THE OREGON STATESMAN t SAT ritnAY. MAY H, 102"- I REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by - ADELE GAIUUSOX ' 1 1 ' I r "' " 1 ' 1 CHAPTER 589 WHY THE LONELINESS OF THE COUNTRY TROUBLES MADGE. , I wa shaking all over with nerr- au fear when I finally found. ray elf alone after Dicky's proposal to :bange the wrist watch he had siren n for one with a luminous dial. The watch I wore was not the one tie bad glyeh me. but' a watch with a :ae specially designed and substi- Suted by Lillian, for the sate keep ng of the secret paper my father had ent to her from Soiith America. The ronsclousness that I had deliberately cajoled my husband ' lnto beTiering my reluctance to take off the watch was due to lote tpr. his gift, con tributed as much ,toAlhy nervous tremors -an did in v. convict inn that khe watch, despite Lillian's assertion. was not a safe place for the secret- ling of the paper. Dicky's fondness for setting, wind ing up and otherwise tinkering with f m V:" y Tomorrow time-pieces is almost an obsession His mother has told me num berless stories of his exploits in taking apart the family clocks, and Incidentally failing to put them to gether' again; failures, however, that never discouraged him. I knew ti house we had purchased, which were jun beginning to show traces ol an unuu-ally belated springtime. Jim touched his hat respecuuiiy from where he stood beside a coia frame in which the tender green or yonng plants mas snoming. "Katie tells me you nave enusieu. Jim." I said. -1 want you to know that I am Tery proud of your deci sion, and that 1 will take care of Katie while you are away. nen do you go?"' Who Is Near? "I don't just know, his cap awkwardly. Jim fumbled 'Tho' told me was only a question of days before not Q oul of rearh. and they will he would examine the watch I wore, ,e, me know. so I'm Hrying to fix if It were ror notning more man ithJne8 UD a9 uell as V can while I compare its time with his own., unce have tlie chance. I don't know who in his hands. I feared he would dis- you can Ret to tave care of things." cover us aecrw. What Madge Decided. As I looked bak to the nisht when he addd. worriedly. "Don't worry about anything. Jim I returned. "Well manage some how." Thank you for everything. Mrs. Lillian planned tne substitution oi ... alj MPnMt!v- and the watches. I wondered why I hadn't Lnere w'as that in his honest voice torn ner or tnis propensity oi wj . hi h t ,d me how de.piy he feU niyl'"" , ' 7, " ' if indeed she dld not already know lse to take care of Katie. 1 KuIZl I J,?n- Professor Peck Comments on Capital City Lawns Salem lawns were complimented for their rolor effects, but rrltiHwd adversely because of their lack of Fhrirbbtry. In a lacture ty Professor Arthur W. Peck of Corvallla before the Salem Floral society at the pub lic library last night. Professor Peck is connected with Oregon Agri cultural college and came hre on invitation of the floral society for las nirht'ii ddr. The society adopted a resolution urging the motion picture theaters of Salem to run slides advertising "clean-up" week; PERSONAL MENTION H. J. Elerly of the state depart ment of forestry will leave in a few days for Jackson county where he uill serve as district warden during As I strolled on through the gar den where Jim had been, trying to forceful, so brilliant, that she 1 ,r the ravages of years of ne:. res me a bit, and I never dream lect and entered a smaI1 plK.e of of it. But I knew the answer, even as I nut the mental query. Lillian is so overawes of questioning her judgment But here waa an instance in which HaKe at the rear of the property. Ij I had no choice. I must get to the fwas struck with the loneliness of the city and secure my own watch as I place. soon as possible. .1 would carry thel The ground surrounding the house paper with me, and decide wun together with those of our nearest lian what was to be done after get-(neighbor. Mrs. Durkee. are bounded ting there. at the back by the little natural lake I dressed hastily, but found that which had been one of the chief rea-j in finite of mv hnrrv. I couldn't maaef sons for our taking tne place, ana the train I had planned to take, but I which Dicky had great plans for mnrt wait two hours for another one. I beautifying. Retle9- distrait. 