THB OREGON STATESMAN I SUN DAT. MAY !, The Oregon Statesman Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPACT 115 S. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon T MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication if all sews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks.... ..... Stephen A. Stone. Ralph Glover. Prank Jaskoskt.. Manager , Managing Editor Cashier , . . .Manager Job Dept. would be giring its old-time groans every minute. Looks ss If manicur ing were taking the place of farm ing in our otherwse beloved country. Exchange. .There Is nothing to It Nothing to this dope, as spplied to the farmers of tne Salem dis trict. . They are working with all the man power in themselves, and all the man power they' can hire; and they are buying tractors and trucks and every other mechanical device to b had in order to conserve time and expedite, work and render their methods mure intensive and ef fee THIS ACT MAY YET BE A THRILLER TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. SIS. Job Department, SIS. Entered at the Postof flee In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents a , week, 60 cents a month. ;.-.. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. II a year; 13 tor six months; 60 cents a month. For three months or more, raid in advance, at rate or ss year. (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will hive. oe sent a year to any one paying a year xa aavance w ia wmj Tner bsve taken tb available CND AY STATESMAN, f 1 a year; SO cent, for nix months; 2S cut. foi 0t tTrr three months. f : j. TlnM' and 0lb"t nd walnut trees awvifi.v arirreuiv ia.-a i,:'r M-tlnna Tnendava and and small fruit of all kinds, and vv W . . iW .M . . w m m w 1 " I I Fridays, SI a year (if not paid In advance, ll.Zi); so cenu tor six i strawberry plants, and many other months; 2S cent for three months. - . I thinra in the lines of Craitm and ver- etables and seeds. They have been buying the best cows and hogs and sheep and goats I and other live stock and poultry. They ar living. up to the slogan I of -More acres and more to the acre. ' . The dopv may betru (As applied; to some other states and some- other sections. But it is i wviua win a anl as?! tw4l aasw. Assuming that Hiram Johnson Jias received more votes in Oregon el9e that wpreaeBtl nntrntb and unreliability when applied to cur farmers. . They are the salt of the earth; three-story farmers who have gotten away from all the mossback tra ditions of the old times. One Marion county farmer had his fruit trees badly damaged by the December freeze; many very fine SAME OLD THING, SAME OLD WAY . a VW W than uenerai woou , It is the same old thing in the same old way. The same old way in which the Johnson bunch have "carried" all the other claimed states, excepting California; that is: By a minority vote. Not a majority in any state outside of California. If the Lowden and Hoover votes had been cast for General Wood, on Friday, Hiram would have been! far short of a majority. But what -of. it! What if Hiram Johnson has carried the preference primary in trees killed. Oregon! -By the estimate of the Associated Press, this will give him at the most 110 votes out of the 990 at Chicago. , . And that is all he will ever get, and he will never get that many after the first ballot. Take the Oregon delegates: You will find, when the returns! but he. has. work and spirit enough are all in, that they are not Johnson delegates ; at least not a kna-1 In him to go about renewing his dead ioritr of them. I tree and grafting his hslf dead ones What is he doing? Sitting around and moping and be-1 moaning' his fate? Not on your Ufa. He is not a young man any more; I I MiEW A MAM V im Texas that! Jewelry Watches Diamond SOrerware Cat Glass Docks ? Oars It s rsleie rlry store. No Use of gtolt more reliable Is cm r wler ssywbere. W Wy dlrvt from the wert4, bt tasasfartirers 4 ' sll on smaller msrxtaa thsa others, msklsg t savings for you tUx amouat tm eoui4erai. I vrhatrvr U werih ha, las la a lry Mere is U W fouad here. WitcLcf are our specialty ss4 ran ssply aaytaisg , wssL GARDNER Sc KEBil Sleaue Moa FUlUUe Jrwviirs sxl Orxkias They do not believe a man of the stamp an J calibre and backing I renerally prepsring to more than will consent te-the Lodge reserva- Leacue of NaUons la whkh all the of Johnson ought to be nominated for President now, or at any other retrieve his losses, through years of Hons and proves conclusively thst be other nstlons but the United Ststei time. . ! patient laoor. ' The Oregon delegates will be bound to vote for Johnson as long He is a type of the farmers of the as he has any show. I Salem district. They are going to They are the judges of this. make this valley a paradise; they And, by that' rule, they are not necessarily bound to vote for 8ing to make over Marion and him at all for he has not the ghost of a show. Pol adjoining counties, and In But they will of course all vote for him on the first ballot as- doIn f hl they are going to ' sumine that he has received his minority plurality in Oreeon. m ln Gibraltar f oundaUons After the first vote, practicaUy all the delegates at the Chicago m OI yfwv people; ana me will. continue to the end of his term would be bound to one snother by insisting on ratification of the treaty the four great peace-glviag provi without any change. It Is author!