The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    . -I
TTIH Olinnn frTATTWAr st .MiAV, MAY 111. 1120.
x r -t r- -r- - . .
r itn II
The annual junfor-senior banquet
"of students at -Willamette unircrsity
which was ivn last nit:r. in the
dlnlnK room ot the First Methodist
church was one of the leading pre
commencement functions among the
college folk. The Ion tables were
lafiahly adorned with white and yel
low sprin flowers intermingled with
fernery. Plates were set for over
lu. Paul Flegel was toastmaster
fur the occasion ami - -toasts were
roide by Misses Iay Peringer and
Rita Hobb.. and , by - Ray Attebury,
Merrll Ohling..KeKwneth Legg and
Harold Km nw 1. The tyanciyet was
erred by the freshman class.
, :1 . . .
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner has gone to
Seskowin to pass, the week-end with
jlrs. Steiner who is there for several
The Monday Xight'Dancing club
l tponsoring a dance for ; Tuesday
sitnt in the armory which will be a
Itnefit fo rthe Salem hospital. The
committee composed of Mrs. William
Anderson. Frank fi m.-.
PJ- Orier and Itov Hurt nr. ..,.
rrnnptvteil plans for th
udorimients for the ball room which
will make it one of the most im
portant dances of some time.
Mr.' -and Mrs. Lee A maih.
1 - .. . .. . 14
in- !VeSl l.inCOl n etrtxit innn.n a 1
WIib Irreg-ular or suppred u TtN
ampH Pill. Safe and always U-pnd-"
bl. Not sold at drup store. :Do not
' ciDrimenCwith others; save dlsap
pIntmBtT Write-, tor "Keller and
particulars Jt's free. Address: NaHon-'-
al Medical Institute, Milwaukee. Wfie.
int piriu oi a son. horn nn Mo t t
He has been named Lee Anthony..
jMjrs. Charles Freeland ' of Xewj
port is in Salem visiting at the home
oi aer sister; airs. Albert Gille.
Mrj and Mrs. John Bropby. Miss
Inez Fitts and Budd Welch motored
to -;eskowin yesterday to spend the
weet-end with Mrs. Brophy's par-
culs 'r- na .Mrs. zi. C. McCorckle.
Mr: .and Mrs. Harrv Stvt h
liad as; their guests during the week,
Mr. and Mfs. Ben Heade of Idaho
Falltej Ida., who have been visiting
relatives in Oregon. Mr. Heade and
Mrsi Styles are cousins. Mr. Heade
is emtor of the daily newspaper in
r.rom ly Hie r v-ral trr.ulcs nt the
rehool to tshow the work they nave
done during the ear. Mi l'riifha
Marvin, state librarian, will talk on
her trip to the orient, lmring the
business ineftiug hich will be held
j tiist. ol fleers are to be elected for
the next club year.
Mrs. Paul Mauser Is chairman of
the committee on entertainment for
the social aTternoon of the Order of
Eastern Star which is ttA.p held on
Tuesday In the Masonic temple. The
committee Is making plana for an un
usually delightful gathering.
The Women's Republican club will
meet tomorrow afternoon in the ma
tron's room at the city hall for the
regular semi-monthly meeting. Miss
Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, will
speak to the women on her travels
in the orient. The meeting will fee
called at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Charles Riley and Mrs. Fred
(home city,
Tie Nancy Hanks Lincoln club of
the JJncoln school will meet Monday
afternoon in the school auditorium
at 21: 15 o'clock- for the regular meet-
irng lot the club. C. A. Davidson,
Imusjic supervisor in the public
sc pools, will present a musical pro-
ii V . . r
Lowest Priced Truck of Its Rated Capacity
- in the World. -
F. O. B. Salem
Before buying, your-truck, don't fail to see the
Huffman. Call us by phone or write and our
salesman will call and explain this Wonderful buy.
Huffman Motor Sale
Office 124 South Liberty
State Distributors for Oregon and Idaho.
J. E. Scott, Mgr.
Phone 937
P. X. Johnson, Sales Mgr.
btewart were in Portland for a visit
of several days with friends durinr
the week.
