THE OREGON STATESMAN: WEDNESDAY, A Till L 7. lOiO. I GJTY WEW S Bicycle llottirncd The bicycle reported, stolen Sat urday night from the porch or the Howard lltilsey residence was re covered 'yesterday morning by Offi cer Victor from 245 South Seven teenth stm t, where it hid been left by the person, who made away with it. ; Ptwltryiwn Will find tt to their Interest to fall on the Charles It. Arcberd Im plement company for; poultry sup Tractor Owners Attention You should be interested in a small thresher with wind stacker and self-feeder, now on exhibition at the ' Charles R. Archerd Imple ment company. Call and examine it. Auto Anny Woman r Mrs. Eva Halstead; 210 North Fourth street, reported to the po lice that some neighbors had been driving their automobiles over her sidewalk and breaking It up badly. ?he wants the police to take action to stop the practice. ! SEE SAIIAILI SUNDAY l.tnmnhll lint) Stolen A robe was stolen fj-oni an, auto mobile belonging to J. U. Parker gunday nlht while it was parked i. fmnt of the Jason Lee church. um renorted to the police, and de scribed the robe. The police are making an efrort to recoTer it from the thief. Mr. Parker believes that mmt one was molesting- the car, as tie was unable to start it after church. ETHEL CLAYTON -, In "Young Mm. Wlnthrop Hawley Plays, J MMy Ile of Beautiful Dreams" Vm1i Kalrm Ciirl Marriage licenses were issued by the countv clerk yesterday to Der- ey B. Mulkey. 50. a farmer near Corvallta. and Jennie AdolDh. 22. Salem housekeeper. .It is Mr. Mul- kev'a second marriage. Raloh E. Brown. 22. a farmer, and ernice Fowled 20. a stenographer, both of Salem, procured a license. Boy Taken to Portland Offlrera Frrr inH Ahhntt rf ttio Portland nolice arrived in Salem at noon yesterday to take Herry Evans, zu. or romand. jack weiiner, 20. of Seattle and Earl Towndsend, 21, of Hlllsboro to Portland where they are wanted on a charge of stealing an auiomooiie Deiongmg 10 uuaiey uiara. 'iney were caugnt at tne fair grounds, by J. 11. Graham of the Graham Motors .company in Port land, where Mr. Clark is employed. The car was left at the fair ground garage and was driven back to Port land by Mr. Clark, who accompanied the police. Mr. Graham recognized the car as be drove past the fair grounds store, and stopped. As he was getting them ironi the car. Wellner .broke and ran. and Iladley rM who believed Graham to be an olficer. ran after and captured Well ner. . They were held there until Chief Welsh and Officer Rowe ar rived. Can! of thank We wish to exrress our thanks to the manv friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the recent loss of our wife and mother. Also for the many beautiful flowers. ;eorge W. Jory. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Maddison. New (Wihh atioiiH The. Ray-Mailing company. Inc . cauitalized at 1100.000. filed ar ticles of incorporation here yester- j day. The incorporators are tt. . Rav. B. K. Maillnz and C. F. Noakes. The comoanv is located at Hllls boro. Articles were filed by the Eagles Cigar company of Albany, capitalized at $1000. The incorpor iators are Amy Eagles. William Eag les and W. C. Farley. Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the San itary Beauty Parlors company of Portland. LHcocS'g Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste Good Creates an Appetite Aids Digestion Purifies the Blood Promotes assimilation so as to se cure full nutritive value of food. and to give strength to the whole svstem. A well-known Justice of the Peace in Indiana says Hood's Sarsaparilla made "food taste pood," as after taking three bot tles he eats three hearty meals a day, works hard and sleeps well. It "will help you to do this. Fifty years' phenomenal sales prove its merit. Prepared by educated hurmacists. Get a bottle today. in the