. wv ......... .. .. ......w,-.'...',;,, . " ! -mwam ml - - STATESMAN': TUESDAY. APRIL IS. iMQ. e lassnfaed Directory The Wanta and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find ThemThey're Worth While V3 NORWICH TJfefI02f fQUB IXSURAIfCE BOCIETT -Tbielsea. RoUsd Bnrgluudt IttiOnt Afcst . 871 BUto gg. JONEY TO LOAN nrfOTiD r abm phopbhtt at SwZf BATKS. IO COMBII9SIOB THOS. K. FORDiS FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 104-907 Oregon DaOdlnt "t ajatmxn AxrrEBTUzacEXTf Bate r Weed. er tnsertloa ............... la Obs wnH (six lnaertlons).... 5 Oma mosth ................. .14e gis moatbs' contract, par mo.lSe 11 months' contract, permo.. fa Xlaimtua f o aay edverrVm t 15o NEW TODAY WANTED WORK IN TOWN AS first class teamster. Phone 9. IOUNO LADY WANTS GENERAL ' housework, has bad experience. Tele phone 2017M., 118 8-PASSENGER DODGE. IN GOOD condition, $850 for cash if sold this tmL Salem Velie . Co., 162 North Commercial street.. FOR RALE 'f- WITH OR WITHOUT furniture strictly modern' bungalow, on Fairmont Hill; every built-in con venience. Phone 171S. FOR SALE IS-ACRE FARM. CLOSE is. family orchard, buildings, food team, one cow. 9 dozen hens. 2 hogs. I tons of bay. wag-on. harness, cream separator, 59 bushels of wheat some mall tools. $4000 will handle W. H. tirabenhorst A Co.. 37 S State street. JERSEYS AT AUCTION. WEDNES- day. April 14, on the S. J. McKee farm. IVb miles southeast of Inde pendence: SO bead of high grade and heavy producing Jerseys, association test records up to CSS pounds fat per year. All stages of lactation. Cows. ' heifers and registered bulls.. S. J. Mc Kee and Harry D. Iliff owners. .Cell j. Vt. Mugnes. auctioneer. Hll MAXWELL, 9-PASSENGER; IN good shaape, new tires, 1550 for cash If sold this week. Salem Velie Co., 142 North Commercial street. ; REGISTERED POLAND CHINA BOAR for sale. About tea months old. Bred br R. W. Hogg. Large and a good in dividual. R. CVHallberry, Independ ence, Ora ; TOR BALE 114 -ACRE HOME. CLOSE In, rood buildings, family orchard. sood road, price 11600. W. H. Grab-1 enhorst A Co., 27S State street. WANTED MAN TO CARE FOR grounds at Illahee Country club, $75 per moath. bouse furnished, married ' man preferred, permanent position to . rtfht man .See Mr. Lock at Salem Woolen Mill Store. 11 C MAXWELL. NEW TOP AND UP- holeterlng, new paint, runs good, for 4S, terms If desired. Salem Velie Co, 112 North Commercial street. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK mast be good cook; no washing nor ironing. Apply forenoons, sis tnera tkcte street. . V W ANTED WOOD CHOPPERS TO CUT 4-ft white fir wood for paper. In quire of Chas. K. Spaulding Log Co. sront and Ferry streets. Balem, ore. TOR SALE SO-ACRB FARM. CLOSE to station on Oregon Electric Rail ' way ts acres in crop, stock, farming i Implements and feed. Price f 13. 000 W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co., 275 State street. AUCTION -.WEDNESDAY. 1:29 P. M-. 1434 Oak street. See display ad. Cot. M. F .Wright, auctioneer. ; REAL INVESTMENTS A rea borne and 21 acres prunes, lo gins, evergreens, red respberries, Law- tons, close in; $18,009. Homestead . relinquishment. lots of neighbors ,1 1-4 mile of school. $300. l-room buagalowt on car line, $1500. . I E8TES A MAGEE. . 42$ Oregon Bldg, Salem. Portland Office, Chamber of Commerce rOR RENT A GOOD ROOM FOR TWO a first floor, with privilege of cook- "s mono 77ZK. Z&O south uottage. FOR BALE 9-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD barn and poultry house, electric itshta, cttr water, drilled well, lhi acres fine ground, ail kinda of fruit. "ci quick, am leaving tna country. I'll Lee street. Salem. STENOGRAPHER WANTED PER maneat position with advancement to right party. Address giving experi ence, J 59, care of Statesman. . -IF". are a buyer you can buy a neat little bungalow with east front, elec tric lights, bath, several nice cherry tree, on car line, $1200. Terms. Also one small cottage at $750, $75 down, balance $19 per month. ' Another at $800, $109 down and $10 a month. A 7-room bungalow, modern in every respect, with fireplace and furnace, ,. Paved street and car line. $4300. "aeres. 