The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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By nrru lexork vuheb
: : Miss Ruth Smith Is spending, the
weea-ena in uawas Willi mends.
Miss Ruth Taylor of Lausanne
hair is visiting reatlves in Sheridan
for the week-end. ;
Mias Constance McClain and Miss
Ida Nisewander are In Corvallis this!
week-end for the O. A. C. pageant
and other junior week-end festivi
ties. ;
I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Plimpton ac
companied their house guests. Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Abbott of Portland,
to that city for the week-end.
' Charles : Robertson of the Univer
sity of Oregon is spending the week
end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C.
II. Robertson.
' : : --". - - "-
' The Daughters of the American
Revolution met yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Homer Smith
' on North Summer Street for a very
interesting meeting. ; Mrs. Isaac Lee
Patterson, national vJee president
general of the Daughters of the Am
erican Revolution was present and
-ffpoke to the meeting oh Tier recent
Visit in Washington. D. C. where she
attended the annual congress of the
national organization.
1 The annual election of officers for
the year was held at this meeting and
all officers for the present year were
re-elected Mrs. Seymour oJnes. re
gent of Chemeketa chapter; Mrs. U.
G. Shipley, vice regent; Mrs. Russell
Catlin. secretary: Mrs. O. P. Hoff,
treasurer; Mrs. Frank Spears, regis
trar; and Miss Lillian Applegate, his
torian. Mrs. V. H. Ryrd was the
jonly new officer elected, she being
ielected to fill the vacancy of director
ifor Mrs. J. V. Woodruff who has
moved to Eugene. The other direc
tors who were re-elected were Mrs.
jC. C. Clark, and Mrs. Homer Smith.
i Mrs. Patterson as national vice
president general presided at the im
pressive installation service which
followed the election. The rooms
(Were attractively adorned with
profusion of lupine, hydrangea and
pink tulips centered the perfectly
appointed tea table at which Mrs
Patterson presided. In serving Mrs.
Smith was assisted by Mrs. Charles
A large number of Daughters were
present for the meeting yesterday.
Mrs. J. L. YanDoren entertained
the matrons of the Bridge club Tues
day afternoon for the afternoon of
cards which is enjoyed by these ma
trons once each week. Pink honey
suckle added a pleasing fragrance to
the rooms as it was gracefully placed
about in baskets. After the play as
sisted by Mrs. Frederick Thielsen.
Mrs. Van Doren served refreshments.
Resides the club members Mrs. Ren
V. Olcott, Mrs. William II. Lytle
Mrs. Walter McDougal and Mrs. Dan
Fry. Jr.. were bidden. Mrs. W. M.
Plimpton will entertain the club
Culminating the week's festivities
in a most pleasing manner was the
complimentary musicale which Mid
Minnetta Mager and the Kevin La-
die's club of which she is director.
gave last nUht In Miss Magers' stu
dio in the Derby building. A large
number of friends of the club mem
bers assembled to hear the initial
appearance of the club which was
organized last autumn. This charm-
afternoon. Each guest came to rep
resent a song and many of the cos
tumes were clever and many were
Quantities of columbine in varied
hues gracefully adorned the rooms.
The hostess served a dainty lunch.
Invited guests were Mrs. E. Lamb.
Mrs. John W. Harbison. Mrs. II. A.
Sonne and Mrs. G. F. Chambers.
In accordance with the annual cu
tum of the freshmen at Willamette
university the class entertained the
senior class at the Salem high school
yesterday afternoon with a picnic.
The party went to Painter's woods
where they spent the hours with
song, bonfire and the usual "good
eats" which are the feature of all
Mrs. James McGUchrUt and two
Mrs. L. R. Waters (Hasel Blake)
will leave Thursday for San Francis
co where she will Join her husband
who Is attorney tor the Clark-Henry
Construction company.
and ask mother to slice some of our
good bread for your school lunch or
for dinner. It is the best and purest
Bake-Rite bread, for children or
jadults. Made In the good, honest,
bid-fashioned way, from honest materials.
457 State Street Phone 268
inr manner of th tudin mimical small daughters have left for Scot-
and the reception which followed was n hre they will spend the sum
the way the club members chose to nr visiting with Mrs. McGIlehrlrt s
nk. hir thnt n Kim fnik nur. parents In Glasgow. They will also
in- ho rn Mr. n.n Vnr ir . J iit other relatives In other cities
and Miss Ruth Pierson presided over! of tntt country,
the punch table.
For the evening Miss Magers' stu
dio was attractively adorned with
columbine which was arranged In
large French baskets.
The program which was given
was most delightful to the guests In
artisticness and In the ability of the
Piano solo A La Blen Aimee.Schutt
Ruth Bedford
Solo The Lark .' Rubensteln
Hilda Amsler
A Trip to the Orient .' .Van der pool
Miss Cornelia -Marvin
Solo To a Hilltop Fair . . .
Joanna James
My Dear Dichmont
a. Spring Song : . . .Borch
b. Lullaby Time Johnson
c. Venecia, a Song Cycle. . . . Kevin
Morning in St. Mark's Square.
In the Condola.
A Love Song.
Let the Rest of the World Go By
1918 Veiie, 4-passenger chummy roadster, 4 new cord
tires and in excellent shape mechanically
Oldsmohile "8" 5-passenger car in A-l condition
Gas lighting system complete with 2 drums of carbide.