public library lecture room. The public is invited. flail Vfi Tnnirilt The literary appreciation class oi the Salem Art league will meet to- nlrht at 7:30 o'clock In the eauca tlonal room of the Salem public i- I brary. The study of the short siorj will be continued. Leml TUanka Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog on application. Ibulv S-t to Poet bid Th body of Claude Roach who died vesterdav moraine at a local hospital at the age of 47 years was sent by the Rigdon company to rori- ind where the relatives live. run eral services will be held there. K DOING ANY SPRING SEWING? Noralnatlnir Petition Blanks- Get them at The Statesman office. (1l UaIiJIIl On sale today. C. N. Needham. 338 State. Phone 400. Gas Ikm't Forget ; the St. Paul's Cooked food sale at Stiff s Apl. 10. Workmen Have Good Time . .A hard-times social was en joyed at McCornack hall Monday night by the members of the A- O. U. W. lodge and the Degree Of Honor members. Following; a program of music and readings a picnic supper was served. SEE SAHARA SUNDAY Son I Horn i j Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Cleveland are receiving congratulations upon tne arrival vesterdav afternoon of a 6 pound boy at the Salem hospital, lie has been named Melvln Harold. Rigdon and Bon - Reliable funeral directors. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES S22 North Liberty Street V flectrie Machinery and Engineering Company ' ; 'j Z t ; FOJ EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK 337 Court Street : Phone 488 W f . RIGDON CO. Hi - - . Leading Funeral, Director i if J?- BISHOP BROS. High and Terry Bta. Phone 1400 BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 887 Court Street Wate Atmliratlon . ..... John 11. Seavey of Springtieid nas I filed with State Engineer Percy A. Cupper an application far a permit to appropriate water from the mid dle fork of the Willamette river to in-irate 2S0 acres of land in Lane county. Other applications for ap propriation water have been ruea as follows: By T. T. Shell of Wal lowa, covering the appropriation ot falem Auto Radiator Efcop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiator a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale ll S. 31th St, Salem. Ore. nn OmlmA. nearlT new. six cylin der. B naiaenrer. eenlnDed all Cord Tires and onr extra, new. Guaran-I teed In Al shape for 11260. WOOD-ROOT MOTOR CO. 148 SUte St. Phone 111 Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investmeats HAWKINS & ROBERTS 904I07 Oregon Building water from McDonald and Shell creeks, for the Irrigation of five acres In Wallowa county. By John McDonald of aIIowa. covering the appropriation of water from' Mc Donald and Shell creek lor the Ir rigation of three acres in Wallow county. Bv C. J. Fraker of Port land, covering the appropriation of water from a spring. irtDuiary oi Rogue river, for domestic and stock use. in Jackson county. By John Graham of Wallowa, covering the appropriation of water from Spring creek for the irrigation of one-half acre rn the city ot Wallowa. By W. T. Benson of Roberts. Or., covering the appropriation of water from an unnamed spring for domestic pur poses, in Crook county. By J. A. Mays, Post. Or., covering the ap propriation of water from Horse heaven creek for the irrigation of 181 acres in Crook county. By Her bert W. Garrabrant of Hood River, covering the appropriation ot water from unnamed springs for Irriga tion of - nine acres In Hood River county. By Albert U Oldham or Post. Or., covering the appropriation ot water from unnamed springs tor stock watering purposes in Creek oniintv. Ry Charles Bilveu of En terprise. Or., covering the appropri ation of water from Hurricane creek for irrigation ot 19 acres in Wallowa county. By Charles W. Valentine of of Heppner. covering the