The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Ths F(t-fci' receives IS lets
wire rprt of t AoUle Pt
the ptirr( asd . rUHo yr
ssaorUtioa la the wcri.
OTTO TCEDEMEYETl, baritone, of
Portland, will bet the feature
j of the Salem Woman's club
meeting Saturday afternoon which
.will be held in the Commercial club
rooms. This is the last meeting of
the year and is to be the musical
number on the year's calendar. Mr.
Wedemeyer will furnish the entire
Salem's high class waist makers.
Several beautifully designed, hand
painted waists now in stock. We
will -make your waist any. design
j on wish.
Cottage St Plione,. lfEIO-M
program and he will be accompanied
by Mrs. William H. Burghardt Jr.
Hts program will be a group of clas
sical songs, a Russian group and a
group of ballads.
Each club member will taV a
guest, and after the business meeting
and program tea will be served. The
officers for the next club year will
be elected.
Society will be interested to know
of. the beautiful country home "Or
mwa of Mr. and Mra. Carl Rueff.
which is located south .of Salem near
Liberty and to which they move in
the next fortnight. The home is sit
uated on a beautiful site, the highest
point of land in that vicinity. Four
I WiD Save You Money
On Your Dental Work
I ain now offering Pre-War Prices ran 4 I
guarantee all work
Tlates I...... 12JSO
Crowns (Anterior) Gold or
Porcelain. . ... ...... .SAOO
Crowns (Posterior) .. . r.$7.iM)
Bridge work. Gold or Por-.
celaln . . . fO.UO to 7.m
Gold fillings ....$2.00 nt
Porcelain Fillings. . . .f2.oo up
f ilver Fillings 91. on up
Cement Fillings.... $I.OO
Cleaning Teeth. l.oo
Removing Nerve.'. . '.
.Extractions $f.tx
s Phone 1500
204-5 Cray. Building 1
Corner State and Liberty Sts.-
Over Hartman Bros.
Jewelry Store
I " . .
he-Lady -of
; Under Direction of Miss Elizabeth Barnes of Portland
Friday, May 78 :15 p. m.
18 People Elegant Costumes
. . Admission 50c, 75c, $1.00
Reservations may be made May 6 and 7 at Opera House
Preliminary tickets may be bought at any time from Opera
House Pharmacy or any Junior Student
. ... U
mountain peaks can be seen from the
artistic east pergola. In the spacious
gardens rare shrubs have been plant
ed. Orminwa adjoins the country
home of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Crowthers
and also "Summit Home." two of the
attractive country places in that vicinity.
"Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Walker enter
tained for their week-end guests. Mr.
and Mrs. R .11. Tory, and the Misses
Josephine and Darelle Tory of Port
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Volk enter
tained as their house guests for Sun
day. the Misses Lydia Mills and
Grace Campbell of Portland. Enter
taining at dinner Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Volk had as additional guests
Miss Mary Linton. Miss Helen Baum-
gartner and Mrs. Hettoe Kreiken
. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Powers. Miss Mar
fgaret Raeder and Eric Hauaer
tored up Sunday from Portland and
passed the day, at the Ulihee golf
llrtks as the guests of Carl Gabriel-
Mrs. J. B. Cambers of Oakland.
Ca!., has arrived in Salem and is
planning to pass the summer with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Gilbert.
Miss Dorothy Purdln of Portland
Is the house guest of Miss Eariel Gil
bert at the Lee I.. Gilbert home on
State street.
MUs Norma Sparks and Earl John
son of Vancouver, Wash., have mo
tored back to their, homes after
pausing the week-end in Salem as the
house guests of Miss Ruth Jones.
Mark Skiff Jr.. has arrived home
from Mexico City, Mexico, where he
went several months ago. Conditions
are very exciting there now and most
of the Americans are leaving. Mr
Skiff came out on the, last train
which has successfully reached the
", Mrs. Samuel Weldon of Portland
has returned to her home after pass
ing a visit of several days in Salem
as .the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Simpson and Mrs. Simpson's mother.
