The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 30, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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14 Paces
. i mm - -wr mf ' - v ir nl t 'i v i i w i s rj i.'i v ui m '
:kxtTkt7i "vkXu . .
-1 - KI.KM. Oltl.Goy MMt.V MllKMMi. MAX .to." trt. " riUCi:: 1VI5 CXT
finance Committee Takes
Om Task of Completing
Subscriptions for Remain
ing Amounts Necessary
Wright. Ktpliart, Clark and Xrlli
Seek tU-tlrr 'iniMiivnlioii in
Other Lines
Gfle Resigns Executive Com
mittee Post to Serve on
Financial End
. T. O. Davies. for nine years rate
espen of he public service commis
sion, resigiieil Saturday tiecause of
ill lu-ulth. Hi place has not bein
iiii'Mi. iiavien is regarded as an ex
ceptionally capable- rale man.
An epidemic of resignations has hit
the service commission hard in re
rent months, due t the higher com
pensation' ihe accountants and en
gineers are able to command else
where. Kit Wright recently resigned
as secretary, and V l Kllis wan
anointed ii, his place Saturday. ('.
K KepUart. a railway engineer, and
W. I). (Mark, a railway and hydrau
lic engineer, recently quit the com
mission. Another whose resignation
is of recf-n' date is Will T viii
eieriric and telephone engineer. Ilia
place has not been filled. .
Governors Allen of Kansas to
Speak for Wood George
Walker Seattle Man
Represents Poindexter
f ontHhiitimi Come Front Automo
bile Healer ami CltUen All
Over State
SOLONS WHO 1 ' ''"..;'..
Authority was yesterday delegated . FSCaO of Sam PnnH I
jbj the Salem hospital board io the- . " 11 J
financial committee of the board loj rttZZle IO rtlSOn Warden
proceed-with completion or the can-j
tits tor funds necessary ; to conri
struct the new hospital. Only $14,
000 or $15,000 is needed, in addition
Oklahoma Strong for Lowden
Portion of New Yorkers
to Support Hoover
to that already subscribed, to war
rafit the building committee in goins
ahead with' construction, and if the
canvass can be completed soo.t
tnough, actual construction work
will begin about July 1.
Rewcr Connection Math.
Excavation for the foundation' has
already bees done on the Asylum
avenue lte. and sewer connections
i, already bate been made. Eight or
10 months will be required to com
plete the building. It wUl be neces
taj for the board to vacate the',Mc-
Klnley school building not later thai:
Sam Pauff, a Russian, who was
committed to the state penitentiary
CHICAGO.' May 29. Ielcgatv to
the Itepiiblican national convention
from all sections of the omnry
flocked into Chicago today. A ma
jority of the early arrivals were
from 'southern rtates and a lar
froiu Multnomah county February! Proportion were negroes
19 last to serve up to 10 years fori
assault with Intent to rob. was miss
ing from the prison at noon Satur
day. Cnless he is in hiding within
the avails with the intention or get
ting away when the opportunity is
presented, the authorities believe he
escaied in one of the prison motor
trucks. These vehicles, however, are
carefully searched before they leave
me yearas. Fauff is 42 Years olrt
OjREGON CITY, Ore., May 20
spmmner l. ana; n nrnnamv uiih i
relinaulsh the buildinr lone- before! u ony roiica, a
that date to give the school author!
ties ample time to put the interior
of the building into condition tor
ichoo! purposes. From the time the
Krhool Ibuilding" is given up until
the new hospital is completed there
111 be ad Salem hospital with the
weption of the small building on
the hospital site that has been used
as a place for contagious cases. It
to excellently equipped lor hospital
purposes and Is extremely sanitary in
I Continued on Pafce 4.)
dent of the United States for ten
years who has never sought naturali
zation, was manufacturing "moon
shine" liquor at his farmhouse five
miles from here. Internal revenue of
ficers yesterday when they raided the
placje. gave a quantity of corn mash
they found on the place to a brood of
hogs on the farm. The porkers be
came so intoxicated they could not
stand, so the officers arrested Polich.
Besides 200 gallons of mash the of
ficers found ten gallons of 120 proof
for eats.
