The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK ttlll'GOV RTTKSMAX: KIXKjll.Yf A1MW. 7, 1t2l.
MR. and Mm. John J. Roberts
charmingly entertained a com
pany of 20 friends for a Sun
day night supper , atn their .State
street borne Easier Sunday Vvenlng.
Their guia included ft' group of the
younger set who fathers at one f
the homes each "Sunday; evening for
sa loforuial aupper Sunt tune.) r ' ;.
yir. and Mrs.B. JJ, Miles fit reave
Thursday for the .east to attend th
jolderi weddfng anniversary n; April
27 of the. 'tenner? brother. Major
L. J. Miles of Pawidiuskat Okla.
They will go through, California vis-
ltir,g in Oakland. San Francisco.
Sacramento. Ran Jose, JYVhUtlet and
as far.aoutti as Rlalto. then 16 -Santa
re before uirivinr in Puwhuk
They ik ill. vUU its. Chicago and in
tanning, Mich., where a brother-la-la
wr ami' ifter, . Professor and Mrs.
E. IX Morrison, live, the former be
ing-i prfetBor ; of science v-in afichi-r
gan Agricultural college. i P'anlag
to be gone about, a -month they will
viBlt'oft the return Mr a. Miles-brother.
Alviu Cook, of Gibbon. Or.
lort , Cul Wt son returned to Kir
gene where he U a student" in the
untverslty and a oromlneat Kanna
Sigma than after visiting his mother.
Air. Anna. Ciribertson at her heme.
375 North, Capitol street.
y -v-ut v .-.' . ,;- ' :
" Mrs. L." k. Page 'received word
from the east telling .of the death
Monday of her slater. Mrs. Katrina
Harttenbush at her home in Ma
Grove. I a. Mra. Harttenbush has a
wide circle of friends in Salem who
will regret to learn of her passing. ",
Professor -and -ilrs.. Florlan Von
Rsehen enteitained Monday evening
at, their home with the second of a
series of informal -dinner, which
they are giving to Willamette 'nnl
tered with a Rteen howl ftlkV, with I
i a J . i a .. . m a. ... T
jonquils., inp giiesi a were M t
Odell Savage. Miss Mal-1 '.Carroll.
Meriill Ohling and Paur Day. t
Ijist week Professor and Mrs. Von
Ethen entertained with smother of i
these dinners., their guetts at thai
time being Mis Emma Sbannafelt. j
Miss Sybil Smith. Kranci Qramer j
and. Harold EmtneL They are plan-1
ning more of these little time dur
ing the spring weeks.
' Mrs. L. K. Page has Just return;l
from Donald where she p&ased -a lew
days visiting with friends. While
there Mrs. A. Aufranc and she en- I world-farnou
ivrtaincu -ira. . jMurpny oi r.u
gene. grand matron of . the Order of
the rlaatrrn filar who. paid lu-r of
ficial visit to the ' chapter at that
trine".. -Saturday night she a: fended
aenrprbfe party aiven or Mr. J.
Barkman. The affair was guru lv
Mrs. John Miller and Mr. Ciiarlv!
Seller, brother of the honor gueti.
V Oa Tuesday Mra. Earl Carver en
tertained' with a "birthday surprij
dinner on her husband.
Tiie Heta Chi sorority girlft at Wil
lamette university held their firnt
formal initiation yesterday afternoon
t their attractive hoie on t'onrt
street. Following the initiation ser
vice the party adjourned to The Spa
where ices were served. The girls
who were taken in were the .Misses
-ary Jane Albert. Maxine HurMi. Isa
belle Croisan. Evelyn I)e Ixing. Odell
Savage. Ruth Smith. Iora Shipley.
Eona Gilbert. Elsie Gilbert. Fay Per
inger. Mary Elizabeth Hnnt. Faerie
Wallace and Helen Rose.
