The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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Jason lee Memorial.
Wl$er Bd Jefferson streets,
TiomM Acheson. pastor, Sunday
,ckool at 9:45. Chas. Hageman in
eUrge. 0ur 8Cho1 ls equipped with
jjjjsea'for all ages, and well carea
tor by'ePb,e teachers. Strangers
at visitors always welsome. Public
,ortW 11 a. m. The Rev. Albert S.
mbUW m Preach u-bj.ect. "The
foaite ots Success ; In Christian
Work."!!5" meeting at the close of
.' service, lead by J. M. Clark.
junior league at 3 p. m.. Miss Grace
Tiler, -superintendent. . Children and
roanf people welcome. Epworth
Jer meeting at 7 p. m.; young
' jopl ire always welcome to this
rKlrtir. A special program for Sun
day trenta: come early. 'Evening
terries at 8 p. m.. Dr. E. E. Gilbert
preach. Subject. "Sin and Its
Keaedy." Special music will be ren
ered by the choir under the leader
,aip of Professor Clark. We most
cordially Invite the public . to come
isd enjoy these services with us.
mrer snd praise service on Wednes-
jay evening t. .
Scandinavian 3Ie thodist.
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Services
it 11 o'clock . m.. Bro. A. E. Lind
will preachy 1 Sunday school at 12
'dock. Cos I Anderson, superintend
ent. This is our Mothers' day.
ning at 8 o'clock. Everyone is cor
dially invited to attend these serv
ices. C. W. Cofly. nastor.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Sunday services held at 440 Chem
eketa ktreet at 11 a, rn. Subject of
Bible lesson, "Adam and Fallen
Man.?) Snnnday school at 9:45 a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial
meetinig at 8 O'clock. Read Inr rnnm
209 Masonic temple, open every day
"vepijounaar and holidays, from
li:4 to 5 D. m. All are cord i all in.
. -
w our services and to our read
mg room.
convention session in Portland this
week., Morninr worshin at 11. -with
sermon by the Dastor: tonic Th
AttracUon of a Christ Lifted Up." C.
E. at-7 p.,m. Evening worship at 8
p. m., sermon by the pastor; topic.
4,Hls Mother's Heart." -Musie at each
service by the Wenger-ave quartet.
Please note the chause of hours in
the evening services. Be sure that
letter reaches "Mother" today; if yon
have not sent it. wire her;; it's
Mother's day. God Mess our mothers.
Iceland W. Porter, pastor.
First United Brethren.
Tew Park Bible school t 10:00
t a- Breaching at 11; Christian En-
eTor at 7i00 p. i m., - and a short
mrtiet at SiO p. m. Mid-week
irmr meeUttgi on Wednesday eve-
Catholic Church.
voramunion mass at 7:50. High
luass apa sermon by Rev. Father
ijuck ai 10:30. Owing to the initia
uon o me Knights of Columbus,
benediction will follow irnmriiteiv
after high mass, and there will be no
services In the evening. May devo-
wons on Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock! and Friday evening t 7?3n
On Asspncion Thursday there will be
mass in the church at 7 and 9 o'clock
eve rjrone Is welcome to all serv
ices. ,
1st. Paul's Church,
eketa and Church trt l
the Resjr. Chas. H. Powell. B. D., rec
tor. Services lor the .fifth Sunday
aft Easter: 7:30 a. m.. holy com
munion; 9:45 a. m., church school;
11 a. 461.. morning prayer aMnd ser
mon; :30 p. m- evening prayer and
address. At the morninr service Mr.
V Cl npclrphach will clncr fnr n -vf
fertoryf solo, "One Sweettly Solema G"lf ?ker
Thought." by Ambrose. Everybody
First Methodist Episcopal
Dr. Richard N. Avison. minister.
Corner Chuch and State streets. 9:45
old time class meeting, room 4 down
stairs. i U Cummings. leader.
:45 Sunday school. Prof. Alpheas
Gillette, superintendent. Robbln
Fisher assisting. Mothers Day will
oe celebrated with suitable decora
tions. appropriate .music and other
special features. Autos have been
donated to call for mothers and seats
of honor have been reserved. 1 1
a. m. This is educational Say. Dr
B. 1. Steeves. president o fthe board
of trustees of Willamette university
will preside and Hon. A. F. Flecel of
Portland will be' the principal speak
er. Special music by the chorus
choir with pipe organ accompaniment-
No special collection nor
pledges will be taken. 3 p. m. usua
service at Old People's home, cor
ner Twelfth and Ferry streets.
p. m. The annnal vesper service f
rretiiaeni. x loya jjcmurt; Mcreury.
Miss Sylvia Thompson; treasurer.
Miss Beryl Marsters: music commit
tee. Ivan Corner and -Miss Gertrude
Aldrich. 7 p. m. devotional . meet
ing of the Epworth League; 8 'p m.
"Mothers' Day" will be observed
wtih appropriate services. The quar
terly conference wlllbe held at the
close of the evening service. Dr. Gil
bert presiding.
" Highland Friewd
'Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morn
ing worship and preaching at 11. All
mothers are Invited for a "Mothers
Day service. .Mrs. Lee will preach
a special sermon for the occasion.
Cbildrens meeting at C.45 p. m.
All children especially invited. C.
E. meeUng :45. Preaching at S
p. tu. Prayer meeting en Thursday
at 8 a. m. I. G. Lee and wife, pas
Ffrrt CunrvegatfawMil Church
Liberty and Center strets. W. C
Kantner, minister. " 10 a; m.." Sun
day school with classes for all. W.
Staley. superintendent. 11' a. m
Mothers' Day, Mary. the Mother of
Jesus." 7 p. m.. Christian Endea
vor; Miss Florence Elgin, leader.
