DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN I will test your eyes and give you the Denef t of one third of a century's practical experience. ,. , for over 10 years I have practiced in fcaiem and satisfied thousands and thousands of people in Polk and Marion counties, cor 14 , eyes of OTer 1500 children during Jiti "e: AraS tnem were many cross eyed children whose eyes I straightened with glasses. j.. i,.:-- tMtinJ, tlery faciUty ,or the "curate testing of sight. , 1 use no "drop" or drugs. I give you my personal attention. I guarantee satisfaction In every respect. muge your glasses free of charge for ii necessary. Lenses rtimiiAQti PHONE one while you wait mmit J p!;ice8 are vry reasonable for , service and material yon receive, DR. MENDELSOHN "Fits Kv. wJTit . . 210-212 Oregon. Building (Formerly the Hubbard) the IfUgdoa and Reliable funeral director!. Xorainatlnt; letitkm Blanks Get them at The Statesman office. llanquet at Turner Forty-sven uienibers of Salem camp. V. O. "., motcrt-d to Turner last Tuesday where they initiated a class of candidates in 'the V. U. W. camp ot that place. A banquet was served. Claims Marriage Illegal Barnett F. Davies filed 'an answer in tne circuit court yesterday to the complaint preferred by his wife, Cora Eletha Davies. who alleges that Davies deserted her. Davies claims that they were never legally married fcs they went through the forms of marriage on the same day that Mrs. Davie was granted a divorce from S. A. Prultt at Oregon Cltty. I I """"""" . :. - - ' CITY MEW S IIss West Jams Miss Helen West reported to the police yesterday that while she was parking her automobile she had run Into car owned by R. G. Green, slightly bending the fender on Mr. Green's auto. Salem lUgli Plays Kfetacada, -iAn undefeated team, Monday af ternoon at Oxford Park. Admission, 35 cents . Ta il VJL FARXUM In ' ZAXE GltEY'8 THE LAST OF THE LLOYD ; . In . ."HAUNTED SPOOKS' Leslie Methodist Oiurrh May day cantata. "The Crowning or Love." Sunday evening. 8 o'clock. Come. Arcuated of Cutting Corner!! John Baron of Portland was ar irsieo. ny me police yesterday for Cutting Corners at the Intaniuiilnn f Capitol and Market streets. After he Is" J' Great 1 ir me ruber ine Oregon opens at :la p. m. In the evenings, instead of 7 p. m also that every Wednesday and Thursday is a Wurlltzer night. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman office Catalog on application. Threw Couples Licensed Marriage licenses were issued yes terday to Oscar M. Huetter, a minis ter of Gaston, Ore., and Elphinla Batterson of Sllverton: to Clifford Thomas, route No. 3. Salem, and Lau ren DeGulre ot Salem and Schuy ler C. Knightlinger, inspector of tne Salem Water company and Mrs. Ito- berta II. Vanderford, of Salem. had deposited $5 to insure his an- pea ranee in court Monday morning he was released. ! fbe show at Bligh's today. The Fuller Brush Man Is at the BWgh hotel. Tele phone him for demonstration appointment. Coil Is Stolen P. H. Reeves, 1003 South Th'r teenth street, reported to the po lice yesterday that some boys had broken into a building located at 615 North Capitol street and had taken a gas engine coil belonging to him. Appraisement Filed Inventory and appraisement was filed with the county court yesterday by Mrs. Louise M. Small, administra trix In the estate of the late Sally Miller. The estate consists of real and personal property and Is valued at 9781.30. MAKES FOOD TASTE ,mm iiootr Narwapariiu Orates an Appeilte, Aids d I pes t Ion. and promotes assimi lation so that the body secures full nutritive value, thus naturally mak ing the weak strong and gtvirg the vitality of health. This great med icine enables the digestive organs to perform their functions easily, keeps the stomach sweet and relieves or prevents Indigestion and other di gestive troubles. When tfour food does taste good It Js a sign of good or returning health; shows that the blood Is be coming richer, routing scrofula, ec zema, rheumatism and other diseas es, and that the system is being built up to overcome that tired feel ing, and the prostration alter influ enza and fevers. The one medicine that can legitimately claim to do all this is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It a mild laxative Is needed, take Hood's Pills; an active cathartic, more Hood's Pills. Charles W. Wester, who died Fri day morning, are to be held today at 10 o'clock a. m. from the Rlgdon chapel. Rev. Mr. Woodcock will con duct the services and the burial will be In Salt Creek cemetery. In Polk county. One and all will want to see the beautiful colored pictures or "Old Scotia" at the Congregational