The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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The Sewt lattle
Two American Officer Join jfiederniW Coanril of Fife" la Rpmln, En
ter Germany by Submarine' from "Hu Sebastian loKlel ul Ware tbe
Plan of the Last' Drive oa Pari,6 after the ItritUb. and French Had De
clared it Impossible to "Obtain Them.
Vwn'lllndenburg: and the RermHnHljth" Command flererly DecelTed by
tbe Pretended Deserter A Ttirilllaj "Adventure that Ieada to the le
feai of the lltx-he am the Signing of the Armistice The Story of the
Two Mysterious Prisoners Sent front France to the Military Intelligence
fctaff in Washington in July Last.
returned. He-whispered In the nn
jor's rar
"Whew"! The oll boy surely is
sore, lie told me If your hlorr and
mine did not agree, he would take us
both out and shoot u. lU-fore I had
i.o difficulty, for a we both had told
bint the truth, our nloriex were the
Mine. I H) you know, major. 1 be
lieve be is suspicious of u. The
quicker we escape with what, we
know the better."
i ?r with vitu. raiitain. We
will watch our opportunity and geti,by President Roosevelt in 19s. for
away. line use 01 ine urjwn m-M
s- rult
water fowl of Oregon, and In ment-.t
ory of the late Tbe4Mlore- Roott-Yt-U j
request the national pmrrninenl !.
delgnate Kuril refuse Roosevelt!
Itird Ketuge. by reding and convey-:
ing to the foiled Slate (lie right. j
title, claim and jurisdiction, pose ;
ed bv the state. of Oregon in landti
within the exterior boundaries of
and in and to the waters lolli wti.i j
in and tributary to Malheur l-ak'
reservation. In Harney county. '
Vset apart by executive older ismol
, J - By Major C. ! E. Russell
I'rovont Marshal, 2nd United Stales Army
American Expeditionary Forces In France
Copyright. 1319. by Federal News Service, Inc.
(CauadUn and Great Britain Rights Reserved)
I (All Rights Reserved)
An American major, detailed to penetrate the German lines to secure
information in reference to the Enemy's plans for the great drive on Paris,
is a f rented as "an embt-ixler and deserter" at Henday. Fiance. He-"escapes'
and reaches" San Sebastian In Spain, where his reputation leads him
to be soliciued to join the German secret service. He accepts the orrer made
him and is ordered to first rescue a German prince whom he American
army holds under sentence of. death as a sry, and then to procure the
-plans of othe Liberty motor. I
The prince is "Rescued" that the! major's position with the German
tspy syHtenTmay be' made as strong as possible. A captain in the aviation
'corps, who is an expert on aeroplane motors is. detailed to work with him
as "a deserter who has stolen the plans of the Liberty motor."'
The captain so confuses the "Group of Five" In San Sebastian that the
German prince suggests" that the two Americans be sent to Kiel with him
on d submarine that the captain may explain the plans to the High Com
mand. This is done and they arrive in Kiel after all are nearly killed and
the sub-sea boat destroyed by the explosion of a depth bomb launched
from a British destroyer. i "
, The major and captain are kept in Kiel but a short time under the
care of a Captain Schmidt, who never loses an opportunity to covertly In
sult them. . They are sent to Coblenz to be questioned by the German Hlxh
Command, , Before they leave, the remark of a German general convinces
"tbe major that they are to be murdered as soon as they divulge all they
know The major understands German but has pretended he does not. In
Ibis way learning many things that would otherwise have escaped him.
1 In Coblenz they are quartered in a hotel and are approached by two
' women living there,' whom they: suspect are members of the German se
cret service. They gain the confidence of these women, who tell them
the Germans are not sure of them and that they are to be killed after they
haverglven the German general staff all the information they posses.
' 'V The officers stick, to their: story and convince the women that they
are really American deserters with a price on their bead3. The -women
report that they are what they claim to be. The next morning they"leave
Coblecs for General , von Illndenburg's headquarters.
(Continued from last Sunday.)
Olad to escape from the presence
' of vonHinderiburg.' themajor retir-j
ed.' convinced' that what" be had told
'J the genera) had had 'a powerful ef
7 feet, but not yet conscious that he
; bad Just fought- an engagement in
' i the secret , battle that Was to prove
even more trultful of benefit to the
' allies than if he had taken an im
portant line of German defenses
4Ie- had put the fear of certain
defeat into the heart of von (linden
burg, which, like a contagion, was
to spread until! it had permeated
fcomeof the most; trusted subordin-
Dtfa n f hl atnff and In unnnuHnn
wltn oiherl startling : circumstances
.that had not yet developed, was to
- ' contribute in a most unexpected way
to the success of his mission.
