The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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The SUInmu receives the leased
wire report of the Associated Pra.
lb greatest and most reliable press
association la the world.
State Institutions: ;
SServices at the state institutions
Sunday HI be held as follows: At
j;00 a. m.. Feeble Minded, institute,
tf .E. S Hammond. At 2t3T p. m.,
Cottage Farm, by C. H. Powell. At
:0O p .in.. Girls Training school, by
C. W. Corby. At 3:15 p. in., Tuber
culosis hospital, by W. C. Kantner.
, Ministerial Association, v
The Salem Ministerial association
will meet in regular session Monday
morning at 10 -o'clock. Meeting is
held la the Yf M. C. A. Berton F.
Bronson, state secretary of the Inter-
eaarch World Movement will be pres
ent and address the- association
Every member is urged to be pres-
- ' i' " 1 "' 'A
IhterchurfhWorkl, Movement.
The Marion County-? Interchurch
World Movement contention will
be held Friday, April 16, in the First
Congregational church. The members
of the team which will speak here
are Dr. A. J. Sullens, Professor L. W
Riley, Rev. E. W. vTarrfngton and
Mrs. 0. C. Wright. The purpose of
the county organization is to repre
lent and function the Interchurch
World Movement in all its objects in'i
me county and down to the local
church, and to develop machinery by
iuttUB oi wmcn cnurcnes ana denom
inations may co-operate in" the coun
ty ana community. Every pastor In
the county is expected to attend, and
to have representatives from each so
ciety in, his church. The first meet
ing will open at 9:30 a. m. and the
program will continue throughout
the day and evening. Every meeting
will be open to any person interested,
and a large attendance is expected.
St. raul'R Church.
First Sunday after Easter 7:36
a. m., holy communion: 9:45 a. m.:
church school; 11:00 a. m . morning
prayer and sermon. "Spiritual Aspi
rations"; 7:30 p. ra., evening prayer
and address. Portions of the Easter
music will be repeated at the morn
ing service. . Everybody welcome.
Chas. II. Powell, rector.
i'u who fire
easily; are
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-tub;ect to
I of meUn-! the
joined foe
iron deficU ksatti
i take -; .
.tiree times a day after inealswilffccrfiQ
Srour strength and endurance intwoweeksf
, 7wia.Bunycases.-FerdinandKingJ4JyA
b p Kmc
. Mhkum4 MM
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mmi r T i MM ,
tar. MMilr m mirib M M .
im4ftvm M w
209 Masonic temple, open every, day
except Sunday and holidays, from
11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. All are In
' Lutheran. , "' .
East State and Eighteenth streets
aunaay scnooi at io:oo a. m.;
preaching service at 10:30 a. m.;
quarterly meeting at 2:00 p. nu L
ther league at 7:00 p. m., Miss T.
Albers. leader. Evening service at
7:30 p. m. Visitors are welcome
George Koehler, pastor.
Catholic Church..
Communion mass at 7:30 a. m.:
high mass at 10:30. At 2:45 Sunday
afternoon. His Grace, Archbishop
Christie will be present to administer
confirmation to a very large class.
At this service, the archbishop will
deliver a short sermon and the altar
boys choir will furnish the music.
Everyone is cordially invited, both
Catholic and non-Catholic There will
he no benediction services in the eve
ning. At 9 o'clock the boys choir
will sing at the mass at the state hos
pital. ; -.. . v-
First United Brethren.
Professor L. B., Baldwin of the O.
A. C. will preach at the First United
Brethren church (Yew Park) today
at 11:00 a, m.
First Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday services held at 440 Chem:
eketa street at 11 a. m. Subject of
Biblo lesson. "Are Sin Decrease and
Death real?" Sunday scnooi at 9:45
a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room.
. First-Christian.
High and Center streets. Bible
school beginning at 9:45 prompt. Dr.
ti. u. Ed ley. superintendent: treat
orchestra; welcome to alL Regular
church service at 11:00 a. m.. special
music by quartet. C. E society meets
at 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30
p. m. Leland W. Poter, pastor.
Flnrt Congregational Chnrrh
Liberty and Center street. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m., Sun
day school with classes for all; V.
I. Staley. superintendent. 11 a. nt..
Until The Day Break., 6:30 p. m..
Christian Endeavor, Miss Thelma
Young, leader. 7:30 n. in.. "Jesus.