1 wandered out in-1 On the other side of the lake surrounding tne i stretcnes a piece ot woouiana oeiong- Sheriff Til Taylor of I matllla county yesterday brought to the state prison Lee Collidge and Joe Florice. sentenced to serve two and woodland on the edge of the small me-half years each for larceny. .aaoc uiggs maoe a Dullness ini to Silvertoa and neighboring vicin ity yesterday. T. D. Allen of Silrerton was la Salem yesterday. J. T. Holitt and family of Silver- ton visited in Salem Friday. Mr. Holitt Is publisher of the Sllverton Appeal. Commercial Club Officials Are in Demand as Speakers The Salem Commercial cjub is doing constructive work these day. alone th llns of leadership ani development generally of this whole valley and this whole state. The principal speaker at the luncheon In Portland on Thursday of the Progressive Itnslncs Men's club of that city was I. J. Chapln. one of the leaders In Salem Commer cial club work. It was an agricul tural program, and Mr. Chapln poke on the "Present Conditions and Future Needs of Agriculture In the Willamette valley." Last night Secretary T. K. Mc- J Croskey of the Salem flab and Mr. Chapln were in Al bany, helping the commercial club of that city to put over a memoer khip campaign. Mr. McCroskey and Mr. Chapln have assHted commercial clubs la nearly all of the cities and towns in the Sal in district to get onto their feet, or to organise, and all this constructive work means great things for Salem and all this section. An aloohol and glycerine solution tubbed on the glass will maintain s clear vision through a windshield in rainy weather. Three times as men were wounded I as there were killed In the wars Most Effective and Economical An expert pharmacist says that the tO tne gTOUnas snrrounaing in sireicurs ui wwu.uU rc.vug- . ,ramtmn, k-nn-. f fnr tfio. ing to a real estate company tnat .; r " " mrm w - It, but which r',." This fine warmt weatfier makes us. think of the good old summer timet vrith its picnTcs, lawn parties. and all other out door pastimes. 'As Ave all knoVgood eafs is at least half of the picnic' pleasure and this is where our delicattessen department can aid you in making 'ip the real picnic lunches. As a sug gestion we enumerate a few of the items: T Bluhill, Pimento and Chili Cheese ' Camemhert and Neuchatel Cheese Potato and Shrimp Salad I Cottage Cheese Sweet, .weet Mixed and Dill Pickles ' Eipe and -Green Olives Sliced Boiled Ham Minced Hath, Sliced Tongue Corn Beef Loaf, Summer Sausage wilt In Hm olaotAii1 : i. generally run down. Is: Hood s Bar , UUUri Ul Uflil. i - 4 t - ThA n1oe Sillnintnr nn tho nnrlh I aparini leiore eaimg. i cpurua I. on hetonrln to a wealth wldo eauag. ana uooa s rms as who spends most of her time travel- PaT Ing, and her home Is closed during I The Ingredients of these medicines her absence. This fact appealed to I are indicated, he says, in most cases Dicky, who doesnt like neighbors I of blood impurities, nervousness. too near, and I had agreed with him I naleness. constipation, and are prs- at the time we bought the place. Of I scribed every day by physicians in course tnere are neighbors across the I preparations whose formulas are road, and the place isn't far from the similar to those of Hood's Sarcaca center of the rambling old village. I xm., Peptlron and Hood's Pills, but which spreads out in all directions. I these alreadr nreoared medicines so out our nouse is sei oac irora tue combine them as to have superlative street, ana snieiaea ny trees ana oy merit and to be the most effective In shrubbery; 'a sudden realization of the ease with which marauders could enter the grounds unhindered dis turbed me. - .1 had always felt a certain securi ty In the knowledge that Jim's sturdy arms and strong body were beneath I my roof. But now he was going to the war, and with apprehension l and economical preparations which to take them. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Peptlron and Hood's Pills are products of the C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell.' Mas. and form their Triple Combination Treatment. ..1 "We also have a large assortment of lunch goods in the canned and bottlei goods " Purity. Cross Chicken a la King -tMdeTwdor DcTiledHam ' " ', Underwootl's Deviled Tongue Rl & R. IJoned Chicken R. & R. Potted Ham and Potted Tongue Heinz Pickles, Sweet, Sour, Mixed, Relish Sdwichola This is a zestf ul sandwich filler composed of ripe olives, tuna, piemento and spice. To thoroughly introduce this article to the people we will sample it to our'customers Saturday and make a special price in half dozen lots., I v 15c Jar ; 80c dozen jars REAL ESTATE BERRY TRACT BARGAINS Aa Ideal 10-acre fruit and berry tract. with pretty buncalow auitable ror two; will be void to any ynung cou ple who can show the ability to eui tivat and set to berries, on the fol lowinc term f payment: Oaah . . . ...... m .......... S SSO On or before five years. ...... . 