8 miles out at $75 per acre. This caa be subdivided and make two or three farms If you do not want all iur toii ri.ir - farm 7 mile. out. 49 acre, of una prunes, a beautiful 4-room bun- . F,,ow on 4t- Will be oa paved road Have some good investment property. A. L. 8EAMSTER REALTY CO. '.418 Masonic Temple. Phone 352 Kew modern house and garage, half Mock from State street csr line. S. 13rd street. Price $2500. half cash. lf acre on Chemeketa street, planted gooseberries, full bearing, front- n;fa oa Chemeketa 137 feet. Pric. tract, this side of Liberty; 5-room house, wood shed, barn and chicken ues. r nee $3500. v t2on house. large barn on North ront streer Lot 75x380. Price $2300. RECKE A HENDRICKS V. S. Natl. Bank bldg. Phone 11 A SNAP 4 U IV: UkM otrlctly modern 8-room - souse, two toilets and bathe, improv . street. S minutes walk from court ?? This is a buy; half cash. -oa takes modern 5-room new cot- tir5' WUn two 'ot: 09 cash. . 1119 gets a i-fonm hfliiui An tmnrnvH treet- clna In w - - 1 1 . and bath, surely you can't afford to r : m oi tnese u you are wanting .to bur. t,. !".lom' dandy small acreage . r priceq right-. John H. Scott Realty Co. NEW TODAY . - - n-win-i n iii-m-i n.irMtfi m WANTED MIDDLE AGED LADt DE- sirea nouse work, small Taimly pre ferred. Phone 57 K2 or write Sarah A. Lehman. Route 9. Box 13. FOR wSALE, $1050 FORD SEDAN with Ford starter, almost new; 5 cord tirea, $75 worth of accessor!. Can arranage for term. Phone. 11S8W. " 1920 FORD TOURING BODY. NEVER used, on ISIS chassis. Perfect condi tion. 6iU North Commercial street. 1PL0YB!NT WOWKCT "--- - - -l-l-,.,-l,-IJXrLru-u, - W. WANTED MAN AND ROT. suuu wiKei. tjregon wood I'rodaeU Co West Salem. SALESMKX WASTED' - " ' njJ , 'fiU SALES MANAGER TO open office and manage salesmen for high class article; exclusive territory; big profits; every merchant a pros pective purchaser; no competition. Do not miss thia opportunity; $350 to !J?.cp,t1 d- Should make $5009 per year. Call or write at once or particulars, t'aciric Sales Co., 211 " " mag., iMiu Anareies. i;a I. MISCKLLAKiM(7e - - - - - ---- - - -n-n-n-, -mniuujiaaruuij MEN OR WOMEN WANTED SALARY luii lime, boe an hour iu time, selling guaranteed hosiery, to wearer. Lxperience unnecessary. Vf ajmxiuD MEN AND WOMEN TO work la our circulation department. A good proposition to tha rirht ma. pla. Address the Pacific Homestead. fc.nn jaioar Daiem. urtfoa. LOST AND FOUND " LOST '--------- lYlfmYnOinmiM LOST t CHILD'S INDIAN BLANKET. Call 1S32W. Reward. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. .MANY new colors i vc pound ana up. O. Baren 17S N. Cora' I St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE DODGE CAR. Al CONDI tlon. Pari Bros. Shoe Store. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES) FOR SALE TRANSFER BUSINESS with good 2 S -ton truck. Phone 1177 or call at 404 Ferry street. LIVE STOCK COWS FOR SALE PHONE 23F22. SEVEN HORSES FOR SALE FROM 1100 to 1509. pounds. Mayro McKinny. Turner. Ora - FARM K AO A flWa F TOU WAiiT TO GET TH1 BEST farm paper, send 19c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention thia ad. POULTRY. rHB NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR. naL the biggest and beat la tba west, i The liva magaslna for live poultry. men 71 cente a year, eo.00 la Saiem. Send 9 cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. Balam, Oregon. Mention this ao. BABY CHICKS LEGHORNS. REDS. ROCKS. ANCONAS. Buttercups. Wyandottea. Prices rea sonable. Best full-blooded stock. Free poultry books to all visitors . C. I N. Needham. 558 State street. Phone 400. ansCfZTXainCOtJB. FOR SALE GOOD RUG CALL 317. CENTURY REFRIGERATOR FOR sale cheap. Phone 1317 or call 180 1 Court street. FOR RENT GOOD FARM; BALED hay. $20 a ton at barn. L. It. Turner, Turner, Ore.. FOR SALE CHEAP DOUBLE GLASS showcase. feet lonsr. 44 inches high. 28 inches deep. F. Brock. 340 Court-1 ETTERBERO 121 STRAWBERRY plants. $7.59 per 1090 Wilson $(.09. Address P. O. Box 214. Salem. Ore. ORDER YOUR AWNINGS FROM Dillmaa. Write Z011 Maple avenue.- "WALLBOARD" CAf BE USED OVER lath or atuddiar. caa oe tintea or papered. Max O. Buren. 