The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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O-e 4
Eight Pages
jr .
Bauer, Alias Relnewgha, Nailed by
(iuard llabberd He Walks nti
Itnad Xmr Jefferson
h i. km Htrni IN lUKFTULL
King lting Clancey lemrr for Kan
(Wvalll Kcwenl Virtorlow la
Francisco and Want llOO Ready
Wlien He Returns
Itetnliejc Coatee Jd tWrlee
Off (tvamUmahlp ,
Impossible for President To
Reach Vera Cruz or Tam
pico for Which He May be
Federal General Diguez and
Other Officers Captured
and Imprisoned
Each of the more than 100 mem
bers of the Salem Cherrians will
assume the responsibility of enlist
ing 10 automobiles for the Willam
ette valley-motor excursion otShrin
ots on June 23. this duty having been
assigned them at a meeting called
by King Hing Clancey at noon Sat
urday. I
The king left last night for San
Francisco and said that upon his
return he w"ill expect the members
of the organization to bate 1100
cars and drivers realy for the en
tertainment of the Shriners on a
trip from Portland to Salem through
the Willamette valley.
Arrangements will be made to pro
tect the automobiles in every way,
both against theft and accident.
Service cars will be stationed along
the route every four miles. If an
accident happens to any car the
I driver will fall out of line to the
Ti'icitivaTON. Mav UV.i Venus-Heft and await the arrival of a ser-
.. M.n.tii.-.n.i vice car. If the accident is ao serl-
ijano ,0,1S that h? Cdnnot proceed, another
dent of Mexico, was j.ic Hired today iv aut0moljil will be sent from the
Alvaro Obrepon. v. ho forced him to rltParest ,own to take the passen
flee from the capital a week ago, a J f ers
a fnritive in the mountains some- i Afi tn-Heved. it will not
where between Mexico City and Vera j !k, necessary for Salem or Marion
Cru. . j county car owners to drive to Port-
. Official reports on me jirhi. nt--San
Marcos bet ween the revoiutioa-
Non-Political Address to be
Given by Personal Repre
' tentative of Leonard Wood,
Author and Orator Will Ap
pear at Commercial Club
Lunch Tomorrow
ary; force and a few loyal detach
meats or carranza s army were, iac
ing. but press dispatches from Vera
Crux also told, of Carranza's escape
through the revolutionary lines, ap
parently setting at rest all reports
of the deposed leader's surrender.
There :wcre indications that the t
revolutionists' attack had not been
pressed, due, it was believed, to Ob
regon's orders.- Obregon had sent a
mt-Measrer to Carranza to offer him
"f1- safs conduct to leave the country if
f ha desired to surrender and -strict
Injunction was placed on the revolu
tionary officers not to injure the
aged president if he was captured.
Obregon's report said Carranza.
accompanied by a small escort was
making for tha surrounding moun
tains, but that he was being purrued.
President Carranxa and his chief
.officials, including the -cabinet mem
bers, abandoned their train at Otum
ba. in the state ot Mexico, where the
Mexican railway had been cut and
attempted to , t reach ') Tamplco on
horseback over the mountains.
General Samuel de los Santos, act-
ins head of the war department,, told
the Associated Press last night tliat
it was virtually impossible for Car
rmnia, to reach Vera Cruz by rail
rlace General Gnadaloupe Sanchez
iad revolted near. that, port and was
land and return twice the tame day.
as ample accommodation will be
provided In the homes of Portland
to keep Willamette valley visitors
over night.'
Harding Speaks Right
Oat in Meeting on Peace
Cherokee" damea, a gaard of th
Oregon state penitentiary, negotiat
ed the capture at Mill City yealer-
day of Al Headers and W. J. Jenk
ins. rustle, who escaped from the
Aunvsville wood camp a week ago.
if II I City Is In Marlon county.
Meadera.waa convicted for Jmpli-
ration in a train robbery at The
lialies In 1914. waa later parolt-U.
and violated his parole by leaving
the alate in company with Frank
Wagner, who cracked a safe at As
toria. They were captured at St.
Joseph. Mo.