Finding that Captain Schmidt had
returned he told him; that the Gen
eral.was through with him and had
' ' ordered him to gp back to his hotel.
'Immediately a car was summoned
and instructions were given to take
the major backMo Coblenz.
Late' that 'night, the captain Te
turned froni'hls interview with the
"chief of' the aviation "corps" and re-
ported in a guarded whisper:
. "Wen, major, I surely did; set,
. 'l: :
them that motor. They are now
eiSiPirifw I P,annlnK building a factory and put
tlnK me In charge of it to manufac
ture the motors."
'We must not allow them to sepr
arate us that way," replied the ma
jor. "If you are sent into the in
terior of this country, no one will
know what happens to you. Fight
such a suggestion, for we must' stick
In the morning, to the snrprlse of
both officers, von Hindenburg sent
motor car ' with instructions ' to
bring the American captain to his
Just as the major finished whi
pering. there came three genTle lip
. i .1... . : I .
i On in" mr ill" Mnai ;r--i Uni:i
between the two officers and the
two women. Opening the door, the
i major's friend stepped into the room.
! She was pale and showed that she
was laboring under great exclte-
"Major!" she exclaimed, "you are
under suspicion. Jnst as soon us
the captain is through with his de-
script ion of" the motor and feel con
fident, they understand it. you both
are to be quietly put out of the way.
I have been ordered to keep a close
watch on you so that you will not
escape. Oh. what are we going to
"The only thing that I "can sug
gest." replied the major, "is for n
to appeal to His Highness-for pro
tection. Von must find out for me
just where he Is and I will write
him a letter."
"That's all very well." said the
woman, "but if I were you 1 would
not depend too much on him. Even
he has to give' way to the High Com
mand. Instead of trusting to him.
let us all concentrate our minds and
efforts rtnon your escaping into Hol
land awav from ! all the treachery
of the Germans. I am going now.
but before I sleep I will try and find
the solution."
After she had one the major and
the- cartain sat up trying to find a
way out. It began to look as It.
with victory almost within their
grasp, they were going to fail. That
night, the firing squad and the nrica
wall seemed very real and very near
to them both. Various plans were
discussed and rejected. .Just as
daylight war breaking In the eastern
sky and as they decided to make a
fun for It that very night the se
cret -signal was once more given,
the door was opened and the two
women stepped into the room.
(Continued next Sunday.)
lure as a
bn-eding pnund
rild birds.'
The Vieget broom faftny we-i
of the .Mississippi river is in )r-'
,4California Syrup of Figs'
Child's Best Laxative
' Am
1 1 All
Accept California" Syrup of Figs
only lHk for tbe name California
on the package, then you are sure
your.:hild is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
siomaeb. liver and bowels. Children
love Its fruity tast. Full directions
on each tcttle. You must say "California.
"The - Remaking of a Mind"
Thoughts on war and reconstruction
by a leader of the Belgian labor par
ty, who for' a time tried to throw the
weight of international iaoor against
the war. but who later served, witn
distinction. Henri de Man.
-Modern Industrial Movements"
CaiM.tat irttrlH n industrial union-
Xeither of the officers could fath-Lgnw the L w. W.. scientific manage-
om this order: but the major
thought that possibly the general,
desiring to check up his story, had
decided to have the captain brought
before ham . On the chance that
this was the real reason the major
cautioned the captain to tell the ex
act truth. ,
Just tell the old scoundrel the
real truth. It cannot hurt the allied
cause. On the other hand, it mat
so discourage him -that he will 'not
try to carry the offensive further.
but will dig himself in where he
"All right," replied the eaptaln.
"I understand."
After the captains departure, the
major, not caring to walk the streets
by himself,' remained in his room
As time passed and the captain did
not return, he began to fear that old
von Hindenbarg; in his rage' at hav
ing the truth told about him, had
ordered tbe guard to shoot the cap
tain. However, after what seemed
an endless wait, the young officer
1 '
The Farmer's Power Plant
"To make farming what itcaghl to bethe'moit pUatanl and prolitahlt prtltt
:tton in the world."
Tlinl is Henry K.rl isioii of ihe Konl
iii Tractor mill whit it mentis to the1 farm
er. Tin funnel of America luvi loiu- won
f'erlnl work. lliey liave- lalreI hanl ami
jilii'iitly and their pfforts hnvr male pr
HMity fOininoiilaee for llie nation.
