The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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(By Mrs. Elvira Hyatt)
It pays to have high Ideals fpr our
children, and to respect their indi
viduality. Much can be accom
plished by expecting children to ie
Rood, and by showing that we trust
them. . - i i i
We should never call a child "bad"
never wound his self-respect. This
does not mean that his naughty ac
tions should be "glossed over," but
as, one wise educator has expressed
It. we should realize tbajt every 'fault
Is simply the absence of pome virtue
and we rhould try to build up that
quality in which the child is defic
ient rather than condemn him for
that which is not.
Build up the virtues, and the faults
will disappear. If a child is selfish
we should dwell on unselfishness; if
the child is untidy, on neatness; if'
mow on quickness; and we should j
always remember to praise even the!
slightest sign of the virtue we are
. working to cultivate. A child will
try to live up to the thing tor which
he is praised. ''How quiet and help
ful my lifile Peggy i today," will
do more than a dozen scoldings
about noise, and mischief.
Stories can be told to arouse and
stimulate high ideals. Stories have
a wonderful educational value and
almost any lesson can be taught in
story form. Tell stories about birds,
trees, flowers, animals, great and
good men. simple-stories of home and
family life, stories from history and
from the Bible. The eager little
minds are ready for anything you
wish, to give them, and If you are a
natural storyteller great indeed is
your opportunity. Ideals . of right
conduct, love of family and sympa
thy with every living thing can 'oe
given through the right use of stor-
. ies. -
. Much has been said and written
about pre-natal influence, but vol-
. times more are needed on post-natal
influences. One of the first things
a hay learns Is to "smile back" at his
mother, and in all his earliest years
the child reflects' the attitude of
those around him. He imitates the
things which he sees and hears, in
order to understand them, and "As
a twig is bent, the tree's inclined."
A true mother leads a consecrated
life. She will always be absolutely
truthful onH will lritn ovofv tirnmlu
. . ......... - " " ! - j f I
made In her hi?fl Sh "will iwoa-
nize the good in all things and will
ne er speak ill of anyone in h--r
child's presence. She will keep away
all thoughts of fear, and will awak
en a spirit of loving service toward
others and a growing belief in the
Power which is within himself, until
at last he grows into a recognition
of the universal love and goodne.
which underlie the whole life.
Mile. Farman, Youngest Airplane
Pilot in the World, Ready For Flight
(Continued from pat;e 1.)
cowardly assassinated at the cry of
"viva Obre?on." by. Colonel Rodolfo and Ms men, violating the
hospitality tiiit had been offered to
him by Ilerrero, according to a mes
sage from' his chief followers to
General Pablo Gonzales, quoted in
his message to revolutionary agenU
here. Obregon answered his mes
sage in scathing terms. He declared
that if the Carranza followers, num
bering mote than 30 men and in
cluding Juan Harragan. chief of
staff; : Ignaclo Bonlllas, former am
bassador to the United States, whose
candidacy for the presidency had
brought on the latest revolution, and
other prominent leaders had . "died
defending your chief you
would be at rest with your con
ciences and escape the shame of your
cowardice." Obregon told the Car
ranzaists they were sufficient in
numbers to have done their duty,
"to have saved Mr. Carranza's lif ?.
if as you state, he was assassinated."
"On repeated occasions." said
" " w-1- - w-'W'i1 - y
aft ' r'Tr - ---.t 1 trrrr - --"T-r-v" " "V ' -Ti ;
'' .'-. .-, ' r - 1 !
r-Sy 4
l&SSk - vs ' : SI
I ". - IS-: - , , IB
-'--:.'. . ; ' '. ' ' - - - t ; tl '' J j
Mcrelock. iT; Patterson. Jl; WeUh.
71; Mofril. 9. Salary Jncreaw. -
ll; no. I'avinK. ye 112; no
t j ; annexation, yen 110; no 7.
Wanl 0.
Preclnt Z- llalvuren. K7: Wil
son. 7: Kns. Jti; Hare. ls;
The Orvgoa taetreoTj
iau ika
hat raoru-l
:SC.2C or an iartea f w
jr-m for 1re.
I Columtui, Ohio, rasklsg aa 2H
I city. Jut below PonUad. aaa a4
b-o ictmrted yel, M ike tKpl-
Morelock 3.; Pattemon -2; Wel.h.l (!:veJ OrCZOn MelTOD- '00 of ToWo. O. 2ik Hiy. u III.
47: Xlorfit. Salary Incre.M.. ye. V,CniUJ UIYM rcson m wr f lBCf Vi'
I0; no 0-.. Paving, yea ISS; no 0llJ 258,288, Gam I" 12- Ix-viMe. 2ti niy.
I.. Annexation. ea 123; no C. 2J4.MI fopaUllun aad fl. pt
War.1 7. jl,U4 :ih city. 2J4.SS this year.