Mis leura H.eist returned Satur
day sight tc her honae in this city
after IS months' erviee in recon-
Take CaMrts wltliuut frer, it marked
with tle Hafety "llajer
I i?(,r Qe eminent American
pianttX. who ap(t4M.tA i.lallhUt
theater. )
Mrs. Charles H. Castaer. t-pre-ident
of the Oregon State Fed ert lion
of Women's clubs. i tovting . the
state speaking In behalf. xf the will
age tax bill for the support of ti
three state fcietltatUa ot'blgaer
education: Mrs. Oastner-will ipnk
To get genuine "Hayr Tablets r
Aspirin" you iiiut look for the safe
ty "i&y?r Cross" on eath package
and on each tablet.
The Bayvr Cro v means true.
Aspirin. pre-ribtHl
in Salein la the near futere.
Mrs. A. K. Dlmtajre ha.i been en
joytnf a vtslt front hr son. W. L.
Dlnnior of San Franclsee who .was
in Salem and Portland tor about 0
by phy'v;ij,i for oer eight .-n yar. ' davs. and left for her home yetr-I
and proved safe by million for J jar.
Colds. Headache. Kararhe. Tooth-'
a he NK- l.unifjaK Neurit j Mft9 arM Ellliwvllh of oiympl;
a...i iur i a n . K-u.-..( . r-r inu , Wajll.. anJ K. M, Connelly of Ray
mond. WaU.. were prlndpaLs la r
wedding thai took place In Portland
Monday and which was ft quiet end
simple affair Ihey will live at
Raymond where the former has a
aafe directions are In each unbroken
"Hayer" p:ckace. .
Handy tin bo of 12 tablets rot
but a f-w rMM. Hniggists alo fell
larger I layer" parkagee. Axpirln if
the tral mark of Itayer Manufac
ture of Moi.oa'ticacidester of Sall-cylicacid.
versky students. The table was cen- atructlon work. SShe catae directly
rrom Fort Sheridan. 111., where sh
was stationed for several teouihst fol
lowing work at the camps in Massa
chusetts aid in New York. Mis
Heist will have charge of recon
struction aid for the state accident
commission. havine Wgnn her work
yesterday. She is at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Suzanne Heist.
Mrs. J. 11. Walker Is entertaining
for a visit her mother. Mrs. C. J.
Larsen f Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Denton
are going to Portland today to, at
tend the concert tonight of . Percy
law offi'-e.
pdrs. Connelly ha visited !a Sa
lem many times as the gvest of Mra.
Leo Schmidt. and hat a wide circle
of friends in this city. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. L
Ellsworth of Olympla. where she Is
prominent noclally. The groom Is
the ton of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Con
nelly of Spokane; -
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Thornton of
San Francisco, who have been ike
house guests for a week of Mr. and
Mrs. Vomer Smith at their Semraer
street borne, have left for the north
to visit the principal cities before
returning to their southern home.
Mr. and . Mrs. J. D. Chenowortb
and son have returned from Port-
se a
I ij ft''
Thirty divisions of that army
thirty' dmoHtitidtionsare
moving forward in a nation-
wide cooperative campaign.
rnrHE army that stands still is really, retreat&gr. The
1 Master's command was a forward command,"Go ye
JL intoaU the Worlds. ; ?
Out of the war the churches emerged with a new sense
of the urgency of that command.
"We must move forward all along the line,' they said,
and each denomination planned its own "Forward Move
ment" to deepen the spiritual life of its members and equip
itself with money and power.
Then came thi greater thought, "It is not enough for us
to go forward. We must be sure that there is no duplication
lof effort; that cooperation prevails; that every man anddol
lar does its utmost in service.
I "We must go forward together"
! So the Interchurch " World Movement was formed a
1 clearing house through which thirty denominations with
out sacrificing their identity in any way can cooperate
in the service of Jesus Christ.
FOR MORE than a year trained experts have been at
u work making a scientific survey of the whole world, and
of America4county ty?county. - ..