The national committees hearin
on 137 contests will start Monday
and the arrivals but lonholed mem
bers of the party's governing body
at everv opportunity in an erfort to
present advance arguments for their
Campaign managers for the an
nounced presidential aspirants were
perfecting their plans for the actual
work in the convention. Shortly af
ter Wood headouarters announced
I that Governor II. J. Allen of Kansas
J had been selected to make the prin
.J cipal nominating speech for General
Wood, it a announced that Geor.2"
1J 1 1. . . 1 1 I 1 .
The mini of $H347 r.S wa expand
ed ut" the spoilt I lction f
lay 21 in l-hall of the 4 per cent
iHtiuifd debt anindiiitnt. according
to a iau :tit-nt 1 11 l with the re
lary ol sli. by C. C. t'hapman chair
man of th. executive rommttte of
the OreKitn Hoadn and I lopnient
itvMtrivtion. AdTertlvint placed Uu
-oo On-gon nespairs at a ct tf
S4HN9.4H. made the large! ii-rii or
t-xpeuditure. i
"TU expnditur-H were from the
asM i-ialinn treaiiiry to which
subset ilnrs !n all parts of Oregon
contributed. Whitrield. Whitcome
Co.. c-rtirid public accountant of
I'tiriliiud. are making an audit of
the campaign leceipth and etpendi
Hiies at lhi re)tiet of .ie uiuUHi
ation. and Ibis alo will if ti with
the secr.iary of tal whn -com
The largest subscriptions recelvel
weft- the following- Portland Clear
ing House tixyorial ioti. $ioo; Port
land Garage it lt'!uiriii-n' asori
alion. $:.",; A. S. It'tixon. $4mi.
Among other' wibn. rltxrs were ". 1
iLoinpson. president of the anno!-!
-i t i . i n 1 i 1 1 . I " 1 a '
,,...,t ,.. v . i nipiuin, ju;
Oswald Wext. 2"; Morninc AMorl
an of Atrtia. 2i; lik -view Kxaui-
ner, $.. A number of he banka of
Former President Proves
Powerful Satirist in Urging
Early Action for League
Among Nations
Thre-M4.r-) tirirlitr, tll
Mll-i. Will IW- Itrwly lU
At ltlj IkAlr
Fr-end and pjlrun are otlac
th t;-4lTe the wall ot m lirM
t.r if I h- ne koiiim llwapital
bmldir.K up Th rMt-rt
la-tti nl vltti roorrele floor. r J
t.rk ahd runrrete atr table ha
. t n lilit'ml lor anine ttri-e Aln
I Hie e froOt atpru V made of cit
and ll.e ailrr and wrr rn
I f:e-lu.ri irr t nll'd
TL- la' in-k rj)t-nlrft a4
fll.,Rl.lri !- paa VtF IVBIirilt-
jroriiplele.1 Ihe ftrl HM Ike WM-k.
if-al lor I hr- w on J t lmr. Iaat
I Win4iy tbe rumnilnM w I1
I with a
Memorial Daj to be Obserretl
hy Large Grk Paxtie--Colonel
Carl Abrams Cites
Line of Maxell
Differences of Senators
Shown to be Petty. Wilson
Is Rebuked
William Howard Tuft i a humor-1
I? I and a wit. In all ht -ar of
public life hi w ImIoih ha been n
cognued. but he baa not Urn re
puted particularly aa a humori.-l He
more than a humorist, lie ia -
atllt. !n. ld with powerfal
logic th,e wliked weapon of ridicule
Yet he i buckles while he kill.
Hit 1 Yi m ,irlln.. Imnlii MrlffH klM
I That is the Taft Hle. a dirtmctive
state, farmers, dairymen and
liusintKs men and numerous garage! platform and literary style pofweoned
and automobile firms alan contrib- bv no other American.
en to perform a similar ofHce for
Senator Miles Poindexter of Washington.
