porch on pavement llsrht plugs In every room, electric lights of course, modern plumbing, newly tinted, piaster and painted. Fireplace and gas stove. new: SS00 down. Price S3&00. 7 rooms on pavement and car. modern in all respects. Price $3500 and $1000 will handle. (-room bungalow, dining room and kitchen completely built-in. Modern plumbing and electricity. This Is new and a wonder at $2400: $500 caah to handle, balance per cent. BECKE & HENDRICKS 31C U. 8. Natl Bank Bldr. Phone HI far and wide over the land and trlnr a profit many fold greater than the original cost to the community. It is hoped to have several defin ite alternative schemes of uniform plantings for parkinrs worked out by experts, with free planting ma terial furnished by the floral soci ety, and accompanying leaflets show ing the exact procedure to ret the finest effect at a minimum cost. t'Mxtalion .kel. Hut to cfrry out these plans the society must nave tb hearty support of every beauty lover of Salem, and the co-operation of civic organiza tions. Its principal function must be to plan, co-ordinate and secure the act ire ro-otration Of these organi zations in arousing, directing and concentrating public interest upon definite and detailed programs of city floral improvement that will quickly demonstrate thHr merit and consequent popularity. The immedi ate plea of the society is for more members to help preach this gospel of Salem beautiful through syste matic organized public effort. The Shriners are going to give tlO to be divided in two parts for the bept bed of blooming flowers of the society; which are red and yellow. New members of the society are: Dr. E. E. Fisher. William Fleramln. E. S. TillinphaM. Prank Dorey. Fred erick Iamport. Eleunor R. Lamport. Mrs. William Sieusloff. Key. J. R. muck, Julia K. Webster. Mrs. J. J.'l Roberts. Dr. II. E. Epley. Mrs. J. A. iiernardi. lUrtman i trot hers. Mrs. C. A. Parka. Mrs. F. S. Stewart. Mrs. G. E. Schuneman and Loretta Ford. EVERYBODY MUST ! HELP SHRINERS Visit of Thousands to Salem Depends on Co-operation of People $600,000 Preferred Paper Mill Stock We offer the unsold portion of the $600,000 issue cumulative 8 per cent Preferred Stock of the Oregon Pulp & Paper Co., Salem, Oregon. This mill is one of the most modem papbrr mills in the country, is equipped to make high grade , sulphite specialties, such as glassinc and greaseproof papers at present not manu factured on the Tacific coast, as weir as wrapping, tissue and waxing rapers. The mill buildings' are l,out completed, the machinery being.creeted, and the plant will be in oper ation very shortly. ' - .f- f : This preferred stock Is cumulative from July I, 1930, pays 8 per cent per annum, divi dends payable monthly; none of the stock of this eompany either preferred or common has been sold for less than par, $100 per stare. I C V The ownership of the $000,000 common stock rests large with F. W Leadbetter, the pre . ident, also president of the California-Oregon Taper Mills with mill in Los Angeles, and for f25 years a large stockholder and director of the Caraas' uow the Crown-Willamette Paper company. And the C. K. Spaulding Logging .company, which owns a saw mill adjoining the paper mill at Salem, and furnishes the new mill with Sawdust for fuel and the necessary wood for the 50 tons of sulphite Uaily made in the sulphite mill. Mr. C. K. Spaulding, the pri aent of the logging company, being vice-president of the paper mill, and the fact that Mr. Spaulding and Mr. Leadbetter each own one-half of the Spaulding Logging company, whieh in turn owns nearly one billion feet of timber whh its own logging road., assures the ; " ....... . i : . . tnr lin.lu'r iin:illv ri(fis- new paper mill of its raw materials without me great 7- sary to supply a great paper mill enterprisa. j - Th.se two interests combined with the heavy folding, of the local Salem stockholders, and Mr. E. S. Collins and the Ladd estate of Portland, comprise the ownership of thee mills and makes of this plant a distinet'.ve -Oregon corporation, designed, owned and operated by Oregotiians. fc ? Por detailed information apply to Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. Salem, Oregon. Salem Is to hare an opportunity to entertain 5000 or mot Shrlnors June 23 or residents or the rlty of fer enough automobiles lq.trunport these visitors rrom Portland. A short time aco Dr. O. A. Olson. president or the local Sarin club, sent inritttions to ISO potentates throughout the country asking that members of their organization rlsit the capitol city on "Salem dty". For the past two days responses hav been pouring Into the offic of th manager of the Commercial club, not only acknowledging the letter but announcing a hearty acceptance. Hundred Arret1 One small Shrine in Grand Forks. N. !.. has aunounctid tuat 2iO mem bers will attend the r.-nclsve ard ev ery one or them plan to iit Salem. Los Angeles will have between foar and five hundred representatives and according to a letter from this or ganization, they havs heard much about the Willamette valley and all who possibly can will endeavor to make the trip. Dr. Olson will call a meeting tf representatives from ;vry church, lodge, woman's club and civic or ganization in the rity h.? first or the week to see whv. pUns can be made for securing cars. So far only a comparatively small number of i io torUts have registered to drive to Portland and bring the visitors to this city. Instead of 1000 cars, which was first thought to be a suf ficient number. Dr. Olson feels that 12i0 or will ? needeJ. Many of the visitors will be east ern people who hv? never visitea the coast before and this will be a rare opportunity to giv tUem a chance to see the beauties of Ore gon. truncheon on Stale Cinnd. Preparations are going aheal tep idly for the reception of the visitors. There will be a luncheon served on the state house lawn, where Phez and Loju and other local products will be oispensed ireely. hort drives will be made through the prune and loganberry tracts, and t those who care to may visit the state institu tions. A motion picture company will probably be on dck to photograph scenes for the week. release. Tak en altogether this day promises to be one of the biggest Salem has wit nessed for some tim-; if local coop eration Is secured. TOURIST PARK IS IMPROVED Water Connections Made and Ten Brick Orens Add to Convenience Water connection were made jes- terday and the last touches placed on the ten new brick ovens which will add to the comfort end conven ience of the visitors at Salem's tourist park this summer. According to Ralph Thompson, member of th committee for fixing np the park, lights ill bi installed by Tueiiday evening and a coi.ilot rtat!;n completed within the meek. A number of tourist visit lh pirk every da?', the patrons? In HUPMOBILES HUPMOBILES They will be here this week, so you will have to hurry to get one from this rare shipment. OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR and. TIRE CO., Salem, Oregon DAVENPORTS 3 - AT COST o No. We could not sell our goods at cost and remain in business. Yet, fre quently such ads. are noticed in the paper. What We want you to know Is that we have an enormous stock of overstuffed rockers, chairs and daven ports, which we were fortunate in getting for next fall's trade. We need the room that this furniture occupies and must move them NOW We promise you that by selecting a piece of overstuffed furniture now you can save considerable over next fall's prices. See the display in our window. C. S. HAMILTON creasing with waim wa.ix, says T. t.