:'t " e chtueifb in their history, have the
' full facts.' : : '
Mighty; : ' JLaO 1M': .
mM) MM
M ' ftA "-w- m
Moves The
of God"
They kno-w where America ia otrerchurched and where urxSer-
churched. 1 ;
They know exactly how they can cooperate In the foreign mUsion
fields to produce the largest result in international education, inter
national health and international good-will.
No business man can study that survey without being impressed by
the accuracy and courage with which the task has been approached.
ON THE basis of the. survey, the cooperating denominations will
unite in a simultaneous financial campaign in the week of April 25th.
The amounts ftftked for are - large in the aggregate ; they are small
when divided among the church members of the nation smaller still
when you count the whole number of men and women who love
The average contribution to the church today b less than three
cents per member per day. Think of h. Yet if each person who
loves and believes in America will increase his contribution by only
a few dollars, the whole amount will be easily subscribed.
Will you do your share for a better America and a better world?
Your chance to help is coming in the week of April 25 th,
April 2Jth
May 2nd
The Gold That
Hangs On
d advertfjeaeBta. prepared by a
(Uum what
This ia No. ft cf i
competent pbyainaa, explku&f bw ceruie.
twi the mu pMrs u.h aa Pneumonia, LoAucwaa. Wbwp
ing Conch. Meat' Jt eea a luce oooUoued CuU--Uem Ua
Xttmm org&aa ia o iriflameil. cjociti stale. Is -if aSArdtog a
f avoraUe fo&thold for invading gcrma. Aad how Vkk'a Vapo
Rub may be ot vaHe ia this cuodiuoa.
of Stitrth Amirica
a A cold ts simply an inAamma
tion of some part of the air pas
sages throat, larynx or bronchial
tu'oes just like a sore is an in
flammation of the skin. A long
continued cold means constant
inflammation and . this constant
inflammation frequently weakens
the air . passages so that they
become an easy point of attack
fur invading germs of more serious
diseases. A "cold that hangs on
therefore, is simply nature s "red
flftg" indicating that there - is
"trouble below," and this warning
should never be neglected.
Nightly applications of Yick's
VapoKub will aid nature to clear
up that inflammation. Because
. icks acts locally by stimulation
thru the. skin -to draw out the
inflammation, attract the blood
away from the congested spots
f 1-20
and relieve the cough. In addi
tion, tie raedkinal ingredients
cf Vlckj axe vaporued . by the
body heat. These ; vapors are
breathed la all eight long, thus
bringing the medication to bear
directly upon the inflamed areas.
Vkks should be rubbed in over .
the throat and chest until the
skin is red then spread cn '
thickly and covered with hot
flannel cloths. Leave the cloth
ing loose around the neck and the
bed clothes arranged in the form
of a funnel so the vapors arising
may be freely inhaled. If the
cough is annoying,- swallow a .
small bit cf Vicks the sire cf a pea.
. Samples to new users will bei
cent free on request to The Vkk.
Chemical Company, 235 Broad, -Street,
Creeaiboro, H. C ,
Ycuf '
' Badyptarl
Agavvl Coils
More Than 17 Bit 111 on Jars Used Yearly
land where they motored Sunday to ;
attend the ?th birthday anniversary
dinner of Mrs. Caenowortb's father.1
U. F. Smith.
Mrs. Frank Jaskoskl Is Jn Port
land visiting daring the week at the
home of Mrs. J. N. Murray.
Mrs, Charles Davis returned ye-
terday from Sllvrrton where she
spent a week-visiting with bar als-
ter-ln-law. Mra. T. J. Dalla. -
. c
Mrs. A. A. Underbill has been en
tertaining as her house gnestt Mra.
A. O. Korrmaa and Mrs. W. M. Pat
terson of forest Grove.
Mrs. C A'Uttler of Forest Grove
baa Wa via I ting at the home of Mr.
aad Mra. J B. Littler for ft few days
this week.