Thes-e announcements completed
the list of principal candidates ex
cept Governor Lowden and Herbert
C. It. Miller, acting secretary of
the National committee, was busy ar
ranging for the committee meeting
Monday. ,
Will H. Hays, national chairman
f Continued on page 41
. II
Retiring From Business
These Store Rooms Are For Rent. Because parties, who have been
negotiating for these rooms, have changed their plans, we are per
mitted to remain in the building a little while longer. By this ex
tension of time you are privileged to bay any part, or all, of our
remaining merchandise on next
Tuesday and Wednesday
Agricultural College Anxious
to Go Ahead with Build
ing Work
Construction of new buildinca and
completion of some already begun
will doubtless proceed at Oreron Ac-
ricultural college on the day labor
plan Instead of by contract aa a re
sult of u conference here yeaterday.
I'resideat J. Kerr of the collere.
nd J. K. Weatherford of Albany.
chairman of the board of regents.
having conferred with Attorney Gen
eral Drown.
It will be possible for r construc
tion to go ahead, since the higher
educational tax act passed by the
people May 21 carries with it an ap
propriation of approximately SI. 247.-
OUO for the three state educational
Institutions for the current year. The
attorney general will Investigate to
ascertain If anything stands in the
way of using the day labor method
Contractor- admit, they cannot sub
mit reasonable bids for the work be
cause of the necessity of protecting
themselves against any subsequent
increase in prices.
The construction of a woman's
buildinK is contemplated and an en
gineering building is to be finished
at the agricultural college. The need
tor both is said to lie urgent.
HOOD KIVI'K. Or.. May 29. H.
Clay Crawford, forim-r phsical di
rector in the hih whool hre. who
i under arrei but at lilerty on
bonds, charged whh having obialnd
money false preten. was found
in a hotel here Unlay with a bullet
wound in his head and a revolver by
his side. Police officials said he had
attempted suicide.
Crawford Was alleged to have
made a previous attempt to kill him
self three weks ago at Minneapo
lis, following his arres-l on the Howl
Uiver charge. At that time he was
said to have fired a bullet into hi
cheM. Once since his return here
Crawford made a sensational escape
fiom tail.
No matter how much an article may
have been reduced before a fourth,
a third or even half of its original
price it is yours at one half the
marked down price. There is still
enough left to make it vworth while
your time to come ini This, of
course, does not include fixtures.
; Fixtures
At Reduced Prices
Plate glass cases and counters, tables, display racks, comptograph
adding machine, shelving and numerous other articles, many of
which are useful for purposes other than stores. We will make at
tractive prices on any of them prices that will move them at once.
PORTLAND. Or- May 29. lie-
tea use union barbers an i ihelr em
ployers have been unable to reach an
aKreemenl as to detail ol a ne
ware scale scheduled to take effect
next month, the question will be
submitted to the state board of con
ciliation comoosed of . F. Wood
ward. J. K. Klynn and Otto R. Hart
wig, it was announced today. The
union barbers asked for a guaranty
of 125 a week and per cent of all
over 135 while the employers hae
offered them 126 a week and so pr
cent of all over $t.
J " Willame'te vallev people never
jieally discovered .William Howard
jTalt until eterdav. ar.d when he
I goes away from Salem early today
thoe who saw and heard him will
regret bi tiit only for one thing--his
declaration at the Marion hotel
luncheon yesterday that Justice Bur
nett would not have a third oppor
tunity to vr.te for him for the pres
idency. IHffrreMce lagtted I Km a.
In hi adc,res to an Immense audi
ence at th- armory lat night Mr.
Taft laughed down the men who
with petty diflerenrcs are blocking
the leacue of uatlona. Ills address
waft a vigorous defense of the learue
In whlrh ne nrcvH irt inn
.. . . r: . 7 I
go on. he ii reed lie epre- the )
nope mat next .viarrn wi.i usner
in a president who wilt not block
proarts by petty contention. "May
Ood speed the day.' waa his eoocla
sion. Kay Article li Nov Vital
Mr. Taft rebuked what be railed
the "unrvaonable attitude" of Pres
ident Wilson In hU position that the
league of nations ataada or falls on
article ti He declared the league
would e 90 per cent efficleot with
out the article, aod said that the
people of the Cnlied States bad a
right to demand that the senators
who are disagreeing on reservations
Iron out their differences, ratify th
peace treaty and adopt the leag-ie
of nations covenant.