- sions of the League, to-wit: (1) the tatively stated thst he intends to limitation of armament; (2) the ma- veto me jeint resolution aeciannc u Biruir di nm jv, ip ib peace with Germany and to resub- - enforcement of submission to Jadl mlt the treity for action by the sea- clal settleaients of disputes by unl- convention will be" free; as free to act as the delegates in any past x national Republican convention. ; . And being for thVmost part intelligent men and men having the , highest interests of their, party and; of their country and of all hu manity at heart, they will naturally wish to nominate-the best man in the United States for President. So Hiram will be out of it absolutely. raw materials necessary for making it the most prosperous city in all the wide world. ate. He. therefore, will put himself in the position of maintaining a state of war until the end of his term. He demands that the Demo cratic eonvenin, at-San Francisco shall make the. Issue in this cam paign "The League without reser vations or no" treaty at all." The president's letter - In a message in langaage which would Inspire, If It we would become a member of the VTLSOX IS TO BLAMK. (By Wiillam Howard TafL) Tria rraiiaer AKeietiAilAn Ia ft He will not be even thought of after the convention gets through j fw,M nf v.tin. . -n Ud any foundation In faet to sus- , . , .... , . . 1 . . .. . . . "V w w-w - r. I tne ueceni preliminary lormaimes ana settles aowu ta.tlie real busi- ia Voodrow Wilson. A League of tain his glowing sentences. Were upss for which that body assembled. Nations . cinnot be , effective unlesss he to accept the Lodg reservstlons oo wegon nas merely mrown ner vote away , m ihe United States Joins as a mem- ( Assuming that Hi is the high man in the low parts of the ballot ber. ; The United States cannot join uoxes tne contents or wnicn are Deing assemoiea tor tne final totals. I the League, of Nations unless two 1'. b. The writer does not admit that Hiram has received more I thirds of the senate of the United votes than General Wood in OregOnJ The late totals last night were States shall" ratify the treaty by turning the "dope" . the other way! which it becomes a member. Mr. Wilson knows, or should know, that If you have not joined the Salem Floral Society, it is your duty ! neither- in the present " senate nor to join, if you are a resident of this .city. There must be r(XK) members, and a strong and persistent program for making Salem the most beautiful city in the United States. It can be done. Na ture has set the stage. I Oregon will take good care of her schools. It will eost a lpt of money, and taxes are high. So there will have to be some cuV '.mting down along other lines and some readjustments in the methods' of raising public money in this state. On the state measures, the rest of the state was much more in the assenting mood than the back districts of Marion county. . . All the state measures are carried. Iceland want to get in the League of Nations. The seat set aside for Uncle Sam is not occupied. : The day of miracles Is still here and the almost daily example we see Is that of clergymen living on the salaries fixed ten years ago and still keeping out of debt. And they do say that it is being done. The Armenian mandate will prob ably go Oegiug if the allied pre miers decide upon shifting the bur den for maintenance and proteetlop upon the' United States. It looks like a final effort to wish upon us tne poorhoiuso of the world. Toes that dance and do not kick are much' to be preferred. In the new senate,' which will gath er on the 4th of March next, can two-thirds of the membership be In duced to vote for the League of Na tions without; the ' Lodge reserva tions. The senate's ratification un der the constitution is as necessary to make a treaty as the, president's initiation and approval. Mr. Wilson'a letter written In an swer to an inquiry by the ehairmsp of the Multnomah county Democrat' ic central committee of Oregon com pletely destroys any hope that he FUTURE DATES Mar 23. Sunday Baseball. McMlaa- tiii Ta. taim. May is. Sunday Memorial Sunday. iay zj. Sunday urtlare at armory by It. H. Kroh of Akron. Ohio. May SC.. Wednesday Opening of oreater Willamette campalrn. stay ZS-Z7, wedneeuay and Tbureflay Ado lie club concert. Grand theatre. aiay 27. innreday Baby clinic at The country is now spending $18.