Jenkins waa convicted la! 1 nlon
county for forgery and leeelved at
the state prison January IK of this
F. W. Itauer. allaa Pre Reisen
ghn. who (scaped from gun guard
in the state penitentiary brick yard
Thursday, waa captared near Jef
fereon " Friday night by Guard Hnb
bard of th prison. Uaur waa com
mitted from Linn county for burtl
ary in IS 10 and his maximum sen
fence waa five years. He waa walk
ing en the railroad when nailed by
Hubbard. ,
Profits and Net Returns of
Big; Meat Packing Compan
ies Before and Darin; War
Swift & Company Allege
Profits 211. Cents On Dol
lar Sale
EUGENE. Or.. May IS. In the
fiaal games of the Oregon- Ulam-1
tie n-nn;a tournament hero this ai-
teraoon. Wfttrrmia and Smith, Ore
gon, won from Doaey and nomm.
Willamette. C-t. 6-7. -2. Is the
mlied d trebles. Modbe and Mies
Mary Ft ad ley. Willamette, wen from
Krown and Madeline Slot boom. Ore
gon- C-4. aad C-4.
El'CENE. Or.. May 18. At the
Junior week-end athletic contests at
the CntvertMy of Oregon today, the
Oregon Agricultural college fresh
man defeated the sjoleeralty freab-
mcn in a track meet or a score or
l to aad the nfllvtralty freshmen
defeated the Salem high school at
baaeball by the arore of 14 to I.
Knox Snbstitcte Dedirts
SUte of War With Genaany
and Anstria-Hragary at an
UOSTOX. May 15. America de
mands peace, formal as well as ac
tual, and means to have It, regard-
Today at'll a. m. Hon. Montavllle
Fl ewers, the noted diplomat, laetur
er anJ platform orator, will occupy
the DulDit of the llaptist chutch and
speak on the subject "The Soul of
Mr. Flowers has a wide experience
aa an author and traveler. He li
an exponent of the Christian faith
In his address the speaker wilt du
ctus several of the most vital prob
lerns now presslne for solution.
Monday ait 9:30 a. nv. the students
of Willamette university will be ad
dressed at the chapel- services by Mr
Flowers. At the business men .
tuncneon ai noon ai mr i-uuimrnwi f tv r t T 1
ciub this popular speaker win talk Backward Baying ot the rob-
on the situation in Mexico.
The-principal platform address.
however, by Mr. Flowers-daring his
WASHINGTON. May I-. Profits
njade by the big meat parking com
panies In the Hrat three years of
the wcr. ISMS to 117. "doubled.
trbl-d n-n.l auidruDM." acCordlDK
I to a apeclAl report o the federal
I trade commission made public to-
Et'tlENK. Or.. May 15. Corral! la
high achool won the at ate high school
debating championship la the final
scries of the debating too mammal.
held at the University of Oregon to
day, both the affirmative aad the
negative teams of that school win
ning from Salem aad Marabfleld. The
t'onrallls affirmative defeated tl
Halem negative and the - Corrallie
negative defeated the Marahfleld af-I
Tnree Democrats Support
'Measure Which Waa Adopt-
ed 43 to 33
"WASnrNQTON. May IS. With
faw thrlUa aad ae hluh la the re-
axranged prograni the aeaate adopted
today. 4S to St. the Repabtlcaa rro
latloa dedartag the elate et war
wtlh Oermaay and A set rta-11 angary
at aa end.
The meaaare waa la the form of
From 1912 to 1914. the report Iflrmative oa the'Japeaeee qe eat lea. 1 attbaUtate for the
lie One Reason for Re
CM AH A. Neb- May 15. A large
say In Batem will be grven at the
Armory Monday night at 8 o'clock.
On that occasion he will speak on
les of political exigencies and eam-t Leonard Wood, the man of the hour.
iaien Issues. Senator Harding of I pointing otii wny mat popaiar 1 department store and a large cloth
ataxic lor me preiu-u buwuiu -iing store tonignt aaaouneea nai re
celve'the actions consideration ol faction of 20 per cent on their en
Oregon voters at the comtng primary tIre g'focks. One la a department
election. I store, another a clothing atore aad
It Is announced that thta will belthe third sDecIallzs in read-to-wear
a great opportunity for persona I apparel. Advertisements Of two of
all political faiths to hear national I tne stores aald the purpose la Mto
issues discussed by one who va3DeiD iOV9r com of living and
reeognited by both Kooseveii tnn ., pu, a gl0p to bighar prices.
Taf t aa a master campaign orator.