Mr. Taft analysed the league .n
its original form, the caue leading
up to It inclusion in th peare
treaty, and summarized the 14 res
ervation that are holding up its
Past-age in the failed State aenate
He humorously remarked that the
eague of nations was not the idea
of "a profenaor who became pre!
dent or of a prenldent who became
professor." His good naturt-d sallier
w-re loudly applauded and he
chuckled occasionally as he assailed
the senators who were alraid of the
league, with or without reservation
Ntrt Kerltt Ob(ak-
He made the prediction that th
treaty and the league probably
would not be ratified until a new
president occupied the White House
next March and nw senator were
elected to give the neceweary major
ity In the aenaie. Mr. Tail's lec
ture was an academic survey of the
league and th reservations that had
been premrnted. He gave the gen
eral impression that none of thm
should be regarded as nou obnta-cles.
"Huring my now long-forgotten
administration I made two treaties
with Creat Britain and r'rsnoe
whereby they agred o submit all
their justiciable difference to
urief irniiA) la I He trett-
I f tlie uik.-r. n. adttr frr
' and friend
! 'ne inteit :r.f feature aL ul it i
I the tart ie of the rr fclaier.
who Ijitl ttie jri,e bri. ka fr ke
lloiirlnr tit : 1 1 wme deeadea act are
laying idem now tm the bopnj.
Tll iniliitia. rbartffd for do-in-
hfr-''i and dearoe tra?niar
or, ha in the few years of it ac
ilitv and eiuteace a
wonderful record Thoaad t
perscn to whlrh the In. t Halloa baa
b-en helpta! ia revalmar healih and
tehetins -he na' dltte are
thankful for the Chrtstiaa spall Ikat
prerail there toward all. w.taout
to .fwi, creed or nstianalitf.
- i'tiiatng ii ia i i three-i .
story .(ruriare ad baeineat wiia, I 1..-
Sixty-Seven . Victims From
Polk and BUrioa Cecity
Died in Recent Conflict
niuuem am ialer mii nnoi, I..
ruisina I to erve and beta .after-
mg mankind ia a rhn.tlaa spirit.
t ir .Mim and ii trTon4-ra
Soldier Compensation BUI
Passed House Yesterday
The oldUr- adln.te.1 ronwtu.
lla bill yesterday PA -I tHe Uon
of reprewatatlve la rtiairew. ia
rluoirg, fuf rectaroatioa
work. It parsed the fwrn rpotf.
ed oat by a ub-c-mtrtitt- uf wbKft
Co8irmta W. C aw waa
chairman I a forma Hon that ih bill
Bad pa.d the hwe rjm ia a tel-
raph meaxe from Mr. ItawUy.
itJKTUXD. Or.. May X ra
Pr of the Oregon Ikairymea'a I)y
p rod acts corporation were filed with
the county clerk her today. Tt
company la capitalized at t;2.S.
Alraa Ii. Kati. F. W. I Jo l and J
W. Pomerny ar named at toeorpor-atot.
Th Orvgoa Hairy men's Cooper.
tie leagw also ftked article here to
day, no capital stock beta provided
for. although membership fee will
be charged. The incorporators ir
I. It. Sieigerwald. J. T. Whlttca. Ja
cob Lux-her and It. It. Pomeroy. Al
ma l Halt aod J. W. Pomeroy.
Tribute w.!l b I4 aoUser
of ih. coaatry today sad lanstut
tv a4 MtrwtM rgaaig.
fo hold spevtal aaewwrrrtt -garrta
e for the anew w gtte tVerr Uvea
foe ibetr roaatry.
ity-eew ivtk aa4 Marto e8
ty lada gave tkelr llvew la the rwf
world war a ad te tketa aa wetl aa ia
victisaa of oer a4ra gtVea, trraaia
will b glvtw.
ad will W ta, feat rw r
tertie wtih CelcoM Carl
Arjas actlag aa afTiftf ef lh-a 4r.
i karra- la the city wHJ k-oid Me
mortal Mnl'ei today a4 all ara
askest te avarticipate aaaw tetr
appriatloa for tboae who ksve r--a
ibir Urea for tklr ewwatry.
