. r '''''''' . - THIS ORROON STATESMAN FRIRAV. APRIL 23. 10-20. CTY SMEW S Klliott lead James mkoii, lormeriy or Jerier- ,0B. died l Sfattle April 20 at the tome of his daughter, Mrs. D. ,.Mc nntrd. He was 86 years old and Is mrrtved -by iiis-tne daughter and ren 1 grandchild wn. The funeral till be held this afternoon at 2:30 I'clock at the grave In the Jefferson janetery. Mr. Klliott had been a .Mnt of Jefferson for over 3-0 rev jears. fin a Rig Rx Of Spa chocolates Saturday night. Dance at armory. Ladles free ad mission. pepolt Ions In Ireland 1 Thomas Mc Grath of Dublin. Ire land, was appointed yesterday, by udgft v. i. uubiiey 10 lane aepo- .i m wttnAtiea in tka out. 'n of tb late James Neil of Marion toiinty. A secona reieree was ap pointed in New oYrk to take deposi tions from witnesses living there. Hear The Xylophone And Saxophone Saturday night Armory dance. at Ki moral To 1'onland L. p. Pimeral. nresident of the Central Trades and Labor conncil went to Portland yesterday to repre sent the electrical workers of Salem in a meeting to consider a proposed new agreement proposed by the Port land Railway. Light Power com pany. , engineering department. Ninety sec ond feet from the Wallowa river will be n-ce.sary to develop the denire.l IKi additional horsepower. W. I'. Hoagland of Redsiort has filed an application covering the appropria tion of water from an unnamed stream tributary to the I'mpua rlvr er tot a domest ic water supply. to find the proper addresses. Post master liuckeAteln suggests that a little cooperation from the public ou.d help increase the efficiency of the poial department. Love, Watchraaket . anI Jeweler 337 State street, Salem. Yeomen Dance and Basket Social Saturday night. 225N.Coml. St. Pheasant Are IJbersrted-- S. A. Hughes liberated a doxen China pheasants in Mission Rottom yesterday. They were sent to him by the state fish and game farm at Corvallis: Kxtradition Allowed Governor Olcott yesterday granted extradition papers to authorities from Tacoma to take back to that city John Doe Brown and John Doe W m . . - ioung. Dotn or wnom are under ar- reBt in Portland, and who are want ed in Tacoma on charges of grand larceny. ; Overall And Apron. Dance Auburn hall.- Saturday night. TOM MIX In THK FEUD" AL. ST. JOAN In fSHIP AHOY" Let Us Play the Latest Victor Records H Ii Stiff Furniture Co. HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry ! Jewelers and Opticians Bonds, Mortgages ;Iatereat Bearing Investments , HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04.907 Oregon Building ' i i Mr. Wilbu The whistlinr canarv entertains Saturday night at armory dance. Hearing Cancelled At the request of the annlirant. N. P. Jensen, a hearing which was scheduled by the public service com mission for yesterday was cancelled. Mr. Jensen controls an electric light ing and power concern at Lakeview and sought a readjustment of rates. but not , an increase. He will ; file an amended application. Champion Skater To Oome . Charles Friedel of San Francisco Pacific coast champion skater, and Rinie lounger of Portland, north west champion, will be in Salem to- nigni ana tomorrow night, to com pete for the Pacific coast champion ship. They will meet at the Dream land rink, at the head of State street. Girl Wanted .' Gray Belle. ; Rigdon and Son Reliable funeral director!. Wafer Applications Additional appropriation of wafr power to cqat an estimated 14500 :s planned by the Enterprise Mercan tile St. Milling company of Enterprise. Wallowa, county, and application for a permit to appropriate the necessary water has been filed with the state Fresh Ling Owl 15c lb. a Fitfs Market. Rare Dreamland Rink Chas. Frfedell, Pacific coast cham pion. and Rinie Younger, northwest champion will meet at Dreamland Friday and Saturday nights. April 23 and 21. Chemawa band Satur day night. Public Is Carrie On an average of 700 letters are returned to the writers by the Sa lem post office each week, and at least 50 are sent to the dead letter office on account of not having return address. About 100 letters are received each day without the street address, which means that the postal employes have to search through the city directory in order ili4tililp Granted First citizenship papers were tak en out Wednesday by Anna Flubach- r of Salem, born In llermany, and Hie Eyres of Salem, born in 'Jugo Slavia. Nominating Petition Dianas Get them at The Statesman office. Final Account Filed Final account In the estate of the late William A. Nosker. vas filed yesterday and will te beard by the county cour May 31. 