8 Tnn OltEGOX RTATHSMAN: HATI'IHIAY. MAY 1021. REVELATIONS. flE -A WIFE A. " WiHtfifrfijl IhmiMiicr of Married Ufe. ul-rritllr lflt by . ADELR tJAKIUSOV " CHATTER 6QQ "'J- why madoe VaCed hhr" OElt ALONE OAX i A dcicn i utile: i. plans rushed through my bra'm .. 4b Ihe . terror, which had o'j messed ,ipe at the Sight .of the raw tip protruding through the bolted closet door of .Lillian Un derwood's library gradually, gate way to a wild Impulse to do some thing to frustrate the plaris of the J un Known man on me omer siae oi the door. 1 thought of stealing' to the hall an tjaknown masculine voice had uuide me realize that the Intruder Lillian feared were trying to enter tb hous on some pretext or other. I 4'dn'i knot? what might be staged in 'the kitchen, especially as Lillian had feken; with'her the small silencer pistol which was never, absent froai her person now. To Identify Him. "Why doesn't Lillian call in the police?' I thought. And then I re alized that rather than have her use fulness to her country ended by the door, opening it and rushing to sum-' inevitable publicity, she was facing man Lillian and Katherine from the I her danger alone. I could do no lesA, trouble below stairs. .Then the re-l No. there was no help anywhere membrance of the injunction Lilliau had laid upon roe to guard the li brary and open the door to no one save Katherine or herself came back to me. r had a wholesome dread :r disobeying any injunction of the'Wa man under whose banner I had eft , listed." 'J,;-t- 'r-.'--' It was -useless also, I reflected, to ring the bell of the speakiag tube io the- kitchen. J had heard Lillian' order to B?tty to go Into the hall ami belt the kitchen door from the other side when Detty had frantically sum moned ber to the kitchen. The sound of an ate and a hoarse command of unless I could force myself to find some weapon right in the room with me rrith witich to comoat the rapidly completing 'enterprise of unknown marauder. Without moving from ths place where I was standing my eyes fearched the room but to no avail. i Lillian had taken her small silen cer piftol with her. There was noth inc else save the small tools of her drawing board, and I was afraid I could do nothing worth, while with them. " ' For there had come Into, my brain a scheme which I hoped would meet Lillian's approval. It was highly 4?2lbsi!SU;GAR With S3 Purchase and Over $1.00 5 pounds Dried Apples..-.:,......... $1.00 7 pounds Italian Prunes $1.00 See our ad. on Page 3 :; t -. ....... PEOPLE'S CASH STORE TWO STORES i . No. 1 on Commercial No. 2 on State Important that she should be ablej to ascertain theldentliy of the man J on the tther sidef the door, who! . ; J rrn ervici. or he never could have obtained aces i the mora on the ether Fide rf th4 cloet. ihe co-tnmo room In which were kept the di ga!su gonietlracs worn by the wora' a arenM of the service. If he knew oonKone wa in the 1'brary he wonld in all probability hurry away and we should never, know who he was. I solved to wait until h fh u": l have rawed through the panel and thrust his hand thTough to th? bolt. Then 1 mt't with one fwift stroke mark his hand in som; way so that the secret service agents in char or the other house would be able to identify it. I looked longingly at my hat pin. but I kmw that it took a certain amount of skill to give thJ uisfiruring blow to his hand that would be needed to make more than a superficial sciatxh. so I gave the plan up. ' 4 The Problem Solved. The rhythmic sliding of the saw went steadily on. He had finished a side of the aperture be meant to make, and had begun working upon the opposite one. I knew that it would be only a questiotn of minut until he would be able to remove the block of " wood and peer into the room. Then, upon sight of me. he would either rush away or enter, overpower me an.d search the room unhindered. At the last moment of desperation I chanced tq look to the recess of the old fashioned room in which there was a- stationary washstand. Lillian was fastidious In the care of her hands, and she had frequently ex pressed to me r.r delight In the con trivance which enabled her to shut herself