The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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The Oregon Statesman
- ' Issued Dally Except Monday by
21S S. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon
To Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
, of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited la this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. .. .Manager
Stephen A. Stone Managing Editor
Ralph Glover , . . .Cashier
Prank Jaskoskl Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, eerved by carrier In Salem and suburbs, IS cents a
week, to cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mall. S 6 a year; $3 for six months; SO cents a
month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of IS year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
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, Statesman.) i
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; SO cents for tlx months; 25 cents for
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WEEKLY STATESMAN. Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
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Business Office, 23.
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: Entered at the Postof flee In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
' , i (Editorial in Pacific Christian Advocate)
llishop Hughes, just before he left Portland a few weeks aeo.
designated next Sunday, April 18th, as Willamette University Day,
and sent a letter to the pastors of the Oregon Conference asking them
to observe the same. Never before had ha asked the pastors to set
aside aday for any special feature, and we shall honor his memory
by conforming to his wishes in this matter.
What is the object of a special day?
; . Willamette University needs help, and needs it immediately.
" Waller Hall, which was almost destroyed by fire, must be re
stored; the new Lausanne Hall, a dormitory and home for young la
dies, must be built; and other "betterments are needed for the ac
commodation of the enlarged student body.
; i A few facts will indicate the greatness of the needs of the Uni
versity. The enrollment now is 446, an increase of forty per cent
over that of 'last year; some of the classes are compelled to meet
in rooms in the First Methodist Church; chapel services are held m
the church and they nave been cut from five to two a week; and
young women attending thef University lack the facilities which they
should enjoy. A condition confronts the trustees, and they are just
entering upon a campaign in order to meet it in a satisfactory way.
After a careful examination of the situation by a competent
committee it has been decided that a fund of $100,000 is necessary
at this time to do the things indicated above. The Laymen's As
sociation of the Oregon Conference stands squarely behind the prop
osition and proposes to see it through. Headquarters have been
' opened in Room 505 Piatt Building, Portland, from which the cam
paign is to be handled. - -
' f No one who ever heard Bishop Hughes in an educational address
will, doubt for a moment his enthusiasm over the undertaking, nor
fad, to appreciate his high motive in naming Willamette University
Sunday. It was his wish, as well as that of the committee in charge
of "the work, that the story of the University be told, its achieve
ments, in Christian education related, the urgent needs of the pres
ent situation made known in all our churches, and the fullest co-operation
. with the financial managers encouraged.
Bishop- Hughes often referredto Willamette University as the
greatest 'single interest of Methodism hi Oregon, and so it is.' Let
it be held aloft next .Sunday in all our Churches.
Did you ever find that when out of doors at night you can see better
without your glasses than you can with them? It is rasily explained.
In the first place, the two necessary requirements for seeing well an,
a correct focus and good light. Optical lenses give the correct focus but they
also reflect part of the light. In the daytime, when there is plenty of light,
the reflection from the lenses is not noticed. But at ijight, when the light is
dim, the amount reflected by the lenses reduces the total amount of light so
much that you tan see better if you take off your glasses.
It is only through study and experience that an optical specialist can hope
to render a service that is capable of giving to any pair of eyes, no matter
what their individual requirements may be, the exactly correct pair of glass
es that will keep their vision up to its maximum .best. That is the kind of
service which we are prepared to render. It ranges all the way from single
vision lenses to help eyes that are overworked, to the wonderfully fine
lenses for both near and far vision as represented by Kryptoks (pronounced
Crip-tocks) the only invisible bifocals.
henry e. Morris & co.
Eyesight Specialists - '
303 State Street - -.
herited Southern Pacific millions;"
Frank P. Flint, banker of Los An
geles; Herbert FleUh backer, mil
lionaire San rranciseo tanaer; ,
1L de Yoaag. millionaire newspaper
publisher; Joseph R- Knowisao. mil
lionaire banker and newspaper p-
Usher of Oakland; James Itolph.
millionaire sblp owner; George I.
Cochran and (John B. MWr. two of
the wealthiest members of the Los
Angeles millionaire colour, and Mrs.
