The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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    '4 9mrm
! r lYuTen Brothers Institute Ac
tion ToCoIIect Royalty i
on Pavement
Construction Company Seeks
. . to.Extract Thousands in :
; Express Money
- V ' - -: ' - ," . ' . .
While Attorney General Brown
refused yesterday to nuke a state
ment relative to participation of tbe
, siaXe in tbe action of tbe . Warren
, Eretasrs company against Oscar Hn
per. to collect royalty for the use of
, bttolltble, the alleged patented pave-
meat of the. Warren company, it is
; known, that Jthe state wil) intervene
lflL the: case. This right is delegate!
Stdpsl Hair Coming Out ;
Doubles Its'-Beauty.
- - .. J. Ik
' "
, ,1 A i lvm cents, buys "Danderine."
- f-Attar or application, ot Danderine"
yon can not find fallen hair or any
" daadrnff; . besides every hair shows
t ew: life : vigor,: brightness, more
. A .eoloT.. and. thickness. .,- -'
Vbyjffer ike discomforts and
tmbarrafsmtnts of. a Goitre t
O. G.C prpsratioa for goitre has bese
ntd SMr... i - .'
Wr Say several 1rM4re4 dollars for as
operatioa to remove a retire whrn CI G.C.
cu bm obtme4 lor aucb a coapvauveir
paai) ipeaditar. f .
O.G.C. wbes properly applied giwe Mtis
lactory faaalts, or roar moaey will be
I?H?- OG-C- ! W by mail
ty Writ lor booklet.
; AoMreasDepfcT
Seattle, Washiactos . :
'f.-i T-'l. i
- r .
" Ta sr i r
' c The SweeDcr-Vac"
jr-weeper a motor-driven brush, it gets all
tne lihtthread a3d Hair usually left By other clean
ers. The Sweeper-Vac does not injure thVnajpTof
the carpets. There's a reasonlet us- dexaon-
r strate. The factory representative will1 be here
today; toidorrow and Saturday. Wei will appreci
ate having you call whether you: wish to buy1 or
not. The: Sweeper-Vac. is theT cleaner you have
ybeen looking for.
The Furniture Man
to. the; state, in contracts with lluber,
and other contractors.
Also an act of tb 1919 legislature
makes the state asmime responsibil
ity fof-royalties 'if the courts ulti
mately hold th paten t.-r to 1 valid,
and in the instant case this auto
matically will relieve -Huber 'front!
any expense; or liability. ,
The action is brought is the fed
eral court in Portland against Hu
ber as a test case, to try out the
validity of the Warren patent.' In
the particular case U Involves the
Green Sprinrs mountain road. th
last lap of the Paci Uc high wty to
the California line, a stretch of 14,8
miles, approximately ;140.eOO yards
of pavement on which the Warren
company ceeks to collect royalty at
10 cents a yard, or a. total of about
$14,000. Actually tbe case -will af
fect all alleged patent pavement that
bas been laid by the state since
March 1. 1919.. and up to May 5 next
when - the Warren patents expire;
This will total approximately 1.300.
000 yards, hence the "royalty the
Warrens hope to collect aggregates
around $130,000.
(Continued from page 3)
throw out heaps or dirt which
sometimes cover up the plants for
tbe space-of several feet in diameter.
Trapping and poisoning these trou
blesome little animals is about the
only way that their destructive work
may be checked. -
Special mention should be made of
tbe use' of legumes in fertilizing the
vast acreage of orchard and berry
tracts that are being developed In the
Pacific Northwest. Any one of those
plants will serve to enrich the soil It
properly bandied. : ; ;
Vetch, however seems to- answer
the purpose of a soil builder better
than either of the other members of
the leguminous family, because of
Its particular habits of plant growth.
Just what results to expect in the
use of various kinds of fertilizing
properties are still matters of dis
pute. -'-: ,." " i t -
In this connection the experience
of Sam H. Brown, an extensive grow
er of loganberries,: located at Cer
vals. Ore., will be of interest as well
as practical value.
Mr. Brown -says: ''I nave tried
most every kind of commercial fer
tilizer on the market, but I have not
yet found any kind that would pay to
use. Some have gotten good results
from using nitrate of soda only.; but
we- could not get sufficient . results
from it to justify its use. The reason,
no doubt, is we bare sown too macn
vetch in the loganberry yard, for
cover crops. Vetch is the-only prac
tical fertilizer we have so .jar found.
except : of course,: stable manure,
which v eannot be had in " sufficient
quantities' " - . i
Mr. Brown says that he prepares a
seed bed with the disk. He drills In
the vetch seed at the rate of , one
bushel on an acre. By the time the
yard is ready to cultivate the next
spring the vetch, is about three feet
high. He then cuts tha tender vetch
up with a sharp ydlsk and plows the
whole mass under' where it adds con
siderable fertility to the ground. , 1
"By continuous seeding of this le
gume," says Mr. Brown, "the ground
will soon become' rich In .'nitrogen
and the humus will aid in retaining
the moisture.
