FIRST SECTION Eight Pages TWO SECTIONS 16 Paxes ANNEXATION IS ADOPTED AT ELECTION Fair Grounds 'Taken Under City's Wing by Big Vote Halvorsen Has Heavy Mar gin Over Mayor Wilson SALK.M. OI(K(ON, HIXIIAV MOKMM., MAY 2.1, lOiuT JOHN H. M'NARY ON TRIP TO NEW YORK SALEM ATTORNEY. WILL TAKE DEl-OSITIOXS IX GOTHAM Attendance at National Con Tent Ion With Senator W ill Ue One Di version of Jannt RETURNS SHOW RACE WINMCD AVCD rTktn Yerden Moffit Claims Lead of 300 for Marshal With Two r Precincts Out riuci: five am 7 Attorney John H. MeXanr will Jeave Salem today for New York city to take deDosition in a fm ha lias in the federal courts In Port land, After finishing his business in New York. Mr. McNarv will m m Washington. D. C to visit hi broth. er. senator Charles L. McNarv. and will accompany the senator to Chi cago wnere they will attend the Re publican national convention. At the close of J re convention the senator will ccme to Oreron with his brother for a six weeks' vacation and it is expected that he will spend a good part of his time in SalemJ , Uohn H. McXary attended the na tional convention in 1912, when President Taft was nominated. LATE COUNT CUTS LEAD OF JOHNSON Figures at Midnight, 60 Per Cent of Vote Counted, Johnson 37,428, Wood 35,- 669, Lowden 12,908. CO-ED COOKS SHOW.. P ADD A Iff 7. A CULINARY CULTURElliiniVillLrt KOZER PILING UP BIG LEAD OVER OPPONENTS On the basis of returns complete from 12 of the 18 Salem precir.rts the people have chosen to annex the state fair grounds as a part of the city by a vote of 1127 to 758 ; These returns show that both the proposed charter amendments arc carried. . One of them increases the salary of the chief of police from 11200 to'$lS00 a year. The other provides that the cost of improving all streets and alley intersections hall be paid by tho city; that the cokt Of street Improvements to tri angular and small irregular blocks ihall hot exceed the average super ficial area rate of assessment upon regular blocks within such improve ment (district; that the cost of ex cavations, tills, grading, etc., shall be distributed pro rata over the im provement district;,, that property butting - and adjacent to a - street improvement shall be divided into three equal parallel sones, and the eost of su-h an improvement shall be assessed by cones, instead of by lots. . - . - - Earl Race apparently will retain his post as city recorder, leading W. D. Evans by a vote of 1180 to 851. Halvorsen's lead over O. J. Wilson for mayor is to 883. For chief of police, Moffit has a core of HI. .Welsh 62, Morelock , 383, and Patterson 257. Moffit, who has canvassed .the polling places. 0. A. C. WINS OVER U. OF 0. IN FINAL Anybody's Victory Until Fi nal Inning When Score Stood 3 to 2 Constitutional Amendments Seem to Hare All Car ried by Safe Margin CORVALL1S. Ore.. May 22. Ore gon Agricultural college won the final game of the- college baseball season from University of Oregon here today, 3 to 2. It was anybody's victory until the final inning. Score: r r. h. E. U. of O. .. .... . .... 2 8 5 O. A. C. n. 3 6 1 Batteries Berg and Leslie; Keene and Gill. (Continued on -page 2.) Argentine Rinses Ban On Sugar and Fixes Prices i - 1 1 ,. BUENOS AIRE3, May 22. The ban o nthe exportation of sugar has been lifted for 90 days and with a lmit of 100,000 tons by a decree is sued by President Irigoyen. To pre vent an undue advance in the domes tic price through lifting of the ban the decree fixes the maximum price at the equivalent of 11 cents gold per pound. If this price Is reached, ex portation must Immediately cease. PORTLAND. Or.. May 22. At a late hour tonight. Johnson was lead ing Wood for the Republican 'presi dential preference In Oregon by a plurality of 1.755 with approximate ly 60 per cent of the vote of the state counted. These figures were based on complete returns from 383 of the 413 precincts of Multnomah county and partial returns from the others, and on complete 'returns from four and partial returns from all but two of the remaining 31 counties of Ore gon. Johnson's lead in Multnomah was 1638 and in the outside coun ties 121. The count stood: Johnson 37.428; Wood 35.669; Lowden 12. 