Mr. Flowera is an acknowledged
raid, the "big five" Morris and Co..
Cudaby Parkin ccmpany. Armour
and company. Swift and company,
and Wilson A Co. made average
annual proflta of .S0O.000. while
!n the next three eera their net re
turn averaged S1s2.0o0.0w0.
The robuiiiasion called attention
to the packers' announcement that
proflta amounted to "only z or 3
centa per dollar of sale." and aald Capital TOSt S UbjCCUTe IS
1000 Olcott Urf es Cooperation
(Continued on Page 4.)
Ohioi candidate for ' the Republican
nomination, declared in an address
"here tonight.
"If it must be a campaign Issue.
he said, "we should have peace janf
discuss it afterwards, because the
actuality is Imperative and -the the
ory Is only Illusive. Then we may
set our houfe in -order. We chal
lenged the proposal that an armed
autocrat should dominate the woria.
it if 1 becomes us to assume that an
autocrat shall direct air humanity.
"This reDublic has Its ample tasks.
if-we nut an end to false economics
which lure economic control, to utter
chaos, ours will be the commanding
examole of world leadership toaay.
The world needs to be reminded that
all human ills are not curable by
We Have At Least One n
Legitimate Reason
For blleringthe remainder of our large stock
of dependable merchandise at a radical re
daction of
The public's backward buying."
waa riven bv one store aa one rea
.t i j , i
auiaoruy on nauuati nu minu- Mtt for the atep.
Home of today's prieea on whlca
dlcounts wlll be mrnda ranged aa
followa': Men's, aprlng-suits lie to
175: top coats. 12 to $65; women's
We are Retiring from Business
That's the reason Marion and Polk county folks nr
liuvinic so freely. Had we di,lM aiffeivntl.v--t
r,m.,i,i in hnsint.s and keep up onr Ktrnk-there
wonl.I l,e no suel. opportnnity. Hut. tins can not : jro
on indefinitely. Ue sure that yon are well snpp hed
with everything that we still have to offer hefor
'tlie doors are finally closed.
Here Is ONE Example
Men's Standard 'Triangle'
At About
tlonal nroblema. Some ot his ac
comrlisbmenta are:
. Anther cf "The Japanese conqueet
of American Optnlon." a book of
which the Philadelphia Ledger ay-UUmmer dresses 11& to 175.
"It is the moat complete and caimiy 8port COata $25.50 to $8.5
reason ca oui ireause on me aiu i several stores already had an
problem. Inonnced redactions ranging as hign
Editor of "Nhat Every American 50 per cent on allk goods
nouia tvnow adoui me ir.
. . . . m a t J. -. 1 . I H II
wmcn nas n.a a w. .c ,u PORTLAND. Or.. May
that In aa Industry like those under
consideration which tura over a
product very rapidly, thla la the
"equivalent of a high rate ot return
on net worth per cent or more. I
"Rate on investment, not rate on I The American legtoa drive for
a lea. furnishes the correct method I members begins tomorrow aad will
whereby the reasonableness of prof-coatna through May The 4 Bo
lts may be determined." the report Its for Capital poat Na. l. of Salem.
added I la 1000 members aad the local ergaa-
Flnanclal statistics need by theltxation bow has a membership of
packera tn their recent advertiatngl about C0. The mnpatga ts aatloa
campaign "are not baaed on accepted I wide, and the 'Object Is to enroll
methoda of determining coata and ac-l 1.000.040 new members aad brlag
rordlngly dependence cannot be i the total strength Vp to 2.S0O.0tO
placed upon them." the teport taiLI Oortrnor Olcott has tnaed a prcv
At the beginning ot 1919. the re-llama Hon commending The movement
port estimated the combined aaaetalasd urging all Oregon laas to co-op-
cf the big five was f 1.300.000. OOO.Ierate with the region members la
their combined act worth. iJS.00O.-trengthening the force la this state.
woo and aggregate sales for the pre
vious yer at f
!. Hat
Hornet Entered by Thieves
While Families Are Away r. r, ' ' " . reduction of 10 per cent In prices for
ceived a very complimentary I .. .,,vi. L... MM h.r
about this book from "The Library I , ' T " , 1 ' ZZT"ZZ iV
of the Rcpoblic of France.- The -
Ul.Mrlr. anolafv rvf nni IM BTO. I""" "'"
nM l MFnn 1 tn inT other doZ
c .Ainmu on the atihlect " SEATTLE. Wash.. May 15. A
Known in every American state nt reaucuon oi :u p?r cent in me
f, m. iHiinKM on nolitical and prieea of men a ciotnmg. enective
Manomi subiects. . . JMonaay. was annonacea lonigm j
ira. nartutnetx1 tn five oresj-linree neauie reian aiores.