C K. McClatcby. wife of a Sacra
mento millionaire newspaper Pub
lisher! Lamp them together anl
yon have a nest egg of IllO.tOe.
oe. Meyer Uaaner. Johnsons
boatbera California manager, bad a
great deal to do with the selection
of that ticket; and LUsner is a prac
tical politician of long and varied
To the uninitiated 11 looks as
though LMner selected his delegates
with the Idea of making a touch.
Pity a poor candidate who baa no
financial bat kin a except a million
aires' clnb. a state machine and'vol
antary 'assessments levied on a few
thousand members of organised la
bor. That 1 1 t of Johnson delegates
reads very much like a promotion
committee appointed to float a targe
hfeond Issoe. There Is Jnt the prop
er seasoning of anion labor delegates
to give it the appearance of a popu
lar Issue. It Is choice bait to catch
both the little Investors and the big
cnea. Bat as a list of candidate
for delegates to a national conven
tion It every state seat that klad
lot delegation there would be the
greatest assemblage of uOJloaalrea
la Chicago ever gathered under one
root la the history of ffce eonntry.
VTe are showing many ap
propriate and cfcarmh;
things suitable for gradag.
tion, birthday and wedikf;
And while our l-t efforts
are aimed at quality and di
versity, we always keep
price consideration well ia
It is these three factors
that are making our store a
aynomytu for safe tradicgv
Salem's ! Reliable Jewelers
smI OpUdaa
and the Use easy be completed wuv.
In the year. ToarUU for the Nona
Pole may yet have several mtce
to pica from. . .
Have 'you overallitis?
Watch West Salem grow.;
The overall craze is spreading ov
erall the country.
: f .. ' v.;
iThey ; are already discussing in
Washington, what church the new
president will attend. '
If the movement back to overalls
nd calico is accompanied by a great
movement back to ; the soil, great
good will be accomplished.
. v
I , The wholesale stealing of sheep
Is reported from. Palestine and the
shepherds are watching their flocks.
all seated; on the
ground, every
The building of new dwellings by
Mr. Bush in West Salem and King
wood Park will help a lot. - Now,
if every one interested In the growth
and prosperity of Salem will, pull
together for the sale of more shares
of the local building " and loan as
sociation, - and stick to it till the
weekly payments are doubled, then
doubled again, and then doubled
once more, there will be enough new
dwellings erected In Salem to sccom
mod ate the new people. And it will
all be done with local money. And
It will' all be done at a sure profit
for all concerned.
Dad, Sunday Baseball.'
, Vena tors vs. Mvoeejaw.-
April 1, Monday Lads and
' meetina: at Y. M. C. A.
. April 1, Monday Movlnr picture
sad lecture on Alaaka, by Blacklock
Lew I a. AlaaKan traveler.
April to. Tueaday Registration for
' voters clnaea . i
- April it. Wednesday ' Willamette
file club concert at Grand Opera
.. heuae. ':......,.. ,
April tt. Thuraday -Baby clinic at
CommrrcM Hub. ....
April 23. Friday Student body elec
linn at Willamette L'niveraltr.-
i Anvil 11 Vrlila Unirard T.rirti
hVeed, landaeapa architect of Portland.
address Salem Art league at public
library. . . . .
t Aoril S3. Friday Debate . between
Willamette university and Pacific unl
Jverslty. -
it- April 25. Rundaynioaeom day.
And! 21. Wedneadar Dor Scout en
ttertalnment at armory under auspicea
f Halem Kika. .
May 21. Friday Special and primary
election in Oreg-on. r ' .
't- Aorit 19. Friday Debate between
Willamette university and Mcllinnvllle
April J and May t "Awakenlpr of
ftprin" pageant Opera .Houae. boapltal
V May 1 Waturday May day and Junior
vw-eek end at Willamette onhreraity -
Mar 2 to Ma? S Secona annual ure
'trttm J.rtv tubilM.-
v May . Thuraday Banquet f Jersey
cattle breedera at iarion num.
i Kav i. nday Denate between
.Willamette wniveralty and Oregon As;
" rlcultural collere.
