The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 13, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Bute sunn receives tat leased
wire report of tht AuociiUd Press,
the greatest ix d most reliable sreis
association la lb world.
&EVEXTIKTH YEAH ... -. . . . , ' 1 , ,
, , , , muai, tuf.spav mokmx. apiul 13. ipso. , tiuce: rare cexts
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' Unles3 tne rainy weather continues, delaying the blooming of Willamette valley prune trees, next Sunday will be Blossom day in Ealeni. The event is being widely advertised and, hundreds of people will be in Balm for the
automobile excursion through the famous prune orchards of the Rosedale and other sections of Marion county and across the river in Polk county. If the trees are not thoroughly in bloom a later date will be chosen.
Floral Peds on West Lawn of
Co House Wm Bear Let
ter! B. P. 0. E. and the
Crescent and Sword
iUchanl Crarai to Address Students
; and Otlteni in Salem Friday
and Saturday
Bojr ;5couts to Have Impor
tant Part in Making Salem
City. Beautiful
- Two floral bed on the west lawn
of the court house, that last year
.were planted to popples, will this
tammer be planted anew with a var
;ity of flowers, and one bed will bear
In floral colors of purple and white
Ue letters B. P. O. E., initials of the
Was lodge, while the other, in ap-
propriate colors, will bear the cres-
t cent and sword of the Shriners
These insignia. will be in design
Urge enough to be plainly seen
.from passinc trains, and will be in
full bloom for the state. Elks con
vention and 1 the ShIners excursion
to Salem in June.
; Also Salem will hare - a f lowar
show on the date of the Shiners' ris-
It June 23, which also will be one of
uree days the Elks' will be here
Lots May Uo llcautiful
This-is part of the city beautiful
Be careful . how you throw that
cat out of the door! Go easy with
the pup when he takes lunch out of
friend, wife's newest 125 pumps, and
don't kick pupp'e3' mama hard
enough to . make - her yelp if she
takes a few experimental steps in
the most carefully nourished corner
of the garden!
For why!
Richard Craven, ambassador of
the National Humane society, is
coming to town under the auspices
of the state organization.
He 1s coming all ' the way from
the city of Beans to lecture toSa-
lera people next Friday and Satur
day. He "will speak' to the students
and faculty of Willamette university
at chapel time Friday morning and
at the Lincoln junior high school in
the afternoon Saturday morning
he will have 'charge of the story
hour at the city library.
Attorney General Given In
structions to Act and Army
Is Ready to Transport Food
to Starring Cities
Salesman's Club Unanimous
in Support of Measures v
Going on Ballot
Unanimous endorsement of the 2
mill lax bill for support of elenven
tary schools, the 1.26-mlll measure
for maintenance of the state .instf
Speak to Strikers in Cleve
land With 'Uncertain
Directs Letter . to Attorney-
General Asking That Crim
inal .Charges Against Him
Be Investigated
campaign decided upon at a meeting I tutiona of higher education and the
01 the board tif directors of the Sa- 4 per cent oonaea maenieaness 1
lm Floral society last night. Decor-J amendment was giren at a meeting
apon of the court-bouse lawn will I of the newly organ upo eaiera aaies-
be done by a trooo of Boy Scouts I men's club la' night. The action
famished by Harold Cook, Scout ex- was.takn aftfr addresses on.the sub
ecutlve, and wilt be supervised by i kct by James S. Stewart. F. W. Jo-
VV . Maruny. .. IbeJinan and others.
I As a further tribute to the visit-1 The club was Pntertafnwl in a
lg lodgemen who ill be the city's I variety of ways. T. E. McCroskey,
guests at that time it is probata I manager of th Commercial club,
that the Boy Scouts will be assigned J gave a jazzy talk on salesmanship.
number of vacant lots, located inan) g. s. Harralson. the funny edl-
AVASHIXGTON. April 12. Deter
mination of the government's course
in the railroad strike crisis tonight
awaited further information from
department of justice. agents. At
torney General Palmer, after con
ferences with government officials.
said a decision might be reached to
morrow, adding that the "govern
ment would not shirk its responsi
bility." Meanwhile. White House officials
announced tonight that President
Wilson would tend to the senate to
morrow names of, nine members of
the railway labor board created by
the transportation act. Nominations
had been delayed, it was added, by
time taken in selecting representa
tives of the public on the itoard to
infure getting the right men.
Men selected for that group had
not signified tonight their willing
ness to art, it was nald.
Hope Pinned to I Jilr lUwiril.
Frame rs of the transportation act.