908; Hoover 12.205. PROFESSORS ' DROP IX TO BEE WHAT TIIK GIRLS CAN DO Flrat of Retire of Dinner Given by Domestic Science Department of Willamette The domestic science department at Willamette university la planning a series of six dinners to be served to groups of the faculty by members of the cooking class. The first of the series was given Thursday eve ning by the Misses Mildred Clarke. Mildred Stevens. Ardys Doughton and Ethel Fogg. The faculty guests were professor and Mrs. Gustav.Eh- wn. Dr. and Mrs. Carl G. Doney, who acted as host and hostess; Deau Francis Richard, and Professor Lid a Fake, head of the domestic science department. The next dinner will be served at 6 p. m. Monday. May 24. by Misses Fern Wells. Gladys Gilbert. Freda Heck and Ruby Roseneranx. The girls who serve the meal plan It and prepare everything themselves, from the baking of the bread to the freez ing of the ice cream. The guests for the Monday dinner will be Professor Alice Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, and Professor and Mrs. W. E. Kirk. BETRAYED BY OWN MEN Alleged to Hare Been Ami sinatcd in Cowardly Man ner by Col Herrero of His Own Body Guard ACT IS RESEiTED BY GENERAL OBREGON ' PORTLAND. Or., May 22. Com plete returns 'from two of the 33 counties in the state; Incomplete re turns from 27 counties and complete returns from 246 Multnomah (Port land) county precincts, listed the presidential candidates In the follow ing order: Johnson 21.447; Wood. 18.741: Lowden 8.341; Hoover 6.508. Johnson was leading Wood la Multnomah county by 807 votes. He was leading the general upstate by 1.899 votes. , Senator . George E. Chamberlain appeared to have been renominated (Continued on pare 6) Retiring: From Business Goes Down Saturday, May 29th Next Saturday at 8 o'clock the curtain, at Barnes' Cash Store, goes down for the last time, - , T - . - For, more than twenty-eight years we have endeavored to faith fully serve the people of Marion and Polk counties by giving the best posshle values for the money received. For extra good measure we now offer the remainder of our mer chandise at a further reduction of 33 1-3 per cent or exactly This Is The Last Week 0 FF Don't Miss Your Last Chance .The fact that we have disposed of one of the largest stocks in the valley, without ostentations- advertising, in a comparatively short time, makes us feel that the people have taken us at our word. Much of our merchandise has been greatly reduced from prices that never reached the top; to reduce them one-third more means tremendous sav ings to be, realized during the last week. Ton may safely take us at our word to the last. At Very Low Prices Many have been sold and delivered. We still have some good glass cases, plate glass counters, tables, revolving racks, triple mir ror, cash carrier system and numerous small er, pieces of store fixtures, all at very reas onable prices. Shelving, made of wide spruce, to be knocked down or sold in sections at the op tion of purchaser, any quantity at 8c per foot Will ATTEMPT RECORD EIGHT . a :on s bOTcrnor Accom panies Lieut Kelly on Hop Blab to Stockton SEATTLE. Wash.. May 22. Ac companied by lien W. Olcott. of Ore gon as a passenger. Lieutenant R. M Kelley. 