The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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' .
ecret Battle
Two American Officers Join the German Conncll of Fire la Spain, En
ter Germany by Submarine from San Sebastian to Kiel and Secure the
Plana of the Last Drive on Paris, after the British and French Had De-
1 dared it Impossible to Obtain Them.
Von Hlndentrarg and the German High Command Cleverly Deceived by
the Pretended Deserters A Thrilling AdTentnre that Leads to the De
feat of the Boche and the Signing of the Armistice The Story of the
Two Mystetions Prisoners Sent from France to the Military Intelligence
Staff in Washington in July Labi
Br Major C. E. Rossell
Prorost Marshal. 2nd United States Army
American Expeditionary Forces in France
Copyright, 1919, by Federal News Service, Jnc
(Canadian and Great Britain Rights Reserved)
- (All Rights Reserved)
imoaei 10 scaie oi iub yiw w i
IVstrover. and the marine will en-ln ' ' . . H
fmannenr. II sraV M
,. An American major, detailed to penetrate the German lines to secure
information In reference to the Enemy's plans for the great drive on Paris,
Is arrested as "an embezzler and deserter at Henday, France. He "es
capes' and reaches San Sebastian in Spain, where his reputation leads him
to be solicited to join the German secret service. He accepts the offer made
bim and Is ordered to first rescue a German prince whom the American
army, holds under sentence of death as a spy, and then to procure the
plans of othe Liberty motor. " -A
The prince is "rescued" that the major's position with the German
, PT system may be made as strong as possible. A captain in the aviation
corps, who is an expert on aeroplane motors, is detailed to. work with! him
as ?"a deserter, who has stolen the plans of the Liberty motor."
The captain so confuses the "Group of Fire" in San Sebastian that the
German prince suggests that the two Americans be seat to Kiel with bim
on a submarine that the captain may explain the plans to the High Com
mand. This is done and they arrive in Kiel after all are nearly killed and;
the . sub-sea boat destroyed by the explosion of a depth bomb launched -
irom a-British destroyer.
The, major and captain are kept in Kiel but a short time under the
care of a Captain Schmidt, who never loses an opportunity to covertly in
suit them. They are sent to Coblenx to be questioned' by the German High
Command. Before they leave, the remark of a German general convinces
the major, that they are to be murdered as soon as they divulge all they
know. The major understands German but has pretended he does not, in
this wsy learning many things that would otherwise have escaped him.
' In Coblenx they are quartered in a hotel and are approached by two
women living there, whom they suspect are members of the German se
cret service. Tbepr gain the confidence of these women, who tell them
the Germans are not sure of them and that they are to be killed after they
have given the German general staff all the Information
. . . fT . - lauiu " iuri
it meir story ana convince me women that they I in the truck caravan, and will
uieniB owenen wiu a price on meir neaas. ?Tne vameii mMunM th.-oin Tfc
Modern Commercial Vehicles
To Parade Portland Streets
Next Monday
Portland to Regent ami Ilrtuni.
'May 17th to 2 1st, 102O. "
From the slow Ticket y ox-drawn
wagon to the swirt sturdy motor
truck seems a Ions way.
Monday the 17th. at -8:30 a. m.
through Jhe main streets ot Portland
some thiry of these modern commer
cial vehicles will parade, starting on
a ? demonstration Journey of trans
portation education, and to bring
forcibly to the people ot Oregon the
business economy ot good roads, and
the 'wisdom of voting "302 YES."
The motor vehicle and good roads
the motor vehicle came first are
of vital Interest to every man. wo
man and child in the country, for
they cut distances and bring the city
and country closer together, causing
a mutual benefit by allowing each
more readily the natural advantages
of the other. Besides this closer so
cial and political contact, there is a
business side of the motor truck and
good roads. They cut down distances,
bring the city market closer to the
producer, save time, and greatly en
hance farm values.
rThe modern motor vehicle , and
good roads came into their own with
the boys in France, being next to
those brave lads, the greatest factor
in winning the war. This is conceded
by almost everyone, and especially
by the army, the navy, and the ma
rines. The motor truck and roads
not only brought the flghtting men
and the supplies up to the front for
the army, but they also enabled the
"Devil Does- and the "Blue Jackets
to jump ashore, get Into the tray, and
lug their largest naval guns to the
front, eo effectively.
