The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Dally Except Monday by
216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
if all news dispatches credited to tt or not otherwise credited in this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendncks. . Manager
Stephen A. Stone. .Managing Editor
Ralph Gloyer Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. , Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier to Salem and suburbalS eenU
week. SO cents a month. .
TAILT 8TATESMAN. by mall, SC a year; fitor tlx months; SO cents a
month. For three months or more, paid in Advance, at rate of $S year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper. will
be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally
ONDAT STATESMAN. $1 V year; SO cents for tlx months; 2S cents fot
three months. -WEEKLY
STATESMAN, issued In two six-pace sections Tuesdays and
Fridays. $1 a year (if not paid in advance, $1.M); SO cents for six
months; 2S cents for three months.
Business Office, 22.
Circulation Department. S82.
Job Department. SS2.
Entered at the Postof tie in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
We have become asKociated with Dm. M. C. Kindley
ami H. L. Kteeves under the firm name of
Eyesight Specialists
Rooms 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211,
Hank of Commerce Building.
We will he in our new location Monday, May 10
Formerly of 305 State Street
will mak-3 hard
spring poet3.
sledding tor the
Editor Statesman:
Travellers who have been all over the west frequently are heard
to say that Salem is the most beautiful city on the Pacific coast.'
It is not boasting to say that no western city has as fine a grouping
Our idea of the tero of excitement
is the proposed trial by the allies of
the e-kalser with the defendant
many miles away. '
Don't hear so much about Article
X these days. The Republicans re-
of public buildings, with such fine large park spaces and so pic- fused to give President Wilson tbreo
turesqnely set to natural and imported trees and shrubbery. fives for it
When it comes to flowers our city attracts some, attention.
The comment of Mr. Weed, who lectured at the city library, and Shades of Bobby Burns! The
condemned planting our parkings with the Caroline lestout rose, Scottish Tvade Union congress has
has attracted wide attention. While he may be right from some J resolved aeainst liquor. Tam O'Sban-
standard of landscape gardening, we believe that for our wide streets I ter. bring out the old mere!
and large .blocks, the custom of planting hedges of this grandest of
all shrub roses, that brings two blooms a year, eaeh extending over See no mention of the name of
two months, or -practically four months of rarely beautiful flowers, Albert Sidney Burleson for presl
should not be abandoned on account fof the criticism of 3Ir. Weed dent. On the platform, -he kept us
All he said was in line with what ean be read in any work on cut of mall." he would be invincible.
landscape gardening.
So he ha authority. The war agencies ought to cnt
But we have the rases and they are their own best argument.- in'r Pr rolls. They have long ago
They speak to the eye in the language of flowers that touches outlived their usefulness if they ever
the heart and warms the soul of the beholder into admiration an. hd nT. which is a disputed ques-
pnthnsiflsm. - v ' .. lion.
snd prlvsie life. They would male
a fin combination if they could be
drstied tor.ethr.
iiuniKit tiiisuh.
Same ilmr the Gideons, who
to it that there's a Hlble In eacn
hotel guest room, are going to fit It
ro that the roan who makes the ho
tel rates Las one, too. ivtroit
Half the preachers of America
draw less than SIS a eek. It Is
fortunate that they look to rich re
wards In the hereafter. That helps
them to retain contented minds In
the fare of rising markets In thin
world. Bat " t ain't fair.-
with Roysl Canadian mooaated po-
Tb td for such a nolle fore.
Mr. King ld. was emphaJIid by In
lormstka sslned on a rnt tour
mad by Mr. King wlih Charts Rat
lr. ppeclal iiciomi agent sf Hi.
"From Information gahend on
our trip." ld Mr. King. "It l ap
parent thai enilerabl liquor la
carried eru the tn.rd-r la rosl rsr
Tbe shipments are bard la ral
at Krrrie. I. C. and csrrt1 into tb
I'nlteJ Siate tla Eaaiporl. Id-bo.
and Gateway. Mont.
roar latbr Hea malalnlRg
more tbaa 70 bottles of Can J. a a
wbUkey were brought to Great Fall
recently. Tbey mere confiscated at
Kafttport and Gateway.
PENDLETON. Or.. May C Uraa
f Ilia, roaaty farmers are settlai
nor ambitious tbsa ever. Coaaty
Agrnt llenalon estimate that be
tween 2i snd le new silos are to
be erected In bis district la 1920.
A New Yorker bought a Bible the
other day tor $3700. If the price
of Bibles goes up it may add to the
high" cost of dying.
You will be surprised at the num
ber of substitutes for sugar that may
be 'made at home when you read the
Salem slogan pagea of The States
man of next Thursday.