9th aero squadron, who to morrow will attempt M one-day flight Prophecy of Aged Nun Re called by Accurate Fulfillment MISSILE IS HURLED INTO MILLER HOUSE ixtiu'dkk c.uhilh inpleahaxt DisTt'nruxci: Roc Hhatlrrs Pawe lUit XothJng lb-aid- fa laaagd llaUnaawf, Eoo-aalrra Prowler Paul Miller, who lives at Norway and Fifth v.rels. reported to the pellr- jesteiday that at he was en tering b!s Lome Friday alcht a ban came from around the corner of hi boa in a crest harry, and that hit wife aid alter she had retired she had heard a commotion la the treat part of the Louse, bat that she dll cot investigate the cause. Mr. MllUr said that apoa lavestl Latlnjc yesterday ucratar they found that a reek had been hurled throagh a window in the house, making a large hole, hut that nomine. IniHs the bouse had been disturbed. The man Mr. Miner saw is dnrniwl as being fully drvssed. but hatlcss. WOOD LEADS JOHNSON BY FEW VOTES With Two Precinct fMuing ia Marion County General Has Margin o f 3 1 Over Cal ifornia Senator LOCAL DISTRICT HITS EDUCATIONAL MEASURE WASHINGTON. May 22. Venus- tlano Carrania has Joined the long line of Latla-American dictators who have ended their stormy car eers in flight and death. A fugitive in the mountains of Pu bla. the old man who qept the United States ana Mexico In a broil for tha last five yesrs was killed on Thurs day by some or the troops which had protected him as a loysl bodyguard In his flight from the Mexican capital. AUTO CARAVAN AT SACRAMENTO Will Arrive at DeiOnation To day For Ad Men's Convention No Chin j e in Legulatite Slate, But Rim Presses Martin Hard SACRAMENTO. Ca. alar 55 I Irro-nn a linvfrnnr Arrnm-I his flight from the Mexican capl-l Promptly at t o'clock tonight the as I I a 1 I InmnXlUa atf V. VaH V a mw Whether he fell fighting or a vl- elation of Ad clsbs. nearly 10s tim of the celebrated "ley fgua." strong and escorted by 20 machine which made dead men of Madero I fros Sacramento, entered the city to and Snares, or actuallr was murd- h blowing of boras. ered In a coup d'etat. Is obscured In I Tne visitors were met at Del Paso such fragmentary Information as has bT officials and members come out of the tropical fastness of I ol w" Aa cibd. aeaaea T Tlaxcaltonca. where ha died, nreaum- I Coghlll. president. ablv surrounded be a r.w tovl At a a, m. io morrow ib raraeaa from Blaine. Wash., to Stockton. I friend. 1 lr Stockton to attend the Cal.. hopped off from Kent. Wash.. Early dispatches todsy from Met- pc,f AA Men's coot eat ion. Many between Seattle and Tacoma late Ico Cite aald ih rnrmr hr..i..i saeramenians wiu accompany mem. this afternoon for lUaine. Governor! w klllwl in an iiir. ia k r..n. I W. P. 8 1 rand berg, director of the Olcott. it was announced, will accom-leral Herraro. who had gone with Portland Ad ! charge of the nanr Lieutenant Keltev on the fl sht r.rr.m. n t,nt i.t ...i I caravan, ia tBiowuuc OTr lorn to Stockton. to the revolutionists. The announce- N?"' "4 4Ur1 ,l dmi"!?r.t5 Lieutenant Kelley arrived last from Kugene, Or. Governor Olcott joined him at Salem, Or- on the trip north. TTT 1IVP r..K Vf.v 4 ' Tl.n. M.. , I . , m Tt I tenant R. M. KtUey. artffy aviator. I Paso Indicated that Carrs and Governor Ben W. Olcott of Ore-1 been made prisoner and assas gon. arrived Here this afternoon ai i in a "cowardly manner and 5:30 from Kent in one hour and one mm- him at the time had sent a protest I t i . . . - . . - I UBIirv. a.vaaiu w sa r w , C v, 7vin'r , . ,0TB Uon" . . terumed by the local Ad dsn sod uuiovKvre ij "in. ivr I ue inn iui j mf nui w immru- I . w . lint ir ki.wBiwu, u. iviuviiwi.. Min; pv uv u sou