dentlal campaigns, toarlng with
Kooserela and Taft. and has spent
12 weeks with Leonard Wood and Is fj, Wants GoSOUne
tattve. Act Taken Into Court
cwr. riowers ior iwo years wa
head of the national speaiters -nu- .. mtrntt,.w nrnK.Ki. ih.t tha
- .. t I 1
7"t.0i.:r T'rrr'.K, i "regon gasoline test law will be ta-
ior r,.,. Uu 1 .7 " V l into court for a
- .'. ruut'"" B ,.r'. tntlonallty. TMs la
eramem mrougnoni ine i nueu c n . .
In 1917 and 1919 he was In Wash
I en into court for ae-t of Its conetl-
suggeated by
of Portion
la letter to Governor Olcott. Mr. IIus-
CI12CACO. May 15. Swift aad
company'a ayttem of accounting waa
defended tonight In a atatement by
I WW M m M M a a
uou.s r. aw.n prewuem oi in. The homes of J. P. Molleueop. 415
i'vy " North Twenty-first at reel, aad 8. It . nynB ny toe .eoerw riotta. 43S North Twenty-first street.
"The federal trade commission's
criticism of onr accounting system
Is amualng." the statement said.
"Our books are kept according to
the best accounting methoda that
have been devised and are audited! tBeTe
annnauy ny certuiea punue ac
The statement said that profits
of Swift and company over the last
24 years bad averaged but 11 per
cent upon Investment and only 1
cents on each dotlar of sales.
,brf Linen Collars
Men! Men! Were you hlessetl with tut a fair share
of woman s keenness for bargains, yon would bny
Iheso hv the dozen! Linen Collars are selling everj -where
it fronf iJOe to :i5e each. Onr pnee had never
mlvaneed above 20c. Now less 20 per cent or 16c
in m ana i, u " " ton declaring the act would be upset
tng on. organised and conducted the ronrt
national conference of war lwturers. ,m, to ra(. that the 'naiest
T"", I? Mec.llUv rommUl-' or and quickest way to solve this troo-
the Red Cross, etc. b, , , someone make a sale."
A brief musical program will lie " ... ...,. tK.
arranged to fmPn- nw,er?' understanding that he shall be pro
aupearance at the armory. It la l . . ki
probable that the Willamette uni
versity glee clnb will sing, but this
has not been definitely decided on.
Service Commission to.
Probe Into Train Wreck
The public service commission y."
terday announced that a further ia
vesttifation will be made relative to
the 1-ead-on colli.lon of trains No.
107 r.i'd 124 near IWtha station iai
Snn.iay. resulting in the death 'f
nine persons and the Injnry of many
others. The hearing will be Mon
day. Mav 24. in Portland, beginning
at 10 o'clock a. rn.
Fred fJ. Huchtel. chairman of the
commission, and one of the engin
eers of the department were at the
scene of the wreck witt'n an hour
after ft happened, and inqulrv w
made at a Joint hearing In which he
Multnomah county coroner, repre
sentatives of the interstate commerce
rnnimilnn and of the duMIc ser
vice commlsfion participated. ird
testimony vas received from numer
ous witnesses, but the commissfo.i
kull.rsi further tnnuirv should
made to determine whether service,
equipment and facilities of the Sou
thern Taciflc company are now sm-
PARIS. May 13. Official an
nouncement waa made tonight that
evacuation by the French troops of
the Ruhr region would "begin shortly."
tected. then have hi mar rested, and
let htm aue out writ of habeana cor
pus, and bring It before the aupreme
court or any other way. aa quickly
a pomible. and I feel quite confi
dent that will be the end or the
gasoline law."
