The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    ; fgB.pRBOOl .STATB33lAa SLXDAr. Al'IUL 11. .IPSO. -
Mrs. A. Q. Foor Is. spending thei
week-end In Portland as the guest
of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfleld motored
to rortland .yesterday afternoon ' to
pass the week-end ;wlh friends. "
".' ' ' '
t Mr. and Mrs. James Kappahn gare
a delightful dinner at their noma
Monday evening haying ' as their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. P. W Gregory,
Miss Vernice '.Oregoryr Mrs. Pearl
Lang and Mrs. A. O. Foor. "
Mrs. Carey Martin entertained the
members of the Junior' Guild bf the
St. Paul's Episcopal churchr. at her
tops Hair Coming Out:
Doubles Its Beauty.
A few cents buys "Danderine.1
After an application ot "Danderine-'
you can not find a fallen hair or any
dandruff, besides every hair 'shows
new life, rigor, brightness more
color and thickness . "
home Tuesday afternoon la. a delight
ful -manner. The regular bnalnen
of the society . occupied , the . earlier
nours 01 me meeting ana at the close
a light repast was seryediby the hos
tess to the 15 matrons present. -
Mrs. W. Cohnel Drer 'and mn
sons. Billy and Claban, hare gone to
iMewport where iney. will Tlslt lor a
week with Mrs. Dyers parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Walker.
Mrs. Earle Coulson Flegel has been
entertaining as her house guest Miss
Catherine Thompson, of Pendleton,
who is a popular Kappa Kappa Gam
ma cororlty girl at the UnlTerslty of
wasnington where she is attendln
schooL . Miss Thompson left durins
the week tor Seattle to resume ner
studies. "
Mrs. T. A. Elliott left resterdar
for Seaside to join a house DartT
which includes her brothers and sis
ters who are gathering at the coast
town to enjoy a reunion and outing
together lor a week or more. Mrs.
Elliott will loin her brother-in-law
and sister. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. T .HUl of
La Grande, her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Price and
Mr. and Mrs. OT. Price of Portland.
Mr. Elliott will loin them orer the
next week-end and accompany them
home. i
Miss Greta Rosenberg has return
ed to Seattle after passing Easter
Sunday and a few days Tlsit with her
grandfather, John Wright, in this
city., . f
The North Salem Woman's club
will meet .Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Mason : Bishop on
North Church street for the regular
meeting for April. Mrs. O. A. Chap-
pell will speak, on "Salem.. the. City
Beautiful,", urging the .floral im
provement of the city.
. - . - -
Air. and Mrs. Charles A. Park are
home after a several .weeks'. .bsercs
at Lone Beach. Calif., called there
by .the serious illness of their uncle.
ur. H. r . Wallace. After his re
covery the Parks spent some time In
San Diego and Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. J.ESelton, who
have been making Salem their home
for several years, are leaving this
week, which -Is regretted by their
friends. Mrs. Belton will go to
Portland to be with her mother for
a visit of a few' months, while her
husband goes - to Kansas City for
the Phe company, to be gone sev
eral months. -
Miss Louise- Jane Prltchard and
Richard D. Vibbert were married at
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the
parsonage' of the Leslie Methodist
church, by Rev; H. N. Aldrich. at a
quiet and Informal ceremony. They
were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Aspinwall and Mr.' and Mrs.
Virgil Loomis. The. Toune couple
left immediately following the cere
mony for Brooks where they will
make their home. .
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state libra
rian, returned Friday from Portland
where she passed two days with
To meet Mrs. W. A. DaUIel of
Portland who was here during the
week. Mrs. O. P. Hoff iuvltc4 a snuU
company of friends to her home Wed
nesday afternoon to pass the time
Informally. At the tea hour the hos
tess served dainty .refreshments.
Mrs. James Withycomb. spent &
few days In Portland this week vis
iting with friends. ' -
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Sr., passed
several days during the week In
Portland visiting with relatives.
Mrs. Clifford Brown enjoyed a
short visit with friends in Portland
during the week.
Mrs. Grace Eoff is spending the
week-end in Corvallis where she is
the truest of Ler sister, Mrs. A. M.
Mrs. J. F. Shipp, her daughter.
Myrtell and . Mrs. F. M. Entrees have
been In Portland during the week at
tending the 'state convention of the
Daughters of Veterans. JIUs Ship?
appeared in a dancing solo on the
program of entertainment for Thurs
day evening. ' .
Mrs. .M. L. Prunk ot Eurene has
ben spending the week in Salem
visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. E .Shaw who has been spend
ing the winter at Long Beach, Cal.,
has returned and taken up her resi
dence at 1244 Court street. '
"The Queen ot Hearts.- the little
playlet" which was given by the pu
pils of Miss Beatrice Shelton so suc
cessfully recently, will be repeated
Tuesday evening in the Salem high
school auJitorium. An additional
feature will be, the appearance of
Doris McCartney of Portland, known
as the "child wonder.- She will be
accompanied by Miss Joanna James.
