The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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labor Onion President
V' Scores General Palmer
WASHINGTON. May 6. Attorney
jneral Palmer's -warning of threat
ened May day violence and announce
ment of steps taken to prevent it
Arere assailed before the railroad la
'por board today by Timothy Ilealy.
president of the Brotherhood of Sta
tionary Firemen and Oilers as a part
bf what he characterized as "a dls
Mcable propaganda against labor."
I Such propaganda, Mr. Ilealy said,
vas started within less than 24 hours
After the signing pf the armistice and
vas designed to "poison the minds
f the people to such an extent that
the profiteers could still further in
crease prices and place the blame on
labor." '
i While not naming the attorfney
general directly. Mr. Healytold th
oard that the t'crusade" of a "high
;overnment official" against radicals
as undoubtedly for the purpose of
Riding in the campaign of certain
employers of the country to secure
aws establishing involuntary servi-1
iude. He referred to sedition laws
proposed In congress and said that
hile framed "astensibly to eradi
cate Bolshevism and anarchism" they
would have tied labor "hand and
Mr. Healy concluded with the
statement that if "government ofti-
cials and congress had given as much
attention to curbing profiteers as
they did to pounding and hounding
wage earners, the cost of living
would have decreased to figures
within reason."
Even If He Is Sick
effort to ixitk mkthodists Elki' Publicity Agent Com-
des moines, ia.. May 5. The mands Him to Come Along,
ursi real eriorts to eitect organic
union between the Methodist Episco
pal church and the Church South.
were made here tonight when the I CDADT PDHfPAM fPftWQ
soecial rammiltM nn un I float inn nn. DlllYl riUUlYM UJVU TT iJ
pointed by the general conference of
!tb,e fmhmeettin'gPl8C0pal church he,d pfcGUchi&t, Jr., Declares
7 CKAS11
OF ,
SASKATOON. "Sask.. May 3. R.
C. Mamilton. mechanic, was killed
and Lieutenant Harry Lobb was ser
iously injured here tonight when an
airplane in which they were fly ins
crashed to earth from a height of
1500 feet. Lobb started a spin out
of which the plane was never righted.
CHICAGO. May 3. Speakers de
nounced Attorney General A. Mitch
ell. Palmer and the national, admin
istration today at the convention of Iter be said
Merry Old Town Will be
Gaily Adorned
Inquiries about the state Elks con
vention are being made these days
and hereby bangs a tale.
J. F. Hutchason. who is acting sec
retary for the advertising and pro
gram committee for the big conven
tion wm surprised to get a letter
from an old friend who lives over in
Lake -ounty. This man is not an
Klk but has been thinking of mak
ing a trip to the Capital city some
time this rummer and wrote to friend
Hutch" for information. In the let-
Rotiing Tribes of Kurdish Brigands
Form Monarchy9 with Turk as King
! L
sfefi vt i-!fd W
Pennsylvania system, speaking for
i he roads, raid that the government
if it farnlfhed the money could tat
equipment trust certificate for se
curity and bold them until they cou.d
ln sold advantageoifrty to general in
Willi the presentation or this ap
plication, the ronnlMlon before it
the reqoenti of jll the trunk line rail
roads for Increased rates. Dale for
bearings will b et later. If any
protests against the rates are filed.
Mr. Felton told the rommlMlon
that railroad facilities -were not com
mensurate with prevent demands.
Mr. Felton estimated that Ike im
mediate needs cf the railroads of
the country for new rolling stock at
M10.000.eo .nd said it weald be
difficult for them to borrow., money
on their own credit at tkl time.
Large sums, he said, also mast be ex
pended for other new equipment and
for new construction, aad In addition
the wtitern carriers mast refanJ
about $430,900,000 of maturing; obli
gations this year and neit.
14. Doughnut aad coHee will be fr
Oa May 7 the Commercial else
from Salem will hold a ateetlag
is v uiaru caurcn. eipiaiaiag
eral mease ree to be voted oa la
coming prim art.
U Ue
the international Ladies' Garment
Workers' union. , Clarence Darrow
declared Attorney Palmer was trying !
to discredit organized labor by cir
culating "reports such as the May
day scare, which had no foundation
in fact." He said labor could only
I understand the Elks are to hold
their state convention in your city
this summer. On what date will the
convention be held and are other
than Elks wanted? I plan to come
to Salem some time this summer and
when I learned that the Elks con-
"Gets-It" Make Them Loosen Up
So They Lift Off Painlessly. ,
There's no mere Data after a few
trnpa of "Ueta-lt" lands upon corn or
callous and instantly dries.
In a day or two you lift the old
rniaery-makrr right off without even
feeling- it. That's the last of Mr. Corn
nnl'th last of your misery. Millions
wh have lost their corns the "Outs
it" way. say it ia the ly common
: araaa wa to get rid of the pasts
-Get-It." the never-failing;, aruaran-
teed money-back corn remover, coats
but, a trifie at any druf a tor a. : Mf'd
by E. Lawrence St Co.. Chicago. Sold
: in haltm and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy by J.C Per
I rjr, D. J. Fry, Capital Drug Store, Wm. "lui uf lv
Nimeyerl icOmmittees
"come into Its" own when it makes I vention was to be held there I
itself felt in a political way.". I thought of yeu and decided to write
Otto wanstatter, secretary of the and ask you all about It. Tell me
national Socialist committee, said (all yon can and not violate your e-
the espoinage act was an Instance I cret obligations and I will call and
of capitalistic injustice.