Ton can sell thai property, hr
placing a classified ad in Tbe States-
maa. - The coca- Is small.
w a suction cleaner and
340 Court Street
McMinnville 'Attorney Seeks
to Have Seat in Republican
, Convention
Walter L. Tooze. Jr.. of McMinn
ville is the third candidate to file as
a delegate to the national Republican
convention from tbe first congres
sional district. His declaration was
filed with tbe secretary of state yes
terday. His slogan is "Republican
victory supreme national importance;
for president your choice my choice.
His platform follows:
"I believe in Republican princi
ples; will work for Interests Republi
can party; will work for constructive
platform expressing uudivided loy
alty to American Institutions; co-op
eration among nations for mainte
nance-consistent with absolute pro
tection American .sovereignty; free
tolls; strict naturalization laws; de
portation of undesirables; budget
system; firm Mexican policy; aeainst
autocracy both labor and capital.
with justice to all concerned, includ
ing public: protection American citi
zens everywhere while engaged In
lawful endeavor: this Republican
year, and party fortunate having so
many efficient men as presidential
candidates to .select from; will de
vote time to campaign for successful
nominee whoever he may be; inter
ests of party above interests of any
Mr. Tooze. In the primary cam
paign, has espoused the cause of
Miles Poindexter for president.
Other candidates filing yesterday
were: ;
G. T. Harry. Portland. Democratic
candidate for delegate to thte nation
al convention. "
Wilson Beneflel.. Portland, for Re
publican nomination for representa
tive from the 18th representative
district. j . . . i r
E. AW Bartlett. Estacada. for Re
publican nomination for representa
tive from the 16th district.
- A. 9. Roberts. The Dalles, for Re
; BWf T' Xtfkr v rvfefSi) iilyr -rrr (jr
!r for evdiyiiiin th beautiYying
AND WrJay, as during the past 71 years, the name "FULLER" means
the same hieh standard in Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Envnels, etc.
During this long period of time, in all conditions of weather, season in
and season out, FULLER Products have proven their superior lasting and
beautifying qualities. .. ,
Some of the
floor pahit
for inttiic? Tx-awrk
DECORET cemblnec stala
and varnish in all shades
for rcf inisa!z furniture, etc ..
D2Z0SATO the 3 vltiry 1
publican nomination for representa
tive from; the 29th district.
Herbert Ksbert, Tbe -Dalles, t for
Republican nomination, for represent
tative from, the 29th district.
John M. Crawford. Dmdee. for
Republican nomination for represen
tative from tbe 13th district.
J.- M. Watson.' Sr.. Turner, for Re
publication nomination for represen
tative from tbe first district:
m . . . a a. m w a.
A. is, wesiroii. uanas. tor uepuo-(
ucan nomination tor - representative
from tbe 15th district.
James West, Portland, for Repub
lication nomination for representa
tive from the 18th district.
Leslie W. Murray. Portland, for
Democratic nomination for represen
tative from tbe 18th district.
Franz Kraxberger. Macksburg. for
Republican nomination for represen
tative from the 16th district.
C. S. Benson, Bend, for Republi
can nomination for district attorney
for Deschutes county.
George T. Gerlinger, Dallas, for
Republican nomination for represen
tative from the 12th district.
Bert W. Sleeman. Portland, for
Republican nomination for represen
tative from tbe 18th district.
M. Vernon Parsons. Eugene, for
Republican nomination for secretary
of state.
C. M. Rynerson. Portland, for Re
publican nomination for slate senator
from the 13th senatorial district.
Dan Kellaher. Portland. Republi
can candidate for delegate to the na
tional convention from the third con
gressional district.
Walter H. Evans. Portland. Re
publican candidate for district attor
ney for Multnomah county.
L. St i pp.. Oregon City. Republican
candidate for district attorney for
Clackamas connty.
Robert D. Lytle. Vale, for Repub
lican nomination for district attorney
for Malheur county.
Kathleen W. Klvett. Huntington,
for Republican nomination for repre
sentative from the 26lh district.
Alma I. Katz. Portland, for Re
publican nomination for representa
tive from the 18th district.
John.U. Smith. Newberg. for Re
publican nomination for state sena
tor from the 24tb senatorial district.
Thousands of homes and buildings have withstood the test of time and the
elements and are giving the maximum of service through "FULLER Paint
For exteriors and Interior the FULLER line meets every possible need.
au a. special FULLER product for everything that needs preserving
Never was there a better time or better
.reason for painting than right now. High
cost of everything makes your investment
in home or building worth a great deal
more than formerly. FULLER Paint and
other products are the best investment for
the protection of your property, that you
can possibly make. They save a great deal
more than they cost
W. P.
STAYTON. Or April 7, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Kryer have returned to
Portland arter a visit at the' home of
Mrs. Fryer's parents.-.