church this evening. For Sale Glucose barrels. Graybelle. Etate Appralaed An Inventory and appraisement was filed in the county court yester day In the estate ot Earl L. Dunn, minor, by George W. Dunn, admlsls- trator. The Inventory shows that the estate Is valued at $2(99.70. -Nett Cllalc Dale Filed The Marlon County Children's bu teau will bold the May baby clinic on Thursday. May 27. In the Commer cial club looms. Parents who wish to register their children for this clinic should phone Mrs. F. Von Earhen at Q3-J. The otiicial score cards for the clinic on April 22 will be returned to Salem this week from Portland where they go each month to be scored. mask Nehalera section at Jo do. Tllla-.aaU for Koy Ana cherries oa tbe mook county This will eliminate . Columbo. TJe tnlk oTTtoyal Ass. eral accidents have taken place. Rend the Illtgh AdrrtJrwrif See what he Is offering yon today. PERSONAL MENTION j i nar tru? rontrc4 of The Dalles Krnlt ni-n ta bee foe ! oad to tbe Lltir. McNeil it Libby raaaery. Lew A. Cates has gone to Port land for the week-end where he Joined Mrs. Cates who is spending a visit of two weeks In that city. William Brown returned Friday night from California where he has been for several months on business. A. P. Esta brook, who for the past few months has been employed at the Red Cross Pharmacy left yesterday tor the east. Salem High Plays Kstarada An undefeated team. Monday af ternoon at Oxford Park. Admission. cents Free Sunday Blossoms tnd all today. "God's Palm Tree" will be Dr. Kantner's sermon subject this morning. "The Sea of Gliss' at 8 this evening. Many School Children Are Sickly Mothers who value tnelr tfi comfort sod the welfare of tneir children, should never be wit host a boa f Moth er Urar's 8wee Iw4rs for CnMr. for throu c hou t the neon. They Hrttk op Colds. Kelieve KtttrUhktM, Constipation. Teething- Llsrera. Headache and Ktomach Troubles. I'sext by mortim for eef 1 rears. IMUK rUMUkiHil UIVE MA Tine AC TION. All Iru mores. Don t Accent say substitutes. All We Ask It A Triil BtaaocaMe ElUs Jut try oca of oxr dlzsxn. Price 43c CHERRY CITY HOTEL Oppotiu 0. E. Depot I . r . I, m - I A . t Baby Aschenbrenner. the Infant HUOCiaiea Ull Company rnuu 01 m r. ana Airs. a. 4. Ascnen- lUigh Show Wotxlerf ul Today Money back if your not satisfied. F.Mate Value Shown Mary T. Koeneke, executrix of the estate ot the late John Koeneke. tiled an appraisement with tthe coun lr rourl Yesterday. Tne estate rnn- sista of two lots located In Mill City TlrltJr-FI" People brenner ot rural route 2. died yes terday. Ttie body is at the Terwll llger tuneral home. The funeral ser vices will le held from the Aschen brenner home this morning at 5:20 o'clock. Burial will follow In Odd Fellows cemetery. to Improve Its Plan! and 120 acres near Mill City, vaiued at $6200. The here. today. snappiest show erer How Can He Do It." shown Bligh's Let Uf Play the Latest - Victor Records -. .1- b , - . H. L Stiff Fnrnitare Co. Miv, Mortgages Intereat Bearing InTeatnaeata HAWKINS & ROBERTS n407 Omtnn BaOdlng WHEX Ut IALEH. OHEUVl tea at BUGB BOXEXj A Home Away from Home Strictly Modern ll.ee per day tee Hennas ef Solid UnhH Only Hotel la Bustnssa District WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO 246 State Street Phone 311 Distributors Hudson Essex and Overland ; - Cart May Day Cantata- Leslie Methodist eburch. Sunday. 8 p. ra. Thirty girls In program. Come. A garage to cost 2S0 and load ing racks to cost enough more to bring the total np to about 1100 will be constructed by the Associ ated Oil company at Its Quarters at Nineteenth and Oak streets, the per mit having been Issued by the city recorder yesterday. This construction will be In ad dition to a warehouse built at a cost of IJOst la February. Dreamland . Rink Admiuion FREE LadW Skatm 10c thif week 7:30 p. ra. to 11 p. ra. I Vice Funeral Today The tuneral of the late E. C. Price. well known shoe dealer and father ot O. E. Price ot thla city, who died at his home In Eugene Friday will be held at 2:30 o'clock from the Rigdon chapel today. Burial will fol low In Lee Mission cemetery. Strawberries Now Qaoted at Seventeen Cents Pound Strawberries are now 17 cents a WANTED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools, hd. In fact anything yon Jhave to selL I buy tor cash. Phone 110 or 611. W00DRY. The Auctioneer BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN SS7 Cora Street I Special FiTe-piere Ore bent ra At the Bligh with a crackerjack show. Funeral Here Today Tne tuneral services Lore, Watrhraakei and yewrler 237 State street, Salem. Campers Steal Wood The police were looking for the meanest