8 p. m., "The Man in the Automobile
and His Religion." Pictures Illus
trating "First Aid."
First Baptists
Sunday school at 9:4a. Prof. II
E. Hewitt, superintendent. Morning
preaching service 11 o'clock. Theme.
"God's Call to His People." Prelude,
"Our Mothers. A message for Moth
ers Day. Evening theme. "Going
the Second Mile." Rev. F. R. Leach,
of Manlstlque. Mich., will be the
ChrUtUn and Missionary jAJUaace.
Regular meeting next Thursday
afternoon. May 13. at C32 Bout
Willamette university. Dr. E. E. Commercial street, at 3:i o'eiocju
Music by the glee i Mrs. J. E.,Fee of Portland. .will have
club and ' Varsity quartet. Every-Jeharge of the service.. A eoraiai irm-
body invited.. This takes the place : tatlon, to 41U
of the nsual evening service. ' Thurv
iwr ' . , ll
'Best in thcLcm&Xim
First Christian.
Center and High- streets, two
blocks north of the court house. Bible
school at 9:45 a, m. Our assistant
superintendent,' Mr. O. J. Hill. Is in
attendance on the state Sunday school
Buy Greater Mileage
day 7:30 mid-week prayer and praise
serviceProf. E. E. Bergman, leader.
Court Ktrrrt Christian
North Seventeenth and Court
streets. This Is "Mother's Day." It
is here! And you are going to be
In the Bible school are you not?
Don't forget to bring your mother
or somebody's mother with you.
Mouth Kalem Friend
South Commercial and Washing
ton. Church Bible school at 10 a
m.. with classes and efficient teach
ers tor all. -Carl .Miller, superin
tendent. Meeting for worship at 11
a. m.; good singing. Proaching
theme: -Jesus and Ills Testimony."
Young People meet at 7. Evening
public worsnlp at You are.-wel
Wear a white flower if your mother I nie to attend these services; ,a!o
Is dead and a red one If she is livlni;. I the Bible study Thursday at 8 p. m.
There will be a special program ren
You get greater mileage out o Racine Country
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try's greatest mile-making development, is an
added insurance that you buy gwter rnilcage
when you buy Racine Extra. Tested Tires.
Be sure each tire" you buy bgrs the name
dered by the' school. Recitation,!
duets.' solos, etc. Now for 250 at-
i tendance. ' The special program will
be followed by a sermon by the pas
tor on "Mother's Day." Junior and
intermediate Endeavor 5:30 p. m.
Young People's Christian Endeavor I
7 p. m. Song service and sermon
8 p. m. This will be the last sermon
of the series on the second coming
of our Lord. . Next Friday 8 p. m. I
the Loyal Sons and Daughters will
give an entertainment. The main
feapre will be an original playlet.
It you want to see something funny
and have a good laugh, lust come.
A very small admission will be I
charged at the door. The "Bible
study" on Thursday evening is evok
ing qtilte"an"lnferest " In the theme
of the "Holy Spirit," You are In
vited . to these services. R. L. Put
nam, pastor.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal
Corner South Commercial and
Meyers streets. Horace N. Aldrich.
pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday wheel.
E. A. Rboten. superintendent. Pri
mary department supervised by Miss
Sue Williams. 11 a. rn. Public wor
ship with sermon by the district su
perintendent. E. E. Gilbert. D. D.
The newly elected officers of the
Epworth League will be Installed.
They are as follows: President. Les
ter Springer; first Tice president.
Edwin Noreen; second vice presi
dent, Charles Raymond; third vice
president. Miss Lois Nye: fourth vice
(Continued on page 4.)
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Automobile Accessories
Facts About the Catholic
Church Br rev R-BrcK-
Thone 787
- In discussing these "Facts about
the-Catnolic Church. the writer was
ci.-." rrtrnn I asked. "Does not your church teach
Salem, Oregon,,iw. -fc-rrh
there is no salvation? It this Is true,
and your arguments seem logical.
what do you do with the vast army
of souls who have never heard of the
Cathoic church? We reply there
fore that the Catholic church also
teaches that no one goes to hell.un-j
less jhe has v freely and deliberately
turned his back: upon God. and died
guilty- of mortal sin. Yet the church
does teach that "Out or the Church,
there is no Salvation. " The church
is composed of a body all those
members of the visible church and
a seuV which is the spirit -and will
of -Christ. And everyone is in invin
cible ignorance of the church which
Christ toundned. and yet does the
will of God according to the light j
given to him. belongs to the soul of
the church or know nothing whatever!
of her. and yet be saved. But one
once knowing the truth and .living
without belonging to the visible ood
of that church, is not doing the will
of God. -and whether he bean the
name of Catholic or pagan cannot be
saved, because Christ Himself has
said "He that belleveth not shall be
condemned, (Mark XVD'-It Tie
will not hear the Church, let him be
to thee as the heathen or. publican."
iMatt -XVIII. 170 But the Catholic
church 'declares It Is sinful to force
people to join her communion, or to
punish for heresyor isise religion.
She says with Tertulllan, "It is as
suredly no part of religion to compel
religion to which free will and not
force should lead us." And with SL
Paul she declares. "What have I to
do with Judging them that are out-
aide? Them who are outside. God
will indue." U Cor. v. 12. u.i
Therefore, while we believe and
teach that it is God's will and way
for salvation through the Church
wMch Jesus Christ founded, yet we
do nont judge. It may be that even
at the moment of death, God may en
lighten the lnvmciDiy ignorant ana
i5a Cud
4 .
I ' .
Samson Tractors are making food in Ine bands of the users. Ttii u the
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The Samson Tractor burns Kerosene or distillate perfectly. You need
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