'A. L. 'Murphy nd family spent
Easter, at the.J.-.W. Thomts home
at Live'sley.
George Davie and wife drove to
Belem Tuesday af temeon-. Mrs. Da-
tie was lert at a hospital, where
she will remain indefinitely for
Lea Downing and daughters. Gla
dys and Elsie were la Stay ton Monday-
Mr. Dawning is one of tbe
prosperous' farmers from the Mount
Pleasant neighborhood.
Mrs. Ll U Foster. Mrs. A. Caspell.
Mrs. II. UUy. -Mrs. J. R. Gardner
and : Mrs. II. . P. Ford, attended, a
home missionary -meeting in Salem
Giles Brown, son of Mr. an- Mrs.
C. & Brown, leaves Wednesday for
Alaska where iie expects to spend
r... V. iiins na movea nu
o. auiomou ie accessories zo in
..-r""!L oa n,r na r,or"was snent playing five hundred.
rare sireeiF.
The business rooms In the I. O.
O. FJ building, have been leased to
the Santlatu Woolen Mill company
and will be nsed as storage rooms.
Complimenting ber cousin. Mrs.
Carl Fryer of, Iortland. Mrs. W. J.
Crabtree entertained a party of
friends at her home Friday after
noon. , Tbe time was most pleasant
ly spent, and a tasty luncheon was
served by the hostess at the close of
tbe evening. " .
The members of the Epworth
league spent a very enjoyable even
ing at the home of Mrs. ; William
Surry Thursday evening of last
week. Games and various forms of
arnuremeat kept those present well
entertained until a late hour.
One of tbe nSost enjoyabli gather
ings of Easter Sunday, was tbe community-dinner
held at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs; J. R, Gardner. A long
table was spread through the lengtn
of. two rooms at which covers were
laid for 23 persons, and amidst the
beautiful decorations, and the htsh
Look Up a
DEALER in Your Town
Fuller & Co.
Northwest Branch nouses at
Portland, Seattle, Ticoma,
Spokane, Boise.
Andrew Balrd. IOC W. 6ih St.
Cbsnute, Kan makes th following
statement: "I could not sleep on ac
count jot a bamtag and Itching ec
zema which" started 'on' my fingers,
spread to my hands, arms and limbs,
burning and itching like fire, caus
ing me to scratch to relieve. tbe pain.
The skin, peeled off like fish scales.
I. tried a number of nwllc!nes with
out' relief. umlef.40 was recom
mended to me by Chas. W. Brown of
the Brown Drug Co. I Improved
.,.,.- WM roo,t happily enjoyed
Tn eV.ninK follow! the dinner
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
to Foley ic Co.. 2835 Sheffield ave
nue. Chicago. 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
lit return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey snd Tar Compound,
tor coughs, ccrlds-snd croup. Foley
Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. J. C. Terry.
Marion Teachers Are
Employed far Next Year
MARION. Or.. April 12. J. V.
Drncer Is jrell enough to leave tha
boitpital. -
Mr. and Mrs. TK A. Hosg will be
the teachers in the two higher rooms
at tbo school again next year; The
teacher, for the primary grades has
not been hired yet. Miss Boyle, th
I m 4 READERS - Yn
from the start and ara aowo ray
fifth bottle.. Hare complete relief
slep In, comfort and believe Nstator
40 mill completely cure ma.- WRaess
to signature. Chas. W. Brown 4t
sets directly on the skin through tbe
blood and Is demanded la eczema,
sores, ulcers, glandular swellings
chronic rheumatism, catarrh, eswsti
patioa. stomach. lUer and. kidney
troubles sad all diseases arisisg from
Impure and . Impoverished blood.
Made by J. C. Mendenhall. Evaas
vllle. Ind. 40 years a druggist.
present teacher, will not teach next
year. , .
Miss Marian lUmage of Porttans
bas been visiting ker sister. Mrs. a.,
li. Col gin. for the past week. '
Irarrtet Colzas attended the 8s
day school ton vent Ion in Selesa as a
delegate. -
Revival services are to start la the
Friends church next Busday. -
Mr. sad Mrs. Vler Hlgt and
little son Thomas, and Mr. aac Mrs.
Clare I fig We of Halaey rer visitors
of C. F. on Fasday.
E. R. Bca gs motored to Cerva".a
one day last week.- ,
The women of the Presnrteriaa
church are going to reorganize the
missionary society. They let the
work drop on account of Red Cross
work. .
Miss Mil J red Kay Ion was a week
end visitor ar the home of her asst.
and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. I. Con kiln.
"Does ynr wife, ever make yon
exchange goods she buys and doesn't
,Sh tried it once. I exchanged
a silk drese for a meerschaum pipe."
luerton Weekly. ---- -
for Uisls
end WooduLorA
y mm j