nrn ima tnmj v m mm " m a I a a fx a . a. a . Ljeuienani iveney saia lonigni i me snoject or aispute. in any evect that be expected to reach Eugene. I It adds one more drop to the river of Ore., at 7:30 d'clock tomorrow morn-1 blood which hss flowed over Mexico Ing and Stockton. Cal.. by noon to- I since Porforlo Diss signed his abdi- morrow. Two stops will be made, ac-1 cation in tears and died a heanbrok- cording to his schedule, one at Eu- I en man in Spain gene and the other at Montague. I Hut It does bring to mind a pro Cal. Among the messages he will I phecy raid to have been made by a deliver Is one from Governor Louis I nun. which Is now being talked about F. Hart of Washington to Governor I all over Mexico. She prophecled. ac W. D. Stephens of California. I cording to report that sfler Mexlro Lieutenant Kelley has been direct-I had seen three Kraneiscos in public ed by Major General Hunter Liggett lire sbe would have for president an to deliver Governor Olcott at the l old man with a beard who would meet a violent death and that h would be succeeded by ap resident who mounted his horse from the With only two pre tacts. East I! ab ba rd and Sale a Heights. oOsalsg from the complete returns on Mar ios county's prefsrvatlU sate for preside at. Leonard Wood has a lead of 31 vote over HI rasa Johasoa. The vote Is Wood !ll, Jshaso !. Vp to 11 o'clock last 't-l com plete returns had tea received at the county clerk oflice f rota If pre cincts giving Johasoa a lead, the fig ures being Johnson stiff and wood 2211. A caavaas of the poll: a c U however, by leading sspportars of the two tats breught returns from Raieta precinct No. 1. No. 4. No, 2. No. 19. No. 11 aad No. 17. all except No- 1 of which shoved a prefer see for Wood, la No. 1 Joh&soa was two ahead. These retaras gsve Wood a lead of 31 votes la the cousty. Hoo ver polled 771 votes a&4 Lowdea 7. Fraak Wrtghtmaa rolls HrwvOy With C precise is roasted com pletely there is ao chaage la the rw- I la. t ai ment. made at the headquariers of k i A 1 . It mnAnr trnm iiri IrL Ki; r7 i lairarT Kin iimv. i j y idi wm tfw a mi Mai i.a vita R. Morgan, manager of a de-chasre to aoe hiss csL Weeks. ales behlad .l partmeat store t Seattle, said IhatS however. Is only 21 v a. "J CallforaU must bee41r herself If she tR!f ga. 7id"T Is to keep pacw with Ore so a. which K oxer's Msrloa county 1 .'? by Christmas wlU have a paved high- auteal lth his miTf.m tead Is eos th res host the stale. Marfoa cos sty retarms a t rem end out vote for Frisk T. fCoatlaued oa page II THE STATESMAN'S SUNDAY SERMON By Rev. J. R. Back headquarters of the weetern depart ment. U. S. A. In San Francisco af ter the stop is msde at Stockton. The Paraclete. I he Holy Ghost, whom the Father will aead la My Name. He will teach you all thing, John. xiv. 2V Clubhouse Burns While Forty days after Easier, oa Aren- -wrong- side. The prophecy also 9iva "' added that thereafter Mexico would sscenslon of our Lord lato heav- Ion- Its independence. Therj have been thrro Prmnriiroi Bluerocks Are Smashed ,nv Mfo pbc the pro- purcy wis miae. in re mere r nn- mlmt rr 1 s ttaivrA strttar a M a 1 1 P- ei . MAT.-! a ar a ft S I w -was a e uvw w m.r 9 s sesu I WHH-A.MI. Ur., a. I M.H.r Ih. ranrrf.. .nrlKO Villa. vu well Obregoa. I or .. Msy a--My pIllCo I. Msdero. the murd, trapshoc.ters gathered from all over yf rnnf the nor hwet and as Tsr east as Salt and1 , d VmntA laikeclty. blaxe.1 away at 200 targets know f fc whhePB en. Ten Oars later, or -9 aays auer IUter. we rorumemoraie the feast las the rhurrh terns all such great (rraIon. I, of Pentkost. which H really the birthday of Christianity, tor It was the beaianlnc of the Chris tian church Thocn the Apnetle were to "preach to all nations. they wvre aa yet inactive. They had been In lh opening event of the annual I h lm. Ik. r..Aii vim t. .... i. .j i. . V-x il. mm t- v as pv" ' " aa sa ea - I 1 1 tj t M y. a M it wsw-f w. til s v es . r ) mm "sun i rnnu.M im iuurn- -.fw.jwt k l -f ik. -. ik.i I 1 ... ment which held the boards here l&-1 .,.a .n mrm I rm..t .in, m day. Iepiie the fact that the club thm Katt! r ri.'