up 'to her drawing behind locked doors and yet have a lavatory at hand for the frequent ablutions she gave her hands. Above the washstand she had installed a cabi net, and behind its doors I knew there were kept all sort of liquids. medicines, cleaning fluids, things Lillian used in her work. Taking Infinite pains that no step of mine should sound in the ear of Successful Complexion Renewing Treatment A treatment for sallow, muddy freckled of blotchy complexions that Is always successful Is the nightly appli cation of ordinary tnercollzed wax for from one to two week. This method Is sure to succeed for the simple rea son that It literally takes off and dis cards the old- complexion. The . wax possesses the peculiar property of ab sorbing" the worn-out. faded or discoN ored surface skin, with all Its imper fections. This is done so gradually, the skin coming off a little each day. In fine, almost invisible particles, that no inconvenience or discomfort is ex perience and the most careful ob server cannot detect the use of this treatment. ' The mercollsed wax. which can be, had at any drug store, is applied the same as cold cream, but not rubbed in. and washed off In the morning. The new complexion produced In this way, exhibiting the true beauty of health. m not to bo compared with the kind made by cosmetics. M eat . ' Down From 2 to 8 Cents Per Pound Not in the Combine As usual the Midget sets the pace. These will be our prices for, Saturday and all next week: Sirloin Steak (5c lower) per pound . 25c Shoulder Steak (3c lower) per pound - 22c Prime Roasts (2c lower) per pound...... ..20c Pot Roasts (3c lower) per pound............ 17c Beef to Boil (3c lower) per pound ....?.. -14c Legs of Veal (5c lower) per pound.. 25c Loin of Veal (5c lower) per pound.................. ..25c Veal Steak (8c lower) per pound.............................. 22c You can easily $ce why it pajsjo trade at the Midget when our former prices were from 5c to 8c lower than the prices asked by the markets operated by the combine. This meat is all of the best quality. 1 ' " Beit Shortening, small pail... 60c Best Shortening, medium pail..... $1.00 Best Shortening, large pail........; $2.00 Best Creamery Butter, per pound............ 55c Nuccoa Nut Butter, per pound.... 35c Jones Sugar Cured Bacon Backs-....--......-. 33c Don't forget our Fish Department in charge of Mr. C T. Doty. A full line of all kinds of Fresh Fish, Salmon, Halibut, Ling Cod, Black Cod, Salmon; Trout,1 Flounders, Slirimp Crabs, etc! MIDGET Originators of LowJPrices. MARKET 351 State St. TIME TELLING 2 The First Recorded Sun Dial i . , ...,.yrf , , y .... w 1 t-'.. rr-?5: . ,l IjKi f" 1 Vh' .. "-' I.... ,Uar;rr - 4 i rrsnwUa ef - ' ' ' lUe. U. laacmll k Bn STANDARD OIL RATIONS FRISCO Pleasure Cars Limited Three Gallons at a Time to! SAN FILAXCISCO. SIay 21. -To Staadsra OH company will frgla Kslii railonlrg lB Asa FrsBclc3 r ni Norilicm Calllonila lomorrow n rsnlt of thi rhortsg. ccrapsoy prriclsls snnouofrd toalghL Bslrt of mors I ha a tnrs rH pf rasoline at tcie to pssnrr aatomobil drivers ar proalblt4 la an order laraed to all of itm com pany's sortie stalioos. Motorists jiaTlaj mora thao fltt salloat uf xasolln la their possersloa will aol t) pplld. lha company rtated. TU order does not affect baxlatis ears. iiiT ORCHESIEA MUSIC Tonight , , Ye LIBERTY "And Isaiah, tht trofktt rrui l Lcri an Tie brngU tf jWcw tr.diFre" ttwrf by tekick it had go down i the dial of AkaxT II JGngs 20:11. , THse wordj from the Biole were written ibotit ejrht centuries B. Ci and are the" first historical reference to the sun-dial. Even at this earrp day the art of time-telling had made great strides from that remote period! when the prehistoric, cave nan maiki-d the moving shadow of a boulderJ Incidentally, drill ration had tccoir.e snare ccropUx and men aow Beededi to record the boars with greater ztcc:i.y. . . t - - t I .The --Dial 'of AhaaT wa. pnbaS!y a flight of ccrrint: strpi opoa! wmch a ben of .sunhght fell. ..JT . : f; t I DELCO-LIGHT Va can l?itil th ct,f, ef , noon- i!,r Iwico-LUn OSWALD BR01 nr. axueu ens. HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE L : TODAY TWO ACTS ALL 1TEW P2CTU1LU 8UHPAT . THE KINCA1D KILTIES Tht Great SccUh Mcrictl Axt . . .. BUGH THEATRE the man at work upon the door 1 made my way to the cabinet. When It was necessary for me to leave the soft pile of xors I sank to my knees and crept to tbe next rug. I held my breath for fear the door of the cabinet would creak, but fortunately it was well oiled, and as I swung It open I saw among the bottles a com paratively larre one with the label "carbolic acid". - . My heart leaDed with triumnh as I saw it. then sank again in momen tary apprehension that ft might be only an empty bottle. Dnt a hasty examination assured me that It was nearly full. With It In my hand I crept and walked noiselessly to tbe closet door and flattened myself against the wall" a i the side of tbe door, so that tbe man at work on tbe other side would have no Inkling of my presence in the'room when he should finally fin- isn tbe aperture be was caving. (To be continued ) Trouble Brewing in Sugar Beet District of Michigan SAGINAW. Mich.. May Re ports were current here toaigbt that a detachment or state constabulary would be sent Into Ibis district to suppress alleged depredations of night riders reported to be engaging In a campaign or Intimidation In the fTigar beet growing localities. Some beet growers recently de clared a strike against what they considered unfair contracts for their 1920 crop. Houses occupied by beet field workers. It Is reported, have been burned and one was destroyed by dynamite. . . . POTATOES 25 lbs. $1.00 Come Early PEOPLE'S CASH STORE FOOD OPTIONS SUFFER BREAK Cotton, Sugar, Corn, Pork and Cereals Caught in Reaction NEW YORK. May St. Influenced by the nation-wide price cutting agi tation that is steadily gaining ground, the principal commodity markets of the country continued to day to "mark down" quoted values. cotton, sugar and corn options broke violently here and in Chicaro. an! cereals and Drovislons. inrludtnar pork, also suffered sharp reactions. significance was attacbed to tbe droo In Dork nricea as marklnr tht first pronounced break in high priced iooa stuns. The 'stock exchange showed im provement on a sharp recovery of liberty bonds and victory notes. A large part of today's liquidation In cotton and grains was attributed to the further scaling down of cred its by banking institutions here and In other reserve centers, evidently In conformity with the request of the federal reserve board. In the local cotton market May contracts broke almost 400 points with equally sharp reactions in New Orleair?. Domestic and foreign metal mar kets quoted lower prices for spot and future deliveries, silver proving the only exception at a slight rise In Lon don. Little business was done here in copper for Immediate delivery. Dealings In liberty bonds and vic tory notes failed to reach the huge totals of the two preceding days. Vir. tually all or the liberty Issues closed at the day's maximum's quotations, gains extending from one per cent to S.04 per cent, the fourth 4 H'a scoring the greatest advance. James H. Post, president of tbe National Sugar refining company de clared the government should have purchased the 1 919-1 20 sugar crop. He expressed opinion that a sugar shortage exlrta and Increased con samptin of 1.000.000 tons over the previous year, he said was one of the factors which caused It. Oregon has a knitting mill that ships Its product to all western sta'es and two foreign countries. t A Remarkable Shoeing Of DRESSES TATFETAS MESS ALINES GEORGETTES SERGES TRICOTINES COATS TWEEDS POLO CLOTH SERGES TRICOTINES AND OTHER LEADING FABRICS SILK DRESSES WOOL DRESSES WOMEN'S SUITS WOMEN'S COATS SKIRTS, WOOL OR SILK , WHITE WASH SKIRTS v Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel; Will be found it iLe J. C Penney Co. store and you will End tint yon will be able to get wbai you want for leis money, SI 2 5039 SO S18 S0 S4S40 S27S0 to SS4 7S SI 9 SO to S44 7S SB 90 to SIS SO S2 98 to S9 90 LADIES' SILK AND COTTON WAISTS W have a representative aaowin of the cixket'f bert pro d actions In popular priced waixts SILK WA1ST3 S18SQ COTTON WAISTS Jf , a v ffrm u r. t