Mrs. Emma Eattel. Over Saturday
and Sunday she was the guest ot Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rueff at their Market
street home.
- -
Mrs. II. O. Saxon of Newport has
returned to her home after being the
guest for a' visit of several days at
the home of her brother. V. 11
On Saturday Mrs. Robert F. Hall
entertained ; the younger , friends of
the family asking them to meet Mrs.
Kenneth M. Hall (Eileen Tompkins)
of Salem. Ore., who was married on
March 12. During the afternoon Miss
Laidlaw and Miss Susan Chenery
poured tea and Mrs. Hannah Laid
law and Miss Grace McKenxie assist
ed. Among the guests was Miss Alice
Tompkins of Hood River, sister of
the bride, who drove down for the
tea. Oregonian.
Miss Joy Turner has returned
from ML Angel where she filled1 a
musical engagement.
R. Monroe Gilbert returned last
night from Portland where he passed
a few days making arrangements to
bring the art exhibit to Salem which
the Salem Arts league will show soon.
' The women of the G. A. R. met In
the W. C. T. U. reception rooms Sat-
urday -afternoon for an enjoyable aft-
rarebit. HI nr
The Story of a Honeymoon
A Wosulerful Itomaace of Harried
Life Wooderf aUy Told by ADELK
"Well. Dickybird; you haven't lo-t
ernoon. during which Interesting ad
dresses were given by V. T. Rlgdon
and Minar Hayden. Mrs. R. Smart
rave an en lovable reaclinr Hefre-h-
m7 1 meats were served at the cloe of the
St. Paul's guild wil be entertained
this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Francis Newberry. 123 Tenter
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schmidt have
moved from their former home and
are now domiciled In the house on
North Cottage street which was
formerly occupied by the Paul L.
leaned back lattly
in the aim chair I knew to be 'ji
favorite, and which I micii'il to
give him wbea r were M-tllinr ow
vlves around the fireplace in (be
dining room after our supper.
"Thank yotf so much." Ditky pipej
In a riala falsetto, whl-h made Mrs.
lurkee tirgle. her son and me smile,
tut. which produced only acidly dis
approving iooka from Mother Gra
ham anJ Comln Agatha, who com
pleted th circle at the Informal
evening sapper which was to be Al
fred's farewell before going to thv
officer' camp at Plat int.urg. '
."You bad boy. why don't yon
praixe those oyaiers of
Madge'." hl mother said. ' Tby
were th roott delicious things I ever
tasted. I'm going to try aome to
morrow. How much lemon Juice did
von ue with that amount or ovter.
"A tablespoonful." t r.nurnt-d a"
cntly. tur the epreion ou t'outaii
'Agatha face as my little friend
rpoke imJ truck me ku.t tliaagrt
ably. It j a s.oering. enviou lvk.
quickly utaaked by the lowering eye
lid of ih woman. - Hat it told of a
pelly malice Inward le which nev-r
lrp. und anuot-d me at of
that oKn Agatha tu traafert-l
to the rare .: ntu of her other rel
ative befole luBX.
Thfi I'd hetier pat in a teipov.
ful lor Jnt Alfred and n. J4r
iMikee n turned otedtiatively .
fee t ) t t: ihm eX i
I "ta:i
A ( banged Alfred.
do tfee Mfli
t enj4alae4
I 'I'm ta
I VefV la Ikta "
!!isaitv. 'sad
p'r flrrt.-
ttat6t for me to wear. rt'.tx
IDJctty Mid with rs oca terror. o
plea, I rj of yow, ywu're m
"You'J better seed for Madge loUo make tae wear lkta. are jo T"
cvme or and fix u." her a re-J
tarnd adaciuly. "As for nay ot 'To Her Advaatage.
are IhiriK tor which mere wori
would l-e Inadequate. MdgJ
ported oysters are one of them!
lie .iniled al me with his !
rL-erin.. but- I aw that his gay
urmeanur was all on the surface,
that lh old. carefree. mUcbtevout
Alfred Lad cowe forever, merged la
the man with hi fare set toward a
training camp for war service.