179 North ' B VVIUIMBIVIU SrSS WW . . Commercial street. THE . fAMOUS ETTERBERO 1 Z 1 1 1 W LST LIS wamu. -" - -- I shipper, heavy producer. A very profitable crop bringing quick re turns. Vigorous healthy plants. ouantitv Drices. Ordfr now. Ward K. Richardson. 2399 Front street. USED CARS FOR SALE 1918 KAX well good aa new; 1917 Maxwell, run IOoO miles, wasa or urnw. Com morcleX Phone 299. mm. r A W' KO COO BUNG RB- auired. Sticks everything. Max O- Buren .179 N. Commercial street. -WALFELT TOUR HOUSE: ITS superior to doth, at about half pric. Max O. xJurea 1 1 tu wwai sv. txr A VTTrn SACKS. RAGS AND ALL kinds of junk, oteinooca 323 N. Commercial St. Phone 905. Used cara for sale. Parts of cars at half price. - - -. LOGANBERRY. MAMMOTH A I a aya r1" T. w.rd plants. Fresh garden aeeas. K. j Richardson. 23 rTonu i-raiwRcnnr PLANTS IN ANY quantity. Etterberg 121. Gold Dollar, Progressive Everbearing. . "iTeoia, Wilson. Thrifty, well rooted plants. tm, .nanfiiv nrlces. City delivery. w.rd K. Kichardson. 2399 Front. Phone 494. 1 1 niTUtM GIRLB mtl o?V Im ..ii. mshie terms of the - .k. rtmi. familr. of the ee- eape of Lorenao. aad the eapGvlty of Mary aad Olive. Mary died of tar--7i.v mm was ourchaaed from .v. i.i.na five vearo later. The m im sa cents. Boetpeld. Addreer Or.con Teachers Monthly. Balem. Or T WOOD SLAB WOOD 2005J. FOR SALE. PHONE FIR i SLAB AND TRIMMINGS FOR sale. 34.59 per cord at Oregon W ood Products Co, West Salem. Phone 977 i WOOD FOR SALE - -t.u K.I..I, n 4-foot mill wood, strictly cash. .Will buy all kinds mvl wood. oitice m eve svhu. Church St. Phone 1542. FRED L TELLS 1 WANTED &JYKSTOCBL STtK'K HOGS .WANTED PHONE 4Kil. SUSCJtLAJUIKOCa. ' in-iirnrin r njij WANTED A HOl'SE FULL OF FURN- iture. liot JSC, Statesman. WANTED A COMBINATION OAR range and cook stove In good condi tion. Call 18S0. . WANTED 2090 CUTHBEHT HASP. berry plants. G. W. Smalley. Talbot. Oregon . WANTED SMALL HOUSEKEEPING apartments for two. north of State street. Phone 1114. WKjANBERRT PLANTS WANTED vvara K. Kichardson. 2395 Front. t-none es. FOR RENT BOttn Jr. L. WOOD. 341 ' estate, rentals. STATE ST, REAL ITUKNISHED (-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent, at S5S North Winter street. $20 Phone C80W. TOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE TO A good ramlly who will give owner room and board. Call 1258 South Commercial street. E. W. Knlght ' linger. ROOKS - -- -- u--l -LnrLTLrrLru'xnjuviinjuinj FOR PERFECT REST AND QUIET I rooms by day, 491 North Cottage at, I oertruae J. n. Page. Phone 118. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Parties with children need not, apply. 1309 N Cotn'l St. FOR RENT A LARGE SUITE OF rooms on first floor; hot water beat. ; private bath fireplace: electric grill for cooking. Use of phone. The Al exandria 1039 Chemeketa street. Phone 1239. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Commercial Street. Pbona 9(9 1919 S-passenger Velie. run little over 3000 miles. Elgin Six. good as new; guaranteed at ive. . 1913 Ford bur. $475. ' Maxwell roadster. $425. Fords and other cars for sale Come I and aea them. ATJTO IJUKVICH BHXFP-B AUTO SERVICECITY AND country trlpa. Paoaas Day. 993; algbt. 319, - LODGES Chemaketa Lsdg Va. 1 every Wedseeday evealag T:io itiuiaar. hu. BUSINESS CARDS CHIMNEY SWEEP FOR QUICK work well dona phona 20C2M- Ben Wheeler. Furnaces cleaned. DRESSMAKING. DRESS MAKINO BY DAY PHONE 1 1 91M. DRAYS AID XXPRXSS. f.awirew TRANSFER WD MOVB AND store good a Day phona 930, Night panne isss. lAOTfORIS. I CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY I Quality work, prompt eervlea, 130 Broadway. Phona 111. SALiaC STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. sa par pound. . is aoata Liberty Bt Phone sa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE HOSPITAL I HAVE opened up a first-class shop, repair ing and refinlshing and upholstering. Ail work guaranteed. Will call and estimate your work.. Phone 1742. 1201 8. Commercial. M. Brown. I MONET TO LOAX GOVERNMENT LOANS AT 9H PER cent. w. L. Bmitn. 103 Balam ttaalt of Commerce. FEDERAL FARM LOANS CITY BUILDING LOANS LOW INTEREST LONG TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. C BOHRNSTEDT 491 Masonle Temple. Salem. Ore. URSERIXS NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE ITAL-1 lan prune trees. 