Mrs. Hal D. Patton and children.
Jeanette and Marie, are visiting with
relatives in Portland during the ab
sence of Mr. Patton with the Ad club
Miss Veva Golden is the guest of
Miss Mamie Victor at the Chi Omega
sorority house at Oregon Agricultu
ral college to attend the Junior prom
and other festivities of the week
C. A. Davidson, supervisor ot
music in the public schools gave a
very Interesting demonstration of the
work of the year in the music de
partment of the different grades at
the Garfield school last Friday aft
ernoon. Each grade presented a mus
ical -number to the delight of over
100 parents who were present. This
is the first of a series of similar dem
onstrations which Mr. Davidson is
giving to show the work of each
school for the year. The invitations
which each pupil gave to parents and
friends were especially attractive
and artistic. They were made by the
pupils themselves in the art depart
ments from the first grade to the
sixth and were made ot small blue-
gave the meeting au l . r.':.. ;
p-e:h tin the wrk of the. mit;
folks in the church. After the ban
quet a social hour waa enjoyed.
Mrs. V. W. Fox of Dallas was in
Salem Friday.
Ainory litii anu t-uwno i;ui are
among the Salem young men who
are at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity
house at Oregon Agricultural college
tor the junior week-end.
Miss Euna!ne. Craig and Mrs. Loyd
Farmer let. esterday for Corvallis
to spend the week-end at Oregon
Agricultural tollepe and to attend
the pageant yesterday afternoon.
The J. w. Chambers have moved
into their beautiful new home on
Court street which was recently com
pleted, and is one of the very at-1
tractive residences in the city.
Mrs. K. K. Fisher and her son. Ar
thur, have returned from Indepen
dence where they visited for - short
time with Mrs. J. M.-Mucan ani her
mother. Mrs. K. J. Curtis of Nortft
Dakota, who is visiting ber.
The Mothers' class of the First
Methodist church is planning another
of the family get-acquainted dinners
in the church parlors which the
members have been enjoying during
the winter. The one now planned
will be on Tuesday evening.,
Mrs. Frank Hugheg will leave to
morrow for Vermont, her former
home, to vi?lt for an extended time
with her brother and sister whom
she has not seen for eight years. She
will visit for the day In Portland
with her son, Harold.
Mrs. W. H. Dancy has returned
from Joseph, re., where with her two
sisters. Mrs. W. Al Jones of Wacon
da and Miss Mabel Crelghton of
Portland, she visited relatives.
Mrs. James Nicholson and small
son Jimmy have returned home from
Portland where they visited with
friends for a time.
Miss La Verne Kantenr who has
been sojourning in the country for
several weeks is home again. Her
," ..r.r- in ofher -!n.n T-i
te fir.t ineeiiitM .. -teml
years and the flrt time til u,.
members eie toge.l..r for a li.n
time. The liTing rin.m of 1 1 .- .N,.
me)er borne radiantly adorned
with large basket ot Marlet p.tait-4
and in the dininc room uurui -.!-
umblne and white narrl-M ere eryj
effectively combined. The oftemni
was pa"-d with reuiirii-.retA'eii of the
birds, harps and lyres, on which were, 8j8ler MlM Constance Kantnef?. has
painted a musical staff.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis will open
their home on North Summer street
tommorow evening for the members
of the Golden Hour club and their
husbands for a card party which the
members ot the club are giving.
Hearst's Magazine a Liberal Education
I .
jpHE two great novels of 1920-by Jffd
1 Blasco Ibanez seven briffiant stones by Donn Byrne.
Robert W. Chambers, Bruno Lessing. Dana GaUm,Mau
rice Level and other great writers-mterwtmgrteji
by Bernard Shaw, Conan Doyle, Edpr Mott WooHey,
Senator Hiram Johnson and others-these are just a few
of the good things in Hearst's for June.