Tae law which requlrea a gravity
test of 56 degrees, recently was aus
pended by Governor Olcott and State
Treasurer 1 1 off as a measure to re
lleve the state from the gasoline
Auto Hits Cart and
Horse Severely Hurt
A. W. Mize. driving an automobile
learing licence No. 18H4S. ran into
a cart driven by Fred Ward of
Krcwn itJind last night on Bouth
Commercial street between Mission
cd Kearney streets. The cart was
demolished and the horse was
vp rely injured, but Mr. Mite and the
Ward boy escaped Injury. The auto
veered toward. the sidewalk after
the collision and came to a atop
against a telegraph pole. Mr. Mis
ays that the accident, waa all hia
fault and ihat he will settle all the
Engineer McCulIougii Rctcrai
After Trip to California
From S250.0A0 to 1300.000 worth
of bridge conatructlon la being done
or haa been completed on the Pacific
highway between the California Hue
and Portland, according to C. It. Mc-
Cnllotigh. bridge engineer for the
Mate blghvay department, who haa
jnt returned from an automobile
inspection tour of the line. Through
out the aiate bridge work totals
about 12.000.000.
South of Ashland are three rein-
I forced concrete bridges oo the high
way, one of which Is completed and
the other two near completion. At
Ashland a contract recently waa le:
for an overhead crossing over 'he
Southern Pacific tracks.
Ttl.t Vlg FwniUhed
North of Med ford the overhead
crossing at Tolo nas i-een rinisneu
and will be ready for ae as aoon as
the fills are completed. The Rogue
river arch north of Uold Hill has
bem completed sad is heiag ased.
Itetwcen Salem and Jefferson are
three or four concrete bridges, near
ly all of which have ben completed.
were visited by thieves last Bight
about 10:30 o'clock and both house
ransacked while the families were
sway from home.
Borne money aad rarioas articles
ot Jewelry were obtained by the
The eiact amoaat had aot
been determined up to a late hos
laat atght. A uniform of 'a street
csr man waa stolen from Mr. Belts:
also a money caaager with some
money la !t was taken.
The police were notified aad
searched the neighborhood hat ao
trace of the Intruder waa found.
recently adopted by the fcoaae whlca
dealt with Germany aieae. Th I we
repoeala will be edjesled la confer
ence begtaalag Best week, the reealt
to be eadorsed by Both fcowse aad
the nasi reeolatioa te be seat to the
president for algastara.
That the president will rete It Is
a foregoae eoaclaatoa, sac kali eared
by sag speaker dsrlsg debate la the
hosae or aeaate. It Is aaeertaia
whea the flaal reselatioa will reach
the White Hosae bat RcesbUeaa
leaders anticipate a-o difficmlry ta
Betting three t a a conference draft
with little delay. The aeaate tabsU
tate gore to the aoeae Monday.
The seeste vote todsy gave a ma
jority of rive as predicted by Demo
cratic leaders.
Leader for the Kaox sabstltate
aad the party aUgameat were aboat
that anticipated. Three Democrats.
Reed et-Mieeewrt. Shields of Tsaaee
see aad Walia -ot Maaaechasetta,
eiae toe Jieeeoucaas ta eepporvag
the taeerstlea. Twe Repsbllcaas. af e.
Camber of North Dakota, who was
paired, sad Xaieoa ot Mlaaeeota,
lined ap wlta the DessecraUe eppo
attion. -
Predlctioas y teaiergw Vot "
aides that the treaty of eVraaillee
womJd reoxla la Its ereeeat aaratw
rted peettiea ladeflaitely wsra saade.
Senator Uaderwood, Alabama, la his
first speech as Democratic leader,
declared the Repahlicaaa apparently
bad "foreclosed' actioa oe the treaty
for the pries at ion ot roagrees.
From the Hapsbllcaa side, Semator
llardilg. flepsbllcaa. Ohio, declared
the reeolatloa was a denicrBetrmtMm
against oae maa rale" ot TreaMext
The resolstloa was deaosaced at
f stile, impotent.- ate as aad Cmm
for bo other thaa political psrpoece.
to deceive the people. by Senator
I Hitchcock of Nebraska. admULatra-
tioa SBokeecaaa. He also reiterated,
sgainet RevabUcaa deals la. that
Presidsat Wllsoa's proaoaaeecaeat
had "pled red" the naUoa to the
League of Natioaa.
(CooUased est page 4.)
By Rev. Thomas 5. Andersen
WAPHINCTON. May 15. The fed
eral reserve board was reiuested In
a reolntion Introduced today by Sen
ate r McCormick. Repnbllcan. 1111
oola. o report that steps are contem
plated to deflate currency credit and
to mobilize credit for moving the
1920 cropa.