The Student." A message for all
students. Following this address a
motion picture film showing "The
Soldiers of the Sea."
classes for all, taught by earnest
Christian teachers. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock C. E. meeting at
6:15 and preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meetng on Thursday at 7:30
p. ra. A cordial welcome to all cur
services. 1..G. Lee and wife, pastors.
Jaaon Lee Memorial Churrh
Winter and Jefferson afreets.
Thomas Acheson. pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45 ; C. M. Robert la
charge. Classes for. all ages under
the care of capable teachers. Strang
ers and visitors always welcome.
Public worship at 11 a. m. Subject.
'The Great Commission." Class
meeting 12:15, led by J. M. Clark.
Junior league 3 p. m. Miss Grace
Tyler, superintendent.' Parents are
urged to co-operate with this depart
ment by sending their children to
the rervice Epworth league 6:0.
Horace Rahskopf. . Young people
are urged to take advantage of tbli
meeting. Come early. Preaching
rervlce at 7:30. This service will
be. evangelistic. On Tueeday even
ing at 6:30 members and friends of
the church will meet for a combined
social and business meeting.. A good
lime Is promised to everybody. We
want you there. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30. We ex
tend a cordial Invitation to the pub
lic to meet with us on these occas
ions'. ' '
The Story of a Honeymoon ,
A Wonderful Itoouuice of Married fife Wonderfully Told by.
There are some women to whom
any sudden terrible happening
means either a fainting spell or a
fit of hysteria. There are others who.
when confronted with an emergency,
no matter how awful, nerve them
selves to meet It. reserving their
tremors for a time when there's no
more need of their' brain and spirit.
Lillian Underwood -Is one of the
latter kind of women. Danger of any
sort seems to make even more acute
her naturally quick preception. to
electrify, as it were, her whole being
Instead of being panic-stricken at the
discovery that some one had ran-
Lrlie Methwlst Eptacopal
South Commercial and Meyers
streets. .Horace N. A Id rich, pastor.
3:45 a. m., Sunday school, with clash
es for all ages. K. A. Rhoten. su
perintendent. Primary department
meets in Leslie hall, in charge of
Miss Sue Williams. The Live Wire
class will .begin a study of "Capital
vs. Labor, Co-operative and Profit
Sharing Systems on a Christian Ba
sis." . These discussions will covr
a period of five Sundays. 11 a. m..
public worship, with sermon by the
pastor. Theme, "He Came to Hint
self." 6!30 p. m- devotional meet
ing of the Epworth league. Leslie
Springer, pi resident. . 7:30 p. m
Evangelistic hour, led by the choir iu
a; song service, and an address- by
the pastor. ."; ; ' "
Nevt-nth Day Ad rent 1st .
North Fifth street and Gaines ave
nue. Evangelist A. R. Bell, pastor.
Tonight at 7:30. subject: "Spiritual
Ism Is It of God? Or is It a Satan
ic Delusion?" The question will be
handled from "the standpoint of an
open Bible, and tire evangelist pro iri
ses a most interesting study. Spir
itualism is before the American pub-
Evamrellcal Church .
. Seventeenth and Chemeketa
streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m
Sermon at 11 a. m. Y. P. A. devor
tlonal at 7 p. ra. Sermon at 7 : 4 5 p.
m. 5 Monthly meeting, Tuesday eve
ning" Prayer -meeting on Thursday
evening. W. M. S. will hold meet
ins at usual time on Tuesday. F.
W. Launer, pastor. , ;
. Highland Friend'
Bible school at 9:45 a. m.. Earl
Pruitt. ? suterlnteBdeELv We " have
The Baptist Financial Campaign'
Visualized ..
S :
hand upon it. As she did so U turned
upon itself and slid back Into some
hidden groove, disclosing another
block exactly similar io ue1f be
neath it. Reasoning now that some
where areund this opening were con
cealed the documents Lillian guarded
so carefully, I naturally expected to
see her press another spring in th!s
second square. But Instead 'she
thrust her band and arm Into- the
aperture beneath the adjoining
blocks which the turning of the first
bad revealed, fumbled for a moment J
and the next Instant a small section
of the flooring fully 10 feet from us,
opened wide.
