CITY NEW S If You Wish To I lave-ill) tb. future as In the --past. "Economy and efficiency" In the re eorder' office, vote 15 X Carl Race, City Recorder. (Paid adv.) plete the shipment. This means a ler. was arrested yesterday and la be revenue of S35Q a day of $3,500 for ins held in the connly Jail In default i the 10 days for the post ofice de-Jof 210 bonds. He Is accused of panmeni in postage. Crowded Into Ditch M.'Suttman reported to the police Sunday that the automobile which be was driving on the Pacific high way was crowded off the, road into a ditch, causing the car to turn ov Porter Wanted Apply at The Spa. A Very Interesting May . "One False Step. Is .-to be given by the young men of the Catholic "The Create QueKttoe" D. W. Griffith's latest. passing a forged check on ll. White & tons. forflC April 24. Man in Forfeits I toil D. C. Marvin. 146 Portsmouth street. Portland, was arrested here Sunday for speeding on Chemeketa cnurcn, in their hall on next Wednes- .street between Capitol and Summer day evening. It la of especial Inter- istreeta. He deposited $S bail which was xorieiieo wnen ne aid not appear oerore Judge tar I Race for trial yes terday morning. est, because It was written by the pastor, Kev. Father Buck, and the cast includes eight young men. The proceeds are used for charlta- No one was severely Injured and the'thlJ: wm? no,pe1 inat ...nni. .v. r . i there will be a good attendance. auto waonly damaged to the extent of! about $50. Mr. Suttman said the accident occurred when he came up behind a car bearing Oregon license j,o. 75720. and when he gave the signal to pass the car turned out "to the right, but Just aa he waa passing It turned back to the left, causing his auto a be pushed over the em bankment Into the ditch. The po lice have not ascertained who owns the other automobile. Yerdcn M. Moffltt . For city marshal. A courteous and fearless enforcement ot the law. (Paid adr.) A Good Piano For Sale Looks like aew. Not a scratch on It. Will sell for 1275 cash. Call t 519 Court street. Bridge And HouW Carpenters Wanted by tn4 Southern Pacific company. Steady employment. wages 53 to 63 cents an hour. Good board and lodging furnished at $30 Per rnonth. Men to furnish their own bedding. Write or apply to di vision engineer. Southern Pacific company. Room 1, Union Station. Portland, or apply to nearest agent. Forty Violinists Heaf Pupils to Sec Show l l In ensemble, all students of Miss The students of the Oregon school i Elizabeth LeTy. In recital at First m. IK W. Griffith's Latest "The Greatest Question.' Ye Liberty. coming. Automobiles Collide George R. Turnbull. driving auto mobile No. 45181 on Center street Sunday, collided with an auto bear ing license No. 84368 at the Inter section of Center and Commercial streets. No one was Injured and only slight damage done to the cars Hon. Charle A. A. McCce Will speak at the armory Wednes day at S p. m. Hear him. Iuta Up Money 11. t. Collins was arrested Sunday for speeding on the Portland road. but was released shortly afterwards upon putting up $10 to Insure his appearance before Justice of the Peace Unruh May 15. The League of Nations discussed Wednesday evening at the armory. This Week's Irapery Special Fancy Fillet Ruffled Curtalni. values to $7.50. All at $2.45 pair. Hamilton's. Hit Womnn.Ih-lte Away Roy Ohmart of Liberty reported to the police Sunday that an autom hlle had run into a woman natneJ Mrs. Wolf, knocking her down and ..'slightly Injuring her. Ohmart said Wash Dresses For Sale - A beautiful itarlr nalr nlann good as new. Will sell at a veryi,ht ln rier d,d not "lP to r low price. The Wiley 11. Allen Co.. 519 Court street. for the deaf win be entertained at Ye Liberty theater at 4 o'clock this afternoon by Manager Frank Bligh who will show the play "In Old Ken tucky" for their benefit. Superin tendent Tillinghast has informed Mr. Bligh that about 40 of the pupils wilt be present. 