8-3 feet and 4-8 feet grades: Franquette .walnut trees. 4-8 feet; Royal Ann cherries. Delicious apple, plums. Farmer blackcaps and Cuthbert raspberries. Fruttland Nur sery. Phone 111F2L RL 9. Salem, Oregon. SECOND HAJID ITTmJrTCTtai WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture. ruga, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware at Furniture Co, 319 N. com i Bt. Phone 147. tJXJBO AUTO TRUCK 8ER VTCX. ANT BUNT r-n of aauuag. Uouaehold ' " ft f 2 moving Jobs doae prompt-1 i ly. Try me once. Timme. 479 Stave St. Phoae 981. phoae 1123J. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 333 State St, pnone uisiriouung. forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. SKCOVD BAgO 43O0DS Household goods of all kinds bought ana soiot. rtignest casn price paid. We will give you a square deal. J. A. Rowland. 444 N. Commercial at. Ihone 18. WE BUT AND SELL SECOND BAND goods of all Kinds, pipe rutin ga. har ness, collars, collar pads, too la. and chains. Fred Bchladler. 399 Ceater street. wotki wuui srnvaciBQ ewo Batlenal all atnea, aa i Palata. tevee RebeOK 994 WALL rXPEB. PAXBT I WALL PAPER AND CEILINO PAPER see ana up aoumo roiL stag o. tin ren. 179 N. Commercial St. 8KB PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper aad Picture Framing. Good workmea. 499 Court SL Phoae 429. to SS taw high, aad TaraWh. aad Repaired. and Mop HeeAve. A Jv Weefca. f PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAXS DRS. WHITE AND MARSH 8S( U. S. National Bank Bid. DR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Sk Surgeon. 403-44 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office. 1394; Kea. sirs. Dr. W. L. Mercer, Osteopathic Physician ana surgeon, mmsvuie graduate. 404 and 40S U. S. Natl Hank building. I'hone Office 919. residence 14. CUIBOrRAClOKA DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC- tor. P. 8. C. graduate. 309-11 U. 8. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 37: Rea. 833R.I CMIHStSSi rUYSKJAAJI DR. I M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dleeaea. ItS a High St. Phoae 983. WATER WATER. LIGHT 4 POWICK Co-, office 111 South Coml street. Tea per cant discount on domestle flat rataa paid la advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause unleaa water la shut off your pram- REAL ESTATE MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE. 922 High street. FOR SALE 19 ACRES OF GOOD land on Silvevrton road, one mile from fair ground gate $259 per acre. Phone 145$. . FOR SALE DAMON PROPERTY. Commercial and 1) streets. 12Sx 1SS. E. B. Damon, 608 Union street. Seattle. FOR SALE 19 ACRES U MILES north, near Pacific highway on good road. Price $1759. small payment will handle. Hart and Muller, 20$ Oregon building. 120-ACRE FARM BETWEEN SALEM and Albany, on good gravel road and railroad; Vs mile from, station. Half In cultivation. 49 acrea good timber. balance pasture; .30 acres can be easily Irrigated for loganberries. Nice 8 -room bungalow, barn. For price and terms see ELSWORTH PICKELL Real Estate Loans 391 .Masonic Temple Salem. Ore. NOTICE MUST DISPOSE OF PROP- epty; have five good lota with 28 bearing fruit trees, five cherry trees, three prune trees, remainder in pears And apples. Real bargain at this price. $229 per lot it taken at once or would consider lata model car la trade. See owner at 2919 North Com mercial street. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSWORTH PICKELL 391 Masonic Temple. Salem. FOR REAL ESTATE whether " (arms, aity or auborbaa - C W.mKlEYER 213-319 Masonic Tampla, Salem. Oregon Fhoaas 1999 1914 JUST LIKE PAYING RENT, bave for sale one 5-room and one T- room house, close to business section, which I am offering for a small payment down and the balance on small monthly Installments, amount ing to a little more than rent- It will pay you to see these. J. H. Lau terman. Argo hotel. -' MR. WORKING MAN 124 acres In cultivation en main high way. 3-4 mile to railroad station, near two large canneries 4 -room house, good barn, other buildings; new fences. This is fine berry farm; bave plants to set out now. Am forced to sell on account of other business taking all my time. Price $2500; $C09 cash, balance $209 year at per cent. Address "J 4 9" cara of Statesman. Take Your Pick 0 ... v . .M..i., rrm flna to . , . . - Several very good farms, pome bar gains among them. One of the best paying orchards In Ma rion county (for the capital Invested) It takes $10,000 cash. If you have the cash don't fall to see It. Some small acreage (Improved) $2099; another $3009 a few days only. We can use several 9 to 10-acre tracts to advantage. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 State 8 tree t. Established 1909. Our customers are our best references aa to reliability. WOODS BARGAINS 7-room plastered house, lot TSx299. good location, $2300. 5-room bunga low on car line- and paved street, 92500. 7-room plastered house, good location. 91750. 5-roora bouse SouUi Salem. $809. 7-room plastered house, paved street, 42509. 5-room house, paved street. $1599. Good house, choice lot. 9 blocks out, 94500. 9 room modern house with furnace. $2800. 7-room modern bungalow. 10 blocks out. $2800. 5-room cottage. 1 lots. $2200. 4-room house, 9 lots. $1900. 109 acrea 9 miles out main highway. $9509. Choice 19-acre tract. $2200. 2-room bouse, two iota. t. F. L WOOD 3(1 State Street. - 6 Room Modern Bungalow For aale with or without furniture. Im mediate possession. Bungslow and furniture same as new. Electricity, hot and cold water, enameled bath room with bath, toilet. siaK and linen closet. Dutch Kttcnen. Tire piece, plastered interior nicely arranged: nothing overlooked In construction except bastment. Modern chicken house, etc, lighted fruit house. Vari ety orchard, large back porch. Lot 10x100. paved sidewslk and curbing. Price $2300. terms; $1300 cash, bal ' ance like rent- S. R. Pearson & Peed (OS Oregoa Building. Phoae 49. Good Bays br Investments Nice all modern 2-room bungalow close In aad fine location. 900. Extra nice 15 -a ere tract near Salem; fine l-room bungalow, good barn, fruit and berries, some Umber. Price $000; easy terms. 19-acre tract 2 miles from Salem, good buildings, fruit, several cows, horse, wagon, buggy, machinery, fowls. All for 95000. Dandy nice 99-acre Waldo Hllla farm, well improved. $1590. 19-acre tract choice loganberry Und near Kalem; 8-room house, some prunes and cherries, near school; bar gain, on easy terma or win exenange city property. See us for bargains. Pernne & Marsters 211-12 Commercial Club Bldg. REAL ESTATE I FOR SALE GOOD FARM. ALSO acreage by owner. PhOne 32F12. FOR SALE (-ROOM HOUSE. BARN one good lot. Price $1150. easy terms. Hart A Muller. 201 Oregon bldg. mouses yon sale modern and otherwise. 492 North Cottage street. Gertrude J. M .Page. Phone 118S. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE, ' 4(5 Morth Commercial street. Homer Con. ley. Phone IF12. FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD HOUSE and lot In Newport for outside prop- erty. Address Box 373. Newport. -ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. TOILET and bath, cement foundation. Price $1209. E. C. Derrick Realty Co, 42 state street, noom i. GOOD FARM FOR SALE 143 ACRES located 1-4 mile off paved road. 30 acres of Italian prunes. 3 years old. good family orchard. 49 acres good beaver dam land, fair buildings, good silo, all In cultivation; only 20 acres In pasture. For Information phone 111F21. Write A. J. Ma this. Salem. Oregon, Route C. box 138E. REAL ESTATE. LOANS. INVEST. merit a. Walter McLaren. Room 21, 180 XSorth Commercial street. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, city water electric lights, 9 blocks from car line, lot 105x100. Terms .Price $850. I acres. 4 blocks of car line, good 9- room. 2-story house, one acre prunes. balance under cultivation $3159. W. L C0MPT0N 489 State Street Phone 939 or 34F131 FOR SALE 29-ACRE FRUIT FARM. 4 acres 8-year-old prunes, 3 1-4 straw berries. 4 gooseberries, 4 acrea ander Irrigation from large spring; most of balance ready to plant fair build ings. 4 miles from Salem on good road. Price $8500. Hart and Muller. 308 Oregon building. FARM OF 199 ACRES FOR SALE BY owner; 89 acrea ia cultivation. 29 acrea open stump pasture. 15 acres choice oak. grub oak. timber. 