appropri ation of water from Willow creek for Irrigation ot 2 4 acres In Morrow county. Funeral Irerlr Attended Th funeral of the late Mrs. Emma J. Potter, widow of the late Charles N. Potter, who died at her home on Easier Sunday, was held yesterday at 2 o'clock at the Kigaon cnipei and was largely attended by friends of the woman who for so many years had made Salem her home. itev. i. 4 Anrieraon of the First Presbyter lan church conducted the services and burial followed In City View cemetery. Girl Wanted Gray Belle. tlliur Woman Die Mrs. Jennie Brown, widow of the lata Robert Brown, died at her home 7i Snnth Fourteenth street, yes terday afternoon. She was 73 years nA mnA had Wn a resident of Sa lem only three .month. She is a fnrmor resident of Albany where the body was sent by the Rigdon com pany for funeral service and burial- The Spa. For Cash register. Iln.tnn la HHtt vvnrt h hwn received from Au burn. Wash., that H. D. J. Herndon. nil her for forrerv. is held by the authorities there awaiting the rrlril nt Cnnfttabl D LonC Of Sa- i.m .(in win leave today to bring the prisoner to Salem. About two weeks ago Herndon is saia u nn forged a check for the amount of 39 and passed It here. Girl Wanted Gray Belle. Then, Of Course, You Have a Hundred Needs. BUTTONS? We have them here of every kind ami "description. The large lone button so smart for sports apparel ; small pearl button for dainty waists and gingham frocks; in fact, the buttons you want. Also a large supply of other sewing room needs such as pins, needle, Wlting, dress shields, thimbles, tarn's, taffeta binding ribbon, sewing silk, spool cot ton and every other imaginable need. We Exist For Your Benefif 1. g. gljiuleg GIo. 143 Libert Street Quality Merchandise Poptdar Prices t.rM-;t .WE M1TY ram Produce. Eggs, etc.. Faying! Highest cash uaraet meee. WILLARfiT Storage Battery SERVICE BTATIOJf 238 N. High St , ; Teleplioae 203 ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 411 SUte Street Onr Specialty: Oysters -nsh Chops Cam Con Came WEST FUR CO. Tm of Quality New Location 251 Conrt St. Opp. Court novae U. S. GARAGE f 54 Ferry Street iroim.nnT NOT ABUSED CARS - special. New series- Studebaher, Tains II I2S. today $1300. U. 8. Garage. Phone i7i Ufaat Hem Die t-oi-i vt Jr.. the 3-iay-oia son Lr xir nd Mrs. Earl West of this city. liTlng at the Leonard apart ments, died, yeateniar .aiiernTOu. The funeral serrlcea- will be held this arternoon at 2 olock from the Webb & Clourh chapel with burial following in City View eemeiery. i MONUMENTS tt vnnr monumental work Is solicit ed, kindlyask the solicitor for oar uuuucsa uiua , J CL JOXE5L Proo. rniral Monumental Works 2210 S. Com. SL! Phone 89, Salem WANTED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools, end, in fact anything; yon have to selL I buy for cash, mone io or all. W00DRY, The Auctioneer Baly CTiU, Week-Okl On sale today. . U. i. .Neeanam. E58 State. Phone 400. i.M.offlM 1 ltiihrcl i iMvirHlnr to Postmaster Hucke- steln. approilmately 1.512.000 let ters passed through the local post- office between uecemoer l ia year ni Anril 2 this rear. On Wednes day and Thursday 2,000 letters went through the cancelling ma chine, while on Friday records show hniit si noo lft the Dostoftlee. tv... rimrtt At not Include anr par- i m - a S9 - - - eel post packages. The otuee ia w Ing taxed to the limit, the postmaa top uva an d If the business keeps up at the present rate u win w necessary to add to the staff in or der to secure aa good service as gi en in the past. The Spa. art. L. V. Teeple. New .York: II. G. Batton. SL Louis; Tom Booth. Port land; J. T. Bradly. Cincinnati; John J. Anderson. Eugene. nur.II Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ir win. Mill City; Clinton Parkett. Don ald; P. II. Farane. Charles E. Ht- klmp-r. N. F. Haas. IL F. Loo mis. Portland; A. A. Nelson. B. Golden. Seattle; B. B. cuiton. b. surry HiacK. James , siewan. Lonimi; J. V. Dustin. Engene: Rose Scho flldi B. Kadet. Chleako. . AUCX R. E. Headersoa.