-. n. 4 M. JL
. In the Sunday Oregonlan appears
a picture of Mrs. Jessie Reeae of
Portland with a limousine. O! 4 mo
bile. Mrs. Reese la a former Salem
wtomaa aad at present re stsmng
for the Highway Film company of
which her husband. Joseph Reese, la
president. .
highway. Opinion by Jnttlce Bean.
Judge George W. Sup let on rerereeX
Pal lay. appellant; appeal from MiU-
noraan roeaty; suit to eniorre awsra
of arbitration. Oninioa br Justlca
TWnson. Jndce C. V. Gaate&bein af
firmed. ,
Petition for rehearing dented la
Reed vs. Hdllisted.
-Mabel." aald he teacher, -can
you tell . what the word 'an a vara'
means?" . ,
Tea." replied the little glrVsa
awsre ia what yoa take eft Jsst be-'
fore yoa put oa roar nig tie." ,
JTh;imtUcHon cf this.adrertisemetit is mMdm possible through the ccn&rmtion ofthirtr de'norkhieUont
Judzt Binglma Affirmed by
Supreme Court in Frizzell
Imprisonment for a term f from
one to IS years la the sUte penlten
tUry now face WllILajn Holbrook
and J. E. Paddock. Klamath county
ranchmen, who were co a vie ted la the
otrer eoart for. killing O. T. . Me-
Keadree. another ranch man. and
who yesterday lost their appeal to
the supreme eoart. Manslaughter
was the charge on which they were
convicted. Justice Barneit wrote
the prevailing; opinion and Jastice
Dennett wrote a dissenting opinion.
Justice Rensoa did not participate
In the case. '
"The scene of the hemictde de
scribed In the Indictment i ly
Prklrie. a plateau ipprovtreately
fosr or rive miles square." Is the
rather romantle beglaalng fit Judge
unrnett'a opinion. "There are' some
ridge In the plain aad It Is. tar
roaaded by wooded hilla. - la the
Immediate vldaity of the riT.Ica tvs-
aoeks of short grass are growl nr la
a sandy soil. It Is a eultaM place
for keeping sheep during the lamb
la t season."
The supreme court reversed and
dismissed the mandamus :toa
brought by Eugenia 1L Tagsart
against the Portland aehmH dKtrlct
and school - board.' appellants. in
wmcn the piainttrr sought to com
pel ber restoration to a petition as
teacher la Lincoln high school.- at
tics numett wrote the opinion. Thief
Justice Mcnride and Jastice Jehus
were not present at the leering.
Judge Robert Tucker tried the case
la the lower court for MnltnoT-ah
county. .
Other opinions were handed Java
as follows:
la the matter of tb estate of
P. Frittell. appeal from Marlon
county;, proceed la a by widow oa be
half of herself and minor child to
have an exempt homestead consist
leg of a house and let In Salens eet
aside as her own Individual proper
ty and to have allowance set aette
for. ber ia addition to the amount
of 1 100 per month for the first year
after death of ber hatband. - Opin
ion by Jastice Rennet f. J tdge Getrg
O. Pdagham afirmed. .
CLataop .county, appellant, for the
n aad benefit of Kryt it company'
rsi Fidelity sod Depoeit companr cf
Maryland et a, appear from Ma'.t
oomaay.eoQatri. aar actloa Instituted
by Clatsop cosnty for the benefit of
Fry Jk .Company on bond guaran
teelng performance of contract for
eovstracUOB''' of part of Colombia
Yes, our bread is clean aad
sweet and pare and wholeness
and palatable and of tie prop
er weight and co&sUteney. Oar
pastry is a consistent food also.
In fact all of the baked foods
that leave this estiMUhsient
hare been builded for the jrar
pose of pleasing you. '
rbUL'p Winters, Prop.
Friday, April 9
Prices 50c to IL&O
"Brinjini Up Father In
. S6rietyM -
. : ; IF
the cartoons have ever made yoa
laugh. It U probable the same char
acters In flenh and blood will make
yoo roar.