Prc!nrl C llahortn. J2; WiL- Oakland. Cat raaked as 224 !y
rrn. 32;.Kvans. 42; Race. 73; Mor- WASHIN'QTO.V May 22. ThelH-l 11. k poptiUtloa of Hi,,
lock. 24; Pattemon. 21; Wel.h. 33: n.ns rep.rt' rrlea.t! twlay In- 174.
Mile. Amlree Farman
Mile. Andree Farman. daughter of the airplane Inventor, is the young
est pilot in the world. She has made many flights with her father and on
several occasions has handled a plane unaided from "bop off" to landing
Het chief ambition is to gain a pilot's license. Little Mile. Farman is
well versed in the construction of plane and motor and is adept at mak
inc repair. She is shown here In the cockp.t of a plane ready for
This CTcdicine Recommended by a Doctor
1 'When doctor uses a medicine him
self besides prescribing it to his patients,
he must know that it has merit.
This is what Pr. J. IL Wagner, a prom
inent physician of Skate, Kentucky, has
p say about Dr. Hartman's well-known
iamedy, PE-RU-NA: "I have used PE-RU-NA
myself tor- catarrh and have
given it to others for catarrh, bloating
after eating and other ailments. It has
proved a success in all cases with old
and young men and women. All speak
well of PE-RU-NA. It is the best of aU
tonics." j
. Dr. Wagner, out of the fullness of his
own. personal experience, for the good of
all sick and suffering, recommends a
medicine which he knows to be good.
: Ton may be sure a doctor would not en
danger his professional reputation by
endorsing PE-RU-NA unless satisfied be
yond a doubt of its value.
' Whether your trouble be a cough or a
cold, or a more subtle catarrhal eff ectlon
of the stomach, bowels , or other organs,
give PE-RU-NA a trial. The immediate
Improvement which yon will see will saU
PE-RU-NA is what you need.
PE-RU-NA may be purchased anywhere In tablet or liquid form,
r.t : I
1 1
, tli2jriiixlnriC
fsfy beyond a doubt that
Obregon, "President Carranza was
notified of the guaranty which would
te given him if he would be willing
to leave the danger zone, but he
refused to accept this offer because
he consideied it an undignified act
et a map of honor to save himself.
leaving "hl companions In danger.
This act of Carranza revealed the
dignity and good fellowship you
failed to appreciate.
First report of the assassination
of Carranza was filed by Obregon
Friday night. The message did "not
reach here- until today. This mes
sage said:
"Have just received the following
message from . Iiuauchinango. state
of Puebla. signed by Colonel L. Hernandez:
" 'General Mariel advUes me from
Villa Juarez that the "troops of the
tx-federal officer. Rodolfo Herrero,
killed President Carranza at 1 a. m.
at a place called Tlavcaltenango.
There were found six or seven more
bodies of the men in Carranza's
party. It is not stated who these
men might be. I will wire details
later. Rodolfo Herrero surrendered
last March to General Mariel an-1
had been an officer under General
Palaez.' "
Revolutionists today were eager
in their attempts to show Carranza
was not killed by revolutionists but
of propaganda and information
Novates sent a message to the com
mercial agent of the de facto gov
Mofflt. 4e. Salary Increase. ye.
2; no 34. .Paving, yes 1: no 31.
Annexation, yes ii; no r,a
Precinct 13 llalvorsen. 72; Wll-
nn. 13; Kvans. 2j; Race. C3; Mor-
litt. 40; Mireloek. I; Patte.on. i.
Welsh. 23. Salary inrreaae. vs
no 19. Paving, yes !; no 20. An
nexation, yes 4H; no 3C.
Precinct U. Wilfon. 7C; Kalvor-
sen. 200; lU'e. Ii5; Kvans. US.
Welnh. Mi; Moftit. 113: Morelotk.
57; Patterno.i. 27. Salary lnerea.
yea 117: no 3. Pavina. ves 139.
no 99. Annexation, yen 157: no 92.
Precinct 7 llalvorsen. R0t Wil
son. 52: Kvans. it: Rare. Unr.
lock. 21: Patterson. 20: WeUh. 21:
Mofflt. CI. Salary jnrreaa. yea 7:
no 42. Paving, yea 44; no 2. An
nexation, yea 52: no 7.
Precinc X,i,orn. 77: Wil
son. iS; Kvans. S3: Race. 99- More.
lock. 24; Patterson. 12; Welsh. S3;
Mofflt. C2. Salary Increase, yea 92;
no 4 7. Pavlag. yes 102; no 40. An
nexation, yea CO; no C. '
Precinct 14 Wilson. C9; Halvor
sen. 76; Ha.-e. 95; Krans. 54; Pat
terson. 15; Welsh. 49; Moffitt. 7:
Morelock. 17. Salary Increase, yea
; no i-aving. yea 102; no 3
Annexation, yea 73; no 7.