I aw alao. Viwever. that ha did
n't wiah a a yon-, even, hi nearest
rriendi. tc lift tLe snatk ef reiy
!. rho to wear. It uas Uecaase I
re-oK!U-d lb that I my aett
.uh a rmt.iaivt a that de-
rrie a reward
h. be aiill. I H k T ." tSitle r
Isrkee rcanaaaded. TVat's r
fectly lovely of you. Madge. I nev
teamed to kalt- a ad 1 was gc.i
down to take sorae lesaoas so 1 rev:
kali a i f thtags for Alfrl. lis
I was q?aktac la air boots aboM
beeaase I'm stcpld atoi learx.:;
aew thiars. I'm ao gU4 lew re r
lag to do it. IU Irani how jt tr
tame. o by the ria kU f.ret :r.
wears owl in have aaothr at
"Waal are you avails ibt?"" A'
f red asked
I ha4 ta la!ai!rtosy ka::t:-'ii a that de-ievery apare calaste of taa c
I aid "I'w (4ii.iJ A beIC 1 r tarsal.
to knit tcn a whcle uoifi alerBow ke aj5r--
oar i, hi already be-aa ,ir wurk. a ad I have om Iww fair
loew. iiar tai la say nrt t.
art. aaj I'ta a ill dabtoss t!ott '.
"Kr waiu.
co.'fet D.tkj leatlnx-
all pro'Mrt!ofi lo its Imporianre. I Hr ' Yuri mean Alf ooth to gel a
was xlad uf my tmt her-lu-ta a ear- regard if be wears It. IWware. Alf
lle ftvauratire that
abf's at l-stned to 1 fity
I've dose It Jat accord: sg to ra
tloaa, Uwt this opeaiag for -tko r-
tCoatlawed os pox 5 1
- - , . ...
W -
7 'OGAMS confections
have a distinctive de
liciousness that is hard to
analyze- a distinctiveness
that is apparent at the first
bite a deliciousness that
no adjectives are needed to
make you appreciate.
At your dealers,
Portland Seattle Spokane
jfyfetiojJ as
1 1
AT a difference in
these ' motor-car days.
when every point in the
county is hardly more than
just around the corner.
People's ideas are chang
ing:, too.
They're beginning to fig
ure out how much it i cost'
ing them to keep a car. And
the man who" is doing the
greatestamount of figuring is
the man with the moderate-
price car.
There still seems to be a
notion in some quarters that
any tire is good enough for
a small car.
That's not what the man
who owns it thinks,
In re commending and sell
ing U. S. Tires weare trying
to see his side of the propo
sitionfinding out what ho
wants in a tire and giving
him that
Large or small. U. S. Tires
are built to only one stand- '
ard of quality the standard
that produced the. Irsf
straight side automobile tire. -the
first pneumatic truck
Every tire that, bears the
name MU. S." is built 'the
best way its makers know
howT It isn't the car, but
the man who owns the car.
that counts with the oldest
and largest rubber concern
in the world.
As representatives of U. S.
Tires in this town, we offer'
you the benefit of our experi
ence and advice in settling
your tire problem.
SeJorf yovr t Irm aw
ooedUAs ro tSm roods
thy Krr lo trmt
la toady er kCy cms
try, tamer taw goawf
fca ac to be awaij Tbo
X k. Hobby.
rod The U. S.
Foe Wtt reawlte
ffryvatrr U. f .
Key! Cord.
: -VV:
United States' Tires
Oscar B. GbfHcH Motor & Tire Co.
W. hi Hughts
Ira Jorjcmcn ,
Marion Automobile Co.
Edward N. Wtrmolh