Man of Many, Xante Discovered to
Have More Wives and Authorities
Think Hotter Net eVt Complete
LOS ANGELES. April 12. "Bride
No. 18" as the officers termed her.
and a matrimonial form later were
revealed today, according to detec
tives working on the affairs of Rich
ard Huirt. alleged bigamist, who is
in a hospital here receiving treat
ment for self-inflicted wounds.
Bride No. 18". like five others
of Hulrt's alleged jwtves, cannot b
iouna. out a teief ram rrom uateway.
Mont., declared she had been mar
ried there to Huirt while be was us
ing the name of Harvey F. Young.
The message also stated he was sus
pected of having married two other
Gateway women.
r t . 1 -II. 1 1 . .
r wiuer auegea wires nave oeen 10- I 11 C a U CI
cated in various parts of the United 1 ellS senator lie OeekS in
fctates especially the west and In XT' r t U
Canada. Two women Who assert v m ui um iw
lL "r1 l ."Blrt the Can On
The matrimonial form letter was
discovered, detectives said, when
they were questioning some of the
man's alleged victims. It contained
promises of trips-to the Orient and
Europe and state the sender and tho
recipient ultimately . would settle
down In Southern California.
IlllKAK IX CjOOU IllXt)llD
Kntlre Faculty of VmmV Unable, to
Train One Wngle C;irl In Whole
Class to IVrpetnate Calling
NEW YORK. April 12.- Vassar
college will not graduate a "school
marm" this year. according to re
sults of a survey of the senior class.
made public here tonight. Low sal
aries. It was said, had caused stud
ents to turn to business; social ser
vice and oth?r professions.
Hughes Raises Sufficient Ad
ditional Funds to Put Plant
in Operation
Prospect of Early RecoTery
From Illegal .Walkfoct Is
Good in -Some Parts of
Country .
NEW YORK, April 12. George
Creel, who headed the committee on
public information. tonight made
publie a letter be has sent to Attor
ney General Palmer, insisting that
Mr. Palmer investigate- at once
No formal, charge has been placed I charges by the joint congress com
against Huirt who is under guard to
prevent him from injuring himself.
important parts of the city and will
Plant flowers to spell out "Wel
come." Mrs. Milton Meyers and
Mrs, W. P. Lord were appointed a
committee to confer with Mr. Cook
relative to work done by the Scouts
tor of the Corvailis Coufier, furn
ished diversion with a humorous
rresentation, responding to an en
core. . . "
Murray Wade offered the sugges
tion that since Salem haeTeen ae
Mr. Cook told the board .that the Lorded the distinction of producing
uieraDerssup or the facouts now num- morc rr capita, about $1500 an
rs 250 and that before the end J npany for Tery man, woman and
01 im sunyner he hopes to have tne -hild. than anv ether city on th
.uicuiucrnuip as nign as uu or ovv.
The plan to plant the vacant lots is
.suit tentative.
. To work ins the necessary spirit
la the .competition among the
ehools for! prizes offered by -the
Commercial club for effective work
in decoratinz the citr witii flowes
the society ) will furnish speakers to
to tho students at the several
schools of the city
mittee on printing, that the Creel
eommittce had wrongfully trans
ferred the offiria! l'iMetin to Roger
W. ltabson of Wcllesley. Mass.
. Mr. Creel also made pabHc a let
ter to Senator S:noot. chairman of
he committee, declaring the senator
knew there m no transfer of th-
official bulletin to Hatjson.- but that
the Joint committee "uneaklnKly
AavcfiTn Rnnmrt Umma. I worked In sert to frame tbe.Jn-
Airsnip isnnging Hoover dictnirnl that mv ,M,iny would
Leaders Wltft Petitions to r.e rnad absurd." He added that
171 srnaior as mu n as any oce
Tile at LapitOl ' . 1" was responiMe for wiping out
tne erect committee June 30. isu,
S. A. Hughes, who as a -member
of the legislature. Is credited wita
being the father of tne new Santlam
fish hatchery, now being completed
on Stout creek, below Mehama, suc
ceeded In securing; $4 000 more from
the state fish and game commission
when he appeared before the com
mission in Portland yesterday. This
assures completion of. the hatchery
at an early date with no delay for
lack of funds.
This makes a total of $11,000 ap
propriated to building the plant.
The legislature or 1919 appropriated
$3000, and In a prerlous effort Mr.
Hushes ersuaded the commission
to allow $2000 from the fish and
game fund. The plant will be in
condition to operate at an Oriy
Mr. Huchcs also extracted from
the commission a promise to send
to more crates of Chinese pheas
ants to Marion county, in addition
Many More Men Go Out in
Extreme East and on Pa
cific Coast
Salem will be treated to a thrill
on Wednesday of this week.