The follow lag are the uan r
thcpfc from Polk aad Marvo rvaaCea
who kve satda the ra;retia aaxtV
flee. It lacladea killed Ia artkaa. aa
welt aa.tao who died o4 woaaoa.
aretdeat. or nti la the aa iVo.
W llkeJaa K. Atlrr. CVarWo Aaar.
C. U. tuiard. ftrnttk BaUard. Caorr
turtlstt. tvaa H lU-lrxtf. Era
Ileaaett. IU?ea C. tllaka. Jeka C
Hradew. Osaar Urwsadar. WCUaai IC
Cattoa. Ora K. Caviit. OrVry p. Ckaoa.
Moat CkrlMofferaoa). lv L CUrk,
C healer Coot. TfeMit Deaa Coa
lf. Dr. Croft. RoVtrt Oeakav.
Keaaatb CToawaa. Srvau D. D i
ala. Alfred iveraeleca. GarrW S.
Dwirw. Krwewt CkarW. rr4 Cllat,
Carl D. Featoa. MCtoa rprwaas,
Jaraoa Cardatr. Uvar4 Cuiata.
Ckarlea Gire. MartJa Hartoaa, Oua
llayea, Dajsala F. UlS. ItarUa R,
Ifoffmaa. Wayaa C J Cagcao
IteU Jokaaoa. Roy Jakaao,. Aaarry
Jotej. Otia Jowea. Dr. VT. C Kaaf
eer. Jacob KrrWr, Baatl KIrwra, K
toa A. Xotvtaaa. CUa Utile. Xr
Mark. Harry C SUaoa. Jo yar
tia. IVeajaaaia MrOaiUad. CUrra
A M.aker. ioaepk II. Net gar. Crarott
H Nortoa. Robevl V. COOU. Jfrka If.
Oite. Wlltlaa. M. Read. Ooorgw SL
itoatlaesl Fago .
By James Elvm
in tiik im t;F. or tm
5 i:TTl.E. Wash.. May 29. Jo
vargus. one or n armium u ,he organliatlon
In I nite.I States district courx nrre Knforce
on charge of having conspired tOj
rob Northern Pacific railroad bo
cars at Auburn. Wash., or merchan
dise to th- value of $.0.00. was
ordered freed shortly at'er the gov
ernment rested its case today. Mo
tion for dl3iulssal of the case axalnst
Vargus on the ground that the evi
dence did not -connect him with the
alleged, conspiracy, was unopposed
by t'nlted Slates District Attorney R.
C. Saunders. Trial ot the rase be
gan Tuesday.
Hetenae counsel indicated today
that motions tor directed verdicts of
acquittal In the cases of the 16 other
defendants will be presented when
court reconvenes May 21.
court and abide by the result. I ent
them to the senate the bigbeat Ju
dicial body in the world and wha
happened was a traredy.
back so truncated and
the White House their own rather
couldn't recogniie them They wer
made as models, as example that
we hoped other nations would fol
low and that soon a network ot such
treatiea would settle the Iniernatloa
aj diiricultie or the world. I did
nothing further with them and let
the dust accumulate on there In the
hope that the senate might chvrte
or the people might rhante the sen
ate. Instead they changed me.
.... Time Ripe Ftr league
Mr. Taft reviewed the bUtorr of
of the League to
Peace, which recommended
And find rrr-ated man In aia own
mae--;7ih Vete. t chapter Ilea
ei At the root and origin of thla ma
terial unlter there . a Iiviag con
sOous spirit who will aad kaawt
and fashions all thing. Reason, the
faculty which give us the power U
jre for oursrhr. and worship tb
faculty that seems to be the
of llnei quality wtthia the per
stt In dclariDK that on eery haad
one may procure Indications of pur-i-e
and IMeltirenre
To the un'-lirver the assertion of
t;M' image in man i the height of
atwurd.ty. He declare. " Man tade
titM in the image of man ' He tell
us that there ran be no personal
a s td. (omaratle and cenelie pj -
rholoey ho that there ra nbol be
an Immortal one. The anbelteier
unhetatingly declares that through-
a league of nations, with the ideal
iusi iu i nneu r(aies wouia join I'-
He said Oreat Mrilain waa courier
ing two similar schemes. Hal on
and France one. He declared t h'
plaln people ot Europe had taken to
the Idea and looked forward to such
a league.