The queen of all flowers is made a braid and border, in Bam
Simpson's poetic language, for miles of walks and no city in America
or the world can rival Salem as a city of flowers, which distinction
is given us by these matchless parkings so hastily condemned by
Mr. Weed, :
The Salem Floral Society is making a drive for 5000 members,
at one dollar each, to be expended on beautiful shrubbery, for odd
and neglected corners of our city now lying wild and unimproved.
But we may rest assured that Caroline Testout, our glorious
shawflower; wilt nctte disturbed but will preside along our streets
in increasing displays. The state and the city and county deserve
credit for co-operating with citizens.
The school district could do a great deal more in beautifying
the school grounds. .
Having voted Salem the Gladiolus City, there are still four to
six weeks to set out the bulbs of this noble Roman show flower, and
thousands should be .planted. Bulbs can still be bought from such
growers as Crissey at Bull Run, Diener at Kentfield, California, and
.others.;- '' . .'!'-' . '
A' few dollars should be spared by every flower lover of Salem,
uMiu. an me unves, io et uut a uea Qt inaaioius. ana aaa to me ,in..t.(.'t th. t-m t... Mn
lame or balem as a flower city. Why should we not have annually a J ightinr over them for many a year
vuip uvw, Kittuiuiu aiiuw, aim an ins snow, in wnicn air. v eeqiand the matter Is not yet settled
couiu neip usi it wouia aavenise us as no other one enterprise
could advertise us and would multiply the wealth and beauty of our
city. Let us unite to make Salem the Flower City of the Pacific
' coast. -i-"-, , .. -.- -
Scheerer Co. are working fully 2000
men and have been during the war
and since. Their factory Is situated
in the back country and they have
had little or no trouble with strikes
From the windows of this factory
you can loo over and see the nioun
tains of Switterland.
"Enough has been salj by Ameri
can manufacturers in this line and
they 'are becoming discouraged by
the tardy action of the senate which
is going to put them in rreclsely the
same position they were before the
war started.- with a loss to Ameri
can manufacturers of their machin
ery, tools, and worst of hll. of their
trsined men.
"I think it should be settled quick
ly, one way or the other, in fairness
to the American manufacturer whom
you called to Washington In n
emergency when the senate found
that the country was fitted with
poor equipment in the way of surgi
cal Instruments. The conditions
were so bad. that the navy was com
celled to buy obsolete cases 25 to
SO years' old.
"Why; not remedy a condition
when it is known?
A revolution is reported' in the
vicinity of Mt. Ararat, where the ark
landed. What do you Noah about
The German government has ar
ranged for the purchase of $50,000,-
000 worth -of American bacon. No
body waa able to bring any home
end they simply hare to have it.
There is an ' intetrchurch move
rnent on foot to raise 1400,000,000
to inculcate the "true Christian fun
damentals." But what are the "fun-
Boost for beautiful Salem.
m S
The Mormon sugar trut Is up
sgalnirt Uncle Sam for profiteering.
That may take some kinks out of
the high prices of sugsr.
The Statesman of next Thursday.
In tbe Salem slogan pages, will tell
of a number of ways for tbe people
of this section to kirk out from under
tbe robber beet sugar barons.
The Salem Rotarlans are going to
get behind a project to beautify tbe
grounds along North Mill creek on
North Summer street. Tbere Is a
chance tbere to make a beautiful
three-acre park, and with such a con
summation a way will be shown for
a number of other nnsightly places
along Salem's creek and lirer banks
to be msde beauty spot a.
When North Summer Ptreet la
paved through to tbe Fair Grenada
road, which will be this summer.
most of the Pacific highway traffic
will go that way: and It will be an
asset to tbe city to have that part of
Summer street as presentable as pos
sible to tbe thousands of elsitors wno
will pass that way.
Federal Police to Check
Border liquor Smuggling
Immediate formation of a federal po
lice automobile force to patrol tbe
Canadian border la an ertort to
check tbe smuggling of liquor lato
Montana and Idaho has been recom
mended to tbe customs bureau at
Washington by A. J. King, collector
of customs at Great Falls. Mr. King
says be msde the recommendation
some time ago at the request of other
federal officials. He suggested that
tbe force consist of at least six men.
equipped with high power automo
biles and authorised to co-operate
The fathers of both Hoover and
Lowden were village blacksmiths in
communities within a few miles of
cne anoth?r in Iowa and Minnesota.
That is a strain from which spring
many Americans successful in public
Caskets CotttamArms
and Munitions for Mexico
IJOUGLA3. Aria.. Msy S Tb
weight of a shipment of raakete
to Tuckoii. Ari.. from ! Angeles,
teaulted indlncovery of 21. rounds
of ammunition and the arreM of
Tgnaclo Soto, a Douglas merchant
cbariced wl'b conspiracy to send am
munition into Metlco.