- 000.000 a lay for government in time of peace. With interest charges as large as the total ordinary ex- sense of lh rnvrrnmonl in vmm I Commercial dab. " . . .. I May it. rrtday Veteran vUit Salem S". uuw can me coounnance ot ineiachoola and addreas atudents. May Z. Saturday Baaeball. Salem nia-n va. Korrae man. cng-ene. M expenditures on a war-time scale be justified or excused? ' There seems to be a sentiment In the country to have a man for pres ident, who has never been seriously considered, far the3 office before. That lets out a number of the as pirants.. Of course.' the "sentiment may be wrong. It often is. "Political "events at the national capital Indicate That the Wilson ad ministration will merely mark time nnfil the end oMts unhappy career. In the recent history of the country the relations between congress and uthe executive! were never, more ' strained. Mnsle teachers want the evangel ical churches io lift the ban on dane lng where it . exists which recalls . . the Tact thit Saniabn staged the first - fr-t trot, and Mil'nn. a good Puritan. gave us "the light fantastic toe." lay . St. aturda May JO. Sunday Tart peak at armory. sai vs. Salem William Howard sebaU. Albany Vfvr Ten tv rtrt t-r iv- mm - mwm pububj iTcvrsiiun liar. May 3L. Monday Salem atorea to be The farmers are too busy riding c'd in celebration of Memorial day. - 1 Jan i ' -1 - - 1 .1, 'tuuu in ineir oazz wagons to gti I service begin. in 4 re going ta suffer for want of tnr- their tnrlnr nlnwinr ami wo I .r ""r immmii. saiem Hi (a , a I T. UCM1HBT1II B1CB. HCKlaiVtll. Jane S. Saturday Annual picnic of miya iuis iu. ui is auuui mr elation, tsalem. mrr .ix.xx. -nn. . i , - .... i. I Jun S. Sundav Baccalaareate Sun 'Mday for Kimball Scbool of Theologr at (UrniSdes an excuse for kei-Din? nrtlrirat Metbodiat church. h . . ... . I Juno C. Sunday Baccalanrete aermon uc ... uu v-iii- fw hjgrh aehool rraduaUng claaa at staples. A reason for stf fining j " Methodiyt , : , . . , . .. I June 11. Friday Blooded Jersey sale prices doesn't have to be piaosibte.1 at State fair around. If It is feasl '.t it if doing well have been building elevators allt p- m in Aasemby batL through the northwest to elevate the June li. Sunday Baseball, Wood price of grain, and they accomplish KnTi CMdar-n.r day. the purpo39 all right. The farmer's! Juno 14 to 17 Officers praools for boy is going to the city and the far- 'rorV St0.'.'-a?"" at mer has rheumatism so bad that hel Jub s National gypsy can't hoe his corn. Therefore, we will have no turkey for Thanksgiving.. Things are .look ing mighty bad and the gophers are eating up aU the onions! Why don't we advertise ourselves as a nation tour motorcycle event la Salem. - June SI. SZ and S Imperial conclave of Mystic Shrine ta Portland. Juno SS. Wednesday Imperial clave of Mystic Shrine to vlait Salem. Jane S4. li aid SS Portland ' Rose festlvaL June !. Saturday Letter Carriers convention In Salem. July t to S4 Summer school for ru of aericultnral Inmrnnoionii mil Klral pastors at Willamette universitT. j ,. . I July to SS Annual encampment of done with It? If the French peasant Orearon national Guard. Infantry and had our soil and Implements th-UwiBVi-'lAt. Crap f1" rtuer, uarns Would be burstins with eraint July IS to S4 Salem Chautauaua. d there would be so much foddet UVln AuS "SUW I on the table that the mahogany Bp5mbtr. ,T la October s Oregon Imperfect Eyes Do Not Always Mean Poor Vision' Quite' often, even with imper fect eyes, good vision Is ob tained by straining them. Just as long as eyes can obtain, by extra exertion, perfect vision they will do so. and it is this continual effort from morning till night, and day after day that causes so much fatigue, so much nervousness and so many headaches. You know what a hardship It Is to strain the muscles of your back all day long, or to walk continuously hour after hour. Then you can better appreciate the strain upon the delicate muscles of the eye when they are subjected to this severe ex ertion in trying to overcome defects. If your eyes are Imperfect you are retarding your own pro gress, and laying up for your self future troubles that may be quite serious. If you do not know the condl tlon of your eyes. Or If you suspect that they are respoa sible for nervous disorders, headaches, etc. then you had better have there examined and find out for certain. I am equipped with both the delicate last r a meats and the experience to properly diagnose your needs, and have the equip ment for making the lenses and