Miss Marion Emmons and Mrs. Ber
nice Clark East of Portland, former
ly of this city.
A pantomime of the Glow Worm
will be given by two little fairies.
- ;
The Salem Music Teachers' club
held its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning In the educational room of tbe
public library. Mrs. Lillian Jetterles
Petri and Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
librarian, entertained .the club for
the evening in an enjoyable manner
Mrs. Petri gave trhee numbers from
Llzst in lecture form snd as the en
core played "To a Water Lily" by
McDowell. Miss Marvin told of her
travels in the orient and contrasted
the manners and customs of the Jap
anese and Chinese, emphasizing po
litical conditions at the present.
Mrs, E. G. Van Slyke of Chelan.
Wash., arrived In Salem yesterday
and will visit for two or three weeks
at the home of her sister, Mrs. H
Craig Marvin. .
The Marlon County Woman's Re
publican club will meet tomorrow at
2:30 o'clock in the. veterans room at
the armory for the regular monthly
study meeting. The study for the aft
ernoon will be the clnstltutlon ot the
United States.
' ..
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rueft enter
tained as their guest during the week
Louis Zftngmeister of Minneapolis,
Minn., who "with his mother, Mrs
Dcrcthy Zangmeister, - are ' touring
Oiegoa.. Mr. Zangineisler met hU
mother who had been visiting the
Albert Ruett's in Tllllsboro and left
Friday afternoon tor Ashland.
Miss Bessie Broyles of Portland is
in Salem over the week-end visiting
with her mother, Mrs. J.'R. Broyles.
Judge and Mrs. J. X. Duncan ot
Turner have returned to their' home
after being the guests for several
days this week at the If. R. Crawford
Mrs. Anna Reed ot Portland has
returned to her home after passing
a visit of a few days with Mrs. O. P.
Hotfat her home on North Four
teenth street.
..... i
Miss Roberta Barr of Pittsburgh.
Pa., and Miss tsa belle J. Crawford
of New York City were guests daring
tbe week at the Hotel Marion. '
The many friends of Mrs. A. M
Clough who underwent a' serious
operation Thursday at Willamette
sanitarium will be glad to know that
sno is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. F. McElnea of the
Court apartments are entertaining
over tbe week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ross
R. De Well and daughter Grace ot
Portland, who motored up Friday
The Salem Ot. A. C. club .was en
tertained Friday evening in ' Hurst
hall by the single men ot the club
for a jolly evening ot dancing and
cards. Refreshments were served.
Mrs. Ben W. Olcott returned last
night from Portland where she vis
ited during the week with her sis
ter, Mrs. pswald West. -
Mrs. J. L. Van Doren returned last
night from Portland ' where she
passed a short time visiting with
friends. .. -
" . 1
Mrs. E. C. Richards was InPort
land yesterday, joining her husband
who was there to attend the funeral
of the late Bishop Hughes. '
Miss Lena Belle Tartar Is spend
ing the week-end Jn Portland visiting
with friends. ' ' "
eyx down
Coffee Expense
Buy .the Famous
The Quality, Coffee
- of Americct9
s Farther
( . .- . ... L
History of Miller Mercantile Co. -
The beginning ot the Miller Mercantile Co..
dates back 18 years when the Miller boys came to
Oregon from Nebraska.- - - - , -.'-"
. .Their first store was located In'McMInnville
and was opened during, the year 1902. ' This' was
a general store and was continued until 1909. when
the store' was disposed of .to a Mr. Messner. A
short time afterwards during the same year a new -store
was opened at Newberg, Ore., which In reality .
the parent store of the present organisation, and
is today the headquarters of the company. The
first branching out towards larger business was
in 19 13 when: they took over a going store in Day
ton, previously owned by a Mr. Shipper, his son '
baing retained as manager, which position he holds
today. In 19 IS they purchased another going bus
iness at Monmouth. .This store had been held for
six years by an estate being managed by Mr. Ek
C. Cole, who was retained in this capacity, which
position he still Itolds. In 1918.they.took into the,
organization their . present store In JIcMinnvlUe, .
which was located in the same room originally oc
cupied by, the Millers as. their first' store in Oregon.
This was a going business owned by Smith."
and Sisson, Mr. Smith retiring, and Mr. Sisson
being retained as manager, which position he held
nntil this week, when he was transrerrea as man
ager of the Salem store. In the spring of 1919
they added a store at Sheridan, known as tbe King
Smith Denartment store. This store hsd neen con
ducted for a number of years by the two Smith'
Brothers, who became stock holders or the Miller
company, Mr. King disposing of his Interests. The
Smith brothers were retained to manage the Sher
idan store. Later on during the same year iney
added a store at Yamhill, formerly owned by a Mr.
Gist, who bad just recently died. It was Mr. Gist's
personal wishes that the Millers take over his bus
iness. This store was managed for a little over a
year by Mr. J. B. Pierce until this spring when Mr.
Frank Miller, son of General Manager u. o.