Lillian rose, and with . Katherine
and me followInK her. went to the
opening, and with 'a tiny key which
she took . from her dress, unlocked
the strong box within. She " went
sacked her library. WUjr In tT0ush tne paper, in it. and
search of something special, she ap
peared far more composed than eith
er Katherine Sonnot or I who had
Just returned with her to her library
through the secret passage from the
adjoining house.
looked up with a sigh of relief when
she had finished
"Nothing distrubed here." she
whispered. "Now are-you sure you
remember how to do this? Thirteen
Chinook Salmon Will be
Higher U Fishermen Win
, ASTORIA. Ore.. April 7 By jtar
the highest prices la the history of
the Industry on the Columbia river
will be paid for Chinook salmon dur
ing the season which opens at noon
on May 1, it the demands of the
fishermen, presented today, prevail.
The Columbia River Fisherman's
Protective Union has set the price at
14 cents a pound for small, or can
neery fish, those weighing leas than
23 pounds each; - and 11 cents-a
pound for larrge or cold storage flh
those weighing 23 pounds each or
over . This la an advance of 2 3-4
a pound for small, fish and 4 2-4e
for larrge fish over the figure which
prevailed last year. The packers
have not yet announced their decis
ion as to granting the demands.
Customer My hair Is falling oat.
Can yon give me something to keep
it in?
. New Clerk (who wants to be obli
ging) You might take this cigar
box. Women often keep theirs In
such boxes. St. Louis Globe-Decno-erat,
' . ' : -
Only the whiteness, rather the al-if?nar diagonally from that corner.
most' ashen grayness of her face, be
trayed the mental strain under which
she was laboring. Her voice was as
composed as I bad ever heard it.
when, after she had turned from the
wall safe, she said quietly:
I must look up the other places now
and 1 want you to observe them care
fully. Anything might happen to me
at any time, "frnd you ought to know
ic today. It must stand or fall pn jhow to find my papers. And I might
Its own merits, and. from the test
ng of the truth the Bible. You
cannot afford to miss hearing this
great subject discussed. Come -and
bring a friend. . "
Firt naptb.t.
Marion and Liberty streets. Dr.
xughridge will preach both morn
ing and evening. Morning services:
Sunday school; 9:45; preaching, 11;
evening services: B. Y. P. U 6:30;
breaching. 7:30. Everybody wel
come. - r
First Methodist Episcopal.
Dr. Richard N. Avison. minister.
Corner. Church and State streets
9:15. old-time class meeting; room
4, downstairs; VV. L. Cummlngs.
leader. 9:45. Sunday school. Prof.
Gillette, . superintendent. Robbln
Fisher assisting. 11, rermonette.
'The Water Bottle." Prov. 28-37.
Sacrament of Lord's Supper. 8 p. m.
services st Old People's home. 12 3
Ferry; 6:30. Senior Epworth league.
Clare Gillette in charge. Topic,
What Shall We Do With Our Sun
days." Intermediate league. Percy
Hammond . .leader, in Epworth hall.
All who lain by May 1 rome In as
fharter members. Junior league.
upstairs in Epworth hall. Kenneth
'Johnston, ieader.' , Parents see that
your children attend the (Junior
league. With Mrs. Paror.naglan as
superintendent and M!des Carolyn
-'and Gladys Wilson directors, most
pleasant and profitable hours will
be spent. 7:30 p. m., sermon:
How to Find the Safe Way." Thurs
day at 7:30. midweek prayer and
praise service.
as well tell you now that if that em
ergency should ever arise you are to
get everything from here and take
it directly to
The Seventh Square,
She put her lips first to Katber
In's esr and then to mine, whisper
ing a name mighty enough to make us
both start in astonishment and look
at each other with a new sense of the
Importance of the work to which we
had committed ourselves.
Then . there were revealed to our
eyes still more amaxing things. Lit
llan went swiftly around the room.
making doubly' sure that every win
dow, was locked and - shrouded in
heavy curtains, and that the 'sound
defying velvet curtains over the
doors were In place. Not until she
had satisfied herself that there was
no possible peep hole through which
a watcher could see did she proceed
to the work of searching the hiding
places of the important papers of
which she was the custodian.
And such hiding places! Katherine
and I held our respective breaths at
the cunningly devised places Lillian
revealed in her search.
She rolled back her beautiful Per
sian rugs revealing the polished in
laid mosaic of the flooring beneath.
It was' laid out in squares, and Lil
lian, beginning at one corner, stepped
diagonally across the room from one
square to another, evidently conni
ng each as she stepped.
