thp: ffr.4TF.SHAX? svri'itii.w, may ifoi. itr teachers' rtlficates but have noi completed elementary tai hrs' ! train in- c.urss. tior Ihc j course at 41 normal school. 1 "These student may take the state , 'examinaticn in June.', said lr. j Churchill, "If successful, th-y may ! take a 12 weeks' cour?f at Oregon S'-UiOol diii'iiie tlii summer. A special course will be of (ere. I t.r t iit studeuis berinning June 2.1. I'.2'i. the date of the' opening - term of the regular summer session, and v.ii; continue fur ihese . (students j A. Cluiri hill. state fiiipennten-; ,im Helmut ihe summer, until a 12. Sent Pf has -completed ar-j "fks' course has been completed. Mtie-irenl-i Willi i!ie Orepon Normal!s,ieh students may then receive a :.t Munmoutn lor me oenent i " hk mem 10 itar: ot students who ate graduate; of! .nHard low r-year high schools and! UKe ioe examination: ne urepon law requires. .that - - - ; ( foie an applicant TEACHER TESTS AREARRANGEB Churchill Completes Negotia tions With Oregon Mate Normal School Hi the elementary urades of the pub lic schools in Oregon. vlH) wish to Hires . Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, .barks, herbs and berries. It makes root beer . as 1 sparkli delicious!. 15 as pure as it is tit Tin CHARLES E. HIRES COMPANY PlHlMUIpfcW. Pb. requires may receive. ly examination, a certificate to teach, he must have completed an elenu 11- j tar teachers' training course. , or a j 12 weeks course at a n .rmal school. J The state dejartment of education j ha urged every higrh school in the j .-tate to offer the elementary tearh t era" training Course so that studt-nts .vno v. ?:! .(i take an examination tor a certificate to teach immediately after graduitins: from a high school.' may be entitled to enter the exam ination. In spite of this fact, how ever, many inquiries are coming to the state department of education from students who expect to grain ate from. a four-year hi?h whool in June, but who have not had an ele mentary teaeners training course and yet desire to enter, the June ex amination. For this reason the state department' of education ha. arranged with President Ackerman that he will offer a pecial 12-weeks' coure fcr these students during this summer." ASSISTANCE OF DOCTORS ASKED 1 . Accident Commission Appris es Physicians of New Physio-Therapy Department IV-owr.'iiin irf the physician and siirui'en 1,1 Oregon to make success Sal t!se new depart -mem of Hi' state industrial accident commission, is asked in a b-tter a'l :re. M-d to ttio ' physicians by th? thie-t commissioner. The letter lM.inis out thai the funrthfn of the! department is "ippleieentary to an 1 1 ot lap titive with the regular work 01 ill.- physicians, and is intcn tted to aid injured men to regain the use of injured memlers when sun -ery. ha d jue. its best. Tin- purpose of the department, .u stated in the letter, is to do follow .isp vvorjs.for Wf. benefit of men hp.v 11 s; slilf joints or l.mbs us a res.ilt ol acwdents. The xhvsician are (uskcu- 10 itier 10 ,me uepariTiieui s'i: li case f hey May have comlnr und-r the workmen's compensation act. The department ha not establish ed a hcspital. but has equipped offi ces and w oik rooms in Portland and Salem where the physio-therapy 21 ay be 1 :vn. When an injured workman Is re ferred to Portland or Salem from an outs:de point, the commission will reimburse him for transportation costs and add to his regular compen sation ro cent .1 day. if sinrle. or 1 a day if married, during the time of treatment. YOUR NEEDS V SATURDAY for DECORATION DAY For This Busy Day These Low, Attractive Prices Specially Selected to Stimulate the Interest of Month-End Shoppers alley Motor Co. BULLETIN Fordscatv Reducing Stock PortaeUres Oversize Practically 25 Per Cent Discount BUY EARLY Salem Sand & Gravel Firm : to Mandamas State Board To tost out the right of the state land board to fix a minimum of roy alty that may be accepted by the State from companies taking sand find gravel from the beds of navi gable streams, the Salem Sand ic Gravel company will institute man damus proceedings in the s ipreme court to compel the board to accept a bid of 3 cents a cubic yard, re ceived today. The board has fixed the minimum at 10 cents a yard. Royalty is charged under an act of the special session of the lecislatur ot last January. The money derived from royalties goes Into the stal" it reducible school fund. Sam A. Kozer. newly appointed secretary of state, sat with the Ian 1 board yesterday, his first appearance as a member of a state board. Groceries! Right at the Most Wanted Time Comes These Great Savings For Decoration Day Buyers MEATS FOR PICNICS LIBBY S CORN 34c INSTANT POSTUM, regular 30c for 25c; regular 50c 42c KELLOGG S CORN FLAKES and POST T0AST1ES J2C ITALIAN PRUNES, pound. . . J 2c FIGS, two pounds 35c WESSON OIL, pint 39c WESSON OIL, quart 77c RIPE OLIVES, tall cans special 20 BORDEN'S MILK, small size can c VAN CAMP'S PORK and BEANS, No. 3 cans 32c COOKIES EXTRA FANCY MIXED COOKIES pound 23c BROKEN COOKIES, pound. . . . J5c GRAHAM CRACKERS, special per pound 4SC C0TT0LENE No. 4 size can. SI QQ JAPAN RICE, 2 pounds 27c BEST WHITE NAVY BEANS Special, per pound c OATMEAL, pound. Jc FLOUR SPECIALS FOR TWO DAYS CROWN FLOUR S3 29 HARD WHEAT FLOUR S290 VALLEY FLOUR, SPECIAL S280 COFFEE SPECIAL EXTRA FANCY BEST COFFEE. pnnd. . . 30c PICNIC HAMS, pound 2SC COTTAGE ROLLS, Special per pound 3SC SHORTENINO, No. 5 Shortening for Sl-QO 2 CANS CRISCO SI 00 PEANUT BUTTER, 5 pounds Peanut Butter 55c NUT MARGARINE, pound 33c WALNUTS, Special, 4 pounds SI 00 UBBY'S ROAST BEEF 34: B0SEDALE SLICED REEF... 26: VEAL LOAF. Special 26"c UBBY-S LUNCH TONGUE Epecisl 37 LIBEtf'S VKKXA SAUSAGE J4c LIBBY S DL?Ii.ED !!ZAT. Vi pound 5C LIB BY 'S DEVILED !!EAT, K pound . 5C CRACKERS (Ojstcr and c CATSUP, Special DEL MONTE 20c OLD FAITHFUL CATSUP. Special 20 WHITE CROWN SANITARY TOPS, doxra "-20 JAR RUBBERS, dozen 5e ROYAL CLUB COFFEE, 4 pounds Sl-48 F0RDS0N FARM TRACTORS Motor Go. W00DRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 270 N. Commercial St. People's Cash tore THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. BRING GREAT RESULTS THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED AD3. BRING GREAT RESULTS '- nL L Mr-3 II '-Y f FAIR GROUNDS, JUNE 1-13 EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT WESTERN OREGON CONFERENCE I i ir m. iiv. .! r hi a n n nn n i I I III f I I If 111 1. I I .1 I. 1 : ( AW 1 f r ll u an 1 . m-m Tl Ft - A Great Feast of Good Things For All. Everybody Invited to hvery Meeting. Preaching Three Times Each Day. Every Evening Service Arranged Especially For Visitors. AWe Speakers. Each With a Definite Message. Good Singing by arge grniT,.-. -TT in . , ifcy?'. ii. ' Ghoir PLAN TO ATTEND -YOU CANT AFFORD TO STAY AWAY DEN