Professor Von Eschen and
UniYersity Singers to Visit
Oregon Towns
MOUNTAIN tribes of Turkestan which nave menaced travel In their
part of the world for hundreds of years have recently been brought
together by Envcr Pasha, the former Turkish war lord, who has
proclaimed himself king of the Kurds. .
Thtorganization of these tribes under the enterprising Turk wUL for
the 6rit time give America's Protestant churches, it is hoped, the means
of introducing these troublesome tribesmen to some of the advantages el
civiSon. Through the Intcrchurch World Movement the evangelical
churches of the United States plan to establish churches, hospitals and
schools tmons; these people, in an effort o put them in touch with west
ern ideas and ideals. , . - . .
An uncle of Envcr Pasha has proclaimed himself presidenf I Aier
baiian, the Mohammedan republic, which was recently formed ia the
Caucasus. A collation of these two non-Christian states wonld I mesa a
serious blow to. the business and social welfare of Russia and the Near
1 1 Ttrsuffft tk diuomferU and
emLtrfairmenti et Geitrtt
aa. i , T "
A benefit basket aocial Is to be
given at the WMard church oa May
W v awrral Valn Si Tan ! ae
rtM ! a imm Wa o (iC
caa W aae Ut sk a caaraW.
Mnatlat baa fee- 91 -
fl I trwa Ds4. T
Prof. F. Von Eschen recently made
- .. . a c..i..i.i4 above dates
where he connsulted several men in
regard to the campaign for $100,000
for Willamette university. Commit
tees hare been appointed and when
the time for the canvass arrives the
men-will enter upon their work en
thusiastically. Professor Von Eschen and the uni
versity quartet' will spend May 15 to
19 visiting some of the cities in the
thank yon in person .when I come
Friend Hears From "Hutch"
"Hutch" hates to write letters.
K . ... . 1 1 . ikl.
uut uc iuuiuu i Teij wen lurgei iui
one so he wrote the friend and told I
him all about it.. He told his friend
that the state Elks convention was
to be held In Salem, on July 22, 23
and 24. 1920. and Invited him to be
here, in fact he commanded him to
come and bring all the family. He
told him that Salem lodge B. P. O.
E. 336 was to entertain the state
Elks convention and that all com
mittees were at work planning many
good things to be offered on the
"There will be something doing
every minute." Hutch wrote. "You
have heard this before but the mem
bers of 336 are going to show you
that there will be things doing ev
ery minute. This is one time when
the boys are riled up and they have
taken off their coats and rolled np
their -overalls and waded in to make
ready for the big4 time in July. It
state from Roseburg north. The op-WI be some celebration. I am tellnlg
portunitles that Willamette offers I Fon. ana you mnst not miss iu come
will be presented in many of the high
schools. Plana for conducting the
coming campaign will be dlscursed
with the leaders of-the various local
! !
; : liROOMi, one to a T iJ-,C(f,i
' customer . . . . . , . . . . ........ OUC
!' ' ' i .. - :
" t -" !' -. . - '
. . . t - ! .....
RIIOES, a good assortment . : C1 fin
broken sizes .... . . . ,7v. .V..R"w
- GLOVER Canvas Gloves , 0r
" 2 pairs .... .;..... '
See page 7 for more Bargains
h Store
even If you are sick, the good time
you Will have will cure yon and
keep you well. " '
.Homes Are Opened
The accommodations committee Is
hard at work and the good people of
Salem are throwing open their homes
to the visitors so there will be ac
commodations for all who come. XL
A. Kurtz,-the smiling, happy exalted
ruier or 236 is chairman of this com
mittee and he is going to see that ev
ery one has a place to sleep even If
he has to sleep in the garage.
William McGlkhrist. Jr.. Is dream
Ing of decorations and he states that
Salem will be decorated as never be
fore. His fellow committeemen are
working with him and the city will
be beautiful.
Karl Hinges says that his commit
tee will see that all persons coming
Id Salem will have all the dancing
they can stand and you can rest as
sured tha he means It;
' Bporta Yogrmna lnuneiuie
Frank Durbia says that his core
mlttee will have '.every Jtind of race
anown to tne turr and that every
race will be .worth 'coming a long.
long way to see. This committee
has in charge the boxing contests and
the best talent in the country is to be
booked 'for the convention ko. The
boxing is to be the best In every way
high class and such that will ap
peal to every person who comes to
There will be golf, vaudeville.
bands, eats, parades, receptions and
special entertainment for women
Better and more pleasing than
any mua uovano. cigar.