0 Tll'i Freh I Jog Cod 15c lb. at Fitt's market. I .aw Itetxtrted YioUted A street car conductor reported '.o the police that an auto truck bear ing the Oregon license 41052 passed a street car when It bad stopped to take on passengers on Chemeke'a street yesterday noon. Positively One of the Rest Shows of the season at the Oregon Sunday. Lionel Ilarrymore in "The Copierhead" is the feature attraction. Tire HciMirtcd Stolen Police headquarters was notified yesterday that a tire was stolen from an automobile belonging to a Mr. King of Marion treet. while stand ing by the road near Turner, some time Wednesday night. American lirgion Dance Tonight At Salem armory. Revelation or chestra. Come and bring your friend. Tickets $1.19 per couple. 9 p. m. One Orreland, nearly new, tlx eylln-1 1 der. S naasenzer. eaninned all nnrn 1 1 WHEJ Uf SALEM. ORXGOJf at BLICH HOTEL A Rome Away from Hone Strict! jr Modernfl. 09 pr amy IOC Keen f Sell tMiftrt Only Hotel In Business District Harbor ll.tvr Meeting The Salem barbers' union was host Wednesday night to the proprietors of Salem and also to visiting bar bers from some of the other cities and towns of the Willamette valley. Matters of interest to the trade were discussed. A banquet was served at Union hall. Girl Want Gray Belle. Tires and one extra, new. teed In Al shape for $1250. Guaran- WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. t4 State St. Phone til OREGON BATH HOUSE Roy Runs Aw The police were notified yesterday .. i. - lit...- 1 ( ft l. .Ka prevent the possibility of contract- 7. run -167 '.North Commercial St. it (he j Electric Sign VSHOES' WANTED . Furniture, ranges, heaters tools, and, in fact anything yon hare to sell. I buy for cash. Phone S10 or 511. ; . . W00DRY, The Auctioneer TURKISH BATH Basement Oregon Building away from his home at Lebanon, lie is 15 years old. five feet., two Inches In height, and wore bine overalls and grey plaid mackinaw coat. ' for BEXEXBER that we pay the fclsrheat rl IECOSO.Hltn riiH.llTIKH a&neTs; stovks. uacuukbt uASO TOOLS . . Don't Mil snythlnr befor yon see na. TUB CAPITAL IIAHUWAKJ0 AID rTRKITIIBB CO. tss ir. cmi'i st. rM S4T Willanwtte Encampment No. 2. 1. O. O. F.. regular meeting tonight 7:30. Royal Purple degree Kwalily Transfer Service My Business-is MoVing! V f? Local and Country Trips by Hour, Job, or Trip, to Please Ton Phone 1ML 129 So. Commercial SL DENNISON ' ELECTRIC CO. at : tM WTAttW a "Bkf'ia. III Uli tn North Liberty Street EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS 92.00, 93K to S10.00 Salem-Auto K&diator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas " :;j Tanks Repaired V' Tractor Radiators Specialty TO ec trie liacnlnery and T ' Company Tor Englnaerlng 191 Ford Radiators 8. 12th St. tor Sale - Salem. Ore. EXPZET ELE0TEICAL WORE 337 Court Street ) Phone 418 Kurvey Is Ordered - - - A survey of the mental, defect, de linquency and dependency is being compiled by the University of Ore gon directed by the public health service. This Is the first work of this nature that has been undertaken in Oregon. The work applies to Ore gon. The local chapter of the Red Cross has been notified of details. Good Used Bargains . 1913 Maxwell, good shape.. ...9600 5 passenger Maxwell, new paint 9475 1918 Velie Six. looks like new 910OO 1918 Dodge. A-l condition. .. .9900 SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial St. W T. RIGDON CO. Leading Funeral Directors Small Investment Loans Realty Loans House Rental Agency . General Property Dealing JOUS II. SCOTT REALTY CO., 228 Oregon Ball dins Phone 254 Salem, Oregon sews CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries 383 Court Street. ( Phone 4001 , 844 State Street Tae Kspp -kihelmer House la Salens FURS OF STTLEAND QUALITY" Furs Remodeled to Order WEST FUR CO. 121 Court St. : Opposite Court House D.H.M0SHER High Class Cleaning and Preising 474 Court Street U.S. GARAGE 884 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS i SPECIAL New series Studebaker, value 81828. today 81300. U. 8. . Garage. Phone 182 POTATOES We pay the highest cash price. 