' When she had reached me istn
she took a direction at right angles
to the one. she had traversed., and
proceeded for seven squares. At the
seventh she stopped and signalled for
us to come to her sode.
Watch carefully," she whispered.
then seven squares In this direction.
press on the seventh square, and
fumble In that opening until you find
a tiny push button, which you press.
There's no use showing you how to
press those springs. I. myself, had to
fumble around until I hit upon It, In
genious, isn't It?"
Katherine's shining eyes were her
only answer. As for me. I could only
repeat the word, "Ingenious!" In an
awe-stricken whisper.
She disclosed other hiding piaces.
two other wall safes similar la con
struction to the one behind the built-
in bookcases, and then she mounted
a chair and pressing upon one of the
tiles around the fireplace, disclosed
another which a strong box
tested. s
the had finished her inspection, and
restored things to their usual order.
This rue did with infinite care, pol
ithing the flooring and the tile so
that no trace of fingerprints showed
upon them.
: "It must have been Betty meddling
In that safe to which she accidentally
discovered the secret," she said. "I'm
so sorry, for it means giving her up,
but that's nothing now that we know
everything else 1
: A low knock at the door cut short
her ntenee
"California Syrup of Fis"
Child's Best Laxative "
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then yon are ssre
your child . Is having the best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
on each bottle. You mast say "California."-
South Salem Friend.
South Commercial and Washing
ton streets. H. E. Pem berton pas
tor. ' Church Bible school at 10 a:
to., classes and ; efficient teachers
Public worship with singing and
preaching at. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m., ail are welcome, ioung people
meet In C. E. af 6:30 p. "m. Boy's
meeting with study In the Acts, on
Thursday at 7:30. April IS the gen
eral superintendent will begin a
series of meetings in this church.
Court Street Christian.
North Seventeenth and Court
streets. Oar big "Each one win
one" campaign la now over and over
40 new members are added to our
number. - Our membership has
doubled in one year's time. We
have passed another mile-post. The
Lord is leading us on to certain vic
tory. Now, let us all humbly let
the Lord work In and through us
for another year and still greater
victory, will "be registered In His
name. The "Each one win one con
test is bringing them into the Bible
choo!. ' Twenty-one new members
enrolled last Lord's day. Wers you
there Well, all be present prompt
ly at 10 a. m. this time. Talk by
pastor to the children before the
morning sermon. Morning theme:
-The Second Key of the Kingdom."
Junior C E. at 3:30 p. m. Inter
mediate C E. at 5j:30; Y. P. S. C. E.
at 6:30; song serf ice and sermon at
7:30. Subject: "Jesus Is Coming,
Are You Ready?" This will be the
kflrst of a series of evening discours
es on the Second Coming of Christ.
Tuesday evening the Loyal Sons and
Loyal Daughters' classes will hold
a Joint business meeting and social
at the pastor's residence. 161 South
Fourteenth street. Thursday at 7:45
p. m., mid-week prayer service. The
pastor will give a 15-mlnate Bible
study. We welcome all to come and
worship with us. R. L. Putnam, pas
Central Congregational.
South Nineteenth and Ferry, H-
C. StoveY, minister. ' Sunday school
t 10 a, nu. in charge of Mrs. B. E.
dwards. Address by the pastor at
At the Door.
- x . . - .
kzvzr c?j?z en sicsai
She knelt down beside the seventh
square and pressed hard with her
I fed grand! . That
Headache, Biliousness
and Constipaiioa Is
cone." . .
Are you waiting until ja5u drives you t consult t!ie dentist regarding the con
dition of your teeth t
Do you believe that you are exercising good judgment in allowing decay to
move in its vicious circle of destruction until it is found necessary to hare
your teeth extracted T ' . .
Do you know that germs from unhealthy gums and decayed teeth cause var
ious dUeases of the body f .
Do'you know thaf co-operation with the dentist is safe-guarding your health!
Do you know that in my office your teeth can be taken care of at a. price
which is within reach of all !
" 1 give special attention to people who are nervous or have sensitive teeth,
or have mouths difficult to fit with plates.
Examinations Free
2M-5 Gray Bldg.
State and Liberty
Dr. C A.
'Over Ilartman
r Jewelry Store
: . ..Phone 1500 . -
Open Evening! Sundays by Appointment
11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:4
;--.. . ; - .
Good Roots, Good Fruit.
k. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
Rend 5 CliisIIlcd teu