J13K your dealer tor yaw avert fe slje
If your dealer tarit supply you writ us,
Uigwt In&pen&dt Cgar Facfcnjhtht World
Western Quarantine Official
to Meet for Institute at
Salt Lake
A call tor the second annual meet
ing of the western plant quarantine
Doard to be held in Salt Lake City,
Utah, May 11 to 13. Inclusive, has
been Issued by O. H. Hecke. director
of agriculture of California, who' is
chairman of the board.
The western plant quarantine
Doard was organized at Riverside
Cal- in May. 1919. with a member
ship, composed of the quarantine of
fleers. of the 11 western states, the
territory of Hawaii, the province of
British Columbia and the northern
district of Lower California.
West is Protected
The purpose of. the organization is
to protect the western states, pro
vinces and territories as a whole
against the Introduction of plant
pests ana diseases not established
west of the Rocky mountains by pro-
moung -unuormity of action In the
nromulgation and enforcement
quarantine regulations and to pro
tect each other through close asso
ciation enabling- a better understand
ing of the quarantine problema in
each state.
The efficient and harmonious so-
lntion of-many complex problems
wmcn hare arisen during the first
year of the existence of the board
has proven conclusively the need for
such an organization. It has be-
e mere and more apparent that
ere -is much good to be accom
plished .through coordination of ef
fort by the different states, and the
program for the second annual meet
ing embraces subjects of vital Im
portance to the United States In gen
eral and to the west In particular.
'Vrogrjani Outlined
The tentative program follows In
part and .especial attention Is called
to the fact that the representative of
each state will report fully on the
work and problems of his Jurisdic
tion. .. . .
Addres of Welcome Governor
Simon Bsmberger of Utah.
Opening address G. H. Hecke.
Re port 4 .of quarantine officers.
"Under what conditions should a
quarantine be modified of repealed?"
"Transportation agents ss Poten
tial quarantine officers."
"Handling of Imports of plant pro-
ucts la the malls."
"Quarantine methods against cot
ton pests."-.-
W. D. Hunter, federal agricultural
board. Houston, Tex.
O. A. Pratt, federal horticultural
board. Calexlco. Cal.
Nursery stock inspection.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., May The
Ilrinr aanadron" wnman nffrir
leaders, opened its . emergency drive
in Connecticut tonight. The party.
composed -of -46 women, representing
every state except Texas and.Dela
ware, arrived la Hartford this after-
coon. " '"-' , ., -a
It Is the aim of the suffrage "em
ergency " corps" . to . demonstrate to
Governor Holcomb that a "special
emergencyexists which woiild war
rant him to. summon the legislature
In special session so that Connecti
cut might be the J 6th, state to ratify
thai " fMleral MUffrar Smnj1mnl
Railroads Ask Congress
For $500,000,000 Loan
WASHINGTON, May 6. Railroad
executives today asked congress for
an additional $500,000,000 with
which '.o buy rolling stock during the
coming year. '
Appearing before the senate In
terstate commerce commission, rep
resentatives or carriers declared that
a serious and general ear shortage
existed through the middle west and
that they were unable to borrow
money on their own credit for
freight cars needed to remedy the
Samuel Rea. president ef the
EataUiihed IStt
General Banldxif Basinea
Office; Honrs from 10 a, m. to 3 p. xk.
Send me your name and Sidditss and I vrill send you a
prospectus of tie
C Chap pell
Hotel Blizh
SaJem. Oregca
NEW YORK. May 3. Evaporated
apples dull; Calif ornias 10 at 13c.
Prunes Irregular; California 9 at
29c; Oregons 11 H at 19 He Peaches
steady; Standard 17 H at 19; choice
at 20e; fancy 19 at 21c.
Hops firm: state medium to choice
1919. 9S at 91.05; 1918. 85 at 90c:
Pacific coast 1919. 95 at $1.10;
1918. 90 at 9e.
Hides, wool unchanged.
WINNIPEG Man.. May 1. The
first aerial mail for w -stern Canada
was brought Into this city tonight
by Lieutenant A. E. Dingam of the
Manitoba Aero club, who Hew with
it from Grand Forks. N. 1).
Possibly if we could communicate
with Mars we might learn who won
the war. i
' 0 '
444 State Street
Meat Flavor
Without increasing the butcher's bill is one problem in
economy solved by using more Rolled Oats.
These fine, big, Western-grown oats, electrically
toasted to a rich golden color, blend well with such
economical ground meats as ; Liberty steak, pork
sausage and chopped veal, making the meat "go
'round" at a small cost'
Seventy-seven new ways to use
Rolled Oats and Pancake Flour
are given in Rolled Oats and
Pancake Flour Cook Book by
Isabelle Clark Swezy. Off the press
shortly. A postcard request will bring
you a free copy. Address our home
office, West Waterway, Harbor Isl
and, Seattle.
Fuhcr Lcaa-ExpcruiTe
Pork Sausage Balls.
1 P4 wtlaea a4 Sab aafc
t capa HfUHEfV HOUjrin
taaarooafal pfpr.
S l.atpooafal t.
V t.a.poonfal tkpaa.
l.a.Moral aalt.
Mis form lata rial rakr n4
rwk In ko ahtnH wn(i I Kf (kl