The limit fH force of j;.is4Jiin-s krr;
siif nnil clei-tririt y an nov ready to loose
tlie ItoiitU if lonjf lioiirn ill the fieM, uncer
tain etnjs n id I vliortajr of lalxtr.
The farmer's wile can now enjoy more
of- the ln-niil'ie of life. The tractor will
make it h.inl t keep the Uti jn.
i ity frntii tlf farm. 4vriene" tw ,
roiniTioii'Jir in the ity ar" l.n.uglt to lit
Turm mi.l farmltntru- hy ihf tractor.
Mr. Frl HrnHft thtrvanlj of acres f
latul. "exjtiinfntrfl for years on C2 tliffcrrtit
tiHMleU t.f tractors at a fot if taillions'cf
Joltani, lefrrv he found in th Fordwn Trac
tor a iMvieliiiie bail proven a ue?-a. iir.
For. I ditl the rtririf titinjr with hi ova
money. The KonUnn U rt-ady to do yoor
Atk your Fords on dealer to show yotf the Foiiton. There-are- many: Foritzt
cwners near oo, Atk them what their tractor has done for them.
Power Farming Specialists
.1 Arc
to see at
you satisfied with r what you arc doing with" your
Stop and think.
Start a bank account.
your money in ! our' bank.
will receive' 3 per cent interest
404 SUte Street
ment. management snaring, ooisnev
ism and other topics, compiled by
Daniel Bloomfield.
"Government Ownership of Rail
roads" A collection of selected ar
ticles published in the Debater's
handbood series, compiiea ny tana
"Army and Navy unttorms ana
nsirnia" Complete with descrip
tion and illustrations for the United
States forces, and many of roretgn
countries, bv Col. Dion Williams.
"DirtionarT of Military Terms"
A reference book, by Edwara rar-
row. . . .
"Organizing for work" A dock
on business efficiency with sugges
tions on computing costs and meas
uring tbe efficiency of men ana ma
chines, by H. U' oantt.
"Practical Publicity" Tne prin
clples of the art or advertising, nv
'Solvlnne - Advertising Prooiems"
2S0 successful adveTtising designs
illustrated and described, published
by advertising artists. Inc.
"Manual oi Amencan urape vjrow
inr" bv U. P. Hedrick.
"French ways and Thetr Mean
ing" A study of the French people.
by Mrs. Edith Wharton. s
Sotil! in ' Khaki" An investiga
tion- into the spiritual experiences
and sources of heroism among the
men in the firing line, by a represen
tative of the Salvation army, Arthur
K. Copping.
"The Child's TJneonscious Mind"
A study of psycboamalysis in relation
to the education of children, by Wil
frid Lay.
"Boy Behavior-A small psyebot
gy of boy life, by V. 11. Durger.
"General Psychology" By Walter
Ct"Hnntr (
"Introduction to Phllosdphy" By
William Jerusalem
Phophesy and Authority" A
study of the interpretation of scrip
ture with special consideration of tne
millennial hope,-by Kemper roller
-Greatest Thoughts About Jesus
Christ" A collection of tributes.
compiled by J.' Gilchrist Lawson
"Jesus Christ and the Young man
of Today" Lessons for young peo
ple who have experienced religions
doabt. by John 34. Holmes
"Cyclopedia of Illustrations for
Public Speakers" Complied by Rob
ert Seot.
ntlVa Tfn lit f.V Tti.m" '
us lima s a a s s v i a as
By Tieter Mljer.
The Home and the World" A'
novel of India by Robindranath Ta-gore.
"Rekindled Fires" A story of Bo
hemian life, by Joseph Anthony.
"The Corringtons of High Hill"
A tale of Old'Vlrglnla. by Mrs.: Ter
bane, better known, as Marlon Har-
"Before the Wind" By Janete
?Boy.Voodburn" A story of a
horse of Sussex, "by the author of
"Bob, Son of Battle," Alfred OIll-vant.
'Gbritinuing Daily Thousands of Vsilues that Stend;ihe
Connie E
arly Moiidaj
And Get :the Benefit of these Great Savings
throughout the entire store.
Ballot Title Finished
for Bird Reserve' Bill
Attorney General Brown on Sat
urday completed ballot title for the
Initiative bill to create a bird refug
from Malheur ' lake ' and its tribu
tary. .Initiated by the Roosevelt
Bird Refuge association. The title
"To create a refuge for the natite
H 'i ii i i iii !