Tine for a dryer lighting plant. Cheap if taken
. at once.
j T. C. WOOD
Phone 1604T"t: : 162 North Commercial Street
The announcement was made this
week of the engagement of Miss
Ruby Welsh, daughter or Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Welsh, to James (Jack)
Have of thia eitr. The wedding
date has not been decided but It will I
probably be In the near future. Miss
Welsh has lived In Salem for a num
ber f years and has a wide circle of
Cox friends. She Is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and lor some time
has been employed at the secretary
of state's office.
Mrs. Ralph Mercer (Harriet ItU-
don) and Miss Leila Ridgon arrived
last night from Newport and are at
the home of their parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. W. T. Rigdon. Mrs. Mercer
will visit for several weeks at the
Members of the club are: Sopranos I home of her parents before leaving
Miss Hilda, Amsler, Miss Ada Mil-1 for Ardmore, Okla., where she will
ler. Miss Amy Martin. Miss Bertha I Join her husband.
Vick. Mrs. Carlton Smith. Miss Kath-1 ."
ryn Carson. Miss Mildred TrindleJ Mr. E V. MeMechea. Mrs. Lloyd
Miss Echo Hunt. Miss Rose Hearst. I Farmer and Miss Eanaine Craig mo-Meizo-sopranos
Miss Beatrice tored to Corvallis yesterday to at-
inoropson. miss uiga Kirawooa. miss tend the pageant at O. A. C,
ail n a . w I ST
Alice liorcnara. aii5 joanni vimfs.
.J4v-wv j t ? k Vi.i LhCLy' 2u 1 1
V. " 4 sill 1
We know a manpvho would like to come dews off of his.
Honorable Dishonor.
Labor Secretary Wilson was talk
ing about a certain strike.
"Sometimes the employers." said
Miss Delia Amsler, Miss Trista Wen-
Altos Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr- MUs
Dorothy Thompson. Mrs. W. B. Bab-
, L. If l. til WW A - l
n-r- ki.. a men have a -queer Idea or honor in
Mrs. J. L. Van Doren entertained
with a delightfully Informal dinner
but which was beautifully appointed.
Tuesday evening at her home, hav
ing as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Me-
Dougal, Mr. and Mrs. James Linn
and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thielsen.
- -, "
Delightfully out of the ordinary
was the manner in which Mrs. . C
Small and Mrs. George J. Pearce en-
' tertalned the members of the Lei.v
ure Hour clnb at the Pearce home
on North Winter street Wednesday
these strike troubles.
"They ' remind me of a chap who
repented of his engagement.
M 'So said a friend. you can't tee
any way of getting out of the en
gagement honorably, eh?
No the chap groaned. 'Not
ualeas I can lick her six brothers.
-all bigger men tbaa 1 "
The London Times says A as erica
Is ia breathless suspense. Breath
less Is right. Nobody has had s
breath since January IS. New Tort
Evening MaO.
"Any malaria aroma a here " hv
qatred the stranger.
X fiaaao,- aasvtred I'acle tJZ
BotUtUp. very caiUeasty. IX4
yee come prrpired with aay tfcui
ssedtciae for U? -Waahlartea tur.
V !
The People Of
i l
Should know that the W. W.
Moore Co. stage no sensational
sales. We . do not believe in
marking our goods up. and then
fitatrincr a htr swallml "Sa1
A merchant is in business to make money. If he advertises At Cost" and "Below Cost
there is something wrong because he can not operate his store without a profit any more
than you could keep up your home without an income. Here is how we mark our goods.
Cost plus overhead expenses, then a small profit. :.iegrg1
This gives you a moderate and fair price on not only a couple of "Specials" but on all
goods in our store, and that means everything from basement to attic'
; -
M ....
igo io-i
Are ,the ideal cooking devices for Summer. They
do n6t heat up the room to a disagreeable temper
ature. Can your fruit on an oil stove and it will be
a pleasure. The old method ig real work. Then too,
you are not wasting fuel because when your cook
ing is through the consumption of your fuel stops.
We feel that we have the most up-to-date and economical oil ,stovcs in Salem. The cost
is surprisingly low. See them in our window.
. t :
An Oldxmobile Economy Truck,
loaded to capacity, pays a prof,
it erery inch of the way. It
tares money by reason oMU
speed, light, weight, and de
pendable power.
The dead weight of any big
track Is ont of proportion to
the average load carried.
big track, half loaded, is a use
less expense. The big tnrest
ment, the excess power, the
high upkeep cost all these are
uncalled for.
The Olchmobile Economy Truck is adaptable to my builncis, city, or
country. It is the unquestioned leader in the light haulage field. It is
built and powered to the ayerage load with its 4 -cylinder, Yalre4n-head
motor; internal gear dme; complete electrical system; deep channel
frame; 35x5 pneumatic cord tires all 'round; extra long, flexible, semi
elliptic springs. t A
Complete in erery detail with express body and cab J 1700 1
Chassis with steel cab $1645. i
Chassis with dash and windshield (no seat) $1600,..
All Prices F. 0. B. Salem
Marion Automobile Co.
Open Day and night
Phone 362
ri I
the i
o. :