NEW YORK. Msy t. Labor con
ditions and high prices have- discour
aged the farmers of North Dakota
and as a lesutt tbe wheat and po
tato crops will be considerably be
low normal this year, according to
Governor L. J. Frasler. who arrived
here today. Only about CO. per eat
of the normal wb'est acreage Is b
Ing planted, he said, while high
prices for potatoes for seed par-
May Jewelry
-Who first b40Us the Lglt at
In ftprlag's set flowery
of May.
Aad wrs an Essraid aa
1 The Emerald is ewe tie
net highly prtad ef g
stoats. Ita magaifVreat eir
has rightly ba eoassnd u
the color of fresh gran la
spring, aad la hnsi? tfc.
stoa far eicels all oin grca
1 For Msy birth Ukraa. soa
piece of jewelry coatsiaiag aa
Emerald Is most s?rpru!
I Our stock HI probably
ford a aelectloa of ankfe
last raited for tbe eccaasL
oat the bole market Is at er
command for aay Essersil Ire.
elry that yon assy desire.
1 Lily of the Valley ts the ad
birth flower. 7
fUleea's Mo RetUUe Jewsscrs
nsMl Optlriastt
Ijom. together van the daam In
nau ana potato beetle- m.
hate reduced tbe potato arresr.
We are too busy
And Modernixlnz Our Store To
Write Adj.
II (I Good Goods. QLJ)-
So far but few, if any, delegates
to the San Francisco convention hav?
been Instructed. What a fallow
field for tho working of the Wilson
steamroller! -"
Really, the; Democrats ought to
Insist that Colonel Bryan deposit his
monkey wrench with the doorman.'
Two of the candidates
presidency -6t Mexico have
race. No such good luck
United States.
for the
quit the
in these
The newspaper publishers have
agreed not to use more white paper
this year than they did last. This
The Santlam mining district Is
getting a great deal of attention
now more than ever before from
tbe big men in that line. The States
man has reason to know this, on ac
count of Inquiries that- have come
to this -paper since the mining slo
gan issue was published. Salem is
going to be a mining center; and it
is not going to be very long now.
If the wagon roads Into the mines
near the junction of the Little North
Fork of the Santiam and Gold creek
could be completed, just a few miles
of it, tbe time of tbe actual ship
ment of ores would be very near.
Agreeable to the action of the Stock Holders of the
Salera Fruit Union at a meeting held on May 1st,
' The Board of Directors of the Salem Fruit
Union are now ready to enter into negotiations wjth
intending purchasers for the sale of the assets of the
Salem Fruit Union.
' EfUbliahed 1868 ' .
General' Banking Boglnea
; Office Honrs from 10 a, m. to 3 p. it.
Send me your name and address and I will send you a
prospectus of the
C Chappen Hotel Bligh ' Salea, Orecu
(American Economist.)
The following letter, which was
sent fcy Fred M. Haslam. of Fred
Haslam it Co.. to several United
States senators, illustrates the seri
ous menace which confronts the sur
gical' Instrument industry which was
deTeloped during and on account of
the war. It is universally conceded
that dyestuffs should hate adequate
protection as a , measure of Justice
and as a measure of national pre
paredness in ease of another war.
There are exactly the same reasons
why the surgical instrument indus
try should . receive , adequate pro
tection, .a fact which we believe
fully recognized by the congress.
Mr, Ilaslam'a; letter, which covers
the situation very fully, reads as fol
' J have just received a letter from
cne of oar western traveling men
and he Is very much put out be
cause his salea are falling off. He
states that his competitor from the
Kny-Scheerer Co. states that they
lave 1500,600 worth of goods from
Germany and that they will soon
reach the 12,000,000 mark.
Mlf something is not done qulcklr
with tariff bill H. R. 785.N a great
victory will have been won by the
Germans and why this should be 1
a puttie. We hope that the senate
fully realizes the situation.
"I visltvd Tuttlingen about
month ago and found that the Jetter-
We have a number of used cars in stock that are really good buys.
One Model 490 Chevrolet Touring, overhauled in our own shop, repainted, looks like
new, and guaranteed same as a new one for $700
Another one just like it and in the same condition $700
One Model 490 Touring, good tires, just the car for long hard trips to the mountains, and a
rcal - ; ; $400
Several Fords from $350 up
The car situation is at a point where the dealer does not know whether he will receive new
cars from this date on, to anywhere near supply the demand.
Unless the railroad situation clears within the next few days new cars will be something
of the past and prices of used cars will increase.
You can purchase a used car at this time at a real bargain and now is the time to acL
F. G. Delano
Salem Dallas
A. L Eoff
i n