.r. n.nnt. h.r ,r. r tt.' nirf.i .n hou-e was burned to the ground dur- I htm ,- frnn, , ,, .m. I i..... in .Kn. nt ii,. rt Ing the shoot as the result of an t arranxa's death and the manner oiln-es of Ibe world for cooverlon. plosion of an oil stove the entire pro-I i, r.rr,.i,iw m k.v. in.lrt..i Iik. i rni v rram of the siring of ten evenla of 1 i,...!., nrt lhjl f i'-if.ilih ih ni Km- Ktw rrana Tempieion. iormer wrernw .,der recotnt,on of ,hc KOvernnient not h-tn taasht by Him tor three Male trap-th-wllng champion, and Ie-. whrh mnrril him. : bn Pr-i- ' Wa. thU three ear of Ihe- ii. Kie-i. cattle prntemonai. nea iori drnt sulMtn va. lo r-r.s. cl.fy under Ihe grratei. IS- ,n? nign nonors earn snauering i- o nixe Huerta he baw-d action ci M'm-Kl tracher of ChrlUlan r-rleece it targets. discouraged rae-a who had followed Christ to His r.aal coadessaatioa. bt a bold, learleea band. laetlri aad empowered to plaal the Chris tian faith. Aad Just as the Apostles felt the power aad strength which waa pro mised them, so too do the people Ct today feel aad realise the help ef Ihe tame Holy Choat It they. are earnest aad i latere, aad faith, with out which no one caa be saved, grows la one according to the co-operatlai given to th spiritual Impulse era aaatlag from the I loir GboeC Every saa man is relictoasly lacllsed. It may Indeed take bt a fores of su perstition, or a tn may be a fan atic. Ht religion la ia maa's nature. He realls-a sub roariouIy ofttme. that the one thing he is striving eteraaHy far Is hsrpiuesa. sni he also realitea that It is wnobtaiiable la this world. The things he imagiaed would give hln that perfect happinees when he was s child a top. a marble or a kite were no nir la hts poaeioa than I hey li-Mtnm tlreeoene aad sose IMnc ew attrartel bla atteatkas wbieh la he thought would g1v the untimely doath of Madero ari he world eer ww not u(f:rknt for: htm thle happ.n-M, And so It went it. I.. I.arey ot wens nr.. ana a- suarex and announced a broad i-II- tbetr work? ner itialr. veteran Portland amateur. c , ,h. .. . (h , .-,.-; All th!. ma I- nwred tn th placed se-ond with a score Of 191 would be recognlie.l whirh d!d no' out of 2.. re,t on r0nlitutional election, and J. H. Troeh of Portland, bad thirl wh,ch Wfi( (aMH, on forc of arm, nlace to himself with 13. Hugh K. alonf,. A, ,t Kener.r recognlxed Poston. Ssn Francisco profesMonsl. ,hllt no lfI Mico cou!j placed fourth with 192 out of 2w hopm , ,Und wltho,lt rojajtioa while tl. II. Newland of Portland: C. by ,ho ynitf State the death of empieton ot e' "a t'arranxa and what reponlhllity the hiddall of Astoria bunched for tiflh money with 191 out of 200. Mexican Ambatsador Is . Reported Safe By Diaz rolution may share In it ia regard ed by officials and diplomats here s certain to become a large element a the government's action. . lruited It than Mem. EL PASO. Tex.. May 22 V. Car ri.nza. president of MexUo and head WASHINGTON. May 22. An of- of th- 72nd government that country ficial dlopatfh received tonight by ahas had sinrr 1S2I. aeainaiel member of the diplomatic corps said i at 1 a. m. Friday by Colonel Ro-lolft Ygnacio Ilonillas. ' former Mexican hllerrero and his eolditr at Tlaxca! ambasssdor at Washington