IN this issue also are two remarkable anunytas cw
tributions, "My Career of Crime.- the hfe-story of an
outlaw, and Down the Dark W i "cf i
drug addict; humorous featurea by Walt Mason, K- CB.
and RLT. and Hearst s five regular tWy depart-ments-the
Book, Poem, Play. Art and Science of the
Month. 1
TF you are easfly satisfied-if you areit alayoxi the
1 lockout for a better magazine-you woa't wantHearsts
this month or any other. But ii yoaJ
works of the world's great writers, r the-JJ?
world's great thinkers-don't fail t J$
starting today with the June number of oar copy ox
M 1 I k
ILa Magazincivith amission ;
On Sale At All
News Stands
Breyraan Boise, Eugene Gill,
Frank Durbin and John Griffith are
all guests at the Phi Delta Theta.
fraternity house at Corvallis over the
week-end. Frank Chapman ana
Frank Deckebach are other Salem
men who are guests at the college.
They are staying at the Kappa Sigma
Mr. and Mrs. H. W Bross enter
tained with an informal dinner Tues
day evenine at their home, honoring
the third birthday anniversary. f
Charles Perry. Thtlr guests were
Mr. and'Mrt. A. C. F. Perry. Miss
Eleanor Perry and Charles Perry.
Mrs. E. J. Burchell has returned
from Pendleton where she was visit
ing with her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond, for
over a month. She brought her small
granddaughter. Mary Bond, with her
ho will visit for some time with her
uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Will H.
Bennett, and with her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hartley and Miss
Catherine Hartley have gone to Nes
kowin and are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Fry. Sr.. and Miss Priscliia ry
for the week-end.
Josenn Albert and his daughter.
Miss Marr Jane Albert, were In Port
land Wednesday night to hear Galll
Curd's return concert.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bennett and
son Gordon, were In Portland aunnr
the week when Jhey visited Mr. and
tr Charles H. Martin and Leslie
Mrs. M. J. Morris has returned
from a two weeks visit, in cottage
Grove with friends.
Mrs. O. L. Bariee of Turner visited
at the home of Mrs. H. R." Crawford
for a few days during the week.
Tuesday will be ladies night at
the Elks lodge and the commute
of which Charles R. 'Archerd is
chairman Is maklag elaborate plans
for the evening. There will be an
entertainment provided and dancing
will furnish part of the diversion for
the evening. A supper will also be
a feature ot the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Meyers
write Salem friends from Chicago
where, with the George F. Rodners
family they had been extensively en
tertained by their friends. They
were Joined by Miss Margaret Rodg'
ers and now are in Washington
where they are the guests ot Sena
nor Charles McNary.
Mrs. FranTc Bagley of New Torc
is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Goitre at the family home. 725
Court street. Mrs. BaKley Joined her
parents at Pasadena. Cal.. where they
have been spending the winter and
came with them' to Salem, arriving
here Wednesday evening.
Charles Kay Bishop was In Port
land yesterday to attend the birth
day party of his cousin. Miss Eliza
beth Jane Bishop, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Roy Bishop, who cele
brated ber sixth birthday annivers
Mrs. Pearce'Van Doren entertain
ed a tUaall conrpany of friends on
Wednesday afternoon at her home
Tor an informal tea.
The Loyal Daughters class of the
First Christian charch Sunday school
of wich Mrs. Leland W. Porter Is
teacher, were given a delightful ban
qiet Tuesday evening- In the church
basement. Plates were set for over
4 mull Ttn.Veta fit lost villi 1!1a
and whit summer blooms were grace-1
I fully placed on the long tables. A. C. I
' Bohrnstedt was a guest of honor and
returned from a visit with friends in
To honor Mrs. Fen man Gemnnder
(Catherine McClelland) of Cleve
land. O.. who Is visiting her parents.
Mrs. Charles Niemeyer on Wednes
day entertained the members ot the
Qulnte Jouis club which was one ot
the popular clubs a few years ago
before many of the members left 6a-
old club da)s. The 1iom.-. asMed !
by Mrs. John Gobel. felted a light I
repat at the close of the attern.Hn.