'Down On The Farm The. Gypsy Trail ; ! Last limes Today 2 US, 7:15 and 0:15 p.m. ! 1 . : 11 cagey r I a . ... iuriiiaa cnurcn tonignt at 8 p. Ftfblic Invited. Admission free. Ir. J. O. Mathl Residence, phone Is temporarily 596-R. Office phone, 573, as before. Pamphlet. I tig Item One hundred and fifty mail sacks filled with voters' pamphlets are be ing handled by. the Salem postofrice each day. or about 3.500 pamphlets. And as there are aboue 350,000 reg istered oters in Oregon it is estimat ed that it will take 10 days to corn- Hub Returns Today The Willamette glee club will re turn today after spending a few days in Portland singing at various churches in the Interests of the Greater Willamette campaign for $100,000 which is needed for neces sary improvements and enlargements of the college. The quartet also sang at the Willamette .alumni ban quet in Portland last night. Do Yon Know- What the League of Nations means Come to the armory Wed nesday evening and learn. der aid to his victim, but had turned around and driven off at a high rate of speed, before witnesses were able to get a description or the number of the automobile. For One Week Only Beginning May 10 we will sell five loads of 16-inch mill wood at $4 per load, for Immediate delivery. Bpaul ding Logging Co. Accident Reported- S. B. Powers and R. C. Clark re ported to the police Sunday night an automobile accident at the corner of Court and Cottage streets about 8:30 o'clock. They said no one waa Injured and only alight damage done to the automobiles. Sample in Jail- Charles Sample, anas Samnel Mil- CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries "WALLFELT" Takes the place of cloth, at about one-third ; MAX,0. BUREN 179 N. Commercial St. Bonds, Mortgages. Interest Bearing Investments , HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04.907 Oregon Bonding? 383 Court Street Phone 409 REMEMBER that we pay tna nlrt sHea (or CaJLPBTS STOVES. MACHI1IEHT AHP TOOLS Don't Nil anything befora yon na. THI CAPITAL H A RDWAR8 AJTD riJRXITCKJB CO. W. Omi'I S. This Week's Drapery Kperlal Fancy Fillet Ruffled Curtains. values to $7.50. All at $2.45 pair. Hamilton's. JUST ARRIVED New Light Six Velle now here. Place your orders early If you want deliv ery. SALEM VKLIK COMPANY 182 North Commercial 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE BICYCLES . AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN S87 Oottrt Street PetlJont For Guardianship Cora W. Haldeman tiled a petition Ith the county court yesterday to be appointed guardian of her four ey I children. They are Nina, Estelle. Clair Griswold. Ellen Blanche and Clell Wilbur Wetchel. A Meeting - Of the members of thexUnitarian church will be held at the churchJJ May 12. at 8 p. m. this is important and every member ot the church Motorists who are looklna for body lines and Interior specification coat assume maximum service and economy at a reasonable price should ee inie car. 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CXOAB aTaiKfsiaiJ4hrlMJI 'as LEE L GILBERT, Distxibntor hkndxrson'r ciqar b ' ' rnone in Petitions For Probate- John J. Burdette, executor In the estate of the late John Burdette. filed a petition for probate of will with the county court yesterday. The Uf aWCenuacrclal S tract. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO 248 State Street Phone Sill Distributors Hudson Essex and Overland Cars TJlectric Machinery til Engineering Company Tot BICYCLES That Are Attractive and Practical Of the well known IL A. Dlx L Sons line. Thee Jrrrs are of percale or fjinttarat in attractive t.latds ami stripes and corn tine the qualities of wearabUity and stjrle. They launder nicely and cuke it so easy for you to always look frrsh about your housework. A. H. M00RE' EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK I At Ilis Old Stand on Court Street 237 Court Street Phone 411 Nurses Costumes Maids Dresses We ran supply you with the regulation nurses costumes and can assure