120 'On federal loan tenna for 12 'i - years 980 faced the prospect ot spending many evenings In the loaely house with no man protection near, for Dicky a eve nings in Ike city, with his return up on the last train at '2 o'clock in the morning were frequent. A footstep, which to my Imagina tion waa stealthy, sounded In the woodland at my side. I turned quak ing inwardly, but outwardly calm, to confront the Intruder. tTo be continued I MAKES Folks HAPPY.' THERE'S a lot of meal time cheer in the bread we bake. It'a plumb full of nourishment that cornea from the proper vitalized bread-making element". Add a little aunshine to your ev ery moal by adding the name of our bread to your grocery onler. PEERLESS BAKERY Phillip Winten, Prop. ME AT STEUSLOFF BIOS. MARKET COURT and LIBERTY STS. PHONE 13 U. 8. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Choice Younff Fresh Pork k . .fi SHOULDER PORK ROAST, LB 2Qc LOIN PORK ROAST, LB. .. ., 1 . .' Je FRESH SIDE PORK, LB....... J5e PORK BACK BONES (for boiliiif ) lb $e PORK NECK BONES (for boilinf) lb .-I2 Fresh Pigs' Feet 5c lb. BEST QUALITY FROZEN U.S. ARMY STEER BEEF At 14c, 17c, 20c, 25 c lb. Fresh Liver, lb JQe Ox TaUx, lb, .--Oc Freah Link 8atuath. ponnd .;..J5 Bnin, lb. 20 Freab Ground Pork Srnr pound....:'. ...30c Saiokxi Lta3c girttiga lb 2SC ALL KINDS FRESH AND CURED MEATS, PURE LARD SAUSAGES, ETC, ETC. Steuslof f Bros. Market SALEM, OREGON alem Tout , $:oo Another '29.CS acre tract suftabto for berries and must be at to berries or otherwise improTed. on the following; terms of Dirmcnt: Cash $ 40 On or before October 1. 1923... 1(00 I On federal loaa terms ror SZ4 year zoso BU K Alb any Total $1000 A. C B0HRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Ore. FI B LIC NOTICES. Commercial St at SUte. Retailers at Wholesale Price Commercial SL at QemelceU AU Orders oyer $1.00 delivered Free Phone C 0. D. Orders 193 or 186 ... ss s COFFEE, TEA AND SPICES 1 pound Royal Clufe &3c 3 pounds Royal Club, per lb.. .50c 1 pound Folger s Shasta 50c 1 pound G. A.... 50c 3 pounds G. A-, per pound. . . .47c Coffee To make a good meal complete, a good cup of coffee must be served. We believe, in offering our Gem Blend Coffee at 50c per pound, 3 pounds for $1.45, that vre are giving as good a coffee as can be roasted. You are not paying ten to fifteen cents far a in earn ': ; Orange Dsr , t , Large Juicy Navel Oranges. Regular 75c dozen - . . . " ; Vr Saturday only 65c dozen Other sizes 60c and 85c per dozen '.; California Grape Fruit, 3,'for 25c California Grape Fruit? extra large, 2 for 23c . Florida Grape Fruit 15c and 2 for 23c First Strawberries 6f the Season, per basket 30c notice op fixal. SrTTTLKMKNr 1 3 pounds M. J. B, per pound. .55c 5 pounds M. J. B, per pound. .53c 1 lb. Fancy Bulk Coffee, lb.. .38c 3 lbs. Fancy Bulk, per lb 35c 5 lbs. Fancy bulk, per lb 35c 5 lbs. Folger's Golden Gate per pound..... 50c the 24th. day of May. 1820. at the Hill Bros, blend, can, per lb.. .55c hour of io o'clock a. m. of said day y pound Upton's Tea 42c room in the County Court House In J, P0 "Pton S tea. .... . .80c Salem. Marion County. Oregon, aa Uncolored Japan Tea, buik..57o the place for hearing eaid final ac- M. J. B. Gunpowder Tea, Vi lb. 35c M. J. B. Black Tea, ya lb 30c Notice U hereby given that the on dersigned has filed. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion bis final account as Administrator of the Estate of Gottfried Fandrich, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday. count and all objections thereto Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 13th day of April. 