This is why the army, the navy
and the marine corps are Interested
army win
model to scale of the type 312 foot
IVstroyer. and the marine will en
tertain la their usual "Peptomlst"
The dealers are particularly inter
ested in this up state ship-by-truck
short-haul caravan due to their en
thusiam over the recently organlxed
Oregon Automobile Dealers associa
tion, which Is affiliated wltn tne na
tional organization. .
From the. ox-team to the motor
truck seems a long way. bat It is but
a step, for this train ot mooern wag
ons will be viewed by many young in
spirit Oregon pioneers, the remain
ders of the advance guard of the civ
ilization who crossed bat yesterday
with the oxen, and who have grown
with Oregon, spiritually, physically,
financially, and progressively, and
who own trucks and tractors, appre
ciate the value of good roads and are
urging "302 YES."
yelled the " loud-mouthed
person at the man chasing bis bat
down the street. "Why dont you
nail it on?"
"Thafs what, I'd do." remarked
the hatless, "if. my bead was made
of the same material yours is."
Capper's Weekly.
report that ther are what thev claim to tw : Th nnt mnrn iw id,, i.,,. U .... . ,.vi.
f-nhl.n. o i t,. j -w. " Y . . - o .w -lium uuo ui iu" '6t
Hlndenburg's headquarters.
1 (Continued from Last Sunday)
"I nave solved it for you you, ma
jor," cried one of the women. "Listen
and do not Interrupt, and yon will
never say that woman's wit is not a
match for a man's brain. ' - "- W
"Both of you men are now ont
flawa In France there Is a price on
your heads because you have turned
traitors, and. if captured, vou will he
shot unless you can offer something
;'pf great value In exchange for your
lives, ijlere in Germany , it "U only a
'question -of time before you will be
muzea ary ana then it will be a
search lights in the' world, in the
commercial train, it weighing over
entering into the plan, go to the au-two tons, mounted on a special six
thorities and betray us. . our lives and a half ton truck. 'The fifteen
would not be worth an old mark." I million candle power ray will oe
I know them, for I have already flashed along the line, announcing In
been at work on them." answered the I the sky at night the approach of the
woman. - Tonight 1 win bring them I heavily laden modern country to city
nere. .. - . . , . , -i. l short haul train.
It wss agreed that the two Ameri
cans should remain within doors all
day and that , the two women should
see if they could influence the two
colonels to carry out their share of
the plot. After the two women had
departed, themajor and the captain
went , over the scheme in detail and
came to the; conclusion that it con
tained every element of success.
Late that night, , the -- signal was
once more sounded "on the door and
it was opened to admit,, not only the
two women, but also two German
quiet stab, or a shot in the back and . colonels in uniform. When the ln-
the Rhine. You cannot remain here j traductions were over, one of the
and you cannot escape into Holland. i women said: ' .
so your only , hope is to return to' "I have talked it over with these
"CaKfornia Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
The navy will exhibit a perfect
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its fruity taste. Full directions
on each bottle. You must say "Cal
- . fl-: f :
' , HH"1 C-1 'j
(frrtf '
Our stock of all kinds of furniture ii thi most complete la the city. We ar trpdiUj
well prepared to show jtm the best Una of DarcsporU. Our prices art alwaji the lowest
and it is not necessary to tear down our prices to mike sales. The public realise this and
feel confident that the goods and prices are right, hence sales af err store is an nnccssxn
thing. "Ton get better values, you get less discount and you don't pay so much. That is
the essential point in buying goods.
Try .
Hsunni nil toil '
340 Court Street, 7er Low Prices
Only tiie Biest Shoes thiat money can buy are offered at
Trance through the front.
"Your one problem is to take back;
with you a sufficient consideration
for your pardon. I can supply this.
