THE OREGON STATESMAN: KTrniV. MAY S. 102O. SENATE HUNTS M'ADOO FUNDS Investigating Committee Now Looks for Source of Pre Campaign Money WASHINGTON. 'May 28 The senate committee investigating " ex penditures in ! the pre-convention presidential campaigns bent its chief e'forta today toward locating the fi ' nancial sources if any of what Chairman Kenyon described as "the 4 invinible McAdoo boom." Angus McLean of North Carolina. a director of the war finance corpor- ation, denied that "he was a Bort of southern manager for Mr. McAdoo'3 candidacy" but later related a con versation he had had with the for mer secretary of the treapury, which, he said, was concluded ith a state ment by McAdoo that "a' man coitlJ n't decline" a presidential nomina tion if tendered him. The committee took evidence from Frank A. Harrison.' Lincoln. Neb., newspaper publisher, who said that ll.IMM) bad been spent for Senator Johnson's primary campaign in Ne braska. He added that $1800 of it came from California supporters of the senator with an injunction "to hold down expenses because we haven't got much to spend." H. M. Daughterly, manager of Sen ator Harding's campaign organiza tion,' was rt-calied and questioned about newspaper and other advertis ing furnished for General Leonard ! MM 1 OUR BREAD MAN is one of the most skillful in the business. What he doesn't know about bread making isn't worth knowing. Just to. prove to yourself how foolish it is to swelter over a hot oven, try a loaf of our BAKE-UITK Bread. Once tried it is always a fa vorite. BAKE-RITE BAKERY Phone 268 457 State t. LAST TIMES TODAY Hie most EntBialling kfce Art fcs crafiocbccd ed by Strohiim himself mm 8 -'PL mm tekk g&, ORCHESTRA MUSIC TONIGHT Ye LIBERTY Mas? 308? The Shoes Needed By the Entire Family For Decoration Day .Every sort of shoe needed for Monday's big outdoor holi dayand for the long sum - mer ahead. We have provid . ed many interesting items for Saturday's big selling. And you'll find everything you want here not only style and intelligent store service, but substantial quality and fair prices. You can buy For $7.65 Ladies' Fine Black Kid Eyelet Ties, French Heels Ladies' Fine Black Kid Colonial Pumps, Dutch Heels Ladies' Fine Black Kid, Tongue Pumps, Military Heels Ladies' Fine Patent Colt Opera Pumps, Military Heels Ladies Fine Erown Kid Colonial Pumps, Military Heels Men's Black Oxford Combination Last Men's Mahogany English Lace, Welt Soles For $8.89 Ladies' Lovely Brown Eyelet Ties, French Heels Ladies' Lovely Brown Kid Oxfords, French Heels Ladies' Fine Black Kid Opera Pumps, French Heels Ladies' Fine Black Kid Tongue Pumps, French Heels Men's Russet Blucher, (Jornell Toes. va W For $9.95 Wood's campaign in Ohio, which he classed as "very extensive." Mr. Harrison said the' same was true of the Nebraska Wood cam paign. Recessing early, the committte foresaw a busy day tomorrow, wht-n the California contest between Her bert Hoover and Senator Johnson would Uf Kone into, with the finan cial representatives of (General Wood's organization on hand a well. Mr. Mclean's testimony today dis closed attempts of Mr. McAdoo' friends in New oYrk to get together on campaign efforts not withstanding the injunction of their principal. Mr. MeAdwo toid him. the witness sai't. "that he wouldn't turn his hand over tor it, and wa not a candidate and did not want his friends to get ac tive." Mr. Mclean added that not withstanding when there was a din ner gathering to discuss the subject, in New York, "some fool went and told Mr. McAdoo about it." U. M. Itaruch. was mentioned many time in the uMis of th committee members and once by Mr. McLean who said Mr. Haruch had agreed with the conclusion that "Mr. McAdoo was a good man for the nomination." for LincUn At the Electric Sign SHOES 167 No i Commercial St. Littler & Upmeyer for district attorney county. $12. Dan Kellaher. Portland, candidate for delegate to I be KejulMtriin na tional convention. third dlntrUri. nothing. ' W. It. Hnoks. Ontario, candidate for delegate to the Republican na tional contention, j-coml litrlt. 27.:. Maria 1 T. Hidden. Portland, can didate for delegate to ilie lienuwrailc i. Jional convention, state at large, nothing. P. I.. Fraxier. Salem, candidate for delegate to the Ifc?moeratlc na tional convention, first district. $13. GO. R. K. Rradbury. 'Klamath Falls candidate for the I mw rat ic nomin ation for representative, 21st district! $12. D. Ilerrin. Portland, candidate for the Republican nomination for representative. 