Starting from Portland about 10
including Chairman Cummins of the minutes earlier with the Hoover je-
enat inrtat. commerce commit- tuions. Chester Murphy will fly to
tee were firm in 'the opinion that iaiem. so as 10 reac.i me wuiameue
the labor board would prove an ef- river rront at about iz:i..
riin .nnn to dent with the rail- "e w ' n a wa-piane. namw
. - - . Ilk. ! l:.. I m. t
A Vn that reason nuwusine 01 ine
I . . .J "J - - I t
- . t Hafcrrnl rt!on on nro-I,r-
I.VMIIIlUto v. - I J ... ..,.-J
i t... .nKimxe nnil fnmiirv I Jtiur rrnun, nwn in inn i nium
into the striK . :r r " ?rr?-"0z ."l.
.n.nn,.nt inilir pnt orders c J " lu ouiem, up id
- - . . I VV IIMlll .I.A.
1 . n wr mall I '..'- i h'hi.ii huh'U
113 v 1 . ....
officials for prompt reports on any " i.u",r" 01 lu.
n, AfU-r of the malls. Pn in -ew .Mtxico. aou
am. - ..AM a? 4itcllJA Willln
1 1 litT Utl'tll UUeiU jm. j- . 1-. m w-t 1 . . -
be asked for Immediate prosecutions " one om-
oe ' I standing orators of America, and he
under statutes roveraing mall trans-I U1
- Compete For Cups
5 -The schools will compete for cups.
isree prizes to be awarded, and the
swards wll be made on three points.
roast, a celebration of the distinction
should be Staged. No action was
J. F. Hutchason, president of the
club, ; helped keep the meeting go
ing with Intermittent scintillating
remarks, and annennred that Man
ager MCroskcy would have a shak
er of wide repute and unquestioned
notability for the rrosram next
time. Hutchason also said he nour
ished, within his bosom a secret
which he wvuld spring at the next
meeting. '
TSrSSJi trBower Without Opposition
as Candidate for Sheriff
most beautiful . work. - Anv school
wlnuina a ctin two vears In succes
sion will kep 14 as a perman'at tro
phy. A farther Incentive will bo in
Oerar. Hewer, candidate for sher
iff of Marion county, apparently ts
dividual nriToa nf il j i III Ol aianvn rounij, I'l'""""
wiX Kd'entof thera thl U have a lJl
Junior high and the senior high nde.rstood candidate
ls fo, tho best flower bed at - V was believ!
'The floral society
has decided to
Institute a vigorous membership
-Continued on page 2)
that O rover Todd of Woodburn
would announce himself as a candi
riste. bnt It is now said that Mr.
Todd will not enter the race.
portation. the telegrams stated.
Delay In formulating a program
for roveminent action under tne
Lever food control act, was said by
(Con tinned on page 6)
fathered on the river bank. He will
speak from the sea plane.
Mr. Eley is to make addresses in
Portland for Hoover, and in Wash
ington and Idaho also. He is now
Tiro Automobile Dealers
(Continued on page 2)
in Race for MayoraltyPetitions for Supreme
f i r -
r.oorae E. Haivorsen. councilman I rfuauic ntc txecciveu
from Ward 7. yesterday announced
that he will run In opposition to CM-1 The four randidates for renom-
to J. Wilson for mayor, and will fhe I ination and election to the supreme
his declaration of candidacy some-j court, have ceased to file by the pe
time this week. Mr. Haivorsen con-j tltion method rather than the filing
sonted to enter the race only aftT I lee system, and petitions carrying
Dr. F. L. "Utter had made the stat-jOTcr 2000 signatures for each of the
ment that he could not put the time! Judges have been, received by 'Ar
Into the race and Into the work ihatlihur S. Henson. clerk of the onrt
it would require because his business j who will file them with the secre-
would not permit. I tary of state. It Is said not mora
Mr. Haivorsen Is one of the pr.vlthan half the names have arrived
prietors of the Slarlon Automobile l Only 100 nams are required by
company on South Commercial iaw. The four justices whose terms
Street. lexr'rc and who are seekins re-
Dr. Filer will remain on the city election are Chief Justice Thomas
council. where he and .Mr. Halvor- a. McBrlde and Justices Lawrence
sen nave stood together on most s-' t. lin-ris. Ilenrr L. Denson and
sucs-.. Henry J. Bean. -
CHICAGO. .April 12Whlle ths
unauthorized strike of railroad em
ployes, which started here two
wttks ago with the walkout of sev
eral hundred switchmen on the Chi
cago. Milwaukee and St. Paal rail
road, today appeared gradually la
be waning In the midals west aad
the far west, the situation eatt of
Cleveland took on a more serious as
The center of development la the
walkout of insurgents had shifted ta
the east, where additions to tho
ranks of the rebel railroad workers
bad caused a serious stoppage of
freight and passenger traffic and
the closing of several Industries.
