The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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itOXROE GILBERT returned
1 yesterday from , Portland
i,'-where-he went, to see the art
Mklbiti of northwestern artists which
kbing 1 tne rt museum at Fifth
i Taylor street during this
month t
Gilbert .has one ot
Ulitlng. - tany spring,, on ex
Mbit which Is the only work of Sa
te artists there. Sonic of the ar
j,, who are familiar to Salens folk
and who are exhibiting some of
their work are II. M. Crooks of As
toria, formerly ot Salem.; and Pro
lessor Alfred Schroff of the Uni
versity of Oregon, whose One paint
ings were so admired at the state
fair. Professor Schroff has several
paintings in the Portland exhibit.
Mrs, Schroff also is' showing a col
lection ot miniatures which she has
done. Cloyde Leon Keller Is also
a well , known Oregon arlUi, vhosa
work Is on display.
The Salcin O. A. C. club will be
entertained Friday night at Hearst
hall by the unmarried men of the
club who are planning a very de
lightful pvening ot dancing and
games 'which will follow the busi
ness hour.
Miss X'ornella Marvin left yester
day afternoon for Portland to pass
a few days as the guest of friends.
The D. I. Howard family, who
came ta Salem several years ago
from Mississippi and lived here for
'a few years, later returning to their
southern home, are now I.viui la!
Palo Alto. Cat., where they are
prominent socially.' the Misses How
ard having taken their place with
the younger-set " of that city. Mlaa
Virginia Howard, who is quite an
equestrienne, was r recently thrown
from her mount' and injured but is
now convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, son
Claude and Bert Pearce formed a
party "who 'motored to their'homes
in Portland after passing a short ,
stay In Salem at the . A. Llston
and Charles Niemeyer homva.
Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Babb have
returned to their home in Portland
cf-V-r. ?2rsi?3. a ebort flay in h'a
city as the guests oi '2ii. zni Mrs.
O. L. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rarhatu ot
123S ?hemeketa street lert last
night for Ashland where they were
railed by the serious illness of their
son. Walter Darbaiu, who recently
sustained a double fracture of the
Miss Jor Turner will go to Wood-
burn today to pas the day with
Mrs. Elmer Smlll. (Norma Wech
ter) ot Eugene hasVrrived in Sa
lem and is visiting at the home ot
her parent. Mr. and. Mrs. William
Mis Florence, Cleveland, formerly
secretary for the Salem Y. W. C. A.,
who Is now doing social service work
In Portland. Is planning to leave
next fall for New York where the
will study an adit-nced course In
this work In Columbia' university.
Mrs. Frank Capper and Mrs.
Pearl Ling ot Portland are visiting
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Shelley In Salem this week and
meeting old friends.
Mrs. Arthur kl. Thomas and two
small children ot Seattle and Mia
irst to
Every Leading this City
is Now Selling
at .the new reduced prices
Ask your grocer for the reduced prices on
pints; - Quarts,' full gallons and half gallons
:r in proportion.
Now1 is the time to buy
Do You ICnow That Mazola Can Be Used
-''Fdr. More ierent Purposes And
At Less Cost Than Any Other
0F interest to every wide-awake housewife are
these important facts about the general use, the
quality and the unusual economy oi Mazola,
First, know that Mazola, contains no moisture. But
ter and Laird contain moisture. Mazola is an absolutely
100 pure vegetable fat. It never becomes rancid.
Deep Frying
NO fat excels Mazola for deep frying. It is far
better and, a great deal more economical
than lard or compounds. The same lot of Mazola
can be used over and over again even after frying
fish and onions. Merely straining makes it perfectly
fresh for use as a shortening. It carries no odors or
flavors from the foods cooked in it and docs1 not
emoke up your kitchen.
THE purity and richness of Mazola best demon
strates itself in the fact that K to j ess
Mazola is required vhaa that of butter or lard.
This means that your evkes and pie crust will not
only be light, rich and easily digested but will cost
you less ; to prepare. Being an oil, the tiresome
"creaminis-in, process" is eliminated. Marola fa
always ready for instant use.
. Important to Housewives
- - i
One of the most severe comparative tests ever used
on a cooking fat gives unqualified FIRST HONORS
to Mazola.
Understand the remarkable economy and high)
quality of Mazola by these figures.
2 lbs. of Mazola
2 lbs. of Lard
2 lbs. of Compound
25 lbs. Potatoes
Koto: Mazola oes over thv time am
far as lard; ia twico as economical
C compound.
2 lbs. of Mazola
2 lb, of Lard
2 lbs. of Compound
23 lbs. FUh
15 M "
20 ,
Tiote: Compare the figures jourtelf.
Even with frying Hah Mazola does
nor amoke up your kitchan.
2 lbs. of Mazola
2 lbs. of Lard
2 lbs. of Compound
fried 216 Douthnuta
" 144 -"
163 "
Note: All doughnuta were the aame alto.
Mazda zzstdo doughnut are
more easily divated.
P. S. Reasons for these remarkable figures are
plained in column to the !:it. Read it.
A real Cook Book. Socryelgnf
pages of splendid, practical reci
pes. Compiled by leading expert
cooks. Write us today for the
new Corn Products' Cook Book.