you satis faction. These costumes show excellent workmanship and will give you long service. Very chic and jroH re tbe nuida eoa tumes we are showing. They are easily kept fresh and dainty and add a great deal to the up-to-date air of yocr maid. Attractively Priced Are These Wash Dresses At $2.48, $2.98, $3.50, $5.95 Up to $6.48 145 Liberty Street The Pay At You Go Plan All Unnecessary Orernead expense It Eliminated The Sarinf IrYouxt 167 North Commercial St. At the Electric Sign "SHOES' DElriqSOH ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES txa North Liberty Street EAGLE DRESS SBTRT8 92.O0. $$J0O to f 10 AO SCHEl'S WANTED Furniture, rxnrea. heaters, tools. nd. In fact anything yon have to selL I bay for cash. Phone f 10 or S1L. W00DRY, The Auctioneer Salem Auto KAdi&tor Shop Radiators. Fenders and 0a .Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators tor Sale III B. Jlta St. Salem. Ora. W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Direeton ilARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians cated nar Salem. Is valaed at 1500. The will provides (bat the estate will be the property ot the widow .sntil her death and then will go to the son. John James Burdette. The other children of the deceased are left $1 each. They are Julia Klcheo. Addle IUs. Cheney Burdette. Al fred Burdette. Anna Alston. Alice Llndbe'Z. Salathlel Burdette and Owen Burdette. 844 BUte Street The Knnnwihelmer House to Salens , FURS OF STYLE AND QUALITY T Furs Remodeled to Order WEST FUR CO. 121 Court St. Opposite Court House D. H. M0SHER High Class Cleaning and Pressing 474 Court Street U.S. GARAGE f 14 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series 8tndehaker. Talne S1C2S. today I1J00. D. B. Oarare. Phone lTil POTATOES We pay the highest cash pnee. Phone TIT. Office S42 State St. Warehouse Trade and High LIANGIS BROS. MILLER. I Good Good. J Uomd IMie TeateoV To test the validity of f 1.000.000 in bonds voted by the people of Clackamas county la November. 1919. W. P. Hawley of Oreroa City Instituted mandamus proceedings in the supreme court yesterday acalaM the Clackamas county court to com- pel the sale of the bonds. The suit la a friendly proceeding to establish validity of the Issue. Lecal PTsaS. Oet them at The Statesman afSce Catalog on appUcatlosu OosMia RjrtMtShl to Secreury Toung of the Klntmsa Colony Irrlgstloa district of Mslhesr county jesterday brought ISO. COS la bonda it the' sute cspitol to be cer tified. The bonds have bea ap proved bv the sute Irrigation secur ities commission. U MONUMENTS If roar monumental work Is solicit-1 led. kindly ask the solicitor for oar business card. J. C JONES, Prop. Capital Monumental Works 2210 S. Com. St. Phone 19, Salem ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 481 8tate Street Our Specialty; Oysters Fish- Chopa Chill Con Came J. D. MADDOX. Prop. USED CARS To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade ' for Bread and Butter THE B. C MOTOR CO. 178 S. Commercial St. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We alto do local Lanlinf . a A ..lia I ensau uvhjmi xmb imu i TTat rfiiulH I, Loan Howao Rental Afesscy ' I 817 State street. Salem. General Property Dealing JOUX IL SCOTT REALTY CO- Arpieauona Z2S Oregon BaUdls I Guy M. Peters of Chlcsgo has filed Phone 2M Saleaa, Orecoalwlth State Engineer Cupper an appll cation for permission to construct a reservoir on Willow creek. Malheur county, for the storare of 61. to acre feet of water for the Irrigation of approximately S000 acres In that I county. Dr. A. Koehler of Baker has filed an arplicatloa covering the ap propriation of water from Sprio Grove guich for the Irrigation of CS acres In Baker county. Joaeph Fra tier. Jr- of Hood River haa filed aa application for the appropriation of water from aa unnamed spring- for the Irritation of a small tract In Mood River county SMITH' For 2) MOK E SUte and Cosanaeaxlal Streets AUTOS CRASH NEAR WALKER