thief yesterday when O. C. Carter, who Is 83 years old and lives at 2Ci0 Lee street, reported thatlpound. At last one outside cannery campers who hare been living near I Is offering this price. his place had been stealing his I Eleven cents la the best quotation wood, and that they had several dogs yet made for Royal Ana cherries in that they set on children of the the Salem district-. This is C cents neighborhood who haoDened to toilets a pound than the price to be near their camp. Chief Welsh Im mediately went to the camp but the campers had evidently become sui plcious for they had left when he arrived. for the la 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CXGAB Manufactured by fU2KDKRSONH CIGAR FACTORY . Pnone Sit BICYCLES A. H. M00RE At His Old Stand on Court Street Ltve Christian Kadeavc At 7 p. m. today. leader. Mrs. Cayne. BOYS' ALL WOOL SUITS $9.90 to 514.75 J. C PENNEY CO. Tyler Bay Taalac Dottles Bring back your empty ones. atelera Auto Radiator Shop , Radiators. Fenders and Oas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators tor Bale tt 8. 12th St. Salem. Or i "nectrfcriiicnlnery anS'Entraeerlnf Company For EXPZET ELECTRICAL WORK 337 Court Street Phone 411 that re sy tlcfcee ete for CARTETS. STOTKS, MACHISKstT A3TD TOOLS Don't ssll snyvhlsr before yew see a THS CAPITAL. HAROWIM AJID rrRimaa cxx. r't St. VHmmm S4T Copper to Ifeppner To Uke initial steps to get the John Day irrigation district into op eration, a conference will be held at Heppaer tomorrow between directors ot the district and Percy A. Cupper. state engineer. The district has bees organized for some time. DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 30c Dor, SALEM BAKING COMPANY 421 Court Street Phone SS4 167 North Commercial St. At the Electric Sign "SHOES" DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. . ' JOB WORK AKD FIXTURES ' X22 North Liberty Street EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS SXOO. S3A0 to $10.00 Good Used Bargains 1918 Maxwell, good shape. ... .9400 S passenger Mai w til, new paint 9473 1918 Velie Six. looks like sew 9150O 1918 Dodge, A-l condition.... 9900 SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial SL W T. RIGDON CO. Leading Funeral Director! HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry Jewelers snJOpticians 0 SCHETS CARL & B0WERS0X . Groceries . 383 Court Street. j Phone i09 1 S44 State Street , The Kupp wiheimer Uoose la Salens FURS V'?V. OF STYLE AND QUALTTT Furs Remodeled to Order . WEST FUR CO. Ill Court St. Opposite Court House U.S. GARAGE tS4 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series 8tudebaker.l rsJne 81821. today 81200. U. B. . Oarage. Phone 17 i I POTATOES We pay the highest cash price. Phone 717. Office 842 State St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. JL Good Good. J Small IaTeatnaent ' LoanaRealtj Loana Ilomse Rental Agency General Property Dealing Jon? n. scott realtt co 228 Oregon Balldla Pbooe 234 Saleaa, Oregon D. H. M0SHER High Class Cleaning and Pressing 474 Court Street MONUMENTS If roar monumental work Is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for oar business card. J. CL JOXES, Prop. . Capital Iomimntal Works 2210 S. Com. SL Phone 889. Salem . ELECTRIC RESTAURAUT 481 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters Fish- Chops Chill Con Came ; J. D. MADDOX. Prop. USED CARS To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade for Bread-and Batter THE B. C MOTOR CO. 178 S. Commercial St. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Pnone 1400 We alto do local hauling. M I T H ' (TJ For. aJ3i an r tr r aaw7 i.i j t. State and Oommerclal Btreets Johnny Joaea Dinner Sanday At the Country club, for members and out of town guests. rw CrTtoramn-ar- . The Albina Marine Iron Works of Portland filed articles ot Incorpora tion Saturday at the office of II. J. Schulderman. state corporation com missioner. The capitalization Is S0,- 004 and the Incorporators are Wil liam Com foot. George Rogers and George Plnketh. Articles ot Incor poration were filed by the North Portland Audit company, having a capitalisation of 81 C00. The Incor porators are II. A. Ebllng. W. A. Willis and A. W. Douglas. Resolu tions showing an increase In capital stock from IS00.000 to f 1.900.000 were filed by the Western Bond A Mortgage company of Portland. Cer ficate showing an Increase In cap iat stock from 910.000 to ii.uqw.