Corn Prodsds Rcfhhj Conpiay,
P.O. Bos 161
Nw York City
Salad Dressings
THOUSANDS of Italians, who certainly know olive oil, use
Mazola. Not only because it costs about half that of the best
olive oil, but because of its richness, quality and purity.
For French Dressing, Mazola blends readily and Mayonnaise
made with Mazola will keep for weeks without separating.
Once you try Mazola you will never go beck to lard or butter for
cooking--or olive oil for dressings.
Sellinz Repreaentatioe
Portland, Ore.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles its Beauty. -
K few cnU bor" Dandrln."
After aa appllcaUoa of Daatferlaa
Too can not find a fallen biir or any
dandruff, bealdea overy hair show
new Ufa. rljcor. brlcataeaa, mora
color and toickaeaa.
La Verne Kaalaer, who kaa been la
Seattle for. aeveral wveaa. have ar
rlved la Salem aad are at the home .
of helr pareata. Dr. aad Mra. W.
C Kantaer. oa Center street. Ura. .
T&omaa will ba la Salea for a boat K
a fortnlKht and will be Joined by
her bubnd tbe laat of the week.
Anna MaUen i retained
trotn TrtUr;d where the passed a -week
lsU:c frtenda.
' -
Miss Aox K. Lyons re tamed yes- .
terday from Portland wbera ahe has '
'been. TisitlnR frtec! tor a week.
This Actually, Retrieves
Superfluous Hah Roots
- i
Ity U. ialro actio In th tm country
f kl ta knovi a th pkr!Ua
prrmt, ,ajr womu ea rl4 ht
lf emplttly rf inaorlsr Vaprf!.
kair or fuss. The proc ta tlr
ly n.w. diffcent from all oth.ra. and
far bacao It aetaailr rnvMi
ta root a, aa wall aa u aarfaca aatr!
It 'la almoat iBataatanaooa, prTcy
aarrairaa. njoriM aaa Kra-trrtLatlnc-.
3ott set a Hirk. of bactin frora
your drarvUt. follow taa lmp airae-
Uafia ib1 aaa tna a air raota cocna oot.
with Tour own ayaa! No depilatory or ,
electrical treataaaat ea' sroduea . tta
ra.uit. lUf sKia ia irrt aof . imootki
aad hitrlM, t eaila'a. Ttelactraa
aaa b Maad wrth'aWolata aaf ety on
couia evea aac ji wiui imptaatty. .
l&u Alice Holm an of YU- !
lametfe Unrf chxty Pleasei
Audience ;
Aa eBlerialament of dlstlnetlre
Amerlean mnsle delichted a lsrze in
dlenee la the aadltoriam of the pub
lic library last nit hi. . .
If las Allre. Holman, lnttraetflr la
eharte of the plana departmc-t of
the school of masle at Wlllaraeae
alrersity Rave a very pleaslnr dla
eusaloa of the Taiioaa klada of Amer
ican mask.
Mit Holman is a rradaate It the
New England eonserratory of Snssle
aad what she had to aar wia, la
part, the result of her masleaJ lnrea-
UxaUoos. , -
"We hare la America" said Mias
Holman. "no masle of the classical
type or kind composed by the cele
brated masters of the old world. Bat
we hare here a distinct line of mu
sical efforts whlrh. la a real aeaae
should be called .-folk musle." This
Is the outgrowth ' of the 111 ft erst a t
nessaotry aad untutored minds. ;
"The kinds of music, regarded CJa- .
tlaetlsety American, are the soars
ot the Illiterate dwellers la the A pal-
achlaa mountains. Its musical efforts
of the Creoles la Louisiana, the cow. ;
boy songs of the western prairie of f
the neicro melodies of the southland ,
aad the mystic strains ot the In .
dlsns." ......... I
Isdiaa songs-were sung, by Miss '
Cook la a pleasing manner. Trom
the land of the Skyblue water" was
particularly romantic,
Negro musie was strled by Miaa.i
Holman as being superior, to Indian
muste In that It contains more ot t
melody snd is a sincere effort to ex-
press the emotional sad spiritual la ;
life. v.. -
The Willtmette Clee club and a
quartet sang' several popular 'negro
pfanUtloa song UlustratiTe of aegro
music -
Some very commend able musical
erapo!ttons of classical quality have
tern written by merlesn musical
comrssers according to Miss Hol
ms n estimate. Among these she
namd Foster and McDowell.
"The Reverie." an American selec
tion wss betutlfully rendered aa a
violin solo by Visa Ruby.
George Barrett, aa Alaskan In
d'an. now a student at Chemsws. de-
lifhted those present with two cello .
-elections, one of which wss com- '
poeed by Professor Tourney of Che- (
maws. ,
The entertainment closed with a
rendition of Tolonalae. written by
yrOowel! and ei"otedwlt!i a mas-
trfnl touch by Mi Holman. Thai
American masterpiece as played by s
Hoi ma a. spanned the entire f
stretch of human emotions sad. la 4
atiirlng rhythmic cadence, rivalled
eei'-ntated productions ot the old !
world waaters. .
A capitalist these days ran b die- .
tlngulhei by the eld clothes that he
wear. That la one of the reasoas 1
why he hss money.
eaav There Is no "cure
- put rciiei is caiaw I" I ,