. May 14 to IS Older Boya conference
fin Salem. . .
May 11. Tueaday Intereolleglats de-
:. Wlflamatta B. O. A. C.
a May It and 15 Nineteenth annual
ronventlon of Oreffon State Asaoclation
.3 of Maater riumber. Ii Salem.
I, Mir IS. Tueaday Pacific Coaat Ad
Tlub , "autmoWle ; excursion pei
'.through Salem. ....... .,
I May 29. mrda William Howard
Tmft atMaka at armory.
Z June M to 17 Officers' schools for
Ore on National Guard at Vancouver
'inil Fort 8lTtni.
i June 1 and 89 National Sjpay
. tnur mntorcrrle events in Salem.
July to 2 Annual encampment of
Oreeron national uuara. inraniry , ana
.enslneera il Cwip Uwli, artillery
; June 22. 23 and St Imperial conclave
N,t Mvatic Shrine In Portland
.'. June 23. Wednesday Imperial con
clave of Mratic Shrine to vialt Salem
' I June 54. -ti and it Portland Uoee
. . featival. -
July 2223 and 24 State Elks con-
' j,rtlrtn in Halem..
September 37 to October 2 Oregon
state fair, .
The churches are willing to spend
ten million dollars or more to com
bat the Reds and .purpose to do it
through training schools to teach
World becomes thus as fine a piece
of sophistry, aa has been uttered dar
ing the present eaiqpalgn. Distin
guishing between personal rights
and property rights is like trying
to come between the tree and the
bark-- Remove, the. bark and the
tree dies for want of nourishment,
while the bark becomes a worthless,
empty hull. '
Free exercise of personal rights
is possible only in the savage state.
Aa soon as communities are formed
the individual,, right must gire way
to the right of the greatest num
ber, property rights are equally
limited; , for every right nnder a
free government entails a corres
ponding duty. The possessors of
property must bear the entire ex
pense. of government. They must
educate' the children of those who
are too profligate or too onfortun
ate to be able to educate their own
offspring. They must pay the ex
pense of protecting life and health
and of punishing malefactors. They
must care for every member of the
community who. for any reason, is
not able to care for himself. If
they fail to use their property for
any one of these purposes It is seiz
ed by the state and sold for taxes.
ft has been truly said that a man
does not own the property assessed
to his name but that his property
owns him.
Thoreau found that the person en-
to Justify the action of his govern
ment on the score that the capture
of the city wa necessary to prevent
the Bolahevikl from, gaining con
die recently declared, in an Inter
view with a newspaper correspon
dent, that the Japanese cannot af
ford to permit. Rod Influence to
touch their territory.
He said they, must protect them
selves . against it as they would
against a great scourge.
This, on Its face, sounds well; but
Japan has for months been stead
ily seeking to establish control over
Siberia and it will be hard to con
rinee other nations that Its occu
pancy of Vladivostok is not a part
of a policy to practically . rule that
great country In the place of Rus
sia. This much must be said for
the Japanese: they frankly warned
the world some months ago that
they Intended to take strong action
at any time they deemed It neces
sary. Premier Hsra expressed tb
hope that his government could go
band In band with America, bat. he
added, "whatever happens, either In
allied coancila or within Siberia, we
mast protect ourselves." It is
doubtless believed at Tokio that the
coup at Vladivostok is part of that
policy of protection from the Reds.
Johnson primary ticket. If there
were a Wood ticket the people might
be Inclined to take stock la the
chsrges of Johnson and Borah that
Oneral Wood la the candidate of
the money lords. But what are all
those millionaires doing on a John
son ticket?
William II. Crocker, "with his In
They are mixing the sacred row
or India with the Texas lone born
and producing a breed ct cattle that
can stand a long drouth and are
proof against ticks. These aalmals
took the bine ribbon at the recent
Fort Worth .stock fair. They show
the chief characteristics of both
strains. Naturally they are Inclined
to be wild and they carry the hasp
that goea with the beast from-farther
India. This hamp. by the way.