"The league was the result or the
demand or these people who had
suffered in the war and longed for a
permanent peace." Mr. Taft said.
'The peace conference took It up
first and Mr. Wilson brought it tack
to the I'nlled Stairs and delivered it
to the American people. The sen-
tt'ontinued on Page 4.)
Thr r. ni. ! out the whole of atlror.nmv er. !-
- - y - - : w - - r - ,
rn i m.t in I ii itmni anil rhrmiilit there I. ni liiii
of a personal Gl Immorialiiy t
I he hlchet po4Bt In superstition, the
l-npreanatU citadel of selfish delus
u.n. The human oul I only a col
lective title for all psychic function
o pro'oplasm and the are all deter
mined bv physical and chemical pro
re e.
In the face ,'. urh as.ert.on be
lievers all 'be more tenaciously
to the tboufht of t;d. Freedom and
Immortality In the ruot t-rrf re
lve aire of the world we find the
thought of tod me stronciy en
tincbeI than ever. William Jam-..
America' noted philosopher declares
"TI.e use of the Absolute ia proven
hy the whole rout of human his
tory' lxrd Kelvin. tb aoii re
nowned amonc rcientlsta declare
"That science poit;eljr affirm cre
ative rr."
If there i no God. Ibea the uai
vrre I an awful rhao. splrltaal
manifestations are me,alactea.
prayer Is a solemn farce, religious as
pirations are deluaton. aad ethical
atandards are but mockeriea. Then
there ran be no demand for royalty
of cor. duct and anself ishae of sac
rifice and heroism under saffertag.
and courage la the face of hardship.
Life in Ita higher range become
utterly Impossible without the
i boa chi of God to part? a&4 ra-
lnBiorta!ity make tka srtrlt kravw
wader adversity. epOmiatic. aader
hardship, hopefol wader aorraw. IrV
umtl;sai over affliction. Ckarartar
win arvtv the shock of the grava.
We are God ctlldrea aad Cod wIU
aever forsake .
Jeas Chrtst staad before iVa
w or 1 4 a the la whom the Uaaga
of God tas Wea perfected. Tow
ofiiet tbougkt that rver cam lata
tb mi&d of ts a a t tka taoagkt ct
omr Creator aad oar God eat mag t.
to tb world la karaaa form aad aa
dr the limited roaditioaa of hamaal
ty as a redemptive ferrw f hatUo
th moral e. that affllcta miakla4
and to show how that nil raa kw
cofjnered Heartily will eoaa law
ihoogkt that Uod t like Ckrirt, lorwa
a t'hrtst loved. If maa ioiiumi
och value la the !gkt el God. tf
such a acr;f:c was made ta tawvrki
as that we are mad la the it ago C
God. sarely It oaght to be oar klgkeat
frit ileg to b Jolted to klm, VW
onward aad upward from glory ta)
glory aatll we come lata the glary tvf
tk Lord.
We are thiakieg today of oar aa-cr-l
dead Thoao wko kaer tk
lKachby' beat, kaow flat tka A
sine was maalfewted la klm ta tit
corae. kiaia.. aairukaeaa aa4
hi fa th
To a medscal officer at Vtrtta
I said
"Vow hate a hundreds ef tkem
d rapta.a. What to goo ta their
grtt cfcaraetertstJe?-
tjaklr came tk aatwer, "Taalr
faitb. '
When f tkj before Ike grave
of oir mea at t'haieaa Tklerry. aa4
at Verdaa aad la v arVows aria of
Fraace. I was aootked aad Stilled
aad rr-egtheaed by the great dv
larattoa or the Christ;
"I am Ik Reaurrertlo aad tka
Ufa lie that Wllevetk ta ma
though he were dead, ye." shall k
live, for whoeoever Lveth a4 W
lieveth la tae shall a ever die.-
ttorae day God aaraoao kail W
perferted. ftome day evolatioa akall
reach It end ta the ferfegg rwapwaoo
of mta to Cod. la Ike fall realiaaUam
i of Cod lm; la