adjusting them to give most satisfactory service. We own and operate a complete lens grinding plant and can de liver your glasses the same day . they are ordered. .Henry E. Co. Eyesight Specialists Rooms f 02-2 11 Bank of Com 1 mrr Ttnilfllnr SALEM OREGON vernal boycott, and (4) open diplo macy. The reservations would re lelve the United State from the guaranty of Article X. but from none of, the other obligations. Forty Democratic senators agreed to either or two forms of reserva tion as to Article X: Releasing the affirmative obliga tion of thj United States under Ar ticle X. Releasing the affirmative obliga tion of the'United States under Ar ticle X and leaving the whole matter under the article to the dsicretlou of congreia. The same forty senators s greed to the Lodge reservation as to the Moa roe Doctrine, except that they wished to ssy the ssme thing only twice Instead of saying It three times, as the Republlcsns had said IL Mr. Wilson repudiates the action of all the Democratic senstors. ss well as that of the Republicans. Mr. Wil son's words interpreted In the light of the facts show that, unless he csn secure the sgreement of the senate to Article X. of which he is the author, without any qualifications of It, he Is will lag to destroy the' whole Lesgue. The real friends et the League, who have no political bias or per sonal pride ef authorship, aro anx ious thst the Leasee with the Lodge reserratloas shall b ratified as the oaly way la which ratification can coma. They believe that It is most valaable for the world even without Article X. and the other nations; agree with them. They believe that with the pewer of amendment pro-' vlded ia it Its defects, as experleaV shall show them, csn be remedied. Mr. Wilson's objection Is thai the United States must be bo and to use military force to raaiatala the terrv torial integrity and political Inde pendence of all the members of the Lesgue. The other members of the Leagae who would naturally be in terested In preserviag the Ualled States' obligation under Article X are willing to release it If only the United States will give lit and strength to the Lesgue by join is g It and complying with Its three other great provisions for preserviag peace. Mr. Wilson says that' he will net sennit the United State . to eater the League unless It assume a bar den to others they do not ask. Wood row Wilson Is himself the chief agent la preventing the United States from upholding Its honor and performing its duty as a member of the family of nations. plavi-no irrni nnx. r On of the cheeriest jags tut u, Calcago police hate had o uer hjaade since preslbiu . west t afreet wss a palater ruvaded u other night who had freak a Hi P't mixts re of raw alcohol a ad car bolle acid. He said that wits im proper arraagemeat of the Urtv eats the results were fine. 1st ess had to be very caret sL A quart of It migat be aarau'tl. so he was parties la r to never so more than a si at. jlf the breath burned a hole ta U4 tooralag paper the proportion ef rar- J Uotie acid waa too hUh sad tltnu be red a red. The poUe had ac spoken la jest of the cartel acid cocktail, bu: here was a fellow via brewed them aad rather liked tVrav The more a thlag Lasted Hit a' boa Or the better he I tied !:. aad Th eon Id laacn 4ff a sness ef Re-aaa Randies. The a mead meat -Is eVreu toplag some fireproof threat v- liv rroUriiKic. The Methodist are dcbaUag U taestioa r adaUtlag women Is XU klalstry. Looks as if the sistsi. wsjr.wauld ha UgiYeWT3tfl the trj of the place aad let em go whemrr they want to. They wilL aarvtr. even If they have to break Ja. Frota a worldly standpoint the pslptt at the poorest paid of all professions, aad ir women earnestly wlah ta be preachers they rtn;ht be welcome I with three cheers. Aay clsrth de siring i lady pastor will pie re sif oat Los Aa-!es Timer. . TIIK GOOD WORK. The Salvation Army t said to be coadactlag tta simple bat worthr work la n less than tC ccsstne ct th world and In more laaa langaagea. Its watchwwrd U: "X man may b down, but he's aewr out.- and It help htm to prove U. llaie a do chant. What a lot of dimples we see U some of the asphalt streets of tats town. . ED CAR BARGAINS We hare some extra food nines in second hand cars which we can now show. 'There is a car for etery man's needs. Here. are a few: - J 1919 one-ton Maxwell Truck A.'.J.$1000 ' 1917 Dodre Tonrinr .J. .5925 1919 Cherrolet DeUrery. 1 .600 Buick Roadster, run 5000 miles $650 1919 Orerland Tonrinr v...r .........;L...590O 1917 Maxwell Tonrinr $550 1918 Dodre Tounnr J1125 1920 Dodre Torrrinr, run 1400 miles, fullj equipped and in excel lent condition $1400 1918 Dodge DeliTerjr $1000 H. F. Bonesteel Marion and Polk County Distributor for Dodge Cars Ferry and Commercial Streets SALEM