- D. J. Batcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crimea. Portland. I Girl Wanil At The Spa. For Cash register. USED CARS POTATOES ' K T& J. D. MADDOX. Prop. To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade lot Bread and Butter THE B. A C. MOTOR CO. 178 s. Commercial St. XITY CLEAIHIIG ;70RKS , .Oanera ol Qnailty . 'Oeamlnt: - Dyatag JUaJWng 1111 State Bt. Phon Ttl s - EAG1E DRESS SHIRTS $100, $3.00 to 910XO We pay the highest cash price, phone 717. Office 542 State St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGISBR0S. SCHH'S Irture) Ileeltal Tonight The lecture recital on American music announced some time ago. will be given tonight at 8:30 o'clock by ProL Alice Holman of Willamette university school oi music, swisiru by the music students or tne coiiege. GARL & B0WERS0X i Groceries . 383 Court Street. Phone 4,09 :M oregonijs A PERFECT CIGAJti Mannfaetnred hy : HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORT , Phone tit. 844 State Street The Keprrnhelmcr Honse tn Salens MITHV For MO K E State and Commercial Streets Ef SALEM. OREOO at at SUCH HOTEL A Horn Away from Horn Strictly Modem pr day 1 IUwm SIM Cmtv Only Uotal la Bualaaa DUtrlct i.- i, . . - -1 t n t. IflrV fnrnirl BrlnclDal Ol lb. .A' . m a . . --- - ' j w I it.. im hiah urbool was re-elected treasurer of the Inland Teacners -.i iha n-ifvt Inr held recent. t In Srvnkano. Mr. Kirk Is BOW city superintendent of schools in Eu gene. Following the statement of Jo seph Tuleja that his rather. Jacob Tuleja. was preparing to leave the city without first fulfilling tne oou ..iinni nf uardlanshlo. Judge Bush nH n order vesterdav for the M.r Tila to aopear in court. He will be required to show why b should not furnish suitable bonds In the guardianship of the Tuleja min ors. Stranger entering Doslofflee 'Any mail for Mike Howe " The postmaster was busy and made no reply.' . 1 "Any mail for Mike Howe? re peated the stranger. "No. of course not. Who do you it'll pose would send mail to your cow?" Wizard Wall Duller , No eobvehr or dust-will Ha ter on walla that are gone over with a Wizard Wall Duster. This ronvenieat d aster Is made ef the best yarn chemically treated to collect and bold all dust. It can be washed without Injury. The chemical treatment is permaaeat. light and easily handled. Com plete with CC-iach handle. 9123 to 9XOO H. L Stiff Fnrniltxre Co. s s 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE - .... I ... i IaaVIh fftl a strong, serviceable car with elegant 1 rvuj unu ua !." t,K...- -- that tiium maximum service ana ecunnmy at a reasonable price saouia this car. LEE L GILBERT, Dittribntor 1SS S. CwawtM t . Small Inrestment Lon9--Realt7 Loans House Dental Agency General Property Dealing JOHjr H. SCOTT REALTY CO., - 22H Orecon Bnildlme Phone 254 , - Salem, Oregon LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local hauling. Send me your name and address and I will send yon a prospectus of the SILVER KING MINE -JDeCR O'Neill CPTOntTRlSTOPTlCUfl Jtt STUflT tnJMMMMWW that we pay the H for 4 CARrETS, STOVES. MACH1HBBT awn Mwa m Doit't sell anythine- before you' see us. TUB CAPITAL. IIAHUwanai tas Si cm'i st. Pfre 7i 1 IIYRTLE KN0WLAND If; Mosle and Maaical MeMBnadlae Bonora Dealer 1 Baiem 411 Court 8L Salem, Oregon Telephone SIS B.usick's y SALEM ALBANY HAMILTON THE FURNITURE HATff Will make and hang your drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court 8treet. WANTED JUXK AND MACHINEPr OF ALL KINDS We also boy second-hand Roods. If yo have anything to sell for good price call AV8. The Square Deal House. j CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 