'Phone 717- Office 642 SUte St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD L RAMSDEN 997 Coort Street 200 Spring Blouses Of Rare Charm It U always our len:ir tu show the very newrl alont; th? lines of fashion. Vou will find them here the latest in Moue. smocks ami novelty Lloasc. There are many new kbade thit s?a?on. Do you know thejn! If not, drop in and let us show thrm to you. We think our Mouv are prettiea hh year than ever Ufore and will deem it a t-lrattire to show them for your appreciation. A Special Purchase Enables Us to Offer You BLOUSES AT $5.95 Of Georgette and Crepe de Chine There w extraordinary value in this bloue eeial for the features of thee blouses are now and attractive; the prettily cut long sleeve; the touchea of fluted ruffles; bright notes of bead embroidery; all thee add to the charm of these blouses. The price, you will agree, U unusual. Come and see the blouses. 1. (5. o. "Where Shopping Is a Pleasurel43 Liberty Street LCJ rrisiks Get them at The Statesman office Catalog on application. Higher IlAte 8oujrfit An incresM in servlee rates is al- allowed the Farmers' Xatolnal Tele phone company of Redmand by an order of the public service commis sion yesterday. It is a small cencern having between SO snd CO members, most of whom are stockholders. PERSONAL MENTION i 0REG0NUS a perfect ciaim Manufactured by HENDXRSON8 CIGAR FACTORY Phone Sit MONUMENTS If your monumental work is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for our business card. J. C. JONES, Prop. Capital Monumental Works 2210 S. Com. St. Phone 189. Salem I ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 4S1 BUte Street Oyste Our Specialty: Chfll C Fish Chops Con Carne J. a MADDOX, Prop. USED CARS To Sell Cheap for Cash er to trade for Bread and Butter TRIE B. A C. MOTOR CO. 178 S. Commercial St. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING ; WILLArIETTE valley TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local hauling. M I T H ' For MOKE SUte and Commercial Streets S s L. F. Hickman of the Great West ern garage was visited by hl father. A. C. Iliekmaa. wbo la a contractor in Portland. Walloon Iiloom of Sllverton regis tered tbc name of bia farm. "Willo Glen." at the county clerk's office Wednesday. L. K. Siegmund was . yesterday name J executor by the county court for the estate of Hdmnnd Do puis. deeeased. Webster Holme, attorney of Til lamook. formerly of Salem, was her yesterday on business with the an pretne court. High BISHOP BROS. and Ferry Sta. Phone 1400 WE BUY Farm Produce, Eggs. etc-. Faying Highest Cash Market Price. QTY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners oi Quality Cleaning Dyeing;' RtpaMms Hll Stat 8L Phone Tit MYRTLE KN0WLAND usi ck SALEM AXBANY ' le and Mnalcal Merthaadlse Soaora Dealer la Salem , ! Court 8L SaleA, Oregon Telephone SSS '1 HAMILTON WW THE FURNITURE MAX make and hang your drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. S40 Court Street. WANTED JUXK AND llACQIXEPr OF KINDS . i. aisL WILLARD Storage B&Uery SERVICE 8TATI03T 233 N. High SL Telephone 203 We also bay second-hand goods. If yon hare anythinr to seU for a good price cell 60S. . The Square i Deal He CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chenaeketa St. Salens, Ore. I 5 lbs. Peanut Butter t'.tlAO 1 Rale Straw ...;.S5c 23 Bars Laundry Soap 91.00 100 lbs. Netted Ger Spuds.. SM.OO 100 lbs. Wheat H-OO THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone 49 74S HlKbland Ave. HOTEL ARRIVALS mothers from all parts of the state. To the purchas and equipment of a boy a and glrU ladsstrai ana ag. rlcultural school, for the destitute and nertecled children from all cor ners of the state. For eituding the Salvation Army work to the smaller commaalUes. . To rarry