The Ceclllan Muic clnb fnrni.hnl J
a happy evening for the week, when!
the members entertained a company 1
ot friends for a picnic at the rouatryi
uome or .mis .Mary (JiitM-rt. Tuesday.
Roasting wiener. inarshmallown.
souk and ttory tellt.iu maiie the
hours after the pirnir upjr inerrv.
The guests of the club were Harold
Socolofsky. Percy Hammond. Her
bert Wechter. James I'uiman. Wil
liam Aiihh), Ralph Havtiltoii. Milton
Steiner. Cecil Shafer. Newton Mum
my and Preoton Hal. I win: Mim Fran
ces Prkins. Mi I.uiille Wat-on.
Miss Marjor Gilbert wert rlutr.
ones, and the hot-ses were MI'jm-s
Ruth Wechter. Lol.i Millard. Kranres
Hodge. I.u"ill .M.Njre. Marion Em
mons. K.itherine Vincent. Florence
Elgin. Florence Young. Helen Corey.
Phyllis Walker. Junette Jones. Ger
trude Vm. Juuelle Vandervort. Ma
bel Marcus. Ava Miller, Miriam Lov
ell. Iah Uoss and Mary Gilbert.
Auionc the motoring to nrvalll
to attend th junior week-end fe-
ltl a f a m ...a. m j. s. i... i irs. Walter I
L. Spaulding. who will have as her;
guests. Mr. Charles K. Spanlding.t
Mrs. Roy If. Mills. Mrs. Nora Card j
Miller from Oregon ity. CMinx iK.r-.
cas Elliott ftom Woodburn and Mls!
Ava Miller. While there. Mrs. Spaul
dlnr and tin IMlla will 1m the vn.xt.l
ot Miss Ila .paubllng at Waldo ball. I
Mrs. IMller and Mrs. Walter Spaul-i
ding will be the guests ot IMlion and
Clay Miller at the Lambda Chi Alpha.
MIm Elliott and CMiss IMller will be
guests at the Gamma Pfcl Beta.
Mrs. H. E. Bollnger entertained
with a happy little family dinner
Thursday evening at her home In the
Court apartments, hating the mem
bers ot her cloe family as her
Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Young of
Albany were the house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Tnielsen. coming
down for the Drama league player.
Yesterday Mrs. Burghardt. Jr., and
Mrs. Thielsen assompanied them to
Albany and went with them to Cor
vallis where they witnessed the O.
A. C. pageant.
t- 1 , '. I- : ' : ;
A battery needing water too often needs a competent
diagnosis for trouble is often brewing inide.
For ANY batter trouble of ANY make, this station.
we U'heve. offers the iit-t senice obtamAble.
Ol'Il aim is to make your battery last the longest time
M)sib!e NOT to Mil a new K-ittery.
171 South Commercial Street
Salem. Oregon.
WAXi'Ul, iJPQilnl
Will Prove Best
lteauliful pastel shiilcs irhich are prmnerit
Max O. Buren
110 North Commercial Street
(Continued nn Pace 4.)
Tt Makes Thousands of "Friends"
by Its Every-day Performance
Men and women, everywhere, have acclaimed the Cleveland SLt a.7J:mcr.
It nas won thousands of .them, and they are enthusiastic in its pi aire. It has
won them because it brings them so much more of the pleasure oi driving:, such
ease of driving and such unusual comfort,
Cleveland bodies ore of must crartful,
dignified design, handsomely finished nd up-
The Cleveland has made its friends, too,
because cf the extraordinary performance of
the Cleveland motor, developed through three
years of tests in the laboratories and shops and
on the road before being offered to the public.
It has life, pick-up, power and endurance that
you cannot find in many cafs.
TouHnft Car FItc Passenger) 514S5
Sec' r ie Passengers) $1T)5
holitered in genuine hand -buffed kathtr.
Ccme in and sec the Clevtbr.-t Z.r.. Kidr
in it. Drive it yourself. Then you wJl know
just hcrx gcd it :s.
Roaditr (Thre Pa.Ti$eri Slif
Coup (Four Passcntertj lr
;rrvcM f. o. b. avuod)
349 North Commercial Street
Phone CW