90 acres bottom land. 59 acres rolling upland, very rich soil, fenced in five fields. woven wire and plank fence, also choice prune land and hop land, also loganberry land, a well-built 7-roota bouse, all la flna condition new tele phone with Una all complete, large barn, two good wells; school cloaa to farm; orchard, choice variety of ap ples, pears, cherries, peaches, prunes. also berries: rruit trees all la bear ing. Farm la located oa mala Dallas and Falls City road. 4 miles south of Dallas. Pine location, crop goes with farm. Write owner for full descrip tion, price and terms. M. X, R. w. D. No. 2. Box 98, Dallas. Ore. LOGANBERRIES The 'most productive loganberry tract oa the market la still opea for your inspection. With a guarantee of 1X per pound this years crop should more than pay for the land it grows on; also one acre blackberries: about 2 acres of choice apples and Royal Ana cherries, is equally as good; 19 acres in all. alt in good location. Poor house and good bam. Price 38250. terms. Good 9acre suburban home. 2 acrea la bearing orchard, 1-4 acre strawber ries. New 5-room house, buagaiow style and good bar a. Price $1809; terms. 4 acrea adJolnlnr city: about 2 acres fine bearing orchard, soma berries aad currants. Good 5-room house and barn. Price $5599. List your property with us. we win look it aver, advertise It aad aell It OREGON LAND CO. 413 SUte Street. BEST BUYS i acres good fruit land. 4 miles from Salem. 2 acrea cleared. 2 timber. $$00 terma. 2 acres near Pacific highway. 4 logan berries, bearing. 1 prunes with strawberries aet between. $3299 terms. I acrea cherries. ' bearing, market va rietles. only 3V4 miles out ea good road. 32500 terms. 9 acres oa Garden road .close In. 4 acres bearing prunes: l-room strictly mod era new house, garage and flna barn, the finest suburban home Bear Salem. 317.500 terms. 4 acrea near paved road close to city limits; 5-room house, bare and family orchard, fine berry land. $3009. Easy terms. 29 3-4 acres 4 miles out. small house. shed; 9Vs acres cherries 11 years old. 1 acre walnuts, some logana ana strawberries, all bearing; 8Va acres oak timber 811.00. 29 acres 1ft milea from bridge ia Polk county, on good road. 19 acres are cleared, balance brush aad timber. 97009. Easy terma. 24 acres 5V miles south. 29 la fruit, bearing: 8-room house, hot aad cold water and bath, good barn. sBS. 133 acres 7 mllea south of Salem, 22 acres walnuts and prunes, it years old; 4-room house, barn and prune dryer Its acrea cleared. 19 timber;! 828.000 terms. 92 acrea all cleared. 49 la prunes. 7 years old 7-room house. large barn; tk miles from good town. 912-500. 7-room strictly modern bouse. 2 blocks from capital building, best location la city $7259 terma. 19-room atrictly modera house; one of the best corners la city: $4504 cash. 5-room bungalow, 2 good Iota, hot and cold water, bath; $299 cash aad $20 oer moath. Wanted $1009 oa tea acres fruit lead. all la cultivation, 9 miles from Salem. $509 oa 99 acrea timber. S0C0L0ESKY 241 State Street. Genuine Dairy Farm Equipped City advantages but no city taxes to psy. This Is the best paying nig oairy proposition we have heard of 8 acres of flae land adjoining good lit tie city not far from 8Ui: acres cultivated: 40 acres in fine hay crop and balance Is ready for corn to fill the alloa. Good 9-room house and fine dairy bsra with two siloa. Also good steam bottle washing plant granary, good hen house and other .eceary outbuildings. With the Diirc met 18 fine Jersey cows, thor ou ah bred bull. 2 horse. 2 ponies, brood sow. a shoats. 3 wagons, hay baler, corn planter, fanning mill, har rows, plows, eultivstors. rtke. new cream separator, blacksmith shop end equipment and all kinds of im plements. Also a gss engine that pumps wster which is piped Into the house end barn. This farm raises all the feed for the dairy except a amall amount of mill feed. Income for March waa more than 9511. All stock, equipment. Implements, feed, crop and everything goes for 817.ee. Toe can't beat it- Investigate at once. KINNEY & SMITH 291 Bank of Commerce Building. REAL ESTATE HERE'S YOUR CHANCE MODERN a-room bungalow, located on paved street, good neighborhood. Owner forced to. sell at once. Cash price 3I80S. Terms might be arranged. See W. D- Smith. 