Ward I.
Precinct K Wilson. 73: llalror.
atUen.C; Race. 5; Evans. 5; More-
eludea flcure on to Pacific t'oat
eltlea. The repot t folloa:
Ilaltlmore. Md.. 733.I2C
Portland. Ore.. 259.
Oakland, t'al.. 2IC.3C1.
iUltimore 175.141. or 21.4' pT
Portland 61.074. or 24 ir cent.
Oakland. Cal . i.U". or 44.1 per
cent. tlerwyn. IU.. 14.150; Increase or
14 2.3 p-r cent.
Paltlmore ranked as the seventh
most populous city la the Tatted
States In 1910 with SSS.4IS inhabi
tanta. It was 24.000 larger tbatt
Plttshargh. eighth city, who 1920
renrus is 599.193.
Portland. Ore., took rank aa in
2th city In 1910 with 297.214 la-
M. i:i I(J MCKMM lltTIM
IORTLAM. Ore, May 22. lr
Hue Alien. 1 0-yar-a4 . daaihter of
J. A. All a of Csfrcade Lock a. d
yesterday from "steeping skkaeaa.
Her death mk the 14th frea IXa
malady in Portland dartag the pan
six month
ernnkent here ursine: that the news no i3' p'n. T 1: no 5 4.
be alven to the nrea with aartlcu-1 oexatlon. yes Ml; no 53
lock. 27; Patterson. 14; Welsh. 50:
Momu. 5a. salary Increase, yes 77:
and doe a general of flea practiea.
Ofrice Tyler's Drag Stora
157 Boat a CommertUl Street
lar stress on "the fact that the hap
pening occurred far away from the
field of operation of our forces.
From the wording of the Obregon
telegram, skepticism wan expressed
here by many persons in close touch
ith the revolution concerning the
affiliations of Ilerrero. The anxiety
Ward X
iPreclnet IS Wilson. 124: llal
vorsen. 167; Race. 150; Evana. 130;
:iu. oj, atouit. iuu; iiorelock.
C; Patterson. 3C Salary Increase,
yes 18; ro Paving, yea 144:
no 48. Pavlne. ves 71: no c in.
me only vote cast In Fairgrounds
of the Mexicans on the point wail Precinct was three vote In favor or
. , . .
laid to the concern over what the at-1 annexation
titude of the I'nlted States might be
If the reported assassination was laid
to the revolutionists. ,
(Continued from page 1.) '
8unda showers west, fair east
1 portion; moderate westerly winds.
I Yfill Save You-Honey
On Your Dental York
I am now offering Prc-War PHcm and I
guarantee all work
Plates tlSJVO
Crowns (Anterior) Cold or
Porcelain 94JM
Crowns (Posterior) tTjOO
Dridge work. Cold or Por
celain t M7XM
Cold Fillings fXOO ap
Pores iala Fllllags. . . . tXOO ap
Silver FU liars f I-OO ap
Cemeat FllUaga lJOO
aalac Teeth tlAO
Removlag Nerve tTLSO
204-5 Cray nulldinc
Corner State and Liberty Streets
Over Hartmaa Bros.
Jewelry Stare
claims a lead of 300. with two pre
cincts out.
The figures available last night
give the following result:
Wanl 4. i
Precinct 12 llalvorsen. 152; Wil
son. 134; Kvans. 149; Race. 143;
Morelock. 44; Patterson. 34; Welsh.
98; Moffit. 107. Police chiefs sal
ary Increase, yes, 175; no. 60. Pav
ing amendment, yea, 153; no. CI,
Annexation of fair grounds, yes 177;
no. so.
Precinct 5 llalvorsen. 93; Wll-
"by his own men. The department son. 106; Evsns. 74; Race. 125;
-7 .
t. i
r ' i
Complete Satisfaction
4The reputation of the manufactarcr is a safe guide as to the quality
of a car, but the integrity of the local dealer is a vital factor in the satis
faction it gives you.
The reputation of the makers of the Chevrolet needs no finer tribute
than the acceptance of the car by the public . And our relations with
owners in Salem and vicinity is -convincing evidence that they consider
it not only a safe, but a satisfying investment
Backed by this organization the Chevrolet is one that the most dis
criminating purchaser can buy with confidence.
Come in and see us.
Salem Automobile Co.
F. G. Delano Salem Dallas A. L Eoff
I cnnnQo 1 1I
pcjr capture
. r i.
mE 1011 GATE
Heirt s Greatest Picture
Anna Q. Nillson
Bill's Beautiful Pinto Pony
"Eresh From The Cityw
PUy ,
"Just Like A Gyp7w .
It'trTaJcen Portlxnd By Stora
nrirl 1 fr ,: ExcePtilx4T Mmdiy and Tuesday, MAliaeei Only at
OUU aliU lUC Aimiuion Indn!M X7if Tit