- 00 Distribute AMsrealeail 1 of Delaware. Resolutions of dlsso- od t lutlon were tiled by tne uregon city 1 rant Lumber company ot Oregon City and by the Nehalem Telephone A Tele graph company ot Tillamook county. WALLFELT" Takes the place ef cloth at about one-third MAX 0. BUREN 178 N. Commercial St. la the Judgement of those who know, we are equipped by oar e s p e r 1 e nee te serve correctly In oar profession! rapacity. People are Impressed by the d I gn If led euallty of our assistance. v'Htt'llMH"''! " W.W.M00RE Furniture Store The Home ot the Vict ro la . Ton get more for your money Moore's at OREGON BATH HOUSE Relieve that tired feeling by a Turk lsh Bath Basement Oregon Building 10 was filed by the Robertson-Cole iqnft rfrtW CTY 1C HFRE istributing corporation, a concern tAUTI OlA ID nXJV rsnliel under the laws of the state ntetoeUta who are seeking fee Tsniteu unaer ine laws oi ine sxaie ttroil-. serrWabU ear wii slsm 7 see this ear. Interior aneetrtenuent B&aaiaaaa seretee ane Me irtet skesM LEE L GILBERT, Dislribntor s t sr... 1 CtgTy btirfaTVTi nKty? We can surely you wkh Kotioocry in any color or tth. You wul rind a fw3 ajaorttnent bete ard a3 too4 pury at reasocuUe pricrt. ' Sole Agent for Garden Point Preparation! SCHAEFER'S Drug Store 135 North Ccnunerdil Tne Penslar Store . StflJW per IOO For White Leghorn baby chicks. Prompt dellreries. C. N. Needhsm. SS8 State. Phone 400. Xlne Years European Erpe Hence Mrs. Petri. In Salem Tuesdays. BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry Sta. Phone 1408 WE BUY Farm Produce. Eggs, ete Paying Highest Cash Market Prices. HnTder faaeral Today. The fnneral ot Adam Snyder, wno died Frldsy. will be held at 1:30 p. m. today from the Rlgdoa chapeL Rev. a. S. Mumey will conduct the services and burial will be la the City View cemetery. STATE P.SWLU CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning Dyeing RVpalrlag .1181 State SL Phone T8I MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music and - Musical Mettkuiadla Soaora Dealer La Salens 18 Court SL galem, Oregon Telephone SIS B'usick's SALXIl ALBANY I WANTED 1 Beans Eggs Potatoes PEOPLE'S CASH STOREj HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MA!f 97111 make and hang your drapes. Largest Stocg 01 urapery 840 Court 8treeL BONDER HOSE ror Kiddles, per pair... We . REMNA2TT STORK -' : 184 North Commercial Street Let us prove to you that our prlees are leas. . Some good targalnj la nrw - ' ' - ?nd used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEIi CO. WANTED 1 JUNK AND M-lCniXEPT OF ALL RINDS We also buy second-hand goods. If yon bare anything to sell for a rood price call S98. The Square Deal II CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271Cberaeketa St. Salem, Ore. How Tow oln To keep 'em away from the Farm." f UrSTa' 8 Dr. CB. O'Neill OPTOIIETRiST-OPTICIAN e LaddfcBush Da M:d KrfCor. Stile apt 'Down on I WILLARD Storage Battery SKRYIOB STATION 233 N. High St. Telephone 203 W1L GAHLSD0RF The Store of Hotutwares S lbs- Peanut Butter SI .no 1 Bale Straw. ese 23 Bars Laundry Soap. ... .tl.OO 100 lbs. Netted Ger Spuds.. f.00 100 lbs. Wheat ai.OO THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone 4S 74 lllchland Arm. What Hare Yon? We buy. rell and exchange new and second-band furniture, stores, ranges, rugs, tools, etc. We will buy you out. COL. W. P. trmonT. Aartloi 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. Or. List your sales with us People's Furniture Store Night rbone 1042. Phone 734 Water Application Application tor permit to appro priate water has been filed la tbe cf flce ot tbe state engineer by Henry Deppe of Andrews. Ore., corertng the appropriation of water from Willow creek and Willow Springs creek for the Irrigation of 45 acres In Harney county. Charlea Stallsworth of Ker by. Ore., has filed an application lor permission to appropriate water from the east fork of Illinois river for the irrigation of 30 acres la Josephine county. W .F. Wlllson of Murphy. Ore., has filed an application cover Inc tbe proposed appropriation of water from Williams creek for the Ir ritation ot n small tract in Josephine county Send me your name and address and I will send yon a prospectus of tbe SILVER KING MINE C Chappell Hotel Blith Salem. Oref oa Dra. White and Marshall Osteopathic physicians. U. S. Bk Dr. J. O. Haiti Has returned Office phone. 573. Residence phone. &9i. Crola Allowed An order haa been Issued by the public service commission graatlag an anelleatlon of the state highway commission to construct an overhead rm.nn r over that branch of the Southern Tsclflc tnown as the Tills- SIX IN A ROW Tou win eejoy eititg this Dake-Blte bread fresh from our or eat. baled by men who hare the Tasow how' of bread baking. Try eae of oar loaves and see the difference. BAKE-RITE BAKERY 417 STate St. rhone 31 1 BlTCourt SL - Be building