oa prison work an! scores of otter activities of the Sal vation Army too numeroas to men tion. The organisation for raising Mar ion county's quota wfil be completed at a banquet held this evening in the basement of the SletboJUt Kfrlvo pal church. WiUamette Women Again Battle In Debate Tonight The second girl's lntrcol!egUU i m mm debate will take place tonic fct at tb First Methodlat church. Tks WC Lametls negative team, the Mlsaee Ina Moore and He'.n Hoovtr. vUt travel to Forest Grove, while the Willamette affirmative will meet Pa cifle university's negative team here. - The question la. "Resolved, thai the principal cause et the present wave of aaarthy la America is dao to unjust labor conditio s in this coantry." Willamette's affirmative taa tbi will debate here tonight are the Misses Myrtle Mason aad Lorlei Rlatthford. f U DiCR O'Neill rdC 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists k sr lkiac re a ttrag, nfTkU ee siu U(tsl o4y liae a4 tmtTUW ssirviis cast siwi ssssiaseiw ertc 4 Kotnr st a rseaaie yrte simi4 H . SAT- LEE L GILBERT, DutrHmter tae a. 4k WANTED Beans Eggs ; Potatoes PEOPLE'S CASH STORK WONDE HOSE ror Kiddies, per pair .....Bdc REMNANT 8TORE 2S4 North Commercial Street Let us prove to yon that our prices are less. Some good bargains In new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 119 Court St. Derby buUdlas; riTsi'itiv vii tj rT7ViJ?lll3 V WRLGAHLSD0RF The Store of Housewares What Have You? We buy. tell and exchange new and second-hand furniture, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, etc. We will buy you out. COL. W. F. "WRIGHT. Auctioneer 271 N. Commercial St.. Salem. Or. List your sales with us ? People's Furniture Store Night Thone 104- Phone 1X4 MARION A. C. Anderson. C. P Rope. J. II. Graham. Portland; II. U. Piceral. L. J. Rudd. Josef h F. Bner- man. John C. llolste. Ran Franclsro; J. M. Anrell. Chlcaao; Thomas Kebgh. New York: Arthur Clark. Corvallis: F. M. Kenney. Olympla: J. T. Grlgaley. Uncoln. eb.; I. W. Willard. T. C. Iowns. G. Ii.Rlley. Seattle. HLIGIi J. nudRer. Mrs. K. Hesa. Thomas M. Cart, ortland; Mrs. J. H. Wanker. Cottaue Grove: J. K. Pad dock. Ronania. Or.; W. J. Stnper. Seattle: Mrs. T. II. Hedges. Malls City: Mr. and Mm. M. C. Burton. Eugene: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fore man. Siletf. Or.: A. l Karl. Su Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Lanty Par rish. Hofklns. Or. ARGO S. K. Cairo. Astoria: L. L. Dryden. Monmouth, Or.: M. Nelson. Al Holslnger. Dan Garmori. Frank Holsinaer. Oaklaad. Calif.; J. P. Wallace, Portland. Salvation Army Budget for Vital Home Service The budret asked for the Salva tion army home service proaram work for 1920. subjected to analysis, peaks volumes for the p ror ram of service contemplated and gives some Idea of its magnitude. It is also pertinent that the entire budget la to be spent In Oregon Tor Oregon Fork and that it carrie to com- I pletion a program, the groundworu .of which was laid with the funds J raiied last year. J The funds raised by the Salvation Army are to be used as follows: ' For the purchase and malnte I nance of the White Shield rescue aad i maternity home, which annually 'cares tor approximately 200 girl NOW SHOWING 1 v If 1 - SV I -i i i., .A N 4 4 M TQM MOO " In GAY LORD QUEX It's one of bis best Comedy and jWeekly LIBERTY RACES DREAMLAND RINK Charles FreLdel. Pacific Coast Champion and Rlale T onager. Northwest Champion, will meet at Dreamland Friday aad Fatarday sights. April 22-21. Che mas a band Saturday night. AU We Ask Is A Trial . Bttsonifclt RaUs Jtut trj oas of czx dissert, Price ISo CHERRY CITY HOTEL Opposite O. E. Depot SATURDAY AUCTION 1:20 p. m. 404 Ferry Street Sale One well-matched team of blacks, weight 2000 pounds, good work ers, aire S and 8 yean. One set of.goo.l wjrtlUratu. One wagon and hay or wod rack. One Eood'milk cow. 2 years old. I have soli my farm and mut sell this stock. Plow, buggies, some furniture aad other articles to he sold. 2 We buy or sell oa comraUsloa- Rrlsg la what you have. Pbone 1177 1211 . O. SATTKRLKE. Auctioneer. Come to the furniture sale at 1242 Front street tod , i 4 ? .