Is said to be mighty good eating
and It la a desirable extra for the
table. First thing we know they
will be trying to raise a breed with
fonr or five hamps to satisfy the
tables of oar millionaires.
Work on Canada's railway to the
Hudon bay Is npw being resumed
"Oh. boy. I had a swell Urns yes
terday. Shootlag at Jeaes fam.
-That so Did yon hit It? .
-rUyrr Ooa em Aayatrtn LOe '
fkvtlat" en fUrer.
"Bayer Tableta of Ajplrta.- sxart
ed with the safety -Bayer Crt.'
caa bo taken wtiboat fear bacsast
yon are getUag the tree. worU-ta-eas
Aspirin, prescribed by pkyikUss
for over 2 1 years .
Always bay aa aabrekea pectsr
of -Bayer Tableta of Aspirta" wii
contains proper directions te saiety
relieve Co Ida, e Had acta, tootlacke.
Earache. Kearalgla, Laabage, SUes.
matlsm. NeariUa. Jolat Palaa. aai
Pain generally. Handy Ha boxes f
twelve tableta cost bat a few eeeu.
Drnggtsta also sell latter "Barer?
package. Atplrta la the tra et.'t
of Bayer Jianafactare of iieaear?
tlcacideeter of Ka! ley! lead d.
Americanism to immigrants and to
alien children. They Would purify W greatest oegree oi inae-
th itrim i. ner th mnrc ,-lpendence In modern American life
possible, which is the safe and sane
Replying rp a, query from a woman
voter who asked the difference be
tween the political beliefs of a Dem
ocrat and a Republican, the New
York Wbrld says editorially:
"There is this fundamental dif
ference between . a Democrat and a
Republican: a Democrat id rovern
. . i . i . .
ment is concerned primarily with
personal rights and a Republican
is concerned primarily with prop
erty rights." 4
How nfee! According to the
World's theory the capitalists are all
Republicans and the anarchists are
sit Democrats. Rut how about the
great majority of Americans who
live neither from Incomes. Inherited
or acquired early In lire, nor by
their wits. ; whose personal rights
and property rights are so Inter
woven that you cannot strike one
without hitting the others? ,
What is the first of personal
rights? ;
The riant of the inalienable pos
session of the fruits of one's Industry.
It is upon that right that civili
sation is based. Destroy it and civil
ization crumbles..
Bat the right of possession is a
property right. The reply of the
was the day laborer; and, although
a Harvard graduate, he cbose that
vocation. He conld earn enough in
40 days to keep him for the other
325 days of the year. Hia leisure
belonged to himself alone; and he
used it in a way that has made many
consider him the greatest man of
his generation. But Thoresu was.
by preference, a Republican.
The distinction between personal
rights and property rights Is a dis
tinction without a difference. They
are as inseparable aa sunlight and
Shadow. Perhaps this is the impres
sion that the World in its wisdom
intended to convey when distinguish
tag between a Democrat and a Re
publican; for the World has an
nounced that it haa broken all party
ties and will support Herbert Hoover
for president on any ticket.
Proudhon said that all property
Is theft; Roosevelt said that tin re
tricted personal liberty is a state
of anarchy, and there you are.
Japan's sudden seizure of Vladi
vostnk will be looked upon with
mixed feelings in Washington ami
in the capitals of the allies. It in
dicatirM that the military element
at - Toklo is still In the ascendant
and that the fears, recently express
ed, of a Jscaneee plot to control
Liberia were not without foundation
Trobably Premier Hara will attempt
(Los Angeles Times.)
Senator Johnson's millionaires
club presents one of the anomalies
of the presidential campaign. In
the east the senator is campaigning
aa the "candidate without a sack;
and the press reports Indicate that
it is his best act. But out here In
California there are nine million
aires among the 2 delegatea on the
Stops Hair Coming Out:
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A few cents buys "Danderine.
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With a F0RDS0N FAIM TRACTOR, the drudfery of the farm is chimed from
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methods, accomplishing more work, with less effort and doing the work at the
time the land should be worked is a feeling of extreme satisfaction.
Not only all this but he finds he has more time to do other things, and he
is not the energy spent man he used to be.
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