18th district. $15.6.1. rati for China In a few days, taking with them the prayers of the dele gates and a trunk full of gift for the hospital there. The ou.en report improvement In all lines ot work throughout th-i state, and a gain of SltS.s: over the amount contributed by the branch lat year. They will meet at St. Johns neit Mtf. ltaJEl CAPITAL AND LABOR DEBATE GROWS HOT (Continued from pae 1.) COAST LEAGUE R. At as Angeles Vernon 2 Los Angeles 3 Schellenback. Smallwood and vormer; Aldriuge and Hauler. K. 1 1 De- At Portland- s.icramentt . . Portland . . Flttery and Kiehler. R. Cook ; II. B. 4 i .7 12 2 Juney and Ladies' Dark Brown Kid Opera Pump, Cuban Heels Ladies' Mahogany Calf Lace Shoe, Cuban Heels Ladies' Brown Kid Oxford Military Heels Ladies' Black Kid Lace Shoes, French Heels Men's Brown Oxfords English Last Men's Mahogany Russia English Lace Shoes Men's Gun Metal English Lace Shoes Boys 'Girls', Misses', Children's Proper styles, correctly fitted. ; Economically priced and every pair warranted for wearing - ? qualities STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY S3Z. At Sattl Salt Lake . tepresentative of all of us the gen eral public." He reviewed labor troubles in Kansas la.U win'er. laying especial l,JKIana emphasis on the coal strike and the alleged hardships resulting there from. ' "We have not forbidden to any man the r.gnt to quit work. he asserted "We merelv have t.iL-fn p.way from Mr. Compers his divinel right to order a man to quit work. "A great deal is said about the growth ot brotherhood and I am not unconscious tonight of all the prog- ttss made by organized labor through its solidarity. And I am glad for th legitimate regress of every labor union organization in the United States today." uovernor Allen then referred to statements alleged to have been mad by union leaders in the past. Includ ing Mr. Gompers, that "if you take away the right to strike, we will find some other way. "Before the debate ceases tonight' he said. "I implore Mr. Gompers. in oenaii oi tne country that is wait ing to know, to explain what olhe; way he has in mind." At San Francisco R. II. K. . . 4 ! 2 Nin r ranctsro i t 12 innings) R. Arlett and Mitze; Sroit and Agnew. It. II. K. K 1j 0 11 1 4 2 Sttoud. lteiger and Jenkins: Sei- hold. Gardner. Brent on anJ Adama. AMERICAN LEAGUE At Boston R. II. K. New York 4 10 0 Boston 3 10 0 Shore. Qiiinn and Hannah; Rusael and Schang. At Cleveland R. H. E. Chicago 6 11 2 Cleveland 13 1 - i aber. Payne". Kerr. Heath and Schalk. Lynrr; Bagby. Morton. Nl- haus and O'Neill. K Pardy's Campaign Cost $159, Statement Shows will K. Pttrdy of Salem, who was a delegate to represent the state at large as a delegate to the nation ll convention at San Francisco. $129.90 in the interests of his cam paign, according to his statement riled yesterday with the secretary of siaie. ..Other expense statements follow: C fc.. oodson. Heppner. candi date xor tne Republican nomination for representative. 22nd district. $10. W. S. Burleigh. Enterprise, candi date Tor the Democratic nomination for district attorney for Wallowa county. $4. nuij-iu raircnna. tnterprise. can didate for the Republican nomlna lion i or district attorney for Wal lowa county. $57.t5. natman. Lakeview, candi date for the Republican nomination for district attorney for Lake conn ty. tfa.GO. Jonn Baker. Hood River, candi date for the Republican nomination for district attorney for Hood River county. $i.60. u. is. McCIuskey. Toledo, candi date for the Republican nomination At Philadelphia R. II. Washington 6 14 Philadelphia 4 S Erickson and Gharrtty; Naylor. Hasty. Rommel and Perkins. Myatt At. St. Louis R. H. Detroit 3 St. luis 1 X Oldham and Ainsmrh: Well man and Billings. E. o 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE At New lork R. II. K. Philadelphia 0 9 1 New Yorkf . 4 9 0 Rixey and Wltherow. Wheat; Ben ton and Snyder. At Cincinnati R. II. E. Pittsburgh 1 3 2 Cincinnati 11 0 Cooper. Wisner and Schmidt; Reu- ther and Rariden. At Chicago First game: R. II. E. St. Louia 2 4 2 Chicago C $ 1 Mar and demons; Alexander and Killefer. Will A Woman Tell Can A Woman TeU Does A Woman Tell THEN SEE Should A Woman . Tell A Tense Drama of ew England Fisher Folk Here Sunday A Picture For The Whole Family LIBERTY Second game: R. If. E. St. Louis 0 4 i Chicago 7 11 0 Bchupp and Dilboefer; Vaughn and Killefer. At Brooklyn R. II. E. Boston K 13 Z Brooklyn 3 K 2 Flllinrim and O'Neill: Pfeffer and Elliott. Bonus BUI Comes Before House Today m WASHINGTON. May 2. After weeks of committee hearings, cau cuses and negotiations, the soldier bonus bill will be taken up tomor row by the house. Its opponents were prepared tonight to make a bit ter fight to delar action on the Mil or to prevent Ita passage, but eon ceded they would be defeated. As a forerunner of tomorrow's fight. Representative Murphy. Re publican. Ohio, today conducted a filibuster against transaction of any business, but finally stopped on as surance from house leaders that the soldier bill would