XKW ORLEANS. La.. May 13-
Discovery of a wrecked seaplane far on Lak Ilorgue. gave rise lo ap
prehension regarding the safety of
the two civilian aviator. DougUa
Manning and William Campbell, both
of California. Cards bearing their
names were found on the plane when
It waa boardrd by lighthouse keep
ers. The plane was seen late Friday
coming from the general directiea
of Mobile and disappeared ever the
lake. Today a lighthouse tendar
found It. abandoned and badly
pounded by the waves.
org r aTMKau
Tia not a mm rer tHU
This bw4 ae true aa4 vital;
T1s mjrstlrml ralatlee
lUndlnr every rare aa4 eatlee
To th humt-lutt of our tiod.
To Hia rvl ane to Hia roe:
And w hall Its miguitinnr of
Lifting lt our prayer aeS prl to
Htm b..
ur Kathvrt
When life Is flflet with beaoty.
And vajo) ort a
Thee lo44 II ta a lMir
Jat to ran the words that trewr
All the attrlhwtea ane Man
That the a4 of heaven claims:
And we pnd then ana aag them tn
otir prat.
Thankm Htm for alt the stare that
rnrai our 4ara
Our KatherT
' AVhen ta are tark a4 atrearv.
AtKt i.ur harle are eaS and wreary:
When the worl4" full of arrroar
Wa an "! hear nr Mroe
Krotn the grate o( n. oe eerre.
Krm the ea -f e..nfltrt 1 1 rr
8UII we frll e tenaeraeaa er leoUas
every fear.
An4 we have the eonfxteeco r.f aoaaeona
tanHtaa: mmr
Our Kathert
AnH then whn we are (trine.
An4 the frUnde a boat ua rTylag.
Tt diemar. and no one know tag
Tha dim pathway we are rolns:
WSe thee Borhnne aa tha war.
Hearina erjr word we ear?
Who cotnea fcrth to meet aa-d greet
wtth H love.
Pennine ua the robe c-f W.atj froaa
Our rther
Our Father. Can you remember I
when you f.rwt began to ltap these!
words In evening prayer? what a
vague, dreamy conception yoa then
had of a far-away God! It Is Ita
portaat to stop aad t a tak whether
yoa have aay clearer, dearer or wear
er concepuoa ot a. taarealy ther
Yoer life Is real to ye beeaaae
yon see ita est ward coadllSoae aad
feel lis laner emotloaa. bat yoar Cod
Is sa real to yoa becaase He sits be
hlad the canal a of material Hf aad
apeaka to yoa only by the still small
voice of eoaacSeace aad touches yoa
only with the Invisible hand of leva!
Job taqslree of Natare. " I lata the
rata a father, or who hath begotten
the drops of dew?
If then. Inanimate Natare gaast
needa have a peraoaal raaae, how
taeca awece a leaglag. lenag. -plead
log aosl ot maa mast bar a splrtu
aal Father. Therefore, the abend
sat prevtdeace of natare aad the
grace aad roercy of Jeans Chrlat re
veal to ua ' Oar Father whlca art la
Notlce. He Is -oar- rather not
mine a or thlae! Thea yea aad I
are brothers bat the world wags
by sad fllara Ita taunt ot rivalry aad
hate, bltieraeae aad erora. aad yoa
ay It la not so. I will aot have It s:
f He ia yoar father be can aot be
tniae. aad If He la my father, he raa
not then b thine
Hut the hot day. with the world
proreaaioa of the red flag. ajee
away. and. la the coot ot the ere
nine hoar, we think It all over saj
we kaow that God hath made of oae
i r-d I blood ail the aatloaa ot the
earth, aad we are blood-bos a 4 aad
blood-bought by all the eacrincee et
the ages aad we rasa be tret Her,
aad Cod Is our Father!
Come thea. with all the t!gh coat
of living, let aa try to take lUe more
really, with snore eeaHdeace aad
tract and. especially, let as do ao
proflteertsg from the seed of oar
brothers for oar father kaowa aad
cares. Thea. whea we corae te say
ear rael eeealag prayer, may we be
sure that " he who w a tabes be hia J
the shadowa aad llateas te ear cry la
-Oar Father whkh art la Heavra.-