Before you came Into our lives we
were friendly with two colonels of
staff command. They have read the
reports of both your interviews with
Von Hlndenburg and they . realize
that not only has Germany lost the
war, but that also when the final de
feat does come a regular army officer
In Germany will be in a very precari-
two officers. They ; are willing to
carry out their part of the agreement
and they can assist you to escape, it
you, on your part will do what you
can to help them when you arrive
safely in France r
' "Ouri proposition Is this," said one
of the German colonels: "We can se
cure all the data needed by Marshal
Foch to enable him to so plan his at
tacks that victory will of a certainty
be his, but for this information we I
demand three things: First, must
ous position. These two officers have i be protected as long as we live from
access to all the plans and .drawings the long arm of the German spy sys
of the battle and defense lines and tern; second, we are giving up all our
If they were assured protection they property In Germany, so we must
would desert and take all this lnfor- have 150,000 in cash for our own use
mation with them. Now this Is my and, third, we ' must be furnished
plan: . . - ' - I transportation to some foreign coun-
"I can induce' these twd officers to I try where under other , names, we
take those plans and join you. Then can start lite over again.
the four ot you can make way into "We can. without dangersecure
Met, and at the first opportunity, I the necessary passes to allow us to
you can all slip over the trenches and I take you to the front. -In tact, we can
cross No Man's Land and surrender, say we are taking you up to the front
"You will be granted a pardon, for o that you will be killed there, in
the information these two German stead ' ot here. In Coblenx. , We are
officers will bring with them will be allowed to travel anywhere, end when
so valuable . that. instead of being we get to the front lines we can slip
classed as deserters, you will be I over In the night and before morn-
hailed as heroes. What do you think I lng be safely in the Allied trenches."
of 1t?" - - i .Tine." said the major. "We will
It was a wild plan. No one but a I give you our word that if we can
woman would have conceived such an I reach the Allied lines you will receive
Idea; but, by its very boldness it held I all that you have asked for, provided
the chances ot success. The more the I that you can show them-that you
major thou eh t of It. the more it an-1 have valuable information."
peeled to him. , , J "Never fear on that score. We will
"If you can fulfill your part of the! have all ot the copies of the various
bargain," he said.. "I believe I can! trench systems and also the plans
do mine, but you must know your I for the campaign against Paris.'
Our stock b clean, fresh and np-to-cate, as we permit no accumulations, howeyerae to the great Y&riety of styles shown exclnirrely by us and
the immense amount of business done, lines become broken, while others are. discontinued. These we dispose of at ANY PRICE THEY WILL
BRING in order to make room for new slock continually coming in. Because our patrons realize and appreciate these facts
Ae.elinls f or ttife siiceess of our sale
( White Canvas Oxfords
Ladies white canvas oxfords,
High or Low heels, covered heels.
Our regular $6.00 values
$3.9S 1
White Kid Oxfords :
Ladies' white kid oxfords, pencil
toe, Louis heels. Very classy. Our
regular $12.00 value
.two colonels, for if .they should, after
rc3) . r if iw
Here's n Simple,' Safe and
Guaranteed Way to Re
'1 duce Your Weight ; V
Hfsybo you hare nearly worn out
body.snd patience trying to secure
satisfactory weight reduction by tak
ing tnedirincs or following rules that
were tco dtastie and inconreniot. '
Gffn v you should not- lota hope
and imaclne that you nidst carry
thm'irh life a losd of ; burdensome.
unhealthy flesh. Here's a very simple,'
e7-to-iolrow ryatera of treatment,
that is known to bring truly remark
able results for others, sad it will be
eauy to prove what it ran do for you.
Go io your drurjrtst and get a small
i.x of oil of konHn Follow the sim
directions ot tbe. lioreta Ptstem.? .
Tnis metnou unouia . Teauce your
ever you wish) and leate your genera
"Well, that is settled then." re
marked the woman who bad been
successful in making the arrange
ments.' "The next question is: When
can yon start? The-quicker the bet
ter, for every hour yon remain here
increases the danger of orders being
issned to confine yon and then it
would be all over. How quickly can
yon make your arrangements, colo
nel, ana get away"
"By tomorrow, night, I believe. X
can secure my copies of the draw-
I lnrs and the necessary passes and a
motor car. .
So it was arranged for the two
German colonels to complete the
plana tor tbe escape, the start to be
made near midaignr; oi tne juext aay.
(Concluded Next Sunday.)
Latest Style Pomps
$10.00 and $12.00 black kid
pumps.' Some with $3.50 buckles.
others plain high or military heels,
are priced
weight -ten te sixty pounds (or what-
health and firure greatly improved.