33 Salem Bank of Commerce- bldg. . 1$ ACRES FOR SALE. NEAR CLEAR Lake school house. 11 acres In culti vation, house and bar. etc, good soil and on main road also farming tools, pigs, chickens, household goods. The entire eutrit for sal. Loganberry plants and strawberry plants. Vat- lick. Bros. Salem. Koute 8. Box 111. THIS IS THE TIME TO GET BUSY A nice house of d room, two blocks from the poetoffice. all modern ex cept basement, walking distance to every place. Ton need a homo mm you caa buy thia oae and aave rent and car fare. Price $4900: terms oa part. little home la South Salem about six blocks from the new paper mill. It has 5 rooms and Is very comfort able. Thia place would not require street car. Price $109. half cash. A good house of five rooms with bath. city water and a lot 55x74 feet oa paved street, three blocks from the court bouse, has a good basement but no furnace. Everything clear. In cluding taxes. Price $1500; $100 cash. A small place of rich bottom land, two mllea out. 4 acrea ia the piece, baa a good house. Is oa a good road. Price $3009. part cash. I acrea. six mllea out oa a good road. has a good barn and a livable house; most of the place la In crop. With the place goes a team, tools, crop, row and chickens. The price Is $329 In cluding personal property. Bee J. A. Mills at Ufa Bligh hotel. Phone 743. 44 Acres Rircr Bottom One mile from Corvallia and la easy reach of the Oregon Agricultural col lege which has aa enrollment of 3419 students: 39 acrea of choice river bottom land la cultivation. Good room farm house, good bam, and outbuildings; also good silo. Six acres of big bearing prune trees which are returning $1000 per year. Soil Is Ideal for loganberries- Oa good gravel road, oa mail route and bave phone, etc With the place goee 3 good cows. S horses. 39 chuckens aad complete set of farm machinery. Everything goes at $10.50. Terms. Kinney & Smith 291 Bank of Commerce Bid;. Good Boys 19-acre tract located 4 miles south of Salem on good rock road and close to Pacific highway. 9' acres bearing Italian prunes, 8 acrea of cherries, U acre of bearing family orchard. Price B7I0S. 19-acre tract located 4 2-4 mllea south of Salem oa rock road and 3-4 mile from Pacific highway. 9 acres of 3 year-old prune, tips to set three acres of locia berries. less straw berry plants to be set this spring. 3 acrea of peadhes oae teem of horses, wagoa aad bar nee a. 2 hoga, 1 cow, 24 ebiekeae: two-room house, good be ra ti ice nets. 9.7-acre tract located close to carline. store aad school, sightly location. S room modern bungalow, good new bam, 89 bearing walnut trees. 57 bearing cherries. 73 apples, son plums. peaches. loganberry and black berries. Thia la aa Ideal home. Price 814.900. 48 H -acre tract located oa paved road. all cultivatdaad ia crop .price S per acre. 193 acrea located oa the Garden road. nearly all cultivated and in crop. House aad two bar as. team, was on and harness and some machinery a oca. Price 81SS per acre. Terma. Il-arre grain and fruit eolL 41 seres cultivated and plowed, ready te plant and sow. balance pasture and timber. This place la located miles south of Salem oa the Prtngte road, rock road: a-room aowse. good barn. well. Will consider good resi dence up to $5009 as part, payment. Price 810.500.. Fine 1-4 block located oa Fairmount Hill. .150x139 feet, paved streets. Price 93300. 2 acres of cherries. Just coming Into bearing. 44 anile, out on good road. This is a snsp. Price 31 See. 29 acres of timber aad stump land, lo cated 5 V mllea south of Helen, close to station oa main line or 8. P. rail road. Price 32009. 29-aere trace 9 acrea of bearing lo ganberries. 9 acrea of prunes, some fine timber, rock road. Price $7500. HOUSE BUYS. 'room plastered house located at 1212 E street. Price 82200. 8-room modern buagaiow located at .1518 South Commercial street. Price SISOO. 8-room house located at 1019 Oak street. Price $29a. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 279 SUte Street. IDS IBYTTED., WOOD BIDS IXVTTED Tbe undersign ed will rcelfe sealed bids up to 5 o'clock p. m.. Monday. April 19. 