1920. EDWARD FANDRICH. Administrator G, E. Unruh, Attorney for Adminis trator. XtJTICE OF .FlXAlAtVor.VT. S P0STUM .20c .25c 43c - Fine Tender Stalks, 20c per pound bunch 2 for 35c Teas, Artichokes, Iirocoli, Radishes, Green On'nins, Head and Iaf Lettuce, Bermuda Onions 25s size, special 30c size 1 50c size Hershey Cocoa, yt pound 23c Cocoa, bulk, best quality, lb.. .33c Chocolate, bulk, Ghirardellis, pound .., 3Gc 1 pound can Ghirardellis 40c Roth Grocery Go t hone jrpiir ..orders' early. Phone 1885-&.7 In , the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion In the Matter of the Estate of Rosa lia Matthien HerRevin. Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Rosalia Matthieu Bergevin. deceased, has filed hi final account 13 lb. can Ghirardellis Sl.10 id me uuunij uoun oi ine siaie oi Oregon, for Marion Connty, and that I S S Monday. June 7, 1920, at 10:30 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day. I 1CI I 'A I1CUV in 1 and the court room tit ald rotirt at I JtU Salem. Oregon, has been appointed 1 2 Jell O oy saia conn as me ume ana placet 9 Jiff t.11 h!LM for tbe hearing of objections there to and the settlement thereof Dated and first published May S,2p leg. Ice Cream Powder 1920. REUBEN C. RERGEVIX Administrator, Gus C. Moser and Roy K. Terry, Attorneys for Administrator. This Repair Directory gives the principal places when aa article can be repaired, and should be preserved in every home as a ready guide. STOVE REPAIRING Satisfaction guaran teed. 4S years exxper. lence. . Salem Fence and 8 tore Works, ZI0 Court tS. Phone 124 OEOBGB'CL WILL" Repairs all Slakes ot Seeing Machine Supplies, Needles, and Oila . Phone IE"' 432 SUte Street. Salem. Oregon 27c 26c Knox Gellatine, pkgr 19c ..25c Sun Maid Seeded Raisins 20c Sun Maid Seedless Raisins 23c 1 lb. pk. Fancy Prunes 23c Fancy Loganberry Jam 47c ancy strawberry Jam 50c Fancy Orange Marmalade 25c Fancy Orange Marmalade 35c 16 pound can Jam $1.05 Glass Jelly, 7V, ox.'; 18c Marshmallow Cream, pt 29c WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WASTED Marten Creamery A Produce Co, lUbbj Apple Butter 22c Salem. Oregon. Phone 2488 t5 size Pineapple 23c vc sue irineappie 27c 40c size Pineapple.- 35o 2 ox. Buckeye Vanilla 25c 4 oz. Buckeye Vanilla 43c 'The Quality Coffee of America" MJ.B. Coffee Remember We Stand Behind It There is no better coffee than M. J. B. Coffee regardless of price WHYT 5-lb. tin per lb 52c 3 -lb. tin per lb. 52c Single pound Tin 55c We Recommend That Ton Bur the 5-pound Size "You Save More Money" LARD AND COMPOUND No. 5 pail pure Lard ". .". ... No. 10 pail pure Lard. . 5 pounds net Simon Pure Lard. No. 5 Compound. . No. 10 White Ribbon Shortening. ..... $1.23 $2.40 $1X5 $1.25 ...$50 CHICHESTER S PILLS i i r Medium Cottolene ; $L25 Large Cottolene $??r3 3 pounds Crisco 11 00 16 pounds Crisco IS)0 wesson s oil pint xie Wesson's Oil, quart 83c Wesson's Oil, y2 gallon . . $160 Douglass OiL pint .".7.77" 40c Fresh Peanut Butter, pound .20c Fresh Peanut Butter, 5 pounds 7 $1.00 Cheese, per pound .33c Nut Margarine, pound 7 32c Tl- n . 1 irsa ooaa Tixxers, pound iZc reaa uranam crackers, pound 22c Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, pound. ... 25c Fresh Fancy Assorted Cookies, pound.. 77.777.7.77. 7. 7!30c BREAKFAST CEREALS 2 packages Shredded Wheat 27c 2 packages KeUoggs Corn Flakes...'.!;!". " 27c 2 nackares Post . Too ti re packages Grape NuU 35c packages Puffed Rice ; . packages Puffed Wheat Large package Oats 3 Large package Pancake Flour. 7 36c Large package Pearl Wheat 36c Large package Wheat Hearts. Z0c 10 pounds Pancake Flour. 75 10 pounds Rolled Oats 73- 10 pounds Bulk Rolled Oati' 70c Ralston Bran, package.... " 1 Ti " . ... FLOUR Crown, sack $X25 Olympic, sack $3J0 Diamond O $2J3 Paciflo $3-15 W i i iiu n 1 si Stock in Our Store Quality 'THE BEST" SYRUP Uncle John's, 1 gaUoa $2X9 uncle John's, Yi gallon.... $L27 Uncle Johns, quarts 63 Karo Maple, 10 pounds.... $L70 Karo Maple, 5 pounds $1.42 Karo Amber, 10 pounds.... $1X3 Karo Amber, 5 pouudi.....S7o Karo White, 5 pounds 6O0 Karo White, 10 pounds. ....$1-12 Marsh mallow, 5 pounds 75o Marshmallow, 10 pounds... $1.45 .MILK 2 Carnations 23o 12 Carnations $L33 2 Borden's 23c 12 Borden's $1-53 2 Sun Rise . .23c 12 Sun Rise... $L53 3 small zonk 25e Eagle Brand, can 27c SOAP 16 Crystal White ....$13 16 Sunny Monday $1X0 13 Von Haters.. .....$1X0 17 Swiff White $1.00 10 Fell's Naptha Wo 10 Fairy Soap SOc 10 I Tory Soap 85o 10 Palm Olire 70c 10 Imperial Peroxide C5c Large package Citrus 27o Old Dutch Cleanser 10c 2 light House Cleanser...... .15o Royal Baking Powder 36o 2 packages Soda :15c 12 pounds Fancy White Nary Beans $1X0