Ton wtU be matea an orllchrwt at th
foproreiont la Tour mind as well as -you
txxiy ba jron h tx-eim to rednr yo'ir
rlebt A(td heart fattor. nervnasliesa,
nauraathemla. idodUxy. karoentnc , f
arterlea. hut eoUapaa. failing rt!Hj.1 dizzy
ftpcUs. tS IS Mnnum ana auoomen -ana
numeroua otbet aertoua dlaeaara or dianrdera
Tl'led wk& OTr-Moalneaa Add . ar to
i'ir Ufa. Weigh yourself and taka Up
sureatents before ton atari, the do
. week.;. Watcta tbe raductiODl
' il of korein is abnolntely barrcless.
nleasant to use try korein system
' if you want to, become thinner, health
ier and younger in appearance, a
$100.00. guarantee cornea with the box
rf oil ot korein Hold br all busy
drnrgiBts ; or write for free brochure to
Korein Co.. Station F, Htw fork, H. T.
- A child's prayer bas long been cel
ebrated . in song and. story. There
are few. so hardened as not to be
moved by such prayers, or remember
with awe their own lisping of "Now
I lay me down to sleep."
Children also. . in their innocence.
sometimes say prayers which are not
without their humorous side, and
these, too, have been handed down
to posterity.. In this latter class be
longs the following true account of
the prayer of a little girl who lives
in Us Angeles. v r
Little Lois was completing hr
evening prayer at her mother's knee.
"Amen," finished . Lois. . and then
without a pause: -
"Mamma, has the Lord got a bald
i heal like flafldyT"
The, Season's Latest
Ladies black or brown oxfords.
All this season's styles, High or
Military heels. Long pointed toes.
All widths. Bought to pell at
$11.00, now
FxX AIaa7f
An Economical Bny
Choose from an assorted lot of black kid and
patent leather shoes, button. All sizes in the
lot, Cuban and Military heels. These were
regular $5.00 and $6.00 shoes.
A Snap At The Price
One lot Ladies' black kid shoes, lace or button,
Cuban, military or Louis heels. All sizes in lot.
Our regular $6.00 and $7.00 values
Hanan Shoes $4.95
A rare bargain for women with small feet. Ha
nan black kid shoes, lace or button, small sizes
only. High or low heels. These are worth
$12.00 and $15.00. Special
Ladles' Brown Shoes
New brown calf ramp, cloth top shoes, Cuban
or Louis heels, lace, pointed toes, late lasts. Our
regular $10 sellers
Black Dress Shoes
Ladles all kid black lace shoes, Cuban or Louis
heels. All sizes and widths. A dressy shoe sell
ing regularly at $11.00 are now
. $6.95
$11, $12 and $13 Shoes
$11.00 gun metal lxce shoes, low heels. $12.00
brown calf shoes. Hi or low heels; $13.00 black
kid shoes, baby Louis heels. Come in all sizes.
Priced Special at
Drama League Players oi Portland In 3 one-act plays at Grand Theatre. Friday.
May 21st Benefit Woman's Buflding at UniTersity. Election will be announced.
T3 Men's Elk, Bals
500 pairs Men's brown elk bals. The most com.
fortable dry weather shoe made. Cost at the
factory at present, $3.50. Will go during this
tale at
m Shoes At 1-2 Price
Odd lot, broken lines. Men's black and brown
calf shoes. , AH sizes in the lot. $10.00 and
$12.00 values. , ;
. $595 -'
Why Pay More?
Men's black calf blncher lace shoes, wide toe.
All sizes. Our regular $10.00 shoes in stock
Dairy Shoes
Twenty pairs Wooden Sole Dairy Shoes, blnch
er or lace. Regular $3.00
. Daytcn Loggers
Twenty-flTt pairs l!a'i Dayton
Loggers. Regular $10 and $12
Ask For These Shoes
Men's black or brows, blucher
orbal.laca. AH sizes and lasts.
Our regular $11X0 and $12X0
shoes. If ot shown elsewhere for
Men's Oxfords
Men's north tin's Oxfords, brows
calf , English last. Regular $15.00
Men's Brown Brogues
EngHih last, Bal lace, latest nor.
elty. Regular $18X0, will go at
.&& HceSL ftet twrft Sit