The situation In the Chicago yards
showed a marked loprorement abd
report from other Urge railroad
rrntpn In the middle west Indicated
to four entfes already doe to arrive that the crisis wss past and that U
in the middle of Its orderly liqui
The join; committee charged that
the transferjiad been made without
cost to liabtton and suicKested In-
stltnMon of legal procedlnes against
Creel. Dabson. C. T. Clarion and
Kdward S. KochstT. to sm If the
government could not recover the
Went Vindication.
In his Idler to Mr. Palmer. Mr.
Creel sold:
'I insist that your otfiee com
mence an instant lnvestisatlon and
put myself and every record at your
disposal. I want to know from yai
also what protection a citizen has
againct the deliberate slanders of
a member of congress. Not only are
Senator Smoot's charges false, bu.
he knew them to be lies when he
uttered them.
'The olficial bulletin was not
transferred to Koger Dabson or any
one else. It was discontinued by
(he order of the attorney general on
the ground that I had no right to
sell the property at public auction.
The one ayt was a mailing list and
this was publicly flared at the dis
posal of any citizen caring to copy
it. an action also taken under orders
ot the att3rney general.
"Any private citizen was at H'.
erty to start a publication of simi
lar character, and this is what Sir.
Dabson did. He received nothlnx
from the government i-ccrt the
right to copv ihe mailing lisi.
IMrretn Attack Aeln-I Kmoct.
To Senaior Snioot. Mr. Creel said
that after he had been "dispossess
ed" on .July 20. 1919. his record
bad twice Ieen moved and bad been
jumbled Into army trucks He d
elan! a "private memorandum.
stating this confusion, was sent to
Fenator warren,, but some one
here. Also Mr. Hughes will receive
from the state game farms a quan
tity of pheasant rgs a1out the mid
dle of May. Tise will be hatched
under family letting bns In the
poultry yards of this locality.
Bronson Arranses for.
fnler church Council Here
Dorton F. Itionson. executive s-e-rtary
of the Interchurch movement
in Oregon, is in Salem. completing
arrangements for the meeting to h4
held here Friday. Yesterday Mr.
Hronson addressed the Salem Minis
terial association, and outlined the
work that is being done all over the
state. He made the statement that
"The Interchurch World Movement
is not a superimposed organization
but rather a movement than an or-
jganzatlon. It is the Protestant
churches in concentrated action.
niUMINCHAM. Ala.. April
12 The Birmingham .Overall
Club, with 30& members
pledged to wear overalls until
clothing prices decline, was
formallr orranlzed tonight at
a mass meeting. Action fol
lowed refusal today of local .
newspapers to comply with a
request by a committee of re
tall clothiers that they case
publication of newt items . of
formation 01 overalls ciuds.
tha clothiers alleging their
tnine. was being Jhurt.
On April 16 every club mera-
her is to appear clad in over-
all rnd a solemn pledge was
t taken that the denims will be
I worn until the price ot cloth-
strikers were returning to work; In
contlderabU numbers. Officers X
railroad brotherhoods, who hare
been llgatlng the strike, were con
fident that the breaking Bp of the
walkout in Chicago would be fol
lowed by a general resumption tl
work in other areas.
A pronouncement of The govern
ment's course as expected at Wash-
ogton tomorrow by Attorney jen-
eral Palmer. Investigators or tno
department of Justice were complet
ing an inquiry Into the situation, ar,
Palmer said. 4
Otlcagtt Ilcames Work
More freight moved into the CV
rago yards today than on any day
rlnce the strike started, railroad 01-
liclals announced. More than S.tiOa
stockyard employes forced out of
work by the strike returned.
Packing house receipts Include
4000 cattle. 2.S00 hogs, and 4uv9
thcep. This was a larger quantity"
than received any day last wi-e..
About 25.009 stockyard worke,-s
wer still Idle.
The Illinois Central, the Chlcazt.
Milwaokee and Ft. Paul and the New
York Central and other roads re
ported cars again moving in the
switching yards and that embarks
had been partly lifted.
The General Managers' Associa
tion denied that any negotiations
were being carried on wlih the out
law yardmen's association, and stat
ed no parley would be entered Into.
Jn requesting negotiations lookics
toward yhe end of the strike. Presi
dent Urunao of the yardmen's aspo
rtation said contracts the railroan
have with the Lrotherbood of rail
road trainmen and, the switchmen's
union of. North America, did not ap
ply to membership la Lis union, lis
denied that the strike as illegal.
Strikers Accmse Brut bcrtKxxl
"The brotherhoode hlefs who ac-
Contlnued on page 2)
jLCoaUaucd, cn pas8