Cut Racing on Highway Se riously Injure Two Prora nent Women Let Ut Play the Latest Victor Recorrlt H. L Stiff Fcniitnre Co. W. W. BI00RE Fmraltsre I tore The Home of Jae Ylctrela Ton gtt more for yosr nosey al Moore's OREGON BATH HOUSE Relieve that tired feallag ky a Turk , Uk ZUU Bateaent Oregon Building RUrdoa and RaUahle f antral directors. CITY CLEANING WORKS Oanera ot XJoaUty Cleaning Dyeing aUpaWS lttl fltaU fit. FhOBS) T08 MYRTLE KN0W1AND Busick's SALEM ALBANY - Moale and Moalcal gosmra Dealer la 411 Court St. Salem. Orotoa Telephomw 881 ' win HAMILTON THE FCRXTTURE MAlf make and hang your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery. , 840 Court Street. WANTED Beans Eggt Potatoes PEOPLE'S CASH STORE WONDERHOSE For Kiddles, per pair.. .Me . REMNANT STORE 284 North Commercial Street WANTED JTJXK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also hoy second-hand goods. If yow have anything to sell for a good price call 498. The Square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Cbenseketa St. Baleen, Ore. BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry 8U. Phono 1400 WE BUY Farm Produce. Eggs. et&. Paying Highest Cash Market Prices. Pat knits Kr Chris Roth. 31 years old. and George T. Hollaed. II. eacaped Sun day night from the grounds or the WILLARD Storare Battery were commuted ' from Multnomah SERVICE STATION county. Both last September and Holland two rears sgo. Both are 08N.HigaSt. Telephono203 cLd'T'riUnd S lbs. pesnut Butter 91.00 1 Bale Straw SSc 23 Bars Laundry Soap fl.oo 100 lbs. Netted Ger Spuds.. 98.00 100 lbs. Wheat 94 Mi THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone 49 748 Highland Ave. Lady Cook Wanted- Gray Belle. A fck a Spar F3lraJiuUlo The Oreron Electric Railroad com panv has filed a petition with the public eeivlce commlMion for aa or der allowing the company to discon tinue Ita spur track and station at Lojtanville. Washlnctoa cowntjr. Let us prove to yow that our prices are less. Some gooa nargaua w and used pianos. TOE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 610 Conrt St. - .Derby hnullng . WfiL GAHLSDORF The Store cf Homtwarea What Hare Yon? We buy. sell and exchange aew and second-hand furniture, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, etc We will buy you out. - COL. W. F. WRIGHT, Aaetloaeer 271 N. Commercial St-. Salem. Or. List your -sales with us .,..' People's Furniture Store Night Phone 1047 Phone 724. ECCEXC. Or.. Msy Id Mrs. Grsce Van Bosklrk of Cottage Grove waa seriously hurt sad Mrs. E. R. Spencer, wile of one of Lane coun ty's . commissioners, was severely bruised when aa auto driven by a California mis ran lato the car be ing driven by Mrs. Spcscvr on the highway near Walker station Son day afternoon. Mrs. Spencer says that the California car and another coming toward her seemed to be racing and she tamed off to one side to let them pass, but the Cali fornia man dodged la between ar car and the other, canting the In-J eviiaoie coutsioa. Tat ipencer car and the one from California were de molished. A. M. Strang. Tom Par son sad Ed Shane were the aames given by the three men. and their address is Tstt. Cat. DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 30cDoz SALEM BAKING COIIPAin 439 Court Street Phoae $14 The price of the Cermsa mark hss dropped so thst there is pre cious little left but the smell of the ilmburger. J. C PENNEY CO. For LOWEST PRICES It Pay To Trade At The FARMERS CASH STORE C. lUrloa iHmiall 217 North CoiBnxUl 217 Dreamland' Rink Admission FREE Ladies Skates lOe this week 7:30 p. m. to 11 jx n. - n Dr. CB. O'Neill OPT0I1ETRIST-OPTICIAN STATE S STREET . j rha r,,,,!, r.TpV r 3u 21 Q XCv: Stele art I - sfle- WO r - Crl..(V We are qualified to carry out the lattructtnaa of tboae who em ploy as bcsse et osr wide ei perleere sad be tasseof our thor sghly n 4 e ra Kslpmeat. Oar service Is fri ll's I and eosr Wss sad we ere Ulr la sit ear sflaess desllags 7H