1420. for tbe pnr- chase of 50 cords of large body fir wood or large second growth fir wood, to be cnt from lire timber. To be delivered at tbe City Hall not later than September 15. 1920. Right reenred by tbe City to re ject any or all bids In tbe Interest oi tne my. EARL RACE. City Recorder. s itMuciu iiuuk titetgus S wm iiiuimiu vi a NEW I1AYEK. Conn, April 10.- Tbe resignation ot President Arthur Twining Hadley ot Tale University has been accepted by tbe Tale cor - po ration. It waa announced today. The resignation will be effective on Jane 20. 1921. wbea Dr. Hadley will bava been president el Tale tor twen ty-two years. la his letter ot resignation presi dent Hadley, said: "Early ln'192t. I shall reach the age at which tbe statutes ot tbe cor- i ..n. 1 1 it. itfnMN ik MTira. i rw""" ' " " T I rejoice that conditions are 4ncn that I caa honorably arall nyscii ot this privilege and resume my studies and work as aa ecoaomlsu I am making this request more than a year la advance because I regard It as Important for tbe continuity t Yale's progreaa that my aneceeeori linnM K. ,kMM .Ml and have at least six moatha la which consider nlana for tbe fatnre. be for I assuming tbe actual duties ot bis of flee," Look These -Over BUYS AXD TItAnRH 5-room modern bora.lov. pared street, basement, fsr aace. Terms $tOOO ISO seres of fine Caasda land near Calgary to trad for Sa lem property or will sell chea? ... .. fwO eBBaassMBa - Fin sightly lot, Falrmcont Half his to trade for good 1UM car ...$TOO , 93-room modem boms, big lot, pared street and. carllne. It sold soon Empty 92300 4 acres close) to car llae. small honsa bat sood. good bars and , outbuildings, lots on trait, 1 acre of strawberries, pared road 22 acrea fine land, close to car line, good buildings. Might consider Salem bouse eren tor part $p0O0 25 acres all ia crop, soma fralt, tood buildings, will trad for modem $alem boas. Want to trad lilt Chevrolet, good condition on bom. W;il p7 difference caatL 27S acres, about 101 acres good timber, 190 acres la crop. C miles from Salem, no better soil. J miles north or Balem, It sold this month.. f 123 per aero 2 acres on street -car line, lots of trait. No build logs, paved road 91 TOO AVe oaaJt loans. We write aarety bossda. We write lnsarance?. LAflAR & LAFLAR 407 Orrgosi JUdg. WHOLE MILK AITD. P1V0DTJCS WUTTTD Utrioa CmncTy t Frodaea Co Blem. Oregon. rhont 24SS I SALEM MARKETS I Eggs aa4 l"artyy Eggs. 22c Hens, beary. J2c Toung chicken. 24 to lie. Old rooetera. lie. A- . rork. Matte aad Beet! Pork oa foot. 14 He' Lambs. 12 to 22c " Dressed bogs. IS to 20c Beet, steers, 9 to 119 Cows. C to 10c Top tsaL 22c llay Cbeat bay jvr ton. I IT to 119. Oat aad YtUk bay. per lob. 422 to $ 22. Clover bay, f 22 u 124, Grala Wbeat, 22 to 12.9a. Feed oats. SOc Beans, 4e t Hc Mm Feeds, Retail Ulllmn. fiT. Wlsolewale To Dealera Creamery batter, cartone, CS-44c JJstterfat, 4 Sc. Fralt Oranges. 1 1 to ST. Basssis, lie. Lemons. ST to f 7.1 1. California grape fralt, 1 4. Florida grape fralt, ST to 12. VrceAabVM Cabbage. I to I l-2c Onions, ft a sack. Taralpe, IS a dosea bascbes. Carrots. ISd a doses benches. Bell peppers, 40c a pound. Celery, f 1.44 a dotea. Ron ad radix hea 40e doses bnncbas 8weet potatoee, 10c a poaad. Psrslty. 40e dotes benches. Beets, Ste dosea benches. Green onions. 40e doses banc has. Lettuce tl dosea Cocoanats 12 Peis 20c pennd Retail Prlree Creamery batter, 72c Dairy butter. 4 Sc. Eggs, dox., 24, Floar. bard wheat. $12$ to f 2.1 9. Floor. Talley. 92.14 OS 2. 8ogsr. cane. It l-2c Sugar, sack SIT (limited). I C if J Ct C a . i tf tr e I r vl liUtUlg JJVOTC JttUC I CICI I GLASGOW. April 10. fader tbe I auspices of tbe Scottish Home Rale 1 association, a meeting was held t- Iday at .which a reaolatioa waa adopt- led asklag tbe govs ram eat to peas I a bill giving Scotland control ot pure- - iiy bcottisn anairs. FREE MAP I o-..- n vr. . i - rfmr"m Actlvklee la tbe OH FVrlde We will send free upon request our independent pa pet giving reliable oil aesrs- Also tree oil map of Texas. showing all oil pools, prodaclng aad drilling well, aad all activities ts all Texas Counties. Write for lu to paly a limited number of free copies I , am rivrp - 1 vIlL r J 812TbxockmortoaSL,rt- Wartb.Tex Z8 oregoa Building.