CbemekeU St. Salem, Ore. A couth, a cold and a little more carelessness, mean a doctor bill. A Turkish bath will relieve and Help OREGON BATH HOUSE Phone 540 D. H. M0SHER High Class Cleaning and Pressing 474 Court Street WANTED Beans ?' Eggs Potatoes . PEOPLE'S CASH ST0RH WONDER HOSE rer Kiddles, per pair... Mc REMNANT STORK 214 North Commercial Street Lev ns prore to yon that onr prices are less. Borne rood bargains la new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. Kit Conrt 8L - t Derby bulldln WI.L GAHLSD0RF The Store of Eonsewaxes PZXSOHAL MENTIOH C ChappeD Hotel BUgh Salcn, Oregon 100 pounds Wild Hy f f.oo Sack Carrots 91.2-1 100 pounds Good Wheat. . .94.00 1 Bale Straw 75c 50 pounds Dairy Salt 7.1c THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Thone 4 748 Highland Ave. SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK Tires selling at old prices. frc tube with each tire. 6000 miles ot ser vice at a savin? of 40 per cent. SALEM VEL1E COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street Mr. Ida Miller, who several years mm niwrated a restaurant on South Commercial street, returned yester day to her home In Los Angeles. &ne has been vlslttnn for the past few weeks with friends and relatives in Portland and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Riley of Calex- ico. Calif., are spending a few dys at the home of Mrs. Riley's parents. Mr nil Mr. Adam r romaaer at 2013 North Front street. The Rlle motored from Calexlco. and report the roads are almost Impassable In some places. AMer a short stay hTa they will motor to Seattle. Dr. C. K. l.lnnton of Waldport. author of ' The Karth Motor." Is In the city. Dr. l.lnnton Is receiving nattering notices from eastern pub lications. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Anderegg of 1868 Ferry street announce the birth of an eljtht-ponnd daughter who ar rived Yesterday. O. II. Addis of Woodburn was a business vii-iior in Salem Monday and Tuesday. Nora and Clara King and R. M Cray of Veneta. Or., were Salem vis itors Monday and Tuesday. John Con rer of the Congr Prlnt- inr mm nan v was the anest of his son. AUard Conger. In Portland over Faster. Io Srhmidt soent yesterday in Portland transacting business. Herbert Nunn. state highway en gineer. Is on a tour of Inspection over th coast highways. Hts trip; will extend mainly from Clovernale ( to Toledo through Lincoln county. ; ARE YOU GOING TO PLANT ITALIAN PRUNES? We can deliver fine trees la the 4-C and 2-4 foot grades, for tame- dlate planting. Can also supply yon with a general assortment of Fruit, Nat and Ornamental Tree. Small Fruits and Roses OUR STOCK WILL GIVE SATISFACTION TRY IT SALEM NURSERY COMPANY . 1030 Chemeketa Street Salesmen Wanted SALEM. OREGON TRANSFER Baggage and Moving, llaallog any where and everywhere VERIBEST TRANSFER Phone 1844 ; ? j 139 S. Cosa'l HOW DO YOU LIKE THE LOOKS OF THIS PARTY? Toe cant blame hfcn for looking sour. Fie Las the Grip, a grouch, bis noee rnns. his bones ache, and be looks on the world through bine glasses. Jut as wa all do when we bare a Cold. Toa need a medicine to redace the freer, etop the ache, carry the cans out of the system. Here la preparation that la frrer-redodng. anodyne, and pleasantly laxative. Try one box. Ton wiu 10.e st. 8chaefer't Cold Tablets Sdr&efer's Dro Store i HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION Mr. and Mrs. L. U Goodrich. F.ugene; T. C. Dawn. Geo. S. Unsley Jr.. Seattle; T. W. Steph ens. James Rosenberg. Felix Fren dcnlhal. San Francisco; K. I. Drum TOond. H. C. Uemenway, C H. Stew. SIX IN A ROW - Toa mill enjoy calls: thla EUhe-Blte bread fresh fronvwr oven, bakei by men who bave'the "know how of bread baking. Try one of our loaves and see the difference. BAKE-RITE BAKERY 457 State SL Phone 2(1