waa ssfe. tenanco. I'uchli. according to me The recipient was an intimate friend , sages received here from General of the former arabasaador. Dr. Alvaro Torre Diaz, confidential agent here of the provisional govern ment, tonight declared that the death of Carranxa is "very much to be re gretted." , ltUm-tNIi llltKtll AUVACHS PORTLAND. Ore.. Msy 22 In rreae of one cent in the price of a I loaf of 1read w as announced today by several Portland wholesale dal- ers. effective Monday. Increased i cost, of flour, sugar and labor, with 'no prospect of their going down, was given as the reason for the rise. dated at Mexico alf lrr"atle. They had area Hire give hear la to the deaf, tirhl In the blind. a)e. even life to Ibe dead' The had behald Him feed a taat nnltttude of people with five loavej and I hre fihes. Tber had een Him walk upon the water Thy had heard a voice from beaeo I w ptoelaim!n Itim Sn of th K'er-al Father. They bad reen Him trana ftcired on Mount Tat-or. They had een Him 'It on tse nt a&d rie aicatn after three days, giving final confirmation of all He had taught. Hut the At-ovtle walteV. h eaaae il waa the wi:i of Chnt. It war. I a U e the Holy ".hot had But et taken III part tn Ihe rele-'lo-r or t'hnt knew that at knole.lre Ikrongh kit life, and at ill beta no:, n many a -. learned that all the trMly j!re- and ambitWvts arw a tr ere rhli..f rt. and that the real bapptnea hirh be Ions for will celt ti attained when he la uallod to God. The lr.!y Cbwt teach'S US that we ere ereated for one asd owe oaty irp- aed that te for the a!atln of oir Immortal aowls. All thisr mar te use! aa a means, bat we ihiaM reer asfct of th- nd in tfce rn-trsa. To tb- trwlv rhMMtan r..B. hw footuh the lit tle trinket aad ta ih'.ea ef Ihe world ij,eir WHn f. rKl1. postiea. horwr e;e . t.t a orJ4iy characttf am- nnt t" at' r all Ti.e Hoiv i:hol teaehef at alt that (eoai J l hf un. getJ!ne Chrte- all acienco and learninir poaalblej ttani'y l n t effeminate bnt manly. aould Im of ro avail tb inptralion of the Holy Ghnt in th taith whlrh make a roan like anto a little rhlid. la a word, the bod, of Ihe Chmtian reiigl'to was ready, but the so til had not yet Nn aent to animate waited Alvaro Obregon. City today. "There were found six or seven more bodiei of Ihe men in Carrania' party." aaid one ni-eare from Obre- Eon. "Il i not ulated who thee men mich N." Reports given r.nt by the re vol u lionlsts said Carrania waa asaaasln- sted by his own men. Herrero war de-rribeaj ax an ex-federal officer He vin one- an officer ia the Mexi can army under IMaa who was forced tt riata. Ua.lrn In tll Carranxa was made . prisoner and ,l?a!.l"?pm,Bf?h .B. " !1 ' tabled to speak different la & guar (Continued on page 2.) d they went forth, aot the weak. It moe rot o!f the ert and tinient. hta" rrmmfei tb re a o a and ill. and it i t h on thin f the r i riw. man r-all atriee- a&d delre. for It a null lt what the Hate , tihot ha la-p!rd him t know wit. It. and o the Ai-ot'e I o-tt fear of error to e'rrwai Laprv-Th- arrounl of the denl i nw lut G-l doea cot arprote of of the Holy :hoat Is clen in theit;,, h!f-way or Saadar fJin'.ai. Act of the Apoatle. i. 1 -1 1 The! He n: care fr te f"rHlai ApoHS wee- afetnble. when there waa suddenly the aotind of a mlih wind, and pj ri-tl limt'm of fir- d-r4-endd and rtJd pon the head of earb of t!.';ii. and Immediately they felf the power and strength who do- only Ma good ded a tb- . Fharl- did that m. n talxbi :rt He artd Ihe Holy Cto.t t'arh n that ery tfcosSt. etery word. ee.-y tdioa or d-4 whS'h i done truly la the same of Christ will product grace far the attain ment of eternal Lapp Lars wiia God, oir cnaly C-d. t'