he on the Moor to morrow. The chaplain's prayer was dels red for half an hour by the fill-buster. LOST KU $IIK IJhrHy lUtmU have been lot. TlK-e IhhmU bre mtUI number, mmt all cni. IumI In-en rllMl. A)ne Unit ing Mmr m ill lenM n4lfv 1 1" rtly mar-hal ami receive ult. able rewnnL Any ime know ing of any or all of the lnd lelaic offered for Mle will lenM notify the- rity marshal or nnjr menilH-r of the SnJetn poller forre immediately. ArnM tle front of enrh tol mu rill en the name "II. Cun ningham." This tut me may have been erned and In that event there will lie tike nuuk of tlte eenMire. Ttie atrty ! M theM hnL Iuia been placed In n very rmlMrniwikic Miiba financially ami Is very mlojM to rerover them. If they sre returneil to the rlly mnrluil xk qneMions will tie akaed ami tlte finder will be Miilably rewanleiL uOOl i rAvS ipsa 1--. X7 OST, strayetl or stolen an appetite. The products of this bak ery will help you regain your food-avidity. Our pastry will please both your tasting; and digesting machinery and you will find our bread to le a aure-enouph staff of life. PEERLESS BAKERY rbillip Winter, Prop. THE SUGAR SITUATION Every day people art aikin; ni about the tsfxr titsatica and whether cheaper sngar can be expectcxi dsricf tit clo ning season. Oar only source of information is tb market reports in the doily papers and sncb items we find la tb grocery trade papers. Raw sugar in the New York market is quoted at $23 57 to which must b added MO rtfirirg charge plus freight, cartage, wholesaler's and retailers profit which will bring the price to the consumer to abest 30c per pound. Wt bare a limited supply of berry sugar which we are able to sell at $24.03 per sack. After this lot is exhausted we hare another lot which must be sold at 126.23 per sack. Each lot must be sold ac cording to coat plus a small margin of profit. Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Pineapple, SOe Each California Grape Fruit, 10c; 3 for Sweet Narel Oranges, COc and 63c per doxea Strawberries, California, 23c box Strawberries, Home Grown, 23c per box Gooseberries, 10c per pound Banana (Ripened Just Right) 13c per pound As para jus Eettlemier's asparagus, 20c per pound bunch; 2 for 33 Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, RadUhe, Green Onions, Rhubarb, Fresh Pea, New Potatoes, Head Lettuce Canned Pineapple Special Surf rider broken slice. No. 2 30c, 2 for 33c; 33.13 per dct. I Two Broom Specials Zan's, Ifo. 9, a medium weight broom T9e Zan's No. 4 a heavier broom, SIjCS ROTH GROCERY CO. Phone your order early 18S3-4-7 This Store Will Be Closed all day Monday THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS. BRING GREAT RESULTS Doney and Alden Assist in Willamette Campaign Dr. Carl Ore Doney. resident of WilUnvette unlrerslty. ia at Arl ington. Or.. amlnMnK In the cam paign that in being carried on to talne funds for completing the new Lausanne hall and Waller hall. r resident Doney Is greatly Interested In the endeavor that la being made and Is helping wherever he can b of the largest service. Dean George H. Alden. who hat, been engared in aiding the pastors and other leaders of the V111amet campaign In Pendleton. Spokane and other points In those districts, will reach Portland today and will give a full report of the outlook la the places that he has visited. Missionaries Say Farewell to Friends in Convention Superintendent and Mrs. Dotbs. who hare served for 20 years as mis sionaries to China from the United Kvangelica! church, have said fare well to their many friends at the ttate women's home and foreign missionary convention and will again The Lower Meat Prices That we put into effect last week has met with the approval of our many patrons. Instead of predict ing and charging higher prices, we are doing just the opposite. These are our regular prices for every day. If you pay more for " Choice Meats," you are a Victim of Profiteers OUR PRICES SIRLOIN STEAK, per pound 25 T-BONE STEAK, per pound 2SC PRIME ROASTS, per lb 20c POT ROASTS, per pound JJc BEEF TO BOIL, per pound Ic SHOULDER STEAK, per pound 22c MILK FED VEAL LEGS OF VEAL, per pound 2Se LOIN OF VEAL, per poand 25c VEAL STEAK, per pound 22c PURE BEEF 8UET in cakes 5c GRAIN FED PORK PORK STEAK, per pound 28c LOIN PORK CHOPS, per pound JJc FRESHLY GROUND LIBERTY 8 leak 20c FRESH SAUSAGE in bulk, pound.... 20 BEST SHORTENING, medium pail SI -00 BEST SHORTENING, large pail. . . .$240 BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, pound.. 55c In our FISH DEPARTMENT, Mr. C T. Doty will jatiify your want with Any thing in that line. Space does not allow ct to name all of the different Ytrieite. Call and tee our display and get our prices Midget Marke "Not In The Comhine" Originators of Low Prices 351 Stats Street