Miller, was elected manager.
The last store to be added to tne usi was
H. W. and M. L. Meyers store pi tnis.cuy, wnicn
became the property of the MUler Mercantile Com
pany. Monday, April 5th ot tnis year, ana
purchase was made possible by -both theMeyers
Brothers desiring to retire jrom acuve ounss..or
the time being. . With the exception ot -tne-aieyers .
brothers retiring, the entire personal of the store
remaining with the" new owners, with one Or two
exceptions. It' has never 'been .the 'polley of the '
Millers to establish hew,' competitive' stores." butc
rather to take over going concerns, and in nearly;,
every instance retain the organisation intact. The 1
Company Ja (entirely aja. Oregon - Institution, very
dollar's worth of stock being owned by local peo
ple, and in no instance will stock be sold to out
siders Every manager is a Stock holder in the
company, and each store remafhs a purely local In
stitution, always ready to back up any local work,
truly believing in the slogan, ! "Xour Home Town
First.- , . ' "'
Mlci Store Policf' ;
The store policy of the Mljrer'MercantUe Com
pany can be su named pp in a very short manner, it
being,";-' ' " i.v " . .? r '. . : j 4' ... "
! GOOD GOODS.' sold." under a positive, guarantee
of aaUsfactlon' to the, purohaser, jcoupled ,wlih tfce
very . beat jof STO RE S ER V ICE. - ; ', '
.'r J :By .COOD pdODS'ws mean aT.CQmbJoaUon cf
QUALiTT-and tyle.'so" combined a to Ue tne
purchaser pasting satisfaction' "In n6 (nstanee will
we feel satisfied .until every customer has received
full false In Veaf aad service, tor evjry dollar
.jpeut with us. I
By STORE SERVICE we- mean that nothing -
' - will retnal a -undone that we can do to enable us to
aervs ynu" In tie bel .manner possible.
' Lonjt years of eiperience makes the MILLER
COMPANY wtll acquainted with the best markets,
and QUALITY has always bee, and always win be
" the first consideration in. our purchases.
It is our aim to so establish our reputation la
Salem that 'the remark 'will be often beard utcs
our streets. -IF YOU GET IT AT MILLER'S. TOC
.We believe in a "NO SALE POLICY- feeling
that honest business todsy demands that everybody
gets a SQUARE DEAL.' y '
When we see' a" garment advertised as worth '
$100.00 reduced to'f67.59 we are' inclined to think
that somebody' lied. No merchant can remain la
', business unless he sells his goods. at a profit. We
maintain that garment Is worth the same at all
times during the season. -
" " To charge Mrs. Jones an exorbitant price early
' : In the season so thst Mrs. Smlttt can get hers at a
- big redaction later on, an4 by so doing make oar
average profit, is not our way of dolus business.
To msrk our goods "RiaHT at the beginning so
' that Mrs. Jones sad . Mrs. Smith will both get a
SQUARE DEAL la our policy.
We feel sure that's the years go by we shall
win a warm spot in the hearts of Salem people.
We are only human, and will make mistakes, but
we assure, you .that they will be mistakes ot the
head sad not of the heart.
' ' . We are one of you, we want yon to be one of
. v us. Let's get acquainted.
I v-ft -rill &MCS
ThU will h A"? hf onr Bisr Depart racntvTritti most com
pletc stock of the IJigliest Grade of Keady to Wear. Ve are
now prepared to satisfy -every woman and -ehM tvho desire
'Jitulity, style and service at the ngm price. r
We are showing some English
Tweeds , that are especially
adapted for Coats and Suits.
"Golf and Vacation Outfits, 54
Jnches wide, prices from $3.85
to $6.75. The -stock of Silks
and Dress Goods are most com-
plete. ' ' :
Men s Fumishings
This section will be one of our
most complete departments.
We shall " specialize" on very
needed "Furnishing" for men
and boys, and all of the Highest
Quality Underwear, Shirts,
Hose, Gowns, Collars, Boys'
Suits, in the. extra good, make.
It in conceded by aU" that our
suqwipg of Voiles have no su
perior. The line is extensive
in patterns,-the finest of tcx.'
.tute fiiQHCly.rjesemlilin Uk. 33
inches wide. Prices range from
t?n- a. nn'
Designs, for the. new
spring Blouses are tak
ing on more and more
original shapes.
The ornamentation of
Georgette 'Blouses in
beads and high colored
yarns are pleasingly
The line we are show
ing is most comprehen
sive. Starting with neat
plain white Voiles, we
range to the more elab
ate Novelty Voiles,
Georgette and Crepe de
Chine, all priced right
- r V
and ? ,
Three dayi nextweekThuriday, Friday in& Satcrdty,
, we shall "ipedalue" on . r
10 Mats
Eleanor Briggs who is away buying, wires us that she has
made some wonderful purchase of this season